ProPresenter Scoreboard is the perfect solution for powering dynamic visual scoreboard content. Click the Clear All button to clear all of the Layers at once. The Media Bin, situated at the bottom of the main ProPresenter window, is a great way to organize and trigger still images and videos. Should you wish to try ProPresenter with an audience, you can request a 2-week trial code within the ProPresenter app. Also, you can import your song arrangements so your song lyrics are always in . Below you see two stage display outputs on the back wall with different content and layout. SDI is a standard cable and protocol for sending video signal over long distance. A Presentation is most simply a group of slides. This option exports the file natively for use on another computer running ProPresenter 6. The feature that I like most about ProPresenter is the ability to import your own graphics. You can also come back to install this later. Includes 12 months of ProPresenter+ (support, software updates, and feature upgrades), All advanced features (formerly called modules), Additional 12 months of support, software updates, and feature upgrades, Esports & Video Game Live Streaming Software, can purchase here from Renewed Vision Store. Now that the Network is enabled, close the Preferences window and open the Messages Pane. 27.7K subscribers This tutorial shows how to export your presentations and playlists from ProPresenter to share your content with others. The Allow Web Notifications checkbox at the bottom of the area will quickly toggle this feature on and off. With ProPresenter you can also send MIDI signals out from the software enabling the ability to control lighting software & hardware, audio automation through your DAW, digital mixers, & more. DVD Playback (Both Mac and Windows OS have made this increasingly difficult), Cloud syncing (more will be said about this in the future), Social media (cut because of changing policies of Twitter and Facebook), Telestrator (may return with new technologies that make it more useful), Karaoke highlighted words (though the sequencing of slides on a timeline is still available), Live web view (web slide objects are still available), Presentation Categories (instead replaced with multiple library support). Also known as Foldback Screens or Confidence Monitors. ProPresenter makes it easy to export Themes to be used on another computer. 19K views 2 years ago Welcome to our training series for ProPresenter 7! For each of these options you have up to five choices; however depending on what you have selected in one section might disable options in another section. This allows all items in a Playlist to be loaded at one time into the Show View so you can scroll through the entire Playlist at once. Custom stage screen designed for producers in broadcast environments. To rename a Playlist, right-click on the Playlist and choose Rename, or select a Playlist, wait a moment, and click the name again. There are two views for the Media Bin: Right-clicking on a media thumbnail gives you a wide range of options: With the release of ProPresenter 7.3, you can now trigger Playlists from the Media Bin on a single slide click with an Action. ProPresenter is the industry leading worship. Once it is triggered, the line the Prop is on will highlight in orange. This area has many uses. To do this, click on the playlist name so the Detail view is active open the search window and search for the title of your presentation and drag/drop the title right into the playlist in the position you want it in. Starting in ProPresenter7.6, you are able to create Macros. Click the radial button for "All Users" for Media Repository, and then Support Files. The annual maintenance contract costs $179 per seat ($14.92 per month). The typical church these days, however, has grown more sophisticated in their productions. ProPresenter's user interface (the primary window in which you interact with the program) has evolved over the years to where it is now. If content is filling a given Layer, then that Layer's button will turn red. The active slide is outlined in orange. ProPresenter takes live production visuals to the next level. With the Edit controls showing, the text box will show where you can type your message and include any Tokens that you will be using. This includes English, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Norwegian, Czech, and Chinese (Simplified). "The service will begin in [Service Countdown]." Many of ProPresenter's users want to quickly show Bible verses to their audience. Use Linked Text to link any slide object or timer to a text box on a slide. You can create multiple Props, show one or more at a time, and even control them via Cues on slides. For example, you can show them on the Stage Display, or use a Message or Linked Text to show them on the audience screen. Weve simplified our product offerings and pricing. The goal is to give you powerful controls while also being streamlined and easy to use. This brings up a window which will allow you to press the Delete key to remove Playlist Templates. Starting in ProPresenter7.7 we've added the ability to view the Attachement Manager for PlanningCenter Services within ProPresenter. Operator Notes are useful if you need to include a general reminder about something related to the Presentation for the person running ProPresenter. This View is similar to Grid View, but media actions can by hidden or shown in the Slide thumbnails and the text is formatted based on your Settings. 1. You can choose your libraries, the playlists associated with those libraries, your media files, and/or your support files and settings (includes stage display layouts, groups and labels, screen configurations, and other program settings). You can also hide items starting in ProPresenter7.7 as well if you right click on the item to choose "Hide Item". ProPresenter+ expires on the first year anniversary of the sale of the license. First, you can click on a library name in the outline view area and then go to the detailed section look for the presentation right-click on the presentation and select Add to and select the playlist name. Click on the Network tab and make sure that Enable Network is checked. This was added in ProPresenter7.7. The indicator will typically be green as that means the connection is properly streaming and there are no interruptions through ProPresenter. A band wants to know how long until they need to start playing. It was a great setup. There are options for hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. Once a custom time has been set, you will see the full Presentation time to the right of the Presentation Name. The only difference in the Shape Tab is that the Visibility feature is not available. If you add 3 more to reach 5 seats, each of those will be at the discounted rate of $299 since you achieved the 5 Seat level, but no credit or refund will be given for the first two seats. There are several other view modes that you may find ProPresenter using (such as while using the Stage Editor or the Props Editor); in all of these cases, the "More" button in the Toolbar will be highlighted. You can add audio files to a Playlist by clicking the + between the Playlist View and Audio View, or by dragging them from your operating system to this area. This is extremely useful if you are playing back a series of audio tracks before an event or need to trigger a grouping of audio to play from one click. Showing copyright is a requirement when displaying. The left side of the Media Bin allows you to have multiple Media Playlists to help organize your media. So what's in the sample content? Discounted pricing is available for bulk purchases of 5 or more seats. Clock -- this is the standard system Clock, Date Format: Choose how the Date will look Navigate to the PowerPoint file that you want to import. Across the top of the Audio Bin is the Outline View where you can create and organize Playlists of audio files. Each seat allows the software to be installed on one computer. ProPresenter offers some incredible tools to make this easy and effective. NOTE:Supports a wide variety of video formats, but requires a suitable NDI compliant hardware or software device to receive and decode that video transmission (i.e. Before this feature is utilized you must enable a feature inside of the Preferences. Services LIVE integration into ProPresenter Stage Display Output. ProPresenter can create and track multiple timers at the same time, and there are various timer types to cover your various needs. If you went past this screen a little too fast during the initial setup and missed this option, you can always click on the Window menu at the top of the screen and click on Welcome to ProPresenter in the menu. Slide notes have been redesigned and moved to a better, more natural location at the bottom of the screen and they can be formatted now too. This will help prevent crashes or glitches from happening during your event. Select any output to view, clear any content, control any media. Browse Songs Let Playback control ProPresenter slides for you. Creating Tokens can be done by typing what you want the Token name to be, and pressing Enter/Return on the keyboard. Click on any of the buttons to Clear that Layer. While in this mode, the name of the current Playlist or Library will be shown across the top; click this name to show a list of all Playlists and Libraries, then click on a new Playlist or Library to show the contents of that item. These controls are all available without blocking view of the View area, and are accessible at any time while in Show View. A mission statement or other text that will be shown across multiple slides Welcome to a whole new level of native multi-screen capability in ProPresenter 7. Tip: See the Screen Configuration section for more information on how to set up your Screens. Masking displays is particularly common in environmental projectioin, or there is some thing partially covering the projecotr to the screen, that you don't want to project on. They created a Message called "Nursery Call" and applied a Template to it. The options for Show Triggered Presentation and Show Triggered Announcement can help you quickly load the currently showing items on both the Presentation and Announcement Layer. Please provide the information below so we can determine what you are eligible for. ProPresenter was first built for houses of worship, offering worship-centric features like rich, dynamic visuals and automatic lyric and copyright integration plus access to 125 Bible translations. Any Clocks/Timers that are created in the Timers area will appear as Tokens as well. This block of text can include prewritten text as well as one or more Tokens, or variable blocks of text. Below this window is the Token dropdown. Note: The pre-defined Tokens that come with ProPresenter cannot be deleted. Gone are the days of a major new update every 1-4 years. Are you ready to start taking a look around and getting familiar with the program? Right click on an audio file to access additional options: With the release of ProPresenter 7.3, you can now trigger Playlists from the Audio Bin on a single slide click with an Action. Unique displays, not splitting a single output signal. To have a Message clear automatically after a certain amount of time, click the dropdown menu next to Dismiss and select the amount of time before it clears, or select Manually to have it not clear automatically. You can also use the keyboard shortcut of Command-L on Mac or Control-L on Windows to load this item. Show Triggered Presentation will load the currently showing Presentation from the Presentation Layer into the Show View. ProPresenter is helping government bodies improve the quality of their visual presentations at local assemblies all the way up to the meeting rooms of U.S. Congress and office of the U.S. President. You can enable Web Notifications to allow someone from another computer to prompt the ProPresenter Operator to trigger a Message to the Audience Screen as well. You can open this area by clicking the Props button in the Show Controls, pressing Control-P on Mac or Control-Shift-P on Windows, or selecting in the Menubar View > Props. You can set a transition for your Props in the bottom left of this area and open the Props Editor in the bottom right. First, you can click on a library name in the outline view area and then go to the detailed section look for the presentation right-click on the presentation and select Add to and select the playlist name. Slide text can be driven by external sources. You can also drag a specific Prop from the area in Show Controls directly to a slide to apply it as an action on that slide. Annual renewals of ProPresenter+ are 60% off the price of a new license ($179 per seat; $449 per House of Worship campus license significantly less than what a traditional software subscription would cost), and we endeavor to show you so much value (by means of added features) in the first year of ownership that you renew without hesitation. This allows you to easily search and re-use songs week to week. If ProPresenter+ is not renewed in the 30 days following the first anniversary, any updates, upgrades, or technical support to the software will require the purchase of a renewal at the cost of a full license. Confirm with the dialogue box that comes up. Pre-Defined Text: ProPresenter provides some text boxes that are already set up to use, including "Name", "Message", and "Room"; these Tokens cannot be deleted but are otherwise the same as Custom Text tokens Used weekly for 1-2 years. Once you select a Playlist you can then see the audio files contained in that Playlist at the bottom of the Audio Bin. Organize your media how you want with the Media Bin. The show area of your presentation allows you to see upcoming slides and provides you with the ultimate control. Its a standard that most any broadcast switcher or other equipment will take for sending/receiving HD or 4k video. When no objects are selected on the Prop in the Editor, the Inspector on the right side of the Editor window will show a single Prop tab. h: If there are hours then it shows them with no leading zeros; if there are no hours then it doesn't show them To remove all Messages, click the Clear Messages button in the Preview Window, or in the menubar select Actions > Clear Messages. See our store for details. Starting with the top left: The leftmost section of ProPresenter's user interface allows you to interact with the Presentations that are in your Libraries and Playlists. In addition, the final slide will always loop back to the first slide in the presentation. You can configure ProPresenter to allow other people to send Messages over a local network. Custom Text: Create your own Token with its own name and content Renewed Vision provides software to help you tell stories that change the world. It helps organize and prepare your media. This setting is only applicable in the Media Bin Playlist and will not transfer if the Media Cue is added as an Action on a Slide or into a Library Playlist. In your library you can access all of your presentations, songs, scriptures etc & create playlists that contain a mix of these elements. A new sample library will be installed that contains several presentations showing off some of the different functionality and designs that you can use in ProPresenter 7 as well as a playlist of those files. Additional seats purchased for licenses with 5 or more seats will be discounted by 25% to $299. Ongoing Support, Updates, and Feature Upgrades. This should get everything, but just in case, export the playlists and templates, so that you can reimport them as needed. In general, if you want your content to be pre-programmed then you would be looking at a Prop; if you want to make changes to text on the fly then we recommend investigating the Messages feature. So we've been using Easyworship 6 and have been waiting for the Mac version to release for a few years now and finally the computer broke down. When you click on this option it will start downloading our sample content for you so that you have a few things to get started with when you first open the program. There are a number of visual icons that appear on each slide thumbnail to help you know what will be triggered on each slide. Right click or select and press the Delete key to delete items. This is achieved by the new linked text boxes feature. You can also quickly drag media from the Media Bin directly on top of a slide in the Slide View to attach that media as an Action to that slide. These pages are intended to give you a glimpse of all of the different features that ProPresenter offers. To send a Web Notification the sender will need to open the web address provided to them on a device that is on the same network as the computer running ProPresenter. This can be accomplished by dragging your Audio Playlist from the Audio Bin to a slide in a Presentation. The next option is a "+" button to allow you to create a Presentation and automatically link it to this Placeholder. You can also use the search window in the program. Create new Playlists and Playlist Folders by clicking the + button across the top of the Playlist view. Add Message Actions to slides to show specific Message(s) when you click on a specific slide. ProPresenter 7 // 17. hh: If there are hours then it shows them with leading zeros; if there are no hours then it doesn't show them Dynamic text, to show automatic text, such as countdowns and clocks, lyrics for the next verse, or external RSS feeds. Inside of ProPresenter, audio files must be categorized as one of two types: Tip: Audio files less than 10 seconds are automatically categorized as Sound Effects, while longer audio files are categorized as Audio Tracks. For more information on creating and Arrangements and setting up Groups in your Presentation, go to the Groups/Arrangements section. Note: The Props Editor is very similar to the Slide Editor. That Presentation can also be added to one or more Playlists (or even to a single Playlist more than once), however the Playlist is simply referencing the original Presentation. Click and drag a Playlist to re-order the Playlists. So it doesn't matter where you make a change to a Presentation (its Library or a Playlist), that change will be made to all Playlists that reference that Presentation. This area covers the center area of ProPresenter and has multiple uses; you can switch between these functions using the buttons on the top left of the Toolbar. Across the top of the Preview window there are two icons will tell you if your Audience and/or Stage Screens are on or not. The fourth button is the Settings for that particular view. There is no change in the Text Tab in the Props Editor. Groups/Arrangements -- This button allows you to toggle open/closed the Arrangement window, and will show any selected arrangements, if not using the 'master' arrangement to the right of the Presentation Name. Output screens can be given custom names for easier identification. This export method strips all formatting except line and paragraph breaks. Stream directly from the software to a destination, such as YouTube or Facebook. Transition -- This will control the Transition for the currently selected Prop (Slide). You can also set a background color for the Table itself alongside setting up a separate background color for the Slide thumbnails. Gone are the days of using an image splitting device to accomplish this, which means less hardware and more savings. Almost. This view uses the same icons to indicate Actions and Transitions. The Filter bar will allow you to search the currently selected Playlist. The Preview area of ProPresenter, located on the top right of the main ProPresenter window, gives you quick access to not only see the output of ProPresenter, but also quickly turn on and off the Audience and Stage Screens, and clear Layers of content. Powerful importing tools including our reflow editor that allows you to edit slides as easily as editing text in a word processor. You can also right click on a Media Playlist to choose Select for Communications. Fixes an issue where Themes with a background color might not transition Slides properly. There is no Slide Notes feature in the Props Editor. Use one of our many built in themes or design one for your context! --: Hide the hours text; if there would be hours to show it adds that time to the minutes. ProPresenter syncs with Planning Center Services' order of service with ProPresenter playlists and provides functionality to link presentations or content to each cue of the run-of-show. * EachSeat license can be enabled on one computer only, but can easily be moved between computers by deactivating and reactivating as needed. Weve also created a special web-server right within ProPresenter to allow people on your team to send messages directly to ProPresenter from anywhere to make it easy and more timely to create and show parent notifications or other messages. Open the Props Editor by opening the Props Pane then clicking the Edit Props button at the bottom of the window. The Show button will toggle to a Hide button when the message is active and clicking it will remove the Message from the screens. The software auto-saves changes when you make them, which is great. If you have Overrun enabled, the timer will highlight in red once a timer has reached its original ending time. They also have a free tier, but it's only holds 5 presentations, so isn't sustainable for most clients who want a long-term solution. Below we will dive into each section, but just in way of a quick overview: Let's dive deeper into each of these unique sections. ProPresenter+ prorated calculation method: The full price of a Pro7 Seat License is $399, which includes one year of ProPresenter+ (upgrades and support). Timeline -- This allows you to open the Timeline for the Presentation. If your church also uses Planning Center, you can import your service order and media directly into ProPresenter. The operator running ProPresenter can either approve or disprove the showing of that Message. Streamdeck Companion is a popular aaccessory for controlling professional equipment from a single device. ProPresenter 7 has an all new editor with many more tools to make your presentations pop. Audio Playlist Folders do not contain audio files themselves, instead they contain Audio Playlists. This will open a file browser window. Table View is similar to Grid View and Easy View, but you also get a plain text view of the slide text in addition to the thumbnail. See the Transition section for more information. Not intended to be used in front of an audience. Note: Smart Playlists ARE "recursive," meaning it will not only search the folder you point it at, but also any sub-folders within that folder. Press Control-V on Mac or Control-Shift-V on Windows. We're glad you asked! There are several types of Tokens: System Clock: Shows the current computer time Here, well look at how to take those presentations and build the playlist to run your service/show. Multi-Screen Output to multiple displays with different combinations of content all at once, including multiple stage displays, Alpha Keyer Output Broadcast-quality key and fill channels, Edge Blending Project onto wide screens with multiple projectors and blend their edges to create one seemless, extra wide image, Communications Control ProPresenters functions from MIDI, DMX, or broadcast video protocols (Midi is the only external communication method available on Windows currently). That's why youll find the Pro Suite in various athletic facilities, from high schools to universities, to every Olympics in the last ten years. The Background Color allows you to change the slide background color on your thumbnail. Download it below and select Registration under the File menu after it launches. Overrun: Check this box if you want the timer to continue to count after it hits its destination, uncheck it if you want it to stop at its final goal To access the Import options, click on File, then Import and choose the option you want to use. Ability to do custom shapes, gradients, and Bezier curves when creating slides. If you allow your plan to expire, you keep the latest version you received while in plan, but will no longer receive updates for bug fixes or new features that are introduced. For example, if you purchases a license on February 1, 2022, you will be eligible for support and updates to ProPresenter through February 1, 2023. is then capable of receiving and decoding that video image as in input source. Upgrade from a previous ProPresenter product. The Audio Bin allows you to create playlists of songs to control on demand or with cues. 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