It is an inspiration line because the person has had an idea, thought, or feeling that inspired action. "Type your comment and select anonymous and press publish", Get Prediction About Your Marriage | Marriage Line In Palmistry, | Lal Kitab Ke Prabhavshali Totke Aur Upay Aur Lal Kitab Predictions, (Apne Pyar Ko Wapis Pane Ka Totka), Shaadi Aur Mohabbat Ki Rekha (Prem Rekha), Machli - Fish Sign | Fish Line | INDIAN PALM READING, - (Sapno Ka Faladesh Jane) | Dream Meanings | Dream Dictionary. Influences of persons of the other sex upon the subject. New members are welcome in the palmistry forum, click here, [] It is wise to use other indicators on the hand, such as influence lines to the fate line (see image below). I have never verified this very ancient reading. I, Lines of Influence Inside of the Mounts of Venus end Lower Mars. Often such a marking will heal and correct a poor marriage (297). The single indication must not be given this reading, but with this marking and other confirmatory signs it can be so interpreted, viz., if the line cutting the rising branch from the Life line cross the hand and cut a line of union which is forked (292), this reading will be found correct. A star on the end of a line of Influence (281) will indicate the ceasing of that influence, whatever it may be; and, while you cannot state definitely who the person is, yet by noting the distance between this Influence line and the line of Life, you can determine whether the line represents one closely connected with the subject or a more distant relative. b. Only the lines which run inside the Life line are properly lines of Influence. For instance, if it represents a union/partnership/marriage, we can use the timeline from the life line to guess the timing. If this line should be revived and gradually grow stronger, the influence will return into the life of the subject and grow in power (284). However, they are not necessarily a symbol of permanent relocation. Cross on the Jupiter mount. A Brief Resume Of The History Of The Study Of Hands Through The Centuries To The Present Day, The Line Of Head Or The Indications Of The Mentality, The Line Of Head Joined To The Line Of Life, The Line Of Head Separated From The Line Of Life, Crosses And Squares In Connection With The Line Of Head, The Line Of Head On The Seven Types Of Hands, The Line Of Heart As Indicating The Affectionate And Emotional Nature, Influence Lines To The Fate Line On The Mount Of Venus Connection With Marriage, Lines Denoting Children Their Sex And Other Matters Concerning Them, The Girdle Of Venus The Ring Of Saturn And The Bracelets, The Line Of Intuition And The Via Lasciva, The Island The Circle The Spot And The Grille. For me it (this square) is determined by the fact of the subject being confined within very narrow quarters for a long time. Log in, Yes, it is possible for someone to have no headline. The Line Of Influence The lines are found on the Mount of Venus either vertically or horizontally. Lines of Influence inside of the Mount of Venus or Lower Mars a. Concentric to the Line of Life. If an Influence line draw away from the Life line and grow thinner at the same time, the influence gradually grows away from its nearness to the subject, and finally disappears (285). If the . A line that is parallel but not close to the fate line is a secondary fate line. vibratory colors; color combinations; dice. Rich individual might have bad/negative Mount of Venus, Poor person may have excellent mount of Venus. If inside of a broken line of Influence, starting at twenty to thirty, there be another line which begins early in the life of the subject, and continues uninterrupted past these breaks, it shows the intermittent character of the wife or husbands influence, strengthened by the constant influence of the mother or father. This line is known as via lascavia line. The Sign of Venus - Increased qualities otherwise shown by the Mount. These individuals are emotionally, mentally and physically very strong and stable when compared to the rest. When deep, they indicate illness of a serious nature. Remember, these lines are much finer than the main lines. The person will be excited about one or the other thing. To find the fish sign on this part of the palm can suggest that there is a conception that you take your health very seriously. The Sign of the Sun - Idealistic, platonic love. Next to this line, counting from the Life line, comes a line representing the father, and the line which represents this parent is usually found to be deeper than the others. The line of Mars is a sister to the line of Life, running inside of that line and parallel to it (278). He has inherited from a more intellectual line of ancestors and for all work requiring intelligence and a higher mentality he or she could be depended on, whereas the first-mentioned type could notno matter how well he might talk or advocate his own superiority. To a large extent its okay but if in excess then its a waste of energy. 7. A circle (very rare) - Chronic ill health. If on the Life line an island appear after this point in life, these cares or worries will seriously affect the health of the subject. (In a woman's hand), unfavorable attachment in early life having caused great sorrow to the subject. 300. some fault not his own (303). If a Worry line start from a star on the end of an Influence line and cut a rising line from the Life line (293), it indicates that the death of a relative caused the trouble. If the mount of Jupiter is well developed, the person will have abundance of will-power and self-confidence. If you are interested in palmistry (hand analysis), you might wonder what some of the finer, smaller lines on the palm are? Mount of mars negative indicates anger aggression fire. If the cutting line be a deep one, and the cut line begin so early that you judge it to be a parent, the cause of the cut has often been verified as the father. These are fine lines that run parallel with the Line of Life (11-11, Plate XVIII. Some of these run parallel to the Life line others which run across the Mount (277). They can also represent a supportive partner if along the life line or if it rises to the fate line. Function Of Influence Line These lines indicates the extent to which the subject may be influence by others. Influence Lines on the Mount of Venus These are fine lines that run parallel with the Line of Life (11-11, Plate XVIII. Influence lines are fine secondary lines on the palm. The Lines of Influence are those that are on the Mount of Venus and inside the Life line. The Practice Of Palmistry For Professional Purposes, The Practice of Palmistry for Professional Purposes, B. LINES OF INFLUENCE. If lines rise from the lines of Influence and run to, but do not cut, the Life line, it shows that relatives will uplift the subject, but if lines droop from the Influence lines to the Life line, the subject will be continually pulled down by his kin (309). All Rights Reserved. 1-A line starting near the beginning of the life Line and running close to it Influence of the mother more. If a cross-line have an island in it, there will be something most unpleasant connected with this impediment. For this and the next observations see also the Chapter on Lints of Influence on, or from the Mount of Venuss. Mount Ketu in the hand is located above the Manibandh, between the mount of Venus and the Moon. If an Influence line begin thin and grow stronger and break, and is replaced by another line, and this by another, it shows that, one after another, relatives have replaced each other as the leading influence with the subject (287). To make reference easier and quicker, I have divided these Influence Lines, so very important to locate and read prop-ery, into Two Divisions, each one of them subdivided, as follows: II, Lines of Influence from the Mounts of Venus or Lower Mars, or the Line of Life. As students, do not hesitate to ask questions, and find out where you have made mistakes. If this line is present in a man's hand then he gets the ladder to go up in life from women and vice-versa. To calculate the timing of events on this second line is the same as the line of life. At the foot of Mount Olympus bubbles up a spring which changes its flavor hour by hour, night and day, and the spring is scarcely three days' journey from Paradise, out of which Adam was driven. You can determine how strong the influence is by checking the vertical line's depth and its proximity to the lifeline. The meaning can vary depending on where it is. the partner may either die or turn eccentric. rules of dice divination; list of . Lines And Signs On The Lower Mount Of Mars. Other concentric lines, further inside the Mounts of Venus and Lower Mars. Anywhere you see a multiples cross symbol, it's a bad omen. They can also represent any person or persons who have had an impact or made a strong impression in their life. Vertical lines on your mount of Venus signify people and their influence. Two or three vertical lines - Ingratitude. If there is no Mount of Venus in one's hand, then such a person lives the life of a self-realized person, a sage, and an ascetic. Copyright If a Hue of Influence rising early be supported by one which rises at about the time of marriage, the wife or husband has supplanted the mother completely (311). If they cut some particular Influence line repeatedly (300), that influence will have a continual life of worry and impediment. A triangle - Calculation (in a bad hand - venality) in love affairs; often found in the hands of husband or wife or both in what is known as French marriages. In reading Influence lines always proceed slowly until you have gained practice enough to work out the combinations. Lines concentric to the Line of Life - (aside from (he Line of Mars, which see) - They represent the subject's love affairs which will not be under his or her control. A much rayed Mount of the Moon would certainly have this meaning. By itself the marking indicates a check to the upward career. Mount of moon is symbolic of imagination, creativity and intuition. You can also learn totke, lal kitab upay and remedies. Great success in business or science. The poem begins with an introductory hymn praising Inanna. ), but they must not be confounded with the Line of Mars, or "Sister Life Line," which commences higher up nearer the Mount of Mars.These Venus Influence Lines are more often found with those persons who have. the influence of the yearly planet; horoscope; cartomancy. Cross Lines. People with medium-size lunar mounts have a good . Venus was the first planet to be explored by a spacecraft - NASA's Mariner 2 successfully flew by and scanned the cloud-covered world on Dec. 14, 1962. I depend mostly on the elaborate system of the Hindus for using these lines of Influence. Click Here, Palmistry Services & Astrology for Marriage problems, . Once more I call your attention to the principle laid down at the end of my readings of the Mount of Jupiter. The area of Rahu mountain in the palm is considered to be right in the middle, below the headline, near Mars and Venus mountains. The lines are found on the Mount of Venus either vertically or horizontally. The act of breeding, propagating, reproducing, fathering our species is also the act of Venus mount. There are no specific positions for these lines. on the contrary, I have noticed it very frequent!y in the hands of people who had led a recluse's life, either by inclination or by order of court. Your Email (for subscribing or getting relies), Some of these run parallel to the Life line.
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