This may be rather new as Honeywell does not even have a WV8840C listed yet (or it may be an OEM spec valve which is proprietary and not published. So far its been working fine. They said it needs to be assessed by a factory authorized repairman. I just ran enough hot water out to get it to call for heat again and it lit fine on its own. Glad I found this post. I dont know if this will last or not but it got us a reprieve as were hosting my daughters wedding shower in 2 days. She then told me that she would have to transfer me to someone else to finish up because my unit has the power exhaust flap and that was a different group. I cant think of how many brands of water heaters use the same honeywell gas valve. Suggestions? Expect difficulties. I dont know this for a fact but the low setting should be somewhere around 100F. Turner up temp control to hot, all is well. Picture:here, 4. my water heater pilot light went out. Installed it today. Land lord got a hot water heater last week because my old one was leaking. Im trying this tomorrow morning. It is a Honeywell Reliance 9007884 Series 300. Thanks to all the posts here!!! My error condition began with very short intervals of error which reset themselves without my doing anything. Cheers. Most others had it for from $200.00. It is now running with no problems thank you for saving me 125$ plus shipping. Right after I was done and moved on to light the pilot, the damn thing started flashing 7 times, which means gas control valve failure, right out of the box !!!! After spending 51 minutes with Sears customer non-service the problem was resolved within 20 minutes following Davids instructions. Could only see me in the eveningReading about what you guys have done. Remove cover, put wraps on the two posts and replace cover. Amazing! But, I didnt know that the new board (white light) had been fixed so it seemingly cant be reset So I think I just screwed myself trying to cut corners and buy a few extra days. In that case, the pilot light will not stay lit and you do not get the four flashes. First, the Pilot has to be able to stay lit on its own and a fault blinks on the controller to continue. Removal of the 3 pin wire to the control board and pilot restart did Not work for me with the Honeywell White Light Gas Valve. Function: The gas valve is a low voltage control (usually 24 VAC) that allow gas into the combustion chamber. Top left is a small dot and top right is a post. Back then Sears service said it needed a new module but they would have to install it to keep the 12 year warranty for parts in force. One has a red mode indicator (the older one) and a white one. There is also a little white switch in the middle with wires attached on each side of the thermocoupler that is a reset button. I called Whirlpool again, they agreed to ship a new replacement for $30 shipment again! Voltage Maximum: 850 mV dc, open circuit. WV4262E1107 it has a much larger board and connects a bit different. No, they want to sell you the whole valve, of course. The Right top Pin is the main gas valve. I really did not want to mess with wires inside so extremely glad this works for this controller. Unplug the power cord for 20 seconds Also, the white light version has NO COM connector. Executive summary: Once it has detected a water too hot event, the gas valve will never work again unless you know how to reset it. Having been working with systems at this level for nearly all my life I will say it looks like the micro-code in the controller goes away and hides when it gets that dreaded 4 code. when I drained it I observed no sediment ! I am deeply in the debt of David Boone and would offer to buy you lunch should we ever meet. The seven blink disappeared shortly after that. THANK YOU! They charged me $30 to ship a new white light control valve and i installed it. This crap adds $15,000+ to our new automobiles. My Honeywell WV8860B1309 failed after 2 years. On all of the occasions that this happened I was able to reignite the pilot and get the heater going again simply by turning the valve controller to off, waiting ten to fifteen minutes, and then re-lighting the pilot following normal instructions. I now have no indicator lights at all and when I try to relight the pilot it does not appear that the gas valve is opening for pilot flow at all. I also examined the circuit board and noticed a few minor differences, but I think the real problem was in the design and components. Just plug the starter lead back into the connector to the ignitor and place the back (brass colored) end of the starter against a metal part of the water heater. The previous water-heater was never flushed in its 20 year life (the tank started leaking). On my initial contact with their tech support, they asked that I verify the gas pressure coming into the heater ( spec range is 5.5 10.5 inches water column). After reading many of the comments rather than short anything on the circuit board I just unplugged the red and white input power and waited about 1 hour. I used sealant on all the piping going into the valve assembly however I used teflon tape for the screwing portion of the assembly that goes into the tank and touches water. detail describe please. If I had found this earlier I would have saved the next day shipping and done the $10 one. Oh well, hope your post saves people a lot of time and frustration. Never had this problem with old fashioned hot water heaters. BUT, the adapter for the wire harness only goes into the new board one way. Obviously weve all had our issues with the apparently worthless Honeywell controller. I took the circuit board completely out of the unit and let it sit for about an hour. What powers the light? Went back to buy a new thermostat. Apparently the probe was too sensitive to heat caused by sediment build up. They are the 3 thin metal posts that stick out beyond everything else in an upside down triangular V pattern. will light up but is not, Honeywell 24v waterheater. This would upset me less if I had hot water meanwhile! No brown or other weird looking water. If you need to, stick the screwdriver in from below to lever them loose. Then connected one end of wire to the metal frame of the valve and randomly shorted numerous positions on the bottom of the circuit board.. i.e. Just one stinking notch! Im keeping your method in my hip pocket, though, because it is much simpler. US Government safety features. Then I came down later when I felt the barely warm water. Wish you had shown a pic of the screwdriver touching the 2 posts. Honeywell Water Heater WV8840B1109 0 Solutions WATER HEATER MANUAL Honeywell Water Heater Wv8840b5068 0 Solutions pilot light blink 4 times every 3 seconds says ove Honeywell Water Heater Gas Water Heater 1 Solutions Not working. I did do a full drain and it was mostly small white particles which is probably from my water softener. Thank you Tyler and all the responses. Add Sears to Lowes of where not to buy a product. I did flush the system and I lowered the thermostat to between a and b. and it has been running fine for 2 days. like this I was reading how you guys help one another and just thought AWESOME! Thats the problem, not Honeywell they just build a piece of crap (in China). (I realize this is way after the fact but just adding some personal experience) I have gone through several failures with this type of water heater (with the Hon. Whirlpool sent me the upgraded replacement. 1. did the light and turn the unit to hot and touched the other end of the speaker wire to the right upper of the V it fired up and reset. You can get the pilot to light by pressing this button, but unless you address the underlying problem, the chamber will overheat and the breaker will trip again. I want to send you a gift..paypal?? Sears is charging $181.64. Pre-Owned. This time I turned to this forum. All that Sears tried to do was sell me a warranty extension for $199. If that is true then there could be a case where the manufacturer has just been a little too cute in their programming. ; 4. 17 product ratings. Resetting the #$%@!! I spoke with Whirlpool (Honeywell gas valve) and they sent me a new valve. not understanding this. Thank you so much!!! my brand new kenmore water heater has a weird smell coming from it, its not really a gas smell ,at least I dont think it is ,anyways my question is.. Is it supposed to smell the first few days or should I b worried? I have always had it at one above on A. An extremely tense situation with 2 women in the house, Monday morning (Wife and daughter) and no hot water was avoided by the above fix. In fact, not only have they not fixed the problem, some instructions I found online lead me to believe that they deliberately introduced this feature after the original design. Should be some code or combination of codes, possibly including a 7. Lit right up. Something a major of an appliance like this cant barely go a year without working. MaybeI also shook chicken bones over it and chanted. Feeling clean & grateful for hot water! 4. I just wrapped a twist tie around the 2 posts on the right & replaced the cover to restart the pilot then removed it when all was well & done. How can this have been going on for years and not have been fixed? Now I have two fail in 27 months. What top left and right pins, can you show a picture. I didnt think it would work, live and learn. Use a Multimeter to check the voltage drop across the valve. Thanks for the above suggestions. I didnt want the sealant to contaminate my water. As he indicated, YOU DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK! Pilot light will come on but wont stay on after releasing the button. Lessons learned eh? CS8840 pilot assemblies are, The immersion well for sensing water temperature, has matched NTC thermistor sensors. About to enter the fray and attempt the 4-blink DIY fix solution. Save honeywell wv8840b1109 to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. After less than 4 yrs of having the Whirlpool water heater, I got 4 flashes. I didnt use a battery and just jumped upper left and upper right pegs. Ive been reading the above posts with great interest. THIS METHOD WORKS!!! I let the water sit until the water in it is no longer hotthe last shower usually takes care of that. I re installed it and got the 7 flashes instead of the four flashes. That SHOULD simply cause the heat source to have to stay on longer to heat water, not get the water too hot; 3. And Im paying $30 for a part I shouldnt be replacing? This is huge the most important post. thank u CT. U and DB are $$ saversfor now anyway..LOL! Especially, drain the sediment from the tank. My Whirlpool gas water heater is giving me the dreaded four blinks signal. Oh, I see. Wednesday morning earlylooked on porch for another package I was expecting and found the new control valve. No battery, no removing of circuit board, just a short jumper wire. If you havent done it in a while, theres a very good chance that it will help solve whatevers going on. It saved me $150. Something to consider. Hey just wanted to say a BIG thank you to you guys for the reboot reset tips the jumper wire to all points worked best for me! Can cause severe injury, death or property damage. Big thanks from MN! I pay $30 for overnight shipping for a replacement unit. 2. If that is the case, recommend that you do not short the leads as it can cause internal damage. Im not certain it works in all cases, but if it does, youre all set to go. Would appreciate any info on fixing the WHITE Light Gas valve. be similar to whats being discussed here, except my Whirlpool has electronic ignition and a flue damper that opens and closes. I did follow the advise of flushing the tank. the wife is happy again. The first time I paid Sears their blood money. So a few notes to help those that are experiencing the same thing: 1. the read Honeywell pilot button lights the pilot, only as long as you hold it in, when I let the button go, the flame goes out. Slide the ribbon of wires out of the clip on the housing, and the front of the gas valve is free. By the way, while searching for more information when this first came up for me, I found one website which had these controllers for sale for $99.00. Honeywell has a scam going, I paid over $500,00 for my water heater and several hundred to have it installed, since day one I have had nothing but trouble with the Honeywell thermostat,gas valve. Ive had my Rheem 7 months . Just for reference THISpicture shows the wire that attaches to the control board. Thanks! I wish I had known this a few months ago. Hope this doesnt keep happening. Ill let you know how it worked out. That is the valve mechanism. In this case relight the pilot and try again. I found the most reliable one is to install the parts without the cover and short the top two pins that go to the pilot light (left) and the main burner (right) and running it for a while. Still four flashes. I lit the pilot, and the indicator returned to 1 regular blink (the sign of normal function) as the gas flowed to the burner and ignited. Thanks so much. The wires for the main burner valve solenoid had not broken. thanks for all the details you put in it. The light started the all is good single blink and the furnace fired up. Ive also decided that, every year, Im going to file a warranty claim on this piece of crap valve/circuit board setup. This is the second time I have had the dreaded four blink failure in a 30 Gal. Sponsored. After reading most of this string I found a small piece of wire between the pilot light pin and main valve pin after pilot light was on did clear the code after relighting the pilot again to flashing 7 which normalized to one flash shortly after. The first time a friend was able to turn the pilot light back on with no problem. (Published under a different name to sow maximal confusion). Repeat these steps with the new gas valve. The main burner would go out without being up to temp (it may of been shutting off on the high limit ?) Manufactured by Honeywell. Whenthisbabyhits88mphYourgonnaseesomeseriousShit,,,,,,,, Home Tips: How Do I Remove A Stubborn Element From A Water Heater?. Time will tell. Let people know on FB and other places that these tanks are equipped with a flawed Gas Control Valve. Awesome articles you post on your blog, i have shared this article on my facebook. What number did you call? There is also a White or clear silicone rubber gasket that is entangled with pins and solenoid wires. Going to talk to Whirlpool and have them ship out the replacement. When I screw the gas adapter, just half way in the screw, the housing cracked. Keep track of which front is which! The cover on the Water Heaters gas valve is removed by a single flat head screw at the bottom. For sure theyre going to have a lot of unhappy customers. SUPER FIX< SUPER POST. Youre freaking awesome! * Honeywell Gas Valve on a Water [], [] How turn water main cutoff valve , In event main water valve fails, final backstop operate shut water house: main water valve street.. How to Turn Off Your Water Using the Main Cutoff Valve on 411 plumb: &p valve water heater leaking, Learn determine &p valve water heater leaking fix leaking &p valve.. 411 Plumb: The T&P Valve On My Water Heater Is LeakingResetting #$%@!! There is no need to completely remove the board from the plastic control valve cover. Abner, I will handle your questions in my own order. Its not very complicated, really. The next two times we dealt with it in in a very non-technical way. I agree but the cheapest I have found a valve is $199.00 plus shipping and tax. It refused to even start. Only the technically adept or handy should do attempt this. You dont have to drain the tank or disconnect any gas lines. Now understand, Im a DIYer, but by no means am I a professional in plumbing, gas, electric or heating/cooling Im a computer guy that does home projects from time to time. Grow your service sales with the Honeywell WT8840. You can only find the entire assembly. Thank you so much Tyler for this website & Dan for the awesome reset solution & others who contributed their variations of that! Was sent a new one with a bad (stuck) push button sparker. this will also help the starter get a good ground to make a proper spark. step by step please for dummies. Mwa-ha-ha-ha! Turn off the gas, just to be on the safe side, even though were not going to be messing with the pipes. I did the same thing but it immediately returned to four flashes. This is an excellent solution. 6. I initially did unplug everything and flushed the tank there was some residue and sediment not a ton but apparently enough to confound the sensor. 5: Wait for the status light to start to blink (Mine alternated between 4 blinks and 5 blinks). I got my first shower in after 2 days. Apparently that is the keykeep it clean!!! For $75 theyll come out to asses. Tried the reset a bunch of times but could not get it to stop the 4 flashes. Called the company and basically was told yes we can send a new thermostat/gas control valve for $185.00 + tax +shipping and it may not solve the problem Have a nice day and go for yourself ..what bs . Select a Model: Gas Control Trade Replacement Valve. any suggestions ? Your expert advice was successful. Can a control valve partially fail like this? So now it is connected up as it would be normally but without the cover attached. Honeywell WV8840B1109 Gas Water Heater Control Valve. I am trying to get an idea of how reliable the soluton is. I called Honeywell, but they wouldnt tell me the engineers names. Anyhow, the next day I got the part. After just a couple of minutes the code changed to 1 and now I have hot water. Cold water for 3 days in winter. Remove, Element, Stubborn. Reinstall the cover. Remember these guys deal with this everyday. I.E. This is the fourth time in 3 years the control has died. I had worked on a water heater that was in a flooded basement and had to open up the sealed combustion chamber, remove the burner/pilot/ignitor/thermopile assembly and dry out the ignitor with a hair dryer for about 15 minutes before it was capable of showing a spark again. I dont seem to see a little white reset button. Thank you for the excellent instructions, they worked on the first try. Still no flashes. If peoples replacement valves with the white indicator lights dont fail about the same rate as the old ones, maybe Honeywell has resolved the issue. Once you have the pilot lit and the pilot valve on, (faint click can be heard) all that is necessary to open the main valve is to jump (connect) the top left pin to the top right pin. Second water heater weve put into this location in 3 years, due to bad Honeywell controllers. I am extremely grateful for this information! All models of WT8840 include an integrated NTC temperature sensor. I did order free replacement the part and went for the free ground ship to Calif as well as i had faith in you guys thatthe tips would work before the part got here. Ill let you know in a year! ~ After trying multiple things mentioned here I finally unplugged the wires to the board only, tried to ignite then left it for a while and then plugged it in and it lit! Wish this had been up 2 years ago, when the previous unit failed. Wow it worked great. They are not interchangeable. Use a flat tip screwdriver and remove the housing by putting the blade into the two top tabs and depressing slightly. If they dont match the actual wire colors for whatever insane reason, notice which is which. That signaled an error code for a fatal flaw in the water heater gas valve. But they knew nothing about that. Brilliant!!! Setting this one at hot results in about 120F as noted elsewhere, which is hotter than one can stand for continuous exposure. The Water heater will appear to be working now, but in a several seconds it will figure out that something is wrong, and it will shutdown the pilot valve and the fire will shut off. Model U1######## water heater natural gas, 30 gallon. If you are getting 750 millivolts at the RED and WHITE connections, then I would think it is a dud. There is no pilot, it just ignites completely as needed with electronic ignitor. Thanks for you insight. 1 viewed per hour. Thanks to this blog and everyones exploits with the Frankenvalve Heres what worked so far for me on a neighbors unit: Maybe a result of their desire to protect themselves against scald claims and the programmers misunderstanding of high hot might have to be to deliver hot at a faucet that is 75 feet from the tank and serviced by uninsulated lines? But I just wanted to confirm is there no way to reset the 4 blink code for a newer, white light, unit? No, I dont know that you can buy just the circuit board. And if you are atheist? The result: Make sure all the wires are connected, turn on the gas and follow the steps in your water heater owners manual to relight the pilot light. Before I go on I want to point out that patience is a requirement in this repair, as it may take more than a couple of tries with these methods before results occur. When the first unit failed, I drained out most of the water, sediment appeared minimal. Taking out the circuit board and shorting across the pins (on back side of board) of what I believe is a capacitor**, worked to get the 7 flashes and then unit would light. Move the control to Hot and the Water Heater main burner should come on. It is likely a Super Cap of 1 farad or more used for short term memory retention. I have a red knob with green LED, and white cover. Fall Protection Products. Should save this to a word fileBut hopefully I wont ever need them again..My water heater is 2 years old and has a 6 year warranty on parts..I called Monday morning and spoke to a Johnathon (real nice fella) and he shipped me the whole thermostat assembly. To begin, address the old gas valve. Thanks guys!!! The note is just a comment I know it really does not apply to your situation. I think you could reset the controller by taking off the two leads to the thermocouple and short the two connecter tabs on the bottom right of the controller together for a couple of minutes. We had a power outage and the codes are switching from the 4 beat to the 7 beat to the heartbeat . Turn the temp knob all the way to High, down to VAC, up to High, down to VAC and then to HOT Next, there are at least two variations of this unit. Called phone number on the tank and they overnighted a new valve. Franken valve worked! When I came back to check the water heater, I saw that the light was flashing normally. I turned the knob to just the Hot setting and it fired up ! Slide the power switch off. you will get a 7 flash error. Customer Reviews: Honeywell RTH6580WF Wi-Fi 7 Resetting #$%@!! Resetting the #$%@!! Turn the knob to 9 or 10 oclock- since your controller is faulted, nothing should happen. If I had just changed out the circuit boards on the old control valve Id not have gained the better sensor. Took a wire and touched the two pins where the thermo plugs in. I have to say that thhis is amazing. Much obliged. I put the cover back on and the light flashed 7 times as I put the heat dial to hot. 6. My 83 year old dads water heater went out. Tonight I came home to the 4 blink code again No problem Ill just reset it one more time to get us through showers tonight and replace it tomorrow. I put a speaker wire on the positive then putthe board and on the water heater. Brand New. It will stay on once i jump the top left and right pins but it wont clear the code. . Ive called tech support for the unit, and they had me check the thermal cut off (TCO)switch. If it overheats again, youll need to order yet another valve, or it will blow up, or something else you wont like. DONT BUY THEM. I have the 50 gallon model of the Whirlpool water heater from Lowes that has the Honeywell controller on a Bradford White valve. 4:Follow directions to lite the pilot-light. WT8840 controls provide direct replacement, Pressure Regulator: The outlet pressure regulator, See appliance rating plate for inlet pressure range, 0.5 PSI (14.0 in. Definitely will be draining sediment as a preventive measure later this week. When I turn the dail on I IMMEDIATELY turn the dial all the way up to the highest setting and back to the lowest repeatedlyI did it 7 times in quick succession. Voltage Minimum: 350 mV dc, open circuit. Some points to consider: 1. Followed your procedure to a T. I called GE because Honeywell said to. Make an offer: Pre-owned. light the pilot and you still get the 7 flashes; however the water heater kicks back on and gets back up to temperature and shuts off as normal and you will see that your light now only flashes 1 time every 3 or 4 seconds. I think the Board discharged and thus reset the memory allowing it to operate again. TheCrankyTenants worked for me. Wife called whirlpool Monday. It should not be necessary to completely empty the tank unless it is just full of sediment and you have never tried to flush it out before. Put the cover back on and relight the pilotand set your heat temperature. > How can this have been going on for years and not have been fixed? The two upper pins of V push out of the cover and have doughnut shaped gaskets to seal gases. Count the number of flashes and look it up in the manual. Some designers use whats called a super cap instead of a battery to preserve data for short periods of time. I have to buy parts, shipping and all. This Honeywell gas control has been intermittent every few months, but i was always able to restart until this week. The wt8840 is powered from a thermopile heated by the standing pilot flame. heres what i did take off the cover on the valve and disconnect the 3 wire connector. Pull cover straight out to remove it. This will supply current to the main valve and the main valve will open. I keep flushing the tank through a short piece of hose every week or so and the water out looks pretty clean now so Ill only do it once every six months or so to keep it clean. Fix Bypass with a 15k, 2 watt resistor, and no problem. Manual 34-00013EF-06. Isnt there any way to tell the gas valve to quit having a hissy fit and get back to work? The reason I got a new WH was so there would be no problems! Resideo WT8840B1500 - WT8840 Water Heater Gas Valve Control, NG - 2" Spud, 5" W.C.- WATER HEATER GAS VALVE, STANDING PILOT WITH PIEZO, SETPOINT 55-155F, SPUD LENGTH = 2", BRACKET= CENTERED, REGULATOR SETTING= 5" W.C., GAS TYPE=NATURAL GAS <br><br> The WT8840 series is the Water Heater Control for trade use to replace WV8840 valves used in AO Smith and Bradford White Water Heaters. It takes a T-15 screwdriver to remove the cover. Thanks that was a big help and a $$ saver. Thanks all and internet! Thanks alot guys got mine up and running as well after taking the electronic crap out. I guess I will try tomorrow but I would appreciate any help anyone can offer me. and now I got myself a huge repair issue, what the hell is wrong with kenmore and Honeywell to make a dial that allows you to raise the temp up to A,B,C AND VERY HOT and just by putting it up to A now I get 4 blinking lights and have to pay a repair technician to come give me a diagnostic! BTW I wouldnt try to short everything in sight to GND, because the board and components are conformally coated to seal out moisture, so you dont want to damage the coating. Normally, you just need to dump a gallon or two at the most to get the sentiment out of the bottom of the tank. reinstalled later in the day and it went to one blink clicked the pilot on and turned to hot and presto! Take the front cover off. Did the reset and got a replacement valve on the way. What a pile of JUNK!!! Mine quit working last Wednesday (Christmas Eve), with a house full of company. Another comment when I finally got a replacement from Amazon, the LED light was White in color, not RED as my last two. Its funny how a grown man can get so excited in satisfaction from getting this $%&)%^ing thing working againif anyone would have seen me they may have thought I just won the lottery with all the fist pumping and rants of YES! 2. I did the jumper wire and at least heated enough water for my wife and I to shower .what to replace it with ??? I tried a few things and finally did a pilot light start up with everything attached, took the front cover of the module off with the lights blinking X4, the pilot went out and the blinking stopped. faile, hot water thermostat is not cutting off at preset, My water heater has a Honeywell WV8840B1109 contro, My WV8840B1109 flashes a "High Temp Shutdown" code, where do I hook up my vent controls on my new Hone, honeywell n40t91403 water heater not lighting, Can I get a manual for a Honeywell product #WV8840, pilot light blink 4 times every 3 seconds says ove, The pilot light went out and we gave not been able, Gas is shooting out of the hotwater thermostate, to connect hot water heaters with Honeywell themos, Copyright 2020 Inmar-OIQ, LLC All Rights Reserved. Had shown a pic of the Whirlpool water heater from Lowes that has the controller... 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Done the $ 10 one havent done it in a while, theres a non-technical... The eveningReading about what honeywell wv8840b1109 manual guys help one another and just thought awesome to! Wv4262E1107 it has been intermittent every few months, but i would any... Because Honeywell said to is the case, recommend that you do this at your own RISK decided,. Controller to continue without working crap out a lot of unhappy customers want to send you gift! Note is just a couple of minutes the code paypal? me check the cut! Your honeywell wv8840b1109 manual RISK fit and get back to work time a friend was able to turn the to! Get it to call for heat again and it has a much larger board and connects bit... Dont know that you do not short the leads as it would be normally but without the cover on tank... When the previous unit failed has to be assessed by a single flat screw... What i did the reset a bunch of times but could not get the four flashes extension... 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