I think Fred and Archie were in the wrong place at the wrong time. At the tail end of last week's episode, we see Betty begin to suspect her father Hal Cooper of being the man behind the Black Hood mask, and this week, she launches a full investigation into the theory that fans have been screaming about for months. If Hal Cooper ends up being the Black Hood, it would be further confirmation of the so-called darkness within the Cooper family and would likely shake Betty -- who is already going to be looking at her long-lost brother to see if he possesses the same dark side when she finally meets him in the second half of the season -- and Riverdale itself to the very core. Hal is shown in the audience at that event. She did one bump of Jingle Jangle (which almost got her shot) and had a smooch with Fangs (which got her pinned to a prop wall with knives) what got Hal so rattled that he had to kill a 16-year-old girl?! At this point, Hal has already confessed to shooting Fred the first time but as we all know, the man in the Andrews house is NOT Hal. The theory suggests Fred's attempted murderer is Ms. Grundy's ex, Mr. Castillo. Is Black Hood looking for information on his next victim, Geraldine Grundy? There's also the little tidbit from their history as a couple that points to Hal not exactly being the best person. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Munro continued. The character was murdered by the Black Hood because she was seen as a supposedly immortal character, possibly for using the drug Jingle Jangle. Hal makes Alice record the whole conversation in order to make everyone understand why he, in turn, committed the Black Hood murdersespecially because he plans to kill Alice and Betty. On the phone, Cheryl tells Betty she plans to track the Black Hood through the woods. By Nicole Drum She's gonna get suspended from the law if she carries on. The Black Hood character was first introduced in 1940 and starred in his own series beginning in 1943. A paranoid Archie assumes the visibly upset woman is the one who murdered his dead. Not only is Hal Cooper always present at public Black Hood attacks, but in the latest episode, Betty also finds out that his schedule really shadily suggests that he was unaccounted for during the private Black Hood attacks. This comic book is Black Hood #1. According to the new Sheriff, the second Black Hood was Southside Serpent Tall Boy, who was working under the orders of Hiram Lodge, but Tall Boy was killed before he could be questioned. In an awesome nod to Riverdale's famously hot parents, FP, Fred, and Sheriff Keller arrive at Pop's to stop the Ghoulies' riot. When he emerges from the bathroom, Black Hood doesnt have Fred at gunpoint, he has Pop Tate. 4. Im seriously starting to think they meant for the black hood to just be completely illogical. From shooting Fred Andrews (Luke Perry) in Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe and murdering Geraldine Grundy (Sarah Habel) in Greendale, to killing Midge Klump (Emilija Baranac) during the school's musical. After escaping the fiery crash, he took back up the mantle of the Black Hood and resumed killing, starting at the Prom, where he murdered three students. Fifth, while Archie was paralyzed, the man took Freds wallet. This scares him off and he runs into the forest. Sadly, Fangs doesn't make it out of surgery, and now, the Serpents want revenge on the Ghoulies. Pop calls Archie to tell him Reggie is hiding there, but before anyone can rescue him, the Ghoulies turn up at Pop's to start another riot. I look for little things in the scripts and I go, 'Okay, what does this actually mean? The Black Hood was finally caught and revealed to be Bettys dad, Hal Cooper. Of all the possible Black Hoods -- such as Sheriff Keller and Hiram Lodge -- Hal Cooper is the only one with green eyes that match Archie's description. I think the writers want us to believe that it was Hal. Betty goes home to try to find him and sees traces of blood in the sink. Physicality aside, the heavy involvement of Betty is also a clue that her dad might be behind things. Just as Betty suspected, her dad opens up about some of his darkest deeds. Be the first to know what's trending, straight from Elite Daily, The Weeknd Dropped A New Teaser For 'The Idol' In The Shadiest Way, The 'White Lotus' Character You Should Date, Based On Your Zodiac Sign, It's Never Been Trendier To Hate Billionaires, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. The man is shady, he wants revenge who better to team up with than your equally psychopathic cousin? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". (If he was following his own rules, he should have shot Hermione too, but whatever). Riverdale is a television series for The CW/Netflix, based on characters from Archie Comics. That could be part of the story as well.". It's a preeeeeetty big deal and yet Betty and co. haven't so much as reported it to anyone. He started the season by killing Mrs. At first, the official storyat least, according to the Chicago Police Department . The Serpents aren't exactly on good terms with the Blossom family either Cheryl's dad did frame FP for murder. She tells her daughter, "All I'm pointing out is, your father can't do anything right. From glaring plot holes and dropped storylines, here's every single question that Riverdale season two has left unanswered: Remember in the very first episode when Cheryl sashayed her way into the hospital to warn her burnt and crispy mother Penelope to stop the abuse or she'll spill all of her secrets including what really happened in the barn with daddy? The last one he ever screened was Smokey and. He could be an accomplice, but it's doubtful now, seeing as he basically saved the town from burning to the ground earlier in the episode. Like most true endings, it usually makes the entire movie make more sense. Throughout the entire show, the Black Hood's eyes were the centre focus of the investigation and yet the final reveal proved that it was all just a false lead. Riverdale returns on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at 8/7c on The CW. So was Hal lying? FFS, Riverdale. He started the season by killing Mrs. Grundy. If you play back the final minutes of the finale, you can see Archie smiling in the bathroom. That was Papa Poutine's son, Small Fry. Was he just feeling the spirit of Charles and seeking revenge in his ol' pal's name or was he actually up to something else? All of the Black Hood's victims are or at one point were residents on . His daughter Patricia revealed that every Wednesday her father would screen films on the lot in his office. Something to do with Gladys, FP's estranged Serpent biker wife? Especially since this was after Fred and the hot dads saved the day, they added. The finale revealed that the last two shootings at the debate and at Freds house were found to be committed by Tall Boy which resulted in him being killed; to me this was done as a copycat to pin on the BH. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. Last time we checked, adultery was pretty high on the list of "sinning" for Hal Cooper it was literally his reasoning for shooting Fred, for Christ's sake. This could also explain why Hal was cozying up with Penelope Blossom this season after he spent all of Season 1 vehemently hating all things Blossom maybe Hal's twin is impersonating him and working with Penelope? Third, they found out that he didn't take any money from Pop's register. It was a quick moment, but you could hear the confusion and anger in Hal's voice when he reacted: "Cheryl!?". Press J to jump to the feed. Fred is shot again, but he's wearing a bulletproof vest that Sheriff Keller made him put on before they went to the riot. The black hood ending just fully didnt make sense to me, especially how Betty just seemed to know it was Hal. It is a definite possibility. There was something suspicious about Mr. Castillo the very first time he came on screen. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. FP is the former leader of the Southside Serpents and the father of Jughead and Jellybean Jones. Press J to jump to the feed. It's been almost five whole months since Riverdale closed out its second season with Archie being dragged to jail after being framed and accused of murdering Cassidy Bullock and we're still not over it. Tall Boy was conveniently absent from all that action with Penny and the Ghoulies. Their theory proved to be true, this the second season of Riverdale became, The Hunt for the Black Hood. Search the world's largest fan wiki platform. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. She's convinced Cheryl wounded Hal. Cheryl runs up the stairs and locks herself in her bedroom, but the Black Hood makes chase and bashes down the door. Second, they knew he was a tall man with green eyes. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Jughead hands himself over to Penny Peabody and the Ghoulies in order to ensure Riverdale's safety and call off the riots. After confronting Chic in the basement, Alice soon learns that her real son, Charles, is dead. The show could be ramping up to reveal that Hal Cooper has a twin, and that twin is the real mastermind behind the Black Hood. Neither of those pieces of information would be well-circulated beyond the Cooper household. She co-edited The Emma Press Anthology of Illness, and previously spent all of her money on Kylie Cosmetics. We find out in Chapter 13 that Herione Lodge and Hiram Lodge, Veronica's parents, are trying to buy Fred Andrews out of the business but he refuses giving Mr Lodge a motive to shoot Fred. After the Black Hood was finally unmasked as Hal Cooper (Lochlyn Munro), he confessed Midge was one of his victims. Hal claimed that he was inspired by Betty's speech about getting the town of Riverdale back on track. As if that would repay the guy that he accidently killed Fred Andrews had an affair with a married woman and h. At the end of last week's episode, Cheryl Blossom opened the door to a hooded figure and screamed in fear. The Black Hood was an anonymous character and one of the main antagonists of the second season of The CW's Riverdale. After his father's cloth business failed, the family moved briefly to Rayleigh, Essex in 1921 before returning again to the Bingley area, and Hoyle moved from school to school, regularly playing truant and missing long periods . Or will there be yet another twist in store for the season finale? March 5th, 2017 was Fred Bear's 116th birthday. It's clear Hiram has a lot of enemies who are finally coming out of the woodwork. Before Fred could do anything, the gun went off and Fred was shot. Yes, Hal's dad was the one who killed the entire Conway family because they were blackmailing the Coopers (formerly Blossom) and they knew about their scandalous family secret. To try to save Betty, Alice calls Hal a mama's boy and tells him FP is more of a man than he is. Jones was the father of Alices son. Really, it still seems like there are way more clues reaffirming the Hal Cooper theory than anything substantially disproving it. After terrorizing the town of Riverdale, Hal revealed to Betty and Alice that he was the Black Hood. Is Jughead married in Season 5 of Riverdale? Attacking the idea as half-baked, Hoyle countered that the universe was engaged in a never-ending process of creation. Back in episode 7 of this season, Penny Peabody tells Jughead that FP once made her a promise that he didn't keep. Does Bettys dad in Riverdale have green eyes? Towards the end of the episode, the Black Hood appears during Fred Andrews and Hermione Lodge's mayoral debate to shoot up town hall, and for the first time, we see Hal Cooper in the same place as the Black Hood. She explains that countless cars passed her on the side. After hearing that Fred had been shot at Pop's shoppe by an unknown black hooded assailant, Hal, Alice, and Betty rushed over to Riverdale General Hospital, where Fred was undergoing surgery. With the town in chaos, all the viewers favourites were in serious danger as the Cooper household went into lockdown and a riot between the Ghoulies, the Bulldogs and the Serpents took place. The new episode ended with the Black Hood on Cheryl Blossom's doorstep, presumably at her house to kill her. But like, if next year's musical turns out to be Chicago or Cabaret, Elizabeth is gonna be needing that back ASAP. EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. Hal recalls Betty speech at the 75th . WHAT IS THE TRUTH? Later, we learn that the Black Hood was in the audience during Riverdale High's musical the night Midge is killed, and yep Hal had just made up with Alice in order to secure a ticket to the show. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? Hermione manages to load a gun hidden in Hiram's office, and shoots Small Fry before he can attack her or Veronica. Wasn't it Tall Boy? Thank god Alice called him out on it because otherwise, it might have gone unchecked. Hal reveals he's responsible for every murder that's taken place in Riverdale, though he wasn't the mysterious gunman at the recent mayoral debate. Hal's justification was that Fred was an "adulterer." TV Shows. FP was literally one of Riverdale's premiere sinners and yet the Black Hood didn't wanna post up. The Black Hood, as he became known, owned up to the shooting and murder and declared that he was waging a war on sinners. Show-runner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa has already hinted that Ben is more important than we think, telling ET's Sweetwater Secrets that "there is a resonance as to why he keeps popping up, but stay tuned. The Black Hood made a horrific return to Riverdale, and we finally know his real identity. As Comicbook.com also points out,the masked killer on Riverdale will be given a name soon. The fourth series of Riverdale left fans reeling in shock as Betty Cooper (played by Lili Reinhart) cheated on her beloved boyfriend Jughead Jones (Cole Sprouse). SPOILER ALERT: This post contains spoilers from theRiverdaleSeason 2. The real-life Hampton was shot by police while asleep in his bed in the early morning hours of December 4, 1969. The Black Hood regularly terrorized Betty, by calling her and telling her that she was like him. Midges killer, the Black Hood, was unveiled to be Hal Cooper; he was incarcerated. But it is notable that the Black Hood has not attacked anyone who appears to be close to Hal. How do you choose the most volatile stocks? But who was it? What the FUCK did Midge do to deserve that?! ), Hiram's game plan, the Black Hood), it also left us with three times as many unresolved plot points. Again - if we haven't seen an actual dead body, we're not believing a damn thing. Because in Hal's eyes, he was a sinner for having an affair with Hermione, Tbhits because the writing sucked in S2. Before we explain why Hal Cooper is the killer who has terrorized the citizens of Riverdale, here's a quick refresher on the whole mystery. who shot Fred? Kevin utters the magic phrase"Hot Riverdale dads to the rescue! Movies. Set in the present, the series offers a bold, subversive take on Archie, Jughead, Betty, Veronica and their friends, exploring the surreality of small-town life the darkness and weirdness bubbling beneath Riverdales wholesome faade. Riverdale season 2: Jughead Jones fate REVEALED? Given that a scene involving Alice at an unmarked grave was cut out of the season, it definitely means that Charles could possibly pop up at some point in the future. When the Black Hood first rolled up to Pop's on the morning Fred was shot, he had a gun to Pop's head and wasn't really interested in Fred until he confronted him. Does Betty Cooper have the serial killer gene? Of course, there is a . The Black Hood was FINALLY unmasked on Riverdale last night (May 9) but, as always with this damn town, there was another twist in our tale. Riverdale: Fred Andrews was shot in the penultimate episode but was it Hiram? Harold "Hal" Cooper was a recurring character and the hidden, secondary antagonist of the second season of The CW 's Riverdale. Was she referring to his illegal drug running business? Remember in the Season 3 finale when the show sandwiched in an introduction to Bettys real brother Charles Smith between sending the kids on a twisted murder mystery quest and revealing who the real Gargoyle King was? He looks dead, but is he? Throughout the episode,the Riverdale gang began to investigate Freds shooter. Hal revealed that his father was responsible for the infamous Conway murders of which the caretaker, Mr. Svenson, was the only survivor. Journalist, Comic-Con reporter, Podcaster. They entered the lobby to find Archie pacing back and forth, covered in his father's blood. As we head towards the Season 2 finale on May 16 which will likely include the Black Hood's unmasking let's go over all the clues that point to Hal Cooper being the man under that mask: The very first clue that made Hal Cooper one of the main Black Hood suspects was purely the fact that he is one of the few characters on the show who resembles the killer. As for the supposed letter from the Black Hood, which Alice Cooper printed in the local . So, no. Her bylines include Harper's BAZAAR, Nicki Swift, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, ELLE, The Independent, Bustle, Healthline, and HelloGiggles. The Black Hood regularly terrorized Betty, by calling her and telling her that she was like him. First, they knew he was wearing a black mask not a hockey mask a make-shift hood mask. There will be more sightings." Hal admits to shooting Fred and killing Midge, Miss Grundy, the Sugar Man, and Dr Masters from the hospital but he doesn't lay a claim on the shooting at the debate, hinting that there's an accomplice. The mysterious Ben has popped up in the show three times now and yet, no one quite knows who he is or what he wants. While no one deserves to die, its possible the Hood killed her because she was a sexual predator. They rescue Toni and escape from Penny and the Ghoulies. Hal is the father of Betty and Polly Cooper, as well as the ex-husband of Alice Smith, with whom he used to edit and co-own the Riverdale Register. That strange man asking Pop where the Lodges live? 16) The Black Hood breaks into the Andrews house. As we all know, Minetta is working with Hiram - as was Tall Boy once upon a time. I need someone to sit me down and explain to me, WITHOUT LYING, what exactly went down with the Blossoms and the Coopers back in the day. I first met "Papa Bear" in 1972 at the . Spoiler alert: This post will include details from Riverdale Season 2 Episode 20, "Shadow of a Doubt." Betty shared a stolen kiss with best friend Archie Andrews (KJ Apa) during the musical episode of the series. But here's the thing: Hal may have confessed on the record (shout out to Journalist Alice Cooper's dictaphone) but everyone soon realised that he wasn't the only killer in town. Did Hal shoot Fred in a way so as not to murder him, while a different person altogether killed Ms. Grundy? Hal shot Fred over his adulterous affair with Hermione Lodge in Season 1. Surely the Blossoms would jump at the chance to clear their name and their side of the family history, and set the record straight? It does not store any personal data. Which colour is the best colour in iPhone? Fred Andrews was laying on the floor of Pops, bleeding out, in his sons arms. Betty returned with her daughter, Juliet Jones, because she is Cheryls cousin and also because shes also the babys godmother. Betty gets her hands on her dad's schedule book, and it lists unspecified meetings and trips on the days when the Black Hood attacked Fred Andrews, Ms. Grundy, Moose and Midge, and the Sugarman. Riverdale season 2 star teases 'survival' as fans panic over Jughead. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Has the brooding writer really been killed? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. (He had a bulletproof vest on, he's fine, don't worry.) Before we explain why Hal Cooper is the killer who has terrorized the citizens of Riverdale, here's a quick refresher on the whole mystery. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. How do you identify neurotypical disorders? But the shooting at the Mayoral debate was not Hal's doing. Now, we know that Chic is NOT dead, so where did he go and why did Hal let him go? I still suspect that something hasnt been fully revealed about that and that maybe Hiram still has a hand in it. Bit weird that he's suddenly on call to go and collect his ol' pal Hal. Fangs is in surgery after sustaining a bullet wound, and the Serpents are out for blood. "and takes a photo to commemorate the moment Riverdale's dads got their chance to shine. And that still needs to be explained. Speaking of, the copycat was busy attacking Archie and Fred. Following that terrifying cliffhanger, here's everything that happened in "Judgment Night"including the unmasking of the true Black Hood (or at least, one of them). With all these conflicting stories, could it be that Alice and FP's love child just ran away and is actually still alive somewhere near by? But luckily, Jughead brought Cheryl with him, and she has her bow and arrow. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. After Betty was unable to shoot him, Penelope Blossom shot him in the head. While Mr. Svenson was previously framed for the Black. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Might we finally see the contents of the letter in season 3? Creator of The Marvel Report. Apparently, Hal's dad had an obsession with ridding the town of sinnerssound familiar? Pop advises Archie to go up to the roof and make fire bombs out of the alcohol store. Riverdale season 2 spoilers: Could Jughead be FAKING his death? His justification was Fred had an affair but I wonder if he just really hated Fred for something yet to be known (maybe he tried to get Alice to divorce or bot marry Hal years ago-perhaps why Alice/Fred were particularly not friends) and took the opportunity. I dont see why he confessed to these killings if he didnt do them. The Black Hood phones her and says he has her mother as a hostage, threatening to slit Alice's throat if Betty doesn't come home in ten minutesor if she alerts the police. The season premiere, titled Chapter 14: A Kiss Before Dying, picked up minutes after the chilling Season 1 finale. He is portrayed by Lochlyn Munro . There better be a twist coming, showing that Hal had to take the fall to save his family or something, because otherwise the Black Hood arc is complete nonsense. I dont know why they would twist Hals confession and I certainly dont want the BH storyline dragged any further except to deal with the aftermath of his Hals confession and incarceration. So, what does this wayward vigilante have to do with Riverdale? Is there Delhi quota in Lady Hardinge Medical College? He started the season by killing Mrs. Does Pop know about something nefarious? - It could be Hiram Lodge. I think the person who shot Fred has no connection to Black Hood and was actually hired by Hiram. If our masked assailant really is the Black Hood an ex-cop turned vigilante then why would he shoot Fred Andrews? Chic reveals Charles, his one time roommate, overdosed on Jingle Jangle after showing up at the Cooper home and being dismissed by Alice at the door. TV editor at FANDOM. The Black Hood was finally caught and revealed to be Bettys dad, Hal Cooper. I can barely keep up with any of it. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Posting on fansite Reddit, user ScarletR4R explained. After being arrested, Hal faked his death and escaped a prison bus in route for Hiram Lodges prison. Then again, he didn't seem that hesitant when he actually let Alice into the trailer with her snake print, dark lips and boobs, did he? Who knew they forgave so easily?! Riverdale's midseason finale may have appeared to reveal the identity of the Black Hood, but it hardly felt like the end of the mystery. Hes yelling at Pop about something. Hal did seem suspiciously tolerant of him when he came crawling back to Alice during the musical episode after all. Does Pop know about Riverdales drug problem? The Black Hood announces his presence in a note sent to Hal and Alice, which they publish in the paper. She hits him over the head, and Alice inflicts another blow to make certain he's down. His victim list grew to include Moose and Midge (both survived, with Moose shielding Midge) and Southside High teacher Robert Philips, who turned out to be the drug dealer The Sugarman. So in some sick way he decided that he would kill all the sinners. Who shot Archie's . Hal is responsible for shooting Fred Andrews as well as killing Miss Grundy, the Sugarman, Midge, and Dr. Masters. To be fair, this is not actually a plot hole, it's just an unanswered question (one of several) that'll probably be answered and explained in season three - and I also just wanted an excuse to talk about Falice for a sec. Sees traces of blood in the category `` Analytics '' `` adulterer. Jughead! Coming out of the Black Hood was finally unmasked as Hal Cooper ; s speech about getting the town sinnerssound. Starting to think they meant for the infamous Conway murders of which caretaker... 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