BUY NOW: Ed Dowds Must-Read Book Cause Unknown. However, death and serious injuries have been present and publicly acknowledged with all of die manubcturers shots. One of the many issues it causes is anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy or ASP for short. Further, Pfizer can make adjustments to the number of contracted doses and their delivery schedule, based on principles to be determined by Pfizer, and the country buying the vaccines must agree to any revision., It doesnt matter if the vaccines are delivered severely late, even at a point when theyre no longer needed, as its made clear that Under no circumstances will Pfizer be subject to or liable for any late delivery penalties. As you might suspect, the contract also forbids returns under any circumstances., The big secret: Pfizer charged U.S. More Than Other Countries. Some will experience difficulty swallowing, and more than half of them will have seizures. Most cases have been reported after receiving Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna (mRNA COVID-19 vaccines), particularly in male Wist u dat schadelijke nanodeeltjes ook worden gevonden in babyvoeding? The Israeli MOH artificially minimised the extent of reporting by comparing the number of reports submitted during that period to a. Blood clotting was another issue reported from thevaccine trials. To subscribe, please submit your email address below. In March, one of the documents went public and is titled 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021.. If youre injured by a COVID vaccine (or a select group of other vaccines designated under the act), youd have to file a compensation claim with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), which is funded by U.S. taxpayers via Congressional appropriation to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). All of these manipulations made the rate of reported events appear much smaller. However, the AESI list was not a list of vaccine side effects. The official report states that the system was put into place (nearly a year after the start of the vaccine campaign) because the previous patient reporting system could not be validated and was not suitable for analysis. Due to limited time and resources, they decided to first analyze only the 5 most common side effects they identified: 1. neurological injuries; 2. general side effects; 3. menstrual irregularities; 4. musculoskeletal system disorders; and 5. digestive System/kidney and urinary system. (The NVICP does, too, but at least you have a shot at getting some compensation from the supervising National Vaccine Injury Court special Master.). -----------------------------------------------------, Mail to:
While the purchaser has virtually no way of canceling the contract, Pfizer can terminate the agreement in the event of a material breach of any term in their contract. * Rechallenge Then in ~10% of the cases, the problem recurred following additional doses. I mean, we have to think about how to write it and how to present it correctly. It also lists covid-19 associated pneumonia as a side effect. Page 30 APPENDIX 1. So theres very minimal risk for the manufacturer involved there., Signs of COVID vaccine failure, adverse effects rise. THE documents were leaked due to a cyber attack on the European Medicines Agency(EMA) website. The research team told the MOH officials: You have to think very very carefully about how you communicate this to the public because you may open yourself to legal lawsuits and liability issues because what you promoted is, in fact, not the reality in what we see in the reports., Despite the importance of this discussion, Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, head of public health services at MOH and the person who signed the contract with Pfizer was not present during the meeting. Conniving with the Health ministers of the world as the negotiator in trading of this merchandise. Apparently, this includes in the case of receiving damaged goods. And foreclosure as in Greece ?? Meanwhile, the purchaser must also keep the terms of the contract confidential for a period of 10 years. Israel was also one of the first countries in the world to vaccinate pregnant women. In their presentation, the researchers made the following points: When the official report came out, it compared the number of reports to the total number of vaccines given out since the beginning of the vaccination campaign. WhileIsraelis a relatively small country, it was dubbed the worlds laboratory. Recall that government officials like Fauci the Fraud claimed that the vaccines were safe for pregnant women. In other words, it is contributing to the mumber of cases. Because for not a few side-effects, we said OK, it exists and theres a report, but please get vaccinated. Confidential, right there.. There needs to be an investigation ASAP into what happened, but the head of the MoH, Nitzan Horowitz, isnt calling for one, he said. The Purchaser waives any right for immunity, they give up any law that might cap the obligation to pay damages to Pfizer. While anti-vaccination activists framed the leak as evidence of collusion between EMA and Pfizer, they actually show that EMA regulators were doing their jobs. There were 173 cases of hospitalization and ER visits that were separately examined by a dedicated expert committee. While many anti-vaccination activists are promoting the article as coming from an Irish newspaper,The Irish Light is a self-printed newspaper that was launched in August 2021 by two former journalists turned COVID conspiracy theorists Gemma ODoherty and John Waters. On 15 January 2021, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced that their investigation showed that some of the leaked data was tampered by the hackers before being released. These agreements are How do they weid that authority? Enter your email address to subscribe to The Burning Platform and receive notifications of new posts by email. Countries that purchase Pfizers COVID-19 shot must acknowledge that Pfizers efforts to develop and manufacture the Product are subject to significant risks and uncertainties.. Fact #1 : The Irish Light Is An Anti-Vaccination Newspaper. However, over 90% of the reports detailing the characteristics of the duration of this adverse event indicatelong-term changes(emphasis in the original. It did not mention that the adverse event reports came only from this small HMO. The official report claimed there were no new types of adverse events reported that had not been reported previously and no new signals. Products cannot be returned for whatever reason. At the same time, the ministry appointed Prof. Mati Berkowitz and his staff members to analyze the reports. Fact #4 : Leaked Documents Was About Quality Of Early Vaccine Batches. EIN #26-0388604, 2016 - 2023 Children's Health Defense All Rights Reserved. Ultimately, the EMA authorised the vaccine on 21 December 2020, nothing that the quality ofthis medicinal product, submitted in the emergency context of the current (covid-19) pandemic, is considered to be sufficiently consistent and acceptable., Fact #7 : FDA Never Agreed To Withhold Pfizer Documents For 75 Years. And the funds for IMF , WB, CIA, Wall Street, have come from the embezzlement by WS using the Federal Reserve ?? Similar to the stock brokers cant be sued, but theire fraud dealt with by a kangaroo court held by them. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. This is broadly in line with the information contained in the Mizer document, which stated that vaccine side effects cause covid-19 and respiratory illnesses. Furthermore, only people receiving vaccination after December 9th 2021 were likely to report to the system (though others could and did). And now they suddenly leak a document? They have created legal protection to ensure that this profit is materialized. However, Ron Johnson of Stranger than Fiction News, commented: This document is proprietary and confidential. ), This vaccine is worse than the disease, said Johnson. Still, Ehden noted, U.S. Most affected individuals do not speak, or speak only a few words. Adverse events, including severe allergic reactions, after COVID-19 vaccination are rare but can happen.For this reason, everyone who receives a COVID-19 vaccine is monitored by their vaccination provider for at least 15 minutes. DonorBox Worldwide Corona Crisis Campaign Page, GlobalResearch Center for Research on Globalization. Man-Cave, Home Office or Cabin
1. Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, commented on the news in a Sept. 2 Substack post, asking, Why didnt they release the original presentation made by the safety team?. The most common solicited systemic adverse reaction after any dose was The problem is that the vaccine actually causes people to develop the disease. I have been meaning to write about this since Neil Oliver of GB Newscovered it, and I havetweetedabout itseveraltimes. The formal report was finally released, on August 20, in a closed press briefing, and surprisingly, the MOH admitted in this report, black on white, that Israel did not have a functional adverse events reporting system until December 2021. Subscribe to The Defender's Top News of the Day. Click the button below if you wish to read the article offline. Support my work through a bank transfer / PayPal / credit card! Exempt Pfizer from all civil liability for side effects. Leaked documents from provincial and municipal governments in China reveal a slew of previously unreported severe adverse events related to COVID-19 vaccines made and administered in China. This crucial study was based on a new adverse event reporting system the MOH launched in December 2021 12 months AFTER rolling out the vaccines to the public,as the system implemented in December 2020, as they now officially admit, was dysfunctional and did not allow an analysis of the data. WebDespite the long list of known possible side effects, the FDA later granted Pfizer emergency use authorization on December 11, 2020, about two months after the meeting. Fever after COVID-19 vaccines Its common to develop a fever (temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or above) after COVID-19 vaccination. Even if the shipment is not delivered. !function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'. The Israeli MOH sat on these results for nearly two months and did not disclose them to the expert committee that met in late June to decide on recommending the vaccine for children under five. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as of July 19, 5,914 people who had been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 were hospitalized or died from COVID-19. Think Medical-Legal as if all this wasnt damning enough, Prof. Berkowitz warns the MOH officials, in reference to the long-lasting side effects, they should think carefully how to present his studys findings to the public, since they completely contradict their claims that serious side effects are rare, short term and transient. How to translate a website in 2022 (9 easy ways), The documents have proved to be shocking due to the sheer amount of side ellects that are now ollicially associaled with the vaccine*. There was another system in place for doctors to report side effects, but the report said the new system was designed to discover side-effects that were not reported to doctors. Everyone should be speaking out and calling for a full investigation and fully evaluating the safety data collected by the Israel government.. Als onderdeel in het spel toont James OKeefe het bekende driehoek symbool in de video van zijn organisatie, gefinancierd door Trump en de gebroeders Koch, Brandy Vaughan, Big Pharma whistleblower and outspoken critic of vaccines was found dead by her ten-year-old son in 2020. The report explains that most affected individuals will have speech difficulties or will be unable to speak entirely. Actually, its in the pits, the armpits. It means that the vaccine is actually deleting parts of peoples chromosomes! Did FDA Ask For 75 Years To Release Pfizer Vaccine Data?! 16 december 2022 De Illuminati: Uiteraard gebruikt de vaccinindustrie valse en/of slechte verklaringen om deze vrijelijk te kunnen gebruiken. The researchers repeatedly asked MOH officials to make sure Dr. Alroy-Preis saw their findings. taxpayers got screwed by Pfizer, probably also Israel. Also, Pfizer makes a point to note that countries have no right to withhold payment to the company for any reason. There is the Naranjo scale [the Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) Probability Scale]. The researchers told the MOH officials their findings contradicted the MOHs prior messaging that the vaccine was safe and side effects were both rare and short-lasting. Here we will have to really think medical-legal. It also adds that even if other drugs or vaccines were developed that could prevent or treat COVID, the Pfizer contract cannot be voided. In a leaked video, a research team commissioned by the Israeli MoH warns: Well have to think medical-legal how to present our findings to avoid lawsuits. Nevertheless, the IMOH told the Israeli public, the FDA, and the entire world, that they have a surveillance system, and that they are closely monitoring the data. Next on the list is: 2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria. The Pope fornicated with the merchants and leaders of the world in order to advance his PLAN, This is BRIBERY of Golden opportunity putting the health and life of the people at RISK. (Israels health system is divided into 4 different HMO-type organizations; each Israeli is signed up with one of them), while none of the other 3 HMOsshared their data, including Israels 2 largest ones Clalit and Maccabi. They refer to this as re-challenge and note that according the. Miss a day, miss a lot. and several Journalists including the BMJ were sent coples of the leak by anonvmous senders. 2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria is a condition that causes progressive damage to the brain! Damn talk about a one sided contract. These blood clots cause minor bruising around the body and canleave some with a purple-dotted rash. The Irish Light published their article called Pfizer knew their vaccine would kill in April 2022, as part of their 10th issue. The Moderna vaccine has been assoctaled with heart problems such as mvocarditis and pericarditis. Then, when the reports still continued and became impossible to deny, the authorities, and experts on their behalf, changed the narrative admitting there might be a relationship, but even if there is one, the symptoms are mild and transient. Interior or Exterior - All Year Round
But Yaffa Shir-Raz wrote acomprehensive articleabout it in English on her website, thenEtana Hechtcovered it in her excellent Substack post, so I figured it was well and covered, and Im super busy working on something very important. For instance, one of the adverse effects included in a report is about a child who swallowed a penny after getting the shot. The analysis was done on reports received from the HMOs in Israel over a period of 6 months from the beginning of December 2021 to the end of May 2022. $349 - $449 - $649 - $949 + S&H
However, the Pfizer documents paint a very different picture. Israel may have paid as much as $62 per dose. Pfizer continues to sign lucrative secret vaccine deals across the globe. In an internal Zoom meeting in early June, the recording of which was leaked to the press, Prof. Berkowitz warned MOH senior officials that they should think carefully how to present his studys findings to the public, otherwise they may be sued, since they completely contradict the MOHs claims that serious side effects are rare, short term and transient. As if America needs any more dumb Leftists? Prof. Mati Berkowitz refused to comment and referred us to the IMOH. If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than "fair use" you must request permission from the Most affected individuals will have speech difficulties or will be unable to speak entirely. This suggests that there is widespread corruption in the medical community, government agencies, among public health officials, the mainstream media, and social media companies worldwide: they will not acknowledge any event that goes against the mainstream narrative. Youll need to set up an account to comment if you dont already have one. Its a rare chromosomal anomaly characterized by distinctive facial dysmorphic features, Its like a suicide drug that they force on everyone. RELATED: If You Get a Pfizer Booster, Expect These Side Effects, New FDA Report Says fever for 22.2 percent, chills for 17.5 percent, nausea for 13.6 percent, diarrhea for 9 percent, abdominal pain for 6.4 percent, rash for 1.9 percent, and vomiting First, they didnt want people to know what this vaccine actually does Did Pfizer Vaccine Documents Reveal 1,291 Side Effects?! Dr. Alroi-Preis stated: Its our data. On page 31, we see a lot of autoimmune diseases furthermore, choking sensations As you are about to see, there is a good reason why Pfizer was fighting to hide the details of these contracts., An ironclad agreement, all on Pfizers terms. They wanted people to forget about this, he said. This is why they wanted people to wait like 75 years to see whats in it. (To be clear, Pfizer wanted 80 years. Maybe guaranteed bankruptcy of the 86 nations who agreed to the contract ??? According to former Pfizer executive Dr. Michael Yeadon the document from Albania (found initially by Albanian newspaper, seems to be genuinenothing is missing that Id expect to be present, and Ive seen no clues that suggest its fake. A leaked video recording reveals researchers in June shared data with the Israeli Ministry of Health showing serious and long-term side effects associated with Pfizers COVID-19 vaccine, but Israeli health officials told the public in an August report that serious side effects were rare and short-term. That was merely the interpretation of Aaron Siri the lawyer for PHMPT (Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency) the group requesting the data that the FDA used to licence the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Unlike what you may have read about the normal vaccine injury program (the National Vaccine Injury Program, which has paid out over 4 Billion dollars since it was instituted), this law puts the risk of any injury squarely on the back of the individual citizen, unless HHS reviews the specific incident and determines (without any appeal to the federal court system) that some compensation is justified. LEAKED: Israeli Researchers Discussing Pfizer Vaccine Side Effects Warning of Medical-Legal Consequences. Some people on social Other more serious side ellects included, but were not limited to: auto-immine disorders; blindness: diabetes: berpes: heart problems such as myocardite; divroid disorders:neurological condations such as multiple sclerosis; sexures; epilepsy;narcolepsy and Guillain-Bame Syndrome. low sperm counts and fertility problems. And as if all this wasnt damning enough, Prof. Berkowitzsays, in reference to the long-lasting side effects: Here we will need to think about this medico-legally. All the way down to five-year-olds, and they really wanted to get the newborns. All Rights Reserved. And 5G is one of their number one methods of future, Davids hope was to spread this information to as many people as possible. But only about 10% of all vaccines given out in Israel were given out during the period of the study. They wanted to kill everyone.. Unlike regular newspapers which delivers news content, The Irish Lightfocuses on questioning the effectiveness of vaccines, the COVID pandemic, and other far-right ideas. S EE ALSO THE 1st WRATH of God that the angels will pour out,( THE GRIEVOUS SORE) will this be the result of Vaccine producing the SEVERE INFLAMMATORY CONDITION in the body of the vaccinated people of the world? Yet, as the MOH now admits, during this entire critical year in which the vast majority of Israelis were vaccinated, most of them with 2-3 doses, the vaccine adverse events reporting system was dysfunctional and did not enable a reliable analysis of the data. 13 april. Is King of Bahrain Protected By A Robot Bodyguard?. The contract stipulates that the countries accept that the development of the vaccines are subject to significant risks and uncertaintiesPurchaser acknowledgesthe long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known. Over 60% indicate duration of over 3 months. The new system is based on a non-anonymous digital reporting form, which the Ministry asked all public HMOs (Health Management Organizations) to distribute among all patients after they had been vaccinated, so that those who suffered side effects could report them. P.O. Shir-Raz tweeted on Sept. 1 an excerpt from the recorded meeting in which the research team warned MOH seniors they would have to think of the legal ramifications of the teams findings. There have also been rare reports of heart inflammation (myocarditis) or inflammation of the heart membrane (pericarditis) after the second dose of Pfizer, though a causal link has not been established. Symptoms of these conditions include chest pain, shortness of breath and palpitations, but these are usually mild. Now it turns out that the reality is not what the narrative was promoting, Levi said. Published by academics in Sweden, the study purports to show that the "messenger" RNA at the heart of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine can be converted to DNA inside a human cell via "reverse transcription". One question that we should all be asking is this: If the COVID-19 vaccines are, in fact, as safe and effective as the manufacturers claim, why do they require this level of indemnification? The U.S. Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) had previously agreed to withhold the documents and their shocking revelations from the public for 75 years. Yet, instead of publishing the findings in a transparent manner to the public, the MOH withheld the findings for nearly two months, and when it finally released an official document, it misrepresented and manipulated the findings, minimizing the extent of reports, and stating that no new adverse events (signals) were found, and that the events that were detected were not necessarily caused by the vaccine, even though the researchers themselves said the exact opposite. Safety and efficacy not currently known. Pfizer has ensured that they will rake in profits for their trouble. Senate Bill 1869 = Permanent Lockdowns, Forced Vaccinations, Digital Prisons, Medical Martial Law under WHO/NWO Control. Nothing in the leaked documents referred to safety issues, or side effects. It was a list of adverse events that must be reported for further investigation. Ivermectin, for instance, is not only safe, inexpensive and widely available but has been found to reduce COVID-19 mortality by 81%. Only at the end of December 2021, a year after starting the vaccine rollout did the MOH finally institute a proper system, to coincide with the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in children aged 5-11. The side effects included menstrual irregularities and various neurological side effects, muscle-skeletal injuries, GI problems and kidney and urinary system adverse events, Shir-Raz said. In the U.S., vaccine makers already enjoy full indemnity against injuries occurring from this or any other pandemic vaccine under the PREP Act. On the free text part of the form, where patients were allowed to report whatever they wanted to, they [the researchers] observed and got many, many reports of neurological side effects some not currently listed by Pfizer as side effects of the vaccine.. These molecules instruct our cells to make a harmless piece of coronavirus protein, triggering He continues to devote countless hours every day writing about tech, medicine and science, in his pursuit of facts in a post-truth world. Leaked data shows shocking number of fatalities and side effects now officially associated with covid shots. This 38-page document details how many people have suffered adverse events and what kind of side effects they have experienced after getting Pfizers vaccine. In the event that a drug or other treatment comes out that can prevent, treat or cure COVID-19, the agreement stands, and the country must follow through with their vaccine order. This is a Digital Prison for Filipinos, Controlled by the WHO, Sign the Petition: Refuse and Reject the WHO Powergrab That Would Lead to Global Medical Martial Law, Sign the Petition: Stop The DOHs Plan To Institutionalize Pandemic Tyranny, PETITION TO STOP MANDATORY VACCINATIONS FILED AT THE SUPREME COURT, No Need To Panic Over Infection Numbers: Deaths Continue To Decrease, Supreme Court Judge Strikes Down Vaccine Mandate for ALL New York City Employees, Lancet Acknowledges Damaging Impact Of COVID Vaccine Mandates On Child Vaccination in the US, #TrudeauMustGo Trends on Twitter as Canadians Fight Back Against Governments COVID Narrative, Doctors And Scientists Declare International Medical Crisis Due To Covid Vaccines, Netherlands Minister for Agriculture Resigns After Failing To Quell Dutch Farmer Protests. Soon after the report, however, they reverted the number to the 6,079 from the week before, indicating by default that no deaths from the vaccine had occurred that week,34 raising serious questions about transparency and vaccine safety. Causality The researchers emphasize that, according to the literature, these findings establish causal relations between the vaccine and the side effect. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A leaked video reveals that in June, the researchers presented serious findings to the MOH, that indicated long-term effects, including some not listed by Pfizer, and a causal relationship so the Ministry published a manipulative report, and told the public that no new signal was found. Specifically, the level of intact mRNA dropped from about 78% in the clinical batches to 55% in the proposed commercial batches. Based on this document, multiple posts and memes (see examples here, here, and here) claimed that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine caused a lengthy list Yet, it continues to be ignored in favor of more expensive, and less effective, treatments and mass experimental vaccination. Why does this Con say, This is just the beginning of what is about to come out? FDA approved means that it is approved by the drug industry in order to make money. Pfizer knows that its product may not work. The BMJwas criticised for reviewing the leaked documents without first verifying their authenticity and accuracy. The word sounds familiar in the line of the Pope that VACCINE IS FOR THE COMMON GOOD . So I know exactly what is being reported to us. Also, Fraud vitiates everything. 2. Fact #8 : Pfizer Documents Did Not Reveal Thousands Of Side Effects. Please give what you can. Most alarmingly, there were at least 1,223 deaths reported in the first 28 days following the shot. Frankly, every aspect of the indemnity is encoded under the federal law that the vaccine is distributed under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). En enkele suggesties voor hulpverleners. Furthermore, it turns out that in order to downplay the rate of reports on menstrual irregularities, the MOH used a denominator of the total number ofall adult doses ~16 million and thus, absurdly, included men in the equation of how common menstrual irregularities are. But What Do We Really Know? Custom Union Designs on Request
Bhd. Do Not Fear Nuclear War You Can Survive! She holds a Ph.D. in Communication Studies from the University of Texas at Austin (2021), and a master's degree in communication and leadership from Gonzaga University (2015). ~10 % of the first 28 days following the shot as much as $ 62 per.! For Research on Globalization senate Bill 1869 = Permanent Lockdowns, Forced Vaccinations Digital... Vaccine would kill in April 2022, as part of their 10th.! For side effects develop a fever ( temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or above ) after COVID-19 vaccines Its to. ( 9 easy ways ), https: // address below vaccine deals the! Profit is materialized also, Pfizer wanted 80 years the ministry appointed Prof. Mati Berkowitz and his staff to. Visits that were separately examined by a dedicated expert committee some with purple-dotted. Documents did not mention that the vaccine is worse than the disease, said.! Might cap the obligation to pay damages to Pfizer for Research on Globalization swallowing! 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