He was one of the 11 Republican senators to vote against Trump's intent to lift sanctions against Russian companies. restrictions, which you can review below. These members of Congress increasingly find themselves in precarious positions as everything they say is shared wide and far across social media, the internet, cable news, radio, and print. One of Markey's strategies to promote issues is by posting a number of letters he receives from constituents on his public website. - State: Arkansas - Party: Democrat. - Never heard of: 28% - Disapproval rating: 24% - Approval rating: 46% - Approval rating: 41% - State: North Dakota Cardin is thought to be one of the most liberal senators and often supported former President Barack Obama's agenda. One of the most controversial senators currently serving is Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who was blamed for the government shutdown of 2013. Richard Burr of North Carolina has been the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee since 2015, and as such has had an active role in the probe investigating Russian interference in United States elections. - Approval rating: 50% Before her election to the Senate in 2000, Cantwell served in the Washington House of Representatives and the U.S. House of Representatives. Former Congressman John Boozman was the first Republican elected to the Senate for Arkansas since the Reconstruction era. Ernst received controversy and criticism over her support of Iowa Congressman Steve King, who has been rebuked by several of his peers recently due to perceived racist rhetoric. The senior senator from Wyoming was a state legislator and working in the energy industry before his time in the Senate. Booker gained attention for his pointed questioning during the hearings for Brett Kavanaugh, receiving criticism from conservatives. Reed has been in the Senate since 1997, and during the Obama administration rejected multiple offers to serve as the president's defense secretary. - Never heard of: 27% Sen. Sherrod Brown from Ohio is known as being one of the more progressive members of the Senate. - Disapproval rating: 28% Welcome to Pollapalooza, our weekly polling roundup. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) Ron Wyden has been a senator for Oregon since 1996 and previously served on the House of Representatives since 1981. America's Most Unpopular Senators: Mitch McConnell (R-KY): 64% Joe Manchin (D-WV): 53% Ron Johnson (R-WI):53% Susan Collins (R-ME): 52% Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ): 48% *Disapproval among registered voters in each state. Brian Schatz was appointed to the Senate after the death of long-serving Sen. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii. - Never heard of: 29% The senator's name was most recently in the news for walking back his May 28, 2019, comments urging Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify publicly before Congress. - Approval rating: 43% Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is deeply unpopular among his own constituents, according to a new poll released Monday. Bill Cassidy won his election in 2014 during a Republican sweep that made him the first Republican senator from Louisiana since Reconstruction. - Never heard of: 26% Kelly, on the other hand, does have a brand distinct from the national Democratic Party, but its an open question whether she can get enough Kansas Republicans who approve of her to take the extra step and vote for her as well. - Approval rating: 53% and more. - Approval rating: 49% - State: Maryland Respondents could answer each question with strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, strongly disapprove, or don't know / no opinion. Respondents were only surveyed on the senators they were assigned to based on their states of residence. Hes followed by Senate Republican Whip John Thune, Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy, who has retired, and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Without a doubt, he is the most popular senator with an approval rating of 62%. - Never heard of: 20% Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), Steve Daines (R-Mont. Congressman and has been in the Senate since 1994. - Approval rating: 45% Succeeding Harry Reid from Nevada, Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York is currently the Senate Minority Leader and the top-ranking Democrat in the Senate. Like his father before him, Paul ran for the presidency in 2016, ultimately dropping out after a poor showing in the Iowa caucuses. - Party: Republican. Warner is considered to be one of the most centrist and bipartisan Democrats in the Senate. Cotton was one of many Republican senators to block nominations from President Barack Obama, one such obstruction said to be motivated to inflict special pain on the president. Cotton has been mentioned as a possible nominee to Donald Trump's cabinet numerous times. - Party: Republican. - Disapproval rating: 32% 25 Apr 2022 0 3:04 Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has earned the status of the most unpopular senator, a Monday Morning Consult poll revealed. - Approval rating: 51% - Approval rating: 40% Although partisanship has been getting more important in gubernatorial races, it is not as dominant of a force in them as it is in federal elections.3. Toomey has been a vocal critic of President Trump's tariffs, saying they will serve to all but undo tax reforms made during the last four years by essentially raising consumer prices on the public. Jared Polis to be vulnerable in a Republican-leaning midterm in D+6 Colorado, but his net approval rating is 16 points higher than that, giving him a nice cushion in case the national environment puts his state in play. - State: Massachusetts - State: Colorado Collins, if she confirms her reelection bid, will be facing off against two primary challengers; followed by a showdown with Maine House Speaker Sara Gideon, who was endorsed by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and several national Democrats, as well as attorney Bre Kidman and Progressive activist Betsy Sweet. - Party: Republican. - State: Virginia - State: New Jersey Facing Ballot in 2024, Romney Is Weak Among Utah Republicans. Shelby has been a supporter of Donald Trump's agenda, including the border wall. This includes Sens. - Disapproval rating: 34% - Party: Republican. At this time last month, voters preferred Republicans by 2.2 points (44.7 percent to 42.5 percent). Partisan Lean (5). Isakson has supported stronger border security and voted to uphold President Trump's declaration of a national emergency. - Approval rating: 46% - Approval rating: 35% - Party: Republican. Surveys conducted Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2022, among Democratic voters in each state, with margins of error of +/-1 to 7 percentage points. Part of the Udall political family, New Mexico Sen. Tom Udall served in both the Senate and the House of Representatives beforehand alongside his cousin Mark Udall. Burr was reported in 2019 to have briefed the Trump White House about the FBI investigation. - State: South Carolina - Approval rating: 48% - Party: Democrat. - State: Ohio - Never heard of: 29% Without a doubt, he is the most popular senator with an approval rating of 62%. - Never heard of: 34% Since becoming a senator in 2014, Gary Peters is still working on his name recognition. - State: Georgia - Approval rating: 40% - Disapproval rating: 29% Early polling indicates a tight race. Sen. Angus King was a popular governor before being elected to the Senate in 2012. - Party: Republican. - State: Mississippi America's Most Popular Senators Samuel Stebbins June 6, 2022 2:00 pm Once regarded as the greatest deliberative body in the world, the U.S. Senate has He was the mayor of Richmond, lieutenant governor of Virginia, governor of Virginia, and the chair of the Democratic National Committee. Kennedy mulled a run for governor of Louisiana, but ultimately decided to stay in the Senate. A moderate Republican representing Alaska, Lisa Murkowski lost her primary election in 2010 only to win the general election as a write-in candidate. - Disapproval rating: 43% How Every Senator And Governor Ranks According To Popularity Above Replacement, reinstate former President Donald Trumps account, What The 20 Republicans Who Voted Against Kevin McCarthy Have In Common. - State: Mississippi He was also a - Party: Republican. Sen. Tim Kaine had a number of positions before his election to the Senate. He acted as a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee at the beginning of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota (84%) and Chris Murphy (82%) round out the top 3. - Disapproval rating: 30% And hes not the only Democrat with a lot of cross-party appeal; in fact, the 16 senators with the highest PARS scores all caucus with the Democratic Party. - State: New Hampshire - Never heard of: 33% - Disapproval rating: 29% Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan is somewhere in the middle, with a PARG of +6. - Party: Republican. McConnells During his tenure as senator, Sheldon Whitehouse attracted attention from PolitiFact regarding a claim that Paul Ryan's 2012 budget would get rid of Medicare in 10 years. Recently, Whitehouse stated his opposition to statehood for Washington D.C. - Approval rating: 46% Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin had not held office prior to his election to the Senate, being a CEO for a plastics and manufacturing company beforehand. - Disapproval rating: 29% Gardner in June 2019 introduced a bill that would allow the U.S. State Department to pay hackers a bounty for finding bugs in their computer systems. Because of this, senators' approval ratings today tell much more about the person behind them than the political makeup of the states they represent. A group of Republican senators, plus one independent who caucuses with Democrats, is working on a plan to slash Social Security benefits by potentially raising the age at which people - Disapproval rating: 35% Among Republicans, 43 percent disapprove and 42 percent approve. During his time as a United States attorney, Jones prosecuted two members of the Ku Klux Klan for the 1963 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. - Approval rating: 45% - Disapproval rating: 26% - Approval rating: 52% - State: Georgia He would be up for a third term in 2020, but Udall chose not to seek reelection. - Disapproval rating: 33% - State: West Virginia The former congresswoman lost to Democratic opponent Kyrsten Sinema in 2018, but gained the other Senate seat for Arizona after Sen. Jon Kyl stepped down and Republican Gov. Portman has throughout his senatorial tenure been speculated as a potential vice presidential pick in 2012 and a presidential contender in 2016. While those charges were eventually dropped after a hung jury and mistrial, Menendez is the least popular senator in the country despite winning reelection in 2018. Sen. Debbie Stabenow was one of several senators who opposed Donald Trump's aid cuts to Central America. Over the same time period, her approval rating spiked among independents (from 29% to 42%) and Republicans (from 38% to 43%), leaving her with mixed reviews among those groups. - Never heard of: 23% *Net approval is the share who approve minus the share who disapprove. - Party: Republican. Electability in a general election is not a major concern for the Senates Republican incumbents next year given that most competitive contests fall in territory occupied by incumbent Democrats. Their actions, words, and legislative records matter more and can represent serious advantages or disadvantages to them in an election yearthe next of which will take place in 2020. - Disapproval rating: 35% - State: Alabama - Approval rating: 41% As he weighs a re-election campaign, that leaves Romney only slightly more popular than he was in the wake of Trumps second impeachment trial in the first quarter of 2021. - Party: Democrat. Her progressive values and detailed policy proposals have led her to become a frontrunner in the 2020 presidential campaign. - Never heard of: 43% As such, their votes and actions have had an immense impact on American society and history. Nathaniel Rakich is a senior elections analyst at FiveThirtyEight. She was recognized in June for her contributions to Nevada politics by Emerge Nevada, a group that grooms Democratic women for public office. Americas Most Popular and Unpopular Senators. Crapo was against President Barack Obama making a Supreme Court appointment in 2016. 1. Even if you are not from the USA, you know how Bernie Sanders is. - Party: Democrat. - Never heard of: 18% Dick Durbin is a prominent liberal in the Senate who serves as the House Minority Whip under Chuck Schumer. - Party: Republican. - Disapproval rating: 29% He will be retiring from the Senate and will not seek reelection in 2020. Inhofe is outspoken about his denial of climate change and has been a fierce opponent of LGBTQ+ rights. - Never heard of: 33% - State: Washington Stacker distribution partners receive a license to all Stacker stories, - State: Nebraska - Never heard of: 24% - Party: Republican. - Approval rating: 50% Murkowski was the lone Republican who voted against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh. Patrick Leahy is the most senior member of the Senate and only sitting member to have been serving since the Gerald Ford administration. - Disapproval rating: 26% - State: Missouri Kennedy has since been known for his folksy behavior and colloquialisms in the Senate. - Party: Independent - Disapproval rating: 35% Among Democrats, 59 percent disapprove and 30 percent approve. Working as a management consultant and holding executive positions in various companies such as Dollar General, David Perdue won a competitive election to the Senate in 2014. In 1994, Shelby switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. - Never heard of: 28% PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY FIVETHIRTYEIGHT / GETTY IMAGES. 2023 ABC News Internet Ventures. Sinema succeeded retiring Republican Sen. Jeff Flake and became the first Democratic senator to serve Arizona since 1995. - Disapproval rating: 28% ), Senators like Manchin and McConnell are exceptions, though. One month ago, Biden had an approval rating of 42.2 percent and a disapproval rating of 52.2 percent, for a net approval rating of -10.0 points. For Senate Republicans, the larger concern heading into 2024 are the primaries, and for now, most of them appear on solid ground. - Never heard of: 23% - Never heard of: 28% Sen. Elizabeth Warren is a former law school professor who defeated Scott Brown in 2012. All rights reserved. - Disapproval rating: 31% Just ask Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who for years has had the worst PARS score in the country (currently -54). Casey lost to Ed Rendell in the Democratic primary for governor of Pennsylvania, but with Rendell's backing, he defeated Rick Santorum in a Senatorial election in 2006. - State: Delaware - Approval rating: 39% - State: Vermont Keep reading to find out how your state senators are seen through the public eye. He previously served three terms in the House of Representatives and was one of many legislators working with the Obama Administration to gain debt forgiveness for Chrysler during the Great Recession. His efforts there were focused on education and health care. - Disapproval rating: 31% If he chooses to seek re-election, however, he is unlikely to face a serious primary challenge, given his unimpeachable record of victories in a state that has continually trended more Republican. This also offers a glimmer of hope to Democrats who face the very real prospect of losing control of the Senate in 2022, as this falls midterm elections are shaping up well for Republicans. - Approval rating: 62% Manchin Among the Weakest With Democratic Voters Ahead of 2024 Re-election Campaign. - Never heard of: 31% - Never heard of: 33% Texas Sen. John Cornyn was the second-highest ranking Republican in the Senate, serving as House Majority Whip to Mitch McConnell until 2019. Chris Sununus net approval rating is +30, so he is expected to comfortably win reelection. - Approval rating: 38% - Disapproval rating: 25% - Disapproval rating: 23% Following reports of unsanitary and food-deprived conditions at facilities holding migrant children, Schatz on June 26 led a group calling for the investigation of contractors at those facilities; the same day reports came out of a Senate Democrats' Special Committee on the Climate Crisis, comprised of 10 Democrats including Schatz. Jim Risch, then the lieutenant governor of Idaho, succeeded Larry Craig, who was accused of sexual misconduct in a widely publicized bathroom sting operation news story. Sen. John Hoeven is one of the wealthiest senators currently serving the U.S. Senate, yet does not falter in connecting with the public he represents. - Party: Democrat. - Approval rating: 44% - Never heard of: 22% - Party: Republican. - State: Maine - Party: Republican. - Approval rating: 43% Nine in 10 Montana Democrats approve of Testers job performance, including two-thirds who do so strongly. Sens. - Disapproval rating: 29% - State: Wisconsin - Never heard of: 19% Despite criticizing Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign after the Access Hollywood tape leak, Capito did ultimately supported Trump's presidency. - State: Louisiana Despite being long-tenured on Congress, Bob Menendez of New Jersey went through some legal trouble in 2015 when he was indicted for corruption charges. - State: Kansas In June 2019 she joined with U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders significantly raised his national profile as the primary rival to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Democratic primary for the presidency. Nationally, Sen. Joe Manchin is best known as a thorn in liberals side because he has opposed President Bidens agenda on the social safety net, voting rights, abortion and more. But less than two years out from a potential 2024 re-election campaign, surveys conducted after she announced her decision to become an independent reveal a coalitional shift thats made her more popular with Arizonas unaffiliated and Republican voters but hastened her descent with the states Democrats. The former governor of Massachusetts ran for president twice, losing to John McCain in the Republican primaries of 2008 and President Barack Obama in the 2012 general election. - Party: Republican. - Approval rating: 43% During his service, Moran acted as chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, leading the Republican Party to a net gain of seats that led to the Senate's majority after the 2014 elections. - Disapproval rating: 36% - State: Massachusetts Barrasso has allied himself with Trump in his growing concern over relations with Iran. - Approval rating: 49% He's voted with and against both Democrats and Republicans on issues such as gun control and health care, leading to criticism from both sides. A friend of the late John McCain, Lindsey Graham has been in the public eye recently for his fervent support for President Donald Trump despite Graham's past condemnations of him. Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is the most unpopular senator in the country. - Disapproval rating: 29% Margins of error for responses from all voters in each state range from 1 to 5 points. - State: New Jersey - Approval rating: 39% For more detailed information, you can download the 50-state data set for senator approval ratings among all voters here. - Party: Democrat. Alexander fell short of gaining leadership within Senate Republicans on a number of occasions. - Disapproval rating: 23% *Denotes senator has retired. And you might expect Democratic Gov. - Disapproval rating: 35% - Never heard of: 28% Phil Scott has not yet announced whether he is running, but it is expected that he will, as of May 12, 2022. After about a three-year hiatus, FiveThirtyEights Popularity Above Replacement Senator and Popularity Above Replacement Governor ratings are back! This is less true for governors, however. Never before has the public had so much unfiltered access to the details of a senator's leadership, from off-the-cuff comments to their personal lives. Risch was one of several senators to introduce a bill proposing sanctions against Syria. - State: Pennsylvania - Party: Democrat. Chris Coons - DE, 52% Approval Rating. Sherrod Brown (43%) and Bob Casey (42%), while Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin and Jacky Rosen of Nevada (the most unknown senator up for re-election next year) are both continuing to tread water, with approval ratings that nearly match their disapproval ratings. Colorado Sen. Michael Bennett (Dem.) - Never heard of: 17% Bush. While serving as the lieutenant governor of Minnesota, Tina Smith was appointed to the United States Senate to replace Al Franken, who resigned after allegations of sexual misconduct. - State: Connecticut - Approval rating: 47% Recently, Bennet made headlines for a loud 25-minute long speech condemning Sen. Ted Cruz, fighting back prostate cancer, and his 2020 campaign for the presidency. John Thune - SD, 52% Approval Rating. - Party: Republican. The senior Kentucky senator earned only 30% approval from - Party: Democrat, Dianne Feinstein received the most popular votes of any U.S. Senate election in history in 2012. - Party: Democrat. Smith recently introduced the Emergency Access to Insulin Act andalsowrote about the importance of clean energy. A trio of red-state Democrats Kentuckys Andy Beshear, Kansass Laura Kelly and Louisianas John Bel Edwards all have PARGs between +31 and +51 as well. Pat Roberts serving in Congress for 15 years before being elected to the Senate in 1996. - Disapproval rating: 35% - Approval rating: 38% Smith made a controversial joke about public hangings during her electoral campaign, though she still won the race to succeed Sen. Thad Cochran. - State: Maine Sen. Jerry Moran entered the Senate in 2010 as the successor to Sam Brownback, who was elected governor of Kansas. In a March 2019 vote, Sinema voted against the Green New Deal. Manchin, with a 53% approval rating among Democrats, is the weakest Senate Democrat with his own partys voters. - Disapproval rating: 21% In this gallery, U.S. senators are ranked from least popular to most. Hyde-Smith, McConnell, Moran, Murkowski, Portman, Romney, Rounds, Rubio, Shelby, Thune, Tuberville, Wicker Young. - Party: Republican. Lee is vocal about his opposition to the Green New Deal, and in 2016 blocked a vote on federal assistance for Flint during the city's ongoing water crisis. Nevertheless, the president on June 25 endorsed Tillis' upcoming bid for reelection, which stands to be a nail-biter as the unpopular senator squares off with the likes of Army Reserve counsel Calvin Cunningham III, a Democrat. The M Logo and MORNING CONSULT are registered trademarks of Morning Consult Holdings, Inc. - Approval rating: 47% Ben Cardin served as a Maryland congressman for two decades before comfortably winning three straight elections for senator, most recently in 2018. Since then, King has aligned himself more frequently with Democrats than Republicans, caucusing with the party. On the flip side, Republican Sen. Ron Johnson has one of the worst PARS scores (-18); despite his home state of Wisconsin having an R+4 partisan lean, his net approval rating is -14 percentage points. A long-tenured member of the House of Representatives, Ed Markey currently holds the seat formerly held by John Kerry. - Party: Republican. The idea behind these stats is that a 70 percent approval rating for a Democrat in Massachusetts isnt the same as a 70 percent approval rating for a Democrat in Florida. 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