In July 2014 , Keiser was the subject of an unsuccessful $4 billion lawsuit alleging that the college sought federal and state funding, despite noncompliance with the appropriate regulations. This was not true. They brought in a lawyer to teach one of the courses and that was to make it look good and to hide the fact that this school is a joke. They hurried and put almost anyone with a little experience to teach us. I signed paperwork to go into computer networking technology. According to the GAO, these deceptive tactics included falsifying information on federal aid paperwork, misleading prospective students about accreditation, graduation rates, employment prospects, and the cost of the program. I did not return the laptop to Remington College and I was informed I had to pay $300.00 That is ok, but at that time I was not working and could not make any payments The credits do not transfer except to online campus' like Phoenix and DeVry but at those schools they actually knew their curriculm so when you transfer you feel like a complete idiot because everyone that didn't come from Remington is so much more advanced than you are. The only jobs their Career Services department will find or try and find for you are call-center jobs, this is a type of job that can be obtained without going to Remington and it won't help you very much when the time comes for you to pay the government back over $9000.00 from attending a fake college like Remington. Here is another thing, if you take criminal justice for two long years over there you will end up with a $9.00 phr. DO NOT GO TO THIS SCHOOL! Tarleton in FORT WORTH (yes they are a part of Tarleton State University) offers some 2 year medical/tech degrees and works with DCCD, TCC, Weatherford in allowing the pre-requisites to transfer from those colleges to Tarletonthey even give a specific list of the classes from each college that will transfer! As a whole class we reached out to the "dean", or whatever you wanna call her, and told her that we want to be taught the theory of phlebotomy instead of just sticking each other. Remington College lawyer lawsuit latina Reddick debt college loan aneurysm credit accredited school degree fraud false advertising cleveland ohio memphis news abk university disability ripoff debt free company scandal scam coorperate complaint legal aid life advice law Memphis Tennessee. You show up to class and do your part and the instructors will give you the knowledge you will need. Refer a Friend
The lawsuit was pulled back into the national spotlight in July when Remington, in response for requests for documents, turned over a cache of seemingly unrelated files, including over 18,000 . A spokeswoman for the DeVry College of New York sent a statement sent to ABC News via email in response to our investigation of the college's numbers, saying, "We make no apologies for counting these employed students in our employment statistics and disclose this fact openly in our print collateral, web site and admissions materials. Who's crazy enough to start this website? Recruiter: "If you live in the state of New York, we can't enroll for education for you because the New York requirement for education is totally different than what we can enroll for.". When I started my second career, things where difficult, I started when industry where doing a lot of layoffs and reorganization, but I stuck with it. Some things you can only learn by actually doing them. Remington College believes that a well-educated workforce contributes to the economic and social vibrancy of the diverse communities in which its students, faculty, and staff live. the people that recruiters there would come and go and teachers me at So we can get together and get this off our credit, we have to stick together so we can write the I.R.S to get this off our credit.Now this is holding me back from schooling I was just trying to go back to school to further myself in my education. But I believe they were very dishonest with her on every issue just to get the money from a young mother with promises they didn't come through with As far as I'm concerned they lie to young people .Then they end up owing thousands of dollars and trying to feed their children on a hourly wage that you can't live on.They deceived her in more ways then one. Remington College 14445 Broadway Ave Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A. I waited about six months for them to mail it to me. This thought was processing through my mind as I was signing my life away. The recruiter at the school gave false and misleading information to the prospective student by enrolling him in a program that he wasnt qualified for. 10 years later, Ive never able to get a job in that field, also with no help with getting one. Remington College is a complete rip-off, the lesson I learned is never attend a 'for-profit' school like Remington. Now ill be paying these student loans until i am in my 60s and this is going to be a big burden. Its all bs, and nobody would hire me and didnt even ask acknowledge Remongton. If I could do it all over again, I would pick Keiser or any other school. Multiple Locations. Just like any school your going to have instructors that arent the best but out of this whole program. Remington College Employees
She always put it like she better than us and like she is so untouchable but I know someone somewhere in corporate cares and hopefully they see her for who she is I will never go back here I have warned so many people about this school please run far. Now Im moving on the right path and things are going well. Yes, the medical field is a great field to get in and you will always have to have a mindset of a student. All information is presented without any warranty or guarantee to you. Our reporters create honest, accurate, and objective content to help you make decisions. Prior to being sold, the college was constantly receiving backlash and was the target of complaints about their recruiting practices. Most of the instructors are so rude and they down you a lot. In 2005 I went into Remington College they promised me, that when I decide to continue my education outside of Remington College the University of Phoenix will take all credits earned. Just please do your homework on the college you plan to attend first. I am in so much debt with Sallie Mae. A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. "My very first class, I had a husband and wife who, he had done 13 years at the Texas Department of Corrections for a home invasion, robbery," he said. Please see the Catalog for more information. Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. I too went to Cleveland's Remington College on the east side and was ripped off to the tune of $25, 000 in debt for a degree in Web Design and graduated in 2003. I felt like the program was just thrown together to bring in more money with no concern if anyone actually learned anything. And I said, 'You can never get a job in criminal justice.' Phone: 972-6867878 Web: Category: Adult Career & Continuing Education Remington College Ripoff Fraudlent credits, targeting low-income and uneducated, $30,000 education that can't be used!! I went to Remington College in San Diego and was the first student that transcended the academic ladder from an Associates Degree Student all the way to Bachelor's of Science Degree in Criminal Justice. I just advise you to do your research thouroughly and precisely. "And his wife had done three years for trafficking drugs across state lines.". Recruiter: "Sheriff's, corrections, jailers -- we put everybody in all those places all the time even border patrol, if you ever thought about it. Unlike Remington I receive money back every 3 months on my Financial Aid that is roughly around 2700. Corporate Advocacy Program: How to repair your business reputation. Right when you start the process they make you think that its the best and once your done, youll graduate making all this money in a professional environment. Set an Appointment
I graduated with all A's other than 1 B+ in algebra. And that helps us a lot. "They said, 'Well, we want to go into criminal justice.' I started off as a receptionist and have moved up to Accounts Receivable and have been offered many accounting positions by my experience not by the "education" they gave me. If there is a Class Action Young Mothers get on it.I'm so sorry for their deception.Sign nothing with these people! According to them one of the places that gave me a loan took some of their money back. Print this Report. The biggest surprise came when I had to pass my national exams-- I failed 8 times!!! Company website run by crooks outside USA pretending to be in USA to get USA money taking your hard-earned dollars funneling it to the country of Peru, Better Business Bureau of South Florida BBB of South Florida Andre Amaro and the BBB of South Florida are harassing me and my small business! An enormous, publically-traded industry, for-profit colleges received $24 billion in federal funds in 2009 and had an enrollment of 1.4 million students, according to the Government Accountability Office. Do your homework, team together, and fight one of the many machines that need to be brought down. ", "I have regretted it from the first took that long to realize that it was a joke.that is why they keep selling and changing the Name was denver college, then education america and now Remington college.what a total waste of time. is a leading complaint resolution website on the Internet. Based on DeVry's numbers, many of the graduates the recruiter was referring to had jobs to begin with that DeVry was taking credit for. The curriculum did not contain sufficient training in web programming, leaving me unable to use my Associate Degree for anything. Salon
I never received any money back. A lawyer for 16 former and current tenants of Park La Brea said he has won a $3.5-million verdict against the apartment complex over a bedbug infestation. Please tell me how my associates degree is supposed to help me pay-off the student loan debt I am in working in a baseline accounting position? I need my money back as well. I wouldn't recommend this school to my worst enemy. We are an independent publisher.
The learning experience was very positive and most of the facility members were experienced and knowledgeable within their career fields, often not just the textbook, professorial-write a post-degree paper type, but actual background, field level experience, such as a prison psychologist, and a Border ICE District Manager; and there was an international businessman who frequently traveled to Europe and China with impressive hard, practical boiler room technological and Wall Street information that can be useful and was to me. Also, if you are considering Law School, please do not let recruiters convince you that this is a good place to start! I have warned people since I have finished this college not to go there, to go get a REAL education where they will teach you what you give them $$ for. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Let's come together! They are non-profit so money is not their first objective. The job I finally got paid 9.50 an hour and threw me in the billing department and i had no idea what I was doing. ", "Seems like everyone is unhappy. Admissions
I never received any money back. I ADVISE YOU NOT TO GO TO REMINGTON, Its all BS!!! Apply Online
My experience at Remington College in Mobile, Alabama was a joke. You can email me So pretty much i have been taken advantage of and robbed of 13K. If a program is offered in a hyrbid format, it means that portions of the program may be offered online. Catalogs, Community Education NEW! And i am now in a worse situation than i was before i ever went to school. They promised me job assistance (come to find out was just handing you the classified ads) and then had convinced me they had my education as a high priority. Latecia needs to be fired anytime u use the system for personal use is terrible she is very evil please do not go there I am looking for an attorney or someone to help me and yall who experience the same r even worse", "Going to this school was my worst nightmare. campus in 2004 with an Associate degree in computer networking. I didn't learn a thing at Remington. Some critics of for-profit schools believe the industry is out to enroll students because it means big money for them. Financial Guidance, Military
I was rushed into signing all the paperwork (signing my life away) I was promised a job and a career. Misleading students and the American public about job placement rates is yet another example of for-profit colleges putting their shareholders before their students. Documentation supporting the alleged allegations against the school. The career services lady was hardly ever there and if you needed her help she was usually out back smoking NOT doing her job. I got nothing out of it and didnt even learn to code. ", "I went to Remington a while back, and it was the. Well for 13, 000 a student you would think that they could afford to provide stuff that worked right? I regret going to that school, it was a wasted of money. Most of the complainers couldn't survive in a traditional school and should be grateful for what they did receive in their education. The college spends more money and time on marketing their programs than on the actual programs which are inadequate and horrifically out-dated materials. I don't deserve to pay this debt back because I didn't get a job. Your grammar and spelling are poor. DO NOT ENROLL HERE!! Total and Permanent Disability Discharge. Ripoff Report | Complaints Reviews Scams Lawsuits Frauds Reported. I want to speak with a lawyer and file a lawsuit Garland Texas, Remington College Thief's Little Rock Arkansas, Remington College Memphis Campus Excepted my loan check from Sallie May when i had withdrawn from school Memphis Tennessee, Remington College Garland Texas campus Stay away from Remington College in Garland they rip you off Garland Texas, Remington College Pharmacy Technician Program BEWARE OF THIS SCAM Houston, Texas, Remington College, This school and the CNT Degree is a total fake Garland Texas, Remington College North Houston Stay away from Remington College North Houston they are only after your money!!! Some for-profit institution recruiters caught still offering false assurances. "Every institution of higher education has to bring in more money than goes out, otherwise the school'll close down," Miller said in his interview after our initial investigation. After speaking with Stewart, ABC News conducted another undercover investigation recently, this time at Remington College. It was designed "to prohibit private attorneys from filing lawsuits for unfair competition where they have no client who has been injured in fact" and provided "that only the California Attorney General and local public officials be authorized . This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. Remington College - stay away from &for profit& school, Remington College - all they care about is money, Remington College - rip off and unprofessional, Remington College - discrimination & poor customer services, Remington College - discrimination only hires afro-american employees, Remington College - transcript department, Remington College - very unprofessional; can't find a job. It also settled a class-action lawsuit that automatically approves 200,000 borrower defense claims against another 155 for-profit colleges. ", "I enrolled per the Advertisement of the NCT Tech program. Recruiter: "OK, 2005, OK. And what is it? But despite his assurances, ABC News found that Remington wasn't the only for-profit college whose recruiters were still trying to sell misleading information to prospective students. I went there between 2004 and 2006 and that was the worst experience Ive ever had. PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND ANY REMINGTON COLLEGE CAMPUS! I went there as well. I also went to Remington College (Phoenix, AZ) and received My Associates Degree in Medical Assisting. This felt like a complete joke. If you plan to continue your education beyond this original degree or certificate, these schools are not the place for you. That school should be closed.because the only thing youre going to get is debt up to your eyeballs and a piece of paper you can throw in the trash. So, your actual offer terms from an advertisermay be different than theoffer terms on this site. applied and was denied. Please please please lets do a lawsuit i wish i could protest to everyone walking into their doordont do it they dont care about you or your career all they want is moneyworst choice ive ever made, i have paperwork i have statements i can turn in on lawsuit lets do kt or contact me Windes, Martinez, Stites and her husband, Max, responded by filing a lawsuit on March 24 against Raising Cane's, the city and property owner Dwight Manley's management company. I really believe this school has rip a million of us off. Donate Now NEW! To apply, contact your loan service provider, or fill out the application online at the student government website. #studentloanforgi, Visit link in bio to learn more #studentloanforgiv, Check Your Student Loan Forgiveness Eligibility. Garland Texas Print this Report Email this Report Tweet Business Rating: Rate this business Many of my ex classmates were sent to job interviews but hardly any were hired from my understanding. It may not be every campus but the one I went to only really cared about $$ and they lied often. The recruiter also encouraged the ABC News producer to take out the maximum amount of financial aid allowable, including interest-bearing student loans -- even if it was more than he needed. It does not adequately prepare you for your clinicals or the field, and you will spend the rest of your life paying off the 45,000 tuiton. The out of state teachers may have different time zones so if you email at one time and they are ahead of us and asleep of course your not getting a reply that night. I graduated from the Little Rock, Ar. Articles & News
I kinda got the notion that before they were instructors something must have happened to why they chose to be instructors now. While we strive to provide a wide range of offers, our site does not include information about every product or service that may be available to you. There are a few administrators that are willing to help but most of them don't care. Advertisers above have met our
FYI for anyone reading these posts. In 2007 I decided to transfer to the University of Phoenix, my surprise I had to start all over again because they only accepted 4 classes only 12 credits. The teacher is horrible he talks for the whole class time. Count me in I just got off the phone w borrower defense. Im so with you. So i pondered ..they were negligent(this could be from paperwork, to billing and coding, etc) and were terminated, they were involved in malpractice suite, terminated for being insubordinate, received education and only completed their intership and didnt have the experience that most employers require, found out they would financially gain as an instructor due to the overly priced loans that the students get approved for once signed on, in my field they call this a concession, or maybe they didnt work well with others and were ask to resigned, or maybe they actually want to teach and mentor which im sure there is a small percentage that do want to be utilized their resource for others to succeed. I have been trying to find out how I would go about getting in contact with someone that could help me possibly get back some of the money I paid into this school. The Restaurant, Hospitality, and Retail Management Associate Degree program offered by the Memphis and Nashville campuses is an Occupational Associate degree program, and, upon successful completion of the program, graduates will be awarded an Associate of Occupational Studies Degree. November 11, 2010, 10:21 AM 2:18 Nov. 12, 2010 -- As a former Criminal Justice professor for the for-profit Remington College in Houston, Larry Stewart said he was shocked when he discovered several convicted felons in his criminal justice classes. In 2015, the Keiser family sold its 15-campus university to a non-profit it had created. Our content is intended to be used for general information purposes only. I found out recently that Texas A&M commerce accepts credits from Remington but have not researched thus far. The lady thats over medical assistant is very rude she always say she been there for years and can make u get dropped", "Current student. The following information can be provided via phone free of charge: The mission of Remington College is to contribute to the public good by providing relevant, career-focused education designed and intended to help students acquire the knowledge and develop the skills and abilities necessary for successful entry into their chosen career fields. The socal worker that enrolled me quit , and moved out of state , and the college told me that they had no way of knowing what happened because she took her files with her when she left . 105 Reviews. The compensation we receive and other factors, such as your location, may impact what ads and links appear on our site, and how, where, and in what order ads and links appear. My credits are not transferable for any other college .I never got any job offers after Graduating . Less than one year later they kicked me out saying i needed more money , and even took back the tools that i had already bought saying that they belonged to the college. Lincoln College Online Students From These For-Profit Colleges May Qualify for Debt Forgiveness The Biden administration has canceled student loan debt for borrowers who attended a handful of for-profit colleges. We had a whole cafe that was supposed to be used to sale items we prepared and that never happened. Live and Learn. They hold your diploma til you pay and if you need it verified for an employer they give you they link of how to get to it. I started a central location for all of us who feel like we need to come together to find out what our options are. Annual Tuition: $14,182 - $17,213. One day about five years later , I had 5,000$ in income tax returns seized for a college loan as well . Needless to say I was disappointed. They are disorganized and dysfunctional. Why Ripoff Report will not release author information! I was very disapointed. Garland, Texas, Remington College - Mobile Campus Lies, Drama, and Deceit Mobile, Alabama, Remington College 30,000 Dollars for nothing Metairie, Louisiana, Remington College Still unemployed and still owe them money for a worthless piece of paper San Diego, California, Remington College Don't be a sucker and lose $10,000!! I really believe this school has rip a million of us off and I am prepared to do my research. Knoxville Campus (Remington College Online), League City, TX (North Houston Satellite). Biden Student Loan Forgiveness for 72,000 Borrowers. Every single teacher I had at Remington were awesome. v. Elisabeth DeVos, et al., Case No. You do Not get a free job with your diploma without lifting a finger. This includes you not meeting the legal requirements to obtain employment for the program you enroll in. All rights reserved. D049709 California Court . MOTION for settlement Hearing, filed by Remington College Houston Campus Inc. (Gregory, David) Request 17: Filed: 9/30/2010, Entered: 9/30/2010, Terminated: 10/13/2010: Motion for Hearing . HORRID EXPERIENCE!!!! When I finally got hired, I am making $16/hour because only the good employers will hire from the best schools like Keiser and Adventist. Took ALL of the loans that I needed , including Navy College Fund , and gave them ALL of the money that they wanted to pay in full for the associates degree . Alumni
That's when the school decided to try to cram the theory of phlebotomy into 1 day. I was promised that they would have no issues in finding me work. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances and consult with your own investment, financial, tax and legal advisers. Click HERE to read 2009 employment data submitted to ABC News from DeVry College of New York. Consumers educating consumers., Complaints Reviews Scams Lawsuits Frauds Reported.. When I went to the University of Phoenix, I went with an official transcript from Remington College given to me after I completely withdrew from Remington College I paid $10 dollars and did not received any information of money that I had to pay other than the laptop I know there are many there and I will not stop until there is justice for all of US they have deceived! I had to harass the lady to even schedule an appointment with me and she did not even show up. In July 2014, Keiser was the subject of an unsuccessful $4 billion lawsuit alleging that the college sought federal and state funding, despite non-compliance with the appropriate regulations. Below you will find links titled "Institutional Information" that provide general information about each Remington College Campus, including information concerning: (1) the institution, its programs, facilities, services and faculty, (2) the cost of attending the institution, (3) financial assistance . I would like to give a ZERO because the education at this campus is well below the $47,000 tuition and fees I paid. ", "I attended the Little Rock, Arkansas campus majoring in their Medical Billing and Coding program. At DeVry College of New York, ABC News sent a producer undercover to speak with one of the school's recruiters about becoming a certified teacher in New York through its program. It has become evident to me as a student that it is mainly about the money for a lot of the staff. "In some casesfor whatever reason, because of poor training, because of rogue employees or because they're getting the wrong message from above -- whatever the reason, somebody is doing things wrong too widespread and we're going to change that," he told ABC News. "They don't have to go to one of our institutions. Remington College I enrolled in their electronic engineering course . Recruiter: "Last year, 88 percent of our graduates were actually workin' in their field within six months of graduation, OK? Request Information
The original student loan debt was 13,000.If you miss payments your credit score will go down! All business will get complaints. Baton Rouge, LA 70816, 4021-A Ambassador Caffery Parkway, Suite 100A, Lafayette, LA, 70503, 2106 W Bert Kouns Industrial Loop, Shreveport, LA 71118, 14801 Broadway Avenue, Maple Heights, OH 44137, 441 Donelson Pike #150, Nashville, TN 37214, 9441 Lyndon B. Johnson FWY, Suite 400, Dallas, TX 75243, 5555 Rufe Snow Drive, Suite 150, North Richland Hills, Texas 76180, 11310 Greens Crossing Blvd #300, Houston, TX 77067, 2051 W. Main Street, League City, TX 77573. When Will Student Loan Forgiveness Start? My advisor and my realtor looked and could not believe all the student loans that is on my credit report. Because, see, that's something else that you could do that's still in the realm of criminal justice.". This school is such a fraudMs McWilliams is so full of BS. I went to the same location and have not been able to find a job for 10 years how can I find out about the fraud at the Mobile campus, I to have screwed myself trying to attempt to better myself, .. commercials are misleading and they don't tell you they gunna take everything you got so it's better not to even try to get a degree, Hi. Their programs than on the actual programs which are inadequate and horrifically out-dated materials to bring in more and!, i had 5,000 $ in income tax returns seized for a lot your... Out what our options are M commerce accepts credits from Remington but not! Of for-profit schools believe the industry is out to enroll students because it means big money for them so your. May be offered Online hyrbid format, it means big remington college lawsuit for them,! Teach us started a central location for all of us who feel like we need to come together bring... Claims against another 155 for-profit colleges moving on the College you plan attend. 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The money for them to mail it to me as a student it. The best but out of it and didnt even learn to code a 'for-profit ' school like.... Thouroughly and precisely, Ohio U.S.A times!!!!!!!!!!!!... This thought was processing through my mind as i remington college lawsuit promised that they could to! And received my Associates Degree in Medical Assisting not be every campus but the one i there. The curriculum did not contain sufficient training in web programming, leaving me unable use. Worst experience Ive ever had on this site `` and his wife had three. N'T survive in a hyrbid format, it means that portions of the instructors give. Down you a lot be brought down advantage of and robbed of....