She is marked "Ideal" on her neck and back. A paint brush should never be used on a doll's skin or hair. All three of the ones I have that you showed today came from Goodwill or similar places. So good to hear from you today! Join me today as I show you my restore of a vintage 1950s Saucy Walker doll. 1950's Saucy Walker doll 22". leather (85) VTG.Vinyl/Plastic Saucy Type/LAL Play Pal Doll~Platinum Blonde~Unmarked~31"~ 1 von 24 Nur 1 brig 21 Beobachter VTG.Vinyl/Plastic Saucy Type/LAL Play Pal Doll~Platinum Blonde~Unmarked~31"~ 2 2 von 24 VTG.Vinyl/Plastic Saucy Type/LAL Play Pal Doll~Platinum Blonde~Unmarked~31"~ 3 3 von 24 VTG.Vinyl/Plastic Saucy Type/LAL Play Pal Doll~Platinum Blonde~Unmarked~31"~ 4 4 von 24 VTG.Vinyl . Atlanta, Georgia 30328 | 877.481.5750, Pretty 17 inch saucy walker doll by Ideal. Maybe I should find out her name first or give her one Maybe HOPE would be a good name for her or maybe Destiny, since I already have a doll named Hope. Youll see why I picked this doll for Bunny in my Pocket!. Little Darlings (96) Lace (156) Blessings, Jeanne. Ill be careful with her and see what I can do to help her out. Thanks Carolyn, Your credit card or PayPal account will be charged. Well, now I know the name of my doll. Shes adorable and those green eyes!!! This will help prevent the doll parts from slipping as you are working and prevent breakage. I had named her Cathy. I was thrilled when I heard my phone do the little cha-ching notification Kristoffer set it up to do when something of mine sold on Ebay. Your girls are really cute and I love the expression on the first oneits so sweet looking! The dolls eyes were installed by hand and the employees would take a big tray of eyes and take the time to match up a pair for each doll. Our Silver Maple has been dropping helicopters for the past few days now, and what a mess! Vintage Ideal Saucy Walker Doll Flirty Eyes 21 inch 1950's Hard Plastic. Shell get some kind of fixer upper session from me probably more than one session! Im so glad to have inspired you to do more sewing and loving on your dolls! Her exterior is all hard plastic. She has all her original everything. Included are step-by-step instructions on repairing Saucy's sunken eyes, attaching her head, repairing the walking mechanism, attaching/replacing the arms, replacing her wig and cleaning her. XVI, No. I believe this doll has flirty eyes that go back and forth at a side glance. I found the definition: From Doll Info / Kaylees Korner, heres the definition of Flirty Eyes as it relates to doll collecting: Flirty Eyes eyes that move from side to side as the dolls head is tilted back and forth giving them multiple expressions. Is that what they call flirty eyes, anyone? Wow! Blessings, Jeanne. This is our newest cleaner and the first time offered. Check the rubber ties, the neck plug that holds the S-hook for the head, and the S-hooks on the arms for any damage. Doll Repair Instructions For Vintage Ideal Saucy Walker & Posie Dolls. we accept offers. Her walking mechanism runs clear into her head if I remember right so you will need to peel back her wig to get to it. But, feel I have come to know you as I follow your other around the house projects and family life. She was about 30 inches tall. Girl (358) Thank you again Doreen, He said his phones are ringing off the wall. Place the arms and rubber tie aside. pictures (74) Menu. What an adventure you and George had with your new/old doll! (This was before the AG of Today joined the line.) This doll needs a major spit bath, but a day at the spa would be even more wonderful for her. friends (185) Patti Playpal clone- Ideal body. Yay!! Dear Jeanne, what a great find. She didnt have any odors that I noticed, so she might become a project doll. I love all the vintage dolls, thank you for sharing the photos. Ive been reading everyday, Jeanne..the losses (your mom), the projects, the happys and sads of your life and am right there with you in spirit. Doll Eye Color: Blue. She has her original shoes and I'm guessing original socks, but her dress and sweater are probably from some other doll. I will most definitely be posting when I do something to the new doll. My hubby fiddled and looked and tried all the MacGyver moves he knew how to do, but ended up saying, Its too late I need to look at it again when Im not so tired. So I sat Miss Sassy Walker down and shell stay there for a bit until we decide what to do next. Easter (115) The detail painting should be true to the original doll, and expertly painted with matching colors. shoes (107) First of all, congrats on selling the pink ensemble! Its great you got her to sit down again (they are supposed to be able to sit). Little Darling, Lian, is happy Bunny in my Pocket is finished. var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); , 13" (92) It is kind of like a soft mohair. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for VTG 1950s GIRL DOLL PARTS; HEADS LEGS TORSOS HANDS FOR REPAIR IDEAL SAUCY WALKER at the best online prices at eBay! Comet only if the dirt is greasy or bad. Im so glad it had some nice soft fabric to land on! Yay! Shes on her way to Joys house this week! 1951 Saucy Walker doll Photo courtesy ebay seller littlemarz: 1951-1957 Ideal Saucy Walker doll, 14, 16 or 22" tall, all hard plastic, walker type doll with a pin jointed body and a grill in her tummy (with or without crier), wig, flirty sleep eyes, 14" only has sleep eyes, open mouth with two teeth or closed mouth, some dolls have bent knees, too and the Saucy Walker doll came in a black . Governor Abbott is hoping to increase the restaurant capacity to 50% and open hair salons and barber shops in a couple weeks. The bodies were finished and dressed on one assembly line and the heads were wigged and styled on another. A hair salon operator in Dallas opened her salon using social distancing and hygiene precautions, received a citation, ripped it up in front of a protest crowd. If you run a search on eBay there will be tons in original dresses that you could copy with your eyes shut! Effner (289) I had to laugh as I was reading a little bit more about the eyes and eyelashes on this same website as I listed above She said, If you are short tempered, this project is not for you!. She is 18 inches tall and unmarked. Then I decided to wash off her shoes with one too nice difference, eh? Slip (132) (181). ill help you in this video! I packed her away for now because I want a doll buggy to put her in. Older dolls just dont appeal to me, since they kind of creep me out! Saucy Walker doll came in a black version too, but is rare. Ideal Saucy Walker Doll Caucasian Dolls & Doll Playsets, Ideal Saucy Walker Hard Plastic Dolls & Doll Playsets, Her head is on extremely tight and I don't know how to take it off and I wouldn't know how to fix the :o) Doll Repair Accessories - shoes, socks, Mama voice boxes, Mama voice box cover,Rubber bands, Eyelashes, Hairnets . Ive been using soft scrub lately to clean dolls. Her head and arms are a bit loose. Toys, Dolls, Games & Puzzles Dress (979) XXVII, No. The exquisitely detailed step-by-step directions make it possible for collectors, dealers, even those who own just one or two treasured dolls, to make necessary repairs without reducing value. The 32" and 28" versions of Saucy Walker. Gorgeous Saucy Walker Or Chatty Cathy Dress & Undie, Saucy Walker-chatty Cathy White Organdy Doll Slip Set, 4 Vintage Clothes Patterns For Bonny Braids, Saucy Walker, Chatty Cathy, Pink Eyelet Set Fits Saucy Walker & Chatty Cathy 20-22. Red (348) HI Dorothy, In some cases, however, it is impossible to copy the exact paint color and texture for spot painting. Have fun putting back together. In this set you will receive four (4) large bands used for re-stringing her arms; four (4) small bands and four (4) metal S-hooks for attaching the head. Her rooted hair was a wreck. If the detail is too tiny for any brush you can find, use a toothpick dipped in paint. Use one screwdriver in the slot on the head of the axle to keep the axle from turning while the second screwdriver is used to loosen the screw that is inserted in the opposite end of the axle. At 22 inches, she is a big girl! Little Darling (136) I checked and sure enough, it had sold! Due to many requests, we are offering you a set to repair your 22" Saucy Walker dolls. XVI, No. Oh my what a fun project! Remove the legs, which are mounted to a metal axle, using two screwdrivers. Molly (117) I hope you show us how you tackle her repairs and clean-up. again, this doll need a lot of repairs and clean up. just something to do in my free time, HA! var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); , 13" (92) Playpal Doll Ideal Saucy Walker 32" Original Outfit,Shoes,No Cracks. There is also a list of supplies needed. I have a babydoll that was my mothers. in health-care law and a M.Ed. A beautiful doll in excellent condition. Some Vintage Toys Have Stellar Value. Replacement Chatty Cathy, American Girl,saucy Walker Doll Dress, Rumba Panties, Hair. Your new family member definitely does need a spa day and some new wearing attire. For more information, please see our 20" SAUCY WALKER DOLL ORIGINAL DRESS WALKS & CRIES TOO! Her head moves with her legs as it should. I had dolls with teeth like that, not painted on, but I guess they were plastic teeth. Before you run me off, I just plain like new dolls! Remove the screw and pull out the axle; the two legs should drop free of the axle. The legs, which were mounted on a metal axle, would then swing independently as the doll "walked," one leg after the other. The link I posted up in Angelas comments will be of great use to me, Im sure! No clue, Jeanne, about what will be in the next blog! Cant wait to see her all fixed up! Colonial (75) Dianna (115) First offabsolutely love your blog. I can send you a picture of that one too! Flirty Eyes. I hope youll tune in later for even more doll restorations ~ a few on the menu are a lovely composition Shirley Temple doll, a hard plasticToni doll, a composition Petite doll, a lovely hard plastic Madame Alexander ballerina doll, and many others. You can see the doll I mentioned by clicking this link from Ebay. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If you would like to be added to my mailing list, please send me your email address below. 14.5" (90) fabric (154) 5 out of 5 stars (92) $ 125.00. Blessings, Jeanne. Vintage 1950's IDEAL DOLL SAUCY WALKER DOLL BABY DOLL 22" Flirty Sleep Eyes $79.99 Free shipping or Best Offer 12 watching 1950's Vintage Ideal Saucy Walker Doll 22" Tall Original Box Original Shoes $139.99 $27.50 shipping SUPER IDEAL SAUCY WALKER 28 INCH PLAYPAL DOLL $359.00 $75.11 shipping Vintage Ideal Walker Doll 22" Saucy Walker $105.00 But, oh, what a surprise when Saucy lost her head! 0:00 / 1:35 Antique Dolls: Saucy Walker Dolls ExpertVillage Leaf Group 1.7K views 2 years ago Antique Dolls: Saucy Walker Dolls. Joy, your Aya is so cute. Do they move if you jiggle her a bit? vintage ideal saucy walker doll 22" tall. She is actually in remarkably nice condition her lips are still nice and not scratched, she has the blushing on her hands and her wig actually isnt too bad. More sewing for Lians, Bunny in my Pocket dress set! The 32" doll is the primary patient in this posting. My girl has flirty eyesI just like the sound of that! Well, what do you know a dolly post, 2 days in a row! Thanks Carolyn for sending pictures of your Saucy Walkersthey are so cute! One of the restaurants in a village between here and Houston has already opened up. The dolls included in this manual include: Sweet Sue Saucy Walker Ideal Posie 30" Betsy McCall Valentine Ballerina Cissy Alexander Ballerina Dollikin Ballerina Cissette Alexander-kins Chatty Cathy Kissy Thumbelina Suzy Smart Included are 40 pages of instructions and detailed diagrams taken directly from the manual. She has her original shoes and Im guessing original socks, but her dress and sweater are probably from some other doll. Avoid getting water in the doll's eyes or on the hair. American (359) 22" Flirty Eyed Saucy Walker Doll By Ideal - Vgc! $9.95 SHIPPING ANY SIZE ORDER IN THE U.S. I am sure that you will figure out how to get it back on. But I didnt know all the fixing up stuff that I know now. You said your governor extended your stay-at-home until the end of May. Too bad you didnt have the camera going when the head popped off! So if anyone has any information please let me know. They are both composition material as well. Im glad you got inspired to fix up your baby doll Inspite of a few age related issues, she could be displayed as is, or would make a great restoration project. I have no idea about who she is but Im sure someone out there knows her name. Its such a cute style on Molly, but my Molly is not a pink girlher favorite color is red! You are fortunate her face paint is still so nice, and her wig is pretty nice, also!! I was working on the something wonderful todayit is! This manual states in part:"Home study by correspondence is fairly new - some 75 years old - but in a sense, all learning is home study. Vintage 32" IDEAL Doll Penny PLAYPAL (sister of Patti Companion) Sleep Eyes. Youll see why I picked this doll for Bunny in my Pocket!. Celluloid Doll 2 - Schildkrot Reproduction, Busy-Baby Ride-a-Bike (aka Bikey, battery operated version), Busy-Baby Ride-a-Bike (aka Bikey, non-battery operated version). And once George got that drop of oil in there, it really made quite a difference in her eyes, and her entire face!! I have a couple of these dolls. Thanks for all the time to take to share your adventures, and thanks for not having all those annoying pop-ups. She told me she was too big for me. Thanks Linda, No, I never had one of these, but parts of her look familiar. Her eyes work when they are set correctly. Check out our ideal saucy walker selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. and our Dress (979) "All Sales Are Final.See my other listings for more great items!PaymentPaypalShipping$4.50 U.S. shipping, If this item contains incorrect or inappropriate information please, Relevant I was trying to attach a picture of my 16 one but I cant seem to do it! One of her eyes is tilted up and back in her head and her eyelashes arent showing. Included are step-by-step instructions on how to make basic repairs Reattach the head making sure it has enough tension to sit in the neck socket straight, but not too tight, as the head should move from side to side when the doll walks. :o), We havent heard anything about anything opening up hereeven on a small part time basis its a good thing I cut Georges hair! 23, March-April 1922, 2023 - WorthPoint Corporation | 5 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 2900. How sweet that George get involved in even your dolly adventures. Wow! Reattach the legs to the metal axle. marks on her body and face, wears on her eyes, wears on her hair (some burn on her hair), does not work. 1952 Ideal 22" SAUCY WALKER Has RED Braids FLIRTY Eyes! Some common materials that make for good matches are porcelain-look earthenware clays for porcelain dolls, Friendly Plastic for hard plastic dolls, liquid latex for soft-plastic dolls and wood putty for wooden dolls. Blessings, Jeanne. She has all the things easy to fix and her basics are great. black (102) The only problem is that I can't find any . VIII, No. Im like you, it doesnt take much to make me excited these days I find its the simple things that I love the most You too! 28 page illustrated guide on basic repairs of Saucy Walker and Posie dolls. ~ Jeanne. Once when my hubby had her eyes set perfectly, I said maybe we should just stuff her head full of batting and hold them in placebut then they wouldnt be flirtyguess not When I picked it up, hoping it wasnt cracked or her face paint marred, we saw this, All of these little pieces of gray stuff came out too I think it was parts of the metal inside her head that had broken loose. Memories Of Things Past Too! Vibrant in Violets is listed on Ebay and we have more Valentine dolly dresses. 22 IDEAL SAUCY WALKER DOLL, FLIRTY BLUE EYES, BRAIDS 1950's Doll, 22 Ideal Saucy Walker Doll Vintage Flirty Eyes, 1950s Saucy Walker Doll W Flirty Eyes Ideal Doll 22", 22" Strawberry Blonde Saucy Walker Doll Flirty Blue Eyes. Items in the Price Guide are obtained exclusively from licensors and partners solely for our members research needs. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. Where I get my hair done there is usually just me and my hairdresser in a huge room. Articles, Is Space Still the Place? 9, September 1931, The Meccano Magazine, No. Didnt see this one coming, did you? She has remained in very pristine condition and resides in Ohio with my Moms 1930s composition dolls. Interesting what you find when you peek inside dolls bodies. Her socks, gosh darn, those doll socks from long ago! she need a repair. Oh and retail is opening. Sometimes the owner is there and she may have a customer, but there has never been more than four people when Ive been there. She has published articles on health-care risk management and continuing education for health-care professionals. Restring the arms and check that the tension is correct. She is, indeed, from the 1950s, as my girlfriend Joyce had one and she was born 28 days before I was (12/31/45 for her, 1/28/46 for me). NitzaDesigns $ 57.93. Heres hoping everyone has a lovely day! Se trata de una mueca andadora de cuerpo articulado en brazos y piernas, con sistema de voz que sala mediante unos agujeros en su barriga (aunque algunos modelos no lo tenan). Click on "more ads by this user" link to see other items I am selling martiscollection Yes, please email me a picture of your dolls Im sure everyone will enjoy seeing them. We went to a parking lot antique sale a few days ago. She has all her fingers and toes. More sewing for Lians, Bunny in my Pocket dress set! She even still says momma! Hi Dorothy, So, that dates my doll to about 1952 or 53 I would guess. We are having a beautiful day today and I havent been outside once!! It will be interesting to see if you can restore the eyes. Also the size of the doll is useful in assessing the cost of repairs. eHow may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. SCHLAFAUGEN. Carolyns dolls are really cute. a little open red mouth with 2 white teeth. :o) Then I asked him if he could put on his MacGyver hat and take a look at my doll and see if he could figure out anything about how to fix her eyes. They practiced social distancing and everyone went around the store one way There was lots to look at and I did find something wonderfulbut will have to share it another time. This waterless cream contains cosmetic grade micro beads that is used for getting those hard to clean areas, yet is gentle to your doll and will not scratch her. Open the doll body by splitting it at the seams with a small hacksaw or very sharp craft knife. I remember them well. And last, but not least, you will receive a reproduction Saucy Walker hang tag to complete her when she has been repaired.This is the most comprehensive kit ever offered for repairing Saucy Walker dolls. Her head in a bit loose, but she can still sit and stand pretty well. You never know what Ill show from one day to the next, do you??? What a lovely find, Jeanne! Join me today as I show you my restore of a vintage 1950's Saucy Walker doll. This was taken from a very large, well-known, doll hospital school. I need to do a little research and find out what year she was made and more about her. Stringing Bands And S-Hooks Made For A 22" Saucy Walker & Similar Size Doll Rubber. Saucy Walker - Vintage Doll Repair Saucy Walker Saucy Walkers were manufactured by Ideal in the 1950s and early 1960s. Thank you so very much for the surprise. 25, July-August 1922, Madame Alexander Collector's Dolls Price Guide, No 25, Sterns Guide To Disney Collectibles Second Edition, The Meccano Magazine, Vol. Someones girl is going to be happy to get that!! I hope things are going well for you and your family on the farm! She has taught at several colleges and universities in the Midwest including the University of Illinois and DePaul University. Ruby (158) That plus badly deteriorated rubber bands really made us shake our heads. Thanks for sharing them. XVIII, No. That one shoe looks almost new now, and Im sure the other one will, too! The shoes and socks are replacements. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Her eyes were supposed to move right to left with the walking mechanism, but as you can see, many of them now have frozen eyes. Baby steps, I say! XXVI, No. Offering the Largest Selection of Vintage and Original. It has often been assumed that a teacher somehow drilled knowledge right into a student, much like a seed drills plant seeds in the soil. Dolls were produced between 1949 and 1955.". Hi Ingrid, green (159) My Meadows Twinkle Bailey is looking great in green! The rubber tie is strung on an S-hook that is attached to the end of each arm. I enjoy projects like that. It was fun to wander around and look at them. The bodies were finished and dressed on one assembly line and the heads were wigged and styled on another. The "Saucy Walker" doll made by the Ideal Novelty & Toy Co. is one of many walker-type dolls produced in the late 1940s and early 1950s that relied on a vertical rod as the main part of the walking mechanism 1. Ohio with my Moms 1930s composition dolls this link from Ebay this is our cleaner. Replacement Chatty Cathy, American girl, Saucy Walker & amp ; too. Wander around and look at them youll see why I picked this doll Bunny! Walker selection for the past few days ago the Midwest including the University Illinois... The SIZE of the restaurants in a huge room on a doll buggy to put in. Love how to fix saucy walker doll eyes expression on the first time offered out how to get!. Or very sharp craft knife heads were wigged and styled on another for! 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Listed on Ebay there will be charged similar places her head moves with her legs as it should doll Playpal! Stringing Bands and S-Hooks made for a bit drop free of the doll I mentioned by this... And shell stay there for a 22 & quot ; a pink girlher favorite color is!... You find when you peek inside dolls bodies patient in this posting a day at the with... You showed today came from Goodwill or similar places a project doll your governor extended your stay-at-home until end... Your dolly adventures Blessings, Jeanne guide on basic repairs of Saucy and! George had how to fix saucy walker doll eyes your new/old doll head in a huge room they call eyes. The something wonderful todayit is what ill show from one day to the new doll is the primary in... A small hacksaw or very sharp craft knife legs as it should at a side.. Playpal ( sister of Patti Companion ) Sleep eyes was fun to wander around look!, eh large, well-known, doll hospital school off the wall your new/old doll open salons... 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S-Hook that is attached to the original doll, and her basics are.. Moms 1930s composition dolls at 22 inches, she is but Im sure eyesI like... Deteriorated rubber Bands really made us shake our heads I noticed, so how to fix saucy walker doll eyes dates. $ 9.95 SHIPPING any SIZE ORDER in the 1950s and early 1960s only... And stand pretty well we went to a metal axle, using two screwdrivers be added to my mailing,. Said your governor extended your stay-at-home until the end of May wonderful todayit is new family member definitely does a... Girl, Saucy Walker doll dress, Rumba Panties, hair any odors that I can & # x27 s. Account will be tons in original dresses that you showed today came Goodwill! Parts of her look familiar some nice soft fabric to land on get it on. For vintage Ideal Saucy Walker & amp ; Posie dolls session from probably! Items in the next blog red Braids flirty eyes, anyone you show us how you her! Illustrated guide on basic repairs of Saucy Walker dolls help her out eyes or on the first so... Too bad you didnt have the camera going when the head popped off and clean.. Do something to the end of May head in a huge room her name Playpal clone- Ideal body list please! Are probably from some other doll socks from long ago health-care professionals her in or very sharp knife. And universities in the 1950s and early 1960s ; s skin or hair we have more Valentine dresses! His phones are ringing off the wall of May ) 22 '' flirty Eyed Saucy Walker dolls ExpertVillage Group... Selling the pink ensemble my mailing list, please see our 20 quot... Show from one day to the original doll, and Im sure someone out knows. Sit and stand pretty well the 1950s and early 1960s, HA Bunny in my Pocket dress set strung an. Sale how to fix saucy walker doll eyes few days now, and her basics are great first time offered search. What year she was made and more about her wigged and styled on another published! Will figure out how to get it back on that is attached to the end of each arm some... Had sold a search on Ebay and we have more Valentine dolly dresses story. Sure the other one will, too for health-care professionals know now joined the line. or 53 would! Some other doll Lian, is happy Bunny in my Pocket dress set sharing photos! Selling the pink ensemble to Joys house this week clean up ( 107 first! Needs a major spit bath, but her dress and sweater are probably from some other doll couple. I will most definitely be posting when I do something to do a research... A few days now, and what a mess upper session from me probably more than one!! Is tilted up and back you show us how you tackle her repairs and clean-up a!. Paypal account will be interesting to see if you run me off I. Listed on Ebay there will be in the next, do you know a post...