Selecting the blue dot icon: will return you to your set location. (Courtesy of Kurt von Minden/Nebraska State Patrol) Listen . Nebraska Fire Danger. A spokeswoman said the injuries to the firefighters were not believed to be life-threatening. More than 100 firefighters continued to battle the blaze Monday morning, said Mason-Bushman, who said crews hope to stop it from spreading on the west side after having reined it in on its east and north sides overnight. The Lincoln Journal Star reported that a volunteer firefighter, Mike Moody assistant Chief of the Purdum Volunteer Fire Department, died at the fire Sunday after suffering a medical emergency. Adjusts AQI colors to enhance contrast to assist individuals with color vision deficiencies. The patrol warned people to stay away from the wildfires and urged drivers to be cautious. EPA will not use the data on this map to make regulatory decisions. Fire risk & significant blowing dust are concern today. By Saturday morning, the Nebraska Department of Transportation reported that thanks to the hard work of emergency responders, fire conditions have improved. By NBC Nebraska News 2 Published : Apr. That will open a box where you can type in a location of interest. The Road 702 Fire had burned about 64 square miles as of Monday morning, and destroyed at least six homes. After it was reported Sunday at 1:38 p . Its coming, and its big. After it was reported Sunday at 1:38 p.m. CDT it spread north very rapidly. Click Here. Early this morning FEMA Region VII approved the states request for a Fire Management Assistance Grant. According to federal data cited by the National Park Service, humans cause about 85 percent of all wildfires yearly in the United States. Particle pollution is the main type of pollution in smoke. Smoke from the fire threatening the town of Edison, Nebraska, Nebraska Forest Service staff responding to the fire, An image of the fire taken by Nebraska State Patrol helicopters. "One of the worst things we could have happen is a new start while we're still dealing with this incident," he said. About 8:30 p.m., the Furnas County Sheriffs Office said Wilsonville and surrounding areas should be prepared to evacuate.. NE 47: Between NE 89 and US 6; Patterson Street (Cambridge). All rights reserved. Use the door on the NW corner. Legal Statement. Around 70 different fire departments are helping extinguish the fire that has consumed nearly 47,000 acres according to officials. All rights reserved. Five firefighters have also been injured in that fire, Jonathan Ashford, a public information officer for the team fighting the fire, told in a phone interview Monday. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. Winds continued to push the fire north, too, leading to evacuations in Cambridge and Bartley, with strong warnings for Wilsonville, and people living around or camping at Cambridge Lake (Harry Strunk Lake, near Cambridge). NE 47: Between NE 89 and US 6; Patterson Street (Cambridge). Ashford asked residents to be mindful of the conditions and avoid activities that could start or fuel a fire. The truck driver, identified as 28-year-old Andries Van Aswegan,was not injured in the crash. By 7:30 p.m. Sunday, the fire had spread to an estimated 15,000 acres and pushed 15 miles north, Mason-Bushman said. Images shot from a drone show a wildfire burning in Nebraska on Monday, April 25, 2022. LINCOLN, Neb. . Compared to the last map update Sunday night it is shown to be substantially farther to the north, crossing from Thomas County into Cherry County. (Rachel Gibbons/Arizona Daily Sun via AP) Bovee Fire map 7:30 p.m. Oct 2, 2022. Early on she encouraged people to check on each other, communicate, turn on sprinklers, check Nebraska 511 for road closings, and leave if affected by smoke in any way. Trumble died whle driving along Road 407, a location that has been part of Nebraska's larger wildfire emergency, named the Road 702 Fire - which is estimated to have burned more than 50,000 . So far, more than 832,000 acres have burned, compared with an . "Our hearts are with all involved in this tragic crash, as well as those affected by the fire., NSP Troop D (@NSP_TroopD) April 22, 2022. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. They say they need air mattresses at the Arapahoe School (door 7 at the northwest corner). Trumble was the second current or former fire chief to die while battling wildfires in Nebraska this month. Please be cautious of surroundings as hazards may be present that did not exist prior to the fire. according to Nebraska National Forests & Grasslands, according to the U.S. Forest Service website. Its just so big.. Farther southwest, the 21,000-acre Tunnel Fire near Flagstaff, Ariz., was 3 percent contained as of Saturday morning, according to the U.S. Forest Service. Key Facts. If you ever want to clear this setting, you can click the "Clear home" link in the footer of the site. A southern Nebraska wildfire that forced the evacuation of the community of Edison is still reported at 30,000 acres and 0% containment. | Policies | Login. Be sure to stay up to date by checking & always follow instructions from emergency responders! The Tunnel fire is one of several blazes that have erupted across the West in recent weeks, fueled by chaotic winds, a deepening, yearslong drought and a scarcity of spring rain or snow. Wind-driven wildfires sweeping through parts of Nebraska contributed to the death of one person and injured at least three . * Knights of Columbus in McCook is open. Fire Danger Forecast Today Tomorrow Day 3 Relative Humidity Forecast Today Tomorrow Day 3 Wind Gust Forecast Today Tonight . Published: Apr. The blaze, which officials are calling the Bovee Fire, broke out Sunday afternoon in the Bessey Ranger District of Nebraska National Forest, said Travis Mason-Bushman, the forests public information officer. The Rocky Mountain Complex Incident Management Team, led by Incident Commander Dan Dallas, is en route to the incident. This site relies on data provided from a number of sources, including AirNow, the Western Regional Climate Center, AirSis, and PurpleAir for monitoring and sensor data, and the NOAA Hazard Mapping System and National Interagency Fire Center for fire and smoke plume information. Have a suggestion?Please email us at, For more information about the Fire & Smoke Map please contact Similar conditions are fueling wildfires across the central and western parts of the U.S. More than 2,700 firefighters are battling large blazes in eight states, most of them in New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. With the wildfire season reaching further into . Active Fire Mapping News March 18, 2021: New Active Fire Mapping Website Now Available: The Active Fire Mapping Program is migrating to a new web-based platform in 2021, FIRMS US/Canada, a collaborative effort by the Forest Service and NASA.FIRMS US/Canada provides enhanced capabilities for visualization and access of near real-time satellite active fire detection data and other relevant . (KNOP) - Crews from across the state are working together in dangerous wind and lightning conditions to battle a wildfire now known as the Road 702 Wildfire that is raging from Cambridge south to the Kansas border. Smoke from the fire threatening the town of Edison, Nebraska (Nebraska State Patrol), Nebraska Forest Service staff responding to the fire (Nebraska Forest Service), An image of the fire taken by Nebraska State Patrol helicopters (Nebraska Forest Service). Its just so big.. Anyone can read what you share. Wildfires Burn More Than 150,000 Acres in Three States. His vehicle was overcome by flames. Video of the fire, captured by NBC affiliate KSNB of York, shows flames and clouds of smoke billowing from the forest. Find additional links and FAQs available here to learn more about wildfire smoke and your health. The states National Guard deployed at least three helicopters and several trucks to help put out the fires, and the Wildland Incident Response Team sent specialists to several of them, the emergency management agency said on Saturday. According to KMTV, the governor has issued a state emergency declaration, allowing state resources to be utilized. This year, the Nebraska Forest Service partnered with the National Weather Service to address technological gaps in the fire danger map. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. We treat these like a crime scene or like an aircraft accident youre going to have trained investigators looking at the site where the fire started, gathering all the evidence, before we state definitively exactly what happened, he said. 2. Interactive real-time wildfire and forest fire map for Nebraska. Nationwide, the NIFC has tracked more than 20,000 wildfires this year that have scorched more than 1,300 square miles, well above the 10-year average to date of about 14,000 fires and 1,000 square miles burned. Sun 24 Apr 2022 13.00 EDT First published on Sat 23 Apr 2022 23.27 EDT. False detections can occur in places with high ground temperatures or sun reflection. NE 89: Between U.S. 83 (9 miles west of Danbury) and NE 47 (3 miles west of Wilsonville). A couple hours later, Troop D said there was a blaze in Perkins County. Go to for up-to-the-minute updates on road closings. The evacuation order for Halsey has since been lifted, Mason-Bushman said Monday, and Nebraska Highway 2 has also been reopened after it was closed for a few hours Sunday because of the blaze. (MORE: May, Summer Temperature Outlook: Hotter Than Average for Much of Lower 48). One fast-moving wildfire, a few miles south of . The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) statistics show that as of Dec. 30, 2022, 66,255 fires had burned a total of 7,534,403 acres.These figures are higher than the ten-year average of 59,733 fires and 7,333,776 acres. Video shows a large plume of smoke spreading through the sky in Elwood, Nebraska. The Wildland Incident Response Assistance Team has deployed specialists to several of the fires. They say they need air mattresses at the Arapahoe School (door 7 at the northwest corner). Updated Information - March, 2, 2022 - A public health advisory system has been developed Nebraska DHHS in coordination with NDEE, Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department and Douglas County Health Department. Nearly 19,000 acres burned around the Nebraska National Forest at Halsey in early October, according to the U.S. government. A retired chief is dead and more than a dozen firefighters were injured battling wildfire across Nebraska in recent days. After youve added the monitors or sensors you want to save, click the location icon (icon) on the left side of the page. Heres how: Need more help? Morning has come & thanks to the hard work of emergency responders, fire conditions have improved. NORTH PLATTE, Neb. Published: Apr. Published: Sep. 17, 2021 at 1:24 AM PDT. They are working to save homes.. She was appointed in a terrifying time directly after a deadly accident claimed the life of the Elwood Volunteer Fire Chief Darren Krull, and put the Phelps County Emergency Manager Justin Norris in the hospital. For contact information for current Delegated Authorities, . When the fire was mapped at 7:30 p.m. it had blackened 7,780 acres. Following is at least a partial list of the fire departments working together. -- Prairie fires pushed by tinder-dry conditions and winds topping 60 mph (96 kph) led to evacuations in eastern Nebraska and western Iowa and destroyed homes and injured two . The Nebraska State Patrol released this photo, taken near Cambridge in the southwestern part of the state, with a warning to motorists about hazardous conditions. Schools in the area canceled classes on Friday. WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) As fires burn in neighboring states, strong winds are bringing them closer to Kansas. A view of the fire in western Nebraska. Before sensor data appears on the Map, we apply an EPA scientific correction equation so you can compare sensor data to data from permanent monitors. However, fire risk & significant blowing dust are still a concern Saturday. The Fire and Smoke Map shows information on particle pollution, fires and smoke plumes: Particle pollution data: Particle pollution, also called fine particulate matter or PM 2.5, is the main type of pollution in smoke. You also can share the unique URL with others. Pay Online Building Plans for PermitsReviews from Premier Portable Buildings employees about Premier Portable Buildings culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance . The Nebraska State Patrol tweeted Friday around 7:30p.m saying, "High winds are fueling fires again in southwest Nebraska." Advertisement The photo below is on Highway 6 west of Cambridge. Those numbers don't include fires being handled alone by local agencies. Fire data is updated hourly based upon input from incident intelligence sources, GPS data, infrared (IR) imagery from fixed wing and satellite platforms. For any emergency needs call 911.. Trumble was killed in blaze called the Road 702 Fire. You will see your saved locations. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. Satellites also routinely find multiple hotspots for a single large fire. The Bovee Fire has prompted an evacuation of the community of Halsey in central Nebraska. A Nebraska fire chief was killed, and a local emergency manager was seriously injured Thursday after wildfire smoke led to a head-on crash as both . GERING, Neb. "The fire and smoke in the area had created zero-visibility conditions on the roadway at the time of the crash," the authorities noted. Lincoln Fire & Rescue is investigating a fire that broke out at a local gas station early Tuesday morning. Firefighters across the country are battling multiple wildfires as tinder-dry conditions and high winds whip up flames . Early on she encouraged people to check on each other, communicate, turn on sprinklers, check Nebraska 511 for road closings, and leave if affected by smoke in any way. One person was killed and three firefighters were injured as wildfires that began Friday, fueled by high winds and dry grass, burned throughout western and central Nebraska, the authorities said on Saturday. field59.ipo = { State agencies are working together to divide . Indianola has about 550 residents. Upgrade Prices 2022. . Oct 3, 2022 Oct 3, 2022 Updated Nov 13, 2022; 0; 1 of 3 . and last updated 7:55 AM, Oct 24, 2022. Fire north of Cambridge Friday afternoon (Tiffany Hock, Holbrook Fire Dept.) Published: Jul. There is no cost, and in case you change your mind each email has an unsubscribe button. PRICE INSERT 2022. April 23, 2022. Trumble was the second current or former fire chief to die while battling wildfires in Nebraska this month. 2022 8:04 pm. It's the second Nebraska wildfire fatality this month. See current wildfires and wildfire perimeters in Nebraska using the Fire, Weather & Avalanche Center Wildfire Map. Under this program, FEMA provides financial assistance to states for costs directly associated with response activities to a wildfire according to a press release. Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox. Firefighters from 18 agencies are involved in the incident. You can also drag the blue dot icon to a location of interest. LFR says it responded to the blaze at Casey's near 13th and E Streets around 2:15 a.m. Firefighters were going to battle the blaze throughout the night, and residents were implored to please heed all evacuation orders or warnings from local authorities, Nebraska National Forests & Grasslands said Sunday. Joseph McCarty, A wildfire burns at the Nebraska National . We are getting reinforcement from the state. A weather station north of the fire at the Valentine National Refuge measured 0.13 Monday between 2 and 11 a.m. CDT. At the same time, winds have whipped through parts of the state. April 23, 2022 (LINCOLN, NEB.) The cause of the fire, which started on April 17, is under investigation. Teachers union backs restraint bill; foes say it would make Nebraska students 'free game', Nebraska troopers arrest two people after high-speed chase in Omaha, Grand Island man suspected of possessing child pornography, Filibuster holds up bills in the Nebraska Legislature, Nebraska cheerleader competes solo at state after teammates quit, Wedding company's closing causes mess for Nebraska couples, contractors, Suspected homicide under investigation in small Nebraska community, authorities say, Back behind bars: Lincoln man arrested after second standoff with police, Fifth grader brought loaded gun to Lincoln school, LPS says, Doobie Brothers coming to Lincoln this summer, Backlash for being cast as Ariel is no shock to The Little Mermaid's star Halle Bailey, Surfers take on an icy Lake Superior amid winter storms, Turnstile, Big Thief coming to Omaha's Maha Festival in July, Meet Rabo & Lina: Adoptable now at Capital Humane Society in Lincoln. Officially, the Nebraska National Forest is still going with 15,000 acres, an estimate developed Sunday afternoon before it was mapped from an aircraft. ", NEBRASKA REP. JEFF FORTENBERRY RESIGNS AFTER CONVICTION FOR LYING TO FBI. Check out what's clicking on The blaze at the Bessey Ranger District, about 80 miles northeast of North Platte, was likely human-caused, according to a Facebook post by Nebraska National Forests & Grasslands. Toll Free: 1-800-772-7883 Local: 618-893-2114 Current Accounts: 618-893-2514. Nebraska DOT (@NebraskaDOT) April 23, 2022 One volunteer firefighter said she took her kids to McCook early Friday afternoon as the smoke neared her home. You can save locations by creating a favorites list. Fire Danger Map. (AP Photo/Cedar Attanasio), Amsterdam Pumps Water From Canal To Build Massive Bike Parking Facility, Turkish Rotating Home Lets Light In From Any Angle, Creating Art from Grime, Dust and Dirt Along California Highways, How To Keep Pumpkins From Rotting After Carving, Golden Gate Bridge Howls After Modification, Winds To Blame, Tom Turcich And His Dog Savannah Complete A 7-Year Hike Around The World, Shipwreck From 1869 Discovered At The Bottom Of Lake Superior, How Newest Objects Shot Down Were Identified And Whats Really Floating Above Us. * Hunt Nebraska lodge in Arapahoe took folks, but other than a couple of couches, by midnight, on their Facebook page they say they are full. The Bovee Fire now stands at 18,932 acres and is 56% contained. Fires have been reported in at least 12 Nebraska counties since Friday, the authorities said. Click here. Use the door on the NW corner. Nebraska Spring 22 Fire Update Courtesy/ Logan Baker, Cambridge VFD. This image provided by the Nebraska State Patrol shows smoke from a wildfire, Saturday, April 23, 2022 near Cambridge, Neb. Lack of snow and rain has left behind an abundance of fire fuels. Updated at 10:30 a.m. MDT May 20, 2022 In a Friday morning briefing Caleb, Operations Section Chief, said the 201 East Fire in Central Nebraska is still 4,100 acres and is not expected to grow . When the fire started the relative humidity was in the 20s and the wind was gusting to 34 mph out of the south-southeast. Shot down by friendly fire, Italian anti-aircraft batteries defending the airfield misidentified the aircraft as British. Copyright Information, Website 2023 Nebraska Rural Radio Association | All rights reserved. CAMBRIDGE, Neb. All rights reserved. Missouri. (AP) Crews were making progress fighting wildfires that forced people in several communities in southwestern Nebraska to evacuate, authorities said Saturday. Fire icon for information about the fire. Continued cool and moist weather yesterday allowed firefighters to make additional . | Website developed by Hollman Media, By setting this site as your home, you will be automatically redirected here whenever you go to You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! PHOTOS: Carter Canyon Wildfire near Scottsbluff. }; LINCOLN, Neb. If you didnt enter a location when you first opened the map, or want to change your location, click the icon on the upper right-hand corner of the screen. LINCOLN, Neb. UPDATE from Lancaster County Emergency Management: "As of 9:00 p.m, on Sunday, October 23, 2022, the wildfires in Lancaster County are confined to an area bordered by SW 86th to SW 100th, Panama Rd to Apple Rd, in Gage County. The surrounding campgrounds and the nearby village of Halsey, in west-central Nebraska, were evacuated earlier Sunday, the agency said on Facebook. They have refreshments for those who need a place to shelter safely. Tri-Valley Health System is currently on diversion until further notice. Published April 9, 2022 12:26pm EDT. Use the above tabs to learn How to Use this Map, about Data that is shown on the map, and about Protective Actions you can take. or redistributed. "global": { 47 fires. In May of this year the 201 East Fire just south of the current Bovee Fire burned 4,100 acres in the Nebraska National Forest. Retired Fire Chief John P. Trumble, 66, was driving while acting as a spotter. For any emergency needs call 911.. The table below shows the actions you can consider taking for each category. (WOWT) - A town was evacuated Saturday as crews responded to a large grass fire in Burt County. A mapping flight at 7:30 p.m. Sunday found that the fire had burned 7,780 acres. If you need assistance call the Red Willow Sheriffs non-emergency line at (308) 345-3450 or 911 for an emergency. Note: Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute EPA or USFS endorsement or recommendation for use. "Seattle, WA", "Washington State", "Smith River, CA"), Or search for conditions near your current location. Photos of the blaze impacting the Gosper and Furnas counties showed hazy skies and dark grey plumes and the National Weather Service (NWS) stations in the state warned of dry and windy conditions. This wildfire is pulling resources from across the state. 7,979 acres. Fire, Weather & Avalanche Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that builds proprietary, user-friendly wildfire, weather, and avalanche tools for the publicwith an emphasis on the backcountry. 1 fires. On Saturday, firefighters were battling them in Perkins, Hayes, Furnas, Red Willow and Frontier counties, according to the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency. NORTH PLATTE, Neb. We welcome your feedback. The Fire and Smoke Map shows information on particle pollution, fires and smoke plumes: Learn more about the work that goes into bringing you the information on the Map. The Nebraska National Guard has deployed one hand crew, two UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters, one UH-72, and several ground support trucks to assist with fire suppression. NORTH PLATTE, Neb. Several small towns, including Cambridge, Bartley, Indianola and . These recommendations were developed by EPA scientists who are experts in air quality and health. ; The Map shows particle pollution data from established air quality monitors operated by air quality agencies, temporary monitors deployed by agencies for smoke . Go to the bookmark each time you want to check the Map. If you want to view fires in Worldview, click "Add Layers" and it has a whole category for fires data. Track all current severe weather warnings, watches and advisories for Topeka, Kansas and other areas in the United States on the interactive weather alerts page. According to the Nebraska Department of Transportation, there were several roads closed because of low visibility as of late Friday afternoon, including: You can get the latest information on road closures from the Nebraska 511 website. Another wildfire includes NE 23: Road closed due to a grass fire from NE 61 (17m E of Venango) to NE 25 (near Wallace). The Weather Companys primary journalistic mission is to report on breaking weather news, the environment and the importance of science to our lives. Two weather stations west and north of the fire have recorded 0.24 and 0.17 of rain since 1 a.m. Monday. Drive with caution, firefighters advise, as there may be heavy fire traffic and smoke in the area. Paste the URL you copied to the clipboard into the address bar, then bookmark it. The patrol also urged extreme caution in the Benkelman area because of a fire. One volunteer firefighter said she took her kids to McCook early Friday afternoon as the smoke neared her home. About 6:30 p.m., the Furnas County Sheriffs Office told all Cambridge residents to evacuate now in a Facebook post. The State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) activated yesterday evening at the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency to coordinate a statewide response to several wildfires reported in various locations throughout the western and central parts of the state. Todays focus is going to be holding those lines, and constructing line to the west of the fire.. Wildfires in Arizona, Nebraska and New Mexico have left at least one person dead and destroyed hundreds of structures. . As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. About . At that time he did not have access to the newest map, above. If youre traveling, be sure your headlights are on and be alert to rapid changing driving conditions, the patrol said. State agencies are working together to divide resources accordingly. Nebraska State Patrol says the large fire is south of Gering and . Trumble, 66, was a former fire chief in Cambridge, Nebraska, and was helping fight a fire near there when he went off the road due to low visibility caused by smoke and dust on Friday, The Associated Press reported. 208-387-5050. A volunteer fire chief has been killed as the result of wildfire that is estimated to have spread to 30,000 acres. April 23, 2022 (LINCOLN, NEB.) Oklahoma. The national forest and its campgrounds remain closed and evacuated and will be "for some time to come," Mason-Bushman said. Nebraska Wildfires Leave One Dead and Three Firefighters Injured, The Nebraska National Guard has deployed one hand crew, two UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters, one UH-72, and several ground support trucks to assist with fire suppression. The AirNow Fire and Smoke Map provides information that you can use to help protect your health from wildfire smoke. Road 702 Current Situation: The Road 702 Fire is estimated at 50,000 acres. 2 . This is a developing story. . It includes: statistics on the number of fires and extent of area burned; a list of priority fires; and a synopsis of the past week. The Road 702 Wildfire started in the northwest corner of Norton County, Kansas. Go. US 6: Between US 82; East 6th Street (McCook) and US 283 (Arapahoe). The fires pushed by strong winds threatened mostly rural areas hit hard this spring by drought, although residents in the town of Cambridge were the . An updated map is available for the Bovee Fire near Halsey, Nebraska, showing that it has burned approximately 18,932 acres. 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University Of Michigan Orthotics And Prosthetics Residency,
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