Prepare a T-account to show the activity in the Inventory account. 4. (2) Not include the purchase card account number. /////, Frustrated freight may never reach the intended recipient. 2784 does require which of the following? (1) Make micro-purchases; (2) Place a task or delivery order (if authorized in the basic contract, basic ordering agreement, or blanket purchase agreement); or. Which three of the following statements about convenience checks are true? Which of the following are you authorized to Serving as chairperson on the purchase card program's risk management team; f. Liaising on behalf of the Department with the servicing bank; g. Preparing . Which of the following terms is defined as "the intentional use of the Government-issued charge card in violation of applicable regulations"? . Compare the ways urban populations in Central America and those in your state have modified their physical environments. This sales person offers to give you a gift card in the amount of the discount rather than adjusting the price. how many days of the billing cycle end date? Prerequisite(s) None Predecessor Course(s) Predecessor: Predecessor Course Title: PDS Code: An official website of the United States Government, FAC Number: 2023-01 Effective Date: 12/30/2022. Insights on Demand Data Mining (IOD DM) tool. -Are used to roll up Cardholder accounts Prior to certifying the Managing account billing statement for contract payment by Governmentwide commercial Purchase card, The approving/billing official must do what of two things? (c) The Governmentwide commercial purchase card may be used to- (1) Make micro-purchases; (2) Place a task or delivery order (if authorized in the basic contract, basic ordering agreement, or blanket purchase agreement); or (3) Make payments, when the contractor agrees to accept payment by the card (but see 32.1108 (b) (2)). Several personnel in your office have -Convenience checks shall not exceed the micro-purchase threshold. However, payment by a purchase card also may be made under a contract that does not contain the clause to the extent the contractor agrees to accept that method of payment. -Funds must be available to cover the check value and the bank's processing fee. \text{Total purchases. } & \text{\$9,296,000}\\ Decrease penalties for faulty disputes debit card. This interim rule requires contractors to provide a representation, after conducting a "reasonable inquiry," regarding their use of covered telecommunications equipment or services when submitting an . You use your Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card to purchase a case of envelopes from a merchant. Are used to roll up cardholder accounts-New, Whos responsibility is it to comply with Government agency standards of conduct, Agency/Organization Program Coordinator Supervisor, If commercial, Door to door shipping is not available for a governmentwide commercial purchase card purchase to be shipped overseas, the cardholder must, Ensure approximate shipping information ans been provided ///////. CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Card Exam Spring 2022 (100% scored) Document Content and Description Below CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Card Exam Spring 2022 (100% scored) Which Of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's Mandatory oversight procedures involves validating that all da . CLG 001 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview Exam 100%. Executive orders 12674 and 12731 form the foundational policy on the ethical conduct of federal employees. An official website of the General Services Administration. Ordering officer appointments are distinct from the Governmentwide commercial Purchase card cardholder appointments Anna Maria. Take this Answer sheet with a grain of salt. 32.1108 Payment by Governmentwide commercial purchase card. Splitting what would have been an 11'000 purchase into two transactions, each of which falls under the micro-purchase threshold, is: Which of the following is the term for a shipment of supplies or equipment that is delayed along the transportation chain and will not move until all problems are resolved? Several Personnel in your office have been needing new laptops, so this is a good time to take advantage of the increase and purchase 20 laptops at $500 each, for a total price of $10,000, DoD policy allows for governmentwide commercial purchase card billing statement certification prior to verification that all items submitted for payment have been received in order to, Avoid Prompt payment interests POLICY. Cardholders may be granted authority to use their Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card accounts to make payments against contracts. A merchant does not accept payment by credit card, The secretary of defense authorizes and increases in the micro-purchase threshold to 20,000 to support declared contingency operations in Afghanistan. -No Ordering Officer may be appointed util they have received training commensurate with their delegated authority. Frustrated freight may never reach the intended recipient. Semi-Annual Head of Activity Reviews Authorized uses of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card include which three of the following? Black Knights will either buy or lease a site depending upon which is more advantageous. Ordering officer purchases and payments (1) The Level 3 A/OPC will set the hierarchy reporting levels and fax the account set-up forms to the U.S. Bank Relationship Manager for processing. (3) Make payments, when the contractor agrees to accept payment by the card (but see 32.1108(b)(2)). Which of the following is the term for a shipment of supplies or equipment that is delayed along the transportation chain and will not move until all problems are resolved? Government Purchase Card. GLG 0010 Governmentwide Commercial Purchase C, CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Card E, CLC 046 DoD Sustainable Procurement Program, Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, Douglas A. Lind, Samuel A. Wathen, William G. Marchal, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Chapter 18: Measuring the Price Level and Inf. (Select the three that apply). card programs. A Best practice calls for the cardholder to reconcile transactions in the statement of account within how many days of the billing cycle end date? answer. Lab Report #11 - I earned an A in this lab class. 2. a. 31 U.S.C. A Governmentwide commercial purchase card charge authorizes the third party (e.g., financial institution) that issued the purchase card to make immediate payment to the contractor. Semi-annual head of activity reviews////
Interest penalties Agency procedures should encourage use of the card in greater dollar amounts by contracting officers to place orders and to pay for purchases against contracts established under part 8 procedures, when authorized; and to place orders and/or make payment under other contractual instruments, when agreed to by the contractor. Wat are three examples of abuse of the Government Commercial Purchase Card? -Above or below the micro-purchase threshold against contract vehicles issued for the Component by a Contracting Officer that contain a provision authorizing order and payment by the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card
what are two advantages of the procurement integrated enterprise environment? Rental payments will be received at the end of each year. Violating a specific-Use Policy. *2.3 Terminology for Fraud, Abuse, or Misuse of Government Purchase Card (230203) /////////////. At or below the micro-purchase Threshold from any vendor-Correct Once you establish a good working relationship with a particular supplier, you should make all of your purchases from that supplier. -Splitting requirements to avoid card thresholds. What is the objective of operational planning? Management's (OPM) purchase card program. 4. Which of the governmentwide commercial purchase card program's mandatory oversight procedures involves the approving/billing official documenting findings and disciplinary category determinations? Which of the Governmentwide commercial purchase card program's mandatory oversight procedures is a consolidation of the previous Monthly Agency/Organization Program Coordinator Reviews? Which Of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's Mandatory oversight procedures involves validating that all data mining cases are closed and assessing the key purchasing and management internal controls? Obtain Approval from the Agency/Organization Program Coordinator. In order to use the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card for simplified. Whose Responsibility is it to comply with government agency standards of conduct? (iii) Contracting officers shall not use the presence of the SAM debt flag indicator to exclude a contractor from receipt of the contract award or issuance or placement of an order. Use the Governmentwide commercial purchase card as the method of purchase and/or method of payment for purchases valued at or below the micro -purchase threshold. DoD's Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card data to identify high-risk, support declared contingency operations in Afghanistan. Several personnel in your office have been needing new laptops, so this is a good time to take advantage of the increase and purchase 20 laptops at $500 each, for the price of $10,000. (a) Except as provided in 32.1108(b)(2), the Governmentwide commercial purchase card is authorized for use in making and/or paying for purchases of supplies, services, or construction. Which Of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's Mandatory oversight procedures involves validating that all data mining cases are closed and assessing the key purchasing and managemen. CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Card Exam 3. which three of the following describe the governmentwide commercial purchase card? Description The DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card (GPC) Overview module was designed to help GPC Program participants learn how to make and process GPC transactions in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies. 3321, 3322, 3327, 3335, 3901, and Public Law 112-194. Merchant, What is the first step to follow when a cardholder becomes aware of a lost or stolen card or check, Determine when and where the card/checks were last seen//////. Which Of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's Mandatory oversight procedures involves validating that all data mining cases are closed and assessing the key purchasing and management internal controls? It's equivalent to a commercial credit card and it's only given to authorized agency employees. DoD's Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card data to identify high-risk Decrease penalties for faulty disputes Cardholder, merchant, and supply delivery/service execution must all be outside. The San Diego store began 2012 with an inventory of 20,000 units that cost a total of 1,000,000.Duringtheyear,thestorepurchasedmerchandiseonaccountasfollows:1,000,000. Which two statements about Managing Accounts are true? Funds must be available to cover the check value and the banks processing fee Federal law requires that funds must be available before any government purchase is made. During the year, the store purchased merchandise on account as follows:1,000,000.Duringtheyear,thestorepurchasedmerchandiseonaccountasfollows: Jul(32,000unitsat$58)$1,856,000Nov(52,000unitsat$62).3,224,000Dec(62,000unitsat$68)..4,216,000Totalpurchases.$9,296,000\begin{matrix} -DoD must take steps to recover the cost of any illegal, improper, or erroneous purchase made with a GPC. - ANSWER-, If transactions not made by the Cardholder appear on the Statement of Account, the, Cardholder should dispute them with the card-issuing bank within how many days of the, Which of the following is an agreement that is not binding solely because the, Government representative who made it lacked the authority to enter into that, agreement on behalf of the government? -The bank must closed the account The contractor (hereinafter referred to as the "Servicing Bank") provides commercial GPCs and associated services. Reduced invoicing costs the cardholder temporarily loses card privilege's The Government Commercial Purchase Card used as the method of payment for Purchases for which no funding is available. A best practice calls for the Cardholder to reconcile transactions in the Statement of Account within how many days of the billing cycle end date? Suspected ethics violations should be reported to: A best practice calls for the Cardholder to reconcile transactions in the Statement of Account within 213.270 Use of the Governmentwide commercial purchase card. - Internal Fraud
Reduces DoD Operating costs 10 United States Code 2784 requires specific corrective actions for Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program violations, which two of the following must be included in supporting documentation for all governmentwide commerical purchase card transactions, Frustrated freight may never reach the intended recipient, CLG 0010 DOD GOV. What four steps are used to accomplish this objective? What are three examples of abuse of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? For each of the following rejection regions, sketch the sampling distribution for z and indicate the location of the rejection region. How long does Foreign Military Sales documentation have to be retained following case closure? $9.45 Which Governmentwide commercial purchase card program mandatory oversight procedures? After obtaining all necessary approvals, you call the construction company, which advises you that the cost for its services will total $2,400. Whose Responsibility is it to comply with government agency standards of conduct? (ii) The contracting officer shall not authorize the Governmentwide commercial purchase card as a method of payment during any period the SAM indicates that the contractor has delinquent debt subject to collection under the TOP. - ANSWER-The Cardholder must receive customized training, Which of the following is a Cardholder responsibility in the Governmentwide, Commercial Purchase Card Program? endstream
Which three of the following are advantages of using the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? Cardholders who hold an Ordering Officer delegation must follow Component procedures for order placement. Interest penaltiesb. What is the micro-purchase threshold for construction? employee reimbursement by miscellaneous payment. - Daily Data Mining Case Reviews //////
Ordering officers are established to provide DoD Components with the ability to make purchases against existing contracts to support their mission. Docmerit is a great platform to get and share study resources, especially the resource contributed by past students and who have done similar courses. Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Give Me Liberty! Date on which the item/service was ordered. Total Dollar Value of the transaction Cardholders who have been formally granted the appropriate authority in their Letter of Delegation may use the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card to make Simplified acquisitions up to $25,000 outside the United States and its jurisdictions. In which building would you recommend that The Black Knights Inc. locate, assuming a 12% cost of funds? The General Services Administration (GSA) awarded a multiple award schedule contract for U.S. Government commercial purchase card services. yo agree to make the purchase, and the construction company accepts your governmentwide commercial purchase card as the method of purchase. Karen. Which of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's mandatory oversight procedures involves the Approving/Billing Official documenting findings and disciplinary category determinations? Slashes mean its wrong What are three authorized uses of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? The card may be used only for purchases that are otherwise authorized by law or regulation. Authorized uses of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card include (select three) correct answers Existing Government contracts Ordering Officer purchases and payments Commercial training requirements using the SF-182 What are 2 advantages of the Procurement Integrated . By Tessa 6 months ago Exam $8 1 Governance> Exam > GOVT 407 Exam 3 questions-and-answers-solution-test-exam- (All) Disruption to Government Purchases. -Adverse personnel actions What are three examples of misuse of the governmentwide commercial Purchase card? Cardholders who have been formally granted the appropriate authority in their Letter of Delegation may use the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card to make Simplified acquisitions up to $25,000 outside the United States and its jurisdictions The Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card ___ used as the method of payment for commercial training . This building is larger than needed; however, the excess space can be sublet for 25 years at a net annual rental of$7,000. This policy applies to all types of contract actions authorized by the FAR un less What is defined as any felonious act of corruption or attempt to cheat the Government or corrupt the Government's agents by charge card program officials? - ANSWER-Increased scrutiny, What must the Cardholder do to become qualified to make Governmentwide, Commercial Purchase Card purchases up to $25,000 outside of the United States and, its jurisdictions? David Smith. CLG 0010 Test Questions with correct answers (Guaranteed A+) (0) $6.49. With a profile at Docmerit you are definitely prepared well for your exams. $Cash payments on account totaled$8,896,000. 13.301 Governmentwide commercial purchase card. Which of the following is the term for a shipment of supplies or equipment that is delayed along the transportation chain and will not move until all problems are resolved? When using a Governmentwide Commercial Purchase card, which of the following is a prohibited purchase. 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