Photos by Momo Chang. There are no images in The Chronicle archive. The four look down the table at the reporter scribbling in her notebook. 14000, The Chronicle's Herb Caen once referred to Blum's, the much-loved California bakery, soda fountain and restaurant chain, which. We talked that night about politics and butter, both of which she loved.. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. CAFE PESCATORE -- 2455 Mason Street, S.F., (415) 561-1111: Herbed Crab Cakes a la Caen, $6.95; Sackamenna Sling (Stoli martini with three dots of vermouth), $5.50. . he says, then turns suddenly jaunty. HOULIHAN'S -- 2800 Leavenworth Street, S.F., (415) 775-7523: $2 Well martinis from 7 p.m. to midnight. He coined the term beatnik in 1958[14] and popularized hippie during San Francisco's 1967 Summer of Love. ", "Now we're trying to convince ourselves," he adds, "which is not that hard to do on a beautiful afternoon, with the fog coming in, a drink in your hand and a pretty girl by your side.". "[8], In 1936, Caen began writing a radio programming column for the San Francisco Chronicle. One more surprise awaited. MAXFIELD'S -- 2 New Montgomery, S.F., (415) 512-1111: Lunch special filet mignon meat loaf with garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus and crispy shallots, and winter fruit tart with creme anglaise, $13.50 from 11.30 to 2 p.m. MCCORMICK & KULETO'S -- 900 N. Point Street, S.F., (415) 929-1730: Well Vitamin V martinis all day for $2. The chef remembered Wood. Joeshe fakes it with Ken.'" We can make each other laugh." SINBAD'S -- The Ferry Building, Pier 2, S.F., (415) 781-2555: Filet of salmon florentine ($14.50); Big Band music on the sound system. Saint Andrew's. 9 Quai de Juillet, 14000, Caen 9.1 / 10 712 reviews. Heres why California has seen so much active weather, San Francisco is at its most unaffordable point in at least a decade, S.F. . RESTAURANT LULU -- 816 Folsom Street, S.F., (415) 495-5775: Pigeon egg martinis ($5.25); Herb's Country Pigeon with wild mushrooms, potatoes and bacon ($15.50). pizza favorite shuts down after 13 years, plus more Bay Area 2022 tax returns: IRS further extends filing deadline for most Californians. could be eligible for a share of $104 million. FACES IN PLACES: Julia Child at Tu Lan on sleazy Sixth, a place with great Vietnamese chow. Despite more than 50 years of columnizing, when Caen vacationed abroad, says de Wildt, he'd tell friends he had to call home to "find out what's going on.". You couldn't bull--." ", "We are all a certain type of flotsam," says de Wildt, "and we all float up at the same time. The point is not to be maudlin or Pollyanna cheerful. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 5-9:30 p.m. GAYLORD (INDIA) RESTAURANT -- Ghirardelli Square, 900 North Point, S.F., (415) 771- 8822: Half-price Vitamin V martinis at dinner. Day in and day out, he writes his love letters to this once-glorious city, somewhat faded now, that rescued him from Sacramento, then a sleepy farm community, and made him famous, as much a landmark here as Coit Tower, the cable cars or the Golden Gate Bridge. Did Julia Child really dine at Tu Lan? Caen continued to write, though less frequently. Automatic grounds for getting bumped were "not being insulting enough," says Brown, "and having to go to therapy after lunch." The room has emptied now, the lunch crowd mostly gone and the cocktail crew about an hour away. Anyone can read what you share. "Herb offset the unfairness of the rest of the paper," he says. ", But "if I don't write an old San Francisco column every couple of months, people get angry," he adds. Powers received almost a hundred cards, most from the San Francisco Bay Area.[24]. Which is how I met Julia. Today is a Tuesday masquerading as Friday, the traditional day that Herb Caen, Willie Brown, Wilkes Bashford, Harry de Wildt and Matthew Kelly broke bread together in the window of the Bush Street restaurant. More so than the tools and techniques she popularized, Child's most lasting legacy may be her spirit and sense of humor. No date has yet been set for the vows, and there's much teasing over delays, but Brown refuses to join the speculation. [11] He died February 1, 1997. My goal is to ultimately have lunch alone. locations, (415) 882-1849: With any sandwich purchase, customers will receive a complimentary half-pound round loaf of Herb's favorite San Francisco sourdough bread. L'OLIVIER -- 465 Davis Street, S.F., (415) 981-7824: The vodka martini-Meatloaf lunch special and appetizer, $13.50. Vietnamese restaurant Tu Lan on Sixth Street in San Francisco. The story was already old and oddly free of detail when veteran journalists brought me to Tu Lan in 1999, after I arrived as a reporter at the Chronicle-adjacent San Francisco Examiner. "Herb never needed a note," says Bashford. Chalupa in paradise: Does Pacifica have the worlds best Taco Bell? Chronicle columnist Herb Caen wrote, "The best restaurant in San Francisco is in Oakland." According to Bergeron, he sat down with his bartender one evening in 1944 to create the world-class drink . Brown, Bashford and Caen began coming to Le Central in 1974. FAIRMONT HOTEL -- 950 Mason Street, S.F., (415) 772-5000: Meat loaf and mashed potatoes in the Crown Room on the buffet; giant $5 Vitamin V martinis in the New Orleans Room and martini specials at the Masons Bar; three-course meal on the Table d'Hote menu, featuring meat loaf, mashed potatoes and a martini $19.97 in Masons Restaurant. Waiter (and one-time part owner) Edsel Ford Fung, who became famous for berating and insulting the customers, all with tongue in cheek, died Tuesday at age 55, and the skinny old eating place is in mourning. A particular favorite is Chinese gruel (known as "jook") as whipped up by Sam Wo in his spot on a Chinatown side street; Sam's is the only jook joint in town, and he . Paul Child really liked the food, but in Woods article, Childs thoughts about the meal remain vague throughout. 14000, He bought his first hat before leaving Sacramento and rode the ferry toward San Francisco. Graffiti covers the site of the Tu Lan Vietnamese restaurant on Sixth Street in San Francisco, Calif. on Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013, which was shut down by the health department last year. He looks around and says, "It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco. It's no surprise that the cake would elicit such fond memories. It was a very dirty place, but I enjoyed it and had no ill effects., Peter Hartlaub is The San Francisco Chronicles pop culture critic. After sharing these finds on social media last week, I was engaged by Woods widow, the San Francisco journalist Carol Pogash, who saw the discussion on Twitter. But in a serious way, "he would only write negatively," said Bashford, whom Caen stood by through landlord-tenant problems, "when something was diminishing San Francisco.". He'd strike out at them. It was just that kind of day when Mr. Caen arrived here, hired by The Chronicle, in a dream come true, to write a column about radio. A Contre Sens 819 reviews Open Now French, European $$$$ Menu "Friendly, relaxed and a great meal" "Excellent" 2022 3. Dated Nov. 11, 1971. And after all those years, Child remembered Tu Lan. Reservations required. Caen, .css-fl00r9{text-transform:uppercase;white-space:nowrap;font-weight:300;padding:0.25rem 0.5rem;font-size:0.8125rem;border-radius:0.25rem;color:hsl(354, 69%, 44%);background-color:hsl(354, 52%, 94%);font-weight:400;width:m;height:m;display:inline-block;}.css-su1m0p{width:1em;height:1em;fill:currentColor;vertical-align:text-bottom;font-size:16;color:hsl(354, 69%, 44%);}MICHELIN .css-j2m83z{text-transform:uppercase;white-space:nowrap;font-weight:300;padding:0.25rem 0.5rem;font-size:0.8125rem;border-radius:0.25rem;font-weight:400;width:m;height:m;display:inline-block;background-color:hsl(248, 38%, 15%);color:hsl(0, 0%, 100%);}.css-1rxdk56 path{fill:hsl(0, 0%, 100%);}PAY French, Specify a date and enjoy promotions of up to -50% in our best restaurants, 6, boulevard des Allis, Start shopping online now with Instacart to get your favorite products on-demand. The city, in turn, anointed him Mr. San Francisco, which means he gets good tables at restaurants, invitations to the best parties, quick service on his aging Jaguar and 1,000 letters a week from devoted readers who say, "I hope I die before you do.". MEL'S DRIVE-IN -- 2165 Lombard Street/ 3355 Geary Street, S.F., (415) 921-3031 and (415) 387-2244: Meat loaf and mashed potatoes, 80 cents all day. Caen, .css-183608p{color:hsl(354, 69%, 44%);}1 starMICHELIN French, 3, avenue Henry-Chron, PAT O'SHEA'S MAD HATTER -- 3848 Geary Blvd., S.F., (415) 752-3148: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and first Vitamin V Stoli, $4.95; recorded Big Band music. [31] Moose organized a softball team, the Lapins Sauvages, composed of famous and influential people who were regular restaurant patrons. Archive. "Shaken, Not Stirred" martini T-shirt, $15; customers will receive a bejeweled martini glass with purchase of a Baghdad Stoli martini, with three olives for three-dots. The first vodka martini is on us! ". $19.00 "Matthew," he says cheerfully, taking a last sip of coffee at the end of the two-hour meal, "My goal in life is to bury each of you. Works. There were public figures who couldn't take the heat. Cornish Pasty Co. ANTICA TRATTORIA -- 2400 Polk Street, S.F., (415) 928-5797: Meat loaf and mashed potatoes as a complimentary side dish to the main course. Big Band music; half-price martinis. . Mooky's 242 reviews Open Now French, Wine Bar $$ - $$$ Menu "A brilliant restaurant" "IMPATIENCE" 2022 2. You couldn't enhance it. Tahoe snow: Massive blizzard wreaks havoc on the Sierra, burying S.F. ", Pulitzer Prize Special Citations and Awards,, United States Army Air Forces personnel of World War II, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, column of local goings-on and insider gossip, social and political happenings, painful puns, and offbeat anecdotes. Caen, .css-1qf8kli{text-transform:uppercase;white-space:nowrap;font-weight:300;padding:0.25rem 0.5rem;font-size:0.8125rem;border-radius:0.25rem;color:hsl(0, 0%, 100%);background-color:hsl(164, 25%, 21%);font-weight:400;width:m;height:m;display:inline-block;}INSIDER.css-rim4wq{margin-left:0.25rem;} Mexican, 43 Rue Saint-Sauveur, Talk turns to the Oscars, and particularly, in this impeccably attired crew -- in Caen's words, "clotheshorse Willie Brown," "the elegant Harry de Wildt," "expensive haberdasher Wilkes Bashford," and "arbiter of yesterdays' fashion Matthew Kelly" -- what was worn. [12]:16-17. An occasional column was given over to serious matters, such as a May1, 1960, piece on the upcoming execution of Caryl Chessman, which included Caen's recollection of witnessing a hanging as a young reporter: Suddenly the door behind the scaffold swung open and the nightmare scene was enacted in a flash. Cecilia Chiang, 95, is a celebrated Chinese American chef and restaurateur, who opened The Mandarin Restaurant in San Francisco in 1961. The words that followed are her only published review of the restaurant. ", In April 1996 Caen received a special Pulitzer Prize (which he called his Pullet Surprise) for "extraordinary and continuing contribution as a voice and conscience of his city. HARRY DENTON'S STARLIGHT ROOM -- 450 Powell Street, S.F., (415) 395-8595: Special Herb Caen martinis with Big Band music from 4:30 to 7 p.m. MARRIOTT HOTEL/FISHERMAN'S WHARF-LOBBY LOUNGE -- 1250 Columbus Street, S.F., (415) 775-7555: Half-price martinis from 4 p.m. PIER 39 -- Pier 39, S.F., (415) 705-5500: The Black Tie Jazz Orchestra plays Big Band tunes from 6.30 to 9.30 p.m. in the Pier 39 Entrance Plaza, and half-price martinis at these Pier 39 restaurants: Alcatraz Cafe & Grill, Bay View Cafe, Chic's Seafood Restaurant, Dante's, Eagle Cafe, Neptune's Palace, Old Swiss House, Pier Market, Swiss Louis, Yet Wah. Get Restaurant Row Honey Herb Pork Loin delivered to you in as fast as 1 hour via Instacart or choose curbside or in-store pickup. This is a carousel. Jim Wood had become as impressive a figure as Julia Child. appeared in 1972. Mr. San Francisco is all ears. Sometimes he just inwardly rebelled. The room has a painting of a young Herb Caen done by Frank Born; and Herb Caen martinis, $5. The murderer, his arms bound, was hustled roughly onto the trapdoor, the noose was slammed around his neck, a black mask dropped over his unbelieving face, the trapdoor clanged open, the body shot through and stopped with a sickening crack. Baghdad-by-the-Bay by Herb Caen HC/VGC. You bet. She contented herself with spring rolls, pork shish kebabs with rice noodles, lemon beef salad, fried fish and Tsingtao beer.. The Cable Car and the Dragon, a children's picture book, was published in 1972. 14000, The following month HOTEL GRIFFON/ROTI RESTAURANT -- 155 Steuart Street, S.F., (415) 495-6500: Herb Caen Memorial Cocktail Hour from 6 to 9 p.m. Stoli martini's Herb's Way $3. Outside, Brown has finished his phone conversation, but now he's taking a minute to meet with Rabbi Joseph Langer, a maxi-bearded man who has come to give him a box of handmade matzos for Passover, which is to begin the next day. " As if to cut the sweetness of that recollection, Brown chimes in to add that he'd tell Caen he didn't think Kelly had understood the insult its hurler had regretted. In addition to the iconic Artichoke slice, you should order the savory Crab and the Margherita. "I used to watch Herb," says Bashford, "and all the people always on the make with Herb. Signed HC at the best online prices at eBay! This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. Caen, 5 Place Saint-Sauveur, What are dupes? . Excepting Caen's four years in the United States Army Air Forces during World War II and a 19501958 stint at The San Francisco Examiner, his column appeared every day except Saturday until 1990, when it dropped to five times per week[10][11]"more than 16,000 columns of 1,000 words each an astounding and unduplicated feat, by far the longest-running newspaper column in the country." Alex's favorite is the Staten Island. MOOSE'S -- 1652 Stockton Street, S.F., (415) 954-0744: Meat loaf and mashed potatoes, $1.50; Mini Mooseburgers, 95 cents; Skyy vodka martinis 75 cents. A. SABELLA'S RESTAURANT -- Fisherman's Wharf, S.F., (415) 771-6775: Half-price martinis. Ed Moose, the convivial owner, tidies up, schmoozes. Was Caen biased in favor of his pal, the mayor? : San Francisco rises as a great restaurant town, Explore the stories behind classic front pages, Bay Area gets a break from winter storm. Citation. GREENS -- Building A, Fort Mason, S.F., (415) 771-7955: Macaroni and cheese a la Herb Caen for $9.75. ONE MARKET RESTAURANT -- One Market Street, S.F., (415) 777-5577: $3 Stoli martinis all day; meatloaf and garlic mashed potatoes for lunch ($12.50); live music with Gini Wilson and Paul Breslin from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. PALOMINO -- 345 Spear Street, S.F., (415) 512-7400: Reissue of the Herb Caen Way . ; live music performed by Marilyn Larson until 10 p.m., including Ella Fitzgerald standards and songs from the Big Band era. Why you received these results. "Why don't you retire?" World famous chef, cookbook author and television show host Julia Child, shares a laugh with students from her alma mater, Smith College Thursday, Oct. 11, 2001 in Northampton, Mass. It was more important to have a favorable mention from Herb than an editorial endorsement." It's a Chronicle tradition to appoint a pair of. One Mans San Francisco, Doubleday & Company Inc., Garden City, New York, 1976. SAM'S GRILL -- 374 Bush Street, S.F., (415) 421-0594: Vitamin V martini ($1); meat- loaf and mashed potatoes ($7.50). ", He made fun of people's pretentions; he made fun of their hairdos. Its a Chronicle tradition to appoint a pair of veteran journalists to take new employees to coffee, with a budget of $30. CHALKERS BILLIARD CLUB -- Spear and Mission, One Rincon Center, S.F., (415) 512- 0450: Meat loaf and mashed potatoes, $5.95; Gordon's vodka martini special, $2.50 all day. GINO & CARLO -- 548 Green Street, S.F., (415) 421-0896: 99-cent Vitamin V martinis and free hors d'oeuvres from 2 to 6 p.m. GOLD CLUB -- -- 650 Howard Street, S.F., (415) 536-0300: Vitamin V martinis for 80 cents from 5 to 6 p.m. No cover charge between 11 a.m. 7 p.m. GOLD COAST RESTAURANT AND SALOON -- 230 California Street, S.F., (415) 989-6939: Blue Plate lunch special of meat loaf and mashed potatoes, $6.95 from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Caen martini special $2, from 5 to 7 p.m. Big Band and jazz music on tap. TARANTINO'S -- 206 Jefferson Street-Fisherman's Wharf, S.F., (415) 775-5600: Meatloaf and mashed potatoes, $7.95; half- price martinis; Big Band music. Your Privacy Choices (Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads). By his own accounting, and the tale gets musty with the years, he raised his fist defiantly toward the skyline. But like a Lord of the Rings movie, or perhaps a good Tu Lan meal over too many beers, there are multiple false endings to this story. "So when you get it, don't be surprised," retorts Brown. Offers on alcoholic beverages are strictly reserved for adults. FRANCESCHI'S -- 489 Jefferson Street, S.F., (415) 771-9371: Half-price martinis all day. ", Could Caen have been elected mayor? The game is boss dice, explains Brown -- unruffled and perfectly pressed despite spending part of his morning riding a camel in connection with a Silk Road Asian Art Museum event -- not liar's dice, because everyone knows "you can't play liar's dice with a politician. Friday lunches at Le Central were legendary / Window table, boss dice, power talk, A portrait of Herb Caen hangs in Le Central restaurant on Bush Street where he and (from left) Matthew Kelly, Harry deWildt, Mayor Willie Brown and Wilkes Bashford met on Fridays for lunch and comraderie starting in 1974. ", "The 1996 Pulitzer Prize Winners: Special Awards and Citations. A search in The Chronicles digital archive quickly revealed that: 1. The #17 pork shish kebab and imperial roll with rice noodles at Tulan restaurant in San Francisco, Calif., is seen on Friday, October 4th, 2013. in the elevator on the way up to the newsroom after finding out she was pregnant with their first child. "You gotta outlove them. He involved himself in everything. He told his readers: "In a lightning flash I passed from the world of the well to the world of the unwell, where I hope to dwell for what I hope is a long time. POMPEI'S GROTTO -- 340 Jefferson Street, S.F., (415) 776-9265: Vitamin V martinis for $1, from 5 p.m. POSTRIO -- 545 Post Street, S.F., (415) 776- 8358: Herb Caen's name on the menu; $2 Herb Caen martinis. This is serious stuff." [a] "I don't want to find out," he says glumly. BUENA VISTA CAFE -- 2765 Hyde Street, S.F., (415) 474-5044: 75-cent martinis on the rocks; BV Burger (Herb's favorite), $3 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. BUTTERFIELD'S SEAFOOD -- 202 Townsend Street, S.F., (415) 281-9001: Meat loaf and mashed potatoes, lunch $8.95; dinner $11.95; Vitamin V Elixir (vodka martini), $1 from 3 to 6 p.m. CADILLAC BAR & RESTAURANT -- One Holland Court, S.F., (415) 543-8226: 99 cent Cadillac martinis all day. "You did not let him be scooped," says Brown, "including stuff on you. Free shipping. HOUSE OF SHIELDS -- 39 New Montgomery, S.F., (415) 392-7732: Meat loaf, mashed potatoes and two Stoli martinis in a wine glass for $19.38, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 555 North Point Street, S.F., (415) 563-1234: The Herbwich Special (chicken focaccia sandwich, fries and a martini) $9.95; half- price martinis. JACKS CANNERY BAR -- 441 Jefferson Street, S.F., (415) 931-6400: Vitamin V martinis, $1 from 5 p.m. JELLY'S, A DANCE CAFE -- 295 China Basin Way, S.F., (415) 495-3099: Vitamin V martinis, $1. )[30] Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. But now his readers are "more defensive than superior. Jim Wood died in 2002, at age 72, of complications from a stroke. NEW PISA -- 550 Green Street, S.F., (415) 989-2289: A special three-course meal including a Vitamin V martini, Caesar salad and meat loaf with mashed potatoes, $10. 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