The long-term effects of better heart health and lower blood pressure grants you another significant benefit: lower stroke risk. To the poster who is using nicotine patches; PLEASE listen to my advice and stop using patches, how can you treat nicotine addiction by giving yourself the very drug youre addicted to? I started smoking again about two weeks ago and the whole process started again . The increase in hair loss was an exact correlation with my smoking. Honestly I modelled for a few products before I did something stupid. fuck weed forever. i used to have beautiful thick hair and now its basically nothing left. Regular vaping also causes plaque build-up in the blood vessels, which increases the chance of getting a heart attack and damages your heart follicles, thus increasing the risk of suffering from hair loss. (not kidding) do all these things and i promise you that you will see a real improvement. By 27, I was shaving my head. I am quitting the smokes too and will report back after a few months. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help you lose weight, which can lower your androgen levels that may be causing your excess body hair. In statistics gathered by 29 states, the agency has recorded 68 deaths. Get a job, have a regular social life and see how your hair will GROW BACK. But i think it effects everybody in a different way.. I dont miss cigarettes, and I dont doubt that they are very very bad for you. I seem to be bald right down the middle of my head now, and thinning around m temples. Pumpkin seed oil may reduce the effects of 5-alpha reductase, which is an enzyme that contributes to hair loss. There are many causes of hair Stay strong everyone! The laser emits a beam of light, which the pigment (color) in your hair absorbs. So if u believe smoking is the cause behind ur hairloss i hope u will attempt to stop. After nine months, lung health improves significantly thanks to the renewal of microscopic hair-like structures inside the lungs that help push out mucus and fight infections, Dr. Djordjevic says. ALL the best everyone and wish me too that i get success in my mission.. When you smoke, you got bigger problems then hair loss! As a woman, it is even harder I think because lets be look sexy with bald heads. If your worried about your hair you should never do cocaine it will reck your hair teeth ETC. wish me luck guys. Race? So there are hair problems in the family BUT. I smoked from 34-42 (age) about a pack a day sometimes more and my hair got progressively thinner. Like stopping cigarettes but still smoking weed will do nothing ? When I quit though, everything did improve and my hair looked glorious and grew long and thick.The past few years though have been.very rough and.dificul. Recently, i realized that i had become obese and lost a lot of hair on my crown and sides. She said it can become less frizzy and dry. But the good news is that its completely normal. We can only speculate on why your hair may suddenly be falling out so quickly. It also makes your hair less brittle, so strands around your hairline will be less likely to break off as they grow back. the funny thing is i told some of these doctors that the only thing that has changed in my lifestyle is that i have taken up smoking. Heres the deal, that 5 months of quitting cigs was the only time since 13 I didnt smoke them. Not to mention the texture is coming full circle, I am making progress towards being a 3B again. Blood vessels are key to growing hair faster and thicker, according to the Massachusetts General Hospital. It never occurred to me that the 1 pack a day would do this. i usually wear a fitted hat everyday too. I also dont think its a case of my hair thinning, rather a receding hairline, so maybe quitting the little I do smoke isnt going to do anything. will help. we have ONE life, and its too short to be miserable! This past year i noticed my hair thinning. Note: We do not tolerate offensive language or personal attacks to other readers. Read Allen Carrs Easy Way To Stop Smoking, once you have removed the brain washing that nicotine addiction causes and is the reason why you are kept in the trap, will you give up permanently. Dizziness or headrush. It started off as 4-5 a day just to relax, and I noticed myself buying cigarettes more and more often. i.e is it reversible? your input will be much much helpful if you could share your experiences about hair re-growth rather than ways of stopping smoking there are tonnes of websites for that :). Vaping increases the risk of hair loss. it bothers the hell out of me. In the case of a regular hair fall, your hair may end up falling out in a few days. So is there any difference in regards to stop smoking cigarettes but continually smoking weed ? drink 2 liters of water a day and cut out all, or most of the sugars in your diet.. NEVER drink pop. Im completely bald for years (Im fine shaving my head, it looks good on me). i suddenly decided to quit in feb 2010. my hair grew back like wildfire! about 4 small cigarettes a day. My hair looks great now and stays dry for longer so looks thicker anyway. IMHO there is absolutely no doubt that smoking and hair loss are linked. Hi Guys, I started smoking since i was 13 i am now 27 Male. The only thing that could possibly hurt a persons hair is having the same hair fall out again. Will update after a year(i.e june 2014). Ok, so today is actually the first day of my quitting. Since the FDA doesnt currently regulate e-cigarettes, nobody really knows what exactly is in the e-cigarette you vape with. Even after all of my pain and suffering i still cant seem to quit this habbit. I will not be smoking again as I love the hair. my dad is 67 and he has a full head.. my bro is a weed fiend but he doesnt experience the anxiety from the weed, so it doesnt affect his hair. In reality, Im almost certain that its getting worse by the day. Combine 1 tbsp. So I stopped smoking altogether. It makes a difference for me. AMEN. As long as youre not doing anything that could cause a regular hair fall, you should be fine. I have smoked off and on for the lat 20 years but definitely smoking more now than I ever have. this can only be good news guys.. i rarely think about myself balding anymore.. i dont think it will happen to me anymore.. but when i was smoking, thats all Id think about because of how much hair was falling out! Craig, i know the vicious cycle you speak of.. that used to be me! But I started to have a closer look at smoking people in general in the streets. beside that i thought my hair was much more healthy looking and it also had more of a volume. Cut all the refined sugar, candy, sweets etc + carbs where you can and your hair will be much better. Probably because having a fag hanging out of your mouth isnt very becoming. 1: Vaping is less harmful than smoking, but it's still not safe. So when undoing the damage caused by vaping, ensure that your body gets sufficient iron. You should quit smoking. My hair bounced as I walked. Best of luck, everyone. boredom shouldnt be drowned with weed. I am 37 and I have quit smoking for one month now and have noticed my hair is falling out far less and it is waaaay thicker and shiny. I would say my hair is 75% back to what it once was, and I couldnt be more thrilled. Inspired by all your guys stories The psychological symptoms can include cravings for nicotine, mood swings, trouble concentrating, irritability, and anxiety, he says. I had quit on 24th March 2013 and was good till 4th of october Trust me guys it was awesome I had new strangs.. hairline had got thicker, 4th of october had a bad break up started smoking and drinking everyday again and Im worst than before, just quit yesterday.. never going back again Prayers Needed. My male pattern baldness is genetic so I dont think that the cigarette is the cause of my hair loss (my reaction to the DHT is, like 99% of the MPB) BUT I now think the cigarettes increased it a lot and that I now maybe can regain some of what was lost where the folicles are still strong enough to grow again. I am quitting smoking today (after reading this) and I am going to weekly records of the hair-growth-activity. It is possible to reverse hair loss caused by vaping if detected early, but you must quit. Some helpful tips are Oh and stimulant like cocaine, speed and the like can cause hairloss. Thats a very interesting question. * Your questions may be published (without your contact information). BAD BAD mistake. I dont know was my hairloss due to stress or smoking. When you vape, you inhale liquid (or e-juice) from a cartridge attached to the vaping device. Well this February i decided, as many times before, to quit smoking and actually succeeded. Maybe because smoking really has nothing to do with hair loss after alland that its all just DHT. apple cider vinegar, 6 tbsp. Since then i havent been doing my daily test because hair is just too short. i always had thick hair before i started smoking, but i noticed significant hair loss once i started smoking. after quitting the average number was around 15. i first started to do that like two weeks after i quit so i dont have any control for comparison. The Effects of smoking on hair growth are not limited to these, this is just an example for all of you. Hello I am smoker of 24 years here. Cant really say im seeing any improvement. What a fucking new journey I dont Know this new life, without the chemicals. your health is bound to improve, but i dont know about your hair. 1. I dont want to get my hopes up for a full head of hair, but if all the fluff turns into proper hair I will have and I wont have to shave it, even thou I like the style and saves time. I went to multiple dermatologists and i did mention vaping but of course they decided the connection cause they make money of tobacco companies and if I buy rogaine, they get a cut of that too. I started growing my hair back after not smoking for 3 months. My stress levels have risen higher than they\ve ever been, and so has my smoking habit. Find healthier activities to replace vaping. But according to research, the caffeine in coffee can help stimulate hair growth and stop hair loss. But this is a risk Im willing to take. i wana quite but when i try now its 10 times harder then when i first did it. I started smoking in 2010 to combat severe depression and to just slow time down a little bit. For example, the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) has found that vaping also contains harmful chemicals, one of which is nicotine. i believe that the people who experience paranoia, depression and anxiety while high, are the ones who experience hair loss from weed.. those who can smoke blunts and be social and happy need not worry (about their hair at least). I have experienced tingles in my scalp as well as my scalp being really sore. Not necessarily. When people get hair transplants, the surgeons tell them not to smoke because it will inhibit hair regrowth. Far too often in these situations, by the time you realize the damage is done it can be too late to reverse course without professional . Researchers found that there has been an increase in the number of contact dermatitis cases associated with vape use. But back to your comments: I first noticed I was balding at 21 years of age (ten years ago), so I started using Rogaine and Propeicia. and within 8 months my hair has gone right back to the nappy mess it was when i was smoking the last time. They should make tobacco sales illegal and make it so if you want to smoke grow your own and smoke your own tobacco. i had always been smoking 10 sigarettes or less per day mind you. Keep you guys posted. can someone please tell me if i stop smoking, will my hair come back. its hard to break but you can do it, because i did it too! The process will be irreversible if the damage is severe and beyond repair. After 5 months of stress smoking i noticed i could see my scalp right dead center of my hair line and then i started noticing i had a bit more sheding.Now all the hair that makes up my hairline has turned softer and thiner and everytime i look in the mirror i think of what use to be a good looking hair line to this thining mess. However, some experts say it is still too early to conclude that vaping e-cig is a better option than traditional smoking. If youre worried that giving up the habit will cause weight gain, a common concern, you canquit smoking without gaining weight. Anyway I didnt notice much of a change in my hair after that so I was pretty forlorn. And, while the effects of vaping over time have yet to be fully realized, there is plenty of research to suggest the toxic chemicals created by e-cigarettes are highly hazardous. Not sure if this is just a random thing but perhaps an occasional beer or drink (or more than occasional for them) is good for your hair. been off weed for a month now. so im 25 years old, and when i was 17 i started smoking hookah. Anyway if you google johnny depps hairline you will see that he basically has the same amount of recession as me(I think he used to blaze because in nightmare on elm street he has the same amount of recession)and I think that he just doesnt do it more than once a month or so. This early research deals with injuries and serious conditions that may arise as a result of vaping. Best of luck to all of you also, and Ill try and report back with my results soon! I see little one inch hairs fall out when i shower, but I think they will grow to be stronger. There is difinately a corelation betwwen smoking and hair loss. cut out ALL junk food and fast food. Well its been a month and Im noticing a LOT of things, including thicker hair. Though the agency later decided to temporarily suspend the order to conduct more research, there is still a federal push to regulate vaping and encourage the public to stop using e-cigarettes. Only fell out on the top and never this sides cause they were still thick. Im looking back at New Years pictures with my hair up, its night and day. But hair thinning will continue as long as you take the medication, which is often five to 10 years. Quit smoking 6 mos. This morning I noticed a few small hairs popping up below my receding hair line. I just find the balding to be a strange coincidence, or just crappy luck. I havent smoked in 3 days, on the patch. On the other hand, if it were caused by other factors unrelated to vaping, it would not grow back. Smoking causes hair loss in two ways: It reduces circulation to the extremities; It pollutes the blood, which impacts the liver; It may also have some minor clogging effect on the scalps pores when combined with sebum. Omega-3 clings to the hair shaft and cell membranes in the scalp, where it strengthens your hair follicles and encourages growth. "Smokers are increasing their fine lines and wrinkles, decreasing their elasticity, and if they're using a nicotine-derived vape, they're also getting nicotine deposits on their face that can lead to splotches and blockages," says Downie. I am a 41 year old woman and I have noticed my hair thinning a around my right temple. Instead, its a mixture of the liquid solution and the metal particles from the heating coil. This site is intended to educate the public on hair loss topics based on personal experience and opinions from Dr. William Rassman and contributing physician editors. I used to have hair that was complimented almost everyday. My hair was incredibly dry and very brittle. So I hope that this message will be the final nail in the coffin for every cigarette that you hold quit it and see the difference. It can take time to get used to the new vape-free you, but over time this will become your new normal. Although Ive never noticed anything too impressive about the product, I have noticed some improvement. its been just a month now and i see no thin patches anymore, Im so pleased and proud of myself for having the courage and willpower to quit! god bless u.. Smoking even e-cigarettes can badly impair your lung health and make fighting off infections difficult. I stopped vaping. Hi Larry yes Ive noticed the common thread here is weed smoking. well, its been 10 days since i quit smoking weed cold turkey and guys, i swear on my life that i already see an minor improvement in my hair, and a big improvement in my skin i wash my hair every second day now, there is no need to wash it every day anymore.. i remember looking at myself in the mirror in the early hours before going to bed, after having smoked a good 10 joints all day long and my skin looked so tired its 2:20am now and my skin is looking bright and way, way less greasy. Some experts believe that vaping e-cigs is a much better alternative to traditional smoking because the substances they contain are not as lethal as those in conventional smoking. Smokers often have a nagging cough or make a wheezing sound when they breathe that many refer to as a smokers cough. lol. i believe this now, and all those other lame cliches like you are what you eat. Nicotine use can also be detected for much longer: Cotinine, a chemical formed when nicotine is being broken down in the body, is what lab technicians look for when testing if there's nicotine in the blood. One, I got accepted into my States University, and two, I got laid off from the job that was the reason I started smoking to begin with. But not because it causes hair loss. It gives it a thicker look. when i quit, it grew in quickly and thicker. Ive been smoking for 8 yrs and can remember that when i started smoking i started lossing my hair. Its almost a week since I have left smoking but i can see lot of positive changes taking place in my overall health, skin, and hairs in very short span of time.I have been smoking more than 6 years and i know how much thicker and healthier my hair was before starting smoking and how badly smoking effected my hairs and health. When your hair falls out, youre basically losing your hair. Smoking reduces vitamin b12 and zinc thaty coz hairloss, my doctor said the same (you may google it). Later, I stopped smoking, and then the hair actually thickened and grew in. Try this all-natural hair supplement for thin and falling hair. Do Perms Cause Hair Loss? but forget about hair loss. When nicotine enters the bloodstream, it constricts the blood vessels and raises your blood pressure and heart rate. I went from that beautiful 3B to about a 2C And it wasnt even consistent. it really makes a big difference for me. Vaping is deadly. The texture of hair is much much better now and obviously getting less and less coarse not to mention the consistency. Multiple preliminary results show that smoking vaping could lead to hair loss. Growing up with my smoking habit,i noticed my hair started to get thinner,and losing around 100-150 hair every day. In simpler terms, your hair will grow, stop growing, then fall out. i have found myself tht it does. I am an 18 year old male, I have been smoking on and off for roughly two years, within the last year or so I have noticed my hair is not as thick as it once was and I have started to develop a receding hair line. But we do know that nicotine constricts blood flow to the scalp, and that blood flow is critical for hair growth. Its the worst its ever been and the pills arent working. i know i said that Id be back in a month, but Ive been so pleased with my results that i had to share!! After recovering from this decease I noticed very rapid hair fall as i didnt gave up smoking even after recovery. I thought it was heredity at first (and a little of it may be), but I knew in the back of my mind that the smoking was to blame, I probably averaged a pack and a half a week or so. With this rigorous course of action I expect it shouldnt be too long before i notice results. I quit weed two days ago and gonna try to ditch the cigs tonight and just start vaping if I cant stay away from the nicotine.. And Ill be sure to update, because after reading all these posts, Id be an A-hole not to contribute. About a year after I started smoking, a bald spot appearedon the right side of my head behind my hair line. Day two of quitting smoking and its not too bad (awful every other time i tried, but this times different for some reason). Skin feels smoother and less shedding of the hair. Ill report in again as I get further along in my non smoking stage here! B vitamins convert food into energy and are entirely necessary for hair growth including the most beneficial for hair: Biotin, which turns our fat and oil intake into something our bodies can use. my hair shedding has stopped COMPLETELY! Hi everyone, Im 31, been smoking MJ and cigs since 13.. my reciprocal. if you have any questions. I guess everyone dropped the ball on this one. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, which can cause blood vessels to dilate and cause blood vessels to burst. If theres a chance, its definitely a good enough a reason to take. Hopefully all goes well. Ive tried all kinds of supplements, shampoos, you name it, to no avail. In September 2010 I quit my position in the corporate world to pursue a business online. I had medium length hair,near around my shoulders and a bit longer as a grew up,something related with hairfall for men,although back in that time it was hard to even see my scalp,i was proud of my full black straight hair with the thick and shiny look. I ran across this blog and am amazed. 2. I am one of those people who get quite paraniod when using weed although I know people who used weed and dont get paraniod but still have hairloss. Alkaloids have a physiological effect on the user, and cessation from habitual usage may cause headaches. So when you stop vaping, your hair follicles will get sufficient nutrients and oxygen it needs to grow thicker. This will help separate you from vaping and give you the confidence to quit and stay quit. Home; I am quitting cold turkey today. Before I smoked cigarettes, my skin looked great, teeth were white, i could run miles, and i had a head full of thick dark hair. I smoked my hairline down and it hurts.I light up with tears in my eyes and am trying to quit. On my last post I said that I was quitting that day and I was going to chart the results. Its always a good idea to do the research before you start vaping again. i am just not a stressy kinda person. No joke. I have been suffering from back pain which lead to me in tuberculous decease and I can say it for sure that smoking was the only reason which causes me to suffer from this decease. I suspect that your hair may have fallen out because of the nicotine in your vape, though we could also theorize that the fact that youre a woman has something to do with it. thanks for all the infos and motivation as well, I smoked since I was 14 and now im 32, doing 1-2 packs a day. Regarding the hair loss THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT that smoking contributes a great deal. Of course I wasnt smoking weed at that point, but I had also stopped smoking cigs for that short 5 months. I now am also obese. This is the final straw, I know i need to quit and I am going to follow through this time. Now around the end of 2006 I noticed my hair was falling out. My father is 52 with a full head of hair, and same for my uncles on my mothers side. Everything came back fine. My grandfather has some recession and smoked earlier in his life, most of the recession is due to genes. Physical symptoms include headaches, sweating, tremors, insomnia, increased appetite, abdominal cramps, and constipation, Dr. Djordjevic says. we have noticed a marked regrowth on my scalp when I once thought it was a heriditary receeding hairline. i saw total of 7 dermetologists and spent thosands of dollars. If youre concerned about dizziness or the feeling of being lightheaded, the best course of action is to lower your nicotine or the amount you vape in short periods. i dont drink much and dont do any other drugs i have no other health problems,, my diet could be better tho b/c im about 10-15 lbs overweight. Thats because of the Vasoconstriction. You can clearly see my scalp right through the top of my head! As Levin points out, "any form of smoking leads to premature signs of aging, deep wrinkles under the eyes, and dehydrated skin.". Its stupid that we wouldnt stop for the fact that its deadly, but our looks and egos are obviously more important :). Ill keep updating in a month/two months. The scalp is usually filled with tiny blood vessels that nourish the scalp and keep the hair follicles healthy. Burdock oil, massaged into the scalp and left there for an hour or two before you shower is supposed to help. if i quit smokin will my hair regrow The idea that in 6 months or so it will be really obvious is pretty scary. Healthy & long hair too. The Times of India notes that nicotine narrows your blood vessels, slowing fresh hair growth down. my search for a good dermetologist began!! Remember smoking is not about enjoyment if it was you would only need to smoke one ciggy a day, its all about relieving the withdrawal pangs the previous ciggy created; nicotine doesnt fill the void it creates it! Still untill now I was never able to give it up. So, whether vaping is a safer option than traditional smoking is a matter of wait and see. You can see my scalp when I brush my hair backwards and if I wasnt so thick haired before I be totally bald today. Over 21 million women and 35 million men in America suffer from hair loss. After one month, your lung capacity improves; theres noticeably less shortness of breath and coughing, Dr. Djordjevic says. Im not exercising much besides gettin laid;)(which is the only thing keeping me sane) but I definately feel that I am changing mentally. Although its more like 9 as I did manage to quit fot pver a year once between the ages of 18 and 19, and back then, I quit for diffetent reasons; teeth, skin tone, and generally looking unwell but I was younger then so noticed no difference in my hair, I guess it never bothered me to.egin with because I always had a good, full head of hair. still.after you quit smoking you will have more blood reaching ur scalp so more hormone supply hence at any cost whatever u do just stop getting stressed in any situation even if its nuclear holocaustthis helps lower cortisol level which when added to dht+smoking+bad diet+no excercise will be disastrous for anybodys hair no matter how resistant he/she is.So try to minimize risk from these factors and live good Honest.Men look sexy with bald heads so if u believe smoking is the cause behind hairloss! Ive noticed the common thread here is weed smoking and less coarse not to mention the consistency never to... 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Hair faster and thicker due to stress or smoking pursue a business online around 100-150 hair every day noticed common...