Issue description. You can exclude certain files from Microsoft Defender Antivirus scans by modifying exclusion lists. Baseline default: Yes Enter a percentage value that indicates the battery charge level. Learn more, Internet Explorer restricted zone allow only approved domains to use Active X controls: Learn more, Only allow UI access applications for secure locations: Configuration profile created under administrative templates -> turn off windows installer enabled ->Disable windows installer Always. Password: Require forces users to enter a password to access the device. Baseline default: Two items: TLS v1.1 and TLS v1.2 Baseline default: Yes Baseline default: 196608 Allow InPrivate browsing: Yes (default) allows InPrivate browsing in Microsoft Edge. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. When this setting is changed, it takes effect the next time the device is restarted. Not all settings are documented, and wont be documented. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, the security features of Windows Installer prevent users from changing installation options typically reserved for system administrators, such as specifying the directory to which files are installed. Baseline default: Success, Privilege Use Audit Sensitive Privilege Use (Device): When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Learn more, Internet Explorer restricted zone run Active X controls and plugins: When enabled, the engine parses the mailbox and mail files to analyze the mail body and attachments. Bluetooth/AllowPromptedProximalConnections CSP. Click on the "Browse" button and select the application you want . This setting also blocks using picture passwords. Be sure to choose the same Microsoft Edge kiosk mode type as selected in your kiosk profile (Windows kiosk settings). User configurable screen timeout (mobile only): Allow lets users configure the screen timeout. Install app data on system volume: Block stops apps from storing data on the system volume of the device. This list from Microsoft helps Microsoft Edge properly display sites with known compatibility issues. Your options: Time to perform a daily quick scan: Choose the hour to run a daily quick scan. Labels: Baseline default: Disabled Baseline default: Yes Baseline default: Enabled Screen timeout (mobile only): Set the duration (in seconds) from the screen locking to the screen turning off. 2) You are not in an administrator / elevated session and therefore don't have access to the engine. Learn more, Configure secure access to UNC paths: Baseline default: Disabled Choose Your Own Lump! When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. If you block the setting, and then change it back to Not configured, then Intune leaves the setting in its previously configured state. Some recommendations: If you want to schedule a daily quick scan, and a weekly full scan, then: If you only want one quick scan daily (no full scan), then use either setting: Time to perform a daily quick scan or Type of system scan to perform. Your options: For more information on what these options do, see Microsoft Edge kiosk mode configuration types. Baseline default: 8 When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. If you disable or do not configure this setting, you cannot develop Microsoft Store apps or install them directly from an IDE. This post explains how to permit standard users to install apps even without the local administrator permissions. Learn more, Internet Explorer internet zone scripting of web browser controls: By default, the OS might show the Switch user on the user tile. Baseline default: Success, Account Logon Logoff Audit Logon (Device): Real-time monitoring: Enable turns on real-time scanning for malware, spyware, and other unwanted software. To ensure apps are up-to-date, this policy allows the admins to set a recurring or one time date to restart apps whose update failed due to the app being in use allowing the update to be applied. Enabled. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. If you don't configure this setting, or set it to 0 days, malware stays in the Quarantine folder, and isn't automatically removed. Add new printers: Block prevents users from adding new printers. Windows welcome experience: Block turns off the Windows spotlight Windows welcome experience feature. By default, the OS might show the error messages. Learn more, Internet Explorer bypass smart screen warnings about uncommon files: Learn more, System log maximum file size in KB: If you disable this policy, a Windows app can't share app data with other instances of that app. Baseline default: Disable. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Baseline default: Not configured Baseline default: Enabled Your options: Power/SelectSleepButtonActionPluggedIn CSP. Bluetooth discoverability: Block prevents the device from being discoverable by other Bluetooth-enabled devices. When set to Not configured, you can also allow or block the following settings: Windows Spotlight on lock screen: Block stops Windows Spotlight from showing information on the device lock screen. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. It's impacted with all windows and server versions. The UAC dialog box displays when you perform actions on your computer. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. AntiTheft mode (mobile only): Block prevents users from selecting AntiTheft mode preference on the device. ApplicationManagement/RequirePrivateStoreOnly CSP. Install apps with elevated privileges: Block directs Windows Installer to use elevated permissions when it installs any program on the system. Start Microsoft Edge with: Choose which pages open when Microsoft Edge starts. Opened apps and files are closed without saving. Documents on Start: Hide or show the Documents folder in the Windows Start menu. Show Favorites bar: Choose what happens to the favorites bar on any Microsoft Edge page. Baseline default: Disable Baseline default: Disable Additions, deletions, modifications, and order changes to favorites are shared between browsers. Learn more, Internet Explorer internet zone script initiated windows: Learn more, Internet Explorer restricted zone cross site scripting filter: Baseline default: Enabled Learn more, Prevent clients from sending unencrypted passwords to third party SMB servers: Overview Details Fix Text (F-80035r1_fix) Configure the policy value for Computer Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> Windows Components >> Windows Installer >> "Always install with elevated privileges" to "Disabled". Block prevents standard users (non-administrators) from using Task Manager to end a process or task on the device. Learn more, Block all Office applications from creating child processes Learn more, Internet Explorer restricted zone initialize and script Active X controls not marked as safe: After you update a profile to the current baseline version, you can edit the profile to modify settings. User control over installations: Block prevents users from changing the installation options typically reserved for system administrators, such as entering the directory to install the files. Learn more, Block Office applications from creating executable content Auto-update apps from store: Block prevents updates from being automatically installed from the Microsoft Store. Security Recommendation 44 Disable Always install with elevated privileges Go to -> Devices -> Windows -> Configuration Profiles Create Profile OMA-URI: ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/ApplicationManagement/MSIAlwaysInstallWithElevatedPrivileges Security Recommendation 45 Enable Local Admin password If you enable this policy, a Windows app can share app data with other instances of that app. By default, the OS might prevent the automatic acceptance. After closing all InPrivate tabs, Microsoft Edge deletes the browsing data from the device. Baseline default: Disable java For example, enter filename.exe or %ProgramFiles%\Path\Filename.exe. By default, the OS might allow the connected devices service, which enables discovery and connection to other Bluetooth devices. For that, we simply drag the EXE file we want to start to this BAT file on the desktop. The installation need registry key, multiple msi.. A little mess. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Baseline default: Enabled User Tile: Block hides the user tile in the start menu. Learn more, Internet Explorer internet zone cross site scripting filter: Look at the Elevated column for the OneDrive.exe and Explorer.exe processes. Baseline default: Configure Windows to only allow access to the specified UNC paths after fulfilling additional security requirements Users can't turn it off. This setting directs Windows Installer to use system permissions when it installs any program . Baseline default: Disabled If you enable the setting, and then change it back to Not configured, then Intune leaves the setting in its previously configured state. Learn more, Internet Explorer trusted zone initialize and script Active X controls not marked as safe: Learn more, Internet Explorer security zones use only machine settings: Learn more, Block untrusted and unsigned processes that run from USB: Learn more, BitLocker removable drive policy: Your options: Browser/ConfigureTelemetryForMicrosoft365Analytics CSP. No prevents collecting this information, which may provide users with a limited experience. The device is automatically reconfigured and re-enrolled into management. Learn more, Internet Explorer restricted zone scripting of java applets: The logic to disable a user during an update is also controlled via an attribute mapping from a field such as "accountEnabled". When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Learn more, Internet Explorer internet zone less privileged sites: Learn more, Security log maximum file size in KB: Learn more, Require SmartScreen for Microsoft Edge Legacy: Baseline default: Yes Store originated app launch: Block disables all apps that were pre-installed on the device, or downloaded from the Microsoft Store. End processes from Task Manager: This setting determines whether non-administrators can use Task Manager to end tasks. No prevents Microsoft Edge from sideloading using the Load extensions feature. Your options: Monitor file and program activity: Allows Defender to monitor file and program activity on devices. Intune only manages access to the device camera. Baseline default: Everyday, Defender scan start time: CDP enables discovery and connection to other devices (through Bluetooth/LAN or the cloud) to support remote app launching, remote messaging, remote app sessions, and other cross-device experiences. Simple passwords: Block prevents users from creating simple passwords, such as 1234 or 1111. Baseline default: Yes By default, the OS scans files opened from network folders, and allows users to change it. These settings use the search policy CSP, which also lists the supported Windows editions.. design your own guitar pick temple fencing roster disable 'always install with elevated privileges' intune. This article describes some of the settings you can control on Windows client devices. By default, the OS might turn off automatic indexing when the hard disk space is 600 MB or less. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Most restricted value is 0. Learn more, SMB v1 client driver start configuration: Baseline default: Yes Create nonroot user with sudo privileges centos javaneturl openconnection north node opposite midheaven. Safe Search (mobile only): Control how Cortana filters adult content in search results. Learn more, Minimum session security for NTLM SSP based clients: Prevent users' app data from moving to another location when an app is moved or installed on another location. Baseline default: Configure Learn more, Turn on cloud-delivered protection: Learn more, Scan type Allow sideloading of developer extensions: Yes (default) uses the OS default, which may allow sideloading. Learn more, Block Internet download for web publishing and online ordering wizards: When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Phone reset: Block prevents users from wiping or doing a factory reset on the device. Baseline default: Disabled. Always install with elevated privileges This policy setting directs Windows Installer to use elevated permissions when it installs any program on the system.If you enable this policy setting privileges are extended to all programs. Baseline default: Yes When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Assign the profile, and monitor its status. Baseline default: Disable For instance the value needs to be "Daily" instead of "daily". Baseline default: Disable Baseline default: Disabled Allows or denies development of Microsoft Store applications and installing them directly from an IDE. These settings use the start policy CSP, which also lists the supported Windows editions. Learn more, Internet Explorer restricted zone binary and script behaviors: Baseline default: DisableBaseline default: Disable Don't use this setting. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. When the Intune UI includes a Learn more link for a setting, youll find that here as well. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Is there any way we can start Quick Assist as an administrator or elevate it to admin level during the Quick Assist session? Baseline default: Disabled Browser/PreventSmartScreenPromptOverride CSP. CPU usage limit during a scan: Limit the amount of CPU that scans are allowed to use, from 0 to 100 percent. No prevents Microsoft Edge from using Password Manager. Your options: DeviceLock/AlphanumericDevicePasswordRequired CSP. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. Those local group policy settings can be found at Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options. Learn more, Require password on wake while on battery: Baseline default: Disabled Changing this policy doesn't affect USB charging. Locked screen picture URL (desktop only): Enter the URL to a picture in JPG, JPEG, or PNG format that's used as the Windows lock screen wallpaper. Baseline default: Disabled Direct Memory Access: Block prevents direct memory access (DMA) for all hot pluggable PCI downstream ports until a user signs into Windows. Go to "Start -> Settings -> Accounts -> Your Info.". When set to Disable, the Azure AD sign in option may not show. By default, the OS might prevent Windows Hello companion devices from authenticating. By default, the OS might not require a PIN to pair the device. Learn more, Block consumer specific features: No prevents using Microsoft Edge on devices. Device discovery: Block prevents the device from being discovered by other devices. Baseline default: Disabled Baseline default: Disable Baseline default: Failure, Audit Changes to Audit Policy (Device): Learn more, Internet Explorer internet zone run .NET Framework reliant components signed with Authenticode: When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. For example, enter 90 to expire the password after 90 days. Learn more, Block remote logon with blank password: Scan all downloads: Enable turns on this setting, and Defender scans all files downloaded from the Internet. OneDrive file sync: Block prevents users from synchronizing files to OneDrive from the device. Learn more, Minutes of lock screen inactivity until screen saver activates: Enable turns all of it back on. Baseline default: Enabled. Shutdown: The device shuts down. Baseline default: Success and Failure, Account Logon Audit Kerberos Authentication Service (Device): Your options: Show search suggestions: Yes (default) lets your search engine suggest sites as you type search phrases in the address bar. Learn more, Internet Explorer bypass smart screen warnings: For example, enter 6 to require at least six characters in the password length. Local activities only: Block prevents shared experiences and the discovery of recently used resources in task switcher, based only on local activity. For this policy to work, the Windows apps need to declare in their manifest that they'll use the startup task. Storage API. Learn more, Detect application installations and prompt for elevation: No prevents fullscreen mode in Microsoft Edge. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Ink Workspace: Choose if and how user access the ink workspace. By default, the OS might prevent sharing data with other users and other instances of the same app. while logged in as a normal user and installing Chrome, get pop-up that . Learn more, Internet Explorer restricted zone include local path when uploading files to server: Your options: Send Microsoft Edge browsing data to Microsoft 365 Analytics: To use this feature, set the Share usage data settings to Enhanced or Full. If devices in your organization have limited hard drive space, then set it to Not configured. By default, the OS might set it to 70%. Learn more, Secure RPC communication: Learn more, Outbound connections required: Not configured (default): Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Defender/ScheduleScanDay CSP Specifies whether automatic update of apps from Microsoft Store are allowed. Learn more, Internet Explorer internet zone popup blocker: Screen capture (mobile only): Block prevents users from getting screenshots on the device. Baseline default: Yes Authentication/PreferredAadTenantDomainName CSP. List of semi-colon delimited Package Family Names of Windows apps. Baseline default: Enable Baseline default: Automatically deny elevation requests In order to mitigate this issue the following settings should be disabled from the GPO: GPO -Always Install With Elevated Privileges Setting GPO - Always Install with Elevated Privileges Setting Rate this: Share this: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Tumblr Skype WhatsApp Telegram Pinterest Pocket Email Loading. Users can't change this list. Learn more, Internet Explorer processes restrict file download: When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Setting this policy directs Windows Installer to use system permissions when it installs the application on the system. Non-administrator users still cannot install unadvertised packages that require elevated privileges. Like any other Intune configuration, the device must be enrolled and managed by Intune to receive configuration settings. Baseline default: Success, Audit Security System Extension (Device): Diacritics: Block prevents diacritics from being shown in Windows Search. Bluetooth allowed services: Add a list of allowed Bluetooth services and profiles as hex strings, such as {782AFCFC-7CAA-436C-8BF0-78CD0FFBD4AF}. Experience/AllowWindowsConsumerFeatures CSP. Learn more, Internet Explorer internet zone allow only approved domains to use tdc ActiveX controls: Baseline default: Disable When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Learn more, Internet Explorer intranet zone initialize and script Active X controls not marked as safe: Baseline default: Disabled Users can't turn behavior monitoring off. For example, enter or All Microsoft Defender notifications are also suppressed. Baseline default: Do not execute The valid number you enter depends on the edition. By default, when accessing data, roaming between networks might be allowed. Users can change these settings. Enter the name AlwaysInstallElevated, then press Enter. If you disable or do not configure this setting, then when an app is moved to a different volume, the users' app data will also move to this volume. The above action will open the "Create Shortcut" window. Your options: Developer unlock: Allow Windows developer settings, such as allowing sideloaded apps to be modified by users. Hibernate: The device goes into hibernate mode. Learn more, Prevent user from overriding certificate errors: This would launch the .ps1 fine, but the script would ultimately fail, as the commands in the script require elevation (Get-AppxPackage | Remove-AppxPackage) Start-Process PowerShell -ArgumentList '-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File MyScript.ps1' -Verb RunAs. These settings use the personalization policy CSP, which also lists the supported Windows editions. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Wi-Fi: Block prevents users from and enabling, configuring, and using Wi-Fi connections on the device. User changes override any administrator settings to the home button. No (default) blocks users from changing how the administrator configured the home button. Baseline default: Enabled Learn more, Internet Explorer internet zone user data persistence: The name of the area, in the Policy CSP, simply translates to the location in the local group policies. Users can change these settings. No prevents Java scripts in the browser from running. Baseline default: Disable java If you don't enter a value, Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Because products and the security landscape evolve, the recommended defaults in one baseline version might not match the defaults you find in later versions of the same baseline. Allow JavaScript: Yes (default) allows scripts, such as JavaScript, to run in the Microsoft Edge browser. Baseline default: Enabled Not configured (default): Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Removable drive indexing: Block prevents locations on removable drives from being added to libraries, and from being indexed. If the New Tab URL setting is blank, Microsoft Edge opens the new tab page listed in Microsoft Edge settings. By default, the OS might allow users to unpin apps from the task bar. The scenario is a remote user who can't install the VPN client due to . Below policies are already applied. Users can't turn off this setting. Details. Baseline default: Yes Using the browser policy CSP applies to Microsoft Edge version 45 and older. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. When set to 0 (zero), the browser doesn't refresh after being idle. Learn more, Block unverified file download: For additional technical details on each setting and what editions of Windows are supported, see Windows 10/11 Policy CSP Reference. Learn more, Internet Explorer remove run this time button for outdated Active X controls: Baseline default: Disable You'll probably need to decide which groups to put them in and have Power User / User / Admin, etc. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. If this policy was previously enabled, any previously shared app data will remain in the SharedLocal folder. This policy is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Baseline default: Block Baseline default: Disable It may be removed in a future release. No stops Microsoft Edge from showing a list of suggestions in a drop-down list when you type. Baseline default: Enabled Show First Run Experience page (Mobile only): Yes (default) shows the first use introduction page in Microsoft Edge. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. These settings use the messaging policy CSP, which also lists the supported Windows editions. Enter a percentage value that indicates the battery charge level. Learn more, Block execution of potentially obfuscated scripts (js/vbs/ps): Be sure to assign this Microsoft Edge profile to the same devices as your kiosk profile (Windows kiosk settings). Default is 0 (zero). Baseline default: Yes If you don't see the Elevated column, right-click a column header and choose Select columns and check the Elevated option to add it to the view. Start menu layout: Upload an XML file that includes your customizations, including the order the apps are listed, and more. Baseline default: Yes Threats include any threat of suicide, violence, or harm to another. Baseline default: Disable Cortana on locked screen (desktop only): Block prevents users from interacting with Cortana when the device is on the lock screen. Baseline default: Enabled Require PIN for pairing: Require always prompts for a PIN when connecting to a projection device. Baseline default: Enabled 2. Network Inspection System (NIS): NIS helps to protect devices against network-based exploits. Learn more, Internet Explorer security settings check: Log out and log back in for the changes to . Learn more, Internet Explorer restricted zone security warning for potentially unsafe files: Note that once the per-machine policy for AlwaysInstallElevated is enabled, any user can set their per-user setting. Disable_UAC_prompt_for_Built-in_Administrator_account.reg Download 4 Save the .reg file to your desktop. Percentage value that indicates the battery charge level lists the supported Windows editions if in. The password after 90 days when it installs any program on local activity setting, you can control Windows. Activities only: Block prevents users from adding new printers installs any program the screen timeout this. Standard users ( non-administrators ) from using task Manager to end a or! The ink Workspace: Choose which pages open when Microsoft Edge version 45 and older other! 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