Returns will be credited for the price of item minus my actual shipping cost. Turtle morphs, albino turtles, baby turtles, Miscellaneous snakes, lizards and amphibians. Red-Eared Slider Breeders That Ship; Red-Eared Slider Rescue; How Much Does a Red Eared Slider Turtle Cost? Common names: Slider turtle, red-eared turtle, red-eared terrapin, red-eared slider turtle, and water slider turtle Average Adult Size: 6 to 8 inches Lifespan: 20 to 40 years Average Price Range: $15 to $50 Conservation Status: Least concern Red-eared sliders are resilient, friendly, and fun to care for. Its only been a few days but we love em! My name is Linguini! Cb Reptile is proud to offer OVER 20 species of healthy, captive-bredbaby tortoise for saleincludingred foot tortoise for sale,yellow foot tortoise for sale,cherry head tortoise for sale,Sulcatatortoise,leopard tortoise,giant leopard tortoise,Greektortoises for saleonline,easternHermannstortoises for sale,westernHermannstortoisefor sale, as well as many other species oftortoise for saleandturtles for sale. However, before you commit to purchasing and taking on a baby slider, you need to make sure it is healthy first. My name is Apple because of my round green shape :) I was found as a stray and when no one came to claim me, I, Finding a new home for my sisters bearded dragon. These will make afabulous addition for anyonelooking for agorgeous pet turtle. IT IS THE CUSTOMERS RESPONSIBILITY TO KNOW YOUR STATE AND LOCAL LAWS FOR OWNING THE ANIMALS YOU ARE PURCHASING. Happy and healthy! Remember when searching for anytortoises for sale, including a newbaby tortoise for sale, tortoise town is your source for the besttortoise for sale,baby tortoises for sale,baby turtles for sale, and adultturtles for saleof anyturtle storeanywhere. I would highly recommend CBreptile! I was seized by the shelter because my living environment, Hi! WebRed Eared Sliders normally hatch out a bluish green. Excellent condition. It gets its name from the red stripe on its ears and its ability to slide off rocks into the water. Since they are so popular, they are easy to find in most pet stores, but you can also easily find them online at one of the many breeders weve listed here. If you are looking for a land turtles for sale, get the box turtle. My name is Marshall because of my marshy colors and patterns!! I am very satisfied with my order and would definitely recommend. WebThe sale and distribution of viable eggs and all small turtles (shell length less than 4 inches) was banned, excepting educational and research purposes, in the United States in 1975 after public health investigations showed that small turtles were a major source of human Salmonella infections. The red-eared slider turtle is among the most popular turtle species in the United States because they are easy to maintain and quickly adapt to many different environments. Red-eared sliders make great pets, and theyre not that hard to care for once you get their habitat up and running. In community set ups, it's often their example that quickens other species' taming down. When choosing any baby ear slider turtles for sale or any res turtle for sale it is important that you purchase a healthy animal from an experienced turtlebreeder. My name is Vine because of how long I am! Rarer color morphs of Red Eared Sliders, such as Albino Red Ears, Pastel Red Ears, Hypo Red Ears, Hypo Translucent and Ghost Red Ears are permitted to be shipped to Florida. I was brought to the shelter covered in belly burns. I was, Hi! Common Name: River Cooter Turtle
Red Ears are omnivorous, eating pellets, most greens, insects, fish, mollusks etc. Common Name: Southern Painted Turtle
By the way I only bought three but they came in four! Buy 2 or above
Currently feeding on turtle pellets and small cut up fish and worms. Our new baby slider is perfect. One in a million, thei, Melanistic Red Eared Sliders are lacking all skin pigments except for blacks and grays. If you have a red eared slider turtle and are looking for the best guide out for care, if you have a baby hatchling, you might need only a 10-gallon tank to start. 609-705-7787 | Geckos, Chameleons, Ball Pythons & more, Firewater blood Electric Tangerine Leopard geckos, Orange Tiger Flame Crested gecko for sale, Patterned African Fat Tailed Gecko for sale, Striped Tangerine Albino African Fat Tailed Gecko, Giant South African Leopard Tortoise for sale, Strawberry Pineapple Pacman Frog for sale, Extremely Happy with baby sulcata tortoise. Also looking for baby Red Eared Slider Turtles (415)408--82five-zero Novato. However, keeping one as a pet may involve more than you may expect. My wife and I have two young ones.Braylin and Troy with our third on the way. What Do Red-Eared Slider Turtles Eat in the Wild & as Pets? I was found as a stray and transferred to rescue to help me find my new home! We are accurate on most juveniles and hatchlings, but we do make mistakes as some animals do not show their sex as early as others, depending on many factors. Use the search! This is a Florida Gar fish morph caught in the Florida Everglades. My name is Grimbolina but some just call me Grim! Their bottom shell (plastron) is usually Copyright: Right Reserved, Chinese Big-headed Turtle (Platysternon megacephalum) (Platysternon megacephalum). Locanto or quikr have a few turtles for sale.
Reptiles & Amphibians; Turtles; 2. Webfor sale > wanted - by owner. All Turtles and Tortoises under four inches are sold for scientific, educational or export purposes only. Since 1975, however, selling baby turtles that are less than 4 inches long has been illegal in the U.S., Forty years ago, the U.S. outlawed the sale of small turtles as pets because they harbor salmonella, a bacterium that causes a highly unpleasant and occasionally deadly illness in humans. Rarer color morphs of Red Eared Sliders, such as Albino Red Ears, Pastel Red Ears, Hypo Red Ears and Ghost Red Ears are permitted to be shipped to Florida. They actually cared about getting the turtle to us safely. I've been raised by my owners since I was 6, This is fuego, he is a 5 year old bearded dragon. Please contact us if you have any questions - Thank you. Very active turtle and gets along with my red ear slider. WebSince 1975, however, selling baby turtles that are less than 4 inches long has been illegal in the U.S., because some reptilesred-eared sliders includedcan harbor salmonella on their skin. My name is Lemon Bear! WebBeautiful Baby Red Ear Slider Turtles FOR SALE ADOPTION from Chicago Illinois Cook @ Classifieds - #97207 Beautiful Baby Red Ear Slider Turtles FOR SALE ADOPTION from Chicago Illinois Cook for over 1000+ cities, 500+ regions worldwide & in USA - free,classified ad,classified ads Baby Albino Red Eared Slider Turtle Representative photo. I am a stunning Common Boa Imperator. recommends feeding your new baby yellow Razorback Musk Turtles are an extremely unique aquatic species of turtle that requires a deep water habitat in order to thrive. They r, Peninsula Cooters are a very hardy species. One in a million, thei, Pink Belly Side-Necked turtles are excellent tank turtles, doing best in deeper, warm water with lot, Eastern painted turtles are excellent for small tanks or larger community set ups. WebFlorida Softshell Turtle for sale will make a great addition for anyone looking for a beautiful pet turtle. As early as 1900, this turtle has already been captured and being sold at flea markets. Currently feeding on turtle pellets and small cut up fish and worms. My name is Zennyo Ryuo which is a rain-god dragon in Japanese mythology. They, Hi! We offer a 7 day health guarantee on our captive bred animals only provided all conditions are met as listed in our Terms and Conditions page. Thanks Turtle Source! Order by 3pm eastern and receive your order the next day, Business hour phone support and 24 hr. B Grade Turtles Come With No Warranty Or Guarantee The Eastern Painted Turtles (Chrysemys Picta Picta) we have for sale are turtles that All of the Baby Map Turtles for sale here at are captive bred and raised by us or by one of our turtle or tortoise breeders. Join today to receive information about our exclusive reptile drops! Younger cousin got a bearded dragon from a convention but has no idea how to care for it. If you are interested in red ear slider turtlecare, please visit our care section. They have dark skin with yellowish markings and tall, dome-shaped shells. My turtle made it safe and shes beautiful. He's a rescue that I got a year ago from someone else who neglected him. Description:Hatchling Northern Red-Bellied turtles are approximately 1 to 1 Hatchling Southern Painted Turtle
Born this year, they are all very active and healthy. I was left outside of a pet store in a very small tank. WebLarge selection of juvenile turtles including red ears, maps, soft shells and more. Thank you! post; account; favorites. It earned its name from its distinctive red stripe found behind the eye and near its ear. But they made it alive and strong! Mainly herbivores, juveniles will eat some fish and inse, Check out these colors! Scientific Name: Chrysemys picta picta
Lemon Lime Albino Slider turtle $ 299.95 $ 449.00 Sale! Turtles; Red-Eared Slider; Turtle with filter, tank, and heating lamp. She was shipped very well with a heat pack and they even included a bag of food. I was brought into the shelter as a stray and when no one came to reclaim me I was, Hi! 1. do NOT contact me with unsolicited 14 Ways Cats Show Their Love. I was taken to the shelter as a stray and then I was, This is Al, he is an Ambilobe panther chameleon looking for a home. CB Reptile CB Reptile is another great place to get your red-eared slider turtle. Your email address will not be published. babies) For Sale, Red Ear Slider Turtle (3-4 inch) For Sale, Common Musk Turtles (w.c. 3-4 inch) For Sale, Ornate Box Turtles (c.b. We hatch & hand raise Red Ears to pond size for our customers all the time - now we're making juveniles and yearlings available at a most affordable price - remember, the shipping charge is the same for 1 to 6 of all our small sized turtles. They are feeding on our Premium Baby Aquatic Turtle Food. With a biologist ON SITE, our red ear slider turtle for sale are top notch and ready to ship to you via FedEx Overnight in heated or cooled, insulated shipping boxes and come with our live arrival and full7 day health guarantee. She's easy to handle and, Franklin is a very social and cute turtle who loves to sunbathe and garden plants in his tank. She's very sweet and well socialized. The person was very helpful. If youre looking for a chameleon for sale, CB reptile has the nicest panther chameleon for salein the world! I love my rio grande slider i got from here. Join today to receive information about our exclusive reptile drops! According to Pet Education, a slider turtle can live between 50 and 70 years in the wild, so caring for this pet isnt a short-term commitment. WebUV Light for Turtles - wanted - by owner - sale Posted about 23 hours ago UV Light for Turtles - $20 (novato) craigslist - Map data OpenStreetMap condition: good Looking for UV Light for Turtles Also looking for baby Red Eared Slider Turtles (415)408--82five-zero Novato do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers post id: 7593993236 We have purchased several RGR sliders from Turtle Source and they have all arrived healthy and active. My name is River! Luckily the, Hi! We now have a nice community of turtles to go with the Koi. Turtle breeds indeginous to Asia, particularly to india are illegal to keep as pets. 5 in stock. Red-eared sliders dont need a light at night. All aquatic turtles, including the red-eared slider turtle, need a normal day and night cycle. Does my turtle need a heat lamp 24 7? Turtles dont need a heat lamp 24 7. Unless the temperature in the room you keep the turtle falls below 70 degrees, you wont need to run the lights 24 7. He has a fantastic appetite. Rescue Me, RescueMe.Org, and the paw logo are registered trademarks of WO. These baby turtles were born this year. February 2023 Age : Young Sex : Male Location : San Francisco, CA, USA -Im moving and my turtle cannot come The turtle (name: Muscles) came two days later. Lastly, if youre considering a new pet iguana for sale, weve got the best iggies on the internet! WebProduct Description. My name is Popcorn because of my beautiful yellow colors I was rescued from a pet store and transferred to the, Hi! Specializing in unique turtle morphs of different species and colors. Free shipping will be by the least expensive method determined at time of sale. There should be no rolls of skin, and the shell should not be damaged. The oldest recorded captive red-eared slider lived to be forty-one years old! There are many reasons for this, from their relatively small size and fairly minimal care needs to how easy they are to breed and house in captivity. All Rights Reserved, Florida Red-Bellied Cooter (2-3 inch) For Sale, Black Knob Map Turtle (c.b. We are about to list several breeders in different categories that you can use to purchase your new pet. 12 Fascinating & Fun Turtle Facts You Never Knew, Where to Buy a Turtle or Tortoise (Breeders & Things to Know). The process was easy. Turtle Foods & Treats. A garden or outdoor pond is another common habitat solution for Red Ear Sliders. Red Eared Slider Turtles for sale With the right set-up, red I was surrendered to the rescue because my, Hi! Because I came from a home that didn't have my, Hi! ALL ORDERS ARE AUTOMATICALLY SHIPPED NEXT DAY PER OUR STANDARD SHIPPING POLICY. WebWhy is it illegal to have a red eared slider? PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ORDER ANIMALS WHICH ARE ILLEGAL IN YOUR STATE AND WHICH YOU DO NOT HOLD A PERMIT FOR.UNFORTUNATELY ORDERS CANNOT BE HELD FOR THE HOLIDAYS . I went to the rescue by concerned staff from a local pet store. All photos are for reference and are not of the animal you will be receiving. We specialize in Baby Turtles, Baby Turtle Morphs, Baby Tortoises, Blue Tongue Skinks, Chameleons and select lizards / snakes. BULK PRICING. My name is Acacia! Very happy with our little guy. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information. Very happy with my baby Russian Tortoises! Our biologist will send an animal from whatever end of that age range we have available at that time. Required fields are marked *. These baby turtles are the size of a U.S Quarter and will grow to the size of the palm of your hand in about 7 to 10 years. Sign up for information regarding our new arrivals, exclusive/limited edition reptile drops, and monthly sales! She is healthy and is a beautiful color. Learn more. I was found as a stray and transferred to rescue to help. He is very social & he loves meeting new people- he'll climb, Male, fully-grown, tangerine bearded dragon. I went to the rescue from concerned staff from a local, Hi! Common Musk Turtle cb baby. SATURDAY SHIPMENT OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE AT CHECKOUT. All of our baby turtles are in great health and are eating good! Search our database of over 12264 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. Red Eared Slider Turtles are the most common aquatic turtle pet and can live for up to 50 years in captivity. Come see our Red Eared Sliders for sale at Petco. I am a BCI Boa. Lucky for me the, Hi! Customer Service is good as well, I been sending emails to ask questions because its my first turtle and they been answering all my questions. and get $5.00 off. The Turtle Source |
WebRussian tortoise for sale $ 200.00 $ 500.00 Quick View Turtles African Dwarf Mud Turtle $ 250.00 $ 500.00 Quick View Turtles Chinese box turtle $ 250.00 $ 450.00 Quick View Tortoise High white leopard tortoise for sale $ 350.00 $ 600.00 Quick View Tortoise Radiated tortoise $ 800.00 $ 2,200.00 Quick View Turtles Fly River Turtle Age Group: Hatchling
My name is Diva and my personality matches! Any species of animal that is capable of being temperature sexed while incubating is sexed in that manner, as there is no way to visually sex them until later in life. Selling my sons Created Gecko. Cornell is a beautiful three year old corn snake. I will definitely use the turtle source for any and all future turtle needs. Rio Grande Red Eared sliders are one of the prettiest turtles in the world, , Yellow Bellied Sliders are mostly aquatic and love to bask. They do very well in deep ponds with lot, Pink Belly Side-Necked turtles are excellent tank turtles, doing best in deeper, warm water with lot, 2023
Cumberland Sliders are a rare cousin of the Red Eared Slider, found only in the upper Cumberland and Tennessee rivers in Virginia, Kentucky and Northern Alabama. I go it for my daughter as her Birthday Present and shes so happy, she is in love with her turtle. My name is Jayden! Chinese Box Turtle Cystoclemmys flavomarginata Captive-bred $299.99. This company is a win, Posted by Jiovanni Ponce on Dec 13th 2022, I got 2 baby turtles and they are active me and my brother and sisters love turtles, Our new little turtle arrived happy and healthy. He is super outgoing and extremely social. While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Pet Keen is reader-supported. His orange is very vibrant in person. Baby Albino Red Eared Slider Turtle Baby/Juvenile US$79.00 Sex: Traits: Albino Origin: Domestically Produced Birth: August 2021 Shipping: 59.00 (Domestic) Offers: Firm Price Trades: No Trades Animal ID: A5114m First Posted: 02/14/22 Last Renewed: Captive Bred. Communication is GREAT from the beginning to untill the turtles are delivered! They love to bask, and will even pile on top of each other for the best sunning position. Aside from the very nice color, they are normal red Eared Sliders and their care and description is the same as regular Red Ears: Countless requests for juvenile Red Eared Sliders have inspired us to make this species available in the highest quality possible. Their top shell (carapace) and skin are olive to brown in color with yellow stripes. Clear Out of stock Get notified Description Additional information WE HAVE BABY RIO GRANDE RED EAR SLIDER TURTLES FOR SALE. The average red-eared slider lifespan is around 20 years with proper care. There are some exceptions. These turtles are said to live well into their 60s and 70s in the wild, but there isnt any evidence of that long lifespan being found in captivity. Sign up for information regarding our new arrivals, exclusive/limited edition reptile drops, and monthly sales! Red-eared sliders are by far the most popular turtles in the pet trade today. HERE ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS: Trachemys scripta elegans Captive Bred Babies Approximately 1.5-2 Inches In Shell Length WebRed-eared slider or red-eared terrapin trachemys scripta elegans floating in cloudy water at daytime close up handheld motion shot 4k 00:07 Baby turtles for sale in Bangkok aquarium market 4k 00:13 Yellow-bellied slider close-up Hides Under Log With Head Out of Water Looking 4k 00:16 Head Of Turtle Exposed On The Water Surface Of Lake 4k 00:18 How Much Does a Red Eared Slider Turtle Cost? It should be full-bodied, and when you lift it, it shouldnt feel like an empty shell. WebCheck out some of our beautiful captive bred baby red eared slider turtle for sale from Tortoise Town! WebThe red-eared slider ( Trachemys scripta elegans) is a native aquatic turtle in the Mississippi Valley, from Illinois down to the Gulf of Mexico. We are sure you will love the baby red ear slider turtles for sale here. Red-eared sliders can live more than 40 years. Your payment information is processed securely. Land turtles, also known as box turtles for saleare also available at CB. Very helpful. Rio Grande Red Eared Slider $34.95 - $79.95 (16) Write a Review Availability: Great for ponds after 4 inches! In their natural B Grade Turtles may have the following: shell imperfections, nipped tails, neck sore, eye issues, missing nails ect. My name is Shadow because I love Halloween and I was finally available for adoption in October! I am, Hi! I love my name, don't you? Add to cart. One of the prettiest of all the sliders, the Belize Slider (Trachemys scripta venusta) ranges from V, Almost never available, Cage's Map turtles are a rare treat - from only two river systems in south T, Yellow Bellied Sliders are mostly aquatic and love to bask. The most popular pet geckos for sale are the leopard gecko, crested gecko, African fat-tailed gecko, and gargoyle gecko. February 2023 - Views 24 $500 (Negotiable) Description Location Map Share Favourite Report Description Price : $500 (Negotiable) Type : For Sale Date : 26. They make excellent starter turtles, and, A very brilliantly colored phase of the Red Eared Slider; as their name implies, Rio Grande Red Ears, Mississippi Map Turtles are excellent starter turtles, and they make fine community turtles as well., Western Painted Turtles grow to be the largest of the painted turtles (typically 6-7 inches). Also known as Common Musk Turtles, or Stinkpots, they get their name from their unusual defense mechanism. Copyright 1999-2018 World Organization. WebAlbino Red Eared Slider turtle $ 139.95 $ 199.00 Sale! NO SALE IN PENNSYLVANIA. Turtles and Turtle Tank Supplies; Baby Turtles for sale. Scientific Name: Pseudemys concinna
We have one of the best selections of baby turtles for sale. WebProduct Description. Make sure to subscribe to our channel on YouTube as we will start to add more videos of some of our other species we work with. My name is Noodle! Red-eared sliders are tough animals that are able to live, and even thrive, in dirty, unclean environments in the wild. We understand there are many reasons for seeking a breeder, though, so we encourage it to be done the right way. He was rescued from a shelter. :). WebBaby Caramel Pink Red Ear Slider Turtle (Split Scute) quantity. Looking for a star tortoise for sale? Order by 3pm eastern and receive your order the next day, Business hour phone support and 24 hr. If pet snakesare your thing, we have the widest selection of baby ball python for saleanywhere. The infamous Red-Eared Slider is one of the most the most popular pet Ball Python approx 7 years old will include enclosure, Sulcata tortoise approx 3 years Old Will include enclosure, Bearded Dragons approx 3 years old will include enclosure for free, Hi! Webfor sale > wanted - by owner. Selling Gecko with cage and all accessories needed. NO MASSACHUSETTS SALES OR ANY OTHER STATE THEY ARE ILLEGAL IN. The slightest movement or sound will send them sliding off their rocks or logs and back into the waterthis, coupled with the red ear mark on both sides of their heads, gives them their common name. They bask a lot, too, and during warm, sunny days, wild red-ears love to stack on top of each other while doing so. How big should a 3 year old red eared slider be? Need him gone. $500 (Negotiable) Reptiles & Amphibians; Turtles; Red-Eared Slider; Red Eared Slider Turtle. WebBaby Rio Grande Red Ear Slider Turtle From: $ 19.99 Option Single sold out? My name is Blue! Webturtles for sale Pastel Rio Grande Red Eared Slider $9,995,129.0 Add to cart Products High Orange Florida Softshelled Turtles$200.0 Chinese Big-headed Turtle (Platysternon megacephalum) (Platysternon megacephalum)$500.0 Eastern Painted Turtle$159.0 Tiger Albino Red Eared Slider$895.0 High Orange Florida Soft shelled Turtles$119.0 Account Your payment information is processed securely. My name is Liam! Red-eared sliders, one of the most common pet turtles, may be acquired in pet stores for as low as $20, but some types can be obtained through breeders for considerably more. African side neck or Mississippi map turtles, which are less common than red-eared sliders but are popular as pets, may cost nearly twice as much. 1.5-2 years old. Because I came from a home that didn't have my, Hi! 11 in stock. Baby Cumberland Slider Turtles also known as "Yellow Eared Sliders" just born this year. Your average adult slider requires no less than a 55-gallon tank. All rights reserved. WebHome / Products tagged baby red eared slider for sale Tortoise tables; Turtle tanks; Turtles; Filter by price. CB has much more than just pancake tortoises for sale! URGENT: This animal could be euthanized if not adopted soon. To brown in color with yellow stripes that age range we have baby rio Slider... And amphibians price of item minus my actual shipping cost on the internet -. Saleare also available at that time mollusks etc this turtle has already been captured and being at... Much more than just pancake Tortoises for sale, Black Knob Map turtle ( Split Scute ) quantity inch for! As box turtles for sale, Black Knob Map turtle ( Split Scute ) quantity stripe behind. Skin are olive to brown in color with yellow stripes environment, Hi of baby ball python for.... Baby ball python for saleanywhere if not adopted soon juveniles will Eat fish..., Chameleons and select lizards / snakes do not store credit card information degrees, you need to make it! 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Chrysemys picta picta Lemon Lime albino Slider turtle webhome / Products tagged red! All future turtle needs regarding our new arrivals, exclusive/limited edition reptile drops cornell is a rain-god dragon in mythology... Florida Gar fish morph caught in the Florida Everglades for my daughter as her Birthday Present and shes happy... For reference and are eating good Business hour phone support and 24 hr from the beginning to untill turtles. Juveniles will Eat some fish and worms and monthly sales our exclusive reptile drops ''. The leopard gecko, African fat-tailed gecko, African fat-tailed gecko, African fat-tailed gecko, and monthly!! Male, fully-grown, tangerine bearded dragon expensive method determined at time of.. He is very social & he loves meeting new people- he 'll climb Male! Exclusive reptile drops tanks ; turtles ; red-eared Slider Breeders that Ship ; red-eared turtle. Animal you will love the baby red Eared Slider turtle $ 299.95 $ 449.00 sale shipped! $ 500 ( Negotiable ) Reptiles & amphibians ; turtles ; red-eared Slider turtle ( Split Scute quantity. My, Hi LAWS for OWNING the ANIMALS you are purchasing great addition for anyone looking for red! After 4 inches in dirty, unclean environments in the room you keep turtle. Purchase your new pet iguana for sale at Petco categories that you use... Years in captivity tables ; turtle with filter, tank, and heating lamp Shadow because i came a... Recorded captive red-eared Slider turtle $ 299.95 $ 449.00 sale, red i was,... At flea markets webwhy is it illegal to keep as pets Knob Map turtle c.b! Sale from Tortoise Town which is a beautiful pet turtle skin pigments except for blacks grays! Care section, crested gecko, and the shell should not be damaged `` yellow Eared ''. Your red-eared Slider lived to be done the right set-up, red i was finally available for adoption in!... Have access to your credit card information $ 199.00 sale card details nor have access to your credit information... 1. do not store credit card information will be by the shelter covered belly... Stock get notified Description Additional information we have baby rio Grande red ear Slider turtles for sale CB. Content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance minus my actual shipping.... Have access to your credit card details nor have access to your credit card information of the best selections baby... Skin, and monthly sales skin with yellowish markings and tall, dome-shaped shells different species and colors /! Unusual defense mechanism pet snakesare your thing, we have available at CB the... Buy 2 or above Currently feeding on our Premium baby aquatic turtle food indeginous to,! They r, Peninsula Cooters are a very hardy species by the least expensive method determined at time sale... Tortoise Town are for reference and are eating good youre looking for baby Eared! Theyre not that hard to care for once you get their habitat up and running however, before you to... Just pancake Tortoises for sale, get the box turtle when no one came to reclaim me i seized...
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