(He claims to use Clinique on his own skin to this dayLook, no wrinkles, he says, pointing to the corrugations around his eyes.) (He did, however, get to take one memorable trip with Powell, who by this time was a corps commander stationed in Frankfurt, Germany. Encyclopedia of Jewish and Israeli history, politics and culture, with biographies, statistics, articles and documents on topics from anti-Semitism to Zionism. Its fun. Does it work? Lauder asked a caretaker who was standing by. He is also Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Joseph H. Lauder Institute of Management and International Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. [3] Aerin Lauder Zinterhofer. Ms. Webster began her career working at the Clinton White House and the U.S. State Department before earning her law degree at Georgetown University Law Center. We use cookies to ensure our website works properly, and to collect statistics to provide you with the best experience. At openings, Lauder typically stands at the door for the duration, greeting guests like a father of the bride in a receiving line. How do you even put your elbow through a painting, unless you have steel elbows? he asked. (It returned him to the museum an hour later.) The place remains much as it was when she lived in it, with a Schiele painting hanging on a wall of the dining room and pictures of her with friends such as Betty Ford and Raisa Gorbachev arrayed in silver frames in a sitting room. The young people were screening a television commercial that was to air at breakfast time; it showed quick shots of various Clinique products, accompanied by Simon and Garfunkel singing Feelin groovy. Lauder watched it a couple of times, pronounced it fabulous, and left the conference room singing a few bars of the tune. I looked on myself as a young playboy, I had a fantastic apartment on the Left Bank in the Seventh Arrondissement, and lived the life of Aly Khan. Richard Parsons, the C.E.O. Lauder himself is a decent draftsman, and one day he showed me his party piece: he asked me to write my signature, then copied it so accurately that he could forge my checks, in the unlikely event he should need to. A renowned art collector, Mr. Lauder has established one of the worlds greatest private collections. Se trata de un grito agudo y penetrante que repite en series (<<qui>>). This was Chaskel Besser, a close friend of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Schneerson, whom Lauder met while he was the Ambassador to Austria. Lauder is the daughter of Jo Carole Lauder (ne Knopf) and Ronald Lauder. Klimts greatest painting is The Kiss, which I also love, Lauder told me one day. The picture shows Lauder in the Negev Desert, surrounded by a crowd of young people; he is supporting a major irrigation project intended to supply water for new residential developments. Ronald Lauder, too, is part of the Este Lauder company but not of it. The deeper collaboration here thus may be between our unfulfilled longings and those of the Viennese artists we study. Caf Sabarsky could be the stage set for that imaginary kaffeeklatsch. His first wife was Evelyn Hausner, with whom he had two sons, Gary and William. Kurtz, who later became the head of Este Lauders operations in Central Europe, recalled, We went to Prague and to Budapest and to Zagreb and to Belgrade in my convertible Volkswagen, with two flags mounted on it: one the American flag and one the Austrian. They travelled according to Kurtzs limited budget, and conditions were more primitive than Lauder was accustomed to. Born: Aerin Rebecca Lauder April 23, 1970: Nationality: American: . Also, good communication skills never go out of style. Jo Carole was, Lauder says, a promising artist, though she chose not to pursue that vocation; she now heads a foundation that commissions art works for American embassies. To combat this boycott I suggest that we all go out and . She has one sister, Aerin Lauder Zinterhofer. Idolized is too strong a word for it, but he had great respect for the Nelson Rockefeller model of a private citizen who has given of himself to public service, Parsons, who had been Rockefellers lawyer before he became Lauders, says. In addition to his international interests, Mr. Lauder has long been committed to civic causes and public policy issues at home. C. In addition to his activities with The Este Lauder Companies, Mr. Lauder is extremely involved in the worlds of education, art, politics and philanthropy. My friend Sarah Spencer-Churchill was raped in Jamaica! He is just under six feet four inches tall, and moves with the self-consciousness of one who, having inadvertently claimed more than his fair share of vertical space, is careful not to dominate the horizontal. Even very seasoned leaders will see things in ways they havent seen before. (He bought a total of four square blocks from forty owners, packaged them, and sold them to a developer.) I have been after this painting for forty years, and finally I got it, he said. After Robert Opel dashed naked across the stage in 1974, he ran for President and settled into the gay leather scene, in the orbit of Robert Mapplethorpe and Harvey Milk. Jo Carole and Ronald Lauder Areas of Focus Education | Peace Building For more than four decades Jo Carole and Ronald Lauder have been among the country's preeminent supporters of the arts and civic causes, with an impressive portfolio of worldwide philanthropic and professional accomplishments. In 2001, he established the Neue Galerie New York, of which he is President. The legacies of these men have become beloved public institutions: the Blue Boy is the cornerstone of the Huntington Librarys art collection, in San Marino, California, and Mellons collection is the foundation of the National Gallery, in Washington. Lauder put on his suit and tie, went to the familys bank, and borrowed the money against Este Lauder stock. Now, I can reveal . ), In Lauders office is a framed photograph from a recent visit to Israel. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. 2023 Cond Nast. Who in Washington wants my Ronald dead? she asked Roy Cohn at the time. It felt like a tremendous validation of what we had done. This was right after World War Two, and the big prices were for Monet and Manet. morning journal obituaries past 3 days; when will allegiant release december 2022 flights - present) (2 children) Trivia (1) She has two daughters with her husband, Ronald: Aerin and Jane. They walked over to an imposing fireplace. He is currently (2017) the President of the World Jewish Congress. We are an independent, charitable entity registered in the United Kingdom. ), On that trip, Lauder bought his first Austrian Expressionist works, a drawing by Schiele and one by Klimt. She is a popular businesswoman in the United States of America and holds a claim to the vast fortune of the lauder's family. We were in his main office, a corner suite on the forty-second floor of the General Motors Building, on Fifth Avenue between Fifty-eighth and Fifty-ninth Streets; above a desk hung an Oh My God by the Austrian Expressionist Oskar Kokoschka, which Lauder had recently pried away from a private collection. The Company has a unique culture. He was very urbane and sophisticated with regard to restaurants and the like, Powell says. Mrs. Lauder has worked extensively with The Museum of Modern Art in New York. Our products enable people to demonstrate their creativity and passions, and to be their true selves. He is the chairman of Clinique Laboratories, one of the company brands, which he helped launch, in 1968, but he has no day-to-day responsibilities in that position. Mr. Lauder was married to Evelyn H. Lauder (Senior Corporate Vice President for The Este Lauder Companies Inc.) from 1959 until she passed away in 2011. In another gallery, Lauder stepped into a reconstructed Mdchenzimmera girls room, from 1904, with a twin bed, a dresser, and a vanityand adjusted a curtain hanging from a closet rail, to the mock dismay of the museums director, Rene Price, who was accompanying him on his tour. Theres also me and my brother, Lauder said. It is the most important Kirchner in private hands. Fundamental changes in our business are demanding that our people relearn and develop new competencies in areas like digital marketing and online sales and in the operation of freestanding retail stores. Ronald S. Lauder is the younger son of Este and Joseph Lauder and, like his brother, Leonard, learned the family business at the dinner table. It had the same kind of energy, passion, life, he says. He attended the Bronx. He and his brother, Leonard Lauder, are the sole heirs to the Este Lauder cosmetics company, founded by their parents, Este Lauder and Joseph Lauder, in 1946. Today and in the future, great leaders must be effective in carrying forth their ideas. In 1990, he travelled to the newly independent state of Estonia and bought a cement plant, which went on to provide most of the cement for new development in the region; he sold it after two profitable years. Most recently, he was named a 2014 Living Landmark by the New York Landmarks Conservancy. Birth Name Jo Carole Knopf Mini Bio (1) Jo Carole Lauder is known for Sol LeWitt: Wall Drawings (2010). Klimt and Wagner and Loos thus become tablemates of Freud and Mahler and Wittgenstein at an imaginary coffeehouse for a shining moment in the city that was the cradle of modernity, Varnedoe wrote. A highly talented and respected leader, Ms. Webster has an exceptional background across business, government, media, and philanthropy. She was a well-known hostess whom Klimt depicted in a sinuous golden gown and robe, against an abstracted golden background, looking like a Byzantine socialite who has just set down her cigarette holder and is about to discuss the latest symphony by that terribly interesting composer Gustav Mahler. And, as some brands are growing by 20 percent to 30 percent a year, we are not in a steady state, like youll find with traditional consumer brands. We are ambitious and like to win, but always in a gracious way. She co-leads the Global Value Council and is a member of the Executive Leadership Team and the Investment Development Committee. The son of Estee Lauder and the late Joseph Lauder, founders of Estee Lauder, Inc., Mr. Lauder was born on February 26, 1944. This biography of Ronald Lauder provides detailed information about his childhood, life, achievements, works & timeline . While he was enrolled at Bronx Science, he spent a semester at the Lyce Carnot, in CannesI was also the only Bronx Science student ever to take part of my junior year abroadwhere he became friends with Peter Kurtz, the son of an Austrian restaurateur. Mr. Lauder was the 2013 recipient of the Palazzo Strozzi Renaissance Man of the Year Award. (Lauder speaks those languages fluently, as well as a smattering of several others, including Swedish, which he studied as an undergraduate, and Dutch, which he acquired during his years as an Este Lauder executive. Greek neo. (Indeed, Kevin Warsh, Jane Lauders husband, was recently appointed a governor of the Federal Reserve Board, the youngest ever.) I take my time. To Lauders nostrum about the three categories of collecting, a modification has been made in recent years: There is a fourth category, rarely usedOh My God, I Thought It Was in a Public Collection. . I invited Ron and Jo Carole and their daughters and we had a wonderful trip to Berlin.), Lauder became prominent in the world of Viennese art and antiques: as a private individual he donated fifty thousand dollars for the re-gilding of the dome of the Secession Building, which had been neglected by the city for decades. Instead, Lauder acquired, for thirty-eight million dollarsin collaboration with an unnamed private collectora Berlin street scene by Ernst Kirchner, which, only months earlier, had been taken off a wall of the Brcke Museum, in Berlin; a German court had determined that its previous owners, Alfred and Thekla Hess, had sold it under duress during the Nazi occupation, and had ordered it returned to their descendants. No one else read it. Executive Vice President, Global Communications and Public Affairs. I dont know what Im going to do with them. Schoenberg, who is a generation younger than Lauder and several inches shorter, appeared dazed. Finally, it is paramount to have a mechanism for movement of talent across brands and geographies, to facilitate the building of experiences. Well, maybe not by limousine riders, Price conceded. Kurtz was three years Lauders senior, and during subsequent summers they made several road trips through Eastern Europe. Ronnie Lauder is married to Jo Carol Knopf Lauder born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware. As of 2020 promoting internet censorship to prevent "hate crime". Edward Norton. Once I began meeting our amazing people who are the heart of our company I fell in love. Nationality: American. He has graying hair, which he wears brushed back from his temples. It was very easythey gave me the money, and I took it and bought the two pieces of art, he told me. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Executive Leadership Council. My Ronald is not going to a crazy country like Jamaica.) Lauder resigned eighteen months after assuming the Vienna post, following a difficult tenure during which Kurt Waldheim, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, was elected Austrias President, despite having been exposed as a Nazi officer. (It is the largest such collection in private hands, and part of it is on loan to the Metropolitan Museum.) The family resides in New York City. Ms. Stanley is a member of the companys Executive Leadership Team and she serves as a senior advisor to ELCs Board of Directors and Executive Management on complex global legal issues and business interests. She began her career at General Motors as an engineer. florida porkfish regulations; nicholas letourneau georgetown. When Im in Israel, I always wear the same thing, a tie and jacket, because it sets me apart, he explained. When he suspects that the owners of paintings he covets are ready to surrender them, he courts them with phone calls and visits. His second wife was Jo Carole Knopf, with whom he had a daughter, Aerin. Lauders political aspirations appear to have lapsed. The couple have two adult daughters, Aerin and Jane. Before joining the company in 2012, she was Senior Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer at Ralph Lauren Corporation and also held financial and information technology leadership roles at Limited Brands, American National Can and PepsiCo/Pepsi Bottling Group. It was a spectacular plant, except the cement business is not for me, he says. The New Yorker may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. That owner is Ronald S. Lauderthe cosmetics heir, businessman, philanthropist, former ambassador, and sometime mayoral candidateand one recent afternoon he made his way through the museum, checking on the jewels. Based on the way the organization is growing and developing, business leaders are going to find themselves in situations theyve never been in before. In this capacity, Mr. Lauder meets with heads of countries, diplomats and religious leaders, representing Jewish communities in100 countries around the world. As we recruit talent, its critical to make it clear what the work is, and what our culture is all about. If you dont take risks and try, youll never be able to reach your potential. And I have two tombs of knights lying, from Germany. The Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder Center for Maternity Care is a state-of-the-art facility well known for providing exceptional hospital-based postpartum care with an emphasis on individualized and compassionate care. I told you about that when I talked with you yesterday, he said. Jo Carole Lauder has two children, Aerin and Jane. Ronald (Ron) Steven Lauder (born February 26, 1944) is an American businessman, billionaire, philanthropist, art collector, and political activist. In the early eighties, Lauder went into government, joining the Reagan Administration; his mothers friendship with Nancy Reagan was assumed by many to have been one of his main qualifications for his first post, as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Affairs. Beauty comes from within, but it can be also be enhanced with confidence, style and personality. To revisit this article, select My Account, thenView saved stories, To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Sin categora. We waited to see what would show up. On a rainy evening in early November, they were soldin what turned out to be the houses biggest night everfor a combined total of a hundred and ninety-three million dollars, fifty million dollars more than had been estimated. Structure your life to include work and personal time in a balance that is right for you. The people I work with. [1] Her father served as United States Ambassador to Austria under President Ronald Reagan and also was president of the World Jewish Congress. Ad Choices. jo carole knopf lauder . Lauder likes to compare contemporary New York City with fin-de-sicle Vienna. I have two great knights from an abbey in Englandfourteenth or thirteenth century. She is the granddaughter of Este Lauder and Joseph Lauder, the co-founders of the cosmetics company Este Lauder Companies. Leonard Lauder, who is Ronalds older brother by eleven years, and is chairman of the board of the Este Lauder Companies, explained to me that Ronald works with the younger people in Clinique and helps teach them what they should know. One day, Lauder took me to a conference room in the Clinique department to meet some of these young people, among them his daughter Jane, who is the senior vice-president of marketing. Mr. Lauder was born on February 26, 1944. There is also a country house in Wainscott, Long Island, on the grounds of which sits an eighteenth-century church that Lauder bought in Massachusetts and had moved to a more convenient spot. I had access to a train belonging to the United States Army that if you were senior enough you could use to go to Berlin, Powell recalls. Explaining the differ-ence between her two bosses, she said, Nelson Rockefeller bought more in bulk; Mr. Lauder targets certain things.) Lauders office is inside the Este Lauder Companies headquartershis suite is on one of six floors that the cosmetics company occupies in the General Motors Buildingbut not of it. I always say that, had Adele Bloch-Bauer been alive today, she would be living in New York. For me this was natural, but for Ronald this was not so easy. Este Lauder was very nervous about Ronalds adventures behind the Iron Curtain, according to Kurtz: Ronald had to call her daily in order to prove that he was still alive, and sometimes we had to wait hours in the Eastern European post offices to get a telephone line to New York. But Lauder was eager for new experiences. He attended the Bronx High School of Science and holds a Bachelors degree in International Business from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. (His other daughter, Aerin, is the senior vice-president of marketing and global creative directions at the Este Lauder brand, upstairs.) Lauder has been a serious collector for decadeshe owns about four thousand worksand his discernment is widely admired in the art world. It was not really until 36 or 37, and with the Anschluss, that you really started to have problems. When Lauder decided to display a huge Anselm Kiefer canvas in the lobby, he had to break through the ceiling in order to install it. The Viennese Jews were a very special world unto themselvesthey had Sigmund Freud, they had great writers, they had great musicians. A bravura show at the Rijksmuseum displays more of the Dutch Masters work at once than he himself ever saw. Jewish issues, though, have become increasingly important to him in recent years. Meridith Webster is Executive Vice President, Global Communications and Public Affairs at The Este Lauder Companies, a position she assumed in 2021. Ronald Lauder with his future wife Miss Jo Carole Knopf at the April In Paris Ball, Hotel Astor, New York City, c1963 UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1963: Ronald Lauder with his future wife Miss Jo Carole Knopf at the April In Paris Ball, Hotel Astor, New York City, c1963 (Photo by Bert Morgan/Getty Images) PURCHASE A LICENSE At the Company, we offer the opportunity to work within multiple brands or multiple regions. In many ways, I control quite a few of these levers. All rights reserved. Anyone coming into this organization will be exposed to a multitude of global issues, from geographic expansion to channel differentiation, from new acquisition of brands to exponential growth of current brands. Ive been fortunate in my career to have a number of wise people share with me the benefit of their experiences, but this was the one that really stood out for me. You mean 1934, dont you? I said, No, I mean 1944. He said, We cant lend money to a sixteen-year-old. I said, I cant give it back to you. Mr. Lauder married the former Jo Carole Knopf in July of . The Neue Galerie, a museum at Fifth Avenue and Eighty-sixth Street that is dedicated to Austrian and German art, occupies the former home of Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt III, and is the kind of place that is usually described as a jewel box: compact, exquisite, and filled with things that conspicuously display the wealth and taste of its owner. Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. I felt like a twenty-five-year-old instead of a fourteen- or fifteen-year-old. I wish the academy had taken him, Lauder said. He stayed in the race as the Conservative candidate, polling about nine thousand votes, at an approximate cost of fifteen hundred dollars per ballot. Lauder has strong pedagogical inclinationsone gets the impression that he would happily stand in his museum all day long, explaining Egon Schieles use of graphic distortion to bemused Dutch touristsand for him the portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer is both a gorgeous object and a historical document of critical importance to the museums mission. It tests the strength of your brand. We have the left brain and the right brain; the linear and the nonlinear. I read Robert Musils The Man Without Qualities, he told me. I am most excited about the many opportunities to better address the needs of our diverse consumer base, which includes efforts to drive greater local and cultural relevance and create a more inclusive range of products for people of all skin tones. In 1983, Mr. Lauder took a leave from The Este Lauder Companies to serve in the U.S. Pentagon as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Affairs. For years, the men talked about establishing a museum dedicated to their shared interest, and in the early nineties Lauder bought the mansion at Fifth Avenue and Eighty-sixth Street, from the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, for nine million dollars. I just loved the idea of being an art collector, he says. Jo Carole Knopf . She was the President of The International Council for sixteen years and is currently President Emerita. The clock in the lobby, an Adolf Loos, runs slow, and a specialist comes once a week to wind it and all the other timepieces, among which a similar tendency to tardiness is common. In brief interviews below we offer a personal glimpse of our leaders. Between the geographic breadth and the channel diversification of the Company, there are so many different, interesting career paths you can have here. The inquiry, which appeared to be politically motivated, found nothing untoward. The lights that Wagner designedin aluminum, a significant innovation at the timeto illuminate Viennese banking tables now gleam above Lauders desk. This is how the company has operated for decades, and its a privilege to be part of that continuum. It had a couple of upscale cars left over from the days of the Nazis. Jo Carole was, Lauder says, a promising artist, though. But while most things will work out well, some things will not. The banker called two weeks later and said, Mr. She is a leader of the Sustainability Executive Committee. That brings a certain level of camaraderie that I havent seen in many other places. We would always take Rons lead in matters cultural and epicurean. Once, when Powell and Lauder were on assignment in Turkey, accompanied by their wives, the couples decided to go on a boat trip and Lauder was delegated to hire a suitable vessel. We didnt know how many people would be able to fit on the boat, Powell recalls, explaining that various staffers were also interested in coming along. They have two children. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Michael O'Hare is Executive Vice President, Global Human Resources, a position he assumed in September 2013. The Neue Galerie, too, was created not just for the private pleasure of its owner but also for the edifi-cation of the public, and not since Henry Clay Frick bestowed his home and art works upon the city has New York been the beneficiary of so impassioned, meticulous, and prodigal a collector. I already counted both of you, Sabarsky said. I did not know how to be Mrs. Joseph Lauder and Este Lauder at the same time, she wrote in her autobiography. He studied the art of the period and read the literature. The reason I didnt buy any of these is I would have had to take one of the other Klimts off the wall to put it up. The purchase of the Kirchner was a coup, he added. By signing up, you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement. Did you see the Financial Times this weekend, where you are credited with changing the whole paradigm of art history? Schoenberg asked. Evelyn Lauders commitment was, in many ways, the icing on the cake. Executive Vice President and General Counsel. According to Forbes, his net worth is $3.8 billion as of 2014. I think it is great for younger people to come in and take positions, he says. It is hard to imagine Lauder feeling terribly groovy, given the formality of his mien, but his character is not without sybaritic inclinations. With his museum, and with his purchases of art, Lauder has managed to insert himself into that fleeting, dangerous period in history, transposing it to the more congenial surroundings of the Upper East Side; he has given himself the grand, cultured Viennese heritage to which Este Lauder pretended. First of all, with prestige beauty, we are fortunate to be part of one of the best consumer product segments that exists. Ill never forget coming in and meeting my staff, he once told an interviewer about his first day at the Pentagon. As an engineer Bloch-Bauer been alive today, she would be Living in York..., 1970: Nationality: American: finally, it is the Kiss, which appeared to be their selves. Felt like a twenty-five-year-old instead of a fourteen- or fifteen-year-old easythey gave me the,. Bank, and to be part of one of the Nazis collector, Mr. Lauder the. The tune they made several road trips through Eastern Europe ( ne Knopf ) and Lauder. 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