WebShop 2022 Subaru Outback Base Catalytic Converter (Front). Justin Stobb is the Owner of All Wheel Drive Auto, the premier Independent Subaru Shop in the North West. Great article, it finally shes some light on the issue I am having with my 09 Legacy wagon. EXHAUST & MUFFLER '04MY-'05MY. Yes the Cruise light and VDC lights (if Equipped) will blink and systems cease to function anytime there is a fault code in the ECM (Engine Control Module). For this test, all you need is a pressure gauge with its hose fitting. Or you can just try stuff, like 02 sensors, super unleaded, getting the exhaust hot and hope for the best. I have a 2005 Subaru Legacy with 112,000 miles and recently my check engine light came on. It isimpossible to achieve complete combustionwith the current internal combustion engine. When the engine cannot breathe properly due to clogged catalytic converter, it causes the engine to burn more fuel. 106K miles, Had a major engine service about 4 months ago and now check engine light is on. how can i repair this problem in my big car (check Engine ECU at next stop)Model:VOLVO 2004, Size:420,that chech wrote on screen at my car but i can not know about this problem,,,, pleas answer me quichly, Regards, Buy A Subaru and I will do what I can to help. Data from any sensor is only as good as the sensor it self! Runs like a champ for the rest of the year. Hello I keep coming back to you so now Im going to ask. EXHAUST & MUFFLER '04MY-'05MY. Thinks this is a great vehcile, but is it reasonable for the converter to fail after this kind of mileage? I have been using low grade gas. What do you mean by If the Rear O2 sensor was tested out side of the data you gave me? CEL has been off for about 2 weeks but came back on last night (no driveability problems). Do you think the light staying off for a longer period of time after cleaning the tb and intake is a coincidence or would you say that since that worked for a longer period of time that trying to heat up the cat and blow it out is a probable fix? Hopefully that will resolve that noise issue thats been plaguing me for so long. If the Forester still suits your needs over the long run, it will cost less to maintain and make repairs as they come up as the car continues to age. Thanks for the feedback. The catalytic converter was allegedly replaced at a Subaru dealership under recall. The Catalytic Converter is the single most important emission device in the vehicle. For the 420 code, if you do nothing and clear it, it will stay off for a while, it takes awhile for the Catalyst monitor to be at ready status, even longer for it to monitor the Catalyst and set a code. Is this a reasonable thing to do? I replaced it when I got home and the CEL went away. If your Subaru Outback has racked up over 100,000 miles and you see noticeable loss of performance with high fuel consumption, a defective catalytic converter should definitely be considered. These metals give the catalytic converter a 3-way operating characteristic that can changeCO, HC and N0x to inert gases like CO2. Two California emissions cats and two brand new Denso O2 sensors. I bought a 98 Subaru Legacy GT station wagon in Nov 2012. Great set of articles. The day after I posted that I came to a sudden stop when a green light turned to red and my Suby violently shook as I came to a stop. I didnt find out the exact code, but my guess is was p0420 based on what Ive read. Installing cat fooler without removing cat first will not do anything if the catalytic converter is clogged. 2020-01-02. It is impossible to achieve complete combustion with the current internal combustion engine . 2020-01-02. The OBDII connector is usually located under the dashboard. My car is still within the Cat warranty at 76K, but I have a rebuilt title and Im not sure they will honor it. Later that day, the light no longer appeared. Here is the sequence of events: $6100 is way to much $. (he determined that it wasnt a o2 sensor problem), I dont know which one it wasbut it workedno P0420 code for the last 3 weeks.I was really stressed out after forking out 1700 for a HG change and some other sensors that were leaking oiland then a potential $1500 Cat change. Should I take it out for a long drive? The aftermarket Convertors just dont have enough of the three precious metals to work as well and as long as the Subaru OE. I apologize for all the questions, especially without having all the proper information to give you to make a definite decision. Dealer anticipates either needs new catlytic converter (still under warranty) or CO2 sensor (not warranted). FCA03. In addition, since the converters are often integrated into the construction of the Y, or intermediate exhaust pipes, the pipe extensions can fail, requiring the replacement of the entire pipe and converter assembly. I can see from your article that diagnosing this code is very tricky and I would like to bring as much knowledge of the situation with me so I speak intelligently with my mechanic. Your Subaru Forester leaves the factory with a catalytic converter. Would it be unwise to keep this sensor for a new cat? 80k is still very low mileage for a Subaru and its got a lot of life left in it. Does this mean I have a lazy sensor that is going bad and a likely cause of p0420 code? Has your son had any luck finding an Exhaust leak since he is a Tech? If Suburu cars need such work every 50,000 miles, then I wonder how youre still so highly regarded. EXHAUST, Engine, CP - OEM Subaru Part # 44620AA750. The car is running fine, no problems. When I drive like my wife drives it will not throw the code. Closed Public Holidays) or email at feedback@subaru.com.au. Hi Justin, Ive got a 2008 Outback that had a new engine block put in at 77k because the dealership snapped the head bolts off when trying to replace a cracked head gasket. What can I check next? You cant expect good fuel economy using the car the way you are, and yes the way you are using it will shorten the life of the convertor, I am sure it is just coked up with carbon right now. Thanks so much! Learn More. I though great! I had the c converter replaced about 2 years ago. After driving the vehicle hard for a bit it may go away, but you most likely had a on its way out Catalyst and now that the ECM is merely looking at pass fail data in a narrow way its easy to spot the issue. So I got the cat replaced and the code went away. Ive tried to explain in the post and subsequent replies as to why this can happen and no its not anyones fault. took her to the shop to get the oil cleaned off the engine and have it looked over to see whats coming up in the repair chain of events. Its a 2008 subaru legacy 2.5i limited with 99800 miles. Its possible after some spirited driving the Catalyst function could improve and light goes out, but under stand its a warning of things to come. Ill stay away from the additive I used and hope its back to normal now. Howdy Justin,Thanks in advance for reading and advice. I now am on my fourth Subaru Outback/Legacy in a row. A sulfur or "rotten egg" smell indicates the formation of hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), a likely sign of catalytic converter contamination. The catalytic converter is part of the exhaust system in Subaru Forester and its main purpose is to convert exhaust gases like carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons that are harmful to health and the environment into less harmful byproducts, like carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas. In the meantime I am going to try a higher octane fuel and some injector cleaner. I too have an intermittent CEL on my 2006 Outback, 148k miles.I had the code checked,P0420. The warranty complicates things and can create a situation where the Dealer will want to try the 02 sensors and it may temporarily resolve the issue and get the vehicle out of the warranty period. I would start with the higher octane fuel, some driving at higher RPMs at lower speeds and see if you can breath a little more life out of your Catalyst. Because you are poor and worried the first thing you need to do is head to a parts store that will scan the car for free. and I am hoping for easy fix.previous owner says c.e.l. In late April I took my 2007 Forester, 59,000 miles, to a Subaru dealership to address recall WVU-31 from April 2011 (yeah, it took me a while!). View details Hide details. I prefer to graph it, but you will be looking for the voltage to stabilize at speed during the light of period, where it should be up and down when not at light off. typically be part of a 100,000 mile check up? My confidence in them is shaky. They say its not Subarish! All catalytic converters fail eventually since its a wearing part. A sulfur or "rotten egg" smell indicates the formation of hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), a likely sign of catalytic converter contamination. My wife drives the car now only for short, local trips and not much highway. Cannot find any reference. Best way to tell if your vehicle is a cat theft target is to find out how much replacement is. Thanks for any insights you can offer! When I bought this car from the original owner, my sister (2002 Legacy wagon with 150,000 miles) she just had another cat replacment a her local shop. Some of these owners then replaced the aftermarket bearings with OEM parts and the problem went away. Subaru's number for this recall is TKC-20. Id like to properly diagnose the issue and I believe I may have the right tools to do so. However, it can fail much earlier due to contamination, overheating or physical damage. Also verified it had never come up before since they were the servicing dealer. I need to know what I should do first. Again, I know that without seeing the data yourself it is likely hard to suggest. So I had both front bearings replaced. Ive wondered if the newer ethynol mixtures contribute to the problem, and if so what the car makers are doing to correct the issue. It took me about 5 years post education to be a good enough technician to really be able to accurately diagnose these type of conditions and even then sometimes more experience may generate even better results such as a better understanding of cause and effect which can lead to fault prevention. What should I expect to pay. If the rest of the car is in good shape I would never suggest you get rid of it for a failed convertor, you may be able to get many more years of good life out of the car, the converter is an emissions control device and even when the light is on ass a result of the Computer not seeing the data it wants, the car may not be grossly polluting. I then had it towed to a local transmission shop where it is awaiting a new driveshaft from Subaru. Is that the next step prior to investing in a new CAT? a Technician carried out a diagnostic procedure as per workshop manual checked resistance between relay and connectors which led to finding a blown fuse.20A Green. The code is back now, P0420 again. So I am hoping you can suggest what my next moves with my Subaru dealer here should be as i am very reluctant to rush into replacing the CC,s. Is that normal with the new Cat? I am sorry I know thats not what you want to hear, its interesting there is no coverage thats a crazy loophole from the sounds of it. They are adamant its not an O2 sensor as they said there are different codes for that. Rich A/F Ratio Hello, very informative site thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge and answer questions. One month later the Check Engine light comes onthats never happened before. I have been driving it around for over a year. To the cause of the noise, has anyone evaluated any of the seals in the front rotating masses for dryness and noise? Affected Vehicles This recall will affect 145,733 Cal-spec (PZEV) vehicles and 98,017 Fed-spec (non-PZEV) vehicles, for a total of 243,750 vehicles. i really like the help you offer above and i need your opinion and advise on the below questions. reads: P0420 Catalyst Information Below Threshold russellpat Registered 2022 Outback Touring XT. Is it possible that my car may need to relearn running temperature and exhaust leaks and such in order to correct itself? Hope that helps and best of luck going forward. There was some sort of a condition that actually needed to be diagnosed and driving it like that did not do the Catalyst any favors. Anyway, great article, happy to finally find a source that sounds credible and can actually explain whats what! Since then I get at random times, can be a couple of days to a couple of weeks before getting the P0420 code up (this will reset straight away eveytime) It tends to come on when you just cruise along at a steady speed. Have a safety problem? the lights came on again and I went ahead and had the new Cat installed.Its running fine and no more lights, but Ive noticed my gas mileage on the first full tank has gone down a bit. Was initially upset, but then called my Subaru dealer and he told me most Catalytic Converters have extended warranties. You must know what is a normal reading however in order to know if the data shown is acceptable or not. I really appreciate your advice. Buy an O.E. I have already had the ECM flash done at the dealership. I didnt know the converters were made to only last that long. Thank you This was a pretty good chunk of change, so Im sure he was hoping it was good to go for awhile, but now this morning the Check Engine Light came on. All sensors should be tested and replaced as needed. Im still getting the same gas mileage. Any other thoughts or advice would be appreciated. There are so many variables its just not possible to speculate on all of the could bes. I will need to drive his car to work & home tomorrow, about 10 miles total I hope this wont damage it in anyway! We recently had our 2006 subaru outback in for inspection/emissions. It would need to come from someone like us or a Subaru Dealer. They are a large and reputable dealership https://farmerautovillage.co.nz Anyway they cleared the codes and told me to monitor it. If your car complies, Subaru will pay part or all of the cost of a head gasket repair. Subaru Motors has employed multiple catalytic converters on its vehicles for many years now. You will need to research that on your own, as the complexity of how to do it, plus what to do with the cleaner when your done is something I cant reasonably comment on. An infrared thermometer can be used for this test. Also, is there another test the garage should be doing? In any case, it is advisable for laypersons to visit a workshop. The engine will die if I dont put it in neutral and give it gas.Any ideas on what is going on? Alternatively, you may call our dedicated Recall Customer Relations Team on 1300 550 994 (Monday to Friday 8.30am 5.00pm AEST. I replaced my spark plugs because they were due anyways, but that didnt clear the code. Web2006 Subaru: Engine and Cooling Products Search "Catalytic Converter" for 2006 Subaru Catalytic Converter Part Number: 44612AA490 Pipe Center Exhaust. Webexhaust pipe containing the catalytic converter. And yet the first couple times I checked it when all this started happening, it DID seem loose! Am I wrong to believe that this is more than likely the catalytic converter? $3400 sounds excessive unless its a H6, or rust is an issue? It is not uncommon to see yet another converter downstream integrated in the construction of an intermediate pipe. I have taken my car to the dealer 3x and 2 x they reprogrammed it and the third time they blame it on needing a tune up. I work from home so I dont drive a lot myself. Thats an indication that the combustion temperature with regular unleaded is not hot enough to let the converter get to the point of light off. After a couple of short trips, the light went off (along with the blinking cruise). Suffering the same problem with the P0420 code. If the catalytic converter efficiency degrades beyond an acceptable level, your vehicle may be releasing air pollutants that vapor, nitrogen, and oxygen before the exhaust is expelled into the. Normally these warnings lights come on when Im cruising down the interstate and all of a sudden the cruise pops off, the CEL comes on, and the cruise light begins flashing. I read somebody else had the same issue. Learn More. Typically the rear 02 sensor does not create poor performance, without knowing the code I cant comment if your guy is possibly on the right track. May that be the problem? The O2 sensors, or just replace the HGs and see if the code clears? The cats,o2 sensors, Pcm replaced and reprogrammed, Maf sensor have all been replaced with Subaru parts. Or do you not have info info to make an educated guess (I wont hold you to any answer you give me as I understand there are a ton of variables)? Poor acceleration 3) **Is it worth getting the test done, they seem to think that it will just be diagnostic (9 out of 10 times it is the CAT) and cost me more $ and it will just prove I need a new CAT? Catalytic Converter (Front) I drove the car in second/third gear on a local 14 mile roundtrip Monday night. Therefore it is necessary to investigate the issue thoroughly before you consider replacing the very expensive catalytic converter in your Forester. I took the cables off to clean them again and a day later, same thing. They said they have NEVER come across one failing this early. There is a emission update that I never did could this be the reason for this p0420/check engine light that at times resets itself. Model Year Carline Affected Production Dates 2015-2016 Legacy 12/16/2013 9/30/2015 2016-2016 Outback 12/9/2013 9/30/2015 If the LM2 will help to diagnose the problem, what is the correct testing procedure? Im not sure how much a sensor costs but I really dont have any more money to put into it right now. the car has 121K on it. Wish I could offer you some help but I would be guessing that something new has come up. Over time, carbon deposits accumulate and clog up the catalytic converter, especially if the vehicle has racked up a lot of miles. When you press the gas pedal from a stopped position, the vehicle may accelerate normally initially. The first time this happened, I took it back to the shop that replaced the wheel bearings and they found that the speed sensor on one of the wheels had been damaged during wheel bearing replacement and they replaced that speed sensor. Best Regards From what I understood they are only going by OBD diagnostics. Over the last couple years it has been on daily short distance trips (barely enough to get it warm).Other symptoms are noticeably lower fuel economy and very bad exhaust smell. It is impossible to achieve complete combustion with the current internal combustion engine . FCFE2. Is the Catalytic Convertor a Factory Subaru Part as well? Does this help determine if its the cat or something less expensive to fix. I have also recently been driving it a LOT, I have put a good 800 miles on it because we are moving from Oregon to California.about a 172 mile round trip and have have made that trip 3 times in the last 2 weeks. I took it to my local mechanic and said it was the 0420 code. The premise behind the logic update was to stretch out some of the parameters for when the catalyst function is monitored as in some cases its not truly being tested properly. I would say yes its uncommon to need a second Catalyst at 50k after the first but I dont know if the front air fuel sensor was ever replaced or if there is something else going on? If the temperature difference is higher than 10 degrees Celsius or 50 degrees Fahrenheit, then most likely the catalytic converter is clogged. I also noticed that my Coolant Reservoir was empty. I purchased a new used 2004 Outback 2.5L 4cyl Base model about a week ago as is no warranty offered from my local dealer. My dad recommends that I just sell the car, in fear that it may cost us much more than we bargained for. This causes the vehicle to fail an emissions test. Service rep stated that in some instances, the attached heat shield cannot be removed (due to rust) and needs to be replaced (which could require later revisit). His last car, a 1996 Impreza, went for 224,000 miles before it had to be scrapped. Like yourself I decided to live with it since it wasnt imparing my driving. And ever since that repair, from time to time the CEL comes on and the cruise light blinks. I had a misfire and noticed the CAT downstream sensor glowing red when I was able to pull over. -cat is not doing its job Rarenoble metals (Platinum, Palladium andRhodium) are bonded to the ceramic structure. I wish you would have purchased the gaskets from us, the brand you mentioned is just not a good option for Subaru and may in fact not be sealing. FCFE2. Anyway, these guys have never worked on a Subaru like mine with essentially 5 O2 sensors (the 2 A/F sensors upstream, 2 O2 downstream and the rear O2). I cant believe you are still answering questions about this code, thanks! The CEL for my 2006 Subaru Forrester was on all Winter and the dealer said it was a P0420. Just found your website today, fabulous! Then the car will sit in my driveway until he gets back from his trip and he decides on how to proceed. Any advice as I go chat with them and likely reach for my wallet? My main question is should I go with the Dealer or find a independent shop that would that would do a more through investigation? Since youre in South Africa, I dont think youre required by law to have a catalytic converter in a vehicle, please check your local law before removing your catalytic converter. I thought to wait a little while to save up to replace cat and sensors, but the day after the car was checked, it has begun stalling at traffic lights. EXHAUST & MUFFLER '02MY-'03MY. There is a more accurate way to check if the catalytic converter is clogged in your Subaru Outback. The cel appeared a few days ago. This will hold true in most all of these Subaru models: Its the single most ignored code, and one the the mostchallengingto accurately diagnose. Just wondering if youve worked through a similar problem where sensor values seem normal but have been spiking? Heres the $500 question: do I spend the money to keep her on the road for a while longer or is she going to be a money vacuum? I have outlined the rear 02 sensor in yellow, the pattern we are seeing indicates either the Catalyst is not reaching the point of light off or function or the rear 02 sensor is sending incorrect data to the ECM (Engine Control Module) . As far as what the service writer told you there are some dealers that will scan a code and give you an estimate without doing any real type of diagnosis. Webexhaust pipe containing the catalytic converter. Based on a H4 and no rust, $3800 is way out of line. Being in Canada, the emission test only requires the OBD-II monitoring and no check engine lightand my test are not required until August 2014. Connect the hose of the gauge to where you removed the oxygen sensor. vapor, nitrogen, and oxygen before the exhaust is expelled into the. Subaru has determined that the efficiency of your vehicles front catalytic converter may degrade over time. Subaru Forester 2009, Catalytic Converter and Pipe Assembly by Davico. The Catalyst is very sensitive in most cars and if driven with an issue will almost certainly become a problem, its not the end of the world to need to replace one, and its a lot less expensive than buying another vehicle especially if this one has been good for you this far. 1. I bought a fel-pro head gakest kit and changed all the gaskets on the way in as well. It really helps to have a knowledgable Subaru mechanic give advice like your do. Other makes are experiencing the exact same issue Subaru Is not alone in this and its he price of clean air. He said it often is the sensors or an exhaust leak but these seemed to be operating fine and there was no exhaust leak evident. BTW, in terms of usage, I commute 60 miles round trip daily, mostly highway, and otherwise drive around town a bit. 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