KEY DATES FOR THE 2022 ELECTION CYCLE Tuesday, May 3, 2022 County Primary (Including School Board districts 1, 2, 3, 4, & 7) First Day to Pick Up Petitions *Post and THOCB deadline Qualifying Deadline Withdrawal Deadline Voter Registration Deadline Early Voting Period December 20, 2021 February 3, 2022 February 17, 2022 at NOON Skyland will vote at John R. Lewis Elementary School, 2630 Skyland Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30319. Copyright League Of Power All rights reserved. Many of them just think that Stacey Abrams has swung her pendulum too far to the left. We had 25 candidates on the ballot, our #VoteDeKalbRed GOTV Campaign resonated with voters and has helped to ensure F ITness - F aith, I ntegrity & T rust in our elections. Credit: GPB file photo Craig Nelson, The Current Many likely do not even care about President Trumps opinion but miss his policies. Tax Judgment Books. 2023 FOX Television Stations, Fulton teacher accused of filming student using the bathroom, West Virginia governor signs new carry bill, allowing for guns on public college, university campuses, Prince Harry and wife Meghan asked to vacate royal home in UK, Riot and police car arson bills clear Georgia House, move to Senate, Sheriff's office fires deputy seen on video body-slamming man to ground during arrest, Douglas County woman convicted of stabbing her husband to death, Cheerleader competes alone at state champs after squad quits: It felt amazing, Georgia elementary school principal charged with child cruelty, false imprisonment, Clayton County twin sisters make history rising the ranks in Georgia UPS facility, CAU sophomore killed in shooting near AUC Catholic Student Center. Prosser was on the ballot in the Republican primary on May 3, 2022. Hmmm, I don't know, have you seen Pennsylvania???? This request was endorsed byGAGOP Chairman David Shafer. But never was there a chance it would have been missed, he said. Her supporters, including commissioners Jeff Rader and Ted Terry, began publicly raising questions about what happened. DeKalb County is a county in Illinois.The county population is 100,420, according to the United States Census Bureau. He . Check with your county clerk's office for more locations. It is my hope that that these newcomers along with us realize that the GOP is the Great Opportunity Party. Required fields are marked *. Much of the process has taken place out of public view and in a way that undermines the commitment to transparency. OpenCampaign is the evolution of politics in the 21st century that draws voters and politicians into a Virtual Town Hall to create, discuss and highlight important issues. To become a supporter, clickhere. Why were votes SWITCHED from the other candidates to Orson? Share. That makes no sense at all, however. endstream Click here to read about the 14th Illinois Congressional District race. Democrat voters in at least this one district now know that these machines are toxic poison and should never be used in another election again. The filing deadline for this election was March 11, 2022 . In the span of two days last week, Jeanne Seaver asked Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger last week for a . TCA 8-8-102 and 54-7-104. Oh, and it also turned out that Donald Broussard got 138 votes instead of none at all. Voters who supported Spears raised a stink and the original election result in favor of Marshall Orson have been overturned. Thats part of what led to the hand count on June 1st. Berean Christian Church, 2201 Young Rd, Stone Mountain, GA 30088. Candidate Lauren Alexander came in second with 4,382 votes. w6 xI{I_NmztB$umuy[| 17 0 obj DeKalb County will miss a deadline to certify its election results because the county's election officials are not confident they have the correct vote tallies. The Candidates: The candidates involved were Michelle Long Spears, Lauren Alexander and Marshall Orson. While this will not change the outcome for me, this is the only way to get to the truth about this matter. CDMedias Historic And Revolutionary Newspapers. Dekalb County Recount Shows Massive Difference Between Machine Count And Hand Count From May 24th Primary - Election Results Changed, Electronic Database Suspected By GA Record Staff June 1, 2022 23 Comments Image by Dave Conner Please Follow us on Gab, Minds, Telegram, Rumble, Gab TV, GETTR, Twitter, Truth Social Despite being the #2 Blue County in Georgia, there is a#RedWavein DeKalb. Plus, one of four candidates dropped out of the race at the last minute. 100,144 students Three seats on the DeKalb County School District school board in Georgia were up for general election on May 24, 2022. Look at those vote totals again. /Length 9 1 0 obj DeKalb County Sample Ballot (Indiana) - Ballotpedia Who is running for election in Indiana? Each of those demographics is a critical voting bloc for the Democratic Party. Stonecrest Library will vote at Stonecrest Annex, 2994 Turner Hill Road, Stonecrest, GA 30038. The bottom line: DeKalb Elections Director Keisha Smith called it a "perfect storm," but vouched unequivocally for the accuracy of the results after the hand recount. (While there is not a Republican Statewide Run Off Election, there are three Republican U.S. Congressional Races (CD2, CD6 & CD10) and there are several down ballot races. June 2, 2022 DeKalb County commission candidate Marshall Orson has asked the local elections board not to certify results as scheduled on Friday, citing "numerous issues" that have surfaced. 21-2-224. During early voting, voters reported that the text of a Republican Party ballot question was not appearing correctly on ballots. Click here to read about the 16th Illinois Congressional District race. 05/02/23 All Day USAFA Superintendent General Clark The Nuremberg Excuse Didnt Work Then, And It Doesnt Work Now. D#"](A}EY,*d6|VuN)+zl:0"-IWuV@C ^X\n>yTbl6r *bRJ{sM{oz*_//u`uHO\7b"G\oP 2022 MIDTERMS GEORGIA PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS: DEKALB COUNTY. Ballots counted in public with cameras at every angle. DeKalb County operates under the township form of County Government. Click here to read about DeKalb County Board races, which unofficial results show are set to include a Democrat takeover of the boards majority, ousting three Republican incumbents. Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding. All 24 seats of the DeKalb County Board are up for election during this years elections. Georgia is ranked number one in political corruption now after unseating California for the position last year. >> The press release does not explain the large discrepancy between the machine count on Election Night and the subsequent hand count. 2023 Decaturish - Locally sourced news. Voter & Election Information. AUBURN Grabill native and Republican Dr. Tyler Johnson defeated Democrat Zach Heimach of Auburn to win the Indiana Senate District 14 seat. March 16, 2022 Four candidates seek seat Orson is leaving; two incumbents face challengers The DeKalb County Board of Education will have at least one new member this year, after longtime. Below are the results for DeKalb County. Scott will vote at International Community School, 2418 Wood Trail Lane, Decatur, GA 30033. 2022 General Election Results; Register to Vote Online; Federal Voting Assistance Program; Services. Republican Thomas G. DeVore: 1,510,498 votes (43%), Democrat Kwame Raoul: 1,502,155 votes (55%)*, How DeKalb County voted: 19,808 votes (52%) to Raoul; 17,195 votes (45%) to DeVore. Here's how it works: Enter your address. The Recount: Georgias new voting system produces a paper ballot for every vote cast on a voting machine, allowing hand recounts if there are issues with voting technology or memory cards. (Includes Franklin Township, Kingston, South Grove, Mayfield and Malta Townships), Frederick (Fred) Hall, Democrat: 1,336 votes (26%), Maureen Little, Republican: 2,325 votes (46%)*, Brad Belanger, Republican: 1,382 votes (27%)*, (Includes a portion of Sycamore Township that is mostly south of Peace Road and north of Route 64), Timothy B. Bagby, Republican: 1,979 votes (37%)*, Keegan C. Reynolds, Republican: 1,473 votes (27%), Amber Quitno, Democrat: 1,879 votes (25%)*, (Includes a portion of Sycamore Township that is mostly south of Route 64 and a portion of Cortland Township north of Bethany Road), Elizabeth Lundeen, Republican: 1,577 votes (23%), Stewart Ogilvie, Democrat: 1,791 votes (26%)*, Laurie Emmer, Republican: 1,657 votes (24%), Brett Johansen, Democrat: 1,698 votes (25%)*, (Includes a northeast portion of DeKalb Township that is east of Glidden Road), Bill Cummings, Republican: 1,241 votes (21%), Dianne Leifheit, Republican: 1,212 votes (21%), Christopher Porterfield, Democrat: 1,727 votes (30%)*, Michelle Pickett, Democrat: 1,565 votes (27%)*, (Includes the southwest portion of DeKalb Township that is north of Fairview Drive, south of Lincoln Highway and mostly west of State Route 23/Fourth Street. What has taken place fails to do so. 34,705 of 61,517 Republican Tom Demmer: 1,610,986 votes (43.7%), Democrat Michael W. Frerichs: 1,992,123 votes (54.1%)*, How DeKalb County voted: 18,815 votes (49%) to Frerichs; 18,092 votes (47%) to Demmer, Illinois U.S. DeKalb was the last county to finalize its new maps, and so just before early voting, election workers scrambled to adjust several precincts which were in the wrong district. DeKalb County Clerk and Recorder (click here to read more about the race), Republican Tasha Sims: 19,204 votes (50%)*, Democrat Linh Nguyen: 18,455 votes votes (49%), DeKalb County Treasurer (uncontested) Republican Becky Springer, DeKalb County Sheriff (uncontested) Republican Andrew Andy Sullivan, Regional Superintendent of Schools (uncontested) Democrat Amanda Christensen, DeKalb County Board (vote for two per district). DeKalb County, GA DeKalb County Board of Elections recently voted to permanently change the following precinct voting locations, pending notification to all voters who will be affected. Results were certified by the DeKalb County Clerk and Recorders Office Nov. 22. Even if only Broussard and his wife had voted for him, it should have registered as at least 2 votes for him in the total. Photos: DeKalb County voters cast their ballots in November 2022 midterm election. Georgia 2022 Midterm Election Results for DeKalb County By FOX 5 Atlanta Digital Team Published November 8, 2022 2022 Midterm Elections FOX 5 Atlanta Voters in Georgia made their. stream I am very grateful to all the aforementioned as well as toDeKalb GOP Vice Chairmen Mike Bryan (1st),Michael Braun (3rd)andHouse District Candidates Jenine Milum (82),Jodi Diodati (90),Roger Wycoff,Julie AdamsandDeborah Baker. Georgians deserve to know that their elections are run transparently, with integrity and a commitment to accurate outcomes.. View the elections you will be voting in with this sample ballot lookup tool. Ballots held for two years in secure storage after the election. Whats Next? This obvious fraud would never have been caught and the original May 24th machine results would have been approved by Raffensperger, if Michelle Long Spears had not been in the precinct offices in District 2 on primary night. What happened: The initial preliminary results didn't accurately reflect the top vote-getters in the race. THE MACHINES WERE SWITCHING VOTES AROUND. /Filter /FlateDecode DeKalb County reported a 64 % voter turnout, with 38,500 ballots cast Nov. 8, according to unofficial results from the DeKalb County Clerk and Recorders Office. endobj (Mark Busch - Busch - According to the preliminary and unofficial vote totals announced by the DeKalb County Voter Registration and Elections office, Michelle Long Spears received 6,651 votes. Every county in Georgia uses Dominion Voting Systems machines and software, including DeKalb. Silver Lake will vote at Ashford Park Elementary School, 2968 Cravenridge Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30319. . The News: A hand recount of the District 2 Commission race in DeKalb resulted in a new outcome in the race. What Happened? x^n6 x3")u%ORZd.uh5Z`O?RJdLMl|xe:! However, if you would like to ensure that always displays family-friendly content on this device, regardless of what site you are on, check the option below. Candidate Marshall Orson won the District 2 County Commission primary with 5,226 votes. The results completely flipped after a human hand count was conducted on June 1st. DeKalb Voter . Proposed Constitutional Amendment: All election voting must be conducted using verifiable paper ballots in small local venues, with all local venue results published for aggregate tabulation. These content links are provided by Midvale Road will vote at Henderson Mill Elementary School, 2408 Henderson Mill Road, Atlanta, GA 30345. Candidates are in the order they appear on the DeKalb County ballots. DeKalb launched a hand recount over Memorial Day weekend and. stream Clairmont East will vote at Decatur Recreation Center, 321 Sycamore Street, Decatur, GA 30030. This editorial has been updated. endobj I hope you fine, honest and decent Real Conservative people of Georgia haven't deceived yourselves into believing such massive vote fraud was only perpetrated in one precinct, in one countydo you???? Both and the web site upon which the links are displayed may receive compensation when readers click on these links. Juliana Stratton: 2,068,285 votes (54.3%)*, How DeKalb County voted: 19,934 votes (52%) to Pritzker; 16,833 votes (44%) to Bailey. Our effort partly contributed to the DeKalb County's historic turnout of 75% in the 2020 election. Every single vote matters and many of these races will be close!). DeKalb County, GA The DeKalb County Voter Registration and Elections Office on June 1 released the results of a hand count in the District 2 DeKalb County Commission race. on Dominion Botch: Georgia Primary Election Overturned After Awful Machine Count, 53 Percent Myocarditis Rate Detected Among Washington Conference Attendees. That withdrawal caused a mistake in the programming of the precinct scanner and led to inaccurate vote counts for all three remaining candidates. /Length 11 Primary Election Day. The Journal Gazette. /Pages 2 0 R Click here to read more about the governors race. But, keep your powder dry until its over! stream + Election Judge & Deputy Registrar Information. Ultimately, while the voting machines and the scanners that tabulate votes worked properly on their own, some scanners were not properly updated to match the voting machines, Sterling said. endobj Elected Officials. ), Susan Smith Lindell, Republican: 1,149 votes (26%), Mary Lee Cozad, Democrat: 1,795 votes (41%)*, Suzanne Willis, Democrat: 1,420 votes (32%)*, (Includes all of Milan, Shabbona, Paw Paw, Victor, Clinton and Squaw Grove Townships, as well as Afton and Pierce Townships south of Perry Road, Somonauk Township west of Governor Beveridge Highway and north of Chicago Road and Sandwich Township north of Chicago Road), Celeste (Shell) DeYoung Dunn, Democrat: 1,093 votes (21%), Roy Plote, Republican: 1,588 votes (30%)*, Karen Cribben, Republican: 2,502 votes (48%)*, (Includes Somonauk Township east of Governor Beveridge Highway and Sandwich Township south of Chicago Road), Jeff Kowalski, Democrat: 1,203 votes (25%), Jerry Osland, Republican: 1,681 votes (35%)*, John Frieders, Republican: 1,827 votes (38%)*, Republican Mark C. Curran Jr.: 251,954 votes (45.6%), Democrat Elizabeth Liz Rochford: 300,989 votes (54.4%)*, How DeKalb County voted: 19,314 votes (50%) to Rochford; 17,586 votes (45%) to Curran, Republican Susan Clancy Boles: 264,381 votes (47.8%), Democrat Chris Kennedy: 288,852 votes (52.2%)*, How DeKalb County voted: 18,749 votes (48%) to Boles, 18,325 votes (47%) to Kennedy, 23rd Judicial Circuit Court (uncontested). Amateur voter fraud hunters challenged 92,000 Georgia voter registrations last year, using voter rolls, public records, door-to-door canvassing and . Flakes Mill Fire Station will vote at County Line-Ellenwood Library, 4331 River Road, Ellenwood, GA 30294. Michelle Long Spears came in first with 6,651 votes (+3,620 votes more). On the first day of early voting, an issue was discovered on the BMDs that the text of one Republican party question was not properly appearing. The county seat is Sycamore.. Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population.This encompasses all city, county, and special district elections appearing on the ballot within those cities. I believe that the numbers speak for themselves but are attributed to many factors. And candidate Michelle Long Spears came in in third place with only 3,031 votes. Instead of Orson in first place, Alexander in second and Spears in third (as the machines showed), the results of the hand count were as follows. Thats a grand total of 12,639 votes in the May 24 primary election. Published: 3:35 PM EDT May 30, 2022. DeKalb County. I think we all know the answer to that. DeKalb County, GA DeKalb County Board of Elections recently voted to permanently change the following precinct voting locations, pending notification to all voters who will be affected. The issue was quickly detected by DeKalb County Elections and Registrations after the election during their normal post-election processes, and the Secretary of States office has worked with DeKalb to help resolve the issue.. << By Tyler Estep, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The big picture: "Given the time constraints and the stresses, everyone was doing the best they could under very trying circumstances," Sterling said. And this took two years to come to the light? You canchoose to register when you renew or apply for your driver's license at Department of Driver Services. If there is a Run Off in your district inclusive of a Non-Partisan Run off, then please remember to either vote early from June 13-17 or on Election Day on June 21.) Officials said the . The Associated Press also contributed to election results races for congressional, statewide and General Assembly races. In order to vote, you must have registered at least 30 days before election day. The first demolition will take place on Friday at 10 a.m. at 1805-1811 Whitehall Forest Court in Atlanta. Despite being the #2 Blue County in Georgia, there is a #RedWave in DeKalb. Additionally, to ensure thatall citizens of DeKalb County have confidence in the process by which the 2022 primary election was conducted, we reached out on a bi-partisan basis to theDeKalb Democratsand to theGAGOP,RepublicanNational Committee,State Elections Board,Election Integrity Coalition, Coalition for Good GovernanceandVoterGAto advocate for the hand recount. endstream Lantz, Baker win DeKalb Central school board races By. Throughout the process there has been a complete disregard of legal requirements, with only a casual adherence to the very specific statutory and rule requirements. In other words, the May 24th election was again marred with fraud and incompetence. Sends Them $2 Billion More of Our Money, Trump TORCHES Biden and Diversity Hire Buttigieg for Turning America into Third World Country, Trump Finally Addresses How to Overcome Democrat Party Cheating in 2024, China Calls Bidens Bluff! DeKalb VRE at first declined to release results of the hand count of paper ballots, which election workers finished at 12:30 a.m. on May 31, citing questions about the accuracy of the count. X| Election Judge Marian Richardson helps a voter get started on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022, at the polling place in Westminster Presbyterian Church in DeKalb. What happened: The initial preliminary results didn't accurately reflect the top vote-getters in the race. The second demolition will take place on Monday at 10 a.m. at 4083 Old River Road in Ellenwood. Listed are results from contested and uncontested races. DeKalb County, Indiana, elections, 2022 Indiana 2022 elections U.S. Senate U.S. House Congressional special elections State executive offices State Senate State House Appellate courts School boards Municipal How to run for office DeKalb County, Indiana, held elections for local offices in 2022. Photo by Dean Hesse. It also doesnt explain the appearance of 2,810 more votes cast than were initially reported, reported Decaturish. The board voted 4 to 1 to certify results Friday after a glitch forced workers to hand . * An asterisk denotes incumbent. Hayden, 13, was last seen near the 300 block of Eastwyck Circle. At first glance, everyone knew those machine results had something wonky about them. Elections 2022. Past Election Summaries. I blame the US Carny Congress and the DeepState dirty rat liaisons.. First Day to Pick Up PetitionsQualifying DeadlineWithdrawal DeadlineVoter Registration DeadlineEarly Voting Period, February 7, 2022April 7, 2022 at NOONApril 14, 2022 at NOONJuly 5, 2022July 15 July 30, 2022, AlexandriaMayor and 4 Aldermen; Dowelltown3 AldermenLibertyMayor and 5 Aldermen; SmithvilleMayor and 2 Aldermen, Voter Registration DeadlineEarly Voting Period, October 10, 2022October 19 Nov. 3, 2022. Not. Challenger defeats DeKalb County Sheriff Posted: May 3, 2022 / 08:28 PM EDT Updated: May 3, 2022 / 08:37 PM EDT DEKALB COUNTY, Ind. >> The only thing added to this explanation are paragraph breaks to make it easier to read. There are several ways to register to vote or update your registration: Please allow 3 to 4 weeks for your application to be processed. Orson wants to invoke that process. DeKalb County is divided into 12 districts based on population. Votes that were intended for other candidates were taken away from them and assigned to Marshall Orson instead. In a hint of possible election crises to come in November and beyond, skeptics about Georgia's voting systems are mounting an array of challenges in Chatham County and statewide to the outcome of the May 24 primary election. Voting; the illusion of influence on politics. We don't have legitimate elections. Departments. Here are the results as they were tallied by Dominion Voting Systems machines on May 24th, the day of the Georgia primary election this year. They dont care about the Republican Party drama but like that Governor Kemp reopened Georgia first which reopened America. An asterisk indicates who is leading in each race. The people who count the votes decide everything." We need ACTION !!! This discrepancy was reported to election officials, which is what triggered the hand recount. The proposed amendment to the Illinois Constitution would give workers the fundamental right to organize and to bargain collectively and to negotiate wages, hours and working conditions, and to promote economic welfare and safety at work, according to the amendment language. Everybody just sits there and says "they stole another electionoh, well, what a shame.". Prosser was on the ballot in the Republican primary on May 3, 2022. Sample Ballots Check back closer to the election for sample ballots in English & Spanish Key Dates August 21: First day to request and Absentee Ballot Had something wonky about them candidate Michelle Long Spears came in first 6,651! Jeff Rader and Ted Terry, began publicly raising questions about what happened: the initial results... Whitehall Forest Court in Atlanta Superintendent General Clark the Nuremberg Excuse Didnt Work Then, and it also turned that. In other words, the Current many likely do not even care the... 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