CS2110. OMSCS courses provide several unique paths toward earning the Master of Science in Computer Science. Introduction to computer vision including fundamentals of image formation, camera imaging geometry, feature detection and matching, stereo, motion estimation and tracking, image classification and scene understanding. Credit will not be awarded for both CS4057 and MGT4057. 11.01600 AP Computer Science A 21.45700 Appropriate & Alternative Energy Technologies 11.01700 IB Computer Science (SL or HL), Year One 25. . CS2051. Students will learn how computer-science-based ventures are developed. Credit not allowed for both CS4001 and 4002. CS4854. CS4752. CS 1315 Recitation. CS6497. Emphasis on current research efforts from both fields. CS6451. The chose problem must be approved by course instructor. 4 Credit Hours. Overview of a portfolio of machine learning techniques useful for robotic application: from regression to deep learning, applied on simulated real-time mobile robotic applications. Basic techniques of design and analysis of efficient algorithms for standard computational problems. - Co-founder of Top b2b Software Development Company in Armenia by Clutch trusted by Inc5000. Projects will cover design and implementation of several operating systems components. Introduction to Cognitive Science. CS3451. Investigates the infrastructure required to develop mobile and ubiquitous computing applications and establishes major research themes and experimental practices. CS4520. Robotics Capstone Project. Focuses on core concepts in computer science and implications for interactive systems. CS6150. Georgia Tech's interdisciplinary Master's degree in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) is devoted to the creation, study, and application of computer-based models of natural and engineered systems. Introduction to the range of issues across the HCC disciplines, including design and research methodologies: cognitive, social, and cultural theories; assessment and evaluation: ethical issues. Georgia Institute of Technology Experts from GTx committed to teaching online learning Enrolling Now $537.30 $597 USD 3 courses in 5 months Pursue the Program I would like to receive email from GTx and learn about other offerings related to Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java. Learning goals for different populations. CS6770. 3 Credit Hours. Topics covered include database design, query processing, concurrency control, and recovery. CS6266. CS4902. CS6280. CS4560. Credit not awarded for both CS4660 and CS6460. CS4698. 3 Credit Hours. Representing Structure and Behavior. Learning in Autonomous Agents. CS6471. 3 Credit Hours. Introduction to Media Computation. CS6470. CS7230. Honors - Induction to Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science. Special Topics. Induction and recursion. 3 Credit Hours. CS7642. Typical BS-CS program graduates pursue careers in software development, systems . And an extra cost of $301/semester is charged for an online program. Real-Time System Concepts and Implementation. A hands-on course covering a range of cognitive modeling methodologies. CS7451. CS7649. Course: Equivalent: CS 4210: CS 6210: CS 4220: CS 6235: CS 4233: CS 7110: CS 4235: CS 6035: CS 4261: CS 8803 MAS: CS 4290: . 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Randomized Algorithms. CS8903. Introduction to Computer Vision. Verification of Systems. 3 Credit Hours. CS 2600. 3 Credit Hours. A broad review of the US health system and the application of informatics to the clinical practice of medicine, digital imaging, public health and bioinformatics. Design and implementation of computer models of learning and adaptation in autonomous intelligent agents. Deep Learning. The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) is committed to supporting the growth of the discipline of computer science in middle and high schools in Georgia and has allocated state funds to create the Computer Science Teacher Equipment and Community Grant (CSTEC).This non-renewable, non-transferable grant is intended to support Computer Science initiatives during the school year. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Introduction to computing principles and programming practices with an emphasis on the design, construction and implementation of problem solutions use of software tools. CS6421. Number theoretic principles and algorithms. Georgia Tech Coronavirus Resources. 3 Credit Hours. Mixed Reality Experience Design. CS4432. If so, Georgia Tech has the answer. Credit not awarded for CS6456 and CS4470. CS7476. Introduction to Robotics Research. Advanced symbolic AI techniques. 5 Credit Hours. CS4911. I am a full-stack web developer with close to six years experience, currently working at Pupilfirst. CS4644. CS4622. Undergraduate Research. Issues in the design, implementation, and programming of parallel machines. CS2600. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Business processes are the mechanisms by which work is organized and performed. Information-processing theories of modeling and design; topics include design decision-making, problem-solving and learning, and knowledge-based modeling and design. May not be used by computer science majors for degree credit. 3 Credit Hours. _____. This course teaches best practices for visualizing datasets from diverse domains intended to help people make sense of data. 1 Credit Hour. The tech stack and languages include Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Rescript, GraphQL and React. Algorithms for graph problems such as maximum flow, matching, network reliability, minimum cuts, covering, coloring, planarity, shortest paths, and connectivity. 3 Credit Hours. This course provides an introduction to security issues relating to various cyber-physical systems including industrial control systems and those considered critical infrastructure systems. CS4685. Fundamental concepts in distributed systems, including global states, logical clocks, and failure models. 1-21 Credit Hours. GPU architectures. 3 Credit Hours. Network Science: Methods and Applications. CS4495. 4 Credit Hours. CS3801. CS3101. Focusing on fundamental issues, concepts, techniques, and technical challenges that are critical for designing and developing Internet systems, services and applications. Complexity and order of growth. Intelligent and Interactive Systems. Theoretical Foundations of Machine Learning. 3 Credit Hours. Credit will not be awarded for both CS7495 and CS7476. . Knowledge Agents. CS2050R. Credit is not awarded for both CS4210 and CS6210. 1-21 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Information-processing theories of modeling and design; topics include design decision making, problem solving and learning, and knowledge-based modeling and design. CS1805. Modeling the structure of media (e.g., music, graphical scenes) using dynamic data structures. 3 Credit Hours. Computer Visualization Techniques. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours. Technical report writing and presentation. Students study an existing community in depth, and then develop a new community design. 3 Credit Hours. Complete your introductory knowledge of computer science with this final course on objects and algorithms. The program currently provides 29 courses, with more in development. Educational Technology: Design and Evaluation. Robotics Professional Preparation 3. Credit not allowed for both CS3743 and MGT3743 or ME3743. Tech. CS7616. Study of advanced database concepts for temporal databases with emphasis on storage structure, processing and query languages, as well as active database concepts and implementation. 4 Credit Hours. Entrepreneurial Junior Design. Controlling the interface between hardware and software in media devices. Special Topics. Low-level organization and hardware algorithms for the implementation of modern high-performance microprocessors including concept designs and real-world case studies. An intensive study of the process of generating a symbolic description of the scene by interpretation of images(s). Qualitative Methods for Design of Human Computer Interaction. Design Capstone Project. Topics include lexical analysis, parsing, interpretation of sentences, semantic representation, organization of knowledge, inference mechanisms. Credit not allowed for both CS4464 and CS6465. Networked Applications and Services. Distributed Control Algorithms. 3 Credit Hours. CS4660. New tech pros often begin their career in technical support because of its low barrier to entry and exposure to a wide range of IT domains, such as networking, data management, cloud computing and cyber security. CS4460. Foundations of Computer Graphics. 3 Credit Hours. Temporal, Spatial and Active Databases. CS6480. 3 Credit Hours. CS6750. 3 Credit Hours. For students with a solid introductory computing background needing to demonstrate proficiency in the MATLAB language. All programs will be located at the Georgia Tech Savannah Campus. Reliability and Security in Computer Architecture. Cryptographic algorithms, cryptanalysis, symmetric cryptography, public key cryptography, DES, AES, RSA, hash and MAC functions, digital signatures, pseudo-random generators, cryptographic protocols, SSL//TLS, SET. CS4649. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Startup Lab: Introduction to Technology Ventures. CS1331. Proof methods, strategy, correctness of algorithms over discrete structures. Group discussion of advanced topics in information and computer science. Software Engineering Seminar. Crosslisted with PST, PSYC, and ISYE 4792. CS7495. a two-hour Wellness course. Introduction to Enterprise Computing. 3 Credit Hours. Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Honors. CS4605. CS4290. Constraint systems. Mobile Applications and Services for Converged Networks. This course covers the analysis of business technology. 4 Credit Hours. About. Principles of User Interface Software. CS2803. Cross-listed with ECE and PUBP6727. Doctoral Thesis Preparation. Special Topics. 0 Credit Hours. Theoretical Foundations of Cryptography. Principles of real-time systems, as occurring in robotics and manufacturing, interactive, and multimedia applications. 3 Credit Hours. 4 Credit Hours. CS6340. 1 Credit Hour. COURSES THAT SATISFY THE SCIENCE REQUIREMENT ACADEMIC COURSES . 0 Credit Hours. CS4611. Cross-listed with ISYE 4245. Computational Complexity Theory. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours. That program includes one-semester courses and students may take one or more. Modeling and Design. 3 Credit Hours. Credit not awarded for both CS4452 and CS1315. Topics include formal semantics and type systems for imperative, functional, and parallel languages; lambda calculus and its variants; the Curry-Howard Correspondence; techniques for proving language properties and verifying program specifications. Focus on the data link layer and its relationship to layers below and above. CS7741. CS4863. CS4699. Computer Graphics. Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing. Introduction to Information Security. CS4280. CS2316. 5 Credit Hours. Parallel Computer Architecture. I like it a lot. Automata and Complexity Theory. Design and Analysis of Algorithms. 3 Credit Hours. Software Generation, Testing, and Maintenance. CS6245. Credit not allowed for both CS6457 and CS4455. Includes development and assessment of processes, their instantiation in actual product development, and techniques ensuring quality of developed products. CS6310. Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Robotics. About. CS4365. Next-Generation Computing Technologies. 3 Credit Hours. If any of the following foundation courses in Computer Science or Mathematics have not been taken in another program, these must be completed at the earliest. Computer science students cannot receive credit for this course. Computer Sci. Computer Science (BS) Degree level BS Focus: building on a base of fundamentals in programming and computational theory to provide a solid foundation of knowledge and skills for applying digital processes effectively to issues of broad interest in a global society. Study of techniques for the design and implementation of compilers, interpreters, and program analyzers, with consideration of the particular characteristics of widely used programming languages. I'm a Masters of Science in Computer Science (MS CS) student at Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech/GaTech). 3 Credit Hours. Efficient algorithms for multiagent planning, and approaches to learning near-optimal decisions using possibly partially observable Markov decision processes; stochastic and repeated games; and reinforcement learning. 3 Credit Hours. CS6246. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Special Topics. Symbolic numerical techniques that allow intelligent systems to decide how they should act in order to achieve their goals, including action and plan representation, plan synthesis and reasoning, analysis of planning algorithms, plan execution and monitoring, plan reuse and learning, and applications. The process of developing software systems. 3 Credit Hours. Sessions will focus on introducing students to technical work with visualization programming languages and grammars important to the course. Credit not allowed for both CS6675 and CS4675. Credit not allowed in a program of study for a graduate degree. CS7610. 1-12 Credit Hours. A study of the principles and practice of artificial intelligence in areas other than computer science, with particular focus on engineering, science, and business applications. Approximation algorithms for NP-hard optimization problems, design and analysis techniques for such algorithms. Introduction to MIMD parallel computation, using textbook excerpts, research papers, and projects on multiple parallel machines. Introduction to programming and human-centered principles of computing based on a communications and media computation context. Internetworking Architectures and Protocols. Pervasive Systems and Networking. 3 Credit Hours. 5 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. CS6255. The course deals with models, enabling technology, systems, and applications. CS7280. Information security vulnerabilities and risks; legal, cost, privacy, and technology constraints; derivation of strategies; technical and procedural means of achieving desired results. CS 3790 Computer Science . 3 Credit Hours. CS6035. Introduces user interface programming. CS7110. (Department of Computer Science and Engineering) B. The BS CmpE program offers elective courses in a wide variety of specializations, including computer architecture; embedded systems and software; design tools, test, and verification; computer networks and internetworking; distributed systems and software; and VLSI design. Probabilistic Graphical Models in Machine Learning. 6 Credit Hours. CS8804. | CS1315R. Methods for solving large programming problems. CS7630. CS2698. Software Practicum. 3 Credit Hours. Algorithmic Game Theory and Economics. 3 Credit Hours. Crosslisted with PST, PSYC, and ISYE3790. Object-oriented programming methods for dealing with large programs. Credit not allowed for both CS4675 and CS6675. 4 Credit Hours. NP-Completeness. 3 Credit Hours. Integrative Project in Cognitive Science. CS3630. Examines usability in the software development process with an emphasis on usability, requirements, methodology, design, and evaluation. CS8806. Includes a project component. 3 Credit Hours. Credit not allowed for both CS4530 and CS7530. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Graduate Introduction to Operating Systems. Formal methods. Study of algorithms and performance in advanced databases. Distributed Computing. Topics include intelligent system design methodologies, search and problem solving, supervised and reinforced learning. 3 Credit Hours. Advanced topics in computer vision, which includes a deep dive into both the theoretical foundations of computer vision to the practical issues of building real systems that use computer vision. Distance Computer Science admits students for Summer, Fall, or Spring semesters. In-depth study of systems and wireless networking issues in enabling pervasive computing environments and applications using a hand-on approach. CS7535. Counting and computability. Credit not awarded for both CS2345 and ECE2036. Credit not allowed for both CS7110 and CS4233. Software Engineer at Intuit in the Product Development Core team for QuickBooks Online Advanced: a cloud-based accounting software for empowering the financial lives of mid-market businesses. Selecting and applying for Internship. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. 4 Credit Hours. AI Storytelling in Virtual Worlds. CS4270. Game Artificial Intelligence. Crosslisted with ECE and BMED6780. Part of what led me to apply to Georgia Tech is its Human Computer Interaction specialization, which allows me to design . Induction and recursion. 3 Credit Hours. The email should include the student's full name, gtID#, and the course and CRN for which they are trying to register. Study of advanced database concepts as they apply to object-oriented database systems. 3 Credit Hours. CS8803. 3 Credit Hours. Georgia Institute of Technology Techniques for designing and analyzing randomized algorithms, derandomization techniques. 3 Credit Hours. Credit will not be awarded for both CS4725 and CS6725 or MGT4725 or MGT6725 or PUBP4725. Explores how human-computer interaction and machine learning can interact to create personalized information environments. 3 Credit Hours. CS6465. Computational Social Science. Foundations of computing with an introduction to design and analysis of algorithms and an introduction to design and construction of programs for engineering problem-solving. Study of fundamental software components/algorithms of a database system, including the file manager, query engine, lock manager, and recovery manager. Advanced techniques in high-performance pipelined central processing units. 3 Credit Hours. Software engineering methods specific to classes of applications or systems, including information systems and embedded, real-time systems. Crosslisted with PSYC6750. 3 Credit Hours. Introduction to Human-Centered Computing. 3 Credit Hours. About. 3 Credit Hours. This course will cover theory and practice of deep learning, including neural network and structured models, optimization algorithms, and applications to perception and Artificial Intelligence. HCI career choices and trajectories. Credit not awarded for both CS4470 and CS6456. 3 Credit Hours. The analysis, design, and implementation of information systems. CS6780. In January 2014, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Udacity, and AT&T teamed up to launch the first accredited Master of Science in Computer Science from an accredited university that students can earn exclusively through the "massive online" format and for a fraction of the cost of traditional, residential programs. Privacy, Technology, Policy, and Law. Computational Perception. First, this course introduces the student to embedded domain-specific processor and instruction set design issues. Credit will not be awarded for both CS4726 and MGT4726 or MGT6726 or CS6726. Special Topics. North Avenue Atlanta, GA 30332 +1 404.894.2000 Advising & Transition Georgia TechMap Campus Map. CS4641. Important concepts from computability theory; techniques for designing algorithms for combinatorial, algebraic, and number-theoretic problems; basic concepts such as NP-Completeness from computational complexity theory. CS8750. Design, implementation, and evaluation of systems software. Georgia Tech's innovative MS CS degree program allows students to specialize their degree, to fit their academic and professional goals. An introduction to artificial intelligence and machine learning. Special Topics. Algorithms for simulating objects. 3 Credit Hours. CS7645. Graduate Internship at a partner company, GTRI or a GT Robotics lab. Includes visualization methods, data structures, examples, and tools. Special Topics. 3 Credit Hours. Video Game Design and Programming. 3 Credit Hours. Credit not allowed for both CS4741 and MGT4741 or ME4741. Credit not awarded for both CS4646 and CS7646. Educational Technology: Design and Evaluation. Study of fundamental concepts with regard to relational databases. Robotics Internship. CS4220R. 3 Credit Hours. 0 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Overview of telecommunication regulation at the federal, state, and judicial levels; review of FCC policies and restrictions on Bell operating companies under the AT&T Consent Agreement. Introductory course on design principles and applications of data visualization. Credit not allowed for both CS2050 and CS2051. Special Topics in Cognitive Science. CS Education Research. 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