Consumer Reports has found major safety issues with in-bed infant sleeper products like the Baby Delight Snuggle Nest Infant Sleeper, DockATot and SwaddleMe By Your Side Sleeper. The agency notified the makers of the DockATot Deluxe+ Dock and dozens of other infant sleep products that were determined to be unsafe for infant sleep. Its no wonder this stylish, relatively new baby gear product is lusted after by many, warning parents that letting babies sleep in baby nests, or "baby pods," puts them at risk of suffocating. To prevent smothering or suffocation, always lay your baby down to sleep on either a firm mattress or surface in a crib or bassinet. Kids In Danger, a Maryland-based nonprofit that advocates for child product safety, said it believes that no infant lounger should be allowed for sale regardless of the manufacture date, and they should be removed from homes due to suffocation hazards. The CPSC warns that the DockATot Deluxe Plus Dock can be dangerous when used as a sleep surface for babies due to suffocation risks from their thick walls. In fact, the investigation found in-bed infant sleepers like these were linked to at least 12 infant deaths between 2012 and 2018. Let your baby sleep on a firm, flat, and non-inclined surface. It is with great excitement that we usher in a new chapter and Sleepyhead adopts the name of our sister brand, DockATot. CPSC has notified DockATot that it cannot import, distribute, or sell any DockATot Deluxe+ made after June 23, 2022. Construction: Cover and fringe are 100% . The DockATot came to Canada in the spring of 2016 and is available in two sizes. Infants can be in danger of injury or even death when using a baby lounger like the DockATot. The first thing we recommend is baby sleeping in his own crib or bassinet next to the parents bed, but if that seems to be something that the parents cant handle, Most parents don't do this one thing that will prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Babies don't have a lot of head control and can easily get stuck in a position. Shop Albee Baby For A Huge Selection Of Baby Gear Including Strollers, Car Seats, Carriers & More. Enfamil and Similac both Overview Its estimated that 95% of baby food products on the market contain harmful chemicals and toxic heavy metals Overview Are you searching for a hands-free wearable breast pump for your breastfeeding needs so you can pump even if Baby Wipes Recall 2022: Affected Brands & Toxic Products, Similac Pro-Sensitive Vs. Similac Sensitive, Similac Pro-Sensitive Vs. 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Instead of claiming that the items are ideal for co-sleeping on their website, the loungers are now recommended only for supervised lounging and playtime. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has cautioned that babies should be placed in a bare crib without any additional bedding, blankets or pillows. Mockingbird Recalls Single-to-Double Strollers After 8 Injuries Reported, LumaRail Bed Rails Recalled After 1 Death Reported, Canned Shrimp From Walmart, Safeway Recalled for Spoilage Risk, Walmart Recalls 1.2 Million Candles for Fire & Burn Hazards, 2 Million Cosori Air Fryers Recalled After Fires & Burns Reported, Texas Woman Files Lawsuit for Ninja Foodi Pressure Cooker Injuries, Sign Up to Join WEN Class Action Lawsuit Settlement, Onewheel Lawsuits Pile Up After Deadly Nosedive Accidents, Florida Publix Stores Recall Kalera Lettuce for Salmonella Risk. Babies have suffocated to death in the DockATot Deluxe+ and it is unsafe for sleep, according to a new warning from safety officials. . On the contrary, a baby can easily obstruct its airway by turning towards one of those elevated sides. Now, this article did discuss other infant deaths linked to baby products somewhat like flat-lying DockATots. (1). After our rule took effect this year, we issued DockATot a notice of violation, informing the company that its product, when manufactured on, or after, June 23, 2022, violates the Infant Sleep Products Rule and may not be imported, distributed, or sold in the United States. and type DockATot into the search bar, and you can read caregivers stories of their worst nightmares becoming reality using this product. The DockATot is designed as an in-bed co-sleeper. "It is unsafe for your baby to sleep in a DockATot Deluxe+; immediately discontinue its use. Only the DockATot Deluxe+ Dock lounger is affected by this safety warning. DockATot. Its a reasonable alternative., Read more: DockATot Deluxe+ Baby Nest - Pristine White. "To access them, visit and type DockATot into the search bar, and you can read caregivers stories of their worst nightmares becoming reality using this product.". DockATot. The new rules apply to flat products, such as baby boxes, in-bed sleepers, baby nests and pods, compact/travel bassinets, and infant tents. But parents who are considering adding the increasingly popular cushioned baby loungeror another similarproductto their registries should be aware that using it as a place for infants to sleep can be dangerous. DockATot Deluxe+ 0-8 months - DockATot Grand 9-36 months DockATot. Patterned Deluxe Pod Spare Cover (0-8 Months) $97 + Quick Shop. Although DockATot claims that these products are air-permeable, the infant deaths linked to their products show that breathability isnt guaranteed. Its also a lifesaver if youre home alone and you desperately need to run to the bathroom, answer the door or quickly grab something from upstairs! Learn More. In fact, the investigation found in-bed infant sleepers like these were linked to at least 12 infant deaths between 2012 and 2018. . As long as the activity is supervised, awake tummy time is important in helping your child develop their muscles. Also a dockatot has straighter walls on the sides so baby is more likely to have its face in it i think. Recall. is an official website of the United States government. Place the DockATot next to you as a docking station for some safe lounging time on the couch. Sizing: Finn & Emma Oval Lounger is made for babies from 0 to 9 months. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. On the contrary, a baby can easily obstruct its airway by turning towards one of those elevated sides. DockATot should not be used in a crib, bassinet or play yard. (Credit: CPSC). Has a baby died in a DockATot? However, someone had placed it in the babys play yard. The Irving rapper signed to Kodak Black's label Sniper Gang Records is charged with murder in a Dallas shooting. However, the product has not been recalled. Until 02/28/2023. DockATots are unsafe for sleeping, whether youre co-sleeping or not. Dockatot Deluxe+ is Unsafe for Sleep; CPSC Issues Notice of Violation, It is unsafe for your baby to sleep in a DockATot Deluxe+. I later found out this product has caused a few infant deaths and infant injuries like mine . Linking to this external site does not constitute an endorsement of the site or the information it contains by CPSC or any of its employees. when i search dockna tot only 2 incidences show uo,, where can I find these reports? Have there been any DockATot deaths? (1), According to the CPSC, the DockATot Deluxe+ loungers are unsafe for your babies to sleep in, and you should discontinue using them immediately. Ongoing. Free Delivery. Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. [wpsm_woolist data_source="ids" ids="55227,55200] ats why we dont recommend any bumpers or mattress pads, even those that are marketed as breathable, she explains. CR urges parents to stop using inclined sleepers or any sleep products, including in-bed sleepers, that do not meet federal safety requirements related to infant sleep. "I encourage you to read the reports of infants' deaths associated with Dockatot products," said Rich Trumpka Jr . You might be surprised to find DockATots still being sold on their website or at retail outlets and online stores such as Amazon. Products like the DockATot have become wildly popular lately, but doctors and experts say parents should not be letting their babies sleep in them unsupervised. Under the new Infant Sleep Product Rule, the DockATot Deluxe+ Dock was determined to be unsafe for infant sleep because it is a flat product that doesnt have a stand, doesnt meet certain stability requirements, and doesnt have a side height of at least 7.5 inches, according to the CPSC. How can you tell if baby is head down at 32 weeks? This safety criteria was outlined in the Infant Sleep Product Rule that went into effect June 23, 2022, and these factors mean that the product poses a . DockATot. DockATot. When a baby exhibits signs of attempting to roll, swaddling should no longer be used. by Jamie Kenney. Your child could roll or turn their head into those soft sides and suffocate. Formerly Sleepyhead of Sweden, shop DockATot baby docks direct from the makers. Lulyboo Bassinet-To-Go Metro. One of the most popular uses for DockATot Deluxe+ is for tummy time. The biggest con about the DockATot is probably the price: They start at $165 which seems pretty pricey for something you only use a few months. CPSC has notified DockATot that it cannot import, distribute, or sell any DockATot Deluxe+ made after June 23, 2022. So, did the brand recall the loungers? How do I get my baby to sleep in a DockATot? However, many moms also let their babies sleep in the loungers, thinking that these are cozy sleeping spaces. He adds that there have not been any incidents involving baby nests reported to Health Canada. Health Canadas statement warns against leaving babies unattended in those products (this includes letting babies sleep in them while a parent sleeps nearby), putting the nest inside a playpen or crib for sleep, or using the product as a co-sleeper in a parents bed.
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