don't f with cats original video

Kylee I saw that cruel murder video in a website forum, I became ill that time and the guy who was nude on the bed seemed to me a Japanese or Chinese type from his eyes or perhaps his eyes were swollen after death. Your email address will not be published. this is internet hoo ha. I do hope that law enforcement takes these things more seriously. The Luka Magnotta story is one that is still very raw for Canadians and a case that leaves a lingering stain on both online discourse and the wider nature of true-crime as a genre of entertainment. They are sweet and adorable! Don't F with Cats. Shut up Ill hope cats hate you you peace of shit. Don't f*ck with cats killer Luka Magnotta's Craigslist ad that he used to lure Jun Lin into his apartment. Fuck locking him up and wasting the space that could go to drug lords or drug abusers his punishment should be getting stuffed in a human sized vacuum bag and be put in the same situation. There is no finding it at all. Next those boys will be doing the same with kids and women, and the elderly. It was terrible, but dont get your vaccum cords in a knot over it. Lin Juns family traveled from China for Magnottas trial, and his father Lin Diran offered a heartbreaking victim impact statement. I think that is insane how u can still find the guy being killed but the kitten video has been removed. I personally hope he gets raped and brutally murdered over hurting just those kittens. As program makers and audiences yes, theres a whole culture out there people are fascinated with Jack the Ripper. As Deanna said its time to turn off the machine and in this case it is. In regards to their second objective, Dont F**k With Cats decides to dump all that into an insulting final scene where one of the internet sleuths turns to the camera and tries to blame the audience for heaping attention on Magnotta and possibly encouraging him to commit further crimes of increasing violence to sate his desire for attention. Netflix is pumping out .css-umdwtv{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:.0625rem;text-decoration-color:#FF3A30;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:background 0.4s;transition:background 0.4s;background:linear-gradient(#ffffff, #ffffff 50%, #d5dbe3 50%, #d5dbe3);-webkit-background-size:100% 200%;background-size:100% 200%;}.css-umdwtv:hover{color:#000000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;-webkit-background-position:100% 100%;background-position:100% 100%;}gripping true crime documentaries like theres no tomorrow, and the streaming services latest offering is the three-part series Dont F**K With Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer. If someone can find out that would be great. Mark: Its incredibly difficult to prosecute people for internet crimes, so they concentrated rightly on the murder itself. YOU ARE A DISGUSTING LIAR AND IM MORE THAN HAPPY THAT YOU ARE SPENDING YOUR LIFE IN PRISON. In a better world I would take your high moral stance as well. YOU PSYCHOTIC LITTLE SHIT Look, Im in my 40s now. Yes im doing alot better these days. I low key want to cry. A retired radio host bags groceries to earn money to attend his former employer's anniversary party, where he hopes to reunite with the love of his life. Ive already inadvertantly seen a picture of a dog abused in China this afternoon and its imprinted on my retinas. Thats different too. Theres a subset of the planet who are either involved with or obsessed with watching true crime shows. Its really digsuting and horrifying to know that, whether it is true or not, someone can think of doing something like that. I absolutely believe that. I cant watch it as I have a great love for animals and It will harm me psychology. Their target, meanwhile, has more horrors planned. what kind of lunatic would do this. He is one of the most disgusting people I have ever read about and if I could get away with killing him, I would do it! This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 29 29 29 comments Top Blackfirestan 3 yr. ago What you do see in this film, and in all of those communications, is that there was never an ounce of remorse. 9,990 views Jul 13, 2022 1K Dislike Share Save Amy Shira Teitel 52K subscribers TWITCH:. I watched the video and now I am fucking angry, evil fucking Arsehole, I hope when you go to Prison that other prisoners beat the shit out of you, sick fuck!!. You can also change your preferences at any time by clicking Cookie Preferences in the footer of each page. Clean em all out once and for all! Whether the video was real or a hoax, its still some sick individual behind it. By killing those 2 disgusting creepy vermin, he just saved countless lives of all the animals thei would have killed throughout their life! To bring readers right up to date, the latest American mass murderer, Salvador Ramos, who allegedly shot 19 kids and two adults to death at Robb Elementary School, Texas, wanted fame similar to that portrayed in the Netflix docuseries. Soon enough, the animal torturer graduated to killing a human being. Sad world. Its not hard to see why the filmmakers of Dont F**k With Cats would be so interested in this story: it features many fascinating and disturbing elements,while offering a striking insight into the evolving nature of crime in the modern age and how it intersects with the internet and celebrity. As I said to Maggie, I dont feel I belong on this planet where monsters like that exist ! After all, as internet sleuth Baudi Moovan said herself, "There's one unwritten rule on the internet. What is PETAs policy on TNR (trap-neuter-release) and feral cats? fuck you kid. Correct and one more reason why humans can be bloody awful. See I knew it wouldnt not of been long before he killed someone. 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[4], The three-part docuseries follows a group of amateur internet sleuths who launched a manhunt for Luka Magnotta after he gained international notoriety in 2010 for sharing a graphic video online of himself killing two kittens in a plastic bag, and suffocating them with a vacuum cleaner. The enduring notoriety that the Zodiac killer who terrorised Northern California in the late 1960s and early 1970s continues to enjoy even after 50 years of the series of incidents, is not so much because of his gruesome crimes but that he turned them into a game. Someones companion. Yea Its just terrible. It was pulled as I recall. They should not allow him to have so much freedom and fun.. he said he compares it to a summer camp of sorts. They say imagination can be more powerful than reality, but in this case Im going to stick to my imagination and only hope that this is a hoax. Grieving the loss of a best friend she couldnt protect, an ex-bodyguard sets out to fulfill her dear friends last wish: sweet revenge. Another by-product of Don't F**k With Cats 's approach is the lack of . The limited series explores the case of Luka Magnotta in Canada, who allegedly uploaded a number of videos of himself torturing and killing cats. I just cant as it hurts me. Gabrielle Bruney is a writer and editor for Esquire, where she focuses on politics and culture. [4] On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the series has a 69% approval rating, based on 13 reviews, with an average rating of 8.3/10. 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Honestly, I think its kinda funny but I mean I wouldnt do this. NEXT:True Crime Documentaries Are Going Too Far, Don't F**k With Cats: Why The Documentary Is So Dangerous, What Netflixs Dont F**K With Cats Documentary Gets Wrong About Canada, True Crime Documentaries Are Going Too Far. What was your reaction to Lukas mother, who more or less blames yourself and John Green for inciting violence? Whats been so special for me is to see young women whove been inspired to go out and do their own investigative work, thats been very coolBut then theres the one reaction thats like, youre responsible for the murder. How the fk am I responsible? If u watch the Netflix doc there was a phony with depression trying to feel better and that guy killed himself from the insults. I have to force myself to face such things and at present my morale is too low as the other day I watched one of animals in slaughterhouses being abused and thats still in my mind a lot. It really just breaks my heart. It was one of Netflix's Top 5 most-watched documentaries of 2019. All Rights Reserved. Don't F**k with Cats, then, is easy to mold into a procedural thriller as these amateur gumshoes, the community that sought after the perpetrator years before the police took action and a. You little- Thats your opinion! The articles are copyright Michael Broad but the infographics are free to use under a CC license. But I am highly concerned about the website from which it was found. The cat (Felis catus) is a domestic species of small carnivorous mammal. Michael, thanks for making this page, I was actually in the process of finding someone to write about it, but I wasnt sure if youd be able to watch the video. What has the Internet reaction been like for you personally, Deanna? 2023 Variety Media, LLC. Two weeks after its debut, the docuseries became one of Netflix's Top 5 most-watched documentaries of 2019. website. , Flix Its just so sad, even I couldnt finish the entire vidMy heart completely shattered into bits. For those who wanted to watch Don't Fuck With Cats but don't have Netflix, The Fifth Estate made a documentary on Magnotta which is very similar. Command your Cats with simple controls in a battle through space and time! I try not to watch too many Video that Have Cats involved especially cruelty Ones. Most boys dont sit around torturing animals in their living-room whilst playing Christmas songs. 15 Things You Didn't Know The Purpose Of! I can feel your emotion and passion in your comment. Tbh Id fucking laugh and celebrate at his funeral. Mark: I was worried about fueling the celebrity of these crimes, which is why we attacked that head on and talked about the complicities of those who hunted him down. Cat and Mouse 66m A shocking online video brings together a widespread internet group of animal lovers out for justice. Jail forever!!!! Mark: The title came out of the very real truth: he chose to kill cats. Does Halloween is sadly upon us . [5] In 2010, a viral video called 1 boy 2 kittens was linked on Facebook and posted on YouTube. Netflix supports the Digital Advertising Alliance Principles. You are probably lying but your comment still makes you an arsehole. And I am putting myself in her position, its very hard, (but) I dont think she has critical thinking skills and has fully come to terms with what he did. Well I think you are completely wrong. You need to die you waste of fucking air!! Please pay it forward. Im also dizzy and my heart hurts for the man and his family I am so glad that Luka Magnotta is in jail.. You inhuman piece of SHIT!!! Firstly this was not a simple killing of an animal. In 2012, he murdered Lin Jun, a 33-year-old Chinese student. In 2014, he was convicted of Lins murder, and sentenced to life in prison. What heartless people. Look, this stupid ass bitch has the fucking audacity to kill 2 kittens and post it on youtube, you fucking piece of absolute shit. "I had come to see your trial system to see justice done and I leave satisfied that you have not let my son down. I agree and he should be stuffed into a plastic bag and die just like those poor little babies did. So more than one boy was involved were they? [1][5] Magnotta was later convicted for murdering Chinese international student Jun Lin in grisly circumstances in 2012.[6][7]. Did society a gigantic favor. A shocking online video brings together a widespread internet group of animal lovers out for justice. cats are wonderful how dare you say that these videos are horrible. Its been really hard. Keep up the good work Michael,your site does a lot of good and you have a lot of fans. Those kittens were a part of life just Luke him but he thought it was historically. (Pauses) Its very uncomfortable. Magnotta posted three videos of himself abusing and killing kittens: one in which he suffocates two kittens, one in . For the purpose of the documentary,. Katie, my vacuum cords are in a complete knot and if it was legal Id kill the bastard . Secondly they were domestic cats. You son of a b*tch I canny wait till u go to h*ll u son of a b*tch I am going to track u down and shoot you so u could see how It feel to play songs and kill cats you and your friends yall are the devil u just like killing cats dont ya do u want me to kill u sun of a b*tch I fuckin hate u. Destiny, I hope you get him no matter how long it takes. In the Netflix series, police investigators and amateur web sleuths alike theorize that Magnottawho was reportedly fascinated by serial killers and a fan of films like Basic Instinct and American Psychocommitted his crimes out of a perverse desire for notoriety and fame. You dont need to lose your shit and wish him death just for killing two kittens. Do you want to explain? Bill, sincerely go jump off a cliff, hang yourself, shoot your self, anything that kills you. It is a human trait. TikTok video from Althea_Sivvycat :D (@hey_althea_cat_x_x): "#duet with @<3 It's ok if u don't like it. This absolutely sick the fact that a mind could think Luke this is horrible. Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer is a 2019 true crime docuseries about an online manhunt. It was actually Maggie who brought this horrific crime to my notice but like her I couldnt bear to watch the video. Don't F**k With Cats sets itself two clear aims: one, to show how internet sleuthing helped to bring Luka Magnotta to justice, and two, to ask how the attention said detectives and the media at large reaped upon Magnotta may have fuelled his murderous spree even further. Now I am a very calm and collected person but why the fuck would these stupid sadistic boys do something as cold-blooded and horrific as that. Were we worried about it? Encouraged by the attention he's receiving, the killer continues posting ever more disturbing videos, eventually crossing into murder. Yeah they truly are worthless foul rodents. I had come to see remorse, to hear some form of apology, and I leave without anything.. I think he has said words to the effect that he quite likes prison but that may be bravado and probably is. You can change your cookie preferences. Kidnapping and torturing small children? The only thing is evil is inherent and these boys are most certainly evil. Nearly 40 million households in the United States have pet cats. Magnotta is currently serving a life sentence in a Quebec prison for the murder of Chinese student Lin Jun, among other charges, but he continues to have a depressingly larger-than-life presence online and off, thanks to his own narcissism and further media interest. Thirdly he broke the criminal law. Making a Murderer became a hot-button topic, leading audiences and legal experts to argue over how biased the filmmakers' stances were regarding a difficult case. The fucking bastard i think has gotten what he deserved the fucking bastard is locked up in prison those poor little kittens i hope you are in a better place then with this fucking asshole, Bro, there kittens fam, aint nothing to winge about ygm bro, they deserve to die, pesky little fuckers fam. You shouldve gotten a death row sentence. But I cannot find the video for 1 boy 2 kittens. .. Will have to look through the internet for recent articles of arrest. When a spate of grisly murders throws a city into chaos, a tenacious prosecutor must brace for a cat-and-mouse game against a dangerous manipulator. In 1988, Anna Kane was murdered by an unknown offender in Reading, Pennsylvania. But it certainly doesnt surprise me to see where it originated. Killing deer for fun is allowable (sadly) in America and is within the law under the rules. then type in 1 boy 2 kittens and the video says christmas kittens. 1. A slap on the wrist isnt going to stop this hoodie from a life of evil. 1 boy 2 kittens all video's. Don't F**k with Cats 2012 ( YouTube 1 Boy 2 Kittens) . The Netflix docuseries "Don't F**k With Cats" explores the online hunt for Luka Magnotta, a fame-chaser who posted videos online of him killing cats before moving on to a human. Mark: There was a message (Deanna) got from Luka. I think that Il is the country code for Israel, so lets hope that someone can identify the person and notify the police. Psycho-fucking-path. they is a special place in hell for you fucking die you dumb sun of a bitch you are so fucking sad to be a fuck worthy slothhhhh you scum ass ugly witck .. ps if you do not mean this and where joking then fine but just make it clearer next time .but if not the case then fuck you .? i think people have to take the video out please if you realy love animals. Thanks for commenting. This was a real video, he has done many of them and recently did one killing a drugged up man and dismembering him. Sei un pezzo di merda spero che muori soffocato dal cazzo di rocco, Youre a piece of shit I hope you die suffocated by the cock of rocco.. Research has shown that cats can provide emotional support, improve moods, and contribute to the overall morale of their owners. Luka Magnotta committed horrifying crimesand sparked an international manhunt. You should be in the F.B.I. original sound - <3. They deserve nothing less! No words can express the shock and horror JUST alone from the title of the video. It is useful to try and get inside the head of Ingrid Newkirk on the issue of domestic cats. Hes put on some weight and is no longer that boy who murdered a man and a couple of kittens in the most horrific ways. Can education on cat ownership and TNR succeed without funding? He is mentally ill, however. You are right, it is hosted by an Israeli website. The docuseries was called " Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer ". I Can only HOPE someone makes him feel this way in prison EVERRRRRRRY FUC*EN DAY OF HIS LIFE! Netflix's newest true-crime limited series Don't F**k With Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer tells the unbelievable story of a group of internet detectives who help track down infamous cat killer, Luka Rocco Magnotta. Are you planning on a follow-up documentary to Dont F**k With Cats? It is beyond words. A new video pushes panic to the next level, galvanizing the "internet nerds" to intensify their own painstaking investigation as police join the hunt. Well, I very strongly disagree with you. She hasnt had an easy life. I dont know if its fake or not as I havent watched it but these guys belong in an mental asylum or better yet: jail. So the title was always important to us. I cannot believe this shit He will get what he deserves eventually. Its a glib climax that the docuseries has done none of the work in establishing, and it certainly doesnt work as a kicker when theyve spent three hours trying to turn this story into a gripping, lurid tale to keep audiences binge-watching over their Christmas break. What can I do? Its no surprise that the perpetrator moved on to torturing and killing a human. These moments of insight are sadly fleeting as, when Magnotta is unmasked as the killer, the documentary turns its focus to being a more traditional true-crime report on the criminal himself. According to an archival CBC News report, Magnotta "closed his eyes and showed no emotion" when the verdict was read. Thats the rule zero. Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer Limited Series Release year: 2019 A twisted criminal's gruesome videos drive a group of amateur online sleuths to launch a risky manhunt that pulls them into a dark underworld. You imply that you emjoyed the activities of Magnotta which makes you a psychopath doesnt it? I would love to meet this guy god would put him in my parth for a reason il acc go jail just for the to cats. Theyre not going to put a lot of effort into someone whos killing cats on the Internet. Your email address will not be published. Just googled this. The Netflix documentary, aptly named Don't F**k With Cats, covers the story of the kitten killer and the scramble to catch him before he makes the leap from killing cats to killing . Cords are in a complete knot and if it was historically TNR ( ). 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