Declaration of Candidacy must be filed with the Registrar of Voters not before July 18, 2022 and no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 12, 2022. Oliva says that's why it's important that people pay attention to who they're voting for, making sure why they're running and what they are going to stand for. In the race for U.S. House of Representatives, its a crowded Republican field for the primary, one that include local physician, Dr. Brian Tyson. Jason is a strong advocate for victims rights. I would work closely with local law enforcement to make sure our community is safe. 10/12/2022 Application Deadline: 6/30 . Candidates prepare for California midterm - News . Marin - Municipal Special Vacancy (City of Mill Valley) Marin - Municipal Special Vacancy (Novato Unified School District) Get the latest local news delivered right to your inbox! Share. Rockville, MD. Both Vela and Marquez agree that keeping the valley streets safe and prosecuting criminals is a must. For Imperial Irrigation District 2, Gina Young Dockstader leads with 296 votes. degree, 2008; University of California Santa Barbara, B.S. Currently, there is a feeling that criminals are getting away with crimes. Please keep your comments respectful and relevant. [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] Reach out to Wiley with story ideas and tips at Invest in unbiased information. Vanessa Gongora joined the KYMA News 11 team in 2022. Declaration of Candidacy for eligible persons desiring to file for elective offices are available at the Registrar of Voters Office, 940 West Main Street, Suite 206, El Centro, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. . Congressmen (25th Congressional District), changing our border district that spans Imperial and San Diego counties, to a district that leaves San Diego behind and heads north and over toward the west through Riverside County. Proposition 17: Voting Rights Restoration for Persons on Parole Amendment. I have a B.S degree from UCSB in chemistry and a law degree from California Western School of Law. Severe Weather Alerts The purpose of these forums is to educate the public about some of the issues, as well as the candidates positions on these issues, to provide the public with the best possible information with which to make their personal decision in this election process. George Marquez Criminal Law Attorney 11/10/2021 3/10/2022 3/10/2022 yes Imperial County Candidate Status November 8, 2022 General Election Board of Supervisors - District 5 . Click here to view our 2022 Imperial County, CA Election Guide where you can find information and links regarding absentee voting, candidates, polling . Without more attention to detail, modernization, and further streamlining, our residents and businesses will continue to suffer from inconvenience and wasted time. EL CENTROThe Imperial County Registrar of Voters announces that a Consolidated General Election will be held on November 8, 2022, according to a press release. Chemistry, 2005. The unofficial update will include polling site ballots and vote-by-mail ballots received or post-marked on or before Election Day. If a county candidate is unopposed after the Primary Election, that candidate will not be on the General Election ballot. Treasurer-Tax Collector Karen Vogel did not filed for re-election, so that filing period was extended as well. Since then, Storey has run unopposed through two elections. Other affiliations/memberships/board positions: Court Appointed Special Advocates Board of Directors, Calexico Rotary president, past president Imperial County District Attorneys Association (2018). Also this year, redistricting has redrawn local lines toward the north for our U.S. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, As your public servant, I believe in aggressive but fair prosecution with a tough-on-crime approach. If you would like to share a story idea, please submit it here. Reasons for running and top issues: Jason all law enforcement agencies must foster solid relationships for the common goal of protecting the community from serious and violent crime. Jason began his private practice in 2006. Marquez says Vela being endorsed by the current district attorney is not a good sign. "When it comes to the IID, our water rights, our electricity bills is going to be determined on this. Ballot and voting information for Imperial County. person will not be tolerated. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, . Imperial Summary for: All Contests, All Districts, All Tabulators, All Counting Groups . The Mayor of El Centro, Tomas Oliva says he genuinely cares about the voter turnout rate. . 2022 11:49 AM . In Imperial Beach: . Reasons for and top issues: I would like to continue with the major improvements that I have implemented in the Imperial County Clerk/Recorders Office since I became Clerk/Recorder. "I am not Gilbert Ortero, my name is Mario Vela and I am my own man, I am making my own legacy, I'm going to protect Mr. Ortero's legacy but that does not mean I am him," he said. The election will be in June 2022. I have the administrative, technical, and design skills to be able to create and manage user-friendly websites and semi-automated workflows that can make your interactions with the County less time consuming, without resorting to expensive vendors or third-party contractors. The qualifications for Coachella Valley Water District required under the principal act under which the District is organized are that the candidates be registered electors residing within the boundaries of the District and within the Division; directors will be elected by voters who reside within the division. Other affiliations/memberships/board positions: Through the years I have served (six) as a board member of the County Recorders Association of California (CRAC) and I continue to serve as the Marshal of the County Recorder Association of California (CRAC)President ofImperial Valley Association of Realtors, two terms as the Regional Chairman of the California Association of Realtors, 15 years as a member of the California Association of Realtors Board of Directors, President of the Early Risers Kiwanis Club, two terms as the President of the Imperial County Division of the American Heart Association and as a Director of the California Chapter of the American Heart Association. Education: B.A. I spoke to a veteran about how important voting is for him. Breaking News County Committees drive the front-line efforts of the California Democratic Party: registering and educating voters, protecting the right to vote, and working to elect candidates who will fight for our values. Friday, October 7, 2022. The qualifications for these offices required under the principle act under which these districts are organized are that candidates be registered electors residing within the boundaries of the districts or divisions thereof. I have the administrative, technical, and design skills to be able to create and manage user-friendly websites and semi-automated workflows that can make your interactions with the County less time consuming, without resorting to expensive vendors or third-party contractors. I spoke to Linsey Dales, the County Registrar who told me so far it's smooth sailing at the polls but the traffic is steady. I MPERIAL COUNTY The filing period for the June 7 primary election for local, state and federal elections for this area closed as of 5 p.m. Friday, March 11. County Committees the gateway to getting involved! "If you're doing your homework and you've tracked elections, it's expected but I don't want that to be the forever model.". The directional redistricting change has also occurred for the state Senatorial district (18th State Senate District). KYMA/CBS 13/KECY is an equal opportunity employer. IMPERIAL COUNTY The Imperial County Registrar of Voters has issued an "Unofficial Election Results" update on the Registrar's website at for the November 8 General Election. Filing Period Ended on Friday, March 11, Save IID Division 3; Vote-by-Mail Distribution Starts on May 9. KYMA/CBS 13/KECY is an equal opportunity employer. However, as an organization dedicated to transparency and accountability in local government, COLAB will maintain an online library of local election documents. 114th Edition of the Fair is going on right now at the Imperial Valley Fairgrounds, showcasing: Rides and Live Entertainment. BRAWLEY, Calif. (KYMA, KECY) - The race for Imperial County district attorney has come down to the top two candidates, Mario Vela and George Marquez. Share with Us. Livestock exhibition. Imperial County Registrar of Voters announces November consolidated general election, Imperial County DA's office files four counts of felony charges against man arrested in Colorado, BUHS security guard in finals for state FFA Star Award, From custom designs to cultural phenomenon: the evolution of Graffik Screen Printing & Embroidery, First in the nation solar/battery plant officially broke ground in Holtville, Mother and daughter caught smuggling over $830,000 of methamphetamine, 115th California Mid-Winter Fair preparing to return in full stride, Director admits COVID mRNA shots are altering menstrual function, Imperial Tigers labeled CIF Champions for Division 4 basketball, 16th Annual Air Show Gala gives back in style, Imperial County officials meet with Schwarzenegger Institute to discuss Lithium Valley, Childrens Health Defense responds to CDC officially adding Covid shots to the recommended schedule, Cities with the most expensive homes in San Diego metro area, Imperial Police Chief Leonard J. Barra retires after 23 years of service, Brawley City Council welcomes new BPD K-9 unit, Snow, Red Coated-Brits, and determined Colonists, Jimmy Carter to enter hospice care at home. 6/7/2022 12:00:00 AM: 1314 S 8TH ST : ABERDEEN . Severe Weather Alerts Candidates will not be listed until the Secretary of State's office receives the official certification(s) from county central committees or state political parties. 2023 by KYMA / NPG of Yuma-El Centro Broadcasting. Contests & Promotions. On June 28, 2022 the Imperial City Council called for a General Municipal Election for the purpose of electing three (3) members of the City Council for the full term of four years, a City Clerk for the full term of four years, and to amend the current Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) rate from 8% to 12%.The City of Imperial is a General Law City. Click below to see local election results by county for things like city council, school board and local measures. These documents allow the public to shed light on campaign spending and support that may influence the decisions of elected leaders during their time of public service. You can contact her with story ideas at KYMA KECY is committed to providing a forum for civil and constructive conversation. Jason will make ethical decisions when charging individuals with crimes. "It's a lot of work and something I'm ready to take on but that's actually what scares me the most is the fact if we actually win and the responsibility that comes with it, which I take very seriously," says Castro. I will continue to give a voice to those victims who cannot help themselves. Education: Central Union High School alumnus; completing Imperial Valley College political science transfer degree, 2022. If you would like to share a story idea, please submit it here. Incumbent 3/9/2022 3/9/2022 3/9/2022 3/9/2022 Imperial County Candidate Status June 7, 2022 Statewide Primary Election Board of Supervisors - District 1 The voters elected a new public servant who, with the other.. If a Declaration of Candidacy for any incumbent elective officer of a district is not filed by 5:00 p.m. on August 12, 2022, any person other than the person who was the incumbent on the 88th day shall have until 5:00 p.m. on August 17, 2022 to file a Declaration of Candidacy for the elective office. Education: Central Union High School alumnus; completing Imperial Valley College political science transfer degree, 2022. Campaign finances for Carlos Zaragoza, candidate for Imperial County Assessor Its very important to be sure that everyone understands that some of us are affected by the economy and by many issues, said Daniel Alba. As county clerk only, the position is the Commissioner of Civil Marriages and may perform civil marriage ceremonies and issues marriage licenses; files fictitious business name statements; files and qualifies notary public oaths and bonds; posts environmental documents; registers process servers; administers and files oaths of office; and maintains a variety of miscellaneous public documents, according to the California State Association of Counties. This mail-in ballot can be completed, signed, and returned without postage as long as it is postmarked by November 8, 2022. Holtville Tribune on May 26, 2022. Covering stories that matter to the community. It can also be returned to the polls on November 8, 2022, as well at various locations as advised by the Imperial County Election Department. I have the support of every single prosecutor in my office and we all share the same vision: to revitalize the Office of the District Attorney by strengthening our relationship with law enforcement and empowering our community. Three people are running for the mayoral seat, currently held by Serge . Morning Weather 11/8/2022 Elections Reports. There should be an open line of communication between the community and the District Attorneys office. Political Organization endstream 2023 by KYMA / NPG of Yuma-El Centro Broadcasting. Jason will work with the Board of Supervisors to increase the number of certified victim advocates at the District Attorneys Office. Contests & Promotions. Mario Vela Deputy District Attorney 1/10/2022 3/10/2022 3/10/2022 yes Imperial County Candidate Status November 8, 2022 General Election Board of Supervisors - District 5 Raymond R. Castillo * Incumbent 4/26/2021 3/9/2022 2/28/2022 yes Updated as of 9/07/2022 - 5:00 p.m. John Hawk Incumbent Imperial County Assessor Robert Menvielle, elected to the position in 2014 and who ran unopposed in 2018, faces a challenge from within his own office from Appraiser III Ricardo . General Municipal Election for Carlsbad, Coronado, Del Mar, El Cajon, Encinitas, Escondido, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, National City, Oceanside, Poway, San Marcos, Santee, Solana Beach, Vista Board Member Elections for County School Districts and Special . An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. In California, as well as other states, a candidate who receives more than $2,000 per year for political purposes must report those funds based on set schedules for each election cycle. Education: Jason obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree in criminal justice from California State University and in 1997, he earned his law degree from Pacific Coast University Long Beach. Serving Holtville and surrounding areas since 1905Address: 1239 W. Main Street, El Centro CA 92243Phone: (760) 356-2995, (760) 339-4899Email:, News Releases &, THE CANDIDATES: Imperial County District Attorney, 2021 The Holtville Tribune, 1239 W. Main Street, El Centro CA 92243, Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close, County Eyes Sewer Fee Hike for Barbara Worth Resort, UCSD Health to Assume Management of ECRMC, Nevada, a Leader on Colorado River Cuts, Has Two Aces in the Hole, Seats Swapped During Calexico Council Reorganization, Final Election Results Reveal Few Changed Outcomes, Early Returns Show Surprises Around Region,, Suspect in 2021 Murder Near Imperial Arrested, Brawley Man Arrested for Weapons, Drug Offenses, PHOTOS: 7th Annual Holtville Car Show Heats Up Holt Park, THE CANDIDATES: Superior Court of California, Imperial County-Seat 2. I ask for your VOTE. Feb. 23, 2022, announces the county's mask mandate . Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. All ballots will be tallied at a central counting center located at the Imperial County Registrar of Voters Office located in the County Administration Center, 940 West Main Street, Suite 206, El Centro, CA. | FILE PHOTO, 2021 Calexico Chronicle, 1239 W. Main Street, El Centro CA 92243, Chronicling Our Community, Border Region, and Beyond Since 1904, Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close, UCSD Health to Assume Management of ECRMC, Suspect in 2021 Murder Near Imperial Arrested, Calexico Eyes Utility Box Art Project Funds, Ambassador Salazar Visits Imperial, Mexicali Valleys,, Sheriffs Deputy Dies in Collision West of Imperial; Department IDs Him, Slab City Murder Probe Pushes in New Direction, Family of Slain El Centro Man Grateful for 2nd Arrest, Family Man, Retired Farmer, 89, Killed in Hit and Run; Suspect Out of Custody, San Diego Weekend Guide: March 11-13 St. Patricks Day Edition, Burnworth Takes Top Spot in Imperial Race, Amparano Re-elected. News 11's Wiley Jawhary will have more on the Evening Edition at 6 p.m. Wiley Jawhary is from Orange County California. For Imperial Irrigation District 5, Karin Eugenio leads with 382 votes and Norma Galindo right behind her with 366 votes. March 7. My name is Edgard Garcia, and I am running to be the Imperial County District Attorney. c`Slqu0Hb5rDW ]f$M@4 q.5#1u5 EL CENTRO, Calif. (KYMA, KECY) - The race for District Attorney in Imperial County heats up once again, as the two candidates make one final push before Election Day. The recorder position files and maintains public documents associated with land transactions, including sale, lien, purchase, and easement; files and maintains documents associated with vital statistics, including births, deaths, and regular marriages (as opposed to confidential marriages); and maintains a cumulative record of all official documents for the county, according to CSAC. 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