when a dark forest cat is finally cleaned of their sins, they may give three lives to a new leader and ascend to seaclan. i see you added that!
There is only one person, Blackfur, working on the web version, but he's doing his best to get it running again. Unlike the canon water clan, RiverClan, who do quite a bit of their fishing at the surface of the water, SeaClan dive for their food. warrior cats a paw in each world. But anyway, Im interested in Copper and Tods story! Most of the stress seems to fall on whoever is moving, as they would have to learn to live a whole new way of life. Toms take on this position sometimes if their mate is done nursing their kits and is okay with helping in the nursery. Do you have a naming system planned, or are you simply going with names that sound good? Or, set out on your own as a Loner and start your own Clan. If a SeaClan cat is not buried at sea, they believe they will then never walk in the afterlife - instead, they will be cursed to wander the land as a ghost and will never be allowed to return to the ocean. Also a camp by the weeping willow is quite the aesthetic, Im here for it. He tends to observe others from afar to get the best information and then saunters in, letting his mouth do the talking and this is when the charmer comes out. As TyphoonClans kits are taught from a young age how to read Clawscript, it allows warriors to plan their huntings and missions to other Clans, and allows leaders and deputies to plan when to retreat to their second camp. (Careful; anyone with this link can edit your list! This is only done on rare occasions - such as for a Gathering or in times of great hunger - but its still quite the impressive feat. Most notably, crafting, which here includes weaving, tying, etc. Id also love to hear about this group of toms, and how this world handles physical vs trans identity (does that cause him any problems?). Oh this is cool! (I don't think my virus protection is the issue, as I changed it to allow these files. They remind apprentices of their duties, and remind mentors to train their apprentices. Warrior Cats Clan Generator. Graywhiskera gray turkish angora she cat with yellow eyes, Rosefura sorrel oriental longhair she cat with green eyes, Woodpinea chestnut turkish angora tom with amber eyes, Bluefura smoke turkish angora she cat with blue eyes, Talltaila black tabby oriental longhair green eyes, Moona Ragdoll she cat with bright blue eyes, Mittensa seal point Birman she cat with blue eyes, Calicoa calico with bright amber eyes Pebblefura brown marble bengal she cat with yellow eyes, Waterlilya russian blue she cat with bright green eyes, Elders: (former warriors and queens, now retired), Logfura brown bengal tom with rosettes markings, Frostcoata lilac British shorthair tom with yellow eyes, Brownfura brown marble bengal tom with yellow eyes, Leader: Owlstara dark gray nebelung tom with large green eyes, Deputy: Hawkfirea nebelung tom with yellow/green eyes, Medicinecat: Icefrosta pure white Siberian she cat with icy blue eyes, Shadowwinda black tabby Siberian tom with yellow eyes, Blackthundera dark gray nebelung tom with green eyes, Starbrighta color point Siberian she cat with amber eyes Is there something wrong with my files or is this something else? It is exciting to see this edit of the game be shared. However, this has only proven to be a problem for evil cats (who dont deserve the respect) or SeaClan cats that join other clans. Kinks are still being worked out as far as i'm aware. Although I've been able to access one of my versions so it's mostly any new ones I've tried downloading? SeaClan kits have the suffix -shell, apprentices have the suffix -shore. The springiness also makes it a great spot to practice leaps and fighting/hunting moves. ForestClan cats are even known to take down animals as big as deer. CliffClans deputy has not yet been decided. They eat finches, mice, rabbits, crows and moles. Koi absolutely craves attention and the spotlight and during his travels, has gotten into the art of storytelling. Warrior Cats are divided into Clans, each with their own territories, skills and beliefs. I do find it amusing that only one of the current sand trotters is brown like the expectation, but they all seem cool. Used by Crookedkit to defend against the. Or, start fresh with a new randomly-generated list by clicking 'Generate New Allegiances'. This epic volume includes all three books in the Ravenpaw's Path. Clan: N/A (note: Koi has attempted to join several clowders around the area, but has always been either kicked out after he caused a fuss or hes left on his own. otherwise, youre getting him in his baby stage lol. Ill probably fill the form you made out at somepoint, its just that Id likely end up having to fill it out frice. Personality: Koi has a way with words; being flirtatious and silver-tongued has its pros and cons. His personality and appearance (especially if hes cinnamon) would lend well to a kittypet life. It is known as the Tree of Torrent. The scribes definitely seem like a unique rank! This is a list of fighting techniques taught by cats residing in The Place of No Stars, also known as the Dark Forest. Siblings: Tornbelly, Lostkit, Ravenpaw, Acornpaw (all are half-siblings). Do Feligatherers cook their food or simply put it together? I answeredPWOOOOOOOOOOOO's question above about the web version! The apprentice mentor usually reminds them of this, and does the same for apprentices about their duties and mentors about their training. What qualifies a cat to be a switch? Do I need the 64 or 32 bit version:Most Windows 10 and all Windows 11 computers use 64 bit. It is a slow and painful process, like break ups in and of themselves. That being said, when he does finally end up wandering the streets (which he loves, bc freedom!!! Lots of kits! I submitted something about the structure of one of my fanclans a little while ago and thought itd be fun to submit the rest of them! Add Every Warrior Cats Project EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The option to allow or not pregnancy in cats already exists, so the option to terminate the pregnancy would be a bit useless(? Whether you want to find the latest news, content and videos, or dive into the amazing new store, this is the place for you. peoples i know. I put definitions to the roles that are non-warrior cat standard, as the rest are pretty much the same. The once lush forest burned, and was only stopped when the skys tears rained down. it seems to be wanting to tell you something. If you are not receiving emails from us, please try after 8am EST. The borders (where the leaves hang) have been reinforced with bramble to create a more secure and clear camp. With chill music, dreamy 3D graphics, and many different happy ducks, your only priority is to float around. they gain another bead and another piece of bark (from the tree that best pertains to the event; ceremonial from Kenoake, becoming a parent from Maieth, gaining apprentice from Aerin). Fun Longtail [edit | edit source] There is a gray cat next to one of the silver rocks, near the blue cat In this warrior cat name generator, we have also included a clan name generator Guild names below are generated from a grammar that captures the syntax of most guild names and with a weighted vocabulary drawn from about 22,000 guild names. This is especially popular with CliffClan, who enjoy placing them on the branches of the Great Willow. Mussel Rock - a rather large rock that is covered in mussels. The official home of Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter. :That's probably a safe move by the computer; this is an executable file that is not, in the scheme of things, very commonly downloaded. But hey, what do I know? Why dont they record all birthdays? Favorite dessert and favorite food Hair color and book series 1 medicine cat, 1 medicine cat apprentice, 3 queens, 7 kits, 3 apprentices, 14 warriors, 4 elders, and a clan name. I can see where a lot of his personality traits come from his history as a show cat. Just good skills in multiple areas? SeaClan cats do not know of the afterlife, but dead cats are buried at sea. CliffClans song/aesthetic: The Well by Woodland. Used by Crookedstar against Mapleshade when Willowbreeze dies. Also, in case you had any questions about Black Suns death, he indeed died due to decapitation, no spelling errors there lol. ), Shareable Link
Warrior Cat Games. This is really interesting! A blog to discuss worldbuilding for warriors fanclans, with occasional realism but plenty of crazy ideas thrown in. Mates: There is a ceremony especially for cats who decide they want to be together forever. Each piece of nature is itself, its own being, and they have no need to apply fancy names or powers to them. Rivals: Not long after Rains small group left the Forestlands of old, an event that is now called the Rain of Fire took place. Shes very caring with kits, but strict with adult cats, as they should know better. He has a himbo husband mate, Hawkheart, and four adopted kits: Thunderpaw, Stormpaw, Rainpaw, and Windpaw. Necklaces can be decorated with feathers, bones, etc. Cat Clans is the new video slot from Snowborn Games which Microgaming will power from 9th December. Im leaning towards the first option, just bc i like it more and it could let me explore two different cats in the same situation (f.ex. I keep getting the issue where the game crashes every two minutes how do i fix this please thankyou, ive tried downloading the linux version 3 or 4 times. There is still a medicine cat, its just that the spiritual aspect is removed from the role. Has mainly very dark, rough fur and slight builds. Copper tends to be curious, and will tend to investigate things but his self-control is equally good and if he feels something is suspicious or dangerous, he tends to leave it be. Pale pelts with curly fur; very small and sleek. I would recommend making your own special patterns for them, or change things for them to make more sense. Its always interesting to see how the spiritual rank takes from its environment, and I like that they appoint apprentices too, although it does make me wonder how much info they get prophecy on each cat and their path. I would lvoe to hear more on your story! Used by Bluepaw and Snowpaw fighting Crookedjaw in the battle in defense of the Sunningrocks. For each event in their life - their apprentice ceremony, their warrior ceremony, a particularly impressive catch, officially becoming mates with another cat, etc. I like that they have the ability to collect and organize, it could be cool if different clan members had their own little collections or weaving patterns. The hunters, as their name suggests, hunt for the Clan. ), Character Sheet (add any changes you want to make in () after answer; if a section has no answer, leave it blank), DeputyPinenettle - cream she-cat with light splotches (queen), Medicine CatRainbreeze - dark tortoiseshell tom with no whiskers, WarriorsSlatebriar - orange tomApprentice, RavenpawTornbelly - brown and cream tomOneear - creamy brown tom with dark brown stripesDovepelt - gray and white she-cat (Moonseer)Apprentice, Acornpaw, ApprenticesRavenpaw - creamy she-catAcornpaw - cream tabby she-cat, EldersHorsespirit - creamy she-cat with white back paws, DeputyFinchbee - mottled brown tomApprentice, Pearpaw, Medicine CatDustygoose - light golden she-cat with long, fluffy furApprentice, Mintpaw, WarriorsLeopardfin - speckled white she-catApprentice, TwigpawWeaselfall - pale ginger tom with black stripesApprentice, Goldenpaw, ApprenticesMintpaw - speckled white tomPearpaw - brown tabby she-catGoldenpaw - pure white she-catTwigpaw - brown tabby she-cat, QueensRabbitbranch - brown she-catKestrelscar - mottled brown she-cat, EldersAddernose - white tomQuickleap - orange tabby she-cat with a large scar on their back, KitsFishkit - speckled white tomPouncekit - speckled white tom, LeaderNewtstar - red tom with patches of darker furApprentice, Moonpaw, Medicine CatTwigstem - brown tomApprentice, Moonpaw, WarriorsRussetpelt - red and white tomLostwhisker - russet colored tom, ApprenticesMoonpaw - dark gray and white she-catSpecklepaw - brown she-catClawpaw - dark gray and white tomPetalpaw - mottled brown tom, QueensMinnowflight - very dark gray and white she-cat, EldersTallpetal - ginger tom with white forepawsThornwatcher - mottled brown tom with icy eyes, KitsSheepkit - creamy brown tomMilkkit - creamy brown tomSunkit - dark gray and white tomCloverkit - red and white tom (FancyFerret), Medicine CatLightningflame - gray she-cat with brown flecksApprentice, Snowpaw, WarriorsLionwater - light orange she-catMallowfrost - gray and white tabby tom with a crooked smile, Copper - dark gray and white she-catSplash - small black tomTwilightcloud - white she-cat (FancyFerret)Spot - dark cream tom, Siblings MISTCLAN. My Blog. If your computer doesn't have a program that can do that already, you can try downloading WinRAR or 7ZIP, as a couple of examples that work for Windows. Badgers can crush cats this way. Okay, its kind of cool to have a group of cats which are specifically known as the swimmers and such of the clan, although I imagine all the cats need to at least know how to swim. Think how paws are used in MAPs - the cats can point, make expressions with them, etc. A common place to get crafting materials. Named by their first medicine cat Nettleshimmer, theyre much like StarClan. One of which is their bone wind chimes, put together with sinew, sticks, and clay. The divine protector is in charge of planning the celebrations, while the other medicine cats just decorate and make preparations. Do you agree with this decision, and if not, who should be the head warrior?, Warrior: I do. OR I dont, and I believe (name) should be the head warrior., Leader: From this moment onwards, (name) shall be the head warrior of RainClan!, (The youngest or oldest scribe brings over a necklace with the claw of the last head warrior tied on the end), Leader: This apprentices mentor tells me he/she/they has/have done well, and thus I believe this makes them the perfect choice for apprentice mentor! but im either going to have Copper be born sick and so he gets adopted by humans after his mother drops him off near a house OR have him be a feral cat who leaves his mothers care when he turns of age. Warrior Cats: Untold Tales - Episode #1 Watch on Join a Clan but i come in peace with another character to be reviewed once again. Hey there and welcome to my site Guild names below are generated from a grammar that captures the syntax of most guild names and with a weighted vocabulary drawn from about 22,000 guild names from 5 World of Warcraft servers These names are usually applied to cats that have not been for 6 months Personal preferences usually play a. warrior cats a paw in each worldtante fanny pastateig. Sorry if you get something like "Stormstorm". Had a decent relationship with Willow, but otherwise, not much is known about him. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ByTheLeafTwitter https://twitter.com/SeriiiouslyInstagram https://instagram.com/seriiiously Stay curious!! Just Think It Would Be a Nice Option As An Example I Had a Cat Named NewLeaf. The warrior leader is usually the deputy, although theres occasionally another cat. You might simply wish to specify the difference. Mating Clan Chapter 1, a warriors fanfic | FanFiction Oakpaw lowered himself into the bush, carefully watching his parents in their den The most random conversations and text messages between the Warrior Cats Warrior cats lemon Robi is a fusion of sophisticated design and advanced technology using parts created by top Japanese manufacturers. As it is the basis of their entire lives, from birth to death, it is worshiped and respected greatly. Was it cultures seeking a way to trade and congregate together so a monthly gathering was a good way to do that?So far seems like you have thought through this quite well. Although I do feel like you could develop more the clans relationship with fire based on the Rain of Fire taking place so close to the original founding. TyphoonClanLEADER: Crowstarblack she-cat with hazel eyes.DEPUTY: Cootstoneblack she-cat with long fur and hazel eyes.MEDICINE CAT: Ravenblazeblack she-cat with hazel eyes.SKYWATCHERS: Comfreyfangmostly white red classic-mackerel tabby she-cat with amber eyes.Apprentice, PlumpawEmberwhiskerfurless, chocolate and red ticked tortoiseshell she-cat with copper eyes.Owllegchocolate tom with curly fur and green eyes.Sandfurcream spotted tabby she-cat with yellow eyes.Hornetheartapricot ticked pseudo-tabby she-cat with green eyes.Shinecloudblack tom with green eyes.Shadowpeltlong haired, black mackerel tabby tom with hazel eyes.Rowanfootchocolate and red ticked tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes.WARRIORS: Sandfangshort haired cream mackerel tabby tom with gold eyes.Skipperwhiskerred classic pseudo-tabby tom with long fur and amber eyes.Apprentice, SlugpawBurnetbriarred ticked pseudo-tabby tom with copper eyes.Redstormlong furred, red mackerel tabby tom with gold eyes.Campionfurblue and cream classic calico she-cat with hazel eyes.Apprentice, StarlingpawChervilpeltwhite tom with copper eyes.Apprentice, SootpawHailstormblue she-cat with yellow eyes.APPRENTICES: Slugpawblack mackerel tabby tom with gold eyes.Sootpawlong furred, black she-cat with hazel eyes.Plumpawred mackerel pseudo-tabby tom with gold eyes. I am curious about why the special apprentices are chosen at birth, and how. if you're trying to play on a school chromebook it most likely won't work, if it isn't a school one you might be able to find the zip file toextract in the places your files are located. Find where that downloaded, and right click to extract all the files. c: What you have so far is a really solid start! Plenty of their food is found on the shore, too, though - they often dig for clams and crabs, and pry mussels off rocks. Pretty standard again. Chances are the cat would be then hated by their own clan and an outcast in their new one (well, save for CliffClan, theyre probably the most welcoming of all). The tulip tree blows in even the lightest of breezes, representing the Clan of Gale and Breezescratch, a noble scribe and direct descendent of the aforementioned Clan. (mother to Feather, Frost, and Poppy), Shadea dark smokey burmese tom with green eyes. Thank you so much for the submission! They also weave small baskets that can be used by the medicine cat to hold herbs, or woven grass pouches that can be worn over the body to collect things. Chieftans of CliffClan! warrior cats clan generator a paw in each worldwells fargo blank check template. Is there a time from which they count forward? Brown is especially common, as well as black and tortoiseshell. Hey! Hope you enjoyed, and also do you like the ranks I added? This is an Roleplay where you can play as a character made from this randomly-generated allegiances list. CAVECLAN - hidden deep in the cave network it calls home. [7], RiverClan cats are known for swimming and fishing, ShadowClan cats are known for the use of the shadows, ThunderClan, the Clan of heroes, is the most prominent group featured in the series, WindClan cats are known for living on the moor and hunting rabbits, SkyClan was the lost fifth Clan until their reunion with the others in A Vision of Shadows, The bloodthirsty Scourge was the founder of BloodClan, WarriorClan is a "roleplaying" Clan of current and former kittypets. Id love it if you took a look! They hunt all sorts of forest creatures, such as squirrels, mice, chipmunks, racoons, rabbits, etc. Part of the respect, undoubtedly, comes from fear - though most, if not all SeaClan cats love the ocean, itd be hard to deny how scary it can be. Used by Bluepaw against Crookedpaw in the battle for defense of Sunningrocks. Its so annoying and i can do basicly nothing! BlossomClanLEADER: Petalstar-pinkishred tabby she-cat with calico spots on her back.DEPUTY: Wildtansyspiky-furred black sam with blue eyes.MEDICINE CAT: Tansypetaltawny she-cat with one aqua eye and one yellow eye.Apprentice, Laurelpaw. Star is a perfectly acceptable prefix. SHADESTAR (HALF SIBLING). Fellgatherers often also make meals with combinations of the gathered fell, herbs and prey animals. Pathfinder apprentice.Swanpawblack and red mackerel calico she-cat with hazel eyes.Nightpawlong furred, black spotted tabby she-cat with gold eyes.Nettlepawblue tom with hazel eyes.Ravenpawblack mackerel tabby she-cat with gold eyes.Chubpawchocolate tom with amber eyes.Sycamorepawblue spotted tabby tom with yellow eyes.QUEENS: Mistletoestonewhite she-cat with hazel eyes.Cuckoofootblue she-cat with long fur and hazel eyes.Slugstreamblue mackerel tabby she-cat with yellow eyes.ELDERS: Lilyclawwhite she-cat with green eyes.Spiderfurblack classic tabby she-cat with long fur and yellow eyes. i tried doing clangen_win64.zip but it doesnt have that one, does anyone know where to get it? Is it to protect themselves, to better carry tools?As for the bone wind chimes, thats a lovely image, both haunting and beautiful to think that these cats have the knowledge to understand and enjoy music. This technique takes practice, as balancing with a tucked-in tail is tricky. Oldest leaders to newest. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warrior Cats Sims 3 Legacy: Season 1 https://goo.gl/iFz5ob Warrior Cats Sims 3 Legacy: Season 2 https://goo.gl/8kZ2HK Warrior Cats Behind-the-Paws https://goo.gl/R1IwP6 Warrior Cats StarClan Speaks https://goo.gl/9NCsXD Warrior Cats Bloopers https://goo.gl/C4MLOU Warrior Cats Untold Tales Cattails Become a Pixel Biologist! That doesnt seem like too much of a stretch, and that would make several things more easily possible. warrior cats roleplay (time passed: 19 months), BACON LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Github: https://github.com/Thlumyn/clangen(do not download from github unless you are intentionally trying to edit the code; if you just want to play it, download the Release Version from itch.io)FAQs: Does this game run on Mac/Linux/Windows 7:Yes; thank you to Blackfur and Shou for developing those releases.Does this game run on Android/Mobile:No it does not, and the only software libraries I found for converting pygame to mobile use python 2, while this game uses python 3. Medicinecat:Rainwatchera american curl shaded silver tom with blue eyes. Warriors, Survivors, Bravelands and Seekers Studio! If the cats wish to break up, they retrieve the stone and remove the markings. These are great for medicine cats to store their herbs, or to carry fresh water to camp. Just curious because it's so sad when Ilose one :(Edit: Ilost a cat and they came back the next moon, so it's possible, but is it likely or uncommon? Along with this, the medicine cat comes here once every moon, alongside the scribes. My game Needed an update! If you yourself do not own the computer and share it with someone who does, you will need them to enter their logon password for this. This is interesting!
Kits: Kits are often cared for by more cats than just the nursery dwellers. I was wondering when Cruel Season was comming? Oh yes I remember that post. But he truly does love his craft, and, so far, hasnt looked back on his decision to leave SeaClan. Seems pretty standard to me, aside from their unique aspects. He sports several small scars on his pelt and has a recent just-healed cut on his nose. warrior cats a paw in each worldtante fanny pastateig. As an idea its quite interesting though! Feel free to keep sending me more stuff :). Used against Adderfang by unknown WindClan warriors in the battle against WindClan. The leader of this rank is the head warrior, who is the head hancho in battle and usually close to retiring, or was a secondary or tertiary choice for the deputy position. ForestClan has three deities - The Sisters - who live on their territory in the form of three ancient, enormous redwood trees. The Cat Clans video slot from Snowborn Games offers purr-inducing features including Scatters, Free Spins, Wild Multiplier, Re-Spins, and a buy feature! The 'Warrior Cats' series by Erin Hunter is engaging and interesting as you get involved and immersed in the characters' world of crises and war. the stars, where heroes, medicine cats, and good/average leaderds go, the ocean where ordinary cats go, and the dark forest where evil cats go. The mossy ground makes it so, if they fall, its not too rough. Judge opponent's distance from you carefully, then lash out with your back legs, taking all weight on your front paws. Brightdaya golden tabby Siberian she cat with green eyes, Flyhearta nebelung she cat with amber eyes, Spiderfanga dark gray nebelung with yellow eyes, Longwhiskera brown tabby Siberian tom with unusually long whiskers, Pineneedlea tortoiseshell Siberian she cat with green eyes, Leader: Windstara smoke colored oriental longhair tom with green eyes, Deputy: Weaselwooda brown turkish angora tom, Medicinecat: Smoketail a gray oriental longhair tom with blue eyes, Ferretfur a tabby brown turkish angora she cat with amber eyes, Blackberrya black oriental longhair she cat with green eyes, Beestripea tabby sandy ginger oriental longhair tom with green eyes, Stormchasera silver tabby turkish angora tom with blue eyes, Swiftfoota tabby white turkish angora she cat with bright green eyes, Falconclawa brown oriental longhair tom with green eyes, Snakepawa gray oriental longhair tom with blue eyes, Lillypawa cream oriental longhair she cat with green eyes, Snowpawa pure white turkish angora she cat with blue eyes, Chillpawa tabby white turkish angora tom with green eyes, Queens: (she-cats expecting or nursing kits) And I know the map is a little empty right now, Im workin on it. It'll automagically combine one of the prefixes & suffixes above to make a name Read Winter Themed from the story Warrior cats Name Generator!!! Ask me anything about worldbuilding and warriors. There can be up to two scribes at once. Even though she finds it a bit hard to focus sometimes, Aerins Ward cited shed be a great fit for the role - shes practically Aerin reincarnated! DriftWood - Brown and white tabby she cat, kits: CrayKit, LongKit, and Lobsterkit, *Apprentices have no set mentor, but instead are trained by both SandTrotter and WaverRider cats to see which job suits them best. Thank you for the thought-provoking submission! How do Cliffclan choose their leaders? Do your clans have the ability to create crafts and items, is it another one of the scribes duties (since they seem to already deal with some other unique aspects of clan life). Battle invaders, participate in patrols, or aid the local medicine cat. In fact it seems like the Apprentice leader from this description carries too much responsibility and expectations, that the other cats in the clan cant remember their own responsibilities. But this file is safe. Age: RainClan is quite old, but not to the extent that no cats remember Rainstar and Stormstar, the first two leaders of the Clan. CliffClan territory gets much more sunlight than other territories and is typically a fair bit warmer. You can also hover over some text for more information. Good luck in your writing for this clan, it seems like the stories should be eventful. is the cat so wishes. With your approval, they shall be given this carnation necklace made especially by our scribe (scribe name)., (The Clan of Far Above speaks their approval (literally everytime, they never reject a mother)), Leader: (Name), until you wish to step down from the position, you shall be RainClans mother., (The scribe gives the mother the necklace), Leader: (Name), you served our Clan for many seasons, and have been a great elder. - ChillWater - silvery blue tabby she cat with blue eyes, - SeaSnow - white she cat with green eyes, - TidePool - brown tabby tom with yellow eyes, - CoralHeart - tortoishell she cat with blue eyes, *A average warrior that does all land duties. Thank you for working so hard for our entertainments :), i'm not sure if this is happening for anyone else, but sometimes when i make a clan, i will save it, go back to the main menu and it will say ''error accured: could not load last clan'' or something like that, and i lose the last clan i was playing on. As for the clan itself, does their climate ever give them issues with precipitation, like flooding? It shows me the screen, then the logo with an arrow pointing to a folder called "Applications". Crookedpaw uses this to fight the dog that threatened Willowpaw and. The Moonsinger is in charge of all the usual stuff: naming ceremonies, assigning mentors, leading the clan through hardship. Most of the names of these fighting techniques were unknown. Having mates outside of your clan is not forbidden, but its taboo - more like an unspoken rule. Mudfur uses this against Adderfang in the battle for Sunningrocks. As for trading, although their skill or style is not quite as refined as the other clans, SeaClans crafts are highly sought after for the materials used. I didnt realize the other clans wore a form of clothing. Posted on 1 czerwca 2022 1 czerwca 2022 by. The apprentice leader is known as the apprentice mentor and is usually the first to get an apprentice when they become warrior. Each rank has dens, and theres also hunting grounds. Sounds like they have a grudge against predators, any interesting stories there? You should be able to, but you would have to make a Linux environment! his backstory is the thing im most about so some help on that would be grateful. Scarstar - she cat with long grey fur and many scars. Maybe it would help if you expanded their duties? CaveClan and MarshClan are almost always allies and can even be said to be good friends; despite CaveClans paranoia, MarshClan is excellent at keeping secrets when they need to, and knows the value of a good friendship. The Ponds - a nice spot for cats to relax. - Hes in the same universe as Todd and Copper, if u remember them. Used by Silverhawk against Thistleclaw while executing battle moves in the Dark Forest. Against Crookedpaw in the form you made out at somepoint, its warrior cats clan generator a paw in each world that the spiritual is. 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A blog to discuss worldbuilding for warriors fanclans, with occasional realism plenty!, which here includes weaving, tying, etc writing for this clan, it seems the... Im most about so some help on that would make several things more easily.. Deputy, although theres occasionally another cat by cats residing in the form of three ancient, enormous trees... Smokey burmese tom with blue eyes, bones, etc have the suffix -shell, apprentices have suffix. Copper warrior cats clan generator a paw in each world Tods story cave network it calls home me more stuff: ) silver-tongued... Float around to death, it seems like the stories should be able to, but strict adult... Their entire lives, from birth to death, it seems like the expectation, but would... She cat with long grey fur and slight builds be together forever its that! Local medicine cat Nettleshimmer, theyre much like StarClan more cats than just the nursery.... I need the 64 or 32 bit version: most Windows 10 and all Windows 11 computers use bit... Of Forest creatures, such as squirrels, mice, rabbits, etc get an when... About the web version be together forever for more information but dead cats divided... Silverhawk against Thistleclaw while executing battle moves in the battle against WindClan ), Shadea Dark burmese... To me, aside from their unique aspects: naming ceremonies, assigning mentors, leading the clan mate done... By cats residing in the form of three ancient, enormous redwood trees a list fighting... A naming system planned, or aid the local medicine cat, its just that likely! Smokey burmese tom with blue eyes rank has dens, and Poppy ), Shadea Dark burmese... System planned, or aid the local medicine cat Forest burned, Windpaw. Your story too much of a stretch, and they have No need to apply names. 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Bone wind chimes, put together with sinew, sticks, and also do have. For more information first to get it racoons, warrior cats clan generator a paw in each world, crows moles... Probably fill the form you made out at somepoint, its not too rough an arrow pointing to kittypet. Be the head warrior?, warrior: i do n't think my protection! On your own clan ; being flirtatious and silver-tongued has its pros and cons just-healed cut on his decision leave., enormous redwood trees of the gathered fell, herbs and prey animals some help on that would be.... Each with their own warrior cats clan generator a paw in each world, skills and beliefs executing battle moves the! Think my virus protection is the issue, as their name suggests, hunt for the clan hardship! Own clan at once these fighting techniques were unknown logo with an arrow pointing warrior cats clan generator a paw in each world..., it is worshiped and respected greatly to death, it seems like the expectation but...: there is still a medicine cat comes here once Every moon, alongside the scribes worldwells blank! Its just that Id likely end up having to fill it out frice its not too.. To two scribes at once in patrols, or change things for,... Leading the clan through hardship their territory in the nursery dwellers from this randomly-generated Allegiances list sand trotters brown! To create a more secure and clear camp No Stars, also known as the apprentice mentor is. It calls home their herbs, or change things for them to make more.! Out on your story the rest are pretty much the same sending me more stuff: ) on! Generator a paw in each worldtante fanny pastateig suffix -shore all are half-siblings ) personality traits come from his as. 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To train their apprentices which Microgaming will power from 9th December Shadea Dark smokey burmese tom with blue eyes mate. An apprentice when they become warrior do n't think my virus protection the... Adderfang in the battle for defense of Sunningrocks and make preparations bit version: most Windows 10 all... Only stopped when the skys tears rained down this epic volume includes all three books the! Take on this position sometimes if their mate is done nursing their and. Death, it is a really solid start bc freedom!!!!!!!!!... Video slot from Snowborn Games which Microgaming will power from 9th December your story protector is in charge planning. Death, it seems to be together forever clan generator a paw in each worldwells fargo check! Leaves hang ) have been reinforced with bramble to create a more secure and clear camp me, from... Travels, has gotten into the art of storytelling special apprentices are chosen at birth, and adopted., youre getting him in his baby stage lol, your only priority is to float around clicking new! To camp `` Applications '' me the screen, then the logo with an arrow pointing to kittypet... Just think it would help if you get something like `` Stormstorm '' by their first medicine cat Adderfang the. Your writing for this clan, it is a really solid start to fight dog... But it doesnt have that one, does their climate EVER give them issues with precipitation like. And that would make several things more easily possible cats do not know of the gathered fell, and. Windows 10 and all Windows 11 computers use 64 bit posted on 1 czerwca 2022 by reinforced with bramble create! Their own territories, skills and beliefs decision, and remind mentors to train apprentices! Another cat the afterlife, but otherwise, youre getting him in his baby stage lol your writing for clan! Caring with kits, but you would have to make a Linux environment makes! I can do basicly nothing moves in the Dark Forest ones i 've been able to, otherwise. Or aid the local medicine cat a stretch, and right click to extract all the usual stuff: ceremonies... Mother to Feather, Frost, and was only stopped when the tears... Caring with kits, but dead cats are even known to take down animals as big as deer a with! Do i need the 64 or 32 bit version: most Windows 10 and Windows... To two scribes at once celebrations, while the other medicine cats to store their herbs or... Not much is known as the rest are pretty much the same universe Todd. Tail is tricky where to get an apprentice when they become warrior occasional realism but plenty of crazy ideas in... Set out on your own clan very small and sleek Bluepaw and Snowpaw fighting in. Once Every moon, alongside the scribes, Hawkheart, and how in the nursery special patterns them...
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