Herters Multidefense Shotshells The ultimate knockdown power with a 0.65 round lead ball, backed by six No. I don't have a factory 8-round VEPR-12 Molot mag to compare the exact weight difference between them, but the csspecs mag feels- to me- like an AK "should". First on the list of gripes is the safety. I don't post too often on these sites, but I have had such horrible problems with my VEPR-12 and such subsequent fantastic results with it that I felt compelled to leave a post. Barrel Length: 19 in / 483 mm. Its a shotgun, anything more than a brass bead and youre over thinking your shot. You can adjust, but shooting at different distances will be an issue.. Post break in, its one of my favorite handguns. people get all fussed about it and do things like add recoil buffers or extra strength recoil springs, and then scratch their heads at the occasional short-stroke or double. Makes sense that the cycling of the action might be a bit rough and too tight to cycle low velocity rounds. You need to pull it into your shoulder when shooting the low power stuff. Comes standard on the CR-12 an KL-12. Their new loads are badass. Inconsistencies of the factory VEPR 12 & SAIGA 12 Guide Rod/Recoil Assembly are well known. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Invision Community, Problems cycling low brass with my VEPR12. If there were only a single overall rating, it may not reflect whats important to some people vs. others. You can adjust, but shooting at different distances will be an issue. Your link has been automatically embedded. The SF short mags are prolly the best buy for power and other uses, but the max barrier penetration loads have more ass. Full VEPR 12 walk through, ammo test and review. VPR-12-81. When you say target ammo, it's too vague as there's a hundred different kinds of target ammo. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Model: VEPR 12 Short-Barreled Shotgun (SBS) Action: Magazine-fed, semi-automatic Caliber: 12 gauge, 3" chamber Length: 34" Barrel length: 12" Weight: 9.3 lbs Capacity: 5 or 8 (Standard) and higher (extended) MSRP: $1,699 ( The other variants carry a MSRP of $1,199) VEPR 12 Shotgun Check it out at www.cobras-custom.com if you need help! I had new in box Saigas with crooked gas ports and not enough gas ports. Often guns need to be "broken in" before they function properly. October 8, 2014 in Vepr-12. I believe completely that there is room for personal opinion on a reviewbut no reason whatsoever to leave out/ get WRONG tec.data. This is the most obviously biased and uninformed review Ive ever read on this site. It must be that new STUPID CORE Math ..you know the Obammy way of doing things.. .I saw this as a news story on C hicken N oodle N ews.. Another use is deer/hog hunting. Next up is to polish it. Of all the magazines I tried only the 5 rounders were reliable and even those had occasional jams. Take your finger and slowly push the follower downward as deep as you possibly can. Price was 799.99 and was from Classic Arms. The stamped steel receiver is reinforced, thicker (1.5mm instead of 1mm), and more heavily constructed than a standard Kalashnikov-pattern rifle. Resolving feeding and ejecting problems of Molot Vepr 12 and Saiga 12 shotguns. There would be a lot of kick with that when you consider the recoil of a 1 ounce slug at 1600 then add another 1/8 oz. This review doesnt mention what it did shooting target rounds like in 3 gun. MSRP:$1,199 (Buds). Two groups of 8 rounders = 32 rounds and is way less cumbersome than the drums and reloads leave other semiautos and pumps in the dust. Purpose [ edit] they said no one should be detain because of open carey of a gun, so u first need break the law, some kind law they take your gun do they have just cause to beleave gun not leagle ? There is a little round button just behind the mag well, press that bitch up and rack the bolt. I know that you have probably done this, but make sure your gas puck (I think that is what it's called) is installed in the correct orientation. is this normal? The sights are nice, and the full length rail along the top is a very nice touch, but it would be more useful if the stock wouldnt get in the way so much. their 00B really are 00 sized, and are generally harder, rounder and plated, as well as buffered. Let alone write a review without reading the freaking owners manual? About 5 min with a dremmel and you can add a little more value to your gun, of course you should always .make the gun 922r compliant first. Just saw them in stock here http://www.birminghampistol.com/?product=vepr-12-gauge-ak-style-shotgun-semi-auto-folder-stock-welded-open, YupThanks to BHO. Saiga-12.com Corporation Shannon also sent me a bottle of break-in lubrication and a set of cleaning tools back with my parts. Instead of the standard AK safety selector, some Vepr-12 shotguns have an ambidextrous safety that can be manipulated from either side of the receiver. Im not a big fan of thin pieces of metal jutting out off a firearm, especially near my hand, and especially when Im going to fire slugs through it. Ive beaten competitors much better than me that used those in Trooper division simply because their gun didnt work. With the Vepr, I went through about 50 and didnt have a sore shoulder. Message boards are awesome resources of knowledge. is this normal? same concept as the ar15 and ak47, lots of loaded mags and fire away, amazing with Pumpkin shoots! The empty hull gets stuck halfway being pulled out, stovepipes basically. I repair a lot of tube fed guns. The price for the basic package is about $210 which honestly seemed a little pricey at first, but I was at my wits end with this gun and decided to pull the trigger as it were. All ratings are relative compared to the other weapons in the guns category. I had some problems with the SGM Tac. The brenneke slugs I've used have been more accurate over the others. cause to beleave its not they just cant arrest us or hold u, they need reason befor they ack, Is that how Europeans/Russians refer to 12g? My gas puc is right, but I'm glad my gas tube and spacing look OK because that is what I was worried about. That and my EAA Match 10mm. Im hoping its just one of thise situations where it needs to be fired more. As a result, the traditional way to keep a shotgun running has been a tube magazine running along the bottom of the barrel. There is a bolt hold button on this gun that he is getting confused with the bolt release lever. ak47-for-sale Ok, then which semi-auto magazine fed shotgun are you comparing it to? Vepr 12 Problems, Turn to the Internet Posted on August 25, 2013by shootip5 Vepr 12 Problems, The Internet is my Only Hope: So I start Googling "Vepr 12" , "Vepr 12 problems" and I come across www.Vepr.orgmessage board. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A similar question could ale be asked: why not include price as a gradeable category? . Capacity: 4+1 | Disclaimer. Just pull the bolt back with your right hand, push the button with your left index finger while gripping the rifle and it locks back. Exactly what the second amendment is primarily for, to have a well regulated militia. MAGS INCLUDED. Not to mention your problems are things that others (such as Tim over on MAC) love, and Im thinking Nick just hates the idea of an AK shotgun period and will find any excuse to bash them. I wouldn't hesitate to use them should the need arise. But Im not volunteering to be the test case. I never beat my dogs downstairs though and it is over so fast I dont get time to even fire one round. Due to Russian law, domestic and many export versions of the shotgun are equipped with a disconnector that will render the gun unable to fire while the stock is folded (only if the length of the weapon gets less than 800 mm). I havent run birdshot through it yet so I cant comment on function with low brass loads. The problems I've seen with the VEPR 12 models is that some have either undersized gas ports (undergassed) or the extractors are not correct. [Get your minds out of the gutter], Theres an issue with aiming this gun, thanks to the parallax resulting from the sights being an inch above the top of the barrel. I just bought a Vepr 12 a few weeks ago. Molot VEPR. But the form factor of the magazines limit your capacity, and are you really going to take the time to strap on extra shotgun magazines before checking on what that noise downstairs was? I was looking for a buttstock for my Vepr 12 Molot. To facilitate rapid reloading of the shotgun, a bolt release lever is located inside the trigger guard, allowing the user to release the bolt without breaking grip.[2]. This review almost had me until two things happened. - YouTube BigDaddyHoffman1911 on the range with friends Jody showing and shooting the VEPR 12 Russian Shotguns. I might cut my house in half, but there is no way in hell anybody is leaving that place alive. Dissident Arms designed our competitionguide rod assembly to correct inconsistent spring stacking, making for much smoother travel of the carrier during cycling. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Paste as plain text instead, I rarely loan money to friends unless I have no intention of ever having it paid back. best-place-to-buy-guns The effect of these changes is that the gun is a lot easier to handle straight out of the box. Just because youre paranoid doesnt mean that people ARENT watching! Cycling the action by hand, it doesnt seem rough, in fact, my WASR-10 which is completely reliable has a much grittier, noiser action. Thats no different than saying I tested a Delton AR15 that jammed so this Daniel Defense AR15 is an inferior weapon to a Winchester 70.. Yeah. i know the v12 has its self regulating gas system in which its basically supposed to be able to handle all types of rounds, and i also know that some weapons need a "break in period" to be properly evaluatedbut, from the people ive talked to who are familiar with actual kalashnikovs, im told there isnt supposed to be any play in the gas piston itselfand thats the only explanation i can come up with for this FTE issue. Display as a link instead, and yes they first need judge order or arrest u, there arrest found not sound leave them open to law sute I think shotguns are the best home defense weapon point it in the intruders general direction and youre likely to really ruin their day. Top competitors compete with what their sponsors tell them to so they serve as walking advertisements. Then you mention the xrail as if it is a viable and useful alternative instead of the uber-expensive, unreliable, heavy piece of crap it is in reality? You cannot paste images directly. The biggest magazines Ive seen fro the VEPR-12 are 12 round magazines, and those require compliance with that pesky Federal statute 922(r) before using them in your gun. theres no prosecution history of 922r at all. Accuracy: * * * * I work from a home office in my basement. True the manual from I mash is terrible, but 10min on the s12 forums fixes that problem. After the break in period it fires everything from cheap wallyworld birdshot up to slugs. But the question remains: is the gas piston supposed to have a little side to side play in it? It actually works and is much easier to use. Are you rapid firing, or taking your time between the shots? This did nothing either. The Vepr-12 lacks the standard AK side mounting rail, instead using a Picatinny rail incorporated into the dust cover for optic mounting. I slicked up the feeding ramp on my first one But in hind sight that was just lazy. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The vast majority of VEPR12 shotguns work fine, it's just a couple percent which have been reported to be having these issues. Its an improvement over the old Saiga-12, but I wouldnt judge it being twice as good. We test the VEPR-12 a few different ways to see how this monster feeds. But i WILL b racking the hell outta that sgm mag once i get home because the issue seems to be alot worse with the sgm. I get lots of help. You need to bend the pegs of your hammer spring towards the outside of the receiver. sure Ill have to replace a couple parts but the mag does count as one of them. Ive seen some of the video and it looks like Vepr-12 doesnt like some optics on its top rail. As a side note, I did use it to shoot a can of Mt. Based on the RPK standard, the Vepr 12 shares the same legendary . Caliber: 12ga Message boards are awesome resources of knowledge. A quick polish with a steel file took care of it. Trench clearing. i would like to see an update to the review considering 800 is the new price.. +1 Sometimes price is included in the ratings, and usually it is in the discussion. Toggle navigation. Some have guns that will run 3 dr Eq without work, but most end up just buying 3 1/4 dr stuff. But what if it is intended to be like that? but we are fanboys with no concept of purpose or usefulness. Give them the right sponsorship contract and they would be using it. the role reversal means that theres no easy way to lock the bolt open when the gun runs dry. Own a piece of Russian legacy before it's gone. By I swapped the furniture on my VEPR 12 (slant cut, thumbhole stock) and ever since then I've had some issues with trigger reset. VEPR-12 Shotgun Specifications: Caliber: 12ga Barrel: 19 inches Capacity: 4+1 MSRP: $1,199 ( Buds) In case you look for improvement and tuning of your rifle i warmly suggest to consider this option. once they have reason they check all your guns, but u have do ack break the law make atf see u, best point this is ohio man was open carry a gun wich is leagle police detain him with out cause orther then the gun they found he can sue the state and police. Man, does that look awkward and ungainly. Advanced Search. My stock v12 runs Winchester universal no problem. I got great assurance from one FFL was that the AR/AK style was fine complete with the . You might have better luck with the 3 1/4 dram eq row of the chart. But I think that where a object/device is from shouldnt count into your considerations when buying said item. Still, your point remains. I actually decided to put the Molot muzzle brake (well, the Carolina Shooter Supply brake knockoff) and YES, it significantly reduces recoil on the gun! How much does a shotgun with that thing on it weigh, fully loaded? Please post a video of this if you can. You have entered an incorrect email address! I also paid $630 for it during Firearmageddon last year. I've been running low brass with no problems (of course I did swap the trigger because the factory one was unreliable for me and I also polished the bolt face and the hammer), just stay within these ammo specs: http://doitdarith.com/temp/vepr12/wolfammo12gaugevepr12.html. While I understand the concept, thats not exactly the truth about the gun. If it does not release the follower and let it return to its resting position. Learn how your comment data is processed. This versatile system is often erroneously characterized as a "self-regulating" gas system. With these considerations in mind, Molot introduced unique features, such as the ambidextrous safety selector, the bolt hold-open mechanism and a simplified magazine feeding mechanism. Like having a pistol that shoots .22, 9mm, .40, .45, and .357 magnum interchangeably. Was imagining a jury looking at this tacticool monster AK 47 assault shotgun in the event I actually used it for home defense, the intruder gave me time to load the thing, it didnt jam, and I actually hit that at which I was aiming. I rapid fired, as well as took my time between shots. That sounds about right. there are a ton of gun videos there. The overall includes everything overall subjective opinion and shooting experience, price considerations, etc and is not simply an average of the limited preceding categories. Like all firearms with the Vepr designation, the Vepr-12 receiver is patterned after that of the RPK light machine gun. Sold it when I was stationed in California because the AK platform is per se illegal in the state and I play by the rules. Well, I got a good laugh out of that review. I really didnt have a good reason to buy it other than the fact that they arent being imported anymore. I am glad to see them at $800 though. Break it in a bit. And lastly, just my opinion, If paralax is an issue and you cant compensate for 1 then maybe a different hobby is better for you. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. See Features. Okay, in the first picture, it says 1276 on the receiver. The Vepr-12 also incorporates a unique safety catch and bolt release mechanism. I find the Vepr 12 section and start a new thread. I used my dremel with a carbide cutter (dremel bit #9910). Fortunately for them they took off before I got downstairs. Ratings (Out of Five Stars): Make your guide rod upgrade quick and painless! Mine has a small amount of play in it too, but not much. Factory last round bolt hold open. If you don't give a it good back stop, you can cause the FTE's. Even with the availability of Saiga-12 and VEPR-12 shotguns, the pro 3-gun shooters still dont use them. Display as a link instead, Bet this gun would be ideal for sasquatch hunting. The Vepr-12 is also chrome lined throughout, including the gas block, barrel, and chamber, affording the shotgun excellent corrosion resistance. Home defense, war, Armageddon is what its designed for. If I were looking to drop that kind of scratch on a semi auto 12 gauge its going to have pretty wood furniture. Thanks for taking a look. Re-use your factory recoil springs, or, for improved cycling with 3 dram ammunition, use in conjunction with our 15lb Wolff recoil spring, available here:http://dissidentarms.com/index.php/product/15-wolff-recoil-spring/, Note: Gunsmith install HIGHLY recommended! At first I thought it was because the RPK handguard i got is a tiny bit shorter and it was wiggling out of place but I put the original back on and I still had it happen today. Vepr 12 Problems, The Internet is my Only Hope. Ignoring for a minute that its inside the trigger guard which is a huge safety concern to some people, the role reversal means that theres no easy way to lock the bolt open when the gun runs dry. For reference, 1 oz loads (28 gram) it must be at least 1235 FPS. There could be some metal shavings or residue in the trigger components that might be causing this issues, but that is just a guess. The VEPR-12 model features an ambidextrous safety, a reimagined magazine feeding mechanism . Second if you want to shoot light loads you have to adjust the gas system and set it to pos. Well Im a good shot and either they will be dead or I will before Im done with the six rounds. Then of course the possibility of violating firearms laws in a different state. I sent my bolt carrier group, piston, and fire control group to Shannon who began work on polishing the parts immediately. Press J to jump to the feed. Unlike the IZ-109 manually adjustable gas regulator system used on the Saiga-12, the gas system on the Vepr-12 is a clone of the IZ-433 unregulated fixed open port tappet system, allowing the Vepr-12 to cycle most commercially available 12-gauge loads, from 3.25 dram equivalent and up, without risking damage to the shotgun and without requiring any manual adjustment by the user. 2. Ive owned both. You simply cant hold the shortcomings of the Saiga against the VEPR. And yes, as the previous reviews said, not the same as a Saiga, this has auto adjust gas and can fire various types of loads from the same magazine or from magazine to magazine. You can either bush the tab in or pull pack on the bolt, allow it to slap back, to release it. Hopefully Ill have a great running Vepr 12!!!! It is a lot of fun to blast a bunch of lead pellets at pumpkins or other deserving food items. You cannot paste images directly. Overall rating is not mathematically derived from the previous component ratings and encompasses all aspects of the firearm including those not discussed. I would do it again and again for the results that I got. Bring the price down around $800 and well talk. Ive seen them at atlantic firearms and classic firearms for $999. Given that, it was easy to let the Saiga goguessing the Vepr wouldnt be much different. I prefer 5, 8, and 10 rounders. Have to agree with the author. Threaded barrel should not be an AWB problem for a shotgun as it is not on the shotgun evil feature list. We also run a full rapid ammo dump on the VEPR- 12. If you can get a few pictures I can at least compare with my Vepr 12. Got myself a great rifle for less than 1 gran on top of few boxes of ammo! Considering that standard OOB over penetrates at 1325 FPS for HD purposes, and has a ratty pattern, 1600 FPS would seem a move in the wrong direction. In the buttstock there is shock-absorbing system and T6 hard anodized aluminum buffer tube. Yet it never fails. Top quality upgrade replacement for your Vepr-12. (I know that it probably would not cause this issue, but it's something easy to check). I get what you saying. Call me vain, but my second reason for buying a gun after having a use for it is aesthetics. Magazine: Removable box 5 rounds (8 ,10 ,12, and 25 round magazines available) The Russian VEPR 12 semi . Its not like an AR-15 where you can manually set the bolt open without the magazine if that is what you are referring too. I don't own a VEPR but I had this exact problem with one of my Saigas. Everyone wanted to play with it. Apparently, guy who has made way too many posts. I can see MAYBE using the VEPR 12 with a 20-round drum of Dragons Breath to fry the crippled bastard after Ive tartard his @$$ but thats just to make sure they dont get up again like in a horror film. yep, just about all AKs have some contact of the rear trunnion with the carrier. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. A stock AR15 generally works and could be used to compete in 3 gun though not optimally. One of the things I appreciate about your reviews is that theyre real reviews. Stock Saigas often simply didnt work at all. Even then some just do not like light loads. Then came the check the gas block and ports. The areas in blue should be left in tact. A nifty range gun no doubt, but if Im spending this much money Id like to actually be able to use it for something. ! Well, first I was thinking it was the bcg but after fiddling with it, the trigger and hammer are resetting. My vepr 74 needed the fcg polished, it wouldn't reset on its own because shit was gritty and would catch and not let go. I went through 8 guns to get 3 that worked. The gun will fire, cycle, eject, and feed a new round, but the trigger reset for the second round doesnt seem to be happening. The permanently attached muzzle brake extends the barrel and enhances the shooting experience through an extreme reduction in muzzle rise and felt recoil. I got some great help from 505Fire from Vepr.org. Ive yet to see an XRAIL that actually works reliably. A side folding stock is present on most models; however, Vepr-12 shotguns are offered with fixed stocks as well. Showing up without them; likely. Im quite sure its something simple. Wanted to obtain a collapsible Your piston gets guided into position by the gas tube. However, no variable regulating mechanism is present. My Saiga 12 works flawlessly if I have the gas adjusted correctly. By But for home defense, I just grab the Vaquero or the Glock 21 or the Mossberg and I feel fine with that. Thats what I thought. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The slide locks back easily by pushing the little button in front of the trigger guard (just behind the magazine release paddle). Saiga-12.com Corporation For a purchase of 700 (on line all day long) and another, perhaps 100 or less, to make it 922(r) compliant, you cannot find a more reliable shot gun that can shoot assorted types of ammo without adjusting the gas. mossberg-930-spx-pistol-grip-for-sale, https://shootarillusions.com/product/best-6-5-creedmoor-500-rounds/, https://shootarillusions.com/product/hornady-hp-xtp-9mm-124-grain-bullets/. Double shame for being a shill. As the author said, it was a solution looking for a problem. lsd-for-sale Might make sense, I had the VEPR on the same bench I was using the dremel on. You need to contact the seller or manufacturer for a replacement. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. VEPR 12 Shotgun Good or Bad? The second one I bought was at issue. I live in the shotgun only part of Michigan, and Ive been using a saiga with an eotech for the last two years. . Since the Saiga puts you in the higher classes of 3 gun I bought a Mossberg 930 SPX. Hence the fat portion of the piston. Buy New pre ban Molot Vepr-12 10rd magazine 10 round 12-guage mag Russian Ten : GunBroker is the largest seller of AK47 Parts Gun Parts All: 972965496. My Turkish Hatsan's also required some work for
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