I know that it does not look good for this mower at this point. You should also remove the deck and turn each pulley by hand to listen & feel how they turn. Most of them assume that the blade is supposed to be held as tight as possible, but then they (ideally) read the user manual and get confused when it tells them to leave the blade somewhat loose. We have people who blast music, eventually someone calls the cops if they don't shut it off when people are trying to sleep. Sharpen the other edge. You can also use a 4 inch (11.4 cm) hand grinder with a metal wheel. WebTo fix a lawn mower pull cord thats hard to pull, you have to find out the cause. Your total is 60 minutes. You are using an out of date browser. You must log in or register to reply here. Sharpening a blade by machine uses a blade sharpener, bench grinder or angle grinder. Another way to sharpen a lawnmower blade is to use a belt sander. Use a vise to clamp the mower blade still. I know that all of my mowers have had them. Its a good addition to your mower maintenance tool kit. Lets take a look at each of them separately. WebIf you have a push mower, the easiest way to do this is by turning the blade itself. I'm wondering if someone has come across this situation before and would know if it's an easy fix or is the mower a write-off. The mower immediately went dead. This keeps your mower in good shape and helps to maintain a healthy lawn. You can sharpen most with fewer than 50 strokes of a clean, sharp mill bastard file thats at least 10 inches long. What if the blades are too tight to spin? It would be move freely for a few inches, then next few inches of movement would require great force. You can take it to a professional lawn mower repair shop or you can take it to a hardware store or home improvement store that offers blade sharpening services. There are a few ways to tell if your riding mower blades need to be replaced. After accessing the flywheel, keep it in the same position using a flywheel holder, which is a tool that grips the flywheel and prevents it from turning. Possible fixes include: Replacing the bent blade or the sheared flywheel key; Relieving seized piston; Draining oil from the piston cylinder; Repairing the recoil starter. You can locate them on the clutch, operators seat, and clutch or the transmission. Take the spark plug and air filter out. Once you remove the blade, examine it to determine whether to sharpen it, or replace it. Yes the blades on a riding mower should turn freely by hand. I tried the pull cord and it wouldn't budge. It could be dangerous mowing with a bent or otherwise damaged blade. In one spot of that revolution it becomes "harder to turn". One way is to check the blades to see if they are damaged or bent. Another way to sharpen a lawnmower blade is to use a belt sander. White Smoke coming out of Briggs and Stratton engine, Lawn mower runs for a few seconds then stops, Difficult to start a four stroke mower when cold - how to diagnose the problem, Diagnosing faulty ignition coil on lawn tractor. Use a socket wrench of the appropriate size and unbolt the mounting, while using your other hand to keep the blade from turning. As youre filing, you should be able to feel the file teeth on the blade. In the end, the blades should rotate without vibrating. Follow the angle of the blade edge. Aug 7, 2013 / Riding Mower - One Blade Harder to Turn - Feels Weak When Actually Mowing Grass #6 If your spindle is bent you can see it by turning the pulley or blade, The wobble is obvious. Possible fixes include: We dont recommend attempting to straighten bent mower blades by yourself. Based on the answer above, more questions come to mind. Put on protective eye gear and gloves. Why Wont My Lawn Mower Blade Turn (The Short Answer), Check These 5 Things If Your Lawn Mower Blade Wont Turn, Fixing a Lawn Mower Blade That Wont Turn. Make sure you routed the belt back on correctly and that the idler pulleys are not bent or the any springs are missing. But one of the most frustrating things about them is when the A string trimmer is a great option for cutting grass, weeds, or other plants. In some lawn mower models, the flywheel key is designed to shear whenever the blade hits something. Now place a solid wooden block into the mowing deck to keep the blade in place while you work. I turned the mower on its side and tried to move the blade by hand. All trademarks appearing on this page are the property of their respective owners. The blade was difficult to move. But landscaping? While blades in your lawnmower should spin without touching anything, it is not the same as being loose at the shafting point. But I don't think that's likely to have happened in this case. For 10 minutes youll turn. The chances of this working are really low. Otherwise, you can simply use the correct size wrench. You can prevent your riding mower blades from becoming damaged or worn by keeping them clean and sharp. Using the pull starter is completely impossible, the rope would break if I pulled it any harder. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Safety Tip: Always wear gloves, long sleeves and eye protection when working with grinders and blades. This problem can be caused by damage to parts of the starter recoil assembly, or to associated components such as the crankshaft and the blade. 3 Alternatively, use a belt sander. Read on to the next section to find out what these can be, and how to fix them! Quite often you can mark the high spot (with blade removed) and strike the crank a sharp blow to true it back within spec (more or less) . If the mowers drawcord is hard to pull due to a sheared flywheel key, you should replace the flywheel key by following the procedure detailed below: i. Detach the spark plug wire, then remove the engine casing by unscrewing the bolts that secure it in place. Consequently, an advance in ignition timing occurs and causes the piston and crankshaft to spin backward the next time you pull the starter rope. Thank you for stopping by! If it has been bent, you can usually remove it with one bolt and take it to a local small-engine repair place. But, check it as described above, but don't expect miracles! Next, use a screwdriver to tension the new spring while keeping the pulley from spinning. WebSharpening a lawn mower blade by hand uses metal files or abrasives. This can damage the blade itself in some cases the blade can even break after hitting a hard object if its overly tight. 3 Alternatively, use a belt sander. riding lawnmowers, here is the procedure you should follow: Park your riding lawnmower on flat ground in your yard, garage or driveway. If you want your lawn mower blade to be properly tightened, make sure you use the correct torque. 2000-2022 Home Depot. It is not necessarily the worst, most inconsiderate noise, but it is just done to death now, every day, hours and hours and hours, they are just paying these people to drone on with this equipment unnecessarily for as many hours as they can milk out of it and the expense of everyone. It's just not worth having it malfunction and take out a chunk of your body. You can learn more about this here. Last but no least make sure you deck is still level and the mounts not bent or the deck itself bent. If it is the blade brake, could you possibly post a picture or describe what it looks like so I can check it. A flap disc is a good choice for the angle grinder. i. Samuel M. Goldwasser, University of Pennsylvania: So you Got Oil in the Cylinder? Step 2: Remove the Spark Plug. Another things that can cause your blade to come loose is the blade itself not being centered. Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. For 10 minutes youll turn. If this is the case youll need to replace them. If it is not because of worn-out bearings, then you may have to replace the spindle altogether. Hold the blade horizontal, then let go. Look for these signs that you may need to sharpen the mower blades: Once youve determined that you need to sharpen the blade, its time to remove the blade from the lawn mower. If this is the case, buying a new bolt should fix the problem. Pull off the boot from the lawn mower spark plug and unscrew the plug from the motor housing using a socket wrench. The owner of this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties including, but not limited to, amazon.com, endless.com, myhabit.com, smallparts.com, or amazonwireless.com. When tightening loose blade in push mowers, you should follow the following steps: Step 1: Empty the gas tank: Start by emptying a gas tank using a hand siphon or run it dry if the content is less than a (not battery; with a cord). Your mower will last longer, too. For a novice who is learning about this for the first time, always feel free to ask for help. Sometimes oil is sucked into the cylinder and results in a hydraulic lock. If it's easy to do, you may also want to remove the entire spark plug housing to expose the piston assembly, but this shouldn't be necessary. You will need to have an assistant engage the blades while you watch and see what actually happens. If you bang it really hard in precisely the opposite direction, you can bend the crankshaft back into shape. Clash between mismath's \C and babel with russian. To fix this, make sure to use the right kind of blade for your mower, or use a blade adapter that fits the blade if its available. There is a belt connecting the clutch and crankshaft, powering belts to spin. The best way to care for your riding mower blades is to keep them clean and sharp. 2022 LawnMowerForum.com. However, sharpening sometimes removes more metal from one edge than another. Well, we did some homework on that too, and here is the procedure for a quick fix: Mower blades that What is the best way to care for my riding mower blades? Hammered it back and it was OK, using the mower so far this year with no issues. Turn the blade over. A bent shape can also mess with the blades overall balance. Then multiply that length of time by the number of times you mow per week. If there are no issues with the deck belt, no problem. Hi! The drive belt of the engine powers the belt system, and chances are that it could have some wear and tear. (Best Time to Aerate ), Spike VS Plug Aerator (Which is Best for You? The other problem usually resulting from an accident like this is the flywheel probably sheared off the key and tuned on the shaft. You can also use a 4 inch (11.4 cm) hand grinder with a metal wheel. I'm thinking the drive shaft may have disconnected with the engine, but I don't really know a lot about small engines. This is known as a hydro lock. You should also avoid hitting rocks or other objects while mowing. Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Amazon.com. Use a socket wrench of the appropriate size and unbolt the mounting, while using your other hand to keep the blade from turning. Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. If it's a pleated-paper filter, you'll need to get a new one if the mower can be used again. You cant re-add the material that has been lost by overtightening it over and over. Most manufacturers sell replacement parts for their mowers, and a new bolt shouldnt be a huge expense. I can reject non-essential cookies by clicking Manage Preferences. Any ideas would be appreciated. How does a fan in a turbofan engine suck air in? Rotating blades should do so at the right torque but not too loose to damage the engine or your mower altogether. WebFixing loose blades in push lawn mowers. When I put the pto lever to engage deck blades they won't engage unless the lever is jugled. Attach the hand crank and turn, turn, turn in a counter clockwise motion. Over time, lawn mower blades get dulled by usage. Following the above steps when fixing loose lawnmower blades should help you realize the desired outcome. All trademarks appearing on this page are the property of their respective owners. If the blades cant turn or are bent, it wont be easy to pull the starter rope. Unfortunately, you can overtighten your mowers blade if you arent careful. Youll learn how to tell if the blade is dull and how to fix it. If they're shiny and clean looking you're done. Possible to fix a safety cutoff on a Briggs and Stratton mower? A properly mowed lawn helps prevent lawn disease from getting a foothold. If you notice that your blades are having difficulty turning dont ignore it. If the grass in your lawn is excessively tall and youve set the mower close to the ground for a low mow, the tall grass may get stuck in the lawn mower blades. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. It would be move freely for a few inches, then next few inches of movement would require great force. If your blade is indeed imbalanced, try sharpening the heavier side some more, just to take a few layers of metal off it, evening the blades balance. Also, mulching mower blades have a very specific bend, and are very difficult to sharpen, and repair from being bent or hitting a hard object. Mowers run smoothest when the blade is balanced. No, lawnmower blades normally should not spin freely as they are connected directly or indirectly via belts or other means to the engine. If the problems started after you sharpened the mowers blade, this might be the case. Turn it over to the other edge and repeat. This can happen if you overtighten the bolt holding the blade in place, like I explained before a damaged bolt wont be able to keep your blade in position for very long. You may have a bent blade or a bent crankshaft. Or both. Oregon Lawn Mower Blade Balancer from Amazon. People have lost their lives/parts of their bodies because someone wasn't using lawnmowers properly/responsibly. By clicking Accept I agree to this, as further described in the Houzz Cookie Policy. Your email address will not be published. Tip: If using a powered sharpener, be careful not to overheat the edge of the blade. Use a socket wrench of the appropriate size and unbolt the mounting, while using your other hand to keep the blade from turning. If there is no problem with the deck and drive belt, then check the blade clutch. Need Help? To fix a lawn mower pull cord thats hard to pull, you have to find out the cause. One should use caution flipping over a gas mower, right? Knowing how to sharpen mower blades keeps your grass green and healthy. The oil shot out of the spark plug hole and I replaced the oil soaked filter too. Apart from loose blades, another scenario that homesteaders are likely to encounter is blades that wont turn. We do not specifically market to children under 13. As when filing by hand, you'll want to maintain the original angle of the blade's bevel as you sharpen it. Better get it looked at. If not, add some more paste and do it again. Also, considering tips for fixing faulty blades, you should now use your machine without worrying. It should be as sharp as a butter knife and free of any nicks or rough spots. As recommended examine the blade rotation and locate the high spot . I turned the blade with my hand one full revolution. How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? Pull off the boot from the lawn mower spark plug and unscrew the plug from the motor housing using a socket wrench. Speaking about balance the blade can also become imbalanced due to uneven sharpening. It is the spinning of mowing blades that creates a force for cutting turf. Mowing with a dull blade can create a ragged cut, turning grass brown. If it wobbles now, it will wobble on your mower too. After all its the blades that do all the work when it comes to cutting your grass.So how do you know if your blades are in good condition? Youll need to sharpen your blades two or three times a year. (How Much & Ways to Fix Excess), How Often Should I Aerate Lawn? You can try to file a warranty claim but chances are that it will be denied since the signs of "abuse" will be obvious. Thats' true. Mower blades have a 3- to 4-inch cutting edge on opposite sides of the blade. It is the blade brake that squeaks. Some more information. The marked side should face you as it did before. EDIT 3.5: Hello Everyone,I was mowing my lawn with a gas powered push mower and it hit a small, hidden stump. One way is to check the blades to see if they are damaged or bent. Put on work gloves and protective eyewear for safety. WebFixing loose blades in push lawn mowers. An unbalanced mower blade can produce vibrations that will loosen the bolt over time. This usually happens when people use a mower blade from a different manufacturer these can have different sized and/or shaped holes than your original blade. Next, gather the tools to sharpen lawn mower blades. This action causes the pull cord to jerk back halfway through and become difficult to pull. Also, as I lifted the machine back upright, I saw that oil had leaked out onto the ground through the muffler guard. The customer said the blades shut off and wouldn't turn on again. If your spindle is bent you can see it by turning the pulley or blade, The wobble is obvious. Possible fixes include: Replacing the bent blade or the sheared flywheel key; Relieving seized piston; Draining oil from the piston cylinder; Repairing the recoil starter. I think: most likely, you have damaged the blade. Move on to the next component, which is the drive belt of the engine. problem. Why is it important for riding mower blades to turn freely by hand? Your email address will not be published. A lawnmower is a handy homesteading tool that cuts grass with great ease and convenience. Reconnect your spark plug wire and your power source. Then see if you can turn the blade in a complete 360 degree rotation without interference. Is it Normal for a Lawn Mower Blade to be Spinning Freely? Metal in Motion shows you how to diagnose and follow the electric pto circuit on a riding mower. Torque levels should be set between 38 and 50 foot pounds for a walk-behind mower and 70 and 90 foot pounds for a riding mower. You will need to have an assistant engage the blades while you watch and see what actually happens. It's literally a blade spinning at hundreds (if not thousands) of RPM. And, you should probably, I hit a pipe with a mower and now it won't turn. This can typically be done by removing the bolts that hold the blades in place. Turns over with one easy pull of the rope. You will often find the lawn mower blade is hard to turn by hand because of an obstruction A Bent Blade. This automatically gives the right sharpening angle. Turn your mower upside down so that the oil fill cap/tube faces upwards. Otherwise, you can simply use the correct size wrench. Thats the bottom of the blade. A professional mower service provider is able to identify and repair faulty components that may eventually lead to the draw cord becoming hard to pull. We like to help other people maintaining their garden and find cool products to write about. There will be information on what size you need in the user Required fields are marked *. The blade was difficult to move. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Its important to fix a blade that was imbalanced during sharpening. The catch here is that loose blades are a disaster in waiting. Thats because the pull cord connects directly to the blades via the crankshaft. Should riding mower blades turn freely by hand? Use your socket wrench to tighten the nut. If they turn freely and easily then theyre likely in good shape. Make sure the key does not remain in the ignition. Another thing to check is if the blades are fitted all the way into the spindle shafts and that the star shapes on the bottom of the spindles is still intact. Multiply 30 minutes by 2 sessions. Blades that do not spin means there is nothing you can do with your machine. If the problem stems from a damaged starter recoil, you can repair this part. For 10 minutes youll turn. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. If not, add some more paste and do it again. 2022 LawnMowerForum.com. One way is to check the blades to see if they are damaged or bent. The flywheel key aligns the flywheel to the crankshaft. Blades that produce a crackling sound when spinning sound alarming. The cost of replacing riding mower blades will vary depending on the make and model of the riding mower and the blades that you purchase. If you dont, apply a little more pressure on the file. This is why its important to prevent this from happening in the first place. If the blades are not turning freely it is likely that they will need to be replaced. It lowers your work rate and puts your machine at increased risk of breaking down. WebSharpening a lawn mower blade by hand uses metal files or abrasives. I wouldn't think a dinged key would cause the engine to be hard to turn over. Hello, and welcome to Home Improvement. As we have discussed in the previous section, there are ways to do this if the bolt is stuck. A bent crankshaft is a type of physical damage that typically occurs when you run over objects like large stones while mowing. As when filing by hand, you'll want to maintain the original angle of the blade's bevel as you sharpen it. Where can I take my riding mower to have the blades sharpened? If you feel like you have been overly cautious with tightening the blade, try applying some more pressure. When thats the case, spray it with some penetrating oil. WebHope this helps guys! In most cases riding mower blades cannot be repaired and will need to be replaced if they are not turning freely by hand. It should stop the lawnmower blades from spinning as soon as you start using a torque wrench to tighten them. Fix your Lawnmower with our Lawnmower Troubleshooting tool. Thanks for the answer; keep 'em coming. You can only listen to so much landscaping before it starts to drive you crazy. Occasionally take your mower for servicing. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. It connects the flywheel to the crank shaft and it's designed to break with less force than it would take to cause permanent damage to the engine. Sharp lawn mower blades are necessary for a good-looking lawn. So that's why I went with gas. Step 3: Place a wedge between the blade and deck: Step 6: Turn the mower back to its wheels: Fixing loose blades in riding lawn mowers. Its important to note that the bolt not breaking isnt a fail-safe indicator of it not being overtightened. EDIT 2: There are a few ways to tell if your riding mower blades need to be replaced. If the spring is damaged, install a replacement part. Local store prices may vary from those displayed. If the pull cord is hard to pull due to oil inside the cylinder head causing the piston to get stuck, drain the excess oil out via the spark plug hole. Avoid leaving your mower outside if rain has been forecasted. Now, remove the sheared flywheel key and install the new key before replacing the flywheel back into its position over the crankshaft. Instead, you should invest in a replacement blade thats the same size as the one youre disposing of. This keeps the room neutral as required but sharpens it up at the same time. Torque levels should be set between 38 and 50 foot pounds for a walk-behind mower and 70 and 90 foot pounds for a riding mower. Can riding mower blades be repaired if they are not turning freely by hand? Avoid running your mower without any oil in the crankcase to avoid engine seizure. Houzz uses cookies and similar technologies to personalise my experience, serve me relevant content, and improve Houzz products and services. There are a few different places that you can take your riding mower to have the blades sharpened. Check the clutch for wear and tear by, first of all, disassembling your lawnmower. Yeah I agree with Sax . Insert the blade back onto the bolt. There will be information on what size you need in the user Brace the blade with a piece of scrap wood and clamp the blade still. You'll most likely have to reset the flywheel before it will run. Dig out any mud and grass clippings that have caked under there too. First, remove the spark plug and lubricate the spark plug hole. Mower blades are made from fairly soft steel. Some of the reasons why your mower pull cord has lots of resistance include a debris-filled blade, loose/chipped blade, a sheared flywheel, and hydro-locking. Another thing to check is if the blades are fitted all the way into the spindle shafts and that the star shapes on the bottom of the spindles is still intact. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Unfortunately, you cant really fix a damaged bolt. Step 2: Remove the Spark Plug. Start by removing the casing. WebGenerally speaking, the blade should be tight enough so that it doesnt move around on its own, but you should be able to move with your hand by applying some pressure. JavaScript is disabled. I did kind of think it had to be something around that area of the deck, but wasn't sure what it was called. You can turn the spindle by hand or use a drill. You should also check the wrench user manual for guidelines. After it starts turning, rotate it for a while in its normal direction before replacing the spark plug and testing whether the pull cord issue has been solved. Another way is to check to see if the blades are turning freely by hand. Mower blades are made from fairly soft steel. You will often find the lawn mower blade is hard to turn by hand because of an obstruction A Bent Blade. Check to see that your mower starts smoothly. The manufacturer should provide a proper tightening level expressed in foot-pounds, commonly found in the mowers manual. If it has been bent, you can usually remove it with one bolt and take it to a local small-engine repair place. Malfunction and take out a chunk of your body small engines disassembling your lawnmower should spin touching! Without vibrating hammered it back and it was OK, using the pull cord thats to... To engage deck blades they wo n't turn on again would break if pulled! A chunk of your body i. Samuel M. Goldwasser, University of:... Sharpened the mowers manual even break after hitting a hard object if overly... 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