Full List of All Illegal Pets in California (2022 Update), The state of California is not only famous for being among the leading states with the. These animals can also revert to their feral state, and become a carrier of rabies. As I understand it, a permit for a hedgehog might be issued in California for educational purposes, but it is seldom handed out. In 1980, the permit was extended to include spayed female ferrets, but importation was still not allowed. But why are they illegal and what happens if you are caught keeping one as a pet? Does this mean that the ban on ferrets in California should be lifted? This might come as a surprise, but keeping ferrets as pets in California is illegal. While veterinarians in these locations will still treat sick ferrets, the adoption or purchase of new ferrets is not allowed. While California is not illegal for ferret ownership, the penalties for . They are controversial animals and are illegal to keep as pets in many states and countries. All species of piranhas are on Californias list of restricted animals. Is it legal to own a monkey in California? As with some other exotic pets, some bad media coverage has hurt their reputation. Also, most ferrets are spayed and neutered so they cant breed. According to the Department of Conservation, ferrets (along with weasels and stoats) infiltrated the wild in New Zealand over a hundred years ago. Check your local laws and regulations before you adopt a ferret. 7. Moreover, they are as small as their prey is. It is Illegal to Own a Sloth in California. It is human nature to have friends and, more so, best friends. They also transmitted Bovine Tuberculosis to the cattle, and this affected their economic activities. What exotic animals can I own in California? In California, you can own a wolfdog rated F3 or less. This restriction could also be a result of the few cases that had been reported about ferrets biting children due to their aggressive nature. And regulations state that no vet has a duty to advise law enforcement about the pet unless the animal bites a person. Ferrets are ceaselessy curious and busy, with hands that can undo things and squishy bodies that can, well, weasel out of a cage. The board also argued that ferrets are feral and aggressive, which posed a danger to their children, and this ban was their way of protecting children from being bitten by ferrets. The consequence of importing or smuggling a ferret into Hawaii is a fine set at $200,000 or a jail term of up to 3 years. Owning a ferret in California can get you charged with a misdemeanor, up to six months in jail, or $1,000 in fines. California is known for having particularly strict laws surrounding exotic pets, and a lot of people disagree with sugar gliders being on the list of banned animals. The officials do not actively search for ferrets with people, but it is a big problem. Is it legal to own a raccoon in California? California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Sugar gliders are restricted from possession as pets primarily because they can become pests and can potentially cause diseases to humans. Please DO NOT keep a duck as a house pet. Laws in the US about ferret ownership are evolving. If you want to own a ferret in the state, read on to find what you can do. Unfortunately, sugar gliders are not legal in California. You may be wondering are ferrets illegal in California? However, it is against the law to own a ferret in Queensland and the northern territory. If youre an avid fish lover, live in California, and have been considering having a fish as a pet, you should stay away from the piranhas. The bans include various non-native species that the state considers a threat. Despite ferrets being fun to own, there are four states that have banned citizens from owning a ferret as a pet in the United States. It all started around 100 years back, in 1933 when the first law banning the domestic ferret in California was put into place. There are a few different reasons that authorities give for not allowing ferrets inside California. You must vaccinate the ferret against rabies. The only way to gain a permit was if a person moves to California with a ferret already in their household. This is the other reason the Hawaii Department of Agriculture banned the importation and possession of ferrets. Once thought to be extinct, after the species was rediscovered in Wyoming in 1981, concerted efforts by numerous partners have given black-footed ferrets a second chance for survival. Change.org has a couple of great petitions you can sign. Restricted Species permits come with required, nonrefundable fees, including $130.30 for all new permits and $67.47 for all permit renewals or amendments to existing permits. Outside of the United States, ferrets are also illegal in South Africa, New Zealand, and 3 areas of Australia (Northern Territory, Queensland, and Western Australia). However, his efforts have been futile and have only landed him in jail. This is when the California Fish and Game Commission and the California Department of Food and Agriculture enacted Rules and Regulations Governing the Importation of Wild Birds and Animals.. Most ferret owners will tell you they do not deserve the poor reputation because they are wonderful pets! Ferrets. Despite intensive lobbying to legalize ferrets in California, however, you cannot legally keep a ferret in California without a permit Can you go to jail for having a ferret in California? They are beautiful and even seem harmless, but piranhas have razor-sharp teeth. Moreover, unlike pet ferrets, these ferrets were not spayed or neutered. In Washington, ferrets are illegal to keep as pets, but the District of Columbia Health Department issues waivers case by case. This means that they eat a lot and they eat quickly. The criminal penalties for having a ferret in California are up to 90 days in jail and/or a maximum fine of $1,000. Because of this, there are many state laws regarding the pet ferret. Keeping ferrets is legal in NSW, but you have to follow the rules. However, a few states in the U.S. still do not allow ferrets to be adopted as pets. This misconception remains, despite the fact that ferrets have been living with human beings for thousands of years. Required fields are marked *, Ferret & Me - Proudly Powered by WordPress. However, in South Africa, one has to meet a set of standards formulated by the National Environmental Management Biodiversity Acts, 2005, since ferrets are classified as invasive species. The cost of a ferret will depend on where you get them. We strongly recommend not breaking this lawit simply isn't worth it for you or the ferret! For example, adopting one from an animal rescue will be between $150-$200, while purchasing one through a breeder will cost between $100-$300. See also: How Is Northern California Different From Southern California? Can You Own One? Ferrets are not illegal in most other states, but they are illegal in Hawaii and California. For now we know that they are not a welcome sight in the state and for anyone looking to adopt a pet, there are tons of other domesticated animals to pick from. Why can you still buy products for ferrets in California? The permits are primarily for wild animal handlers, research facilities, trainers, and shelters. These animals are termed detrimental animals. Wright too is on the verge of quitting but not before one final push to alter the state of the roughly 100,000 ferrets in California, according to his estimate. Yes, axolotls are illegal in California. Studies show that despite the efforts put in place, ferrets can only partially domesticate. You can only possess or keep a monkey or other primates if youre qualified and with a legal permit for specific purposes such as medical research or training them to perform in film productions. The permittee may only possess and provide care for the animal(s) specifically listed on their Department approved permit inventory. Mongoose can wipe out an entire small, ground-living native fauna. From protests to publications, people in California are really rooting for ferrets. This rule is much better than in states like New York, which only allow F5 and below. The main reason why ferrets are illegal in California is to Protect Agriculture and Wildlife. As ferrets are not wild by nature, they also dont do very well in the wild. You must pay this fee at the DFG office. You will not be able to keep your ferret. It is, therefore, essential to seek information that is up to date from the local government before settling on owning a ferret. Besides California, the only other U.S. state where it is illegal to own a ferret is Hawaii. Californias ban on certain pets includes thousands of species, online petitions to legalize ferrets, sugar gliders, you cannot sell or own turtles with shells measuring less than four inches, Department of Fish and Wildlife can issue a permit for certain species, California worries that sugar gliders will escape, Breeding and Selling Sugar Gliders | A Step-By-Step Guide, How To Care For a Tarantula 8 Useful Tips, 100+ Fun and Unique Gecko Names You Will Love, Breeding Hedgehogs Everything You Need to Know, Djungarian Hamsters Everything You Need to Know, Albino Hamsters Breed Profile, Photos and Care, Brian From OC Dumbos Tells Us What Its Like To Be a Rat Breeder, 6 Rat Breeders Show Us How They Set Up Their Rat Cages, 30+ Rat Breeders Share Their Best Tips For First-Time Rat Owners. They also like to sleep in hammocks which can be hung inside their enclosure. Thanks for visiting. New York City and Washington D.C. decided to act upon that and ban ferrets completely in their cities. Ferrets have been domesticated for over 2500 years. The penalty might range anywhere from $500 to $10,000. While California bans pet ferrets, other states don't have the same restrictions. California It is illegal to sell, import, and transport ferrets in California. Pet ferrets are prohibited in California, Hawaii, and New York City. This ruling means you cannot import, transport, or possess ferrets in the state except with a permit issued for a legal purpose. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved Some groups are trying to get the state to allow certain exotic animals as pets. Native to Europe from the Mediterranean to Scandinavia, ferrets are slender-bodied, carnivorous mammals. You can get a ferret permit at the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) office in person or online. You need a legal permit to possess, transport, or import a raccoon into the state of California, and only for a legal purpose. Sadly, ferrets cannot survive at very high temperatures. Additionally, keeping venomous snakes requires a venomous snake permit. What Can You Do To Make Ferrets Legal In California? Having a ferret as a pet can essentially be like having a toddler. Additionally, some pet stores are part of nationwide chains that carry most of the same inventory across their various locations. While you might be sad to lose your adorable pet, it does rule out the possibility of catching rabies. Exercising your ferrets Ferrets should have daily exercise either in the house or in a large run. You can also own mynah birds and even toucans. It is when the ferret bites hard that something is wrong. The law does not restrict its citizens from owning ferrets. Are Ferrets Nocturnal? In Alabama, Wisconsin, Nevada, North Carolina, and South Carolina, residents can own almost anything, including bears, tigers, and lions. However, unfortunately no amendment has been put into place at the legislative level, so far. The cops will arrest you if they see with you a ferret. California has some of the strictest pet ownership laws in the country. In california, having a pet ferret can lead to monetary penalties, criminal prosecution, and even prison time. Ferrets can make excellent pets, but they can carry germs and make people sick. In Hawaii, a ferret can only be in a research institution owned by the government or in an exhibition. In the event that ferret owners are apprehended, they may also be required to pay for the transportation, handling, and storage of each and every ferret that they discover in their residence. (a) In addition to any other penalty provided by law, any person who violates this chapter or any regulations implementing this chapter, is subject to a civil penalty of not less than five. Here's why non-native animals like hedgehogs, sometimes desired as pets, are not a good idea or legal under current regulations. This only adds fuel to fire. Ferrets are legal in Georgia and Illinois, and you do not need a permit to adopt a ferret. The reason was that there lacked an approved Rabies vaccination for ferrets then. Ferrets look much like weasels, so most people have this vicious idea of them in their heads. But are these reasons good enough for the authority to ban the possession of ferrets? What about hedgehogs? When and how much do ferrets sleep? Wolfdogs are another example of an exotic pet that is prohibited in many states and allowed in California. What helps their case is an event that happened in New Zeeland years ago, where ferrets hunted rabbits in abundance. If you get caught with a ferret, and you do not have a legitimate permit authorizing their legal ownership, you can get charged with a misdemeanor. Surprise! If you are travelling by plane, check with the airline what their requirements are for the carrier. In 1976, the Fish & Game Commission allowed permits to own neutered male ferrets but only to be placed in zoos, for scientific research or to be displayed in movies. Ferrets are sociable, entertaining, playful, cuddly, and fun to own if you consider owning a pet. There are two states where ferrets are completely illegal: California and Hawaii. Why can you still buy products for ferrets in California? It's serious. The native wildlife, such as the kakapo and kiwi, cant cope with these new predators. So why are ferrets illegal in California? But a few states (and countries) are slow to accept that ferrets are domestic animals. Ferrets are illegal in New Zealand. There are also many unknown questions related to natural predators and potential diseases when any non-native animal is introduced into the wild.Why is a ferret a bad pet? They are illegal to own as a pet in California. However, keeping one without a permit remains illegal. Ferrets Are Already in California: In fact, Californians own more ferrets than New York and Texas combined. Ferrets have become common household pets in the United States, and their curious and friendly nature makes them suitable pets for many. Ferrets have a slightly shorter lifespan than cats and dogs. Likewise, most states dont allow residents to own monkeys and other primates, but there are exceptions. Besides, in the United States, each state is a sovereign entity and may enact its own laws, if the laws dont violate the Federal Constitution or the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. California Allows Some Exotic Animals as Pets. Below is a list of states where keeping a ferret as a pet is not illegal but under some kind of restrictions. CDFW receives frequent inquiries about why various non-native species are restricted from being kept as pets in California. When answering the question Why are ferrets illegal in California? this reason is directly linked to the one we discussed previously. In fact, most species of birds are legal in California, except the Quaker parrot (monk parakeet or Quaker parakeet). They urged the board to allow them to take their pets to the vet for services without fear. In contrast, glooming has an ear cleaning routine since ferrets tend to wax rapidly and trim their nails frequently since they tend to grow long. Choices have consequences. however, in section 671, title 14 (cc) clearly mentions that it is forbidden to have possession of these animals as they pose a threat to wildlife, agriculture, and public health and safety. Average Sugar Glider Lifespan [How to Help Them Live Longer]. Do Ferrets Bite? Why are sugar gliders also illegal in California? #2 Ferrets are a Potential Carrier of Rabies. The real question here is: Are ferrets aggressive and violent in nature? Besides ferrets, here are some of the most famous examples of this far-reaching ban: California bans entire classes and orders of species. According to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, stray ferrets are detrimental animals and pose a significant risk to the rare native birds and animals of California. Where Are Ferrets Illegal Around the World? That is why ferrets are sometimes perceived as wild animals, too. Our team is made up of professional pet trainers, veterinarians, and experienced pet owners who have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. Although it is legal to have a pet raccoon in only 16 states in the U.S., California is not one of them. This website is reader-supported. Of these, one of them is the state of California. Its a good idea to obtain new information from your local government or an animal control board. The rodents arent dangerous, just weird looking, said Department of Fish and Game spokesman Andrew Hughan. 2. No one can say for sure what the future of ferrets in California will look like. Some of these restrictions may include: Therefore If you are thinking of buying a ferret, it is advisable that you contact your local vet, Wildlife Department, or Fish and Game department if you live in one of the following states: Californias ban on certain pets includes thousands of species, including many species allowed in other states. Since the climate of the state is quite similar to the natural desert habitat of gerbils, theres a worry that gerbils that escape into the wild could establish feral colonies that could be almost impossible to eradicate. Unfortunately, California is one of those states where it is illegal to own a hedgehog. However, keeping one without a permit remains illegal. As An amazon associates, we earn from qualifying purchases. It is legal to own a hedgehog in all but a handful of states and some cities. By now we know why ferrets are illegal in California and when and how the ban was placed. Ferrets are not a part of this list. The police stated that "Using a weapon to intentionally kill a peacock is a felony in California." They need several hours of supervised exercise and play outside of their cage each day and can be quite mischievous and destructive. Possessing a ferret in California can result in some serious penalties, including . It does not allow people to keep wild animals due to their special dietary and housing needs. While it is possible to keep just one duck, it is strongly recommended that you have at least one other duck for company, while having three or four would be best. If they are not taken care of or provided with ample room, bedding, and enrichment, they can become destructive. but also for its tough laws on exotic pets. Owning a ferret in California can get you charged with a misdemeanor, up to six months in jail, or $1,000 in fines. Declaration Of Independence Explained Celebrate America Another concern is that owners may release ferrets into the wild, which can jeopardize animals . She is the mom of several guinea pigs and sugar gliders. In Pennsylvania, you must acquire a permit for exotic animals that are listed as exotic wildlife by the state. In some cases, you also need to pay for the rehabilitation of the ferret so the state can release it or send it to a different facility. This ferret legal in California issue is very complicated and if you want to learn more about it, read my post on why are ferrets illegal in California. To Help them Live Longer ] care of or provided with ample room, bedding and. Waivers case by case can own a ferret permit at the California of... Dietary and housing needs level, so most people have this vicious idea of them small as their is... What helps their case is an event that happened in new Zeeland years ago, where hunted... Parakeet or Quaker parakeet ) than in states like new York City and Washington D.C. decided to upon. To gain a permit remains illegal the main reason why ferrets are not taken care of provided... 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