A1: The NETPDC Records Administrator will retrieve, adjudicate, create, attach documents, route, and finalize Post-Exam Administrative Comments. Sailors are required to verify Serviceman's Group Life Insurance(SGLI) beneficiary information at all of the following times, EXCEPT one? yr time in service by January 1st 2005. Security Investigation, Clearance and Access), ___ e. Current permanent change of station
Navy SAPR Program, DTS
Promotion summary groups of two members can receive what two individual promotion recommendations?
D. OJT, You are an E-2 and are eligible for advancement. A. NOT have four or more years time-in-service.
Operational Commander Report. Which of the following criteria is a STA-21 program eligibility requirement? Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) Incentive programs, commissioning programs, "A" and "C" school opportunities, A Professional Apprenticeship Career Track Sailor is eligible to apply for a rating designation after being on board for what minimum number of months? When deciding what format to use, you should consider both the circumstances of the particular request and whether the individual has the ability to access the data you provide in that format. google_ad_height = 90;
a. The right of access, commonly referred to as subject access, gives individuals the right to obtain a copy of their personal data, as well as other supplementary information. The first of these forms is for you personally as the veteran to request your own records. Prepare journal entries to record the first subsequent cash transaction in 2016 for parts. for Drill Management
NOT Inter-service security clearance request. Social Media Guidance
How do we recognise a subject access request (SAR)? Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support. If the request is from a child and you are confident they can understand their rights, you should usually respond directly to the child. Reserve. B. GMT The Commanding Officer of that Reserve Center then would sign it along
c. Chain of Command c. Rating roadmaps only d. 6 mo, The first departmental Career Development Bard should be held for a Professional Apprenticeship Career track Sailor within what maximum timeframe of reporting to the command? for those interested in
Countersigned by regular reporting senior. Applications and Systems That Comprise Your Personnel Records: Official Military Personnel File ( OMPF) Electronic Service Record ( ESR) and ESR Afloat. On the enlisted evaluation, which, if any, of the following performance trait remarks requires comments in block 43? Job Task Performance An individual is entitled to a copy of their personal data and to other supplementary information (which largely corresponds with the information that you should provide in a privacy notice). What page of a member's service record contains information regarding an unauthorized absence? When submitting a C-WAY application, during the first month of review, you are eligible for which of the following options? c. General
B. The time limit for responding to the request is paused until you receive clarification, although you should supply any of the supplementary information you can do within one month. If you process a large amount of information about an individual, you may be able to ask them to specify the information or processing activities their request relates to, if it is not clear. Education transcripts only c. Apply to the Board of Corrections of Naval records None Having a page 11 entry does not necessarily have negative connot. Tuition Assistance maintain service records per MILPERSMAN 1000-010. b. On a Sailor's performance evaluation, a 5.0 in any performance trait tells him that is performing at what paygrade. a. What person advances you? On your performance evaluation, what trait grade, if any, represents performance to full Navy standards? b. Evaluations from previous paygrade The inventory of supplies available at December 31, 2015, totaled $2,554. None c. Have minimum time in rate Staff in the Reserve Center to print you out one if you sign up for 6 yrs in the
Webmaster: NC1 Marta Martin
c. NAVPERS 1070/608 c. 25% This site is not endorsed by the
Plan my move
What Navy special incentive award was designed to find new ideas that effectively increase performance? eCigs Regs, Navy JAG
a. PO Jane only side right after the record of disclosure unless theres a Personnel Security
b. Service schools that Sailors have attended are documented on what electronic service record form?
b. PERS 81 their right to make a complaint to the ICO or another supervisory authority; and. You may extend the time limit by a further two months if the request is complex or if you receive a number of requests from the individual. A. Upon reenlistment, what two NAVPERS forms are generated from the Electronic Service Record (ESR) during the closeout process for submission to Official Military Personnel File (OMPF)? What two types of evaluations are used for E1 through E6 personnel? Army Page
Terms of Service. b. a. E-6 to E-8 ___ s. NAVPERS 1610/2 (Fitness Report and
\textbf{Year} & 1965 & 1970 & 1975 & 1980 & 1985 & 1990 \\ \hline Associate only
NAVPERS 1070/606. 12 mo 3 consecutive days of confinement on bread and water
11 days The following Jan 1st Study free Military flashcards about Service records created by talbot248 to improve your grades. This is commonly referred to as a subject access request or SAR. d. Education transcripts and rating roadmaps, d. Education transcripts and rating roadmaps, The Servicemembers Opportunity College Navy (SOCNAV) program provides active-duty personnel the opportunity to earn what level degree(s)? d. Dishonorable, An Officer in Charge may NOT give which of the following maximum punishments? <>
Not usually. NKO
Assume that December 31, 2015, is a Tuesday, and all 15 employees worked the first two days of that week. Joint Service Transcript ( JST) Physical Readiness Information Management System ( PRIMS) Below are some of the most likely Page 11s you'll see in the Fleet. of your awards, they are located on the third page or if they were from Active
d. 45 consecutive days of extra duty, What page of a member's service record contains information regarding an unauthorized absence?
Broadened Opportunity for Officer Selection and Training. Commanding Officers are permitted to advance Sailors by using which of the following programs? rate and in order to calculate that you would look at the month of cycle you
a. d. Tracking daily schedule and task accomplishment, b. d. The following December 1st, What special items are discussed at a Career Development Board? a. a. E-6 ; 8 yr c. Wayward Sailors and how to get them on the right track Associate only In order to participate in the STA-21 program, you should meet which of the following criteria? If you look on the PG 13 (Administration
Google aims to give its managers timely cost reports. D. All of the above, Which of the following is a purpose of the Professional Development Board? In the security agreement and in the financing statement the collateral was identified as food service equipment delivered to the Shoreline Resort. When Shoreline was unable to pay its creditors, including Cuisine, some creditors claimed that the collateral description was too vague to create a valid security interest. An E3 has automatic SGLI coverage in what amount, unless reduced or declined by the member? c. Chain of Command annual training. Factor each polynomial into the product of first-degree factors with integer coefficients. C-WAY REEN does NOT apply to which of the following personnel? Veterans Benefits
Navy Reserve
a. A. Commissioning program only page 2 - file in service record. a. Which of the following functions is NOT provided by Navy Fleet and Family Service Centers?
If a child is competent, they may authorise someone else, other than a parent or guardian, to make a SAR on their behalf. d. November, In order to meet the Navy's definition of Professional Growth, a Sailor must be eligible to reenlist by meeting what minimum standard on his performance evaluation? Which of the following types of information can NOT be accessed via BUPERS online (BOL), NOT physical readiness information management system. b. Evaluations from previous paygrade of what courses you done outside of the Navy and outside of your rate. CeTars
A letter of extension for a periodic evaluation may cover what maximum number of days? Individual Accomplishments Report. Pre First World War and general: Annotated copies of published Army Lists recording officers' services from 1754-1900, WO 65 - WO 66. 12 mo Eligibility), ___ h. NRPC 1570/9 (Naval Reserve Retirement
The records arrive in the form of a disc which contains your healthcare documents you requested in PDF format. If you need supervision, you always provide exceptional work with no rework required, and you maximize your resources, you should get a 5.0 in what block of the evaluation report? Service schools that Sailors have attended are documented on what electronic service record form? a.
You can access special consideration forms through the 'Support Materials' section of Cambridge International Direct (>Direct). Voices of Education
C. Those required by law Soldiers
They are paid each Monday for their work in the five-day workweek ending on the previous Friday.
b. PO John only 11 days
What should we do if the request involves information about other individuals? Record(thru Dec 1995), ___ x. NAVPERS 1070/605 (History of Assignments
Associate, Bachelor, and Masters 4/26/91-9/26/10
side after the brown flap of the service record. Confinement on bread and water or diminished rations may be imposed only what pay-grade, and while on what type of duty? d. Meet a minimum performance mark average of 3.4, d. Meet a minimum performance mark average of 3.4, All of the following publications are listed on bibliographies for advancement-in-rate exams, EXCEPT which one? You must comply with a SAR without undue delay and at the latest within one month of receiving the request. MEPS
11. c. Rating roadmaps only c. 24 mo Immediate Reenlistments are recorded on what electronic service record page? c. NAVPERS 1070/608
a. Frocked Evaluations Military OneSource
Administrative Remarks. D. Overseas duty only, C. Reenlistment, overseas duty, and commissioning program, What type of document require the CO's signature? b. Links, Navy Graphics
8 PURPOSE. Families
made and the service record page has been distributed (i.e., NAVPERS 1070/613 (Rev. However, you are not required to conduct searches that would be unreasonable or disproportionate to the importance of providing access to the information. The following November 1st He received a Progressing on last eval 11. For continuation of service Use the present value Table B.3 in Appendix B to determine which is the best alternative for the customer (assume you have enough cash to accept any alternative and the annual interest rate is 12% compounded monthly). This is to be accomplished by reconstructing the page on which the entry appears or by completely obliterating the entry so it cannot be read, rather than merely lining through it. Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) Incentive programs, commissioning programs, "A" and "C" school opportunities milConnect
These designations are broken up between what total number of duty types? Within 12 months Prior to taking the advancement exam, you should verify your award points and performance mark average in which of the following instances? USAA
d. 45 consecutive days of extra duty, What page of a member's service record contains information regarding an unauthorized absence? b. If you look on the right side of your
Service records: Usually the most detailed record of a soldier's time in the army. The marketers of a line of luxury watches should be most concerned with a prospective customer's: Show that the set has cardinal numb er N0N_{0}N0 by establishing a one-to-one correspondence between the set of counting numbers and the given set. d. E-5 to E-9, When enlisted members are convicted at a special or general court-martial within the last 12-months or are found guilty at a summary court-martial, what total percentage of the credentialing cost will Navy Cool fund for the Sailor? BOL
College Navigator
c. Honorable ID Card
1.0. b. a. CSM-ID
Training Video:
General Motors advertised three alternatives for a 25-month lease on a new Tahoe: (1) zero dollars down and a lease payment of $1,750 per month for 25 months, (2)$5,000 down and $1,500 per month for 25 months, or. google_ad_width = 728;
How to create a DTSTravel Voucher, NAVPERS 15665I
Our detailed guidance provides further information on what you need to consider in these circumstances. 13 Certified Copies), ___ y. INN & SUITES
B. \textbf{Sales (in millions)} & \$12 & \$14 & \$11 & \$12 & \$15 & \$14\\ \hline 8 mo 1070-120. d. Promotable and recommended for retention, d. Promotable and recommended for retention, Which performance evaluations are NOT used to compute a Performance Mark Average? To ensure NSIPS/ESR data is accurate and up-to-date prior to detaching from a duty station, which of the following should be verified? Within 18 months 3-20050. google_ad_type = "text_image";
What document should be completed next? %PDF-1.5
Other: b&w & colour photos. ESGR (Employer
An enlisted Sailor selected for Chief Warrant Officer can take the Navy-Wide Advancement Exam when what event occurs? The
During the Navy Wide Advancement Exam, a Medal of Honor Recipient will be awarded what maximum number of points? a. E-6 to E-8
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An immigrant alien who has been lawfully admitted to the U.S. for permanent residence has what document? We have a policy for how to record requests we receive verbally. 1. name of permanent unit 2. name of unit preparing this form.
You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows: If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they Commander's comments in the supporting justification will Sailors should lose their opportunity to negotiate orders what total number of months prior to the projected rotation date (PRD)? a. Navy-PRT.com
USA4 Military
What are some advancement topics discussed at the Career Development Board? Types of Records.
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) scores are entered on what service record page? FLTMPS
C. For BUPERS to use when making advancement-in-rate assignment decisions Other than honorable To track administrative remarks that are permanent in the service record, what NAVPERS form in the Electronic Service Record (ESR) is used?
A performance evaluation must be signed in what color(s) of ink? D. None of the above, Which of the following is/ are objectives of the 3-M systems? b. NAVPERS 1070/606 An effective Navy counselor should use which of the following techniques? D. Commanding Officer, Which of the following data is contained in Page 2 of your Enlisted Service Record?
Place (fourth column) Place in which the action noted occurred. In appropriate cases, the ICO may take action against a controller or processor if they fail to comply with data protection legislation. c. Command generated brag sheet c. The following July 1st d. Education, Career Management System-Interactive Detailing (CMS-ID) identifies Sailors who have not made an assignment decision. i. NAVCOMPT 3072 (Dependency Status Action(if required)), ___
The commanding officer may grant the personnel in the grades listed below, written "By direction" authority to sign the indicated service record documents. You should consult our detailed guidance for further detail about the circumstances in which it is unlawful to require an individual to make a SAR. B. When a Sailor accepts a split tour, he must complete what total number of months? For E4 through E6 personnel, which of the following information is used in the FMS computation?
We expect these rates to change because we resolved cases and removed duplicate responses during data processing. c. PERS 32 b. E-6 ; 6 yr Were they correct? Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support. c. Underway replenishment manning goals D. Leadership, If you meet the requirements for the Navy Good Conduct Medal, you also meet the requirements for: a. Identifying future civilian job opportunities
Duty you can also look on your DD 214. RIGHT SIDE, ___ a. OPNAV 5510/415 (Record Identifier for
What duty type should he be assigned? For best results enter two or more search terms. In regards to performance evaluations, a PIM used for what period of time? Be in proper path of advancement d. Bachelor only, What program provides on-duty courses to help Sailors improve their reading and mathematical skills? Discharge from Active Duty), ___ w. NAVPERS 1070-609 ( Enlisted Performance
\end{array} Selection to the STA-21 program results in loss of which of the following benefits? f. On November 1, the company rented space to another tenant for $2,800\$ 2,800$2,800 per month. Warfare qualifications b. How do we provide the information securely?. This is to be accomplished by reconstructing the page 1 lb on which the entry appears, or by completely obliterating it so it cannot be read, rather than merely lining through it. Visitors since
a. NAVPERS 1070/613 (Administrative Remarks(Page 13)), ___
Also it will consists of when you reenlisted, discharge, transfer, mobilized or
Weunderstand what we need to consider if a third party makes a request on behalf of an individual. D. All of the above, What type of training do you receive during daily operation and maintenance situations? d. Education transcripts and rating roadmaps, d. Education transcripts and rating roadmaps, The Servicemembers Opportunity College Navy (SOCNAV) program provides active-duty personnel the opportunity to earn what level degree(s)? c. Program for Afloat College Education You should find information on any person who commits larceny and wrongful appropriation under what Uniform Code of Military Justice article? NROWS
in reguards to performance evaluations a PIM used for what period of time? a. Which of the following functions is NOT provided by Navy Fleet and Family Service Centers? NAVPERS 1670/604(page 4) is located on the left side on the brown flap right
A statement to the record about your performance evaluation is limited to what total number of pages, if any? Navy Rating Cards
a copy of that record, including the findings of fact, opinions, and recommendations, together with copies of any endorsements. A Sailor should be allowed to take a substitute advancement exam under which of the following circumstances? a. Sailors are required to verify Serviceman's Group Life Insurance(SGLI) beneficiary information at all of the following times, EXCEPT one? b. d. Meet a minimum performance mark average of 3.4, d. Meet a minimum performance mark average of 3.4, All of the following publications are listed on bibliographies for advancement-in-rate exams, EXCEPT which one? Submit a request to the TYCOM via the commanding officer DCO
We understand when we can pause the time limit for responding if we need to ask for clarification. ribbons that sailors are authorized to wear on the uniforms are documented on what service record form? Most likely it would always be under the record of disclosure. Author: N. Smith. time in service, E-4 must have 1 yr, E-5 must be 3 yrs, E-6 3 yrs and E-7 3 yrs. Create your signature and click Ok. Press Done. d. In-rate manual, What future plans are made at the Career Development Board? .
d. 6 mo, The first departmental Career Development Bard should be held for a Professional Apprenticeship Career track Sailor within what maximum timeframe of reporting to the command? Fundamentals d. 1.0, After performance evaluations are completed for a group of Sailors, the command is required to mail them to what PERS code? C. Watch stations
What service record page is reserved for administrative remarks? An immigrant alien who has been lawfully admitted to the U.S. for permanent residence has what document? Job Task Performance
This is commonly referred to as a subject access request or 'SAR'. You should submit which of the following documents? Tuition Assistance a. Frocked Evaluations It helps individuals to understand how and why you are using their data, and check you are doing it lawfully.
There are three variants; a typed, drawn or uploaded signature. d. 3, To be eligible for the Limited Duty Officer Program, an applicant must hold a) what minimum paygrade and have b) what minimum years of active service? Education transcripts only Enlisted Male
You should make reasonable efforts to find and retrieve the requested information. When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, tap "retry" to try those cards again.
While the exemptions listed above are those most likely to apply in practice, the DPA 2018 contains additional exemptions that may be relevant when dealing with a SAR. He received a Significant Problems on last eval %
Last Site Update:
In the chapter opener you read about JPMorgan's tumultuous ride through the 2008 financial crisis, and in the chapter itself you learned about capital market efficiency. That Petitioner 's naval record be corrected by removing the service record page 11 ("Administrative Remarks (1070) ") counseling entry dated 31 July 1992. Using NAVPERS 1070/613 to Document Administrative Remarks Entries Outside the ESR (manually): Block Entry Ship or Station Enter the complete name and designation of the ship or station at which the Service member is serving.
C-WAY applications begin what specific number of months before a Sailor's projected rotation date? Navy Reserve Site
Funding assistance and tutors Bad conduct You may also receive a SAR made on behalf of an individual through an online portal. For assignment to special duties 21st Century Sailor, G.I. c. Special Evaluations
This form is VA Form 10-5345a. 6 mo Statement of Understanding), ___ j. DD 1966 (Record of Military
What are some advancement topics discussed at the Career Development Board? d. Navy's mid-term worksheet, Mid-term counseling should be conducted for PO 1st Classes in what month? ),