You have permission to edit this article. May. Unless the court of appeals tells us something differently.. You have permission to edit this article. Boyd is currently the districts assistant superintendent. Were just kind of in a really good place.. Women get overlooked all the time.. Jeremy Braden is currently finishing his first year as Middle School Principal in Urbandale. Idahos Professional Standards Commission in January of 2020 announced it would reprimand Anthony for producing inaccurate teacher reports. The finalists include one administrator from the district and two from other central Iowa districts. (It should be noted that The Kiowa County Independent did not obtain or directly view a copy of the document that was presented.). The audio recording does not indicate one way or another if those records were viewed by all the individuals who were present. The board approved a Hes a finalist for the superintendent jobs in McCall and Jerome. Three seats on District 87s school board are up for grabs, with candidates Mark Wylie, Veleda Harvey, Cathy Lust and Courtney Turnbull vying for votes in the April 4 consolidated election. NEW ULM The District 88 School board will be interviewing five potential candidates for the Superintendent position from a pool of 12. About the Finalists . Copyright 2002-2022. Mid-Prairie superintendent finalist withdraws. Lindaman has served eight years in her position and 17 years with the district. UPDATE: Superintendent Finalists Announced (With Photos) tom February 9, 2018. The School Board named three finalists for Highlines next Superintendent. Menu Highline Public Schools 15675 Ambaum Blvd. While three finalists were interviewed over the previous three days and nights, the final discussion was between Downing and Jeremy Roche, currently principal Holmes announced her resignation on Nov. 12. Your account has been registered, and you are now logged in. The Salmon School Board met on Feb. 25, with an action item regarding the superintendent position. Supporters say raising pay will make serving easier for members who cant afford to miss work or hire a babysitter. The board voted on March 18 to have the Idaho School Boards Association conduct the superintendent search. (Photo West Ada selects four finalists for superintendent position, Submit Legal Notices to or call 208-465-8129. KAUKAUNA Three finalists have been named in the search for the next leader of the Kaukauna Area School District. The board hired Randy Lords as the new superintendent a day after that announcement. Kiowa High School Unclaimed. The Summit School District Board of Education announced its three finalists for the position of superintendent Tuesday, Feb. 22. The image of the superintendent as the savior on the white horse is one that is not necessarily reflective of the skills and knowledge that are most important in order for a superintendent to be successful, Starr said. The finalists are Darren Hanna, Nathan Marting and Autumn Pino. Eighmy didn't respond to a request for comments. Ms. Leonard referenced hard copies of transcripts and test scores she had brought that, per her statement, proved she had the necessary qualifications for the position. Essential education reporting in Colorado. WebThe district includes students from several surrounding communities in south central Kansas and the educational facilities are located in the city of Kiowa. Completed petitions shall be submitted to Pamela S Cole, Designated Election Official no later than 4:00 p.m. on September 1, 2017. (Click herefor a closer look at superintendent salaries.). Carrie Olson, the board president, said the board is looking to present the community with several final applicants, though she said if applicants drop out in the end, as they did in the last search, the board may not have a choice. Cory Myer Mr. Myer currently serves as the North Iowa Community School district Superintendent. In Jeffco, where the search is furthest along, the search firm is set to present Thursday night a summary of the surveys and community engagement meetings with multiple community, school, and employee groups. Travis Hargreaves, who had been serving as principal of Kiowa Schools since summer 2021, is taking over the role of district superintendent after the resignation Colorado requires that school districts name finalists at least 14 days before they officially make their choice. the headlines tomorrow! At one point, the meeting became tense, but the individuals involved immediately calmed down and the board proceeded to vote on the candidate selection. Colorado College said the rankings go against the schools values. We dont want to pretend this is the only district in the country and all of these candidates are waiting around to be put through this process, Baxter said. The boards next meeting is set for April 13. On April 8, the five semifinalists were interviewed by the Board electronically via Zoom. The Jeffco board will interview a handful of candidates early next month and will then decide which of those candidates may be named finalists. Olson said she understands that board members have the job of representing the public in the decision. Current Coeur dAlene Superintendent Steven Cook has accepted a positionin the Oregon-based Bend-La Pine School District. Originally, the board planned to conduct the first candidate interviews on Feb. 16, but SCSC recommended extending the superintendent application period. Spread the loveA school district is a collection of schools that operate within a specified area of a state. Following these screening interviews and subsequent review of data, three finalists were selected for formal interviews. Abrams contract with the district runs through the 2023 school year and gives him a salary of $125,000. Kalahar currently serves as the assistant executive director of learning and teaching in the Wenatchee School District and has 24 years of experience in Wenatchee schools. Previously, Smith was a principal in the Muscatine school district and a principal in the Waterloo school district. But when the stakeholder survey came out, I saw that my skills align with what the district is looking for.". The meeting was suspended until such time as Ms. Leonard could be present. Anderson has been superintendent therefor three years and has 28 years of overall experience in education. And the collective call for stability is only one area where Plainview stakeholders share enormous common ground, for there is no doubt that everyone involved is motivated by the sincere desire to provide the very best education possible for all the students in attendance. Kent Mutchler. Super excited, Lords said. Fischer said that she has not heard calls in her community to name multiple finalists. He has a strong understanding of Iowa school finance and recently facilitated a Physical Plant and Equipment (PPEL) increase to benefit the districts financial situation. Their next scheduled meeting is on April 19. (Red Oak) Three finalists have been selected for formal interviews for Red Oak Community School District Superintendent. Submitted by Tumwater School District. If you value Chalkbeat, consider making a donation. WebKiowa County School District RE-1. One stipulation was stated upfront and was non-negotiable: the discussion of candidates was limited to non-personal information that is legally allowed to be discussed in a public setting. *********************************************************. Each possesses a strong background and experience in recruiting teachers and staff, Dr. Concie Pedroza her career as a classroom teacher and later served as an elementary, K-8 and high school principal. Atlantic, IA, USA / Western Iowa Today 96.5 KSOM KS 95.7, Iowa State women drop high scoring game at Kansas, Kellyanne Conway meets with Manhattan prosecutors investigating Trump. PUBLISHED: March 3, 2022 at 5:18 p.m. | UPDATED: March 3, 2022 at 5:26 p.m. A press release sent out on June 25, 2019 by Timothy ONeill, Special Counsel with Lyons Gaddis Attorneys and Counselors representing Plainview School District, stated the following: The Kiowa County School District RE-2 (Plainview Schools) Board ofEducation (Board) was contacted by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) on May 16,2019 regarding licensure and endorsement issues concerning Interim Superintendent andPrincipal Yonda Leonard. The board will now begin contract negotiations with Dr. Shank, the district announced Monday. Lords has been Madisons assistant superintendentsince 2015 and has been in various roles within the district for 19 years. Having that in place will offer more details about how the district will set up its search. As Plainview School District Chairman of the Board, Howard Vortuba, described it in the April 25, 2019 meeting (per the audio recording), the interview and selection process was designed to be as transparent and inclusive as possible. Carson is currently the Hansen School Districts superintendent. All rights reserved. During its search for candidates, the Board of Education conducted a community-wide survey, and began interviews last week. The three finalists include two high school principals, one from Sheboygan Falls and one fromMenasha, and Kaukauna's own director of secondary education. More:What Kaukauna schools' retiring superintendent will remember from his decade in charge, More:Kaukauna schools superintendent to retire in June; district starts search for its next leader. South Barber Schools consists of two buildings, 7-12 and PreK-6. KiowaCountyPress.netmay earn an affiliate commission if you purchase products or services through links in an article. The stakeholders are all those individuals one would expect to be invested in the welfare of the local school district including, among others, the school board, staff, students, parents, alumni, town folk plus business people who recognize what a cornerstone schools are in communities, especially small communities in rural parts of the state. E ach of the finalists will visit the Tumwater School District on their scheduled day. By KWTX that he is the lone finalist for Superintendent of the Northside ISD in San Antonio, Texas. The forum for district personnel will start at 4 p.m. and the forum for community members will be at 7 p.m. After an executive session last Friday, board Chairwoman Amy Johnson said the lengthy deliberation was due to a deep list of strong candidates. OSKALOOSA The Oskaloosa Board of Directors has announced two finalists for the superintendent position and will hold final interviews on March 2. Kim Hiel, the superintendent of Fridley Public Schools and a former assistant superintendent at Osseo, was the other finalist, the Osseo district announced Feb. 27. Some community members were left feeling frustrated and distrustful of the process. Submit your story idea or news tip by clicking the button below. Reberry was in her position for just 10 months after she replaced Josh Middleton, who left after a turbulent 2018-2019 school year. Gee will be the third Middleton superintendent in the past four years. A person who desires to be a candidate for school director shall file a written notice of intention to be a candidate and a nomination petition signed by at least 25 eligible electors who are registered to vote in the regular biennial school election. Prior to that, he served as superintendent at Ankeny Community Schools in Ankeny, Iowa, from 2002-2006 and Oelwein Community Schools I Oelwein, Iowa from 1998-2002. Kim Hiel, the superintendent of Fridley Public Schools and a former assistant superintendent at Osseo, was the other finalist, the Osseo district announced Feb. 27. Starr said the key in balancing the tensions is being clear and upfront. 0:38. A new superintendent would officially start July 1, though it's Killeen ISD Board of Trustees to begin search for next district superintendent. He will leave Coeur dAlene when his contract expires in June. Today's breaking news and more in your inbox. Kim Hiel, the superintendent of Fridley Public Schools and a former assistant superintendent at Osseo, was the other finalist, the Osseo district announced Feb. 27. Gee is currently the superintendent at Preston School District. South Barber USD 255 - 512 Main - Kiowa, KS 67070 - p. 833.722.7237 Ext. School boards feel enormous tension, said Joshua Starr, a former superintendent and CEO of PDK International, a membership association for educators. Responses to the districts community survey on what qualities it wants in a new superintendent are available here. Finalists named for new Waterloo Schools superintendent, Center Point-Urbana parents submit petition to reinstate primary school principal, Iowa Regents to consider making ACT and SAT optional for good, Waterloo P.E. 0:57. If Shank accepts an offer, he will take over sometime this summer, the district announced. He praisedthe district's "supportive community" and the unique opportunitieslike abuilding trades class that culminates with a finished student-built residential home every year. Education (Board) was contacted by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) on May 16, 2019 regarding licensure and endorsement issues concerning Interim Superintendent and, Principal Yonda Leonard. Kent Mutchler currently serves as the superintendent of Geneva Community Unit School District 304 in Geneva, Ill., a role he has held since 2006. The finalists include Jeremy Braden, Joe Erickson and Ron Lorenz. The board acceptedit on Dec. 14. On Sunday, February 19 the Board of Directors of the Cheyenne Manor in Cheyenne Wells hosted a Meet and Greet soup dinner for the community at the Knights of Columbus Hall in honor of their newly h March 01, 2023 | Karen Yudnich | Letters to the Editor. She oversees student enrollment, mentors new principals, and supervises teaching. She took over the position left by Sherawn Reberry, who resigned in June 2020. Amy Kortemeyer is currently Deputy Superintendent of Educational Services for the Iowa City Community School District. On April 1, Muir signed a two-year contract with Soda Springs, with a salary of $92,500 per year. A person is ineligible to run for school director if he or she has been convicted of committing a sexual offense against a child. A motion was made and seconded to hire Ms. Leonard. But picking multiple finalists doesnt guarantee a smooth process. At this election 4 directors will be elected representing director districts A, B, D and E for a term of office of four years. Chalkbeat is a nonprofit newsroom dedicated to providing the information families and educators need, but this kind of work isnt possible without your help. Two finalists are men and one is a women from an applicant pool with 24 men, four women and oneperson who did not disclosegender. Jeffco Public Schools is going through the process first, and has completed multiple meetings and surveys to ask what people want in the next superintendent. Some of the best candidates may be overlooked if youre looking to check the boxes. The hiring of a new superintendent is made necessary by current superintendent Robin Spears announcement that hell be retiring next summer. Each of the finalists will visit the Tumwater School District on their scheduled day. Trustees named Jacob Gion as this districts new superintendent on March 8. The application deadline is April 21. The case will examine local control, and districts authority to appeal State Board of Education orders. "I love my job. This coming Tuesday,February 13th, the finalists will meet with multiple stakeholders from both the district and community during their formal interviews. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Education of Kiowa County School District RE-1, County of Kiowa, State of Colorado has caused this call for nominations to be given this 10th day of August, 2017. Some community members were left Quattrochi is under indictment EVANSVILLE (WKOW) -- Evansville Community School District released the names of the people who have qualified as finalists for the next superintendent. Bruneau-Grand View trustees accepted Ryan Cantrells resignation during its Feb. 9 meeting. Davis, 56, a former Carrollton High School principal, has been acting superintendent since the departure of David Quattrochi. If an abortion drug is banned, could a 2nd medication be used as a safe alternative. (Photo courtesy of CCA). And it wasnt a big problem last time the board named a sole finalist either, she said. "The Board will continue to evaluate his performance and can, at any time, transition him from an interim role to a permanent superintendent." The small Sheridan school district faced turmoil when the board ultimately chose a different applicant than the one many community members had backed. Karen Fischer, the school board president, said the board has just approved a contract with search consultants who first will conduct community outreach to report on what the public wants in a superintendent. Please disable your ad blocker, whitelist our site, or purchase a subscription. It should be noted that neither the definition nor the duration of [tabling] the superintendent contract was clarified in the minutes. Browse best elementary, middle, and high schools private and public schools by grade level in Kiowa, Colorado (CO). He also leads the district's technology integration team including managing the district's 1:1 computer devices program. She also helped create ICCSD's online learning program. Sarah Hatfield submitted her letter of resignation as superintendent to Highland Joint trustees in December. Erin Murphy. Full bios on each of the individuals are available on the Red Oak Community School District website. "I'm very excited for this opportunity. The finalists include Jeremy Braden, Joe Erickson and Ron Lorenz. 1, 2023 11:51 am12h ago, Hunter Moeller Sports Mar. Bremerton School District anticipates naming its new superintendent on Friday morning after narrowing its list of candidates from 25 applicants to three Were trying to make this as open and as transparent as possible.. He has been a part of multiple professional development initiatives including Authentic Intellectual Work (AIW) and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Updated: 12:08 PM CST January 23, 2023. Those were: The Carlisle school board hired Grundmeyer Leader Services to conduct the superintendent search. You cant always get to the school board meeting. Several smaller Colorado districts are also looking for their next leader. According to the press release, the applicant pool for the position included 26 applications; all candidates were reviewed by the Board on April 1 and six were selected as semifinalists; one semifinalist had accepted Looking for a more rewarding checking account?Explore the options here! Gilbert's current superintendent is Lindsey Beecher, who is retiring at the end of the school year after 10 years with the district. DECORAH, IA The Decorah Community School District Board of Education has announced three finalists in its search for the school districts next superintendent. I dont think were going out to tell the community, select the superintendent for us, she said. The first round of interviews will be held Monday, March 6. Nomination petitions may be obtained at the Superintendent's Office. In Denver, the school board is expected to announce soon its selection of a search firm. 10, 2022 8:33 am. On Jan. 13, trustees accepted Nancy Larsens resignation. Hanna was previously Director of Elementary Education for Waterloo Schools and Director of Instruction and Technology in the Mt. "When I was principal at Summit in Ankeny, our alternative learning school, I saw the needs for mental health support and addressing behavior. All rights reserved. Current Superintedent Robin Spears is set to retire on June 30th. Deborah Kerr (left) and Jill Underly (right) were the top two vote-getters in the primary election for state Your purchase was successful, and you are now logged in. During their time here, they will visit schools, meet with students and Olson also said that she is not worried too much about the applicant pool being small or about deterring qualified applicants by making the process open. PHONE. She says after theyre notified, the names of the final three will be released, and that should be sometime Friday. ), Todd Hale, Superintendent, North Gem School District, Cindy Johnstone, Director of Curriculum and Assessment, Vallivue School District, Marc Gee, Superintendent, Preston School District. The Madison School District will say goodbye to a longtime educator atthe end of this school year but leadership will stay in familiar hands. Murphy has been the deputy superintendent of the Bainbridge Island School District for seven Superintendent Mark Duerwaechter is retiring in June after being in the role for the past decade. These include raising student achievement proficiency scores in reading, math and science to over 90% and improving student attendance rates. Copyright The Journal | | 303 N. Minnesota St., New Ulm, MN 56073 | 507-359-2911, as of now we have 12 total applicants.. Barry Schmidt; Osakis Supt. Call for Nominations for School Directors. Charlton was also a a co-finalist for the McCall-Donnelly superintendent position. He has been awarded multiple grants that benefited his district and community including the STEM Business Engaging Students and Teachers (BEST) Grant from the Iowa Governors STEM Advisory Council. For the 2023 Meredith Communications Scholarship Application Click here. Sean Koster; McGregor Supt. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account. WebPreschool & Kindergarten Roundup January 23, 2023 This is for NEW Preschools and all students entering Kindergarten. C-2 In The County Of Elbert And State Of Kiowa High School. DarrenHanna is currently theSuperintendent of the Emmetsburg Community School District in northern Iowa. Matt Leeman, interim superintendent at Clear Creek Amana. He has served the district for six years and been successful improving climate and finances. The three finalists for superintendent of Lewis Central Community School are Dr. Joel Beyenhof, Dr. Brenton Hoesing and Dr. Nicole Kooiker, the district announced Wednesday. Blaine County trustees voted to hire McCall-Donnellys Jim Foudy, voted to part ways with Ron Anthony in March 2020, Sherawn Reberry, who resigned in June 2020, action item regarding the superintendent position, Derek Bub, Principal, Centennial High School in West Ada School District, Bret Heller, Assistant Superintendent, West Ada School District, Wendy Johnson, Superintendent, Kuna School District, Sam Jarman, Superintendent, Alpine School District (Utah), Vickie Cartwright, Superintendent, Oshkosh Area School District (Wisconsin), Chris Hines, Deputy Superintendent, Conroe Independent School District (Texas), David Holmes, Superintendent, La Center School District (Washington), Chris Harris, Superintendent, Yreka Union School District (Yreka, Calif.), Chad Krug, Assistant Superintendent, Ulysses Schools District (Ulysses, Kan.), Jennie Peterson, Director of Instruction, Kodiak Island Borough School District (Kodiak, Alaska), Shon Hocker, superintendent, Dickinson Public Schools (North Dakota), Kate Orozco, assistant superintendent of elementary education and instruction, Coeur dAlene School District, Janet Avery, District Curriculum Director, Jerome School District, Jonathan Goss, Assistant Head of Schools and 7th-12th Principal, Xavier Charter, Kayla Kelly, Principal, Hansen Junior/Senior High School, Angela Lakey-Campbell, Superintendent, Imbler School District (Ore.), Dr. Matthew Neal, Superintendent, American Creativity Academy, Kuwait (Kuwait City, Kuwait), Kelly Coughenour, Assistant Superintendent, Idaho Falls School District (Idaho Falls), Dr. Sylvia McNeely, Superintendent, Wanette Public Schools (Wanette, Ok.), Bidgit Arkoosh, principal, Holy Family Catholic School, Coeur dAlene, Janet Avery, curriculum director, Jerome School District, Silvia McNeely, superintendent, Wanette Public Schools (Wanette, Okla.), Lance Pearson, superintendent, Victor Public Schools (Victor, Mont. WebColorado Kiowa School District No. The list of recommended applicants includes Beacon Academy Supt. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Were special.. Im a little overwhelmed right now.. WATERLOO, Iowa (KWWL) -- Four finalists for the Waterloo Community School District's next superintendent were announced by the district's Board of Education on Monday. The three finalists include two high The Board will interview prospective candidates on March 9, 2022 at a public meeting. For further information, contact Logged out! Loading Success! Thanks! Final interviews with the candidates will be conducted on Thursday, January 27, and the board says they will reach a decision soon after. Experts in the fields of education and employment say few applicants are interested in being publicly named as finalists. We do extensive engagement with our community, so they are absolutely involved, said Susan Harmon, president of the Jeffco school board. That motion passed 5-0. More:Carlisle schools searches for a new superintendent, More:Indianola's new superintendent expects to be a familiar face in the community. After three hours of deliberation Friday, trustees of the states largest school district have selected the final four for the superintendent position: Derek Bub, The next scheduled meeting of the board is on April 13. VAN HORNE The Benton Community School District School Board screened six semifinalists for the districts next superintendent in closed session on Thursday, Jan. 19. The board of trustees set the superintendent salary range between $120,000 and $140,000. Anamosa, Iowa (KCRG) - The Board of Education for the Anamosa Community School District has announced three finalists in the search for the districts next superintendent. In Jeffco and in Cherry Creek, school boards have not taken such a clear stance. Think of it as being the equivalent of a corporate board of directors. Pleasant CSD. Idaho Ed News reporters Devin Bodkin and Nik Streng and data analyst Randy Schrader contributed to this story. Sleepy Eye Public High School has announced its first semester honor roll. I knew someday Id go on to do something like this, especially in Madison because of the amazing students and teachers and the community. According to School Board President Kecia Hickman, following Wednesdays screening interviews, the Board cut the list to three finalists for the position. Boland announced his plan to retire on Dec. 4, after 15 years leading the East Idaho district. On April 6, trustees reviewed the applications sent in and selected four candidates for the superintendent position: Trustees accepted Carsons resignation during their March 15 meeting. In Cherry Creek, where Superintendent Scott Siegfried may stay in the post into the summer if a replacement has not been selected, the school board is taking its time. Follow along with our newsletter. As a personnel matter, the Boardis limited as to its ability to comment further or answer additional questions.. Killeen ISD Board of Trustees to begin search for next district superintendent. He also served the district in the combined capacity of superintendent/elementary principal for seven years. Dr. Jared Smith is currently the Superintendent of the South Tama Community School District, which has seenincreased staff culture scores four years in a rowas he has worked to create positive work environments. Kiowa Schools Superintendent Scott Mader has given his resignation and will be leaving the district at the end of the school year. Reach AnnMarie Hilton at or 920-370-8045. We won't share it with anyone else. Later, during the meeting, the board went into executive session. As of Feb. 9, there were only six candidates. Sheldon, Iowa The original list of nineteen candidates seeking the Sheldon Superintendent of Schools position has been trimmed to three, and the names of the three finalists have been announced. She specifically identified her ability to build relationships within a community and with teachers. Jackie Johnson is currently serving as interim superintendent. Were going to use that input to inform what were looking for.. Both rulings have been appealed, and appellate courts could issue decisions soon. That development required the writer with the Kiowa County Independent to rely solely upon the publically posted official minutes of subsequent meetings of the Plainview School District Board of Directors to relate events that later happened. Pleasant News Mar. The Board of Education of Kiowa County School District RE-1 in the County of Kiowa, State of Colorado, calls for The boards next meeting is scheduled for April 14. The forum will be streamed at: You may also receive occasional messages from sponsors. The Eads Eagles entered the very competitive District 2 tournament seeded #5 and facing off against the eventual tournament champions, Granada, who was seeded #4 and proved to be the best 13-8 team 2016 Kiowa County Independent Authority to appeal State board of Directors has announced three finalists were selected for formal interviews on June.! A Hes a finalist for superintendent of educational Services for the Iowa city community School district College! Expected to announce soon its selection of a corporate board of trustees to begin search candidates... First candidate interviews on March 2 members were left feeling frustrated and distrustful of kaukauna... Four years its three finalists for superintendent of the School board named three finalists for the position executive. 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