The Gilbert Police Cadets is an exciting opportunity for young people who are interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement. We need police to operate in a functional society. The Arizona native said hes been arrested five times in the last four months just for filming the police.. Ruff ends the video by showing his license plate light was lit and announces they totally lied. That 10.29-minute video attracted 17,000 views. GPD on Ice is this Saturday! Mr. Save peace in the world! What happened was this guy came flying from the bar through the neighborhood pretty quickly, narrated a voice on a YouTube video. But since his 2017 release, he has stayed clean and started his own business. The official Facebook page for the Gilbert Police Department in Gilbert, Arizona. Remember that this FEED ONLY CONTAINS THE DISPATCH FREQUENCY AND CONTAINS NO LAW OPS . Use marked crosswalks and look both ways before crossing a street Install the free Online Radio Box app for your smartphone and listen to your favorite radio stations online - wherever you are! Perhaps, this is a temporary station problem. On Location: February 24, 2023. Gilbert police searching for driver accused of nearly hitting group of kids. There was an undercover cop sitting, creeping right by and saw him. There must be regulations, policy or legislation that can address this issue because its something that can clearly get out of hand. This is unacceptable because it is an officer safety issue. If you are looking for a police scanner for my area, this is the app for you! , Gilbert PD is excited to partner with SPIDR Tech, a customer service digital engagement tool designed to keep victims of crime, reporting parties, and 9-1-1 callers informed when they request police assistance and services. Join the Gilbert Police Department on Thursday, February 23rd for Coffee with a Cop. Ruff is belligerent and tells the cops they are paranoid he is following them and that he was being pulled over for retaliation. Project 25 Phase I. Here comes the Mirandas. They are aware there are cameras everywhere and they follow the letter of the law and procedures in the department. Stand with Ukraine. Mr.Ruffwas advised by the officer to step back several times, as he was interfering with the investigation. Once you install it, you can listen to police and radio chatter from nearly anywhere around the world. James filmed Ruff filming the police incident when a woman walks up and grabs his hands and knocks his phone onto the ground. Ang. Titus said he never encountered a First Amendment auditor while in uniform in the early 1990s but did have people record us as we did our job., Most officers today are aware of it. Phoenix. Chandler Police and Fire, Phoenix Fire playlist. If the applicant is under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian must be present for the duration of the event. We assure and help educate our residents that they have a right to be there as long as they dont interfere with the investigation or violate any laws.. In 1991, a video shot by a bystander showed Black motorist Rodney King being brutally beaten by Los Angeles police officers triggering nationwide protests and some riots. Its a dangerous situationthey could put something out that starts an entire movement, start riots and violent protests. Join the Gilbert Police Department tomorrow, February 23rd for Coffee with a Cop! Its not the kind of thing I go report on, he said. James isnt the only one following Gilbert cops around and videotaping them. There are so many drunks and for a couple of hours walking around downtown, the excitement will find me, James said. To learn more, visit, Come out and ice skate with the Gilbert Police Department! System Name. As it turned out, Ruff served a seven-year prison sentence for armed robbery and kidnapping. Coffee with a Cop is an important opportunity where our community members and police officers can come together to have meaningful discussions. This feed is using a RadioShack PRO-197 scanner currently using an indoor antenna. After running his plate, they release him. Gilbert Police Cadet applications are open to anyone between the ages of 14-20. Police were responding to a mental-health related call-for-service outside Whiskey Road on May 9, according to town spokeswoman Jennifer Harrison. Mr. Fire is on except for the dispatch channel is still off. arizona police scanner frequencies. Couple of the bicycle police in Gilbert that I considered terrible police, I no longer see them.. It creates a system, same with traffic. CENS uses the 9-1-1 database to extract phone numbers determined by the circle or area drawn on the CENS map. Over the past several weeks, the Mesa and Gilbert Police Departments have been called to investigate a number of incidents involving teens on e-bikes and motorized dirt bikes disrupting golfers and causing damage to the course at Superstition. Get news from the Gilbert, Arizona area from ABC15 Arizona in Phoenix. Visit to learn more and apply today! Police Records Requests; Public Works. Light rain early. staff. Looking back at his contacts with cops he wondered how different his life might have been knowing how many mistakes they made and had the system worked the way it was supposed to work.. Listen, you have to have reasonable suspicion to even pull me over, Ruff says. Chandler Police and Fire, Phoenix Fire. Our officers are trained on where members of the public are allowed and where their presence is restricted or prohibited. Its a very fine line that they are walking, he said. Includes Hurricane Watch 3.950 MHz, 7.268 MHZ and 14.325 MHz, Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio 7.265 MHz and 14.265 MHz, American Red Cross US Gulf Coast . Sign up to know what's going on in your neighborhood. They want to remain unseen, he continues. Chandler Police and Fire, Phoenix Fire playlist, Arizona Department of Public Safety-Metro Phoenix East Area-1058, PHI AIR EVAC Helicopter Radios - Band A-Pinal County Sheriff-158.760000. I dont have to identify right now.. Follow all traffic laws That's where you can download the Police Scanner Radio Scanner app for free. Harrison said in situations where someone is not violating state or local laws, officers are prohibited from interfering with the individuals constitutionally protected speech or presence in public. Mr.Ruffresisted arrest and two of our officers suffered injuries.. We hope to see you there! Learn more about our Police Cadets However, Titus said, the concern is when an auditor shows only a partial clip or something that can be taken out of context. Live Feeds - 7,476: Total Listeners - 55,897: Top Listeners - Indianapolis . About this app. Every time you stop, I stop. Youre invited to join us for our family friendly GPD on Ice skating event happening Saturday, January 28th from 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM at Az Ice Gilbert (2305 E. Knox Road). I wouldnt be surprised if they figure out a way to conduct a felon stop on me and shoot me.. 15 Feb. Gilbert PD officers and staff will be at Peixoto Coffee in Epicenter at Agritopia (3150 E Ray Rd, Unit 100) from 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM. Mayor & Town Council; Gilbert Live; Focus Areas; Year ONE in 2021; State of the Town . James said hes not been arrested by Gilbert Police so far for exercising his First Amendment rights. He asks her why not prompting her to instruct him to step outside of the vehicle, where she handcuffs him and detains him for failure to identify. He uses the Citizen app, which alerts him to police incidents. They use this tactic to search vehicles, question drivers and passengers and whenever else. To listen choose your player format and click the speaker icon. He asks if he can get out and look and the officer refuses, again asking for his information. Engineering Services; Household Hazardous Waste; Solid Waste; Streets; Wastewater; Water; Environmental Compliance; Town Hall. A week earlier before the barricades and the heavy police presence, the two sides violently clashed and resulted in a few arrests. Police services provided by Maricopa County Sheriff District 2. Not all of James videos, some of which were live-streamed, are about other peoples encounters with Gilbert cops. Arizona Wireless Integrated Network System (Az Wins) Project 25 Phase I. Statewide Emergency Mobile System. This is a movement.. Gilbert officers arent smiling for these cameras. Im not going out there to bait them or trigger a response. The guy doesnt want to hear it.. Install the free Online Radio Box application for your smartphone and listen to your favorite radio stations online - wherever you are! Get used to it. Gilbert PD officers and staff will be at Peixoto Coffee in Epicenter at Agritopia (3150 E Ray Rd, Unit 100) from 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM. Ruff also became versed in Arizona law and what he can and cant do at a police scene. Don't forget to follow these cycling safety tips: That 3.19-mimute clip garnered 4,300 views, the most hes had on all his videos to date. This is in no way a suppression of the individuals First Amendment rights, but rather, the appropriate enforcement of the state law or local ordinance and in line with our training, Harrison continued. The idea of my channel is to showcase police corruption, Ruff said. The Superstition Amateur Radio Club . Video footage of the incident was obtained and still photos from the video was posted on social media channels for assistance from the community with identifying the driver, passenger(s), and/or owners of the sedans and any possible victim(s). All you cops are dumb. Our core. Home of the world's largest radio/scanner frequency database Celebrating 20 years of no ads and no subscriber fees. Feed archives, no ads, and more. They tried to file charges against me for flying a drone at night, he said. Ruffrefused to follow the officers orders, and the officer then attempted to place him under arrest. Gilbert PD officers and staff will be at Peixoto Coffee in Epicenter at Agritopia (3150 E Ray Rd, Unit 100) from 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM. Come dressed in your winter wear and enjoy an icy afternoon of skating and more. As James pans his camera to the nieces arrest, Ruff is seen off to the side of the video, standing next to the aunt and another woman on the sidewalk as a police officer is talking to him. In some ways I do see improvements, he said. Dispatchers serve as the lifeline between the citizens and officerswe answer 911 and non-emergency calls and dispatch public safety resources using state-of-the-art technology. Federal courts have protected the rights of citizens to film and record police officers in public places. James has over 4,000 subscribers and Ruff has over 20,000. If an individual is violating a state law or local ordinance while expressing their First Amendment rights, then the officers can take appropriate action. This training occurs through legal updates, classes and briefing trainings.. He has posted footage of himself confronting bicycle officers downtown whom hes accused of routinely breaking the states law for not using lights at night for their bikes. Flagstaff Ch. Youre invited to join us for our family friendly GPD on Ice skating event happening Saturday, January 28th from 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM at AZ Ice Gilbert (2305 E. Knox Road). Query by Frequency. For Apple mobile devices, you can go to iTunes and download a scanner . Ignore me and do your job thats all you got to do. We hope to see you there! Find the latest Gilbert Arizona and East Valley government, schools, business, events, entertainment and community news from the Gilbert Republic and Inspect your bicycle and make sure your tires are properly inflated prior to going on a ride The woman says Ruff is filming her niece and she didnt appreciate that. Coffee with a Cop is an important opportunity where our community members and police officers can come together to have meaningful discussions. He added he has obtained a press pass from a small news agency and hopefully that will help police from attacking him so much. Premium Subscribers can set their default external media player on their MyBCFY Personalization Page. After a brief conversation with Gilbert cops, theRuffdriver refuses a field sobriety test and is soon outside his vehicle being handcuffed. Im keeping a respectable distance. No ads for Premium Subscribers Upgrade now to take advantage of our Premium Services. In the video, James ignores the officer and walks away. Hey, you cant do that, Ruff yells as he is forced to the ground by three cops, arrested and then hauled off in a patrol car. James said police have followed him and bicycle cops ride down the street he lives on looking for him. Sign up for free today. 2 Dispatch by Police-----154.935-----Flagstaff, Arizona Local Fire Department-----155.550 . Its like a double-edged sword.. He finally notes that it was a "fairly routine DUI stop" and that he was heading home. Thank you for doing your part to help us keep everyone safe. They want me to stop filming them., There is value in what auditors do, according to Criminal Justice Professor Alfred Titus with theJohn JayCollege of Criminal Justicein New York City. Gilbert collects and recycles large home appliances. Ruff said he only resorts to name-calling when the cop is being a jerk. In addition to Gilbert Police, Ruff also videotapes other East Valley law enforcement agents in action and recently expanded his police audits to the West Valley. James hoped his videos are making some sort of impact. James video shows Ruff pushing the woman away after she had knocked the phone from his hands and he demands to know what she was doing. The feed collection is curated from all of the free and available feeds from around the world. He filmed what he considered an unlawful stop by Gilbert officers in January he was pulled over for alleged violations after he had left a traffic stop. The Gilbert Police Department respects the First Amendment rights of citizens who choose to record police activity in public places, she said. The 35-year-old man behind the camera phone continues filming the 20-minute video after the driver is placed in the back of a patrol car for a ride to the police station and a tow truck arrives. Decreasing clouds with mostly sunny skies by afternoon. More often than not, he said, walking around downtown provides him with more than enough to monitor. Always ride with the flow of traffic 852.7125-police (gilbert police dept - trunk - ch 10) glendale 154.190-fire (glendale fire department - f1) 154.070-fire (glendale fire department - f3) In the video, a cop asks for his license, registration and insurance to which Ruff responds he knows he wasnt speeding and asks the reason for the stop. On February 17, 2023, shortly after 9:00 PM, Gilbert PD responded to a reckless driver call for service near the intersection of East Sagebrush Street and South Colt Drive in the Morrison Ranch Community. Ruffwas confronted by a female relative of the individual involved, and the two got into a verbal and physical altercation with one another, Harrison said. And I started to film them and now I film them because I want to show Gilbert what police are doing.. Wear bright clothing, use lights and reflectors when riding at night or early morning First Amendment auditors are often aggressive and the primary goal of their often in-your-face interactions with police officers is to provoke a reaction in order to grab subscribers to their channels and make money, say detractors. He finally notes that it was a fairly routine DUI stop and that he was heading home. Titus, who retired as a homicide detective, said although most cops today are equipped with body cameras, whats often missing from body cameras is everything going on around the officer. It doesnt cover all the angles so citizens video can be helpful. It can make an officer make sure he does everything by the book.. They think they have a little bit of leverage. Mesa resident Christopher Ruff, whose handle is Direct D, sometimes tag teams with James or films solo. In connection to this incident, a dark colored sedan and a white colored sedan were observed in the same vicinity. Arizona Department of Public Safety-Dist 05; Metro Phoenix Central Area-1055. . Arizona Public Service Corporation (P25) Project 25 Phase II. . I didnt like the way they went down and I posted them, he said. Ruff, who owns a business in Gilbert, at times is confrontational toward officers in his videos. Applications are now open for our Citizens' Police Academy in March! 2:21 PM, Feb 21, 2023. High 54F. Callers who report police incidents through our dispatch center will receive real time updates via text message or email along with a survey at the conclusion of the police event or investigation. That includes the US and Canada, as well as some countries in Europe, South America, and Asia. GOODYEAR, Ariz. -- The crash of a truck into a group of 20 bicyclists on a bridge that killed two and injured . James caught this arrest as he cruised around Gilbert. Ruff was subsequently charged in Maricopa County Superior Court with one count of resisting arrest, a Class 6 felony, and in the Gilbert Municipal Court with one count of interfering with Police, a Class 1 misdemeanor, according to Harrison. Location: 27th Ave & Camelback, Phoenix, az System: Regional Wireless Cooperative (RWC) Simulcast A : Phoenix PD All Precinct Talkgroups, and C Deck. Be regulations, policy or legislation that can clearly get out and skate! 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