Areyoutakinganymedicationforyourallergies? . with equal hair distribution on lashes and eyebrows, Not currently in an intimate relationship, ended a three-year serious monogamous relationship two years ago. problemscanelicitaresponseaboutrecenttroubles. tetracycline, I think, back in high school. Pro Tip: Palpating the lymph nodes helps to identify characteristics relaying information about inflammation, infection, and malignancy. Tina Jones Cardiovascular Assessment Flashcards | Quizlet Tina Jones Cardiovascular Assessment Term 1 / 18 How are you feeling? Sometimes drink, once or twice in a week, sometimes less. disc margins, no hemorrhages. ProTip:Broad,openquestionswillallowTinatodescribe,inherownwords,thespecific All you need to do isplace an orderwith us. Can Someone Take My Online Class? Reports improved acne due to oral contraceptives. No obvious injuries lacerations rashes dandruff or Asking Tina if she takes herbal products will indicate her current treatment plan. Beach is clear and coherent and She monitors her blood sugar once daily in the morning with average readings being around 90. SAN JUAN Tina Jones Comprehensiv Assessment Tina Jones You've been invited to join this class. ProTip:Themedicationapatienttakesindicatestheirhealthliteracy,treatmentplan, nodules, no goiter. Tina Jones comes into the clinic for a general physical exam. She denies any acute concerns at this visit. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation. Awake and alert. She works 32 hours/week as a supervisor at a printing and shipping company and is in her last semester of a bachelor's of accounting program. Never married, no children. present. Askingaboutbreathing Last use of her rescue inhaler was three months ago and two times total over the past year. Howoftendoyouuseyourrescueinhaler? Ms. Jones offers information freely and Pro Tip: Performing deep palpation determines the shape, consistency, tenderness, and pulsations of abdominal masses. ProTip:Solicitingashallowhistoryofapatient'smedicationhistorycanrevealrecent A dietician referral may be beneficial to educate on specifics and offer support. haveabearingonTina'sbreathing. indicatehertreatmentplanandthedegreetowhichsheisfollowingit. Tina Jones Neurological Shadow Health Assessment Education & Empathy, Tina Jones Gastrointestinal Shadow Health Transcript. Pro Tip: Palpating the frontal sinuses checks for sinusitis. Normal graphesthesia, sterognosis, and able to She currently lives with her mother and sister but has a lease starting on her own apartment in one month. . Essay Topics (13) Decreased Eyes: Complains of blurred vision associated with "reading and studying," which has worsened over the past few years. What is your relationship like with your family? Tina Jones - Uncontrolled Diabetes Patient will be able to demonstrate how to check glucose levels and take medication KEY: Evaluation Assessment Findings Patient is able to follow the routine schedule set out for taking medications consistently Patient glucose levels within healthy range (<160mg/dL) by discharge Slow healing foot wound AskingTinaifshetakesmedicationforheartburnwillindicate Nasal mucosa moist and Asking Tina when she last used her inhaler will indicate when her symptoms most recently required medical treatment. Pro Tip: Discerning whether anything is making Tinas asthma worse can point to possible new triggers like environmental factors, bodily positions, or movements that may have a bearing on Tinas breathing. It is important to continually monitor proper inhaler use and educate on the importance of monitoring the use of her rescue inhaler. She is the primary source of information and is reliable. She is well-nourished, well-developed, and dressed he had some blood pressure and cholesterol issues when he was alive, too. She seems to be doing okay though. Pro Tip: When inspecting the pupils for size, shape, symmetry, and reaction to light, unequal or unreactive pupils can indicate significant underlying health problems. hertreatmentplanandthedegreetowhichshecomplieswithit. She reports diarrhea overnight. Ive realized that I got kind of overwhelmed with everything back when I was having those sleep problems. to remove ads. Cross), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Give Me Liberty! Pro Tip: The medications that a patient takes indicate their health concerns or problems, health literacy, and current treatment plans. . Pro Tip: Nail appearance suggests the status of respiratory and vascular function and the presence of nutrient deficiencies or diseases. Attempting to palpate the kidney helps determine enlargement or tenderness. Howhaveyoubeentreatingyourhypertension? Pro Tip: A comprehensive musculoskeletal exam includes the inspection of all joints and muscle groups for swelling, masses, discoloration, and deformity. A referral to a podiatrist is important to monitor her peripheral neuropathy and for foot care. coursehero/file/38245035/Comprehensive-Assessment-Completed-Shadow-Healthpdf/. No current dental 2021-22, 1-2 Problem Set Module One - Income Statement, Is sammy alive - in class assignment worth points, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1. . AskingTinaifshetakessupplementswillindicatehercurrent Asking Tina if she takes vitamins will indicate her current treatment plan. 2. Gag reflex intact. Reports asthma medication has not changed. Ms. Jones reports no chest pain, palpitations, or swelling of hands and feet. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 18 chief complaint Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by DINA_CASIMIR-DORCELY Shadow Health Terms in this set (18) How are you feeling? Shadow Health - Comprehensive Assessment: Tina Jones. headacherecentlywillallowyoutoassessthefrequencyofherheadaches. ProTip:Themedicationsthatapatienttakesindicatetheirhealthconcernsorproblems, Asthma is a lung condition that affects people of all ages. MS Jones reports that she recently landed an employment and thus She needs to obtain a pre-employment physical assessment. PERRLA. Head is normocephalic, atraumatic. EOMs intact bilaterally, no nystagmus. A 28-year-old woman, Tina Jones, presents to the clinic for a pre-employment physical. Pro Tip: Female hair loss can indicate an underlying health problem or skin infection. Indicatesanitemthatisavailabletobefound. Grand Canyon University (75) Conjunctiva pink no lesions white sclera. : an American History (Eric Foner), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Tina jones comprehensive questions to ask, Week 1 Discussion- pregnant woman on reserve, Ch 03 Examination Techniques and Equipment, bilaterally on the head with equal hair Distribution on Followedupaboutbirthcontrolprescription, Startedtakingbirthcontrol4monthsago. Asking Tina if she has a rescue inhaler for her asthma will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she complies with it. with specialist. Hes a little big, maybe. Patient reports an improve in acne due to oral Pro Tip: The medications that a patient takes indicate their health concerns or problems, health literacy, and current treatment plans. since I was really little. She also has increased her physical activity. Pain is localized to ball of foot related to wound. painanddiscomfortthatsheisexperiencing. flatulence is one of the side effect of metformin. Since then Ive just washed my face, I havent used anything special. Then, they examine Tina head-to-toe, one body system at a time, to ga. [Show more] Ibuprofen: 600 mg as needed for menstrual cramps. Do you have any problem with your breasts? not since I came in with those allergies a while ago. She has recently started a new relationship but denies she is sexually active. Pro Tip: Tinas response to a question about managing her allergies will reveal the severity of her symptoms, her health literacy, and the way shes complied with previous treatment plans. Tina reports she has improved her diet by limiting carbohydrates, staying away from sweets and increasing vegetable consumption. Ms. Jones is alert and oriented, seated upright on the examination table, and is in no apparent distress. Patient does have slight anxiety, congruent with Vital: T 36, BP 124/86, HR 70, RR 16, O2 99%, Pain 5-6/10, dorsal surface of right foot. She denies any pain acute illness, pain or discomfort. She reports she has a strong friend and family support system and is very active in her church. Today she ProTip:Asthmaexacerbationcanresultinincreasedwheezing,shortnessofbreath, I think she had high blood pressure and cholesterol, too. She reports a few moles but Occasional cannabis use from age 15 to age 21. hertreatmentplanandrecenthealthhistory. I havent been having any gas lately. Nails free of ridges or abnormalities. no other hair or nail changes. Bowel sounds are normoactive in all four quadrants. Pro Tip: Palpating the lymph nodes helps to identify characteristics relaying information about inflammation, infection, and malignancy. Case - Tina jones subjective heent | completed | shadow health 2 4. CanIconfirmthatyouarehereforaphysical? She states that she feels healthy, is taking better care of herself than in the past, and is looking forward to beginning the new job. rises midline on phonation. Physical activity. Ms. Jones asthma appears to be under control at this time, although five self-care skills should be assessed: medicine usage, peak expiratory flow meter usage, applying an asthma action plan, keeping a daily follow up schedule, and avoidance of triggers (Altay & Cavusoglu, 2013). Grandpa Jones had colon cancer, and that caused all kinds of problems for him. I had two doctors appointments earlier this year. Ideas (15) Tags: Tina Jones Comprehensive Assessment, Essay Topics and Ideas (100) She states that Im actually feeling really good lately. Type 2 diabetes, diagnosed at age 24. No exercise. How old is Tina Jones in a pre employment physical examination? retinopathic changes on right. Based on these assessment findings and Ms. Jones health history, a plan of care should be developed that takes into consideration her diabetes, asthma, weight, and PCOS. Vitals: Height 170 cm, Weight 84 kg, BMI 29, BP 128/82, HR 78, RR 15, O2 99%, Temp 37.2C. AskingTinawhenshelastusedherinhalerwillindicatewhenher Chamberlain College Of Nursing Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation Transcript All Lines (645) Interview Questions (210) Statements (41) Exam Actions (394) Hello, my name is Tammy. My discharge is normal, I think. Why did you decide to start taking birth control? 2021-22, Test Bank Varcarolis Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 3e 2017, Laporan Praktikum Kimia Dasar II Reaksi Redoks KEL5, Quick Books Online Certification Exam Answers Questions, 1.1 Functions and Continuity full solutions. [Show more] The scrape is red and swollen with exudate and has no odor; she reports the swelling and exudate started two days ago. Palpated fremitus equal bilaterally. function normal. in sense of smell, sneezing, epistaxis, sinus pain or Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tinas medication history will help you to understand her treatment plan and recent health history. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing. Has new male relationship, sexual contact not initiated. Pro Tip: Skin changes are common in patients with uncontrolled diabetes. Chamberlain University (39) Her paternal grandmother is alive and well, 82, with hypertension. Father: died at age 58 in a car accident, history of hypertension, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes, Maternal grandmother: died at age 73 of a stroke, history of hypertension, high cholesterol, Maternal grandfather: died at age 78 of a suspected myocardial infarction, history of hypertension, high cholesterol, Paternal grandmother: still living, age 82, hypertension, Paternal grandfather: died at age 65 of colon cancer, history of type 2 diabetes. Allergic to cats and dust. Speech is fluent, Ms. Jones is sitting comfortably on the examination table, in no acute distress. PMI nondisplaced, no heaves or lifts. Her pain has worsened, and the swelling has persisted. exercise four to five times per week consisting of Has your menstrual cycle improved since taking Yaz? heard bilaterally. Along with controlling diabetes, other leading modifiable risk factors include diet, physical activity, and being overweight and obesity. Alert and oriented to person, itchy eyes redness or dry eyes. Pro Tip: The inspection of your patients unaffected ankle provides a comparison to the affected side and aids in the assessment for possible unknown injury inflicted during the fall. Menses irregular. isfollowingit. No history of bone trauma or deformity. Normal hair distribution. Diana Shadow: Your patient is Tina Jones:, a 28-year-old African American woman who has just been admitted to Shadow General Hospital for a painful foot wound. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Asking Tina if she still has her inhaler will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she is following it. Mucous membranes pink and moist, tonsils 2+ bilaterally. Ear drainage? Reports she smoked marijuana when she was younger but has not for many years. Pro Tip: Establishing a timeline for which healthcare providers Tina has seen will allow you to develop a comprehensive health history. I mean, I still have asthma and diabetes, but both of those are under control. As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. Denies vaginal discharge and vaginal itching. Acanthosis nigricans. Tina jones comprehensive Newest Theology - yea Leadership class , week 3 executive summary EKG Review for ICU clinical Biomol Project Report I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School ANSC 422 Lecture 2 - Dr. Kleinman Walden University (75), Write myResearch paperWrite My Masters ThesisDo my Marketing AssignmentsWrite My Nursing AssignmentsWrite my History PaperDo my Engineering HomeworkDo My Management Project, Getting assistance, guidance, or writing support is not prohibited by any learning institution, but we encourage our users to focus on developing their knowledge base, and not to misuse our services.After all, need exists in everyone, and the only thing one needs to do is to seek assistance from a caring person. Mild retinopathic changes on the right. Genitourinary: Denies flank pain, dysuria, urgency, and cloudy urine. I havent had a full asthma attack in years, though. I use my Flovent inhaler two times a day. Mood is pleasant. pdf, Fundamentals of Nursing 9th Edition Taylor Test Bank-1-10, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1, Metformin, 850 mg PO BID (last use: this morning), Drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol PO QD (last Conjunctiva A comprehensive assessment of Ms. Jones will be performed, and key Category: Health Show Health Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript Health AskingifTina'sbeenusingherinhalermorefrequentlysince She states that family and church help her cope with ust like a living patient, 28-year-old Tina Jones has a rich medical and psychosocial history for students to uncover. Offers information without hesitation. SHADOW HEALTH TINA JONES COMPLETE CASES~SHADOW HEALTH $ 293.01 $ 18.49 23 items 1. make rapid movements bilaterally. Asking Tina how long ago she started taking birth control establishes a timeline of her current treatment plan. appropriately with good hygiene. Solved essays (236) Comprehensive Assessment Of Tina Jones A 28-year-old woman, Tina Jones, presents to the clinic for a pre-employment physical. 37 C. Patient is in no apparent distress. in the past, and is looking forward to beginning the How often do you monitor your blood glucose? She also needs to be educated on regularly seeing an ophthalmologist to perform eye exams to monitor her retinopathy. Lived independently since age 20, currently lives with mother and sister to support family after death of father one year ago, anticipates moving out in a few months. andaccesstohealthcare. No tenderness or guarding to palpation. Tactile fremitus present. Have no Time to Write? An individualized plan of care taking into consideration Ms. Jones age, physical examination results, nursing theory, and Healthy People 2020 objectives will be discussed. Occasional alcohol (10 - 12 drinks/month). Scattered pustules on face and facial hair on upper ProTip:Follow-upquestionswillenableTinatomorefullyandspecificallydescribeher Reportsmanagingdiabeteswithdietandexerciseinadditiontomedication. Have you noticed any side effects from the metformin? . Im sleeping a lot better now, which is a relief. She appears well-nourished and dresses appropriately. She rarely uses her inhaler. Up-to-date, tetanus booster within the last year. nontender to palpation. Case - Tina jones heent shadow health complete 3. In office He had hypertension, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. Im usually asleep by 11:30, and I wake up at 8, so. Oral She doesn't monitor her blood sugar. Abdominal. Anterior and posterior chest walls are symmetric with respiration, no deformities, rashes, or lesions. (Clarified to if I have ear drainage.). Reports The injury occurred about one week ago. Wears corrective Well-groomed, easily engages in Asking Tina why she started taking birth control will allow Tina to express any concerns or problems in her own words. body hair has improved. No visual acuity testing since childhood. I have a few friends Ive known since middle or high school, and were all pretty close. exacerbationcanindicatehowshe'sbeentreatinghersymptomssinceexacerbation. Students interview Tina to obtain her complete health history, where they discover additional health concerns. . Three months was her last visit to the optometrist for which she was given prescription eyeglasses. It is up to the nurse to identify areas of self-care deficits and provide patients with the education, guidance, and leadership needed to promote a better quality of life. Ms. Jones has already begun treating her diabetes, but early treatment has not been established to improve cardiovascular outcomes (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2013). A plan of care for Tina should consider the Healthy People 2020 topics related to her conditions and should include education, direction, support, and reinforcement for health promotion and self-care. When did you last use your rescue inhaler? She maintains eye contact throughout the interview. Pain improved with oxycodone. Reportsthatbloodpressurerespondedtodietandexercisechanges. Hover over thePatient Dataitems below to reveal important information, includingPro Tips. physical prior to initiating employment. ProTip:FollowupquestionsaboutTina'smedicationhistorywillhelpyoutounderstand Coarse hair growth noted from pubis to umbilicus. Self-care is important for the patient to improve and maintain their health and to reduce or recover from disease. Penicillin: rash Denies food and latex allergies Allergic to cats and dust. app.shadowhealth/assignment_attempts/4562098 7/. (Clarified to if my younger sister has health problems. . sandwich on wheat bread or low-fat pita, dinner is Expertsselectedthesetopicsasessentialcomponentsofastrong,thoroughinterviewwiththis Indicates an item that is available to be found. Plus I have my friends from church. Patient reports no General mouth Indicates an item that you found. Nose: Rhinitis and congestion related to cat allergy. consume 1-2 diet sodas per day. Retinopathy is caused by her diabetes as well and mild symptoms indicate the early stage of the disease. Chastise symmetric with respiration clear to But that hasnt happened since I got my daily inhaler. Thyroid smooth without She states she can cope well with upcoming life changes. Subjective Data Collection: 50 of 50 (100.0%), Objective Data Collection: 70 of 73 (95.9%), Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation, Nursing Capstone Project Writing Services, Nursing Annotated Bibliography by Professional, Online Nursing Research Paper writing service. Denies history of recurrent urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Chest is symmetric with respiration, clear to spirometry: FVC 3 L, FEV1/FVC ratio 80%. Whendidyoulastuseyourrescueinhaler? Scattered pustules on face Facial hair on upper lip Acanthos nigricans on posterior neck Nails free of any abnormalities or ridges, Scattered pustules on face and facial hair on upper lip, acanthosis nigricans on posterior neck. All you need to do isplace an orderwith us. From age 23 to age 26 took oral contraceptives as only source of birth control, no condom use. She has a history of hypertension which normalized when she initiated diet and exercise. gynecological exam at Shadow Health General andaccesstohealthcare. Theyre crazy, but nobodys diagnosed with anything. use: this morning), Albuterol 90 mcg/spray MDI 1-3 puffs Q4H prn (last Writing Guides (2), Academic Success and Professional Development Plan (4) Pro Tip: Wound appearance relates information about the extent of injury or infection, as well as healing status. Dains, J. E., Baumann, L. C., & Scheibel, P. (2012). ), No, I dont think so. "I came in because I'm required to have a recent Asking if Tinas been using her inhaler more frequently since exacerbation can indicate how shes been treating her symptoms since exacerbation. Howoftendoyoumonitoryourbloodglucose? Ms. Jones needs to be educated on the need for care when there is decreased effectiveness of her regular medicine, meaning an increased use of her rescue inhaler. 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