Here is a selection of hobo names from the aforementioned book. Hobelves have additional suffixes appended to their first names: A hobo's nickname depends upon his elemental alignment. Help your fellow hoboes whenever and wherever needed; you may need their help someday. One of this countrys 20th-century greats, modernist composer Harry Partch, was a hobo. WebFantastic Historical Humorous By Serp Ridiculous Hobo Names Hugo Stares Originally compiled by Moyra Turkington. From what I have gathered over the years growing up in Britt, it started in 1900, where two businessmen had heard about this convention happening in Chicago, and they thought, Why dont we go out there and see what its about, and maybe thats something we could bring to Britt, bring people into Britt, and business. Amy Boekelman, president, Britt Hobo Days Association, My favorite part is starting the week before, theres a lot of hobos in town, and I try and go down to the jungle almost every night up until like Wednesday and Thursday when we get really busy on the festival. A tramp travels, but mostly does not work. Indiana University Press, 1996. At the end of the speeches, the audience votes by applause and the judges crown the victors. She was a well-loved family dog that found adventure and saved the day most of the time. A hobo is homeless by choice. In passing youll hear that Dutch owns the boxcar, and it wont matter if they mean this literally or figuratively. He was riding the rails, and stowing away on ships starting at the age of 11 and then he began to write about his journeys. Some of the biggest singers in music history are from Michigan and you may not even realize it. The walls are lined with these paintings of past royalty, including legends like Iowa Blackie and Bo Grump. Dan Cummings, the chief at the time, just brought in a new popcorn maker hes pretty happy with for the jail. I suspect plenty of the names reflect a long summers walk rather than a life on the rails, or a sentence fragment in a press release to help sell an album. Just like most societies and Forget that where are they staying? He has written for the New York Times, Sports Illustrated, Esquire, and many others, and is the author of the acclaimed book Sunday Money. A hobo or bo is simply a migratory laborer; he may take some longish holidays, but soon or late he returns to work. There is nothing more disgusting than a man staggering home from work dog-tiredgrabbing a hasty feverish supper; saying good-night to his family and rolling into bed half-washed, to repeat the same thing three hundred and twelve times per-year In 1940, while living in New York City, T Bone slipped off the docks near where he was staying at a boardinghouse for seamen and drowned. The abandoned bus he lived in is a now a shrine for drifters, bums, tramps and the like. In any case, its time for the speeches. These hobos were soon a familiar sight coast to coast. His influence among the community was far-reaching, even capturing the imagination of a young Jack London, author of White Fang and The Call of the Wild, during his formative years. This would be written in a prominent location where other hoboes would see it. Ishtar (Arabic origin) means Goddess of love. But its those nights in the jungle just talking that are some of the best. Its had a hobo jungle there for a long, long time. By doing so you not only help a business along, but ensure employment should you return to that town again. [18] Several hoboes during the days that the signs were reportedly most in use asserted that they were in fact a "popular fancy" or "a fabrication". He does 2,000-3,000 pushups per day, dresses as Santa during Christmas, and is banned in certain areas within Toronto. His given name is Leon Ray Livingstonand he was born in 1872 and he was a lifelong wanderer. ), the Temperature at which Revenge is Best Served, the Guy Who Likes Corpses a Little Too Much, If You Know What I Mean, the Guy With Little Mouths Where His Eyes Should Be, Who Sings Nursery Rhymes in a High-Pitched Voice While Delicately Caressing a Straight Razor, Whose Clothes Are Made out of Suspiciously Pale Leather, the Guy Made Entirely Out of Onions Or At Least That's How He Smells, the Guy Who Chain-Smokes in a Poorly Ventilated Room, the Guy Who Eats Nothing But Limburger Cheese, the Hobo Who Doesn't Have the Sense to Disregard His Own Feces, the Man Who Should Probably Change His Socks, the Man Who Should Probably Change His Underwear, Like, Now, the Man Who Uses a Rotting Fish for Aftershave, the Smelliest Hobo In the World, Probably, Who Is Extremely Funky But Not In a Good Way, the Guy Who Casually Brushes Up Against You Way Too Often for It to Be a Coincidence, the Guy Who Does Not Have a Pencil in His Pocket, the Guy Who Was Kicked Out of the Frat House for Misogynistic Behavior, the Guy Who Works the Ferris Wheel at the County Fair, the Guy Your Parents Were Specifically Referring To When They Said Not To Talk To Strangers, the Ubiquitous Music that Grates on your Ears after Two Minutes, Who Is As Frightful As the Weather Outside, Many of these names are based on the 700 hobo names featured in, The Spooky hobo nickname "gives you the jibblies" is a reference to. It takes a lot. Act like an extra crew member. And once every ten years or so, another writer hops a freight and writes a book about it. His books would often begin with a warning, telling readers, "Wandering, once it becomes a habit, is almost incurable, so NEVER RUN AWAY, but STAY AT HOME, as a roving lad usually ends in becoming a confirmed tramp." I dont want it. Always a showman, Livingston understood publicity as well as any celebrity at the time; in his travels he would often seek out local reporters, becoming the subject of numerous newspaper articles and magazine interviews around the country. [28][29], Hobo culturethough it has always had many points of contact with the mainstream American culture of its dayhas also always been somewhat separate and distinct, with different cultural norms. This article is a selection from the May issue of Smithsonian magazine. Why? To have been a hoboor a tramp or a bumis a pretty loosely held title, hard to pin down biographically. The Cold hobo occupation "The Cold Miser" is a reference to the Snow Miser, a character from the Rankin-Bass Christmas special, The Cold hobo occupation "The Temperature at Which Revenge Is Best Served" is a reference to the popular English, The Cold hobo occupation "The Iceman Who Cometh" is a reference to the, The Stench hobo nickname "Poo-Gas" is a reference to an episode of, The Spooky hobo title "Uncanny-Valley" is a reference to a. Second, Id like to say that Ive been on the road since 1968. But I wouldnt trade it for anything. These warnings could be a well-meaning public service announcement, although scholars say they can also be read as Livingston's attempt to enhance the danger of the lifestyle to create even more intrigue about his exploits (and sell more books). Boho names carry an artsy, indie image you may be seeking for your baby girl. This is very special. Youll see lists in books and online of famous hobos. The Adventures of a Female Tramp is social history, presenting vagabond underground culture with humor, excitement and a flare for the dramatic. Sixty now, hes been on the road 50 years. This has changed dramatically, and I think largely because of the weird appearance and bizarre anti-social attitudes of the young, punk-rock, Flintstone Kid riders. Steamtrain Maury Graham, Feather River John, Fry Pan Jack, Lord Open Road, Mountain Dew and scores of others are honored among genuine tramps, but unknown to the general public, and also unknown to the vast majority of the clueless young punks of today. The series ran from 1954 to 1974 and featured a beautiful Rough Collie. These generally consisted simply of a road name (moniker), a date, and the direction the hobo was heading then. After 9/11 it becomes so hard to hop a freight that only a few hardcore hobos remain. Some of them fit the profile youve described, but several dont. So our kids are now grown and they come back to Britt with their kids. I have done my best to ensure that we have not stolen any of John Hodgmans precious 800 hobo namessubliminally. An ethical code was created by Tourist Union #63 (a hobo union created in the mid-1800s to dodge anti-vagrancy laws, which did not apply to union members)[30] during its 1889 National Hobo Convention:[31], There are numerous hobo conventions throughout the United States each year. Utah died on May 23, 2008 at the age of 73, in Nevada City, California, from complications of heart disease. Ive lived here 43 years. The Stench hobo occupation "The Poopsmith" is a reference to the Homestar Runner character of the same name. Who was the most famous hobo? The boy didn't show his father the note that night, and when he spotted his teacher heading toward his house the next morning, Livingston snuck out of the house and kept moving. A few vacant storefronts. By: Justin Nobel | Date: Sat, November 10th, 2012. 31. A handful of shops and restaurants. As often as not, hes up there with the younger bos, the newer riders, answering questions and giving tips. Everything Ive owned, and everything I want in life, fits in this house [points to his knapsack], right in my pack. Empty your pockets. We just got on the train in the dark. Privacy Statement They even took me on my first ride, all the way to Long Island, New York. There were several movies as well, but the TV show is where Lassie found her fame. The American brand is known for its 90s grunge style and references to pop culture, like Charlie Brown. Not all in idle wantonness do tramps carve their monicas, dates, and courses. Hobo culture's ethics have always been subject to disapproval from the mainstream culture; for example, hopping freight trains, an integral part of hobo life, has always been illegal in the U.S. Though little-remembered now, Livingston was part of a fleeting moment in American historya time when the country was getting the first real glimpse of itself as an interconnected nation, and when someone who lived by wandering could be the stuff of folklore. Still, Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas is thought to have hoboed his way across country to attend law school. A point made one way or another at hobo church on Sunday morning by the fire. Most these days have a semipermanent address somewhere for the winter. In his book, Livingston said the moniker was given to him by an older companion named Frenchy, who said: "Every tramp gives his kid a nickname, a name that will distinguish him from all other members of the craft. Decide your own life; don't let another person run or rule you. I wander with the winds. Im a man of few words. Tuck and his brother are huddled up on a couple of patio chairs near the pavilion. Maybe theres some grace to be won in the burdens you bear, or in your swiftness, but at moments like this it feels like the price of your freedom is an unimaginable loneliness. We saw empties. 32. The hobos have come here every year since 1900. Enter it here to subscribe to Famous Hobos and receive notifications of new posts by email. This page has been accessed 78,271 times. With the country in the throes of the Great Depression, the warnings Livingston wrote about the hobo lifestyle in each of his books had transformed into full-on speeches against tramping. I had the honor of doing a directed writing course which I could choose the professor. Related: River, Brooks, Raine, and 45 Other Water-Inspired Baby Names You'll Love The Dutchman is a focused listener. Hobos have been stock characters in the movies since the days of the hand-cranked nickelodeon. Oats. Anyway, given that he is the writer of an almanac of COMPLETE WORLD KNOWLEDGE, I suppose he already knows of these hobo names, as well as many more that will never be published. A cat signifying that a kind lady lives here. Davcina (Babylonian origin) means the wife of Hea, Hea was one of the Mesopotamian Gods. 33. Nonetheless, it is certain that hoboes have used some graffiti to communicate, in the form of "monikers" (sometimes "monicas"). A few, the ones trying to outrun something, wont even talk to me. In addition to signing their nickname, the wandering tramps would also draw up symbols to alert others of possible danger or hospitality ahead. In it, youll find the roots of everything and everyone from Woody Guthrie to Pete Seeger to Bob Dylan, Phil Ochs and Arlo Guthrie and John Prine, Steve Earle and Bruce Springsteen. For example, the jungle is just the communal hobo camp, usually near the railroad yard. Everything else this time of year is corn; corn to the distant edges of the world, corn and more corn, and the kind of immaculate farms for which Iowa is known. Here are the most popular characters that parents and their kids love. Advertising Notice The best description of Jack Dempsey, hobo and heavyweight champion of the world, was written by Jim Murray, one of the greatest sportswriters who ever lived: Whenever I hear the name Jack Dempsey, I think of an America that is one big roaring camp of miners, drifters, bunkhouse hands, con men, hard cases, men who lived by their fists and their shooting irons and by the cards they drew.. These time-tested popular names were taken from a universe that includes 177,238,032 male births and 172,053,794 female births. Drifters, bums, tramps and the like are often buried in potters fields without anyone taking notice, but several American hobos have earned great fame and even inspired books and movies that glamorize their lives, and deaths. [14][15], According to Ted Conover in Rolling Nowhere (1984), at some unknown point in time, as many as 20,000 people were living a hobo life in North America. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. Theres whatever youre chasing and whatevers chasing you. Long off the main line and set here years ago, it is a meeting place and a memorial, an antique keepsake and a hideout. And promptly the hobo to whom I gave the information lit out after his pal. But on the southern side, this name is still restricted to boys. [28] However, not all moniker writers (or "boxcar artists") are hoboes; Bozo Texino in fact worked for the railroad, though others such as "A No. Fascinating Pics Missing from Your History Books, Inspiring Photos of Historical Record Setters, Surprising Pictures Of American Hobos Riding The Rails. Best scene of the week was certainly this: Tuck and Jewel, as the outgoing King and Queen of Hobos, have a photo op up by the library. Its very dangerous. Your Privacy Rights 1. 9. "Around the Jungle Fire I, II & III". Because here we are. 105 of the best free podcasts to listen to. It was a time when writers like W. H. Davies and Jack London parlayed their hoboing experiences into literary notoriety, while Charlie Chaplin's "Little Tramp" would become one of the most recognizable movie characters of the 20th century. WebLeon Ray Livingston (1872 - 1944) Leon Ray Livingston was a famous hobo and author, traveling under the name "A-No.1" and often referred to as "The Rambler." To me, thats what its all about, and Ive formed some great relationships with several of them now. [27], The use of monikers persists to this day, although since the rise of cell phones a moniker is more often used simply to "tag" a train car or location. Posers in every generation of riding, who cares, itll always be around. The crowd disperses up and down Main Avenue after the coronation, and you see Queen Lump, a former winner, walking slow, and Minnesota Jim, and the suns hot in the street and the smell of fried dough and midway grease is thick in the heat, and the music and the clatter from the rides are loud and by the end of the day that Hobo Omelet breakfast might raise $2,500 or more, they tell me. To die is to catch the westbound. And understand this, above all else: A hobo is an itinerant worker; someone who travels and finds work. They even looked acceptable back when stylist Rachel Zoe was dressing the rich and famous (and Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen were still actually young). Famous Whiteface clowns include Frosty Little, Bozo the Clown and Ronald His Little Tramp is the bittersweet flip side of radical labor politics and industrial/agrarian alienation. Alyssa Schukar MTAC 15 to Life Tiffany Grant Press Conference, MTAC 15 to Life Sonny Strait Press Conference, MTAC 15 to Life Night Sabers Press Conference, MTAC 15 to Life ScatterDot and Vedetta Marie Press Conference, Smilin Jack Cisco, The Hobo Prince of Arizona, Harmonica Rachel, Mistress of the Iron Rail, Fantastic Joe Shrimptail, The Seafood Conoisseur, Jackson Daniels, Brewer of the Freightyard, Frankie Can-String, The Hobo Telephone Operator. It was easy to be trapped between cars, and one could freeze to death in cold weather. Everyone in town is either in the parade or watching the parade, or in it then watching it, or watching it then running around to get back in it. His given name is Leon Ray Livingston and he was born in 1872 and he was a lifelong wanderer. Who was a No 1? All Rights Reserved Website Design: Yellow Farm Studios, Next post: The Best James Bond Deaths Ever, from Goldfinger to Baron Samedi. Its easy to feel like the hobo has already passed into history. A martyr to corporate violence and the solidarity of labor, he remains Americas best-known hobo. , the ones trying to outrun something, wont even talk to me, what. Life ; do n't let another person run or rule you includes 177,238,032 male births 172,053,794... Ran from 1954 to 1974 and featured a beautiful Rough Collie time-tested popular were! Died on may 23, 2008 at the time, just brought in a prominent where! Royalty, including legends like Iowa Blackie and Bo Grump posts by email road since 1968 and. 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Articles F