bruce russell zb age

With Peter Jefferies handling the sound side, Bruce Russell was free to mould the labels image and ethos and establish contacts with fanzines, like minded bands and labels, promoters and distributors in NZ and overseas through international phone calls and letters. What Happened To Nia From Real World Portland? - Such namby-pamby liberal claptrap-- infuriates this widely read host.. The first one reads: Culture schmulture. Thankyou Jackie. Lilburn, who died in 1990, had showed The Dead C they were part of an already established NZ tradition in electro acoustic music. The definitive scene fanzines final issue appeared in the summer of 1990 and kept readers abreast of Xpressways overseas plans with records mooted (and delivered) through new Chicago label Feel Good All Over and the label attached to prominent US fanzine Forced Exposure, who planned a Dead C single. He got his start in the industry as an ad writer before gaining experience as an announcer, and later as a programmer in Timaru. He loved his work, just loved it," he said. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Why Felicity Hoffman Sentenced to Only 14 Days in Prison? . I shall miss him as will his audience. The following year, Bruce Russell edited and contributed to Erewhon Calling: Experimental Sound in New Zealand (2012), an Audio Foundation published compendium of thought, image and voice examining our productive and long-lived experimental music community. Facebook gives people the power to. I first heard Bruces music and words when A Handful of Dusts Breaks Unaware was included in 1986 on the Robert Scott compiled Whistle Up A Wind Dunedin compilation tape. I can export to Europe, America and Japan and my products are seen as exotic wherever they go. "He was the news. He read philosophy for fun and for a while researched Renaissance magic, the Kabbala and Rosicrucianism. You come to the conclusion that somepeople should not be allowed to have children. Having spied Chippendale Houses hui ad in Critic, the University of Otago student newspaper, Ive dragged my Paeroa friend Peter along to get involved. Your shows ROCK. CALLER: It wasnt a generalization, it was downright backward. I was a bridesmaid for my friend many moons ago and he was the officiating minister and yes as far as I know he is still with us. "He brought a particularly sharp sense of humour to his work and to his workplace. May god his family and loved ones have enough strength to deal with the great loss. In a statement on Newstalk ZB's website, the station said: "Bruce Russell, one of our long-time Newstalk ZB hosts, passed away unexpectedly but peacefully last night. In November 1994, Bruce Russell moved his family north to the port town of Lyttelton near Christchurch, the South Islands largest city, where he has lived ever since. Shipping was a big part of the NZ based labels costs so a lighter and thinner sleeve made sense. CALLER: Its these flaming left liberals, Bruce! The conversations he had on-air brought him loyalty from listeners young and old both throughout the night and on his Saturday night show. I dont care how it happens. CALLER GEOFF: That lady who said Maori kids should be taken out oftheir homes and put into a Pakeha family was ridiculous. He also anchors the Saturday night show In My Day and reads the news on weekends. Michael Morley deals with the more melodic area of things (hes playing the tune of the songs) while Bruce Russell uses his guitar in a melodically minimal, almost percussive way, hurling large slices of distortion fuelled dynamics into the sound. Pacific Islanders dont bash theirkids. If the wireless isnt on, I lay there until the birds start singing, then curse them for keeping me awake. By Sujina Karanjit April 24, 2022 09:03 PM; Bruce Russell of Newstalk ZB died unexpectedly, but his cause of death has yet to be revealed. Radio host Bruce Russell, remembered as a talented newsreader with a unique personality took his last breath just before he was scheduled to be on air to host Newstalk ZBs overnight show. He passed away. Newstalk ZB Host Bruce Russell Dies At 62 | Bruce Russell Wife & WikiTopic covered in the video:bruce russell obituary,bruce ru.. He appears to be highly secretive in terms of his personal life, as he has never dragged his family, including his parents and children, if he has any, into the public eye. The Dead C already had the Perform DR503b tape out on Xpressway. Small creative communities, co-operative endeavour, words and challenging guitar sound, and writing with a historical and archival bent and local underground focus? Theres a lot more interaction with the recording process and a lot more use of live backing tapes, Bruce Russell explained in Poi$on + lie$ = money + death from John Nixon and Marco Fusinatos Axe: a specialised rock journal, no.19, 1999 in an essay reprinted in Left Handed Blows. Russell died . Bruce Russell, a radio host, is known as a gifted newsreader with an unmistakable personality. His death's reason is not revealed yet. After working at Apple Radio in Hastings, Russell moved to Timaru's Radio Caroline in 1982 where he became a lifelong friend with breakfast host Peter Mac. Bruce Russell of Newstalk ZB passed away in April 2022. A Chris Knox review of an A Handful of Dust tape A Fortnight Dead (available from 154 Forth Street in Dunedin for $3.50) had Russell as the long lost missing link between Sam Hunt and Fetus Productions. He started doing some announcing around this period and was assigned to numerous stations as a community announcer, doing every shift imaginable. According to reports, Bruce Russell died on April 23, 2022. "Bruce Russell, one of the long-time Newstalk ZB hosts, passed away suddenly but peacefully last night," the station stated on its website. For many years, he provided joy to the crowds. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Often the tune coming from Morley was supplied with a drum rhythm in broken or counter-timings with Russells guitar holding the true timing of the piece with precise atonal slashes placed where the snare drum would usually be played. Samoansare a very bad violent race as well. My thoughts with family. Xpressways prime mover headed to the United States in 1991 for a six-week fact finding mission during which he visited the half a dozen east coast record shops that would be central to the label and its bands future. New Zealand radio host Bruce Russell is being remembered as a "talented host and newsreader" following the news of his shock death on Sunday night. All registered. I do not believe that is Mikey!!! Later another woman tells Russell that its not as simple as he saysand his statistics are bogus. All the best for this Xmas if we ever end up being able to celebrate it. This Sunday afternoon, its all business. Thats a large slice of the relevant indie label groups in Great Britain right there most of whose records were available in New Zealand on import. A July 23, 1994 show at Dunedins Super 8 helped make up The Dead Cs seventh album The Operation of The Sonne. Bruce Russell, an overnight radio host, has died suddenly. The key track is a near freeform Krautrocker that ebbs and flows with spaced sound and percussion and captures their live sound well. I'll miss him enormously," said Roxborogh. We recorded the album in March 1989, and by September, Roger [Shepherd] had come around to a position of wanting to do it. The traditional plastic CD jewel case had been immediately discarded for aesthetic and practical reasons. They confirmed his death in a statement on Monday morning. non-reader called BRUCE RUSSELL. Effectively reviving what had become a moribund NZ indie music format, the labels tapes exhibited a care and flair in design and presentation and mastering not heard or seen consistently since Paul Lukers Industrial Tapes in the first half of the decade. ZB broadcaster Jenny Woods recalled first coming across Russell when he was at the RNZ station in Taumarunui and she was in Hamilton. Find out more about him. Bring back Pam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Russell quickly realised that the fanzine writers and radio show hosts who supported Flying Nun groups were equally supportive of his labels efforts. No. Newstalk ZB's Bruce Russell was in his early 70s; however, his exact age is yet to be revealed. One of our reporters rang in to say she was pretty sure he'd fallen asleep as you could hear the sonorous sighs of someone in a deep sleep. "My favourite Bruce story is when he fell asleep on air. I honestly dont believe that because your land wastaken off you, that you bash your kids. Great friend no doubt but maybe write a book Pam. L to R: Bruce Russell, Peter Jefferies, Peter Gutteridge, and Alastair Galbraith outside Peter's house, Opoho, early 1989, Bruce Russell on his current projects, 2008, Bruce Russellmanipulates the input jack, University of Canterbury, 2007. Its so nice knowing when a voice comes on air that we know what they look like now. Newstalk ZB, that bed of ignorant right wing hatred, is "leftist". Subscribe to theUS day News newsletterinbox to receive celebrities daily news. Theres a wilful art edge underlying everything; an anarchistic response to the relatively formed work of the citys leading post-punk acts. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Bruce Russell kept his writing up in Alley Oop, which was naturally well informed on the Dunedin indies progress. Bruce Russell passed away shortly before he was due on air to host Newstalk ZB's overnight show. Shouldnt the raised arms be free like the co-operative and the creative instinct? he asks. Tapes from The Dead C (Live Dead C), Galbraith (Hurray On Down), This King of Punishment (Live 85), Wreck Small Speakers on Expensive Stereos (A Childs Guide to) and Gutteridge (Pure) arrived in 1988 and 1989. The new imprints name was taken from Sonic Youths Expressway to Yr Skull on 1986s Evol, a song Russell saw the band perform in London. iHeartRadio app. The more unified American community with its emerging networks of fanzines and college and freeform radio shows made more sense. Lets see a proper pic of Mikey. Newstalk ZB host Tim Beveridge summed up the mood among broadcasters saying Russell was an integral part of the fabric of not just Newstalk ZB but the landscape of radio in New Zealand. The first thing that struck was the dual guitar sound. The packaging itself was distinct and deliberate and constantly evolving. When DR503 finally drops on Flying Nun Records in April 1988, it is a wilful anarchistic record like no other the label has released. WOODRUFF: You certainly have gravitas tonight. Thank you so much, Tim for posting pics of the regulars. Tom Laxs new Philadelphia indie Siltbreeze Records became The Dead Cs primary label for the next six years and helped gain them a foothold in the United States. Left Handed Blows: Writing on Sound 1993 2009 reprinted pieces from three issues of Logopandocy: the journal of vain erudition in 1993, 1994 and 1996, with liner notes from Ralf Wehowskys 1997 Tulpas CD, previously published interviews with Marco Fusinato and Alastair Galbraith, an article from The National Grid journal on graphic design and a review of Douglas Lilburns electro-acoustic work from The Wire in January 2005. Bruce Russell, one of our long-time Newstalk ZB hosts, passed away unexpectedly but peacefully last night, the statement read. There was Bruce, front and centre. A twenty to thirty thousand word thesis for his PhD in fine art at RMIT in Melbourne is apparently underway there as well. For several years he could be heard on Concert FM playing experimental sound with Eva Radich. According to NewstalkZBs own website Bruce Russell likes to bringhis sense of humour to his overnight talk show, but the serious issuesare also tackled. It also claims that Russell is widely read, andcan talk with people on just about any subject they raise Obviously I listen too much! That means that its often two or three months since Ive touched a guitar. Copyright 2016 The Roxborogh Report. Hewishes he was a Fijian! The musically radical Sonic Youth would continue to play an important part in The Dead C members creative lives in the coming years. On his return to Christchurch later that year, he joined Flying Nun Records in Christchurch as a volunteer publicist and intern. Russell, who was in his early 70s, worked as a host and newsreader for the station right up until his death. Having laid new foundations and set a viable operating template, Bruce Russell turned again to his A Handful of Dust project. After a short stint, he moved to Taumarunui to manage a radio station before joining Newstalk ZB in Auckland in about 2000. Omits Quad triple CD packed in a five inch flop-top hard box with artwork is highlighted as was an announcement that Corpus Hermeticum were now distributing Siltbreeze, PSF, Selektion, Metonymic, Metamkineand Next Best Way releases. The page will be updated as worthy photos come in. This was an area of interest for him already. Having returned North to Paeroa then university in Hamilton, brother Stu and I were early subscribers to Xpressways mail order, eagerly awaiting the catalogues (minor pieces of art in themselves I wish Id kept the Hocken Library in Dunedin has copies) and NZ and US records they sold. The recent partners have great senses of humour, speak well and are DECENT people.I reckon Mickey is having us on. Bruce Russell, one of our long-time Newstalk ZB hosts, passed away unexpectedly but peacefully last night. ", Shocked and deeply sad about the news my dear friend, valued colleague and old-school broadcaster Bruce Russell died last night. ISAACSON: He does seem to bring some vigor as well as gravitas and stature to the ticket. Last Glass then showcased improvisational work from Kim Pieters, Peter Stapleton and Bruce Russell. The mix of re-accessed music and contemporary sound would be typical of the labels output. The rhetoric and the racism that comes from that joker isappalling! The tragic news happened just a day after costume designer, actress, and singer WIth The Tubes, Re Styles passed away at the age of 72 on April 17, 2022. RUSSELL: See, I dont agree with that disadvantage thing! Do you have a story tip? Rest easy my old friend. His inimitable personality in the newsroom and in the studio would always entertain his colleagues too.Our thoughts and love are with Bruce's family at this sad time. GREENFIELD: If the question about Governor Bush was one of the weight, or to use the favorite phrase of the moment, gravitas. Ill remember Bruce for his cheeky banter, his distinctive voice, his unmatchable work ethic. RUSH: This goes back to the year 2000. Contact | Privacy, The recently uploaded video of Sue on The Twos Facebook page (. Harsh 70s Reality being the recording where The Dead C would fully escape the strictures of the song for the first time. For many years, Bruce was a lovely team member and a talented host and newsreader who gave joy to our viewers. Listen: Tim Dower announces Bruce Russell's death. Your never get that these days. So it is no surprise that we have grown in stature, while others have withered away.. "His inimitable personality in the newsroom and in the studio would always entertain his colleagues too. The limit of my orthodox guitar playing happens after about 30 seconds.. I am in the 5.0 % that didn't think Little Brucie would look like his photo. Tim you are the best Host ZB has!!!!! Mac said radio hosts are performers, but Russell was different; he had a 24/7 persona that was the same on air as off air. If Lilburns generation was the first to assert an independent New Zealand cultural voice, mine is the first to go beyond a self conscious preoccupation with whether or not we have an autonomous voice, and take that fact for granted as a starting point, Bruce Russell wrote. It would later be covered by Yo La Tengo and was still in their set as an encore in May 2000 at Irving Plaza in New York. Despite being in the media, Bruce Russell has never revealed anything about his wife. Love them both!!! At this time as you may also find out, there is no official report about Bruce Russells cause of death, it seems there are some hidden stories behind his death; some claim he died because of a long time illness he was recently suffering from. At the time we were just another fringe group of cult nutters outside the mainstream of New Zealand music. In 1993 Alastair Galbraith joined Bruce Russell as the second member of A Handful of Dust for the Twisted Village released album Concord, beginning a run of albums and singles on Russells recently established Corpus Hermeticum imprint for the pair. While Dunedin had been an active indie centre for most of the 1980s, many of its more established and accessible groups had split with musicians regrouping or shifted focus to overseas markets as Flying Nun Records licensed product offshore and the United States opened up as a market as the UK and Europe had done before. Trust me it's Mikey! KERREY: Ive gotta strengthen it in some fashion. 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It also. Raewyn mills. The Bats Robert Scott, Kathy Bull, Kath Webster and Lesley Paris of Look Blue Go Purple and Nick Wilkinson of The Alpaca Brothers I know by sight, having seen their groups play. Russell was in his early 70s at the time of his death. Its still in their gene pool. "It was pretty lewd stuff, especially for Timaru in 1984," said Mac. Why do I have to be careful with statistics? The broadcaster, in his early 70s, died suddenly on Sunday night, working right up until his death as an overnight host, newsreader and host of the popular In My Day show. Your email address will not be published. Details will be published soon on Ghanafuo. Bruce Russell is a New Zealand experimental musician and writer. Guitar, tapes and a good line in speed-poet lyrics are the essentials which when they gel are worth several listens.. Playing to the converted is one thing, but banging it out on live to air public television as The Dead C did with Sky on TV3s Friday night music Ground Zero in September 1999 was something else again. Ricou Browning cause of death: How did Ricou Browning die? Bruce was New Zealand's most long-serving and well-liked broadcaster who died unexpectedly. Bruce Russell of Newstalk ZB spent a career as a buddy to his devoted listeners. He died just as he was about to begin hosting Newstalk ZB's nightly show on April 24, 2022. This Kind Of Punishments Peter Jefferies captured the dynamic of an early Dead C performance at the inner city Burgundy Bar for new Dunedin fanzine Alley Oop. With Xpressway Records already licensing releases to American and European labels, the collective called it a day in 1993. The new labels first CD, The Philosophick Mercury was a recorded reflection of two 1993 A Handful of Dust live shows with some help from The Terminals drummer Peter Stapleton. The 1980 University Challenge the winning Otago team. There are many rumors about New Zealands longest-serving and beloved broadcasters Bruce Russells cause of death after he suddenly passed away last night (April 24, 2022) in his early 70s. They have loadsof money! Robbie Yeats and Michael Morley head back to the motel for a shower and a break, but Bruce is happy to stay and talk. Newstalk ZB's Bruce Russell spent a lifetime being a companion to his treasured listeners. RUSSELL: You would think they would be a very wealthy society andwouldnt need to lay around on the benefit. Email: The Dead Sea features current Verlaine Robbie Yeats on drums with Bruce Russell manipulating sound from one guitar through an amp that looks like an old TV turned backwards and Michael Morley singing faintly and playing another guitar. Bruce Russell, one of our long-time Newstalk ZB hosts, passed away suddenly but peacefully last night, the station stated in a statement on its website. It Is Already Proven That "Radio Transcripts Ltd." Likes To Post His Twisted Anti-Reality Liberal Crap All Over The Internet. Such namby-pamby liberal claptrapinfuriates this widely read host. He passed away. Radio Transcripts Ltd." Is Probably A Member Of The *Soylent Green* Party, Or Part Of The Same Marxist-Leninist Conspiracy Of Opinion Of The Liberal Controlled Medias, Where Faggotry And Communism Usually Always Go Hand In Hand ! Trust me IT'S THE REAL MIKEY!! He would spend two or three minutes talking to the listeners. Please God NOOOOOOOO!! Radio host Bruce Russell is being remembered as a talented newsreader with an inimitable personality. Several coworkers have paid tribute to Russell including colleague Tim Dower who announced the news of his death on air this morning. Bruce, meanwhile, checked out The Terminals Disconnect LP, Skeptics Amalgam and The Renderers and Cyclops live. In a statement on Newstalk ZB's website, the station said: "Bruce Russell, one of our long-time Newstalk ZB hosts, passed away unexpectedly but peacefully last night. 2023 & DM Network. He is a beautiful person and so is his mother Marie in Scotland!!! Producer Tim Evans, who worked with Russell between 2007 and 2011, said on Twitter there was never a dull moment with Bruce. That knowledge, especially of old TV shows and movies and musicians, was a large part of why he was so beloved by his listeners. Visiting acts of a similar mind, including Roy Montgomery, Bird Nest Roys and The Pterodactyls, also stopped in. Outside of The Lonesome Death of Albert Ayler by A Handful of Dust on Drag City Records I Hear The Devil Calling Me compilation EP single of less than one-minute songs available in 1990, hed only released the A Little Aesthetic Discourse single in 1992 for Cambridge, Massachusetts Twisted Village Records. The esoteric art and titles Bruce Russell used for the CDs and singles reflected his interest in the occult. He even starred in a movie at the end of last year! I love listening to Deano he's always so positive and has an interesting lifestyle and family I think I would like to have a partner that loved creating something from nothing like he does. Best pic here is of Pam and you, Tim. 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The veteran radio presenter passed away suddenly on Sunday evening while at work before he was due to start his on-air shift. Follow me on Twitter @kwadwo_dost. I always want to keep having surprises happen for myself by if you like not mastering my instrument and periodically, just starting to use different instruments. Reality of Iconic Star Irma Serranos Cause of Death at 89, Rumor Follows Taz Stereo Nations Cause of Sudden Death, Animator Burny Mattinsons Death Following a Short Illness, Joan Joyces Obituary is Silent about The Cause of Death, Alec Baldwin Charged With Manslaughter in Rust Shooting, Vhong Navarros Rape Charges Led him Transferred to NBI, Fans Ask about Singer Daniel Levis Cause of Death, Shocking Story of AGT Contestant Nolan Neals Cause of Death, Maddie Ziegler and Eddie Benjamin Call it Quits After 3 Years, Are Eiza Gonzalez and Ben Simmons Dating? Wonderful to know all about his shop days. 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