5. Da liegt der Hund begraben. The article contains some of the most disgusting and derogatory language you will ever hear. Learn how your comment data is processed. But if you get yourself in trouble using them, youre on your own! I don't give a shit! Shit is used in so many ways, like piece of shit to say something is worthless, or shitty as an adjective for something bad like a shitty day. You dont know shit means you dont know anything, but you know your shit means you know quite a lot! 2. Now one of the most universal bad words there is in the English language. So if something is wrong with your Tassen oder toshia, youre not quite right in the head.Example: Peter will, dass ich ihm meinen besten Anzug fr einen Junggesellenabschied leihe. 02 of 20 TITTAYS Via Thrillist F yeah - TITTAYS. Back then when lumberjacks hauled the cut trees out of the woods, it left a big trail looking like a way. Don't let the learning stop here. So if you have a salad, things are out of order. Translation: not having all cups in the cupboardMeaning: to be crazyEnglish equivalent: to be one sandwich short of a picnicOrigin: Not certain, but it most likely goes back to the yiddish word toshia, meaning mind or intellect. These words are often used to express frustration or anger and can be directed at someone or something. So langsam habe ich aber die Nase voll davon!You are late again. Benny believes the best approach to language learning is to speak from day one. Sometimes the word is also used to describe the food which might lead to these extra pounds, like chocolate or cake. ), 11. Lass mich in ruh! Alright, so this isnt technically a complete saying or so funny in the English translation, but once you know the story behind it, its hilarious. Or I dont fucking care anymore! for when youre exasperated, or messed up. Translation: life is not a pony farmMeaning: life can be tough, get used to itOrigin: A rather recent German phrase which originally was the title of a song by there german punk band Die Schrders. Michele creates language learning guides and courses for travel. If you want to know how to say dirty phrases in German, youve come to the right place. Calling someone a jerk or a fool (You asshole!) or saying you couldnt give a damn (I dont give an arse or I cant be arsed). Perhaps a bit nicer way to say Vai para o caralho. Then, in the spring, the strong and hardy plants are relocated to the garden.Example: Hier ist kein Platz fr Schwchlinge, nur die Harten kommen in den Garten.There is no room for weaklings here, only the tough ones will prevail. So today, we will learnhow to ask do you understand in German. Get my free Germantravel phrase guide here. Germans arent known for their humour. Spice up the conversation with a little idiomatic color and put things in terms Germans understand. This is definitely one youll see with some not-so-nice hand gestures, and it ranks amongst the strongest terms in Italian. Scheidreck f_cking sh_t / godd_mmit / motherf_cker Translation: You really have a birdMeaning: You are crazyOrigin:In the middle ages people thought that birds had built a nest in the head of people with mental problems.Example: Der Chef will, dass ich unbezahlte berstunden mache. ), 7. ), 10. 7. Entschuldigung Excuse me / Sorry From apologizing for bumping into someone on the tram, to getting a stranger's attention to ask which stop to get off at, this phrase is an absolute essential in civility when living in or travelling in Germany. We all want to know those dirty words, the banned words, the bad words your mum wouldve washed your mouth out for saying. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. Many of them don't have literal translations. Whether a date or a score on a test, nul acht funfzehnindicates the results were rather standard issue and nothing to write home about. Basically, a dumbass or idiot you cant stand. So to the soldiers it was quite ordinary.. 1. 5. A suspect was forced to take a poisoned drink or bite. Download: ), 13. 10. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. This is the mother of all curses in Quebec. (Don't answer that.) Like prick or asshole, and used the same way. I dont know where else you would take the church, but its universally agreed upon that its place is in the village. Or more precisely that the church congregation should stay within the village.Example: Statt jedes Jahr ein neues Auto zu kaufen, solltest du lieber die Kirche im Dorf lassen!Instead of buying a new car every year, you should rather stay humble! Ficken is commonly used in a sexual context in German, but the majority of f expressions in English are translated in Arsch or Schei. to know exactly what to expect from someone, 10. nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank haben, 14. sich etwas hinter die Ohren schreiben, 2. As often there are several possible explanations. Translation: my dear mr singing clubMeaning: to be impressedOrigin: When German native speakers start or end a sentence with my dear mr singing club, you know they are well impressed. Thats why in Germany one often sees old people walking the streets in the middle of the daytheres nothing new for them to do. Let me know using thecomments section below or join me on social media to start a conversation. Or is that what the phrase used means figuratively too? Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei. Copyright The Intrepid Guide Ltd 2022. If they powdered the baby with the peg bag instead of the powder bag, the baby would have suffered and have some serious damage.Example: Der Typ hat mir gerade die Vorfahrt genommen. In the middle ages offenders were punished by cutting off the right hand, with which most people wielded their sword and held the reins. In the UK, this word alone can mean a movie is rated 18, so can only be seen by adults. At one point Pappenheims soldiers dont know whether they should trust General Wallenstein any longer. Literally meaning a penis or dick. But its used in many fun sayings, like. Sie hat nicht alle Tassen im Schrank. Gravel Agitator. He must be barking mad! Theres that swear word which has all the oomph and intensity behind it. That's your parents job." 6.) While there are some differences between Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese, these are some standard bad words from the language. Hi Jane, thats another translation for it. This saying fits if youre convinced that the person who has just told you something is lying or over-exaggerating. It simultaneously means Please, Youre welcome, Here you go, Go ahead and Pardon?. You've got to love following this guy in traffic! 20. Dienst ist Dienst und Schnaps ist Schnaps, 1. auf den Hund kommen / vor die Hunde gehen, 2. aus einer Mcke einen Elefanten machen, 5. da wird der Hund in der Pfanne verrckt. Who doesn't enjoy seeing tittays? Translation: I know my PappenheimersMeaning: to know exactly what to expect from someoneOrigin: Gottfried Heinrich Graf zu Pappenheim was a German noble man, who led his own regiment during the 30 year war in Germany in the 17th century. Just like the subtle differences in stress and pronunciation, capitalization can also have a massive effect on the meaning of a word. 2. How To Say Good Morning In Swiss German, Mandatory Or Not? Der hat doch einen Vogel!The boss wants me to work unpaid overtime. You'll also likely hear the contracted version mumbled at you when out and about: 'Schuldigung. 100 Animals in German to Get Wild With, Plus Other Animal-related Words and Phrases, The German Pronunciation Guide: The Alphabet, Common Letter Combos and Tips for Improving, Meet the German Language: History, Culture, Linguistics and FAQ for Language Learners, German Grammar: The Complete Guide to 10 Core Grammatical Concepts, Want Online German Lessons? Tut mir leid, aber mein Englisch ist under aller Sau, I dont see any good news coming your way, Du hast nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank, Anythings a dildo if youre brave enough, There you are looking stupid out of the laundry. A brain denier is someone who doesnt use their noggin often. Meat was expensive, so it was a big prize to poor people.Example: Das ist das letzte Spiel dieser Saison. But this is the classic for when youre really angry with someone. Learning German? There are many German swear phrases that are used in everyday conversation. A very artful way of saying that you dont care at all, this is considered even stronger than Das ist mir egal (That doesnt matter to me). 3. Translation: you may take poison on itMeaning: thats for sureOrigin: OK, poison probably isnt something you drink regularly. Coming from the typical rifle given out during WWI (the 08-15), the numbers have come to be a clever code to describe something mediocre or run-of-the-mill. In this article, well show you some of the most popular German dirty phrases, and how to use them in a sentence. When you want to get the hell away from someone. Pigs, although lucky and conducive to a good German party atmosphere, are not that great for language learning. If he died, it was obvious he was guilty. (To leave the church in the village. Download your free PDF guide with 125 Italian travel phrases. While it translates to dick, it transforms into a catch-all dirty word, like for the next phrase. Start learning here! Youre having guests from Germany, and you want to make them feel right at home? Whether youre a news junky or a cinephile, keep an eye (and an ear) out for more phrases. So when someone takes the butter off your bread, he takes the best part of something and leaves you only with the dull bread. Theyre used as an insult for those who eat too much and men who behave like chauvinists. In German, exclamations like "Heiliger Muckefuck" might sound harsher than they truly are. Fuck off, you piece of shit is a closer translation for this one. Used as an adjective, like Mira este puto Look at this fucking guy.. 19. Chinese has some very interesting ways to insult someone, so Im going to start right out with my favourite: Yes, this is a highly insulting phrase in Chinese, and basically equates to bastard in English. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The woodpecker only got in there because of the rhyme.Example: Wie findest du mein neues Auto? Used when calling someone promiscuous, and its highly insulting. Der hat doch einen Vogel!The boss wants me to do unpaid overtime. Was Hnschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr. Either way, theres no better way to showcase your German skills and impress the natives than by rattling off an appropriately timed funny German phraseand youll find plenty of potential ones in this post. Obviously, use with care whenever you start referring to mothers. Translation: duty is duty and booze is boozeMeaning: Theres a time to work, and another time to celebrateOrigin: It simply means you should separate work from party time. Do you know any other German idioms? Translation: to pour pure wine to someoneMeaning: to be honest with someone, even if its embarrassingOrigin: One of many funny German phrases stemming from the middle ages. If Jens asks you to come, you should come prepared to speak German. Learn the local language with my unique 80/20 method. 4. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Das ist mir Wurst. German slang words include words like Pillepalle and Pusemuckel or Klackermatsch and Kladderadatsch, words that are rare and more fun to pronounce than any formal words. 2. Well, it goes back to the divine judgments that were common in the Middle Ages. Short Funny Quotes 1.) I have no idea where this one started, but talk about a creative way to tell someone off! However, some of the contenders for rudest German word include scheie (shit), Arschloch (asshole), and Hure (whore). Now, lets take a look at some funny German phrases. I guess I have to be honest with him and tell him that I lost it. So is a sockenschlfer (someone who sleeps in socks) and a sockenfalter (a man who folds his socks). This phrase came into fashion in the 19th century, when singing clubs were all the rage. 2. Keep in mind, these may be fighting words to Italians. Unfortunately while dreaming she stumbles and spills her milk. You are completely wrong. A version of this story ran in 2019; it has been updated for 2022. Ich bin sauer. The German bread institute estimates there are about 3000 different kinds of bread baked and sold in Germany every day! So whenever someone wanted to talk to them about anything other than going home, their reply was Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof.Example: Als der Mathelehrer ber Integrale sprach, habe ich nur Bahnhof verstanden.When the maths teacher spoke about integrals, I didnt understand a single word! This imaginative insult translates to asparagus Tarzan, and describes someone who is thin and gangly. Good-Time Charley. "Yo Mama's so fat her butt cheeks have different area codes.". Hence, saying someone has a bird is the equivalent of calling them insane. "Some people are such treasures you just want to bury them." 3.) Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei. 9. Or, grumble about it to yourself in your target language. Herberger coined many famous football bon mots, among them "Das Runde muss ins Eckige" (The round must go into the square) and "Das nchste Spiel ist immer das schwerste" (The next match is always the hardest). This one has also integrated into other languages, like Japanese, where speakers often say this word instead of one from their own language. In case he remained unharmed, his innocence was proven. Life isnt a rose garden. This caused a lot of criticism and many people demanded to leave the church in the village. German Swear Words Arschgesicht Fuckface (lit. Do their partners suspect it? Translation: to buy a cat in a sackMeaning: to buy something unseen, to accept something without due diligenceOrigin: In the past, livestock was sold at farmers markets. A butt with earsor, put simply, a complete ignoramus. But you can use this as an exclamation like in English, too. "If Yo Mama and Yo Daddy got a divorce, they'd still be brother and sister.". All of the above categories do not work well when used in formal business settings. (Thats sausage to me. Consider that jokes heavily rely on puns, ambiguity and playing with language - and German is a pretty difficult language to play with. Auf Wolke sieben schweben. Some of them also show up adapted in other languages. Mist! Weird German Phrases 1. auf dem Holzweg sein 2. die Haare zu Berge stehen 3. die Kirche im Dorf lassen 4. die Nase voll haben 5. ein Brett vor dem Kopf haben 6. einen Zahn zulegen 7. Also have a salad, things are out of the most disgusting derogatory. 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