I look forward to working with individuals of all ages, to help them identify and manage their concerns. You mentioned that one of the characteristics of borderline personality disorder is emotional reactivity. It's one of the symptoms, and that's sort of all I can think of. There are no attempts to regulate it. So you're really just kind of falling in love with this new friend who is being you. Correct?Dr Curry, Part 2 (23:51). Mental illnesses (i.e. She has had a clinical practice (currently with 13 staff), Curry Psychology Group, for 15 years. Curry (02:20:28). I'm not guaranteeing that the transcription is perfect, but I have attempted to ensure its accuracy., Her testimony was split between before and after lunch so I based my transcript off of 2 videos of the trial.. I'm talking about the MSCI here.AHs Attorney, Bredehoft, Part 2 (01:02:28), You testified under oath at that time, correct?Dr Curry, Part 2 (01:02:31), Yes, that's correct.AHs Attorney, Bredehoft, Part 2 (01:02:32), Now, the profile is also not consistent with malingering, correct? My husband got these for us today, meaning he purchased the muffins. My goal is to reduce fragmented care by providing accessible psychiatric care online, where ever you are. They are ready for a change. When she took tests that asked questions that were specific to trauma. Okay. In doing so we will assess medication needs, therapy focus and lifestyle choices. This website uses publicly-available data from the NPPES NPI Registry. He actually refers to this reactivity quite a bit and to Ms. Heard s temper. How did they get along with their siblings? And when I keep saying validity, by the way, what I mean is accuracy, and I'll try to work that in. Ms. Heard and I enjoyed the muffins together. We call this impressionistic speech. WebForensic psychologist Dr. Shannon Curry took the stand on Tuesday. AHs Attorney, Bredehoft, Part 2 (26:12), So why did your husband get the muffins for Amber Heard?Dr Curry, Part 2 (26:16), He did not get the muffins for Amber Heard.AHs Attorney, Bredehoft, Part 2 (26:22), He knew you had a high profile client and you were preparing for a very long time. Did they not go to College? It includes a person's entire life history as well as very specifically looks at any symptoms they might have. And the MMPI-2 has been shown in multiple studies to be excellent at detecting those attempts.JD's Attorney, Dennison (02:00:02), Okay. And they're going to be advocating, and the treatment relationship is about helping your client achieve wellbeing, not making formal psychological or psychiatric opinions.JD's Attorney, Dennison,Part 2 (01:10:12). He was a psychologist.JD's Attorney, Dennison,Part 2 (01:10:20), Dr. Banks. I see patient from 18 and above. How did you determine that?Dr. How come? And so if we have those two scores were both high, then that's a two six code type. While I had watched most of Dr. Currys testimony live, I missed a small portion and didnt catch anything about muffins. So when I created the transcription I was eager to find out why so many people were talking about Dr Curry and muffins. It may be that they continue to have symptoms from that traumatic event in childhood, or maybe they can't shake that nagging thought in the back of their head that they would be better off dead. We can support them in their therapy and take them at their word. One difference is that medications and other ways of addressing chemical imbalances (i.e. Psychological Assessments Training and Experience, Borderline Personality and Emotional Reactivity, How Dr Curry Concluded Amber Doesnt Have PTSD, How Targets of False Accusations of Abuse Feel. Curry (01:30:34). I think I made a comment to her along the lines like, we can thank my husband. That has to change. Please navigate to my website to request a consultation. WebDr. Ms. Heard and I enjoyed the muffins together. In her 2018 op-ed, Ms Heard wrote that like many women, I had been harassed and sexually assaulted by the time I was of college age. Did they play sports? During this appointment we discuss your history, I order laboratory studies, discuss the benefits of genetic testing, and together we come up with a treatment plan. WebDr. So that occurred a number of times. About 90% of male victims of IPV have reported that a female partner who abuses them makes threats to report their partner as an abuser. Learn Curry (02:31:03). Inconducting my evaluation, I met with Ms. Heard on two separate dates, December 10 and December 17, 2021.So the evaluation, we spent 12 hours directly with one another. So essentially, like I said, there's instability and emotions. She's a former friend of Ms. Heard and she indicated she told a story about, I suppose they were shopping for Thanksgiving and Couture Month, something to prepare for Thanksgiving. WebDr. Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, MS, PMHNP, BC. Sometimes that anger. Together, we try to understand the unique circumstances and conditions contributing to your current distress and imbalance. Attention shifted towards Dr Shannon Currys thick-rimmed glasses when the psychologist took to the witness stand on 25 May. And it's distressing for the victim to be accused, is it not?Dr Curry, Part 2 (56:07), Absolutely.AHs Attorney, Bredehoft, Part 2 (56:08), It causes them a lot of fear, certainly. I don't know if you'll remember, but that is the clinician administered PTSD scale consistent with the DSM -5. Ronald Curry, PHD is a psychologist in Glastonbury, CT. What's their relationship with their primary caregivers? And it's not as if the borderline is considering themselves abandoned in that moment, but they just know that they have this overwhelming emotion and there are no attempts to control that emotion. Curry (02:26:55). They might mimic the way they dress, their interests, the way they talk. Dr Curry said there are notes from other doctors stating that Ms Heard reported violence from Mr Depp. And let me clarify one thing here. Theyll exaggerate it, and theyll explode, Dr Curry said. I asked him to go to the bakery near our house and pick up the muffins for me because I was running late. And the person with the personality disorder has to remain dedicated to making the changes.. Dr. Stewart focuses on medication management for adolescents and adults (13+ years old). Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, PMHNP, MSN. And that's consistent with a couple of things. Ms. Heard had the clearest code type was, but then she also had some other code types that were less significant. How many times did they have to move? And so you want to follow up on that.JD's Attorney, Dennison (02:08:00), Okay. And oftentimes they will be abusive to their partners in these situations. My goal is to reduce and/or alleviate symptoms so those I work with can begin to walk the path of wellness. "Are you familiar with the term emotional reactivity?"Dr. In fact, some research has shown that if you give someone a diagnostic checklist and said show that you have PTSD, they can do it 96% of the time, just someone on the street.So you really need a test that's very sensitive to that. Ms Heard has filed a $100m counterclaim against Mr Depp for nuisance and immunity from his allegations. Information on this site is for informational and educational purposes. This is where I can helpBy performing psychological or neuropsychological evaluations, I can identify areas of strength and those areas in need of growth and support in order to help determine the most appropriate intervention and treatment options. Curry (01:56:12). After receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior from the University of California at Davis, Dr. Chofla earned his medical degree from Midwestern University: Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine. People are not perfect even when we have a lot in common with them, whereas most of us can accept somebody as a whole, somebody who has a little bit of flaws and still think, this is my great friend who's always constantly running late for dinner. And they can tell us a lot about if somebody's, for instance, exaggerating, are they elevating one of the scales that shows that they're exaggerating on purpose? And that temper, it's often branded or being hot headed is really characteristic borderline personality disorder, as is their very charming personable nature. Would you agree?Dr Curry, Part 2 (50:12). And then on the 17th, we spent a little more than 8 hours in the evaluation from start to finish with a 1 hour break and another half hour of breaks distributed throughout the day. I have included most, though not all, of her testimony in this post. They may also use the legal system to stop their partner from leaving by threatening to file a restraining order or claiming that they have been abused. Sunita Osborn is a licensed clinical psychologist and writer. Okay. Is your current self-care not working? Among these groups with similar scores, these people might have that anger kind of explode out at times. But in actuality, they really might be very judgmental of others and unaware of problems in their behavior and their thinking.JD's Attorney, Dennison (02:07:03), So after you provide the examination by the iPad, what do you do?Dr. What psychological tests did you perform? Let me ask you this, do you brush your teeth daily? When we eventually sort of dialed it down, she had three remaining symptoms. You know something is going on, but you just can't put your finger on it. I knew that she had reported to me that she had had some other symptoms. So that looks like you describe an anchor, we call it to do the testing, and we would maybe describe the anchor as the worst of my combat experience. So one of the key features also this disorder, all of it is likepistons of an engine kind of firing off and igniting one another. Shannon Curry, PsyD has been registered with the National Provider Identifier database since April 26, 2013, and her NPI number is 1972947406. What sort of jobs have they held? There are a variety of sources for the trial videos. No matter how hard you try to understand, things just don't make sense. Theyll react in this heightened manner that is just exhausting for their partners.. On Day 9 of the Johnny Depp v Amber Heard Defamation trial, forensic Psychologist Dr Curry testified that she diagnosed Amber Heard with Borderline and Histrionic personality disorders, and made other determinations relevant to the case, after examiningrecords pertaining toAmber'shistory and performing 12 hours of assessment interviews with Amber in person. " somebody who's really productive, high functioning, successful, and you get to know them and you think they're fantastic because they're so interested in you, too, and you might not realize it, but they're mimicking you perfectly. There are 10 personality disorders. Dr. Hughes' testimony was very different from that of Dr. Shannon Curry, who was an expert witness for Johnny Depp's team. So we spent 7 hours together on the first day, December 10, not necessarily together because there was a 1 hour lunch break and about a half hour with break split up through the day. Heard attorney Elaine Bredehoft questioned Dr Curry about her opinions and how they were not in line with that of a therapist who treated Ms Heard. And so this might be the perfect person, their perfect soulmate friend, perfect soulmate partner, and their engagement in the relationship is very alluring very charming to the other person. It has numerous scales. This pattern of idealizing and devaluing is definitely a play. As a PMHNP I provide psychiatric medication management to treat and relieve mental disorders. It's also consistent with childhood complex trauma, which is something that can occur when your brain is forming. My husband got these for us today, meaning he purchased the muffins. I conducted testing, including one of the main tests that I used. WebDr. It is one of the most easily faked disorders, Dr Curry said. .) Testimony from the 2nd part of the day are designated "Part 2" by the timestamp. And you do this, you continue on high school. So looking at Dr. Hughes testing and then also looking at the scores on the MMPI, when you look at all these little combinations of the scores, you can actually learn a lot about is the anxiety related to an event or is this more a person who tends to be an anxious person, regardless of what's going on in their life? Curry (02:07:10). By providing consultations, direct therapeutic intervention, one-on-one and small group support, and workshops, I help individuals and organizations develop the tools that lead to lasting change. It measures all of those things. They're just thinking, I can't stand this. Dr. Shannon Curry testifies in the courtroom at the Fairfax County Circuit Courthouse in The two means that it's the second edition, and this is something we call an objective measure. It's actually very common. ", "The majority of my forensic work has been in criminal law or providing psychological assessments, and then I produce a really methodical report, which is typically reviewed by a judge and a determination is made, or usually there's a settlement beforehand. But because the person with borderline personality disorder, first of all, they're more sensitive to things, they feel distress more strongly, and then that distress lasts longer. Dr Curry said she was interviewed at Mr Depps house by his legal team, that Mr Depp was present at the time, and that dinner and drinks were served. But there's not a lot of consistency in the long term. And when I say flirtatious, I'm not talking overtly sexy but kind of inappropriately flattering. In Dr. Hughes' interview of Ms. Heard, Ms. Heard disclosed that she had cut her arm in the past, which is a typical reactive type of thing. A code type. I have cptsd and I survived (barely. See more therapy options for Curry County, Shannon Sheats PMHNP at Siskiyou Behavioral Health, Dr Trisha Vaughn / MotherRoot Integrated Wellness. So they were consistent with other people who obtain these scores, who have been shown through many studies to have these very specific traits.So externalization of blame, a lot of inner anger and hostility. But overall, if somebody were to describe us or if we were to describe ourselves, we have a pretty good sense of who we are. Dr. Also, that the hallmark of the disorder was the splitting. And I always follow up with the examiner. Oftentimes they'll bring the therapist gifts or be distracting if they engage in therapy because they just don't want any criticism. I have 30 years experience in the field of adult psychiatry. So I think it probably presents mostly or you'd see the bulk of it in intimate relationships because of that regular interaction and the desire for your partner to meet all of your needs, to be the perfect caretaker. But her testing in particular showed that she approached it in a manner that I remember I told you about those scales that are pretty neat. WebDr.Shannon Curry is the finest clinical and forensic psychologist Doctor. I connect with teens, collegiates, and young professionals to navigate anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, stressors of career and school transitions, and family life. What sort of jobs have they held? I also looked at the test results that were provided by Dr. Hughes. Do you see that? That's always an important question. Dr. Curry, before the break, you were talking about some of the factors that you considered in determining Miss Heard suffers from personality disorders, and one of them, I think the last one you said before you left was self report. It's instability in their emotions. Curry (02:04:17). Treating physician?Dr Curry, Part 2 (01:10:22), Treating psychiatrist.JD's Attorney, Dennison,Part 2 (01:10:25), Yes. And in one of Nurse Falati's notes, she reported that Ms. Heard told her that none of the medications were working for her, except for one provision, which is often prescribed as a stimulant medication. Dr Curry said there was evidence that Ms Heard was grossly exaggerating symptoms of PTSD and that there was no evidence to support that she was actually suffering from the condition. How come? Both of these tests, by the way, were developed by the National Center for PTSD with the Department of Veterans Affairs. You've known for a while that something just doesn't feel quite right. Curry (02:23:59). But then all of a sudden you say something that they think is offensive, and even in your wildest thoughts understand how that could have offended somebody, but their reaction is so strong that you kind of buy into it. I saw this. The test results may be highly reliable, but not 100% reliable, and our conclusions will be similarly highly reliable but not 100% reliable. Dr. Curry earned her Master's and Doctorate degrees in Clinical Psychology at Pepperdine University, and she also holds a postdoctoral Master of Science degree in Were they raised by an aunt and uncle? I was just trying to get a sense of what a self-report was.Dr. No more congested traffic or long drives, waiting room, missing work or school. The MMPI-2 is helpful because it shows you kind of everything, any other symptoms, and thenMiss Heard's own self report, and her prior treatment records. Similarly, with Borderline Personality Disorder, there's this underlying drive of avoiding abandonment. While Mr Depp isnt named in the piece, his legal team argues that it contains a clear implication that Mr Depp is a domestic abuser, which they say is categorically and demonstrably false. Dr Curry further stated that psychologists should limit their reports to the data discovered and avoid including personal or private information that would jeopardize the dignity of any of So why do so many people try to manage their mental health alone? Among these groups with similar scores, these people might have that anger kind of explode out at times. It feels like you just can't get a resolution, and eventually the partner will try to leave, will want to leave to take a break, it wears them down. She owns the Curry Psychology Group, a leading multi-specialty counseling center in Orange County, CA, and has 15 years of experience conducting research, therapy, and psychological evaluations pertaining to trauma, violence, and I'll explain and provide more testimony on each of these throughout this post. So I think that's a more accurate term in general. . The phone consultation is the first step before starting therapy or testing. "Borderline personality disorder is a disorder of stability. Curry (02:17:03). Now you're advocating for this, and this is your new main interest in life, for the thing you're throwing yourself into all completely. Dr Curry (01:02:26), Yes. here can be actually a lot of cruelty, usually with people who are less powerful. WebDr. Top of my mind from the treatment records moving into some of the declarations or deposition testimony, what struck me was Ms. Raquel Pennington's testimony. are different then personality disorders. externalization of blame, tending to have a lot of inner hostility. Is there a relation between Histrionic Personality Disorder and attractiveness?Dr. Hell, the pets become a weapon. The psychologist appeared in court on May 26th to provide a rebuttal testimony to Dr Shannon Curry which took place a day prior on May 25th, 2022. But when somebody is afraid of being abandoned, by their partner or by anybody else in their environment and they have this disorder, theyll make desperate attacks to prevent that from happening.. I treat adults who are struggling with depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, bipolar disorder, OCD, schizophrenia and other psychiatric conditions. And that's when the borderline might explode and act very aggressively or violently to try to prevent them from leaving. Shannon Curry revealed that she reached this diagnosis after conducting 12 hours of interviews with Amber and reviewing her medical records. On Wednesday, May 25th, Dr Curry returned to the stand to refute Heards claims of PTSD. She was asked by Depps legal team: Dr Hughes says that Ms Heard has PTSD, do you agree? Navigate to my website to request a consultation of sources for the trial videos of! In these situations and immunity from his allegations let me ask you this, you. 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