You have shown true loco spirit. Now, Popo, I understand you're starting your own 700 Club. TM & 2023 Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Xavier unleashes his revolutionary lifesaving maneuver all up on those who find theyselfs in need of his protection. Mexican Gang Member #4: How do they expect me to stay out of jail? Succotash is a fast-talking Christian DJ who constantly tells his listeners to "Call us up and win some cash!". 2023. Dweeby Chimp. Can't find it anywhere and since it's my favorite show of all time, I'd love to read the screenplay, especially considering that my interest for screenwriting has been growing recently. Like most folks, I've always been different. Confront your future. Preacher: So if I have sex with that gorilla, the entire world will go to Heaven? Whenever you turn your back, I secretly groom and train poodles. Oh, the cops wanna hone in on my heal-deal. You sound like the physical manifestation of some losers inner demons! Chimp. All rights reserved. Man: You see what this weirdo here is saying? Xavier: Always tough to kill your dad, but you made the right choice, kid. Mocho: I'm big now, but I recently dropped 230 pounds. Xavier: (scoffs) Powers are for the weak. I believe that that we are here implies to some degree that there are forces larger than us. Young Xavier: Wow, that's me years from now. genuinely minding his own business and not bothering anyone. Xavier: So, who wants to spill it first? It's pretty cool. Mocho: I secretly groom and train poodles. Well it's 5:55. WebXavier: Renegade Angel is an American C.G. See still got the scar the prove it. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. l mean, l just ate the heart of an explosion. Announcer: Troubled High, give a warm, troubled, hey there, ho there to your trouble cra-a-zy! web pages Oh yeah, I dont polycotton to coping tropes, even my own. Pulled out his heart and showed it to him, and he was like, "Nice.". Facing rednecks, inflicting righteousness and preaching about the 'strong, silent types' and morality, this hero has his work cut out for him. Xavier: Stay hidden for while. Xavier: [thinking] So maybe we are just blips in a void of nothingness. Hold. Xavier: No. Deliverymen: Hey, thanks, mister. I'm standing right here. The eponymous Xavier is either an actual fallen angel or just a cosmic abomination that was abandoned by his mother. The camera then briefly switches to perspective of the eye as the crow flies away. Search the history of over 797 billion Xavier is a beast wanderer in search of the truth about his mysterious origin. Xavier: You and I both knew what we had couldn't last. Helping people [strained] Helping people [groaning] Oh, god. Mexican Gang Leader: Now everyone will know the Locos are crazy about postmodernist aesthetic contextual reframing. Get out of town and start a new life. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Valve Corporation. Burbury Visitor Info: Welcome to Burbury. Woman's Voice: Congratulations. I'll help you. Xavier; From now on, "L.L." If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Portal 2. But you buried it. No, not Yoohoo. I just may have some avenging chief beef to queef. executive producer / executive producer (15 episodes, 2007-2009) Adrienne Anderson. Did he clip you? Xavier: Renegade Angel is an American adult computer-animated surrealist dark comedy television series created by Vernon Chatman and John Lee, who are also the creators of Wonder Showzen. Xavier: What kind of stupid name is yoohoo? Some folks say its every beat is the sound of god kicking an angel in the face. "Xavier: Renegade Angel, Season 1 Quotes." Xavier tries to ask a caveman if he's seen it, but isn't sure how to describe it, so he makes a drawing of it on the cave wall. It premiered on November 4, 2007, on Adult Swim and November 1, 2007, You could say it started when I was a kid. Mexican Gang Leader: I'm the leader! Xavier: This week, instead of eating tacos, let's just talkoh. I wanted to be a vato. Fatestiny. The show extends its mockery to things such as organized religion, hippies and centrists, where misguided individuals and groups will apply an authoritarian slant to their beliefs and insist that their opinion is correct and should be followed, rather than working with others to find commonality and make things better for everyone. One episode features a close-up of a mosquito sucking the entirety of fluid out of someone's eyeball. l mean, l just ate the heart of an explosion. Xavier: I'm a survivor. Addeddate 2019-11-27 06:37:55 Color color Identifier xavierrenegadeangel Scanner We develop trading and investment tools such as stock charts for Private Investors. You are on trial for being on trial! Seven's a prime number, you're in the prime of your life, life could change, win a chunk of change, succotash, succotash, call us up, win some cash! The show ends with Xavier informing you that your TV screen has frozen solid just before it cracks. Xavier's actually human and is living in the same mental institution that houses his mother. Television Commercial: Clumso the cookie chef really popped a boner into these yummy snacks! Whos this? During the "battle of wits" between the two Xaviers in "Shakashuri Blowdown," one of them says "your mom's so shallow, "Vibracaust" and "Xavier's Maneuver" both have, "El Tornadodor" and "Damnesia Vu" both have. surrealist dark comedy-fantasy television series created by PFFR. Oh yeah? WebXavier: Uh, nothing. Hello!" DJ: No time! Juggler: I went to Burning Person this year? "Taste the pain!" Woman 2: I gobble them while they gobble my filth. JavaScript is disabled. I'll pop it back in, but it's gonna hurt. (The reporter gestures to a crude drawing of Xavier.). Did you know there are over 87 combinations of those soul-scalding words? Now I understand what's happening here, I just need to go through the black door. ", and has learned nothing from the Shakashuri battle against himself, of which we also never learn the winner (although given both are exactly alike it hardly matters who won or lost as Xavier loses and wins regardless). Oh, yeah. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Xavier: Like most folks, I've always been different, but not like the others. Xavier: They say when you die, you sh*t your pants. Xavier: Well, Ma'am, I suppose I'm seeking a deep strata of truth. Thanks for the shot. Well, you sound like some total chodes inability to confront the reality of his past actions. [groans]. Chief Master Guru: In order to heal this wound, you must play a shakhashirisk wind trance. Security Guard: Sir, this is private property. Young Xavier: Wow, that's me years from now. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Xavier: Ahh. And a WiFi hotspot. Soldier: Welcome to the US Army, how can I help you? But not like the others. It's only the size of a fist, but it packs a lot more punch. Gang Leader: Now boil his blood and get our drugs back. Xavier: And now I ramble forth on my endless journey to be the greatest aid-spreader of all time. Xavier: Just got to dump this load in that dirty 'puter's floppy slot and collect my kudos. [throws the bowl of cereal that randomly appear out of nowhere]. Xavier: I killed him hard. What are looking for? When a battered woman reaches out to Xavier for help, Xavier reaches inside her-- to find that the truth hurts. Forced to Walk the Earth because everyone hates him, Xavier seeks enlightenment and tries to help peoplebut at worst, he creates problems where none exist and causes tons of carnage, and at best, he somehow gets everyone to put aside their differences and join together for the common (and usually justified) goal of beating him senseless. The Christian zoo radio hooty-hoo featuring Succotash and the Bird in the morning. Xavier: Whichever path frau destiny sets beneath this seeker, this pupil of the universe is as good as any. Xavier: [Xavier is returned to the room of doors in Barcode Man's clothing] So, it was me all along! Xavier: You can all fret not. Xavier: I believe that we are all one. 2023. Xavier: What *is* this place and who *am* I? Kiss your mother, youngling. Xavier: My god. Xavier: Pain is never the fault of the feeler, it's just the fault of your actions you consciously chose to make. Xavier: People, hurry, get *in* the way! Can't find it anywhere and since it's my favorite show of all time, I'd love to read the screenplay, especially considering that my interest for screenwriting has been growing recently. Cue the camera focusing on a truck driving by with, Lampshaded again in "Weapons Grade Life" (bolding where the camera suddenly zooms in on the character's lips), A surprisingly subtle example in the very first episode. We just got our new shipment. WebXavier: Chief was deep. The missing child you each seek to reconnect with is still inside you all. But only God can do that dance, and it has to be raining That's the 'irony' part. All rights reserved. Mocho: I guess I tend to use my switchblade as a defense mechanism. F-F-Frightened? Mocho: It's kind of embarrassing, but I like to kill on the toilet. I found out the hard way.". WebXavier Renegade Angel Phone Booth scene, but its Sora and Fluttershy. shattering their partially frozen bodies. Chief Master Guru: Your failure is merely a portent of dissapointments to come. All rights reserved. With Vernon Chatman, John Lee, Alyson Levy, Jim Tozzi. WebXavier: Renegade Angel is an American adult computer-animated television series created by Vernon Chatman and John Lee, who are also the creators of Wonder Showzen. Xavier: Well, I'm not surprised about how much I like to do crime. We're a dying breed. I'm a feminist. SoundCloud. I always did it like this. Xavier: The pride I feel for finally fingering my father's killer is dampened only by the fact that I promised to kill my father's killer. Looks like I already did. WebXavier: Renegade Angel: Created by Vernon Chatman, John Lee, Alyson Levy, Jim Tozzi. It seems the portrait has painted the artist, sketching the reverser, who has become the reversed. Xavier: Renegade Angel premiered on November 4, 2007 and ended on April 16, 2009, with a total of 20 episodes. Hello? This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Either I. She wants it harder. Frightened? Confront your future. Little longer. The chaser has become the choste. Like most folks, I've always been different. Xavier: Always tough to kill your dad, but you made the right choice, kid. Are you prepared for this moment? 3. Caveman: Take that! You could say it started when I was a kid. You some kind of ooga-booga Chinaman? But I'd sure like to try. Xavier: Always tough to kill your dad, but you made the right choice, kid. Xavier: You need to move on from losing your father back there. STANDS4 LLC, 2023. Ok! Things nearly blowup in their faces, but Xavier employs some quick think and tasty treats to avert catastrophe. I'll let them co-bask in my reflective glory! Mexican Gang Leader: You did good, Percy. Are you so dumb, youd even answer rhetorical questions? Xavier: Other kids could be cruel. Or, did he? What I need next is either to dye my hair temporarily and obtain the dress. All rights reserved. WebToken Nonhuman: Xavier is allegedly a Fallen Angel in a world of humans. Now boil his blood and get our drugs back. Xavier: No time to gab. Vote YES on Proposition 1321. X1: "Hello?" I think you are a prime candidate for our annual Pauper-to-Prince program. Xavier: Well, I'm a good farmhand, and I don't need much. Dance Music: Are you prepared for this moment? WebXavier: Chief was deep. Diner Customer in Thought Balloon: If you smoke and eat bacon fast enough, you can go back in time. WebXavier: Renegade Angel is an American adult computer-animated television series created by Vernon Chatman and John Lee, who are also the creators of Wonder Showzen. WebXavier: I'm a survivor. Facing rednecks, inflicting righteousness and preaching about the 'strong, silent types' and morality, this hero has his work cut out for him.Xavier is a faun-like wanderer/seeker who is traveling across the land to find out the truth about his mysterious origin. Xavier: I was groping enlightenment in my bedroom, and before you could scream "murder by arson," our house was on fire. Each fiber of pleasure you experience causes equivalent pain somewhere else. I don't remember my name. You can feel my hot breath on your neck. Xavier is a faun-like wanderer/seeker who is traveling across the land to find out It premiered on November 4, 2007, on Adult Swim and November 1, 2007, on the Adult Swim website. Xavier: I just needed a hand - to tame the beast. [flips off the camera while driving away]. executive producer / executive producer: FOR WILLIAMS StREEt (20 episodes, 2007-2009) Jim Tozzi. When Xavier wakes up with no memories, the power of deja vu reigns supreme. Weiner, take all! ["La Cucaracha" plays]. You see, I Xavier: It helps no one to be reductive. I've got to help those poor bastards. JavaScript is disabled. Xavier: The hunter has become the hunter-ed. Ink blot: I can tell you're trying to use reverse psychology on me. I just repopulated my pants. Xavier: Yeah, tricked the trickster. Let's check in on the 5 W's. With Vernon Chatman, John Lee, Alyson Levy, Jim Tozzi. Whos this? And the light floral scent keeps me feeling fresh all day! Bully: I hope y'all can play it 3 feet up your ass. Xavier: That's a complicated question. Xavier: They say when you die, you shit your pants, but not me. Rodney: You weren't supposed to say my name! Bully #3: Yeah, Clip, it's working. Xavier: Just got to dump this load in that dirty 'puter's floppy slot and collect my kudos. Xavier is a faun-like wanderer/seeker who is traveling across the land to find out the truth about his mysterious origin. You even have a girlfriend. Addeddate 2019-11-27 06:37:55 Color color Identifier xavierrenegadeangel Scanner If you didn't want trouble, you shouldn't have wandered into Burbury Connecticut. Created by PFFRthe minds behind Wonder Showzenfor [adult swim], Xavier: Renegade Angel is, on the surface, about an angel who has defected from Heaven. Hello? You could say it started when I was a kid. Just don't go entering your legs in any spelling bees. Hello? One step ahead of the policia. Xavier: Please get my mommy, so I can tell on you! WebToken Nonhuman: Xavier is allegedly a Fallen Angel in a world of humans. Other kids could be cruel, they'd call me names: dweeb, chimp, honky, dweeby-chimp, honky-dweeb, and worst of all: chomsky-honk. Look at this cat. Everyone loves you now. Ay Can't remember the memory-joggin' dance. Robby: Daddy can't ever know about my lab. Let me see it. What a thought. Hello? Xavier is a faun-like wanderer/seeker who is traveling across the land to find out the truth about his mysterious origin. I crapped out, but Im tough, I can suck it up. I have the cure right here. Absurdity! "Kharmarabionic Lotion": The town of Lotion, New Mexico makes so much money off of oil that they buy the network which makes the show, then sell it to Arabs at a profit. [laughs], [Chief Master Guru proceeds to play dead again]. I'm right here. since every cigarette you smoke takes 17 minutes off your life and every slice of bacon you eat takes 9 minutes off your life, smoking and eating bacon really quickly would allow you to go back in time. First Xavier: No. Need to make him more bone-y. Describe Xavier: Renegade Angel here? So closewas the phrase that pays, and we give praise, bow your heads. Still being moving June: (interpreting Popo's sign language) Popo's urging you to dismiss the power of your rational mind. Mexican Gang Leader: We toilet flush the drugs. Other kids could be cruel, they'd call me names: dweeb, chimp, honky, dweeby-chimp, honky-dweeb, and worst of all: chomsky-honk. Xavier: Chief Master Guru, You have so many wisdoms left to teach me. WebXavier: I'm a survivor. "Take that!" It's a reason, and tonight, everything seems so reasonable. Yeah, I dumped your wife! Here's my card. I'm wearing the hood! Announcer: Hey there, ho there, ladies and gentlemen. "Weapons Grade Life" has Xavier encounter a boy in a wheelchair and his friends. Accept your defecation. Factest: Every time a baby is born, an innocent animal is severely mocked for its physical appearance. Blue chocolate Whoopsie Doodles, available for a limited time only! Vernon Chatman and John Lee are also the creators of MTV's Wonder Showzen. Don't be a pleasure hog. Listen, we dont cotton to freaks round these parts, scram wierdo! Mocho: You got a ghost to bring us cuckoo-bread. While traveling back to the present in episode 6, Xavier goes too far and ends up in the year. I thought we all agreed to get eggshell white! But not like the others. If I ever get your stinky mug in my line of sight I swear to jack off Ill cock your clock off. The heart of an explosion. 3. 2 Mar. I know a shamanic Navaho rain dance, that hasn't just blown MINDS. Mexican Gang Leader: You just passed the first test. See yourself out. Man: What in the human intimates you doing, freak? Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Listen, this psyche is not big enough for two metaphysical seekers. Dyke. I mean, unless you count the power to blow minds with my weapons-grade philosophical insights. When Xavier sets him sights on friendship, the Energy Crisis won't know what hit it in the face. You're flying all funny. She's using fear of death, playing on your insecurities, there's a rock-solid elegance to the arguments. Blue Chocolate Whoopsie Doodles! Second Xavier: Oh, yeah? Xavier: What kind of stupid name is "Yoohoo"? Joy can be neither created nor destroyed. They'd call me names -- Dweeb, Chimp, Honky, Dweeby Chimp, Honky Dweeb, And, worst of all, Chompsky Honk. he is actually on trial for being on trial, and considers himself to be incredibly attractive when in reality almost everyone is disgusted by the sight of him, an assimilated Humanity in the form of a flesh "Mother Mary who's breasts are being sucked upon by Buddha" statue. Your crazies have a brand-new mascot who's played by Percy Handfisher, A sophomore whose parents were recently killed in a thresher. When someone says "life", the word echoes, almost every single time, no matter who says it. Hello!" Or do you prefer, What's the matter, Chicken? Im voice impressionist as a hobby and I have a mean impression of Xavier. I'm some sort of life-savior? We accidentally mixed up the cookie factory with the tampon factory! The show was produced by PFFR, with animation by Cinematico. Xavier: In this odd dominion, driving backwards over people can mend them! Ever-Child: You, Paul, When you were 6 and you killed that spider monkey with that claw hammer, you really just squashed your heart with that hammer, and that's why you became a dirty pig cop. I guess I told that joke as a way to avoid the real issue. That 's me years from now blood and get our drugs back in any spelling bees,... Well, I 've always been different to perspective of the eye as the flies... Just may have some avenging chief beef to queef billion xavier is a faun-like who., `` L.L. create an account to do crime 'm big,! God kicking an Angel in a thresher n't have wandered into Burbury Connecticut to crime...: they say when you die, you can go back in, but I like to do that,! Kill on the 5 W 's his blood and get our drugs back mug in my of... 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