Registration assistance is available on-site. If you have not received the welcome registration email from, go to and click on the blue button that says CLICK HERE FOR CUSTOMER SUPPORT DESK to submit a ticket. safeCircle Customer Support:, Campus: Baruch College All questions regarding medical exemptions can be directed to the Graduate Center Location Vaccine Authority (LVA) liaisons via email at. The Campus COVID-19 Plan and CUNY Guidance. Tuesday, February 14. Accessibility COVID-19 Update: Current Status April 27, 2022 We are currently in Phase 4 of our ramp up plan. If you are an employee, please email the HR liaisons via email at If your exposure is from someone you live with, you must reach out to your Campus Coronavirus Liaison. Your test result will be available within 48 hours and will be sent to you via email/text. If negative, your Cleared4 access pass will be activated and you can return to campus. If positive, your Access will be removed and you will be contacted by the Coronavirus Campus Coordinator for guidance. In very rare instances, atest result may come back as inconclusive. If you have a fever, cough, or other symptoms, you might have COVID-19. Only CUNY site testing will be accepted. Sign in with your WebCentral account to start using your Digital ID. We offer the highest quality of proctoring services possible to students, academic departments, and outside candidates seeking to have their examinations officially invigilated, while simultaneously executing the conditions requested by the institution providing the exam. Members of the Graduate Center community who test positive for COVID-19 through an external, non-CUNY site or facility (i.e. Strategic Planning, Economic and Those who test positive will have their Cleard4 Access Pass revoked until they provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test performed by a licensed lab facility. Registration assistance is available on-site. Read the Random Testing FAQs . Website A student is considered fully vaccinated if: All students registering for a fully-in person or hybrid class for the 2023 Spring term must upload proof of vaccination to CUNYfirst ten (10) days before classes begin. As a result, students must test weekly to ensure continued . If you are selected for testing, you will receive an email from with instructions: If you submit a sample within the 14-day period, you will retain your Access Pass to CUNY facilities until test results are posted to your profile. Students returning from abroad should coordinate closely with the Study Abroad Office on their home campus to ensure they receive support to complete the semester whenever possible. safeCircle Customer Support:, Campus: Bronx Community College Testing Sites ACADEMIC YEAR 2022-23 Student Vax Info CUNY mandates that all students taking in-person and hybrid classes be "fully vaccinated." Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the single most important thing you can do to protect yourself and keep CUNY safe. Additionally, any CUNY student or employee may walk into any CUNY testing site, show his or her CUNY ID, and get a free COVID-19 test. We cannot upload results from another facility. Who can I contact with questions about the student vaccination policy? *Positives from Non-CUNY Sites: People who test for reasons other than entering a CUNY facility and are self-reporting to the Campus Coronavirus Liaison. +1 212-817-7000, Click to expose navigation links on mobile. In addition to the COVID-19 testing site located at the Graduate Center on the first floor, there are 19 other COVID-19 testing sites at locations across CUNY. To ensure that your proof of vaccination is reviewed and approved in time, upload your documentation to CUNYfirst as soon as you are. If you do not feel better in three days, please consult your health care provider. of the President, Government Relations and Strategic Each week, a randomly selected group of individuals will receive notice via an email (to the email linked to their CUNYfirst account) for mandatory testing. Administrators monitor program metrics and results reporting. Lonely_Cartographer 1 yr. ago. Apart from taste, ambience, hospitality and cleanliness, what else would motivate YOUR PRESENCE in the place. The safeCircle swab is small, inserted only enough distance so the tip is no longer visible, and then swirled in each nostril for about 10 seconds. Last day to drop without a grade of 'W'. If you are sick, stay home. How do I report a positive COVID-19 case? Note that if you are selected for Random COVID Testing, you should still come to campus and continue your regular activities. Location: Barclay Caf at Fiterman Hall You can reach out to the LVA at the campus where you are a student. Testing. Location: Welcome Center, First Floor Complete the email and phone information in your Clear4 profile in order to receive your results.If a positive result is found, the individual will be told to immediately quarantine and report their exposure to the Campus Coronavirus Coordinator using this form, you must be logged into your Microsoft 365 account to access the form. Consistently wearing a well-fitting mask can help protect you and others from infection. Location: U Bldg, Room D123 1. Research Foundation employees should consulttheRF CUNY website. CUNYs 25 campuses have developed individual operating plans to cover a range of scenarios. Brooklyn College is offering free PCR COVID-19 tests in our Student Center testing facility with extended hours of operation. All visitors MUST complete the Cleared4 Access Process, where they will be required to upload a photo of their vaccination card or a negative test result. see COVID-19 page for times Look for the white, portable mobile office with a handicap-accessible ramp. and Budget, Budget Contact: Alan Gilbert Last day to change or declare a major to be effective Spring 2023. Technology, Applications Support and IT Administration, Institutional Use the following links to find information on technology supporting distance learning and remote work on this web site. Protocol if Exposed or Positive A reminder that CUNY requires unvaccinated individuals to enter quarantine in the event of possible exposure to COVID-19. safeCircle Customer Support:, Campus: York College Testing within York College or at other locations, Submitting MMR & Meningitis Documentation, University Skills and Immersion Program Contact York Anyone visiting a CUNY testing site is encouraged to wear a mask but is not required to. We only accept test results from a CUNY testing site. Literatures, and Humanities, Business CUNY is continuing required, random testing of students, faculty, and staff to monitor cases on campus. Location: Trailer in Parking Lot of the Performing and Art Center If a positive case is reported through Cleared4, an LVA member will reach out to students. Enrollees should read and approve the testing consent and validate their personal information. Any questions should be directed to theOffice of International Students. CUNY in The Heights is partnering with Royal Pharmacy, located at 5030 Broadway in Inwood, to offer the Moderna vaccines and Moderna boosters; Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. For information, contact Royal Pharmacy at (212) 567-9800. Economic and Workforce Development, York You can test regularly through CUNY's COVID-19 Testing Program. Be advised that enrollees will not receive their test results from the Cleared4 testing sites unless they have included their email address, telephone number and date of birth information in their profile. You can pull your personal QR code on your smartphone upon entering the building and scanning into one of the machines located at the front desk of the lobby. Address: 445 West 59th Street, New York, NY 10019 Programs, Health Sciences & Professional Medical and religious exemptions are subject to mandatory weekly random testing in the CUNY-19 Testing Program. To find a vaccination site in New York City, use theCitys Vaccine Finder. Address: 2800 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10314 Read more about acceptable proof of negative test results and how to gain access to campus.. Contact: Mark Flower Questions about vaccination verification and exemptions can be directed to If you tested positive for COVID-19 or have symptoms, regardless of vaccination status, please quarantine for at least 5 days, wear a well-fitted mask. Location: Room to the right of the main entrance of the lobby, Room 115 Results cannot be more that seven (7) days old. Everyone, regardless of vaccination status must: Everyone, regardless of vaccination status: The Graduate Centers COVID-19 health liaisons will continue to aid in the identification of exposures, and notify close contacts, as appropriate, of exposure as soon as possible after being notified that someone in the campus has tested positive or been diagnosed with COVID-19. The coronavirus pandemic provided fresh reasons to kick graduation standards to the curb. Families First Coronavirus Response Act For a general FAQs on the testing program, visit here. CUNYs Getting Back to Working in Person and Learning on Campus Frequently Asked Questions provides information for employees about returning to work. Testing CUNY COVID-19 Testing Information For a list of testing locations, visit here. They are classified as tier one buildings and rated as meeting relevantCDC recommendations for ventilation in schools and child care programs. Location: Vertical Campus Building: VC Multipurpose Room 1107-1109-1111 CUNY Random COVID-19 Testing Program Begins November 30, 2021 Effective November 17, 2021, CUNY implemented a random testing program for vaccinated employees. As part of the federal governments CARES Act legislation, eligible CUNY students will automatically receive emergency grants to help cover education-related expenses caused by COVID-19. Maintaining up- to-date vaccination status is the most important thing you can do to protect yourself and keep our community safe. Please feel free to reach out to Damaris Rodriguez at 212-218-0431, with any additional questions you may have. Individuals should contact with details on their CUNY affiliation (including EMPLID if possible) to receive instructions on accessing this support. safeCircle Customer Support:, Campus: City College Address: 2705 Campus Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11210 Please keep windows in your office or shared work area closed. For additional assistance, watch this quickhow-to video. Click the "Show Access Pass" button. CUNY/QC will no longer require a proof of vaccine or recent negative test for visitors. Please note that while your Cleared4 CUNY account and Access Pass validate your health status, they do not confirm your affiliation to the Graduate Center. COVID-19 Testing Program and Sites. Results will be available as usual within 24 to 48 hours. 0400B You must test at the CUNY trailer site in the timeframe noted in the email received. Your test result will be available within 48 hours. Students who have received an exemption from CUNYmust be tested at a CUNY site no more than 7 days before accessing campus and must show proof of their negative results for the entirety of the semester. On-Site COVID-19 Testing. Systems, School of Health Sciences & Professional State Regents tests were canceled altogether in 2020 - and when they returned, new rules allowed kids to . For other CUNY testing locations and hours, please click here. COLLEGE CLOSED - No classes scheduled. Address: 245 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10007 If you have a fever, continue isolation until you are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication. New Deadlines Spring 2023 All students taking in-person or hybrid classes must upload proof oftheirstatus to CUNYfirst so it can beapproved bythe start of classes. Test results will be processed within 24 hours (48 hours on weekends) and can be accessed by computer or smartphone. All students registering for a fully in-person or hybrid class for the Spring 2023 semester and thereafter, must be fully vaccinated unless they have been granted a religious exception or medical exemption to the vaccine. Please visit here for additional information. Location: Foundation Lounge, First Floor, Cafe 365 room How do I view and present my Cleared4 CUNY Access Pass? For a list of testing . All students (except those with approved exemptions or exceptions) must have up-to- date vaccination records in CUNYfirst in order to enter any CUNY facility for any reason. CUNY Research Foundation employees can access theRF Vaccination Verification system here. Language Placement Exam Schedule. If you have an issue accessing the form please email or Attach a passport type headshot JPEG picture taken within the past six months. Stay home for 5 days (day 0 is your first day of symptoms, or the day of your first positive test if you do not develop symptoms). Surrounding Area Assessment Centres. Address: 110 E 69th St, New York, NY 10065 (Between Lexington Ave & Park Ave) Address: 160 Convent Ave, New York, NY 10031 (Amsterdam Ave & 138th Street: Gate entrance) Accepted test results include samples taken at licensed labs, urgent care facilities, and NYCs testing sites. Complete your registration in Cleared4, confirm your personal information (address, mobile number, and email address) is up to date, and accept the testing disclaimer. The rapid tests will be distributed to CUNY testing sites and to selected locations on campus and will be tracked through the testing system for inventory and usage management. Employees should direct their questions to Students attending in-person or hybrid classes or visiting campus for any reason must be fully vaccinated and submit proof of vaccination into CUNYfirst. If you are teaching, researching or working at the Advanced Science and Research Center, please review the ASRC COVID-19 Public Health and Safety Policies. Please Note: Contact the Academic Advising Center at for any advisement questions regarding General Education (Gen Ed) requirements. Address: 94-45 Guy R Brewer Blvd, Jamaica, NY 11451 Join. RF employees will be notified to visit RFCUNYs website and log in as an employee using their 6-digit RF-issued employee ID (EMP ID). Location: Trailer Annex B Will vaccines authorized by the World Health Organization (WHO) meet the CUNY vaccination policy so that international students can access the Graduate Center? As outlined inmy recent letter, vaccinated faculty and staff can upload their vaccination verification documents toCUNYfirstup to 10 days before the first week they are due back. Based on our surveys, thankfully most of CUNYs staff and faculty are vaccinated and I continue to emphasize the importance of getting vaccinated as the best defense we know against COVID-19 and its variants. If your result is positive, your Access Pass will be removed, and you will be contacted by the City Tech COVID-19 Location Vaccine Authority (LVA) Liaison for guidance. If your test result is positive, you should continue to isolate until day 10. Contact: Zeco Krcic or call: 718-960 . In order to help CUNY students return home before it is too late, CUNY will continue to offer rebooking support to any CUNY student or employee abroad (regardless of citizenship) who is unable to make these arrangements directly with the airline. End quarantine after symptoms have subsided, get tested, continue to wear mask, and avoid traveling and large social gatherings. If you do not report for the COVID-19 testing at a CUNY testing site location within the timeframe specified, your access pass to campus will be paused and you will not be able to report to classes or offices until a negative test result is given. If your vaccine is approved by the World HealthOrganization (WHO) and you are considered fully vaccinated as specified in the WHO approval, you are fully vaccinated under CUNY policy. Quarantine in the timeframe noted in the timeframe noted in the event of possible exposure to COVID-19 provides for... Cough, or other symptoms, you might have COVID-19 portable mobile office with a handicap-accessible ramp 24 (. Jamaica, NY 11451 Join live with, you must reach out to curb. With a handicap-accessible ramp out to your campus Coronavirus Liaison vaccinated and submit of. Ambience, hospitality and cleanliness, what else would motivate your PRESENCE the... 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