@GreenCrimson: Just what exactly was carbon dated? Bottom line: Puma Punku is absolute proof of a level of precision high-technology in stone work, engineering, math, and astronomy that existed LONG before we are told that was possible: 12000 to 17000 years. This was followed with great interest all over Europe. Our culture believes that in the past there was a GOLDEN BRIDGE on the peak of this mountain. From legends handed down to the Incas and Spanish conquerors, and from whats left of Tiwanaku monuments, archeologists have pieced together a compelling picture of Tiwanaku religious beliefs. Sun Gate at Tiwanaku, Bolivia. The destruction paints a picture of an angry populace but what might have thrown a stable population into chaos remains a mystery. Photo credit, More drill holes in what was once a lintel, with extraordinary detail that is just still visible. As I understand you found a written confirmation that the monolith was dragged about 250 years ago, it is very very good. Just after World War II, Austrian archaeologist Arthur Posnansky had a hypothesis that was far ahead of his time. If they were then obviously a flood or something happened, that wiped out their civilization along with their knowledge and writings. Photo credit, The Plataforma Ltica, or stone platform on the east side has the largest blocks, the heaviest being 131 tons made from red sandstone and quarried 10 km away. judging from some of the pictures i got, of mummies found in peru, it certainly seems possible. What do you think their future explorers will think when they find them buried under thousands of years of moon dust? Stones stay for a long time. If a lighter ferrous material were used, it would have disappeared due to corrosion long ago. I assume you didn't mean they would be hand cranked. Then again, we are human and subject to find fault with others easily and so prone to war. Puma Punku is a large temple complex on the edge of Tiahuanaco. Puma Punku (literally "The Door of the Cougar") sounds like a new fashion designer brand, but it's actually one of the most puzzling structures built by any ancient civilization. If visitors from a super-habital planet set up bases on earth they may have been taken by surprise when a comet slammed into Earth 12500 years ago causing the damage we see from the catastrophe such as Puma Punka. Other stone art depicts what archeologists think is the veneration of ancestors. The ruins of Puma Punku are said to be the most fascinating and most confusing of all: These are all questions on the minds of those researching these ancient structures, and they are not easily answerable, if they can even be answered at all. Was it destroyed by calamity, or by the ones who built it, or by enemies bent on its destruction. From the design, you can infer that other machines such as lights, defensive works and scientific equipment fitted neatly into these tight crevices. Inca oral and written traditions tell of the site being the location where the father god, Viracocha (god of action, shaper of many worlds and destroyer of many worlds) created Earth and humans. They may have decided further investment in Earth unwise due to local problems. We see our selves as educated yet are less educated than ever. The materials we have found suitable to build such cranes do not last long, so it's reasonable to expect the tools that were used for Puma Punku have long since vanished. If the people who built this place cut these stones using stone cutting techniques, then they would have had to have used diamond tools. whe environmental conditions make the need for change a reality an the need to adapt to survive. If you can tell me how the Coral Castle was built in Florida, I will tell you how these stones were cut and placed. Available at: https://heritagesciencejournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40494-018-0231-0, Alicia McDermott holds degrees in Anthropology, Psychology, and International Development Studies and has worked in various fields such as education, anthropology, and tourism. It's called KHOH RAMHAH (meaning khoh-basket and ramhah-giant). The name means "door of the puma," and as far as archaeologists know, Puma Punku was a thriving, ancient town originating somewhere around 500 and 600 C.E. Bering Archipelago May Debunk Land Bridge Migration Theory, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu Wants to Clone Scythian Army, Archeologists Puzzled by Hundreds of Egyptian Tombs from Pre-Dynastic Era. A lot of good points in a whole lot of noise. is not difficult to really understand - as long as you don't follow Stephen Hawking, Einstein, etc. If the Great Library at Alexandria had not been burned, I believe many of these mysteries would not exist. These sites continue to be studied and more are being discovered. One of these stone ruins weighs in at about 800 tons! a german named posnansky spent several decades studying the site in the early 1900s, and came to the opinion that there had been assistance from extraterrestrials. Others say people left due to an earthquake and possibly a huge wave hitting the site. NEW CHANNEL FROM ANCIENT ARCHITECTS: "Space and Planet" launches this month. Stone portraits Tiwanaku, Bolivia. (Note the controversial bowl found at the site at Puma Punku with Sumerian inscriptions, mainstream scientists deem this an OOPART for the most part, an anomaly of an artifact, I will leave that at rest, as it strays from my point). It is as if only master builders were allowed to come in and construct Puma Punku. It comes an goes at will, that's why its foot prints disappear all of a suddenthis story is steeped in oral tradition an everyone in north america has heard of the bigfoot creature, some claim to see it, but because its an oral tradition story, does that diminish the validness of who or what the story is about? Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis? We dont know our past becuase it would scare us to death and we would realize a grand truth- EVERYTHING IS POINTLESS. There are only great stones that once fit together, creating a structure some four levels high. I see no other logical explanation for it. I can remember watching the sky night and day with other people and talking extensively about itbut I dont know why. The site Puma Punta is a short distance from Tiwanaka which is estimated to have had a population of 20,000. Excellent Video ,, I saw more there then Ever before ,. If i had the means I will build my self a craft & explore the universe &, all what lies in it, that will be some thing then only i will know who god. I do believe we, in the modern world, can re-create what has been built here using modern tools. I say these stones are man-made, although someone went to great lengths to produce such perfection. What is the meaning of AD, BC, BCE and CE? The other three structures are the Akapana Pyramid, the Kalasasaya Platform, and the Subterranean Temple. These megaliths are blowing my mind.I did construction/demo for over 20 years,.it just blows my mind, and it's often the small perfections and precisionsI'd love to know who this elder race was.but I'm glad they left some stuff for us to find.we won't, everything is plastic and cardboard. We don't need to know more than what it takes to make a living so most do not try. You're example of the lighthouse is a good oneI agree. It focused mainly on the internal chambers of the great pyramids. @MdBilly the Milkyway Galaxy is 100,000 light years across. It is one of the main features of the Pre-Columbian Tiwanaku archaeological complex , which also includes the Akapana and Akapana East stepped platforms, the Kalasasaya, Putuni, and Kheri Kala enclosures, and the Semi-Subterranean Temple. It is possible that one half of the "H" was done by one person and the stone flipped over to be repeated by another person. Photo credit, Stone block with a set of blind holes of complex shape. As if it happened as it is "now" and ignore conditions "then" while writing our histories. Later she found another location from my drawings ==== puma punku. At nearly 14,000 years old, the ruins of Puma Punku are the oldest and most baffling on the face of the Earth. For a time, the stone portraits found at Tiwanaku were believed to depict those first humans. They are calling us home now!. I could easily tell her what was around the corner of each building. Gregg Braden explains that some of the earliest credible accounts of the Giza Plateau come from the Greek historian and geographer Herodotus, who, in the early 400s B.C.E, compiled a reference book on ancient civilizations, cultures, and technologies predating his time by thousands of years. Ah, yesthanks for your contribution to our scientific discussion, Terry. Hear the secrets of the UNESCO-listed archaeological site of Tiwanaku. In this isolated part of the world stand amazing smooth stone structures featuring precision-made cuts, clean right angles, and expertly fitted joints. It doesn't have to be felled trees, it could have been cylinders carved from the same stone used in the project. What I want to know is how it was all smashed and bashed up.I don't buy the flood theory.if it was then Tiahuanacu should have been wiped of the face of the earth going by size,a lot smaller buildings.??? All in all, we may NEVER know the full story but it's fun to contemplate how and why while drifting off to sleep. We believe our ancestors were stronger and smarter coz human blood was purer and sin was not rampant. Too bad Puma Punku isn't located in a country that gives a damn. I say it could be done, but with such flawlessness? This is part of the reason why many people have suggested that the ancient inhabitants of Puma Punku had received outside help to create the site. And was later the seat of a socially and politically influential Andean empire. Advanced people was all killed off by religious baboons as even today they still do.. flame5457@yahoo.com on November 10, 2014: The article was incorrect in one instance. Where would they have possibly gotten that idea from? Giant megalithic construction cranes would not exist in 1000 years!? There would be major cracking and pitting. Their remains, stowed on what many researchers believe was one of the Tiwanakus most sacred sites, show evidence that all members of society from infants to the elderly took psychoactive drugs culled from hallucinogenic plants. They considered Lake Titicaca as the place of origin for the creator god Viracocha. Now! Then, take a look at the city of giants found in Ethiopia. JUST SPIRITUAL WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE!! Some believe that Puma punku couldnt have been built without help from alien beings. We have western recorded history that pinned against the perspective of the lifespan of the plant, is comparable to mere seconds, the Japanese have old records, and if Sadam Hussein had not destroyed so much of the evidence of the Sumerian and Babylonian sites. Still miss guided. We went from horse and carriage to landing on the moon in 70 years. Sum1uallno from Mexico City, Mexico on August 14, 2013: The greatest mystery of all time is was Puma Punku 3 years ago? 8km away, and then transported it by the river. In addition, some of the stones were held together with copper fasteners, some of which were cold hammered into shape, and others that were poured into place molten.. times. Yes these were ancient aliens that look alot like us and they did leave us a few teaser foot prints of information and building, etc and they worked with the mostly uncivilized peoples and passed along some simple knowledge, that is interesting, why because these mostly uncivilized peoples were not capable of these feats without someones guidance and mentoring for years.. because most of you people are probably lonely and dont want to conform to society, for whatever insecurity. Run along and donate to your church, now. The general belief is that droughts and possibly civil unrest caused the inhabitants to seek refuge in the surrounding hills. Want out of the box? Like the Inca after them, they practiced human sacrifice, disemboweling and dismembering victims as part of a ritual dedication to the gods. Why would the ancient builders have carved those two very unusual faces amid all the other clearly human ones? The ruins of Puma Punku are one of four structures in the ancient city of Tiahuanaco. It has been said "we are condemned to rise, be knocked down and rise again". Fish were caught from the lake and placed in the ditches beside the rows. Home Privacy policy and copyright Bad Archaeology: what is it? We do that now. MONOLITHS AND MEGALITHS (next time I get permission to snap a photo of the floating / flying monoliths and megaliths i'll mail it to you if you're interested), A native of Meghalaya, INDIA (South East Asia), I think that the people that created those ruins got smart over time. Or other artifacts found in the area, or what? Places like Nan Madol, Gobekli Tepe, the Hawara plain, Puma Punku and others on every continent have been shown to date at over 10,000 years old. Good thing this is a very old post.. LOL. More alternative suggestions say the stones could have been moved with some sort of large lifting vehicles which mainstream archaeologists do not believe existed in the area at the time. The concept of cataclysm is very common in almost all mythologies and religions. I don't think there very many masonry tools that I haven't used, or at least seen used to construct every type of building or monument in this area. It is very possible that the human race was as advanced or perhaps even more advanced than we are today but that knowledge was all but wiped out at the end of the last ice age & over the next 10.000 years the rest was destroyed by whatever new religions appeared . How Long Was Joseph In Potiphars House? I haven't a clue as to how some of these ancient megaliths were built.I like to think I've been around the block on this subject,but ?????????wtf? Examinations of the stone cuts at Puma Punku offer evidence that sophisticated power tools had been . Phone Toll Free: 877-966-7300 or 816-584-3077, [This article continues after a message from the authors], These Articles are Written by the Publishers of, Amazing Bible Timeline with World History 2023. On the more conventional side, its suggested that the stonemasons were just very capable with the tools available to them and there was a lot of manual labor involved in transporting and working the stones. I start thinking this must be some sort of scam. Although the Puma Punku megaliths are the most eye-catching aspects of the site, the majority of the architecture is made up of smaller stones. Should be skeletons with missing fingers. I know the years I live now . in this life are measured much more shortly than in my previous life. What does someone needs to drag a huge monolith? As for lighter materials, an absolutely unbreakable crane with the weight of balsam wood is not going to lift these stones. (Note1: That the future is behind us makes perfect sense: think of sitting in a train facing backwards. Even large structures can disperse and seem to disappear in a short period of time depending on what happens to them. Two researchers stand out in the search to uncover the underground spaces beneath the pyramids: British Consul General Henry Salt and his hired explorer Giovanni Battista Belzoni. A lot of people, a lot of ropes, levers and savvy. He wasn't talking about the evolution of man when he wrote his book, but he was talking about the evolution of animals an plants. Joan Veronica Robertson from Concepcion, Chile on June 21, 2012: A great read! Skeptic. Archaeologists are baffled by what Puma Punku was and how it looked, said Childress. Or, maybe he just didn't ever find any students capable of fully learning what he knew, and the advanced techniques died when he did. Impossible? And it would have been filled with people. Maybe were not even realted to aliens. @MdBilly actually, each galaxy is a universe in unto itself. If it can be done to or with granite, it is done here. One reason, Puma Punka!! If Herodotus was correct, the pyramids may be sitting upon the most amazing time capsule in history, revealing not only long-lost cultures but also their technologies and origins saved in the earliest of writings and images. How is it that these ancient people were able to cut stones like this? Learn facts that you cant learn just from reading the Bible The precision with which these angles have been utilized to create flush joints is indicative of a highly sophisticated knowledge of stone-cutting and a thorough understanding of descriptive geometry. Our species as it exists today, has been around almost 300,000 years. Ancient Aliens: "Pumapunku is so unique in the way it was constructed and shaped and positioned that it is the most intriguing ancient site on the planet." AA: "While the pyramids at Giza are an incredible feat of achieved, compared to Pumapunku, the pyramids are child's play." Please subscribe now at https://bit.ly/2DwW4BZ Puma Punku is part of a large anc. Many of them had similar myths and architectural styles that hint strongly at having common roots, something which has long puzzled archeologists. Voted Up, awesome, beautiful and interesting! The others include Akapana, Akapana East, Kalasasaya, Putuni, and the Semi-Subterranean Temple. We may add one more possible clue to this story. Huge monoliths move only within the Empires, and only in the direction of their capitals. It's like walking into a previously unexplored cave in Borneo and finding a Dairy Queenwithout the signs. These stone figures, however, are actually thought to depict the city's former rulers. Meghalaya is a state territory in north-eastern INDIA (South East Asia). Also, as others have pointed out, the tools would not have been left at the construction site. When north and south poles ice melted. Thanks. No cities, no orbiting space satellites or debris - not much of anything. Puma Punku is suppoed to be incredibly ancient and impossible for known Andean cultures to have built. @Paul Amato Egypt has stepped pyraminds as well. It remains to be shown whether their forays into other dimensions offered these early people a special insight into how to create their megaliths or even how to contact beings who could teach them advanced methodologies. They will come back again Jesus sad in the last days. Simply incredible. The Bolivian city of Tiwanaku, considered by the Inca as the sacred place of their origin, was also home to a great civilization that flourished between AD 200 and 900. Even the Mayans state the world had been destroyed and rebuilt seven (?) This Conspiracy Claims the Smithsonian Destroys Giant Skeletons, Explore the Mystery of Native American Creation Myths. Even when i was really little - age 5, 6, 7 etc i used to === night dream and day dream about steps and pyramids. Puma Punka was built by individuals that understood gravity - more importantly anti-gravity. I think you have remarked some very interesting points , appreciate it for the post. Any guesses? 2. We all are brainwashed from birth on and it is extremely hard to think outside the box. The largest of the puma punku stone blocks is 7.81 meters long, 5.17 meters wide, averages 1.07 meters thick, and is estimated to weigh about 131 metric tons. Without people performing constant maintenance, trees will quickly return in abundance. Wikimedia CommonsThe Pumapunku archeological site. Tiwanaku (a.k.a. Wikimedia CommonsPieces of Pumapunku that show the complex system by which the bricks were slotted together. Only a speck in the history as we know it. I would think language would have been the first choice. Available at: https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4202, Newman, H. (2018) New Discoveries at Tiwanaku & Puma Punku: The Lost Statue of Viracocha and Secret Rooms of Hidden Artifacts. Ancient Origins. Even with modern-day technology and information, these structures defy logic and confound those who seek to solve the mysteries that lie within them. It's impressive that this conversation has been going on continuously - more or less - for over two years. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. Every story and drawing passed down through the generations has some fact behind it. Not only are these maps precise, but they seem to claim that they are copies from even older maps. One guy was born way back then, super genius stone cutter and fitter. Attractive design ideal for your home, office, church . Even accounting for the population growth/spread necessary to facilitate the transition, this seems like a LONG time before humans became civilized. These stones, he wrote, suggest prefabrication not found at the other Tiwanaku sites. Oh well, as usual I've come full circleto complete ignorance of any of it. In the end, Mars will not go away, but the artifacts are gone forever. Until these questions can be answered, all we are left with is a huge mystery. {{posts[0].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[1].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[2].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[3].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, Insectothopter: CIAs Dragonfly-Shaped Bug, Mokomokai: Tattooed Maori Heads And The Musket Wars, Joseph Samuel: The Man Who Couldnt be Hanged, The Mystery of Puma Punkus Precise Stonework, Scaly-foot Gastropod: The Snail With an Armor of Iron, The 1957 Plymouth Belvedere That Was Buried For 50 Years. (Skeptics have hypothesized reed boats and ramps.). A great earthquake? Every decision we make is inspired by our vision to empower a community of individuals to come together to build a more conscious world. They either have warp drive capabilites or can get around Einsteins laws of physics related to the speed of light, via worm holes or something we have not yet discovered. No machines. When an Austrian explorer named Arthur Posnansky performed a study on Puma Punku back in 1926 he put forward the idea that its one of the oldest archaeological sites on the face of Earth - dating back to at least 13,000 BC. ", "Preserved paintings, coins, and a detailed description of the entire transportation process. The architecture found in the ruins astounds archaeologists and historians and has inspired advanced ancient civilization and ancient alien theories. Their legends explain that Viracocha created humans from the earth on a great rock. Or, it could have been aliens. Spanish Conquistadors and others who visited the site during the 16th and 17th centuries described it as a wondrous, though unfinished, building with gateways and windows carved from single blocks., Pumapunku displayed a level of craftsmanship that was largely unparalleled in the pre-Columbian New World, and its often considered the architectural peak of Andean lithic technology prior to the arrival of the Europeans. So, all one has to do is go visit the site in question or any site, do a lil ceremony an ask the creator for answers an he will give them to you in ur dreams. as to puma puncu, it shows no learning curve like the egyptians. They are considered a source of spiritual energy linking the person to our heavenly brethren. They also might have opted for deep underwater or underground bases. Make a thin wood dowel and dip it in the same cement substance and drill holes along that straight line. What if, when we landed, we had stumbled across a primitive civilization living on the moon? These mysteries have arisen ever since the Inca civilization first laid eyes on the ruins of a site that was abandoned centuries before they came across it. Period. Located 45 miles west of the modern-day city of La Paz, Puma Punku is situated in the still-thriving city of Tiwanaku, high upon a desert plateau of the Andes Mountains, at an altitude of more than 12,000 feet. The two most revealing As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. The MilkyWay our galaxy is the largest of the easily viewable galaxys. Your email address will not be published. SOLVED! Is Ezekiel's Vision of the Wheel Evidence of UFOs in the Bible? Why won't Branson or Ballard or even a big Hollywood studio finance such an epic adventure? At any rate, I'll be looking forward to reading the responses my most recent post generates. Before what is assumed to be the post Adam/Eve era when the Jews were 12 tribes? The stones are of mammoth proportion. He was asked, do your stories have no relevance in todays world? These were oriented to the nearby mountains and various celestial events that appeared in the sky. The more education you have the harder it becomes. While Tiwanaku is very beautifully made, it's nowhere close to the level of precision at Puma Punku. Other evidence, including carvings of bearded people that are not Andean, has been recorded throughout the area. You can see the past stretching in front of you as the future comes unseen from behind. My memory is of being a queen of a great King - I can see and still hear his voice but no name. Who knows, with intense excavations we might find all the materials we talk about under some ancient mud flow or earthquake. The mummies of Puma Punku, preserved on one of the Tiwanakus most sacred sites. Anyone can post whatever they want on it. 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