A new video apparently shows a Ukrainian T-64BV knocking out a Russian tank from 10,600 meters away, or 6.5 miles, which make it the longest-range tank kill ever, doubling the previous record . Hey, what was the slope on the Panther II Glacis? The frontal turret armor had a thickness of 120mm set at an angle of 12 degrees, a thickness of 60mm at the sides and rear set at an angle of 25 degrees, and a thickness of 40mm set at an angle of 17 and 7 degrees on the turret roof. It's pretty much a new tank, with better armor than the . On the other hand, it is correct to say Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.G. All HEAT-derived rounds have concentrated post-penetration damage, similar to APDS, which travels in a tight cone from the impact point. Did the KwK 44/2 ever get mounted in a Schmalturm? The first Versuchs-Schmalturm, completed by August 20, 1944. & Doyle, H.L. Under these new specifications, the Schmalturm (English: narrow turret) was born. js = d.createElement(s); The M4 General Sherman was the most widely used tank series among the Western Allies, being employed not only by the U.S. Army and Marine Corps but also by British, Canadian, and Free French forces. The Army's new Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) has now hit a record 43 miles. While new tanks like the Russian Armata and Turkish Altay are taking the spotlight in the world of armored vehicles, China has a new tank gun that might just beat them . Tandem charge ATGMs are available to high-rank Soviet or Russian ATGM carriers such as the Shturm-S and BMP-3. This was mainly due to America's lend-lease program that provided US military aids to foreign allied . Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Military/Aviation History. What is the longest tank shell name? Get the latest in military news, entertainment and gear in your inbox daily. Few of them are done, but we have an enormous back log. HE rounds are available to almost every vehicle in-game. representatives mentioned. It's ideally used against targets where angled performance is required and HE filler is preferable. The shells have a similar naming, for example the PzGr 39 and the PzGr 39/43, this shows that the later one (43 is the year it came to service) is a modifcation of the original 39 design. How do tank shells work? Data from 2019 shows Jordan at position 89 Cars, Self-Propelled Guns and Support Vehicles.. For this reason, in 1943, Krupp developed an anti-aircraft tank based on the Panzer IV equipped with 2 cm Flakvierling 38. HE Grenades are available to vehicles with recoilless cannon designs or other non-standard cannon designs. At Least One F/G Hybrid. Although the 5,100 meter distance is what is often recorded in history books, at least one British tanker . in April, Daimler-Benz in March, M.N.H. This report covers tank guns of 115 mm, 120 mm, and 125 mm in calibre, which encompasses the majority of tank guns that have been produced since 1961, when the Soviet Union introduced the T-62 main battle tank (MBT). The sought after production goal of all the German firms combined was 2,940 Pz.Kpfw. What IS a Type 4 tank? Illustration of the Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F (Sd.Kfz.171). As time progressed, technology improved and rounds also improved in terms of lethality, accuracy and ballistic performance. Any prediction for when you will release of some of these articles? How fast is a tank shell? The author would like to extend his gratitude to Harold Biondo for providing sources. TankPorn is for all things Battle Tanks, Armored Fighting Vehicles, Armored Cars, Self-Propelled Guns and Support Vehicles affiliated. 1. turret was seen defending Berlin in 1945 and subsequently moved into some sort of tank dump next to a Tiger I and Tiger II. How the sabot is handled is dependent on the type of round - it may be either discarding or non-discarding. Answer (1 of 14): The actual question you need to ask is what is the EFFECTIVE range of a tank? Different missile types are effective in different applications - some have anti-tank properties, while others are effective against air targets. Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus (English: "Mouse") was a German World War II super-heavy tank completed in late 1944. Most if not all the automotives of the Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F were the same as on the Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.G. Political leaders have encountered unanticipated resistance within their own coalitions, and even from . I know the formula for relative armour thickness, but I need to figure out the slope to figure it out. It also reduced the production time by about 30-40%. IChooseFeed 4 yr. ago. Wa Prf 6 was dissatisfied with Rheinmetalls design for reasons unknown and, thus, in Spring of 1944, they handed the responsibility over to Daimler-Benz. Panther Ausf.F was to be their first Panthers produced while for M.A.N. - Rohit Raj, Patna. But some WWII tanks are also known for be able to kill enemy tanks at 2~3km range, such as the famous 88mm on Tiger 1. (43.2 kg) Length without Fuze 23.9 in. The result is a simple, yet effective anti-tank round that will punch through armour with high equivalent thickness values, while retaining reasonable post-penetration effects which, when well-placed, can deal significant internal damage to components and crew directly within the shrapnelling path. Browse the list of 470 Shell acronyms and abbreviations with their meanings and definitions. Panther Ausf.G. mounting the first Versuchs-Schmalturm. Unfinished Pz.Kpfw. Jentz, T.L. The 33 ft 6 in (10.2 m) long and 12 ft 2 in (3.71 m) wide super-heavy tank weighs 188 tonnes. Challenger destroyed an Iraqi tank with an armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding-sabot (APFSDS) round fired over 4,700 meters (2.9 mi)the longest tank-on-tank kill shot recorded. It carried 700 liters of fuel which gave it a range of 200 km on road and 100 km on cross country. That's the longest verified distance for a U.S. military howitzer. High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) rounds make use of shaped charges to penetrate armour, forcing superplastic metal through into the crew compartment, damaging crew and modules. It had a maximum speed of 46 km/h, average road speed of 30-35 km/h, and a cross country speed of 20 km/h. The ninety-five-ton T28 . Please set a proper flair if applicable. The armadillo ( Dasipodidae) is the only mammal that has a shell. CIOS XXXII-33 Tank Development at the Daimler-Benz Factory Berlin-Marienfelde Some Schmalturm examples were captured and sent to the United States, specifically the Aberdeen Proving Ground and the United Kingdom for analysis. Panther Ausf.F. 17. This resulted in it being cheaper, lighter, and smaller. The U. S. Army is acquiring a new multipurpose tank round that can flatten bunkers, pulverize obstacles, breach concrete walls, or take out groups of personnel or armored vehicles, thanks to an . As time progressed, technology improved and rounds also improved in terms of lethality, accuracy and ballistic performance. 1995. F. Panther II had thicker armor. Several Schmalturm prototypes, dubbed Versuchs-Schmalturm (English: experimental narrow turret), are known to have been built for Wa Prf 6. The maximum 360 degrees turret traverse time via hydraulic power was 30 seconds. Their effectiveness is similar to that of an equivalent HEAT round, however due to their low muzzle velocity they can be inaccurate at long ranges. HE, when fired, is visualized by a bright yellow streak in flight. Source: Germanys Panther Tank: The Quest for Combat Supremacy. 125mm Shells Go at Mach 6. The Allies were closing in and by the time they reached the Pz.Kpfw. Kreiselgerate of Berlin. It seems to have been knocked out from a round hitting the barrel near the mantlet, fracturing the barrel, and thus being abandoned by its crew. Due to numerous delays and setbacks, the planned production schedule was never achieved. Source: custermen.net. on Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F (Sd.Kfz.171), 5 men (commander, gunner, loader, radio operator, and driver), Water-cooled, gasoline Maybach HL 230 P30 V12 motor producing 600 hp @ 2500 rpm. Source: Panzer Tracts. Number of Characters: 154. The S.Z.F.1 periscopic sight consists of the periscope, control box, and motor-generator. If a few Pz.Kpfw. The Minister of State for the Armed . Indeed, naming tanks is a longstanding tradition in the ranks of the U.S. military with its own rules and regulations. The T.Z.F.13 had a selectable magnification of 2.5x and a field of view of 28 degrees and 6x with a field of view of 12 degrees. Production of the Pz.Kpfw. K stands for rapid tracks for vehicles, g stands for cast steel all alloys, and s stands for floating pins. The exceptions were exchanging the co-axial M.G.34 with the M.G.42, minimizing of the production cost, ability to be quickly converted into a Befehlswagen Panther (commanders tank version of the Panther), and ability to use infrared night vision equipment. First we have Armor Piercing or regular AP, which is a decent round but not that great. Review News. It is necessary to limit the scope of this study, and the increase of Soviet tank gun calibres from 100 mm to 120 mm in 1961 . And bureaucracy may happen everywhere in Germany: legislation (law names, example in the answers), management (position names, example in the answers), military, . Wa Prf 6, a department of the Waffenamt tasked with designing and testing armored vehicles, presumably thought that Rheinmetall could redeem themselves by redesigning the new turret. 2. 13. The information on the performance and characteristics is based on Ernst Haas claims albeit in great detail. How are tank shells measured? 10. Two spherical bulges were created to properly accommodate the piece of equipment on both upper front sides of the turret. Fig 3: The angled shell penetrates the armor. While the sight was stabilized in the vertical plane, the gun was not. The chassis was instead used as a test bed. German Reich (1945) Medium Tank - Small Number of Unfinished Hulls and Turrets. The Pz.Kpfw. The Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F was the right upgrade at the wrong time. Updated Feb 8, 2022 2:22 PM EST. It lacked the triangular roof line which accommodated the rangefinder, the rangefinder itself, and the armored guard underneath the mantlet which was designed to prevent shot traps. Panther & Its Variants. The documentation doesnt explicitly mention the S.Z.F.1, but it does provide photographs of the S.Z.F.1 implying that is what is being referred to. These were essentially experimental Schmalturm turrets on a Pz.Kpfw. Click this link to start earning cash now https://www.influencerlink.org/SHIfThank you to Opinion Outpost for sponsoring this videoMerch STORE LINK - https:/. Panther Ausf.F chassis outfitted with a Pz.Kpfw. Though guns have a number of characteristics unique to themselves, equally important to their performance is the type of ammunition the player chooses to fire. Recent data from 2019 shows Jordan at position 89 longest is Sasha Braus who also carries the nickname Potato.. Press J to jump to the feed. One of the defining features of the Pz.Kpfw. Also take notice of the rings on both sides of the turret for mounting camouflage and the turret basket present on the left image. ATGM-VT missiles are available to specialised ATGM carriers such as the Shturm-S. Tandem ATGMs are effective against ERA-protected vehicles, and often have very high penetration values. The second, third, and fifth unfinished hulls are Pz.Kpfw. Despite this, it can still be used for ranged engagements against light tanks and medium tanks with insufficient ERA or composite protection, as particularly late HEATFS rounds have extremely high penetration power. The official designations for most tanks (or any piece of military hardware, basically) are pretty long. Rockets can be found either mounted ancillary to a conventional cannon, as on the RBT-5 and Calliope, or on dedicated rocket carriers such as the BM-13N, U-SH 405, and Type 75 MLRS. They're best used against aircraft by rangefinding the aircraft in question, setting the fuse range to a reasonable assumption based on the result and leading sensibly. The past, the present, futuristic, historical, prototypes, all things inclusive. The TOW-2B is carried by specialized ATGM carriers, like the Wiesel 1A2 or the M113, exception being made only to the M3A3 Bradley and Dardo IFVs, which carry it too as a secondary weapon. It features switches for correcting the optical sighting axis by elevating or lowering it, for power supply, lighting, and firing, and for the arresting device. The second Versuchs-Schmalturm was built by January 4, 1945 and also mounted on a Pz.Kpfw. 12. Jared Keller On the rear turret plate, a pistol port was created in order to defend against enemy soldiers from climbing over the rear of the vehicle. 1st ed. They are extremely effective against mid-ranged aircraft but cannot be relied upon for use against armour. The mechanism consisted of a screw and nut which were connected by universal joints from the turret turntable to one end and the other end of the gun cradle. APHEFSDSHEATHECBC is an acronym for armour piercing high explosive fin stabilized discarding sabot high explosive anti tank high explosive capped ballistic capped round which is just a cool overpowered round for a tank invented by tank fish (DISCLAMER: this is not real, obviously) But, of course I'm always on the hunt for new arrivals to get me in the spring break/summer mindset. Most popular Shell abbreviations updated in February 2023. BERLIN Nearly a month after Berlin gave European allies permission to send German-made tanks to Ukraine, the flow of tanks so many leaders vowed would follow seems more like a trickle. Tony an, Kangta, and longest shell name meme Jae-won were required for anti-tank missions breaking. Panther Ausf.F. Throughout the past century of tank development, a large range of ammunition types have been produced and seen combat. Source: Mark Nash, Krupps design to mount an 8.8cm Kw.K.43 L/71 onto a Panther based on the Schmalturm. But, the BR-234SP shell will do 41mm of penetration at 1000 meters and only 57mm at 100 meters. Derithimus 4 yr. ago. Review: 2022 Mercedes-Benz C200 - Is the base baby S-Class good enough or . Panzergranate 40 ( Pzgr 40) Armor-piercing, composite, rigid ( APCR) ammunition was referred to as Panzergranate 40. The drive sprockets were located at the front and the idler wheels at the rear. On March 1, 1943, Rheinmetall created conceptual turret design drawing, H-Sk 88517, otherwise known as the Turm-Panther (schmale Blende) (English: Turret-Panther (narrow mantlet)) under these requirements. The photos of the only built Panther Ausf. There are of course countless subtypes and modifications, but going too much into detail would take too long. The new turret traverse gear developed by Daimler-Benz of Berlin-Marienfelde, Germany dropped two differentials and the multiplate overload clutch from previous Panthers. But unlike Pion, this system was charged with 152 mm rounds that could reach up to . For example, the BR-234P shell will do 95mm of penetration at 100 meters and 30mm at 1000 meters. They combine the anti-armour power of a standard HEATFS round with the anti-aircraft effectiveness of a HE-VT round. This effectively gave the tank the ability to fire accurately while driving albeit only when the inconsistent alignment occurred. We used to say If I can see it I can kill it. The Pz.Kpfw. Source: Panzer Tracts. Tank ammunition. The device consisted of a large structure to the right of the gun carriage which held 4 rounds This device, when activated by the recoil of the gun, would lift up a round onto a holder at the end of a pivoting arm. Or in other words a Puma or Sdfz 234/4, The full descriptive name of the Sd.Kfz. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. According to the FT's sources, the supermajor's new chief executive, Wael Sawan, was part of a team of top executives that two years ago considered moving Shell's headquarters to the U.S. and listing the . Source: Germanys Panther Tank: The Quest for Combat Supremacy, Two front photographs of a production Schmalturm sent to the United Kingdom. and was originally intended for combat. One of the most common rounds in the game is the simple APHE (Armor-Piercing High Explosive). The frontal turret armor plate thickness consisted of 120mm at 20 degrees, 60mm on the sides and rear at 25 degrees, 40mm flat on the roof, and 150mm of cast armor on the Saukopf (English: pigs head) style mantlet. Source: Panzer Tracts. Armour-Piercing, Capped, Ballistic Capped (APCBC), Armour-Piercing, High-Explosive, Ballistic Capped (APHEBC), Armour-Piercing, High-Explosive, Capped, Ballistic Capped (APHECBC), Armour-Piercing, Fin-Stabilised, Discarding Sabot (APFSDS), High-Explosive Variable Time Fuse [Self-Destroying] (HE-VT*), Anti-Personnel Fragmentation Grenade (VOG), High-Explosive, Anti-Tank, Fin-Stabilized (HEATFS), High-Explosive, Anti-Tank, Fin-Stabilised, Proximity Fuse [Self-Destroying] (HEATFS VT*), Anti-Tank Guided Missile, Overfly Top Attack (ATGM-OTA), Anti-Tank Guided Missile, Proximity Fuse [Self-Destroying] (ATGM-VT*), Anti-Tank Guided Missile, Tandem Charge (ATGM Tandem), [Devblog] New features upcoming with the "Ixwa Strike" update - Shell impact animations, [Devblog] Volumetric shells in the "Raining Fire" update, https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=Tank_ammunition&oldid=153330. Can artillery shells destroy a tank? 2006. Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing Ltd. Spielberger, W.J. The lower sides featured 60mm while the Ausf F lower sides had 40mm. An armored encasement besides the cupola located on top of the turret shields the insulator below the antenna for the Fu 8 radio. The armor plates were made from E22 alloy. Most English words longer than about 15-20 letters are scientific, meaningless, or highly specialized, and they tend to be formed by affixation.This is the act or process of adding affixes to a base word to produce a derivative wordin the word affixation, for instance, -ation is an affix. Mass, shell type and hardness are constants, but velocity reduces with distance travelled and as such at longer ranges kinetic rounds will lose penetration ability and in some cases post-penetration efficacy. There will eventually be a standalone Panther II article eventually. Nahverteidigungswaffe. It means, "legal protection insurance companies." According to Guinness, this was the longest German dictionary word in everyday usage. Due to its low velocity, HEAT often requires a high angle of attack and will arrive at a target on an angle - as such the often impressive 0 penetration statistics will often prove irrelevant, with angled penetration values being more accurate. The gun cradle was now welded and the air compressor set for the fume extractor was now replaced by an air pump cylinder by surrounding the recuperator with a single additional cylinder. However, the inclusion of a pre-ignition device, as Haas called it, allowed it to fire with a degree of accuracy while the vehicle was moving. The Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F was propelled by a V12, watercooled, Maybach HL 230 P30 engine generating 600 hp @ 2500 rpm. A small thing such a wheelbarrow (in normal German: Schubkarre) is called in military German: einachsiger Dreiseitenkipper. Doyle, H.L. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. The traverse gear was fixed in place to the turret ring and driven from the main transmission shaft through a hydraulic motor. Some nations, such as the British, have modified versions of AP, usually denoted by a "HV" in the name, which is launched at a higher velocity than standard AP rounds, resulting in higher penetration potential. Panther Ausf.F was to start in early 1945 and done by Krupp-Gruson in April, M.A.N. Kinetic rounds penetrate and deal damage based on a number of factors; shell type, projectile mass, round velocity and material hardness. London, England: Osprey, Good Tank, Poor Deployment | T-34-76 and T-34-85 in Yugoslav Partisan Service. Panther Ausf.F hull. The M829 is an American armor-piercing, fin-stabilized, discarding sabot (APFSDS) tank round. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. The gun was able to elevate up to 20 degrees and depress down to 8 degrees. APC is commonly found as a mid-tier shell for both the British and French on their mid-to-late WW2 vehicles. (function (d, s, n) { Below listed are the top 10 tanks of world war two - Most powerful WWII tanks ever built. Brinell scale is a standardized method of characterizing the hardness of a certain material. U.S. Army M-1A2SEPv2s and Romanian tanks during an exercise in Germany in May. The Custermen Division. After World War II the basic T-34/85 tanks armed with 85-mm guns were replaced by T-54 and T-55 tanks armed with 100-mm guns. For now, we are rewriting the Panther article which is being split apart. Jentz, T.L. . 21. The Panzerkampfwagen Panther Ausf.F carried over the five-man crew, three in the turret and two in the hull. 2006. All 82 rounds were stored in the hull, likely in the same fashion as the Pz.Kpfw. He also goes on to claims that the sight was being refined and copied by both Leitz and Kreiselgerate together. Medium Tank M4 Sherman with 500hp Ford GAA V8 DOHC petrol engine with 76mm M1A2 cannon in T23 turret with Wet ammunition storage and Horizontal Volute Spring Suspension with T84 rubber tracks. The hulls armor was largely the same as the Ausf.G, with the differences lying on the hulls roof. ATGMs are powerful and SACLOS guided missiles are easily aimed, however they travel slowly and well-aware targets may be able to move into cover prior to the ATGM reaching them. | A Schmalturm, missing its gun, that was sent to the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in the United States. Side shot of the 7.5cm Kw.K.44/1 L/70 with its mantlet. Front photograph of the Pz.Kpfw. Coupled with a ZF A.K.7/200 transmission (located at the front), the Pz.Kpfw. Your email address will not be published. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Contributor. Which is of a softer metal that when. (6.6 kg). HESH rounds are available to most British vehicles from Rank V, and other vehicles in possession of an L7-derived gun. Ernst Haas from the Berlin firm was credited as the inventor and designer. 234/4)". HE ATGMs are only effective against light vehicles and missile carriers in most cases, despite packing large quantities of HE filler. In addition, the M.G.34 bow machine gun for the radio operator was replaced by a St.G.44. Why IS there a 3/4 tank rule? According to M.A.N. Below is a selection of submissions from Task & Purpose readers. 20. Required fields are marked *. AKA M4A3 76W HVSS or M4A3E8. 4. would love to see an article about this there is definitely enough info out there infrared night vision equipment. The FuG5 ultra-short wave radio set was mounted on the hull and the Fu 8 long range radio was mounted in the turret. https://www.custermen.net/nahvert/nah.htm Date of access: 6 Feb. 2018. The last remaining relic of the Pz.Kpfw. Anna Bertha Cecilia Diana Emily Fanny Gertrude Hypatia Inez Jane Kate Louise Maud Nora Ophelia Prudence Quince Rebecca Sarah Teresa Ulysis Venus Winifred Xenophon Yetty Zeno Pepper. Ausf.G, with the differences lying on the type of round - it may be discarding. L/71 onto a Panther based on Ernst Haas from the Berlin firm was credited as the Pz.Kpfw:..., composite, rigid ( APCR ) ammunition was referred to a Pz.Kpfw of! Are done, but we have armor Piercing or regular AP, which travels in a?... Stored in the vertical plane, the M.G.34 bow machine gun for the radio operator replaced! For the Fu 8 radio Shturm-S and BMP-3, 1944, it is correct to say if can! German firms combined was 2,940 Pz.Kpfw with 152 mm rounds that could reach to! A hydraulic motor the sight was being refined and copied by both Leitz and Kreiselgerate.... Factors ; shell type, projectile mass, round longest tank shell name and material hardness other hand, is. 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