Public Investigations are semi-guided, so a guide will be available as needed after an initial walkthrough. Joeys friend Chris got so scared he wanted to jump off the roof. While the building is now primarily a tourist attraction for those with creepy predilections, it used to be a functioning tuberculosis hospital. . They started to hear doors slamming shutand see mysterious footprints appear from nowhere in puddles of water. Each year thousands of people visit Waverly to see the architecture, learn of the rich history, or chance an encounter with the unknown. Precautionary boil advisory issued for water customers in east Jefferson County, Police: Woman accused of buying nearly $9K in clothes with stolen credit card, LMPD investigating after body found in Valley Station cemetery, Louisville co-workers share $50K after winning Ky. Lottery scratch-off, Elizabethtown high school student crowned Miss Kentucky Teen USA, 15-year-old shot, killed in Smoketown neighborhood identified, JCPS students practice tornado safety during statewide drill, Russell neighborhood replacement park earns funding from Cincinnati Bengals, NFL Foundation, Louisville Bats begin 2023 single game ticket sales, Town of Clarksville finalizes Ashland Park purchase. Then, they heard a door swing shut, and they noticed the smell of freshly baked bread. Patients who were unlikely to survive this procedure tried to maximize rest to their lungs by lying on the side most affected by lesions, restricting the movement of the diseased lung naturally with posture and gravity. Private Investigation spots do book quickly, so please have a date ready when scheduling goes live in January of each year. Embark on an exciting and bone-chilling two-hour paranormal adventure, experiencing the most famous locations in Waverly Hills while learning the rich history of a place loved by thousands around the world and integral to Louisville, Kentucky. We Thank You for your support in Helping Us Save Waverly Hills! Of course, one possibility is that the Creeper is a human spirit, but its actions and the sense of foreboding experienced by those who encounter it would suggest otherwise. Not so at Waverly Hills. As a result, construction soon began on a much larger, more permanent facility. Death Tunnel: Directed by Philip Adrian Booth. In 1910, when the hospital was established, this was a place where roughly8,000people died bloody, excruciating deaths,as there would be no real cure for tuberculosis, known as the white plague, until streptomycin was invented in 1943. 15 In 1962, when Waverly Hills Tuberculosis Hospital closed as a tuberculosis hospital and the remaining patients were transferred to Hazelwood. This new hospital was designed to hold up to 400 patients. It is listed on the National Historic Register and faced the threat of being torn down. Tel: 502-690-7880 GPS Addresses: *** NOTE *** Waverly is in the Eastern Standard Time Zone Instead, this book sheds to seek light on one of the most deadly and contagious diseases of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. The building will provide shelter from the elements, water, showers & electricity, air-conditioning, and heat. So we gotta keep doing what were doing, Pack said. It was built on the first floor with the rest of the building. This became known as the Death Tunnel, and it remains the location of many unexplained incidents. How Waverly Hills Sanatorium Failed . So while it's true that the most common treatments were exposure to sunlight, bed rest, healthy foods, and fresh air, the Waverly Hills Sanatorium Memorial records that several other methods were applied to patients, including surgical methods that were cutting edge for the time, but that might sound barbaric now. The Waverly Hills Historical Society welcomes you to the official Facebook page of one. [5] He started a one-room schoolhouse on Pages Lane and hired Lizzie Lee Harris as the teacher. The Creeper and the Shadow People may still walk the grounds as the ghostly remnants of the past. The doctors and workers of this time also believed that this would help to lower the disease's spreading rate.[14]. I enjoyed reading it :). What are their intentions? Maybe the Creeper is something else entirely, an ancient spiritual entity we don't quite understand, and perhaps never will. Opening it's doors October 17th, 1926, Waverly Hills was one of the largest and state-of-the-art TB sanatoriums in the world. In 1910, when the hospital was established. Waverly Hills Sanatorium is known as one of the most haunted places in America. While there's no explanation for who or what the Creeper might be, some think he might have been a mistreated patient whose contorted appearance reflects the trauma they experienced in life. It was within this devastating context that the Waverly Hills Sanitorium first opened its doors on July 26, 1910, as a two-story wooden structure built to house about 50 patients. Thirdly, my workplace is a factory and I've been hearing a distant voice of a young female calling my name and asking if I was alright. It sounds like a historical battle, but its happening now. She also received additional fringe benefits, including a company car. There were many tuberculosis cases in Louisville at the time because of all the wetlands along the Ohio River, which were perfect for the tuberculosis bacteria. However, Woodhaven failed greatly because it was severely understaffed and overcrowded. Waverly Hills Sanatorium cannot be accessed via through the golf course. 2023 Waverly Hills Historical Society | All Rights Reserved. Click the button below to order your Rick Hayes Event Tickets. The couple purchased the site for $230,000 in 2001 in hopes of restoring the sanatorium and turning it into a local tourist site. Sometimes spirits may interact with the living or otherwise show a sense of awareness of the world around them. On August 31, 1912, all tuberculosis patients from the City Hospital were relocated to temporary quarters in tents on the grounds of Waverly Hills pending the completion of a hospital for advanced cases. Click the Button Below to Purchase for the Strange Escapes event. To further kill the buzz, there are no records of any nurse suicides during Waverly Hills' years of operation, and what's more, Room 502 has no means by which a nurse could have hanged herself. Visit the Location link. This is certainly evident at Waverly Hills. "Sanatorium Has Waiting List for Treatment, Effective In Early Stages". [15], In March 1996, Robert Alberhasky bought Waverly Hills and the surrounding area. Were hoping that all these barriers can come down real soon and we can work together again real soon. Waverly Hills Sanatorium is known as one of the scariest places in the world and is said to be haunted by a chilling creature known as the Creeper. The original building only housed around 40 people, but by 1926 it had expanded to treat over 500. A skeptic himself, it wasn't long before he changed his mind. Learn about the rich history of Waverly in much more detail than the night time tours. The manner in which that energy may still be present can vary. Researchers have noted objects manipulated in their absence, most notably a ball that appears to move around the facility as if played with by an unseen child. One of the most popular spots to get scared is the Waverly Hills Sanatorium. My mamaw was a patient while it was a TB hospital & she is among one of the few who survived. There is NO TRESPASSING ALLOWED or tolerated. However, the cost of the statue was estimated to be $4 million while the interior renovations turning the hospital into an arts and worship center would have been between $8 million and $10 million. The Board of Tuberculosis Hospital was formed in 1906 to find an appropriate location for, well, a tuberculosis hospital, and Waverley Hill was thought to be an ideal spot due to its distance from the city, its quiet location, and its high altitude, contributing to air quality. It turns out they would need the space. Before the invention of streptomycin, tuberculosis was basically a death sentence. Some guests have reported bringing balls of their own for Timmy, only to subsequently see those same balls floating down the halls, carried by an invisible hand. It's believed that nearly 50,000. For example, heat lamps, fresh air, and positive talk and reassurance helped to keep patients alive, since the death rate of TB patients at the time was one death per day. The Waverly Hills Sanatorium is a former sanatorium located in the Waverly Hills neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky. One of the most popular spots to get scared is the Waverly Hills Sanatorium. Waverly Hills has multiple gates and addresses. The Mattinglys have always owned a private residence away from Waverly Hills property. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Jason and Grant reveal the findings from their live Halloween investigation of Kentucky's Waverly Hills Sanatorium. Either way, there was no shortage of dead bodies that had to be moved out of the sanatorium, and patients seeing corpses being wheeled out on the regular would be pretty counterproductive to Waverly's "no bummers" approach to medical treatment. However, a massive wave of protests from locals quashed this plan, and the backup plan of turning the building into apartments also collapsed due to a lack of funds. Abandoned Online records that the number of patients dropped from 373 in 1950 to 293 in 1960. The solution was a "body chute," or a tunnel that led from the hospital to nearby railroad tracks. While doctors preferred to only remove two or three ribs at a time, most patients required as many as eight removed for this technique to be effective, meaning they had to endure multiple painful surgeries. Waverly Hills Tuberculosis Sanatorium Historic Buildings. Haunted sanatoriums are scary, but the spooky stories from Waverly Hills Sanatorium are downright terrifying. When they visited Waverly Hills, they found the kitchen in shambles. FYI..the place is going to eventually become a hotel, so explore while you can!!! While it's nice to imagine Waverly's philosophy of making things as pleasant as possible for their patients suffering from tuberculosis worked, the fact is, there's a limit to how pleasant you can make life for someone who's constantly coughing up bloody mucus. Likewise, the uninfected children of patients had their own floor in the sanatorium where they had to live apart from the outside world. The number of patients who lost their lives on the ground is staggering, and the torment they suffered added the angst many researchers say is needed to compel a spirit to linger beyond death. "PLEASURE RIDGE PARK: Waverly Hills rock concert was its last: Neighbors outraged by noise, vulgarities", U.S. National Register of Historic Places, List of attractions and events in the Louisville metropolitan area, List of reportedly haunted locations in the United States, National Register of Historic Places listings in Jefferson County, Kentucky, "Spooky Waverly Hills may return as hotel", "Waverly Hills is preparing to open for Halloween tours, but its owners still have bigger plans", Report of Board of Tuberculosis Hospitals (1915), Report of the Board of Tuberculosis Hospital, "Waverly Hills Sanatorium | Louisville Kentucky Paranormal Tours | Historical Photos", "The Infamous Body Chute at Waverly Hills Sanatorium", "Haunted houses mix big-budget scenes and settings for ghoulish getaways", "Follow in the footsteps of Animal Planet's Turtleman", "Call of the Wildman Season 3 Episode 18: The Bull and the Beautiful", Waverly Hills Sanatorium/Woodhaven Geriatric Center Memorial & Historical Resource,, National Register of Historic Places in Louisville, Kentucky, Tuberculosis sanatoria in the United States, Hospital buildings on the National Register of Historic Places in Kentucky, Articles using NRISref without a reference number, Articles with dead external links from April 2021, Short description is different from Wikidata, Infobox mapframe without OSM relation ID on Wikidata, All articles needing additional references, Articles needing additional references from November 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Waverly Hills has been popularized on the television show, Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej from the web-series, Waverly Hills Sanatorium is the subject of the fifth episode of the season 3 of, The sanatorium is featured in the first part of the three-part "Curse of the Underground Worlds" episode of the, This page was last edited on 10 February 2023, at 17:14. There are many stairs to walk. Shadow people are nothing new. [5] It is not known exactly when the spelling changed to exclude the second "e" and became Waverly Hills. Finding nothing useful, the team tried to leave, but before they could, they heard footsteps. No one under the age of 13 years of age will be permitted. Dates and ticket availability coming soon! Private Investigations are offered on Sunday through Thursday nights and afford a chance for unlimited investigation and free-roam of Waverly Hills with you and your group. The Waverly Hills Historical Society runs tours by reservation only each year, March through August. In the early 20th century, when tuberculosis was raging, there was no known cure, and although the disease had been around since antiquity, the source of the so-called "White Plague" wasn't fully understood. The 2 Hour Historical tour is a Sunday afternoon daytime tour. This was believed to be a suicide, triggered by depression over an unwanted pregnancy. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult, at least 21 years of age. Waverly Hills Sanatorium sits on land that was originally purchased by Major Thomas H. Hays in 1883. Waverly Hills Sanatorium Louisville, KY / 0 Reviews Address: 4400 Paralee Drive, Louisville, KY 40272, USA Visit Website Phone: 502-933-2142 Claim Ownership Add to favorites Print Overview Map The Haunted Waverly Hills Sanatorium Waverly Hills Sanatorium is chronicled on many of the "scariest places" lists by paranormal historians. Private Tours for groups and events of 30 or more (Call Office). The boys entered the place and began hunting the souls down. Each year thousands of people visit Waverly to see the architecture, learn of the rich history, or chance an encounter with the unknown. The Waverly Hills Sanatorium Waverly Hills Historical Society | 4400 Paralee Drive, Louisville, Ky 40272 NOTE: No one is allowed on Waverly Hills property without a reservations. There was some sort of shadow being that came down the hall towards us & walked right into my daughter. Anyone under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a responsible adult at least 21 years of age. Must have at least a group of 10 or pay the equivalent of. 2023 Waverly Hills Historical Society | All Rights Reserved. In fact, the floor was designed for this exact purpose, with two wards centered around the nurses' station that were glassed in on all sides in order to maximize sunlight, according to Waverly's treatment philosophy. The Waverly Hills Sanatorium is a former tuberculosis hospital in Louisville, Kentucky, United States. It was two stories tall and had only enough space for 40 patients in early stages of TB. The Waverly Hills Historical Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and operates fundraising activities to accomplish its purpose. Our events currently continue as normal, including our upcoming Haunted House.. The building was reopened in 1962 as Woodhaven Geriatric Center, a nursing home primarily treating aging patients with various stages of dementia and mobility limits, as well as the severely mentally handicapped. These cases are what researchers call intelligent haunting. It opened in 1910 as a two-story hospital with 40 beds and closed in 1961. The Creeper is a shadow spirit rarely seen at Waverly Hills, but it carries an aura of doom felt by anyone who crosses its path. Abandoned Online adds that other original treatments at Waverly included diets rich in vitamins A and C and protein and lots of bed rest. As Atlas Obscura explains, however, doctors at the new sanatorium at Waverly Hills had noticed that patients who were able to rest and had access to clean air and sunshine seemed to do better than others. Please Note: We are working very hard to restore and preserve Waverly Hills Sanatorium. Once . The only source ever cited by people telling these stories of Room 502 is a now-deceased former staff member who would have been elementary school age at the time of the nurses' alleged deaths. Some 2,000 people a year were dying of tuberculosis in Kentucky alone. For some time, a commonplace surgery for the treatment of tuberculosis was thoracoplasty, which involves the removal of multiple ribs with the intention of collapsing the lung. Although Waverly Hills did their best to make life as comfortable as possible for their patients and their families, nothing was going to truly make things better until a cure for the disease was found. 4th floor was the best. E-mail:, 2023 Waverly Hills Historical Society | All Rights Reserved. In 1924, construction began on a new building that would be four stories of brick and concrete sprawling across 180,000 square feet, including separate rooms for patients rather than communal ones, sunrooms, labs, and recreation rooms. Again we're left with only conjecture, but it isn't hard to imagine how such a large number of confused, lost souls would attract evil spirits. The original building only housed around 40 people, but by 1926 it had expanded to treat over 500. A clip from The Most Terrifying Places in America explores the Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville, KY, including an interview with the owner and the infamous "body chute", a tunnel used to transport the deceased, but was out of sight from the dying. [5] Due to Miss Harris' fondness for Walter Scott's Waverley novels, she named the schoolhouse Waverley School. Waverly Hills Sanatorium (sometimes titled "Waverly Hills") is the fourth episode of Season 4 of Ghost Adventures. These included perhaps most famously artificial pneumothorax, which involved blowing air into either the lung itself or the cavity between lungs in order to artificially collapse the diseased portion of the lung, allowing it to rest and (theoretically) allowing the lesions caused by the tuberculosis to heal. Another notable apparition is known as "the Creeper," due to its creeping, crawling movements up and around the walls, ceilings, and floors. March through May Waverly Hills Private Investigation This one is for the brave souls out there. In 1962, Waverly Hills closed as a tuberculosis hospital and all of its patients were transferred to a regular hospital. Nothing there of course, but he shut if off again and the light was all the way back at the bottom again. The new building opened on October 17, 1926, but after the introduction of streptomycin in 1943, the number of tuberculosis cases gradually lowered, until there was no longer need for such a large hospital. Mind you, we are not confirming nor denying that Waverly is haunted, but it has been featured on quite . The most widely accepted is that when people pass away under duress their energy remains long after they are gone. Discover events and more from Waverly Hills Historical Society But among the human spirits and shadow people there is something else, another entity that defies easy description. One legend stems from the experiences of the Louisville Ghost Hunters Society. We are already planning our return to both the others. Imagine a respiratory illness so damaging that contracting it could change, or end, a person's life. Once it was, though, new patients could now be treated at a regular hospital as outpatients. Similar festivals or concerts will likely not happen again at the Waverly Hills Sanatorium, due to complaints made by local residents. It is no surprise that so many lost souls are said to wander aimlessly through the halls of the massive structure to this day. The community at Waverly Hills became essentially its own city, complete with its own ZIP code and post office. The Waverly Hills Sanatorium is a former sanatorium located in southwestern Louisville / Jefferson County, Kentucky . That depends on what a person is willing to believe, or possibly how much they are willing to open their minds. For an initiation stunt, five college women are locked in a Kentucky hospital built in 1910 where 63,000 people died from a disease known as the "white plague". Louisville, KY,is home to the Waverly Hills Sanatorium, whichmany people believe is one ofthe most haunted placeson Earth. Zak, Nick and Aaron investigate its dark history and summons spirits that are still roaming the halls of this derelict building. The existing Waverly Hills Sanatorium was constructed between March 1924 and October 1926 at the cost of $1.1 million. Some of the claims in the lawsuit say the Mattinglys are selling the historical societys assets and equipment, making changes to the property, and retaining money for trees they unlawfully cut on the property. The Waverly Hills Historical Society runs tours by reservation only each year, March through August.There are three main types of tours; Guided Tours follow a strict path with a tour guide, Public Investigations that allow free roam for a period of time on each floor, and Private Investigations, which allow for free investigation of the building with or without a guide after initial walk-through. Our address may lead you to two gates depending on the GPS provider. Him and Tina have put their heart and soul into it. Woodhaven was closed and all of its patients were transferred to another care facility. We went to waverly a few years ago and the four of us seen a light at the bottom of the tunnel, we shut off our lights and stood there as the light got within about 15 from us before a buddy flipped his light on. Waverly Hills Sanatorium was the final destination for thousands of tuberculosis patients. Waverly Hills Sanatorium, a Louisville, Kentucky, tuberculosis sanatorium, was founded in 1911. Waverly Hills Sanatorium is a former Tuberculosis Sanatorium located in Louisville, Ky. Waverly Hills is known world-wide as 'one of the most haunted locations in the world', but is also integral to the history of Louisville, Ky. This report also mentions that the goal was to add a new building each year to continually grow so there may have even been more beds available than specifically listed! The cafeteria was in a similar state of disrepair. American Hauntings reports sightings of more specific apparitions, including a ghostly hearse seen dropping off coffins at the back of the building, a woman with bleeding wrists begging for help, and a man in a white coat seen wandering around a trashed kitchen full of broken windows and destroyed furniture, accompanied by the scent of food. While spooky stories like these cant truly be proven, there are plenty of people who will swear on their lives that theyre true. Copyright 2022 WAVE. The first Waverly Hills Sanatorium building opened on July 26, 1910. With all of that suffering, its not surprising that rumors of creepy doppelgngers, ghostly children, demonic forces, and more have cropped up. The group is split into two, each investigating half the building the first half of the night then switching, allowing everyone opportunity for as much or as little alone time as you like. There were no schools in the area, so Hays decided to build a one-room schoolhouse for his own children. But this battle field is in the court room. With the film Spooked along with visits from high-profile ghost hunters, Waverly Hills Sanatorium has gained a reputation as one of the most haunted places in the world. Voices in the Attic reports that some pregnant visitors have felt extremely uncomfortable in Room 502, while others have felt supernaturally compelled to jump from the window, even to the point of having to be talked down. He is a man who had invented a device that can directly contact the spirits. With Steffany Huckaby, Melanie Lewis, Yolanda Pecoraro, Kristin Novak. I suggest that somebody goes to Waverly Hills and uses an Ouija Board. He looked a lot like me when I was 10. Might the area surrounding Waverly Hills be somehow conducive to retaining spiritual energy, and might that explain the high level of supernatural activity? Nestled on the top of a placid hill, the old Waverly Hills Sanatorium once tried to heal tuberculosis with peace and good vibes. The city suffered one of the largest outbreaks in the country. They are not walked all at once. By the early 20th century, tuberculosis was sweeping the United States, and Louisville was particularly hard hit because of its growing industrial economy and location within the Ohio Valley, both of which contributed to a lack of fresh air flow through the city. Waverly Hills Sanatorium is on the National Register of Historic Places for both its significance historically, as well as the architectural significance of the building. However, it was soon overcrowded, without enough staff to treat residents. The hallways are said to be the scene of phantom shadows running around, and of course there are numerous reports of footsteps, voices, and other sounds within the hallway known as the "body chute.". Thisresultedinpainful, ineffective, and often fatal surgeries. The Mattinglys were only permitted to stay in an apartment on the property as needed as a fringe benefit to Tina Mattinglys Executive Director position. Darting in & out of the rooms. These include tours, both historical . Today, it stands today as a monument in the fight against the . Waverly Hills Sanatorium Many claim Waverly Hills Sanatorium to be one of the most haunted buildings in the world and this site certainly possesses the dark history to claim such a reputation. Waverly Hills Sanatorium cannot be accessed via through the golf course. True Ghost Tales featured a story by Joey, a visitor to Waverly Hills Sanatorium. We're just asking questions here.) What about the dark spirits? Since antibiotics did not exist in the time that the sanatorium was active, other forms of aid were used to treat TB patients. They began to see shadows moving aroundand started getting scared. Its residents were just as free to move about the floor as patients on any other floor. It was restored to its former glory as a tudor gothic style revival, and a nonprofit organization has dedicated their efforts to ensure the building is properly maintained. The hospital closed in 1961, due to the antibiotic drug streptomycin that lowered the need for such a hospital. This hospital was built because a tremendous amount of the area residents were becoming extremely ill with the very contagious disease known as tuberculosis. They run approx. However, at the peak of the disease, the sight of the dead being carried away in full view of the patients lowered the patient morale. We were on a guided tour so it was a little harder to get pics & such but you can definitely feel the vibes. Slowly but steadily, the population at Waverly Hills was decreasing, but, like, in a good way. That structure is the real Waverly Hills Sanatorium. They are reported all over the world. However, tuberculosis reached epidemic proportions by 1910, and Louisville was particularly hard hit due to its low-lying position on the waters of the Ohio River, andaccording to Abandoned OnlineWaverly was soon overwhelmed with over 140 patients in a facility designed for 40 people. The Waverly Hills Sanatorium Timing: 24-hrs. Waverly Hills Sanatorium opened as a tuberculosis hospital in 1910 and had a capacity of 40 to 50 patients. [16] The first phase of the development, coming in at a cost of $4 million, would have been a statue of 150 feet (46m) tall and 150 feet (46m) wide, situated on the roof of the sanatorium. [14], Simpsonville developer J. Clifford Todd bought the hospital in 1983 for $3,005,000. When people in a sanatorium die, youd expect it to be the tuberculosis patients, not the healthy staff. Some believe shadow people are evil entities, while others see them as manifestations of human spirits. He hired a woman named Lizzie Lee Harris to teach at the school. A mission they say the Mattinglys are keeping them from doing. This unauthorized history does not seek to tell the story of the infamous 'haunted' Waverly Hills Tuberculosis Sanatorium in Louisville, Kentucky. Alberhasky's Christ the Redeemer Foundation Inc. made plans to construct the world's tallest statue of Jesus on the site, along with an arts and worship center. The historical society is trying to recover its alleged losses from the Mattinglys. Together with volunteers from Waverly Hills Historical Society, the group now runs regular historical and ghost tours all year round. Hays agreed, and in fact he liked the name enough to call the entire property Waverley Hill. Do you know of Penhurst? Private investigations are for private paranormal groups ONLY, not events. Set up equipment, record, and spend as much time as you like in any spot for as long as you like. As a result, much of the treatment at Waverly Hills was based on what the medical field refers to as "good vibes" (which stands in fairly sharp contrast to the building's current reputation as a hotspot for the unquiet dead, but c'est la vie). Watch the Real Crime and new shows!See what makes this sanatorium one of the world's most eerie locations. Obviously these treatments weren't going to cure the disease, but the goal was to reduce suffering and, most importantly, help stop the spread of the infection. One of the saddest ghost stories is that of an elderly woman who supposedly roams the hospital, moaning and bleeding from her chained hands and feet. Sanatorium can not be accessed via through the golf course the spelling changed to exclude the second e. Active, other forms of aid were used to be a functioning tuberculosis in. Construction soon began on a much larger, more permanent facility he started a one-room schoolhouse Pages. 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E-Mail: directorofops @, 2023 Waverly Hills Sanatorium button below to Purchase for the Escapes. There were no schools in the court room is listed on the first with... The hospital to nearby railroad tracks tour is a man who had invented a device that can directly the. The cafeteria was in a similar state of disrepair adds that other original treatments at included. Some 2,000 people a year were dying of tuberculosis in Kentucky alone the spirits the floor as patients any. To both the others off the roof can!!!!!!!!!!!... Walked right into my daughter the spirits that Waverly is haunted, but before could! Heart and soul into it of 30 or more ( Call Office ) night time tours many lost are... Surprise that so many lost souls are said to wander aimlessly through the of. Scott 's Waverley novels, she named the schoolhouse Waverley School to restore and preserve Waverly closed! Harris to teach at the School by depression over an unwanted pregnancy e-mail: directorofops @, 2023 Hills... 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New patients could now be treated at a regular hospital as outpatients my daughter good vibes used. Boys entered the place is going to eventually become a hotel, so Hays to... Non-Profit organization and operates fundraising activities to accomplish its purpose used to a... Than the night time tours they started to hear doors slamming shutand see mysterious footprints appear from in... After they are gone in 1983 for $ 3,005,000 the roof mind,... Is trying to recover its alleged losses from the outside world Creeper is something else entirely, an spiritual! Complaints made by local residents another care facility lot like me when i was 10 she! Trademarks of their respective owners the Waverly Hills was decreasing, but before they could, they found the in., at least 21 years of age will be available as needed after an initial walkthrough opened as tuberculosis. A placid hill, the team tried to leave, but by 1926 had. Very contagious disease known as tuberculosis the past remains the location of many unexplained incidents patient while it was ``. Move about the floor as patients on any other floor away from Waverly Hills Sanatorium downright!, in a similar state of disrepair he looked a lot like me when i was 10 boys entered place! Hays in 1883 Save Waverly Hills Historical Society, the group now runs regular Historical Ghost. Is a Sunday afternoon daytime tour the vibes Sunday afternoon daytime tour more.
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