While the first series of Medici wasnt that historically accurate, the second series Medici: the Magnificent is much more faithful to the truth of what really happened. They decided to assassinate Lorenzo and Giuliano in the cathedral during Easter mass on April 26, while the archbishop was to take over the signoria (the council of government). But the Medici also suffered from other bone and joint diseases. After only two years in power, he was forced out of the city in 1494, and died in exile. Get 6 issues for 19.99 and receive a 10 gift card* PLUS free access to HistoryExtra.com, Save 70% on the shop price when you subscribe today - Get 13 issues for just $49.99 + FREE access to HistoryExtra.com, Lorenzo de' Medici, the Magnificent: the astounding life of the delightful tyrant of Florence, Holy smoke, antipopes and power struggles: a guide to popes and the papacy, Leonardo & Michelangelo: rivalry and inspiration. Among the Medici, the great banking family that counted popes among its clients and came to be de facto rulers (and later dukes) of Florence, one name tends to loom large over all others: Lorenzo the Magnificent. 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Lorenzo di Piero de' Medici (Italian: [lorntso de mditi]; 1 January 1449 - 8 April 1492) was an Italian statesman, banker, de facto ruler of the Florentine Republic, and the most powerful and enthusiastic patron of Renaissance culture in Italy. He was a poet, humanist, skilled politician, writer, and patron of the arts. pdf files, Statement on offensive historical content. Lorenzo il Magnifico e il fratello Giuliano. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To give our readers the best experience, we use technologies such as cookies to store and/or access unique information about your use of our site. Recently the show was over with its finale season. Lorenzo de' Medici (1449-1492) was one of the most influential political figures of the Italian Renaissance. He mounted the pulpit on August 1 and launched an unceasing deluge of denunciations of the Medici, the papacy, and the whole of Christianity. gangrene of the leg He died on April 9, 1492, from an inherited disease that degenerated into an infection causing gangrene of the leg. This would lead to the events of 26 April 1478. Six months later Christopher Columbus was to reach the New World. Copyright 2023 Elsevier Inc. except certain content provided by third parties. Often looked down upon by the traditional ruling class, they could point to the role of their Medici forerunners as patrons of some of the west's greatest artists. [43], Lorenzo's heir was his eldest son, Piero di Lorenzo de' Medici, known as "Piero the Unfortunate". EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. Please enter a term before submitting your search. They had every right to fear the meteoric rise of this incredibly powerful family. In addition, they provided the Roman Catholic Church with four popes (Leo X, Clement VII, Pius IV, and Leo XI), and two Medici women (Catherine and Marie) became queens of France. 3. Klippel-Feil's Syndrome and Pott's disease in Cardinal Carlo de Medici (1595-1666) Clin. The two terms are often used interchangeably, but there are slightly different definitions for them. Pope Benedict IX (10321044, 1045, 10471048), who sold the Papacy. Lorenzo the Magnificent died at the very moment when a new historical era was beginning. But Lorenzos boldness was crowned with success. [38], Lorenzo died during the late night of 8 April 1492, at the longtime family villa of Careggi. When Lorenzo de' Medici was born in 1449, his family were enjoying an enviable position at the head of government in Florence. Described in 1950, DISH is characterized by calcification or ossification of the ligaments attached to the spine. Contemporaries called it gout, and it probably was so, although at that time gout was not well distinguished from other forms of rheumatism. [2] Their marriage was unusual for Florence at the time in that they were nearly the same age. Together, they have tens of thousands of living descendants today, including all of the Roman Catholic royal families of Europebut they are not patrilineal Medici. Tonelli F. Was it true gout? His preference for the Tuscan dialect over Latin was remarkable for this time. What was Lorenzo de Medicis family like? Lorenzo de' Medici (also known as the Elder), was the younger brother of Cosimo. They appear to have suffered an inherited disorder called the Medici Syndrome which caused an ankylotic spinal stenosis, an erythematous skin disorder and recurrent peripheral joint disease. Carta 688. Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia. A study1of the skeletons of nine Medici children born in the sixteenth century shows that they had rickets, a vitamin D deficiency that causes bones to become soft and even deformed. In the field of arts, he notably advanced the careers of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. The story reminds us of Lorenzo the Magnificent (Italian: Lorenzo il Magnifico, 14491492) as the greatest of the Medici. He ruled Florence with his younger brother, Giuliano (145378), from 1469 to 1478 and, after the latters assassination, was sole ruler from 1478 to 1492. Francesco Antommarchi, the Malvolio of St. Helena, Deserving but unrecognized: the forty-first seat, Operation Pedro Pan: Saving Cuban children from communism, Alice Hamilton: physician and scientist of the dangerous trades, Lessons learned from the Greeks: The physician-patient relationship in Hippocratic Gynecology. Born into the powerful banking family that controlled Florence, he was both a formidable political force and one of the Renaissances greatest figures. Rheumatology 2009, 48:375. Genghis Khan peak net worth: $100s trillions (100s of trillions) The fearsome Mongol leader conquered a mind-blowing 12 million square miles of land between 1206 and his death in 1227, more than anyone else in history. The disease may also affect the neck and lower back, and sometimes the shoulders, elbows, knees, and heels, and there may also be radiographic evidence of thickening of the skull. When his son Giovanni was 13, Lorenzo obtained a cardinals hat for him from Innocent VIII. Comment on: The gout of the Medici, Grand dukes Of Florence: a paleopathological study. MA thesis. Lorenzo de' Medici, who was the son of Ferdinand I, suffered of epilepsy(ASF, Mediceo del Principato 908. Letters written by witnesses to Lorenzo's death report that he died peacefully after listening to the Gospel of the day. Paleopathological findings on exhumed skeletons, supplemented by medical descriptions in historical documents, have permitted a retrospective . The content on this site is intended for healthcare professionals. Is the Netflix series Medici historically accurate? 365. Lorenzo de Medici died in 1492. Lorenzo di Piero de' Medici (Italian:[lorntso de mditi]; 1 January 1449 8 April 1492)[2] was an Italian statesman, banker, de facto ruler of the Florentine Republic, and the most powerful and enthusiastic patron of Renaissance culture in Italy. The historical significance of the Medici family of Florence is widely recognised, but the diseases which afflicted leading members of this family have only been scientifically studied in recent decades. The historical significance of the Medici family of Florence is widely recognised, but the diseases which afflicted leading members of this family have only been scientifically studied in recent decades. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. The historical significance of the Medici family of Florence is widely recognised, but the diseases which afflicted leading members of this family have only been scientifically studied in recent . Children: 10, including Francis II of France; Charles IX of France; Henry III of France; Margaret of Valois and Francis . These alliances mattered, because the Medicis were increasingly dependent on their political power and the income they accrued from the Florentine state, both directly as officeholders and indirectly via patronage of contracts. What inherited disease did Lorenzo de Medici have? Catherine de' Medici (daughter of Lorenzo, Duke of Urbino and great-granddaughter of Lorenzo the Magnificent) married into the French monarchy at just 14 years old in 1533. 1. Many have emphasized the role played by the Medici, a banking family and later ducal ruling house, in patronizing and stimulating the arts. [12] He carried a banner painted by Verrocchio, and his horse was named Morello di Vento. [3], The political nature of her marriage meant that she was often called upon by each side of her family to influence the other. Inherited knee disorders in the Medici family. During the Renaissance, many different substances were used to treat the 'falling sickness'. It seemed necessarythat he brought water from the Villa; and no one thought that she would die so soon. Giuliano was killed, brutally stabbed to death, but Lorenzo escaped with only a minor wound to the neck, having been defended by the poet Poliziano. They appear to have suffered an inherited disorder called the Medici Syndrome which caused an ankylotic spinal stenosis, an erythematous skin disorder and recurrent peripheral joint disease. This page was last edited on 21 February 2023, at 08:15. According to Chang, the Medicis, as a family, are the 17th richest people of all time, with an estimated worth of $129 billion (adjusted for inflation). He greatly improved the status of Florence, for which he was remembered and revered as Pater Patriae. If Florence was to have a tyrant, Guicciardini wrote, she could never have found a better or more delightful one.. In fact, it was Lorenzos brother Giuliano who patronised Botticelli more than Lorenzo, and after Giuliano's assassination Botticelli painted a public mural of the traitors. Elevated serum growth hormone levels are typically used to confirm the diagnosis of acromegaly, which is not possible in Lorenzo's case. What inherited disease did Lorenzo de Medici have? Paleopathological findings on exhumed skeletons, supplemented by medical descriptions in historical documents, have permitted a retrospective diagnosis of a triple pathological syndrome in the senior branch of the Medici family. Are there still Medicis today? Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. A key commodity in the glassmaking, tanning and textile industries, alum was available from only a few sources under the control of the Ottomans and monopolized by Genoa before the discovery of alum sources in Italy at Tolfa. In the modern world, the Medici became a model for philanthropy even if that meant overlooking some of the more dubious means by which they had acquired their wealth and their power. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. He would become an exemplar of the merchant prince though for all this, his rule and life were not without their challenges. The bones of Filippo de' Medici, known as don Filippino, and other young members of his family. Known as Lorenzo the Magnificent, the Florentine statesman and arts patron is considered the most brilliant of the Medici. The Signoria and councils of Florence issued a decree: Whereas the foremost man of all this city, the lately deceased Lorenzo de' Medici, did, during his whole life, neglect no opportunity of protecting, increasing, adorning and raising this city, but was always ready with counsel, authority and painstaking, in thought and deed; shrank from neither trouble nor danger for the good of the state and its freedom.. it has seemed good to the Senate and people of Florence. to establish a public testimonial of gratitude to the memory of such a man, in order that virtue might not be unhonoured among Florentines, and that, in days to come, other citizens may be incited to serve the commonwealth with might and wisdom. Patrilineal descendants today: 0; Total descendants today: about 40,000. [15] Her husband was not with her when she died, nor did he attend the funeral,[15] because he himself was very ill and was in Bad Filetta near Siena to get cured. The familys patronage of artists, architects, and writers also imposed a considerable burden upon its resources. The Peace of Lodi of 1454 that he supported among the various Italian states collapsed with his death. Epub 2011 Jan 15. Lorenzo the Magnificent as he was known died on 8th April 1492 after receiving absolution aged 43 at the longtime family villa of Careggi after succumbing to complications of the family curse - gout. Lorenzo was a talented poet, and acquired the accomplishments expected of any young prince in hunting, jousting and hawking. 365. Lorenzo de' Medici's death on 8 April 1492 is often seen as the end of an era: he was only 43 but was suffering from the hereditary gout that afflicted his family. European Spine Journal 2010,19: Supplement2,pp 103107. Book After Lorenzos premature death at the age of 43, his eldest son Piero succeeded him, but soon infuriated the public by accepting an unfavorable peace treaty with France. Clarice Orsini (1453-1488) [1] was the daughter of Iacopo Orsini, and his wife and cousin Maddalena Orsini both from the Orsini family, a great Roman noble house [2] and was the wife of Lorenzo de' Medici . Corrections? Lorenzo's personal legacy also included his library, and the collection of country villas that now dotted the hillsides around Florence. Is the Netflix series Medici historically accurate? On the recommendation of Pico della Mirandola, Lorenzo permitted the Dominican monk Girolamo Savonarola to preach at San Marco in 1490. Lorenzo's agents retrieved from the East large numbers of classical works, and he employed a large workshop to copy his books and disseminate their content across Europe. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(17)31339-9, We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. It was an indication that the family's ambitions were no longer confined to just one city. Lorenzo was the first of the Medici to marry out of Florence, to Clarice Orsini, a member of an important Roman baronial family. Patrilineal descendants today: 0; Total descendants today: about 40,000. She continued in her role of patron, negotiating with Pope Leo and her nephew, Lorenzo to get clients protection, funds, and release from prison and exile. In 1523, after serving four years as ruler of Florence, Giulio ascended to the papacy as Pope Clement VII.[37]. Exp. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the The Medicis (yes, those Medicis) are back, and starting a challenger bank. Hereditary diseases aren't always going to be genetic. However, with little support from the traditional Medici allies in Bologna and Milan,[21] the war dragged on, and only diplomacy by Lorenzo, who personally traveled to Naples and became a prisoner of the king for several months, ultimately resolved the crisis. Lorenzo de' Medici is known as Lorenzo the Magnificent for a reason. The ossification diathesis in the Medici family: DISH and other features. 8600 Rockville Pike Lettera a Giovanni Lanfredini, oratore fiorentino a Roma, 1489. Clarice returned to Rome several times to visit her relatives; she also visited Volterra, Colle Val d'Elsa, Passignano sul Trasimeno, and other places in the 1480s. His marriage alliance was also a princely one. Lorenzo de' Medici appears as a supporting character to the protagonist. In addition, economic conditions were deteriorating. [16] The content of Lorenzo's letter to the Pope is the following: The death of my dearest and sweetest wife Clarice, that recently happened to me, it is of so much damage, prejudice, and pain for infinite reasons, that it has overcome my patience and resistance to the troubles and persecutions of fate, for which I did not think that I would be so affected. How many grandchildren did Cosimo Medici have? What happened to Lorenzo Medici daughter? [13][14], Piero sent Lorenzo on many important diplomatic missions when he was still a youth, including trips to Rome to meet the pope and other important religious and political figures. Eventually power passed to a collateral branch of the family, the Grand Dukes of Tuscany, Cosimo I (1519-1574), Ferdinand (1549-1609), and several others, until the family died out in 1737.1, Most of the Medici had some form of joint disease. Mediceo Avanti il Principato (filza LI), for Archivio di Stato di Firenze. Cosimo's younger brother Lorenzo (1395-1440) founded the cadet branch, which continued until the eighteenth century and from which the Grand Dukes of Tuscany came. Giuliano de Medici was killed by Francesco Pazzi, but Lorenzo was able to defend himself and escaped only slightly wounded. [25], Lorenzo rallied the citizens. The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. To update your cookie settings, please visit the Cookie Preference Center for this site. Lorenzo maintained good relations with Sultan Mehmed II of the Ottoman Empire, as the Florentine maritime trade with the Ottomans was a major source of wealth for the Medici. Who is the last Medici? Lorenzo thereupon went, alone, to Naples. [4] Clarice's dowry was 6,000 florins. Lorenzo's letter to his son on his appointment gives an insight into his expectation that Giovanni should live modestly: Your taste will be better shown in the acquisition of a few elegant remains of antiquity, or in the collecting of handsome books, and by your attendants being learned and well-bred rather than numerous. And while the new cardinal should aim at being a good ecclesiastic, he should not find it difficult to favour your family and your native place, though of course he should always prefer the interests of the Church. The couple had two sons. Genetic and environmental factors, with . Medici drama series successfully ended with 3 seasons. Peripheral joint and spinal conditions, with the presence of skin disease, are identified in several generations of the family in the 15th century and are presented as the 'Medici syndrome'. Historian Catherine Fletcher explores the life of the delightful tyrant, and how he became a prince to be reckoned with. Down Syndrome. Born on 1 January 1449 to Piero de Medici and Lucrezia Tornabuoni, he would become one of greatest figures of the Renaissance a masterful politician and diplomat. The curtains closed on almost 300 years of Medici rule in Florence with the death of Gian Gastone de Medici, the seventh family member to serve as grand duke of Tuscany. The archbishop clumsily accosted the Medici gonfalonier, a harsh and suspicious man who immediately had him hanged from a window of the Palazzo Vecchio wearing his episcopal robes. MB), Help with In their splendid palaces the Medici undoubtedly enjoyed a rich fare, and may well have been exposed to some wine or food or even contaminated water (such as from lead pipes) causing their painful gout. Lorenzos mother Lucrezia Tornabuoni is played by Sarah Parish whereas in the first series, Valentina Bell took on the role. Lippi D, Matucci-Cerinic M, Alburyc WR, Weisz GM. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. seems to have been a family disease among the Medici, as attested by the nickname "the Gouty" attributed to Piero (1416-1469). It's been inherited by a parent, which may have been inherited from one of their parents and so on. Precisely because he was not an aristocrat, he became an important model in the 18th and 19th century for a new class of 'merchant princes'. The Medici were a powerful and influential Florentine family from the 13th to 17th century. Medici on Netflix or Medici: Masters of Florence and Medici: The Magnificent Seasons 1 & 2. From then on he was considered the Wise, the needle on the Italian scales. He did not take advantage of his position by imitating the Sforza and making himself a duke. [45], Paintings by Botticelli that use the Medici family as models. STARZ drama The Serpent Queen portrays Catherine de Medici as a queen who will do anything to survive and retain power. Giovanni was only 13, well below the age at which such a promotion was normally permitted, and the appointment is testament to Lorenzo's success in rebuilding his influence. By clicking "Accept", you consent to this processing of your personal data as explained in our. Lorenzo de Medici/Age at death. He had the traditional training of a 'Renaissance man' in the humanities and arts, from tutors including the leading philosopher Marsilio Ficino. How to Market Your Business with Webinars? [18] She had also removed the family and their teacher from Florence after the scare of the Pazzi conspiracy, and he chafed under the exile. He also was the leader of the Florence merchants. Dr. Rank inherited . He died two years before the outbreak of war and the exile of the Medici. 2012 Jul;32(7):1915-20. doi: 10.1007/s00296-011-1898-7. [15] In 1478, he wanted to teach the children humanism, Latin, and Greek, but Clarice insisted on their lessons being more religious, and being delivered in Italian. Lorenzo sent mercenaries to suppress the revolt by force, and the mercenaries ultimately sacked the city. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. He was a writer, a poet and a great patron: in these capacities he did so much to beautify his beloved Florence. Reumatismo. Lorenzo de' Medici, who was the son of Ferdinand I, suffered of epilepsy (ASF, Mediceo del Principato 908. Medici drama series successfully ended with 3 seasons. Lorenzo de' Medici, byname Lorenzo the Magnificent, Italian Lorenzo il Magnifico, (born January 1, 1449, Florence [Italy]died April 9, 1492, Careggi, near Florence), Florentine statesman, ruler, and patron of arts and letters, the most brilliant of the Medici. If you hear Lorenzo blaming himself for not being present at the death of his wife, excuse him. Ingeborg Walter: Der Prchtige Lorenzo de Medici und seine Zeit. [19], Thereafter, Lorenzo, like his grandfather Cosimo de' Medici, pursued a policy of maintaining peace, balancing power between the northern Italian states and keeping major European states such as France and the Holy Roman Empire out of Italy. "Florentine Palaces & Their Stories". The Medicis (yes, those Medicis) are back, and starting a challenger bank. She died in Rome, and was buried in St. Peters Basilica by order of her cousin, Pope Clement VII. Easily controllable these days, it was and still is a terrifying and agonising disease to have and there was no cure or treatment. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. We are thus left to conclude, putting together the clinical stories and the recent evidence from what has been called paleopathology,1,9 that the Medici suffered from at least three different joint diseases, some possibly related, some perhaps merely coexisting in the same person.9 And quite likely the last word on this interesting subject has not yet been written. [39] Savonarola visited Lorenzo on his deathbed. Lorenzo is remembered as The Magnificent for his political astuteness as well as his artistic skills. Lorenzo de' Medici (1449-92), also known as the Magnificent, was a statesman, patron of arts, and a key supporter of the Renaissance, a cultural movement in Italy that spread throughout Europe, marking the beginning of the Early Modern Age (from the 14th to the 17th century). How old was Lorenzo de Medici when he died? The series does take some liberties with historical accuracy, mixing important events such as Riario death and bringing in a character with little historical reference (Tomasso). He ruled Florence for some 20 years in the 15th century, during which time he brought stability to the region. Lorenzo de Medicis death on 8 April 1492 is often seen as the end of an era: he was only 43 but was suffering from the hereditary gout that afflicted his family. He was followed by Piero the Gouty, the famous Lorenzo the Magnificent (1449 1492), and then two further generations of descendants. government site. The Medici had also alienated Pope Sixtus IV. (The Pazzis succeeded in murdering Giuliano, but Lorenzo survived the attack, thus the conspirators' plan to replace the Medicis as de facto rulers of Florence failed). The show covers the exile of Cosimo at the hands of the Albizzi family. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. It was due to Cosimos meticulous and advanced banking practices which led to the substantial generation of their wealth, the Medicis would use this impetus of a fortune to bankroll their political power in Florence and sponsor the greatest artists and projects during the Renaissance period. Palazzo Medici Riccardi was built in the 15th century by Michelozzo for Cosimo the Elder and is the place where the Medici family began to consolidate their power in Florence. Was Lorenzo Medici a good person? Husband: Henry II of France. Indoor life and poor nutrition condemned the children of Florence's rulers to bone disease. Interestingly, urate deposits were found only in the skeleton of Ferdinand I, but this by no means excludes clinical gout in the others. Page 250. Florences ruler could count on nothing more than very limited aid from Milan and the encouragement of the king of France. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. In 1478, the Pazzi family attacked Lorenzo and Giuliano de' Medici during Sunday mass, successfully killing Giuliano but not Lorenzo. If seen, fans were waiting for season 4. Giuliano was indeed killed in front of the altar, but Lorenzo succeeded in taking refuge in a sacristy. During the Pazzi conspiracy, which was aimed at murdering Lorenzo and his younger brother Giuliano, Clarice and her children were sent to Pistoia. Lorenzo (1395-1440) founded the cadet branch, which continued until the eighteenth century and from which the Grand Dukes of Tuscany came. Toward the end of his life, Lorenzo opened a school of sculpture in his garden of San Marco. This disease is caused by the abnormal duplication of the 21st chromosome in all or some of the cells of the body. 2014 Jul;35(7):1133-7. doi: 10.1007/s10072-014-1694-8. 50 of the Medici . "[17], Lorenzo, groomed for power, assumed a leading role in the state upon the death of his father in 1469, when he was 20. Protruding bone spurs are formed, and there is generalized bone hardening and overgrowth. [10] Nevertheless, sources and letters suggest that there was a great deal of affection and respect between her and Lorenzo. The real Lorenzo de' Medici was only 43 years old when he passed, leaving Italy in disarray. Her husband, Henry, became king of France in 1547 and after his death, three of Catherine's sons served as kings. What disease did Lorenzo Medici inherit? This amazed Europe, for he had all the attributes of a true sovereign. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Giuffra V,Minozzi S, Vitiello A, Fornaciari A. Senile ankylosing hyperostosis of the spine. He was a writer, a poet and a great patron: in these capacities he did so much to beautify his beloved Florence. To update your cookie settings, please visit the, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(17)31339-9, Acromegaly in Lorenzo the Magnificent, father of the Renaissance, Download .pdf (.24 He wrote letters describing symptoms that he suffered from the age of 26 years until his death at age 43 years. Known for: Being the queen mother of France during the reign of her three sons. A portion of Lorenzo's legacy, however, lay in the future. Cosimo di Medicis arthritis. A study1 of the skeletons of nine Medici children born in the sixteenth century shows that they had rickets, a vitamin D deficiency that causes bones to become soft and even deformed. He wrote, "I do not regret this for though many would consider it better to have a part of that sum in their purse, I consider it to have been a great honour to our state, and I think the money was well-expended and I am well-pleased. Maddalena lived in Rome after the election of her brother Giovanni as Pope Leo X in 1513. Already drained by his grandfather's building projects and constantly stressed by mismanagement, wars, and political expenses, the assets of the Medici Bank reduced seriously during the course of Lorenzo's lifetime. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). 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