By using this website, you accept the terms of our Visitor Agreement and Privacy Policy, and understand your options regarding Ad Choices. CLICK HERE to find out how. Read that Supreme Court order and realize that this kid was done wrong., 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. I didn't think anything of it. The lawsuit also alleges that troopers failed to completely and properly investigate Houks ex-boyfriend who had threatened her and her family previously, had recently moved to the same area as her and had found out he was not the father of her youngest daughter. - The mother of 16-year-old George Almaraz Jr., who was killed, allegedly after suffering abuse from his stepmother, spoke about her son's brutal death. 6 New Details About The Woman Who May Have Falsely Accused Emmett Till. Jordan's mother, Mildred Krause, was just four months pregnant with him when she first entered a courtroom to battle his father, Christopher Brown. I can remember just looking at Jordan and feeling like we had failed him. Jordan Brown, who was convicted, then exonerated, of murdering his father's fiance when he was a preadolescent, has filed suit against those who his attorney said robbed him of his childhood, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette . Directed by Kyle Saylors, the true crime story is based on 20 years of research by Simpson's former business associate and friend, Norman Pardo. Emma Tustin, 32, murdered the boy by . Attorney Dennis Elisco told WPXIthat he believes the supreme court made the right call in exonerating Brown, whose record he believes will eventually be expunged. Aired on 05/06/1991 | CC tv-pg. I think I have a good idea of the capacity's of each given their age range. After some research I do believe he killed her. Police called Chris Brown at his job in the shipping department at a local tableware company and asked him to come home immediately. VOLANT Jonathan Krause insists that his nephew is not a killer. Browns hands were swabbed for gunpowder residue and came back clean. They attempted CPR, but it was too late. (CBS/AP) PITTSBURGH - A judge on Friday found 14-year-old Jordan Brown guilty of killing his father's pregnant fiance . And it was a boy. I would also like to hear more about the alternate suspect the lawyer speaks of. Houk, who was eight months pregnant at the time. Jordan Browns father speaks out after sons murder conviction overturned Jordan Browns father speaks out after sons murder conviction overturned. Jordan Brown is ruled . I miss her every day, he said. WAMPUM, Pa. -- Jordan Brown was 11 years old when he was arrested and initially charged as an adult for the murder of his pregnant, soon-to-be stepmother. Last year, Jordan Brown, now 12, was charged with murdering Kenzie Houk, his father's eight-and-a-half month pregnant fiancee while she was asleep. The arrest of an 11-year-old for murder quickly gained wide media attention, and suddenly Wampum, Pennsylvania, a town with a population of roughly 600 people, had millions of eyes on it. A young Jordan Brown is seen here in this undated family photo. Jordan Brown (right), seen here with his father Chris Brown (left), was released when he turned 18 in 2015. Trooper McGraw believed Jordan threw the shell to the ground as he was walking to the bus the morning of the murders. My biggest hopes for him probably is that he gets a fair shake moving forward, that, you know, people look at this and, for what it is, what it truly is, Chris Brown said. Another issue Jordans attorneys raised was that there was no blood or tissue found on the gun or Jordan Browns clothing that day. This is my first comment on Reddit. Evidence Popularised By A New Documentary And TikTok Theory Suggests An O.J. The boy, who was initially charged as an adult, spent . ". The police didn't collect all of the potential evidence and didn't so enough investigating into other suspects. And just feeling so sorry for him at that moment, Colafella said. Houk, who was eight months pregnant at the time of her death, was found dead by her four-year-old daughter in the familys farmhouse in Pennsylvania. She was interviewed four times in 14 hours after her mothers death, according to the lawsuit. Jordan Brown said he has mixed feelings about what happened to him. As for Chris, he still mourns the loss of Houk and their unborn son. According to the 20/20 episode, there was no blood or tissue on the gun, and the police didn't even dust for fingerprints on the door to the house. When we interview someone, you expect them to give their account, wait a little while, we interview them again, and they should give the same account. Like he couldnt have parked nearby overnight watching the house then pull up when he went to kill her WITHOUT dusting off his car prior? I feel if we win the lawsuit itll shed a light of (my) innocence on people that they cant really ignore, Brown said, noting that even after he was exonerated, people still expressed mixed feelings about his innocence, which hes maintained since he was 11. On Wednesday, the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court overturned the conviction of Jordan Brown, who was convicted of murdering his fathers pregnant fiance in 2009 when he was just 11 years old. Officers responded to a report of a person shot in the 3600 block of Vine Street at 9:16. Authorities said Harvey cooperated during the investigation and agreed to take a polygraph. Accidents happen, buddy. Replies analysing and speculating over the mystery and possible explanations are encouraged. But because few people seem to agree with him, he said, Krause decided to speak out Wednesday on behalf of Jordan Anthony Brown, 11, who is charged with two counts of murder in the shooting death of his father's pregnant fiancee last week in New Galilee. It's almost inconceivable that you could suggest that a shotgun was fired at close range wouldn't deposit any tissue, any blood on the barrel of the gun or on his clothing, which he wore to school, Elisco said. He lost his entire youth being wrongfully convicted of a crime he didnt commit, Wright said. I am a step dad to twin 12 year old girls, a 7 year old and a 4 year old for the past 3 years. "Sure enough, his dad was the first person to reach out to me . Deborah Houk, Kenzie Houks mother, said she remains convinced Brown did it. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. "She was yelling, 'You killed my father! The rounds struck a victim's vehicle and an unoccupied apartment building. He kept talking about a piece of fuzz, and I got it out of my pocket and I threw it. In my opinion, he was focused on the shotgun shell casing that he threw after he left the residence, McGraw said. Jordan was interviewed by Pennsylvania State Police twice that day and arrested before sunrise the next morning. This case was investigated by some of the finest police officers in this country, plain and simple. Jordan Brown was charged Saturday as an adult in the shooting death of 26-year-old Kenzie Marie Houk, who was 8 months pregnant, Lawrence County District Attorney John Bongivengo said at a news . And I don't know if that happened in this case, Martin said. Brown could be held in a juvenile rehabilitative treatment facility only until he turned 21 in August 2018. He had 120 seconds to kill her and clean up. And with the focus on his sons legal plight, Chris Brown said his grief for the loss of his fiance and their unborn baby had to take a backseat. [4] A petition signed by nearly 4,000 people protested what it termed as denial of Brown's fifth and sixth amendment rights. Why would the police ignore it? Enough evidence without a reasonable doubt? A week has passed since Roy Oliver, a Balch Springs police officer, shot his rifle through the window of a car and killed 15-year-old Jordan. A judge finding a juvenile delinquent is effectively a guilty verdict. I also thought it was hilarious how uncomfortable the big bald cop in the middle was. No question.. The justices attacked the evidence as insufficient and said that the juvenile trial evidence pointing to a shotgun in Brown's bedroom as the murder weapon supported an equally-reasonable conclusion that it was not the murder weapon. In statements to the police, Jordan Brown claimed to have seen a black pickup truck parked by his home, resembling the one owned by the ex-boyfriend, on the morning of the murder. My wife is so much in shock I think Im gonna have to take her to the hospital. Simpson became the immediate suspect, and seemingly fled from . CINCINNATI (FOX19) - A 28-year-old man was gunned down in Avondale late Wednesday, Cincinnati police said. The bed was all ready diapers were where they were supposed to be and everything, yeah she was ready.. Went to school.. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. Judge Hodge put Brown on probation in the custody of an uncle who lived in Ohio, just across the border from Lawrence County. That was a shame., He also did not rule out the possibility of filing a civil suit on behalf of Brown, saying, If I find prosecutorial misconduct, we might find our way to the civil courts., RELATED:Who Is Carolyn Bryant Donham? Cinnamon confessed to fatally shooting her step-mother and was sentenced to 27 years to life in prison. Emily's Death: Died September 18, 1979. Kids can be evil. And I just remember looking at him thinking, How can this kid have any more hope?. [I'd say,] Jordan, listen, if something happens. Jordan said he and Houk had a strong relationship, and he even called her Mom., She was really nice. However, shortly after his birth, Chris attained full custody as his mother fell seriously ill. What happened to me is so horrible, even though when I was young I would say I didnt understand what was happening I look back and see all the blatant injustices, and that angers me, he said. The investigators were excited to have a sensational murder case, and once their minds were made up they did not collect additional physical evidence because they were sure they had their killer. WAMPUM, Pa. A lawsuit has been filed against four former troopers and a former Pennsylvania State Police commissioner for wrongfully convicting Jordan Brown, who was exonerated in the 2009. According to the lawsuit, former troopers Janice Wilson, Jeffrey Martin, Robert McGraw and Troy Steinhauser, as well as former commissioner Frank Pawlowski, fabricated evidence against Brown. He was almost 21 when Pennsylvania's highest court said prosecutors had not presented enough evidence to support a conviction. O.J. The 4 year old who is speaking now; she sure does remember some details from a tragic event. It was a whole different world. In my 25 years, I believe it was the only one in that area that I can remember.. Jordan Brown, who is attending college and studying computer science, is determined to leave his past behind. Jordan Dewey Brown, 35, was charged Monday in 4th District Court with four counts of rape of a child, a first-degree felony; two counts of drug possession, a third-degree felony; and possession of drug paraphernalia, a class B misdemeanor. I just want to graduate college, you know, get a job in my major and, I dont know, just be successful, Jordan Brown said. You have to be sure enough to charge him, Bongivengo told 20/20., At a time when headlines called Jordan America's littlest monster, he was at an age where he still believed in Santa Claus. Like he couldnt have parked nearby overnight watching the house then pull up when he went to kill her WITHOUT dusting off his car prior? Charles . Naturally, I hugged her . PITTSBURGH (AP) A boy who was 11 when he was accused of killing his father's pregnant fiance and her unborn son was found guilty Friday of their 2009 shotgun slayings. Though life had taken them in different directions for a while, they reconnected and were getting ready to officially tie the knot, and give birth to a baby boy they had already named Christopher. Martin said the autopsy report determined that Houk had been killed with a shotgun and she had a single gunshot wound to the back of the head. I think has just ruined us [from] ever having closure and the person who did this, and for the person who actually did this to pay for it.". Just 11 years old when he was charged with fatally shooting his pregnant, would-be stepmother, Jordan Brown is finally a free man more than nine years later. Around 8:15 a.m., Jordan said he and Jenessa left the house to catch the school bus. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Chris Brown said he drove every day, 230 miles round trip, to see his son in detention. WAMPUM, Pa. -- Jordan Brown was 11 years old when he was arrested and initially charged as an adult for the murder of his pregnant, soon-to-be stepmother. Adrian Jones's short, tortured life was spent isolated from outsiders, confined in filthy, mice-infested houses where he was "home-schooled" by the parents who ultimately killed him, according. They attempted CPR, but it was too late. A state police spokesman, Ryan Tarkowski, declined to comment on pending litigation. On weekends Jordan hunted alongside his father, Chris Brown, who purchased the youth-sized 20-gauge shotgun that state police believed was the murder weapon. Jordan Brown was just 11 years old when he was taken into custody in 2009 by Pennsylvania police for allegedly fatally shooting 26-year-old Kenzie Houk, who was expecting Jordan's younger. Judge Hodge ruled that Jordan would not be released pending that hearing. I dont believe there was gun residue on his hands. [1] Justice Debra Todd wrote the Court's opinion and noted, "The Commonwealths evidence was, therefore, insufficient as a matter of law to overcome Appellants presumption of innocence, and the juvenile courts adjudication of his delinquency for these serious crimes must be reversed. [17], Another possible suspect is Adam Harvey, an ex-boyfriend of Houk. The youth's father did not publicly discuss the case, until after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court exonerated his son nine years later in July 2018. The Jordan Brown case involves Jordan Brown (born August 12, 1997), who was initially charged at 11 as an adult in the fatal shooting of his father's fiance, Kenzie Marie Houk, 26, in New Beaver, Pennsylvania, which occurred on the morning of February 20, 2009. Tacoma Police say. It just seems like at some point during the investigation he would've broken if he'd been guilty. After his February 21, 2009 arrest, Jordan was placed in the Lawrence County Jail, a facility for adults. Submissions should outline a mystery and provide a link to a more detailed review of the case such as a Wiki article or news report. Brown said his fiance Kenzie Houk, who was eight-and-a-half months pregnant at the time, had asked him to stay home with her that day, but he decided to go to work. (This account of the case is pulled from reports by ABC News, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and Post-Gazette and available court documents.). You can customize your WPXI News App to receive breaking news alerts. He was granted transfer of his case into the juvenile court system. Jordan. The mother of Kenzie Houk, who was 26 when she was murdered in 2009, and other relatives confirmed Monday's decision by a Lawrence County judge to release Jordan Brown following a juvenile. Cinnamon Brown, who at age 14 carried out her father's command to kill her stepmother, was denied early release Tuesday by the state youth parole board despite her cooperation with authorities in . As for his stepsisters testimony, she was 7, could very well have felt scared they were going to arrest her so she threw Jordan under the bus, not fully understanding what was going on. ". It used to bother me all the time. Thats blood-boiling, seeing-red motive. Brown, who initially was charged as an . Only family members were allowed to attend the trial due to. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Pregnant Mother's Murder Leads Police to Arrest Her Step-Son Chris Brown and Kenzie Houk had been friends since they were teenagers. If in fact the blanket was shot through then there would have been fibers in the victims hair or embedded in her skull. I believe that testimony, further more with: "She told officers she asked Jordan Brown about the source of the sound, but he would not answer. Kenzie Houk is seen here with one of her daughters in this undated family photo. I was just like, Hey mom, wake up. and when I turned her own, I realizedId come to the conclusion of what had happened. The Jordan Brown case involves Jordan Brown (born August 12, 1997), who was initially charged at 11 as an adult in the fatal shooting of his father's fiance, Kenzie Marie Houk, 26, in New Beaver, Pennsylvania, which occurred on the morning of February 20, 2009.Jordan was interviewed by Pennsylvania State Police twice that day and arrested before sunrise the next morning. In 2016, Brown was released from juvenile detention, but he and his defense team continued to argue his innocence. Police found several rounds of ammunition inside the family's farmhouse. [19], Last edited on 18 February 2023, at 18:45, "Court overturns then-11-year-old boy's conviction in Lawrence County killing", "Judge declares Jordan Brown guilty of murder", "Authorities: Jordan Brown Killed Father's Pregnant Girlfriend; 11-Year-Old Charged As Adult", "13-year-old US boy's murder trial could violate international law", "Boy accused in pregnant woman's death to be tried as a juvenile", "Lawyer Of Boy Accused Of Murder Fights To Have Him Tried In Juvenile System", "Court will hear Jordan Brown arguments at next session", "13-year-old murder suspect faces US court appeal", "Jordan Brown seeks release while awaiting court decision", "Media denied access to boy's juvenile case in '09 killing", "Judge: Pa. boy killed dad's pregnant fiance at 11", "Court rejects Pa. teen's appeal in '09 slaying; suspect now living in Ohio", "Jordan Brown exonerated of all charges in 2009 homicide", "PDF of 47 page decision, provided by WKBN News", "Supreme Court opinion cites insufficient evidence", "What happened after an 11-year-old boy was accused of murdering his pregnant soon-to-be stepmom", "What life is like today for man arrested at age 11 for pregnant future stepmom's death",, Delinquent of first-degree murder and criminal homicide (acquitted), Held in juvenile rehabilitation until the age of 21, This page was last edited on 18 February 2023, at 18:45. It was one of a half dozen incorrect characterizations in the summary that were not in the transcript, Wright said. I came across a blog which claims that Kenzie's abusive ex had threatened to kill her or have her killed. Not long after 11:00 A.M. Lizzie found her father's body and called Bridget for help. Jordan Brown was 11 years old when he was arrested in the 2009 killing of 26-year-old Kenzie Houk and her unborn child in New Beaver. See additional information. And on 20/20 Adalynn said she woke up from a loud noise..she answers her moms phone goes to wake her up..she doesnt wake up..she goes outside & the tree trimmers help.. which would have been around 9am.. the other girl per the police reports said it was an ordinary morning. They also pointed out the lack of an eyewitness or credible forensic evidence as reasons for the decision. The father-son duo was as close as possible and often spent their weekends hunting in the nearby woods. After Brown had spent more than three years in a juvenile detention facility in Erie, Pennsylvania, while Pennsylvania courts deliberated his status, Brown was tried as a juvenile and found guilty of being delinquent by a judge on April 13, 2012. It was a frigid day in Wampum, a small town in Western Pennsylvania. Sometime shortly after, one of the tree trimmers spotted little Adalynn in the doorway, sobbing and saying her mother was dead. In fact, police said, in his second interview, Jordan changed his description of the black truck and added that there was a person inside with a hat on, ducking down. The Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office then took over prosecution of the case. You took an 11-year-olds childhood away from him. I still love her. >>PREVIOUS STORY: Man convicted at 11 of pregnant stepmoms 2009 murder exonerated of crime. Time flew when you were reading.. He shot his father's fiancee in the back of her head, killing her and her unborn child. Police determined that Houk had been shot in the back of the head. Davis's death helped inspire the Black Lives Matter Movement and contributed to the national debate Read MoreJordan Russell Davis (1995-2012) Love is the desire to see unneces I am very curious to see if the 7 year old step sister will ever speak out on what she saw/heard that morning now as an adult. Were ecstatic, we believe professionally and personally in Jordans innocence, Elisco told the station. [11] After those newspapers decided not to pursue their appeal further, Judge Hodge was directed by another panel of the Superior Court to move swiftly to hold an adjudication hearing. "[15][16] The last words of the opinion then ordered that "Appellant is discharged." Jordan, who had a bedroom upstairs, had already moved his clothes into that downstairs bedroom. And again a third appeal was taken to the Pennsylvania Superior Court. Eleven year-old shot and killed his father's pregnant fiancee, setting off a debate about trying him as an adult or a juvenile. "It was Adam Harvey, after all, who had been engaged in a bitter paternity and child-support battle with Kenzie and who, after paying for the support of Kenzies youngest daughter Adalynn for years, discovered through DNA testing that Adalynn is not his daughter afteralland that Kenzie had not been honest with him in more ways than one. [I] havent had a chance to grieve properly, Chris Brown said. I have been on the fence after seeing the 20/20 (originally thought he was innocent). Christopher Brown and his once-partner, Mildred Krause, gladly welcomed Jordan Brown into their lives on August 12, 1997. Judge Hodge adjudicated the now-15-year-old Jordan Brown to be delinquent (the juvenile court equivalent of a guilty verdict). The next day, state police arrested Brown, who was a fifth-grader at the time. I gave him every opportunity. I liked her a lot, Jordan Brown told 20/20. I was happy [about the baby] I always wanted a little brother. The discovery of that shell was not significant.. State Police Corporal Troy Steinheiser, now retired, interviewed Chris Brown at the state police barracks. During his incarceration, Jordan taught himself to play guitar and said he became a pretty good basketball player. Jordan Brown was 11 years old when he was arrested in the 2009 New Beaver, Pennsylvania, killing of 26-year-old Kenzie Houk and her unborn child. WAMPUM, Pa. -- Jordan Brown was 11 years old when he was arrested and initially charged as an adult for the murder of his pregnant, soon-to-be stepmother. Jordan Brown, who is attending college and studying computer science, is determined to leave his past behind and prepare for brighter days ahead. Its my belief, especially after watching 20/20 that the police had tunnel vision. 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