The FFAR provide that, from 1 October 2023, only a natural person licensed by FIFA may perform football agent services. Players Agent, A. FIFA are proposing to restrict commissions to 3% of the player's gross remuneration if acting for the player or engaging club and so the maximum an agent could earn if acting for both parties would be 6% of the player's gross remuneration which includes basic salary, signing-on fees and loyalty or performance bonuses but excludes benefits such Football player . endstream endobj 132 0 obj[/ICCBased 143 0 R] endobj 133 0 obj[/Separation/PANTONE#20287#20C 132 0 R 145 0 R] endobj 134 0 obj<> endobj 135 0 obj<> endobj 136 0 obj[/Separation/PANTONE#20283#20C 132 0 R 144 0 R] endobj 137 0 obj<> endobj 138 0 obj<> endobj 139 0 obj<> endobj 140 0 obj<> endobj 141 0 obj[/Separation/All 132 0 R 146 0 R] endobj 142 0 obj<>stream There are specific windows in which an agent can even apply to sit the licensing exam, with only two exam dates provided currently for 2023. Copyright 2011 The Players' Agent. These regulations will change the way in which agents work with both players and clubs. %%EOF FIFA Tree - FIFA - Fdration Internationale de Football Association - The Players' Agent With an online degree from Concordia University of Chicago (CUC) or Fort Hays State University (FHSU), you can earn your master's or doctorate from an accredited and respected university. Yes - you will need to maintain your intermediary registration with The FA up until 1st October 2023 if you wish to continue to conduct intermediary activity within The FAs jurisdiction. In eighth place is Volker Struth (SportsTotal) Soccer: 39.68 million in commissions and 396.79 in contracts. Personalities such as Jorge Mendes, Jonathan Barnett and Mino Raiola appear day in and day out on the front pages of sports newspapers when the signing season arrives. | Privacy Policy Legacy Path An applicant may qualify for an exemption from the exam if they can provide proof that: They were licensed as an agent pursuant to the FIFA Players' Agent Regulations (1991, 1995, 2001 or 2008 editions); and The agent of players like Pedro, Javi Martnez or Vitolo has a volume of contracts close to 260 million euros and 25.89 million in commissions. Our Soccer Agency seeks Sponsorship opportunities for its clients through the existing and continuously growing network of well-established partnerships. These management activities have nothing to do with mediation of employment and are not regulated by the FIFA. This article was prompted by something I read a month or so ago, from a discussion between a group, mainly comprised of lawyers - as to whether under the newly proposed (and supposedly final) draft of the FIFA Football Agent Regulations (FFAR), whether lawyers should also be exempt from sitting the proposed exam (and some other stipulations for Licensed Football Agents) as with "former . We use cookies to ensure the best experience on our website. An intermediary previously registered overseas should seek the relevant confirmations from the FIFA member association through which they were previously licensed. The regulations will govern the occupation of football agents and represent a wide-ranging reform to the way in which agents will work in football. Anyone listed on the 2022-23 pre-registered list must apply for the first Football Agent Exam by March 15, 2023, in order to take the April 19, 2023 exam and keep their status active. Leon is an accredited Chartered Accountant practising at Hazlems Fenton LLP, and serves as Chairman of BASE Soccer. Do not focus too much on signing players but on building relationships with club. But they also have a frantic level of life due to the temporary nature of soccer with constant travel. Football has developed a lot over the last few years, and scouting is probably the one sector that has evolved the most. As things stand, there is no clarity on whether an agent is entitled to commission in these circumstances. The wording of the regulations is not entirely clear in relation to when a player may negotiate a contract without using his agents. The FFAR were approved by the FIFA Council at its meeting in Doha in December 2022 following a very robust and open consultation process carried out by FIFA since 2018 and involving all key international football stakeholders. New developments regarding changes in the FIFA statute, directly affect FIFA agents and their representation fees. 0000010957 00000 n How exotic cross border transfers might look they do not make the work of an agent easier. With more and more money coming in the need for tax planning will increase also and maybe security risks have to be dealt with. 1160: Revised FIFA Players Agents Regulations; No. In order to ensure that you are prepared for the exam and that your device is compatible, you can complete a practice exam within the FIFA Agent Platform. 0000002046 00000 n At present, they take players such as Memphis Depay, Kevin Strootman, Stefan de Vrij and Thomas Vermaelen although their true market of clients resides in cycling. Few things happen in France and England without Mondial Sport Managment in the middle. HMOA+|Lql mU$YCJC!~G#xa0&p1y9,9' yt0RO,ws.#zlio.1eXv0tYMWo*,!V(rEe :~![e09}Gc5+S?5f6&dC/9A{Y|n\R^}z5Dz#= IsH1DH4wW7 Salary is high for football stars approach. The cost of the exam will be confirmed by The FA in due course. If you wish to continue to act on behalf of or in relation to a minor, then you will need to ensure you continue to have the necessary FA approval to work with minors. We review applications all year round as they arrive; however, there is a specific deadline for the upcoming edition of each programme. To begin the process to become a football agent licensed by FIFA, please register on the new Agent Platform at Another of his star players is the Valencia goalkeeper Diego Alves. ME GUSTARIA que lo pudieran probar, el reside en san diego, california SU NOMBRE ES JOEL BUSTAMANTE MORCILO , es nacido en barcelona, gracias , yo resido en barcelona, Im 17 years old . I am Lodwick from south Africa having a pool of talented players both boys and girls who are currently looking for clubs. For information about compliance with U.S. Soccer's process for registration of Intermediaries, please contact Ivan Munoz E: P: (312) 528-1225. The owner of the agency Gestifute, yes is the undisputed leader in the soccer market. we're everywhere Our vast network of coaches, general managers, and scouts, has allowed us to place players in clubs all over the world. An agent who is not well prepared will step easily in a pitfall. 0000008287 00000 n The possibility of a permanent break after next year's World Cup in Qatar when the current 10-year agreement ends was made explicit in a letter released last week by Cam Weber, the . Min. This agency with 15 years of existence has focused its interests on young promises. If a candidate fails an exam, they may retake it on the next available date. | Subscriptions This contributes to their well-being, but it also helps them maximize their image financially and create business opportunities for their second career. In this regard, the data that you enter on the FIFA Agent Platform is necessary. What will the FIFA football agent exam involve and what study materials are required? Balotelli and Lukaku are other of the great stars that the representative of Italian soccer players takes. To view the new regulations, please visit the FIFA Regulations on Working with Intermediaries. There has been enough negative commentary and observations written in regards to the new FIFA Football Agent #Regulations (FFAR) following their public release last week - in fact, I may be . Soccer Agents use a combination of skills . It is now recognised by FIFA that this light-touch approach to regulation failed, and the new regulations represent a fundamental change in FIFAs approach to agents. Me gustara que vieran este nio es cadete en el canal de YouTube hay un par de vdeos del ao pasado. List of FA Registered Intermediaries - 22 February 2023 752.6KB (PDF); List of Registered Companies - 3 January 2023 357.7KB (PDF); Intermediary Suspensions and Sanctions - 1 February 2023 617.4KB (PDF) # more files A copy of the FFAR can be found here. FIFA abolished the licensing . Required fields are marked *. Answer (1 of 3): You need a special license expedited by your national football federation, and backed up by FIFA. A candidate (person or organisation) will only have to register with a national football association and sign a statement that he has an impeccable reputation., Enclosure 1 Explanatory notes on the FFAR, Enclosure 2 Information concerning the application of the FFAR, Two women elected to top Canada Soccer board positions, Jenna Hellstrom announces her retirement from football. the lack of transparency and the resulting impossibility to contrast even in the case of transfers arranged through licensed agents confusion about the differences between club representatives and player agents, as well as the economic obligations of both. Itamar will ensure each player is well taken care of when dealing with Total Football. Prior to 2015, football agents were regulated by FIFA, which required that all agents should take examinations and be licensed by the local football associations. 4 FIFA Regulations on Working with Intermediaries. 2. 1270: Amendments to the FIFA Disciplinary Code; No. Mi nombre es Leonel Alvarez,soy venezonalo juego futbol desde los 4 aos,tengo 14 aos, el futbol es mi pasion e jugado en la Juan Arango de Venezuela,San Antonio de los Altos,mi sueo es llegar a formar parte del FC Barcelona se que me falta mucho por aprender pero solo quiero jugar al futbol y quiero cumplir mi sueo de jugar con el Barca. News & publications Latest news Will the FIFA Football Agent Regulations reform the role of the football agent for the better? The UEFA word, the UEFA logo and all marks related to UEFA competitions, are protected by trademarks and/or copyright of UEFA. | Privacy Policy 0000002730 00000 n As of 2020, an agent can charge only one out of the three possible contract parties, and the percentage varies, depending on who pays: Selling club: 10 percent. The world knows thousands of agents but only a minority reaches a 6 figures income. For some it is a full time job for others a maybe profitable hobby. Where will the FIFA football agent exam be held? The most suitable path will depend upon an applicants own circumstances. The FIFA Regulations will bring an end to the system of licensed players' agents that will have been in place for nearly 25 years. However, no computer is able to replace the expert eye or estimate the future development of a talented young player. 1200: Amendments to the FIFA Statutes and to the Regulations Governing the Application of the Statutes; No. safa intermediary registration. Please see FIFAs FAQs on the FFAR (available here see What is the FIFA football agent exam?). Bahia Internacional appears in the twenty-third position of the list. There is now no need for football agents to be licensed or registered with FIFA as a football players' agent. These set of agents are in the business for just themselves and themselves alone. The player: 3 percent. In these moments FIFA wants to limit and regulate the commissions for the transfers of the players, existing an open debate. There will be a transition period ahead of the obligation to only use licensed football agents and the cap on agent fees, which will happen on 1 October 2023. Depending on his popularity there are image rights to be managed. Operations such as the transfer of Portuguese to Juventus have generated 85.88 million in commissions and a volume of business close to 850 million in contracts. When the number of places is limited, you may have a better chance of being selected by applying earlier in the application cycle. at the top level of the game. 07 Feb. Live streams, match highlights, exclusives and more! Our 8-week online Soccer Agent course prepares you for success as a certified FIFA Players Agent. In order to obtain a FIBA Agents' license, all candidates must: Complete the below online registration; Attend one FIBA session at the cost of an administrative fee of CHF 250.00 (Swiss Francs) . release a players' agent from his obligation to comply with the laws applicable in the territory of the association, in particular those relating to job placement. Conflict of interests: the parties involved adequately reveal any clash of interests. When fully implemented in October 2023, the most significant changes will be the re-introduction . Further information and details regarding the FFAR, as may be updated from time to time, can be found on FIFAs dedicated website, which can be accessed here. There is also a clause for either player or agent to terminate the representation agreement for just cause. the legal problematic of match-fixing and the last section covers the disciplinary proceedings before FIFA, UEFA and CAS. Mental Coach O ur mental personal coach, Eitan Azaria, will be there for the players in the good times and the bad times. The second exam will be held on September 20, 2023, and the deadline to register is July 31, 2023. 1206: Revised Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players Protection of minors; No. As described above the demand is smaller that the offer so it is more important to have good contacts with club officials then with players. Tags: Personalities such as Jorge Mendes, Jonathan Barnett and Mino Raiola appear day in and day out on the front pages of sports newspapers when the signing season arrives. On a national level and national associations are free to add additional requirements, but FIFA is perfectly happy if only the minimal requirements are met. 0000013185 00000 n | Testimonials **Get Started Now**New . He is also a licensed FIFA agent and represents many high profile international sports people and English Premier League players, from both the United Kingdom and other parts of the world. Our media team is qualified to use the media for our players to reach a more lucrative level. | Cancel Subscription The new regulation has stopped regulating access to the profession and offers a global framework that leaves a better control of transactions related to the transfer of players to increase transparency. The representative of Gareth Bale, Jonathan Barnett, appears in third place with 678 million euros in contracts and another 68 million in commissions. In the second part of this masterclass, a top talent manager from another industry will present his job, company, and debate with the group. From October 2023, agents will not be allowed to act for all three parties (buying club, selling club and player) in a transaction as it is thought that this could give rise to conflicts of interest. I want to play in any club, IAm 17 years old football player as striker 4 FIFA Regulations on Working with Intermediaries. 36.8% in the top 31 European leagues are foreigners according to CIES Demographic Study 2014 . The exam path provides a route to becoming a football agent by passing the FIFA football agent exam. Following their approval by the FIFA Council in December 2022, the new FIFA Football Agent Regulations (FFAR) came into force as of Monday, 9 January 2023, thus marking a landmark step towards the establishment of a fairer and more transparent football transfer system. BEST SCOREs FIFA agents are licenced by the German Soccer Association (DFB). Agents will still be able to act for both the player and the buying club in a transaction. In the summer of 2013 the Bale representative managed to get the Welshman to sign with Madrid for a record amount of 101 million euros. Accordingly, agents must book their exam as soon as possible to continue to act as an agent after the full regulations kick in from October 2023. He also managed a macro contract for Zlatan Ibrahimovic, who was free, to be a player of the Red Devils. FULL-TIME offers you an easy way to manage your football leagues online. When will the FIFA football agent exams take place and what are the deadlines for applying? / Playmaker, central midfielder / 18 y.o. The man who went down in history to achieve the most expensive signing in history (until this year). In 2014 Tribal Sports Group PL was founded and operates three main divisions Tribal Sports Management PL (player management), Tribal Sports Entertainment PL (events and tours including Money in Sport Conferences) and . Our lead agent is registered with the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) as set forth in the FIFA Regulations on Working with Intermediaries. and experience. Fame and money do not come without risks. So an intermediary represents for a fee or a charge: Except for the negotiation of transfer agreements his work doesnt differ a lot from the work of other intermediaries such as headhunters or recruitment agencies in any other industry. For those sitting the FIFA football agent exam through The FA, it will take place at a venue selected by The FA. Player's Agent and Player (Appendix 1) Suggested Contract main points - Club and Player (Appendix 2) Basketball Arbitral Tribunal (BAT) Under the Agents Regulations system it was actually very difficult to become an agent; you had to be licensed by the relevant association. 2 no. Soccer players received licenses directly from each federation. Face-to-Face Seminar 3 15 - 18 May 2024 - UEFA . How To, Territory: FIFA - Fdration Internationale de Football Association. For those candidates who are not exempt from taking the FIFA football agent exam, the first step to obtain a licence to act as a Football Agent is to submit an application via the FIFA. The work of an intermediary is fairly complicated and requires a good understanding of labor law, rules of association(s) and how they relate to each other. player agents with a 360-degree It is quite busy at the gates. Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC311575 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. A licensed agent will be able to operate on a worldwide basis. List Of FIFA Licensed Agents In Nigeria. . FIFA will introduce a new dispute resolution forum specifically designed for international disputes involving agents. Actually per 1 April 2015 it will be very easy to join the ranks of registered football agents. No refunds will be given for renewal fees paid in relation to registrations which do not last a full year. Applications must be made via the FIFA Agent Platform - available here. 2. Good Day Sir FIFA Club World Cup Morocco 2022. Roberto Firmino, Luiz Gustavo, Julian Draxler, Ricardo Rodriguez, Marcel Schmelzer are some of their represented. The ability for football clubs to interfere with the interest and desires of their players is a well-documented legal issue. Ian from Cairo,Egypt It is a standard clause in many agency contracts that players must pay commission to their agent even if they negotiate a contract themselves. This decision is highly controversial (particularly with agents), and it is understood that it is subject to legal challenges on numerous grounds. The session will close with a testimonial from a former international player who now leads recruitment at a top European club. What are the possible licensing paths? Beyond the initial US$200,000 per annum earned: 5% of the player/coachs gross salary; or. The requirement that the client pays the agent is intended to increase transparency but risks the client demanding more remuneration to pay for the agents fees, as this will be a new direct cost to many players. Only with Chelsea, the agent has signed the agreements of Ramires, Oscar, Willian, David Luiz, Alex or Nathan. %PDF-1.4 % New World Football Agency - Is a licensed player intermediary & match agent as regulated by FIFA, representing many players and several match agents in Europe and beyond. When fully implemented in October 2023, the most significant changes will be the re-introduction of a licensing system for football agents and the imposition of a cap on the commission that can be charged by agents. FIFA Integrity Officers' Integrity Platform Football regulatory TMS Professional Football Agents FIFA Fund for Football Players (FFP) FIFA Clearing House Anti-doping What constitutes. | Testimonials 0000004641 00000 n REDWOOD CITY, Calif. and ZURICH - May 8, 2013 - EA SPORTS, a division of Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: EA) and the Fdration Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) have announced an extension of their existing licensing agreement until December 31, 2022. Will I get a refund if the renewal of my registration as an intermediary does not last a full year? | Transfer Windows The rules will also bar family members from acting for a player in transfer deals unless the family member is a licensed agent. 13. FIFA Regulations on Working with Intermediaries. Subject to articles 4.1 and 4.2, players and clubs are forbidden from using the services of a unlicensed players' agent. 0000002590 00000 n An agents relationship with betting companies will also be reviewed before a licence is issued. This currently includes: How do I apply to become a football agent licensed by FIFA? 6% of the player/coachs gross salary when the agent represents both the player/coach and the buyer. 64. We are exclusively dedicated to the soccer market. The requirement to use an agent with a licence comes into force from 1 October 2023. Semi-Final Tangier Stadium. Please see FIFAs FAQs on the FFAR (available here see How does the transition period established by article 22 of the FFAR work in practice?). Protection of underage players: the intermediary will not receive any commission if the player is a minor. 2 online seminars. Me gustara ser futbolista profesional vivo en Mxico espisificamente en Cancn quintana Roo me gustara ser futbolista profesional sera un sueo aque se que es muy difcil no espero que alguien lo lea pero Hai que da no pido buscar en un equipo grande solo jugar de forma profesional. For the less famous and successful agents their job is not glamorous but just plain old fashioned hard work. Education. Leveraging these partnerships allows BEST SCORE to create lucrative opportunities for our clients boosting their overall earning potential. Jorge Mendes, better known as the super-agent in the world of soccer, surprisingly does not lead the FORBES list. Anno January 2014 there were probably over 6000 licensed agents and just as many agents active. The recent stance of FIFA as it attempts to limit the free movement of players (regardless of level of ability; amateur or professional) has raised cause for concern; both by the players, and all those associated with football in general. These include overseeing the negotiations of transfers, contracts and sponsorship deals to player relationships with clubs, brands and finances. The owner of the agency Gestifute, yes is the undisputed leader in the soccer market. To this end, it has had the support of the TICCmaras programme of the Valencia Chamber of Commerce, Circular 1417: New fifa regulation of intermediaries, NUTRITION AND SPORTS PERFORMANCE IN WOMENS FOOTBALL, Pruebas de ftbol en Europa - International Football Academy in Spain. This obligation, which became law on 9 January 2023, is a re-introduction of the scheme which was removed by the 2015 regulations, so those with an earlier licence should not need to retake the examinations. xref 1998-2023 UEFA. The programme features master classes, interviews, case studies and simulations to help you acquire the right skills and expertise for a prosperous career as a player agent. In this second workshop, you will discover how other industries than football identify, develop and manage their talents. There will be a continuing professional development requirement for agents who wish to represent minors. They purport to render null and void clauses which penalise an individual who chooses to negotiate a contract without the involvement of their agent. The most influential representation agency in the Bundesliga. In order to sit the exam with The FA you are required to be either: Your instructors have decades of experience representing clients in the EPL, La Liga, Bundesliga, MLS, and more. endstream endobj 127 0 obj<> endobj 128 0 obj<> endobj 129 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 130 0 obj<> endobj 131 0 obj<>stream Access to clubs is crucial. raise and set minimum professional standards for football agents; provide for fair and reasonable service fees; For the first US$200,000 per annum earned: 3% of the player/coachs gross salary when the agent represents the player/coach or the buyer only; or. In position number 20 appears the first Spanish, Jos Antonio Martn Otn, better known as Petn. The FAs Working with Intermediaries Regulations will continue in full force until The FA determines otherwise and participants must continue to adhere to them. The Players Agents Regulations 2008 and its license requirements will be history. 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