Gwea. Location View Google Map Details Dedication Actual Monument Dedication Date: We are grateful to non-indigenous linguists. In this section, there's a wealth of information about our collections of scientific specimens and cultural objects. [2] Traditionally, they lived as hunterfishergatherers in family groups or clans with ties of kinship, scattered along the coastal area of what is now the Sydney basin in New South Wales. [7], The Dharug nation was divided up into a number of woodland clans who each tended to live in a certain geographic area. They respect it and refer to it as their mother. Blacktown, N.S.W : Darug Tribal Aboriginal Corporation. Halvorson Thomas Kennedy Last updated on July 31, 2022 1. Land Council Map - NSW Aboriginal Land Council Bathurst LALC 149 Russell Street BATHURST NSW 2795 02 6332 6835 Albury & District LALC 917 Chenery Street LAVINGTON NSW 2640 02 6025 7075 Amaroo LALC 36N Derby Street WALCHA NSW 2354 02 6777 1100 Anaiwan LALC 7 Opal Street INVERELL NSW 2360 02 6723 3022 Armidale LALC 90 Beardy Street ARMIDALE NSW 2350 Filling a Void: history of word Guringai, Bediagal, Bidjigals, Bid-ee-gl, Bejigal, Be-dia-gal. Stirling . Dingle Lock If you are doing an Acknowledgement or a document and are not sure what to say, it can be quite effective to acknowledge these facts and to give people an opportunity to reflect on why things are the way they are. Kitty, L The men also hunted land mammals and speared fish. You will discover the meaning for the above quote as you venture into the spoken word list, Gai budyari-wa. Longbottom Wright Welcome to the Territories page for the Dharug. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Staples The Eel is the totem of the Burramattagal Language group.The Burramattagal observe that when Parramatta Green Wattle is in blossom in their area, the adult and young eels are returning from the saltwater of the ocean to estuarine waters after their . [4] Clans [ edit] Locke History. The old ones Soon enough the painted sticks were dry and ready to be used as wonderful clapping sticks. 5 February 1788: Captain John Hunter sailed up Parramatta River to (now) Homebush Bay, soon after Captain Arthur Phillips landing at Sydney Cove. Red - represents the red earth, the red ochre used in ceremonies and Aboriginal peoples' spiritual relation to the land. A strong centre of cultural attachment for the Darug people has been the "Blacks Town" in the Blacktown local government area which was known as the Blacktown Shire. The local tribes were the GuriNgai and Darug people, who called the . Further information about the cultural heritage and significance of the Duck River to the Wategora/Wangal people and documentation of sites and places may become available through . Spirits that have been here since the dreaming. Gardner During the 1990''s and the new millennium some descendants of the Darug clans in Western Sydney have been making considerable efforts to revive Dharug as a spoken language. Kavana Black Kitty was a Gubragal Iyura and also attended the Native Institute at Parramatta. To continue an unbroken culture. Seasonal land management was practiced instead: meaning they hunted and lived in an area before moving to another placewithin their region. Steilberg Watson However, there are various ways of spelling the names and different names can be found referring to the same group. Material excavated from the Alexandra Canal in the 1960''s and middens along the Cooks River are evidence of their occupation in the area. Kurrijong, kurrajung, Currajong, Kurrayung and Gurrijung. Her descendants can be located between present day Liverpool, Bankstown, Parramatta and as far west as Blacktown, Penrith and into the Blue Mountains. Aboriginal Heritage Office, The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS). Fitzgerald Lee Eora is also commonly used for Sydney. Canberra: Panther. Who lived where. Websites Dharug and Dharawal Dalang - Language is Culture Website Darug Tribal Aboriginal Corporation Website Darug Nation (Facebook) For the Sydney region the following language groups can be found on many maps still available today: Darug, Dharawal, Darginung, Guringai and Gundungurra. Similar persecution and denial of languages in Central America, some Mayan tribes still communicate in a dialect containing thirteen letters or sounds of their particular alphabet. Fitteri However, in September 2012 the Blacktown City Council de-recognised the Darug tribe, which it had previously recognised as the former owners of the area. For northern Sydney the term Guringai has been used, however, it was originally invented by a researcher in 1892 for this area and there is a Gringai clan in the Barrington River, Glouchester area who are requesting Sydneysiders to stop using their name. Before white settlement the traditional owners of the Gully - the Gundungurra and Darug peoples - used the Gully as a summer camp. Bergan 26 June 1789: Watkin Tench, a young First Fleet Marine officer, explored further. Brown's Lagoon Wilberforce 1844. Harrison The Dharawal people, also spelt Tharawal and other variants, are an Aboriginal Australian people, identified by the Dharawal language. Welcome to Country can only be conducted by an approved Aboriginal representative of the area in which the event is being held. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Darug peoples new dreaming the return of the land they called home. Local Aboriginal people used the word to describe to the British where they came from and so the word was then used to define the Aboriginal people themselves. There were two major groups to the north and south of theNura beranga (country were we belong) the freshwaterclans of the Dhurrawal, Tharawal and Darugule or the Daruggal. B Truran Kay-yee-my, the place where the Governor was wounded Manly Cove (Phillip in Hunter 1793); Kay-ye-my, Manly Bay (Anon ca 1790-1792). 57K views, 640 likes, 66 loves, 192 comments, 126 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from ABC News: The next time you meet up with a friend for brunch, try. The women collected the vegetable foods and were well known for their fishing and canoeing prowess. Early maps showing the old river farms helped us work out where the Darug place names belong and digitally map them. Burke His party of 5 were the first Europeans to walk from Rosehill wharf (now Parramatta) to Marrong (now Prospect Hill). Phillips [4], The Gweagal were also known as the "Fire Clan". One of these sites was a meeting place where exchanges took place between the 4 main tribes of the Sydney area: Darug/Darug, Gandangara, Guringai and Tharawal people. Darug land is from the Blue Mountains in the west to the sea in the east, from the Hawkesbury river in the north to Appin in the south. Darug language has been passed down from generation to generation. For Strathfield it is most likely the Wangal. The site will have photos n names of our Ancestors who have gone on to The Dreamtime, if this upsets you please do not go any further. The council also passed a motion, opposed by some councillors, to begin a process to consider changing the name "Blacktown". Provide administrative management and operational support for key programs including: Otitis Media (OM) rates are much higher for Aboriginal children than non-Aboriginal children, which has the potential to limit their health and educational achievement. They are said to be the first people to first make contact with Captain Cook. Darug clan lands embrace the land, rivers and seas. The people lived along the foreshores of the harbour and utilised the inlet rivers and . Maxwell They called themselves the Eora, meaning 'the people'. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. This term has only appeared relatively recently and as yet no documented evidence has been provided to show it was used at the time of the First Fleet or before the late 1990s. All art on our website is registered as copyright to the artist, all images and stories are the artists intellectual property. There is some argument about the extent of the Darug nation and what is exactly classified as Darug land. Their spirits still walk among us. Cook Eora is also commonly used for Sydney. Aboriginal people lived for thousands of years in what we call the City of Ryde. Establish and maintain partnerships with key agencies including: Aboriginal Medical Service Western Sydney Co-op Ltd, Medicare Locals and Divisions of General Practice, The education sector including Department of Education and Communities, University of Western Sydney and TAFE WSI, Mental health and drug & alcohol services, Government agencies including Housing and Centrelink, YenuAllowah Aboriginal Child & Family Centre, Ngalluwal Aboriginal Child & Family Centre, Lead on and/or support the design, implementation and evaluation of tailored programs focusing on priority areas that meet the needs of the local Aboriginal communities, the obligations of the Local Health Districts performance agreements and other mechanisms including, Undertake and foster research activities to expand the intervention evidence base in relation to effective Aboriginal population health and clinical approaches, Provide consultancy and undertaking capacity building activities supporting services to deliver best practice clinical and preventive activities that are culturally specific to the Aboriginal communities within Western Sydney LHD and Nepean Blue Mountains LHD, Support service planning to address Aboriginal health needs, Provide supervision and mentoring of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal LHD staff external to the Aboriginal Health Unit. Dodd As Cook's ship hove to near the foreshore, it appeared to the Dharwal to be a white low-lying cloud, and its crew 'dead' people whom they warned off from returning to the country. Blackstown and Windsor Please let us know if you have any corrections or improvements we can make. It was created in 1996 as part of the Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia project and attempts to show language, social or nation groups based on published sources available up to 1994. The Darug are a group descending from an indigenous Australian people of that name, which shares strong ties of kinship and, in pre-colonial times, survived as skilled hunters in family groups or clans scattered throughout much of what is modern-day Sydney. Gumberri nura Woolnough Walsh Today some modern Darug speakers have given speeches in the Darug language and younger members of the community visit schools and give demonstrations of spoken Dharug. Also Aunty Joan Cooper for her love and guidance. They lived in Redfern and surrounding areas for more than 40,000 years before European invasion. Everingham They hunted kangaroos, emus and other land animals, and used stone axes more extensively. We acknowledge the Darug people as the traditional custodians of the land covered by Western Sydney Local Health District. 2. Baxter McKean To enter another clans Nura beranga (Country of belonging) clans would have sent a message about the time (season) and instructions as to the purpose of Yanma-muru-wa. A strong centre of cultural attachment for the Darug people has been the "Blacks Town" (at the modern suburb of Colebee) in the Blacktown local government area (formerly Blacktown Shire). In 2005 a series of interpretive Indigenous artworks was installed along the banks of Prospect Creek. Brown's Lagoon Wilberforce 1844. Wanne (King in Hunter 1793) extended along the south side of the harbour from Long Cove (Darling Harbour) to Rose Hill, which the local inhabitants called Parramatta. Hughes Swanson, T The Mandi is the district of this village with district code 027. Perkins Cachia Muru Mittigar has an Aboriginal Cultural Museum showing Aboriginal history; Retail Art Centre featuring fine arts and crafts by Aboriginal artists; Nature walks with native plants traditionally used by Aboriginal people for medicinal, food or material resources. Clan words Wyld.
Smallpox killed over half the Aboriginal population within 3 months. Burramatta means Place where eels lie down. The Wangal were a clan of the Darug (sometimes spelt Dharug) tribe or language group. Come and explore what our researchers, curators and education programs have to offer. Aunty Edna Watson is a Darug Elder who has worked in our community for many years, this is her welcome to country. (2010). The Darug nation (also spelt Dharuk, Dharug and Daruk) is a language group of First Nations Australians who are the traditional custodians of much of what is modern day Sydney. Clarke The 'Eora people' was the name given to the coastal Aboriginal people around Sydney. Darug nation - located on the map of Australia The Darug people were spread out all over the Cumberland Plain. This site is an Aboriginal Family Research Group. Davies Dr Val Attenbrow provides the clearest review of names and their associated spellings and re-orded or presumed location. Steakman Probably to the north-west of Parramatta, between Parramatta and Hawkesbury River, possibly around present day Castle Hill. Bennelong We are related to numerous Darugule Mudjin and we are six generations removed from the Boorooberongal clan of Gumberri. In the language of the Darug people we welcome you to Darug lands. It took in the areas around Campbelltown, Liverpool, Camden, Penrith and Windsor. Each clan typically included 50 to 100 people. Later, Nanbarre said Caregal was the mans name, and he lived at, or near Broken Bay (Phillip in Hunter 1793). To continue an unbroken culture. Poole Geological sketch map of the locality of the estuarine beds, Shea's Creek Canal Sydney (Etheridge, R., Edgeworth, D. & Grimshaw, H. 1896)'It is estimated that over 500 language groups held . Source: Six Maps For over 60,000 years, the area comprising present day Parramatta has been occupied by the Burramattagal people, a clan of the Darug, who first settled along the upper reaches of the Parramatta River. Lieutenant Dawes The Darramuragal, also known as Darug people, are the traditional custodians of a vast majority of land that spanned from aboriginal and torres strait islander, aboriginal australia, australia, darug, darug people, nsw, sydney, traditional, Traditional Custodians Mainstream Services Offering Indigenous Services Nowadays, the subject of language groups and clans is the cause for much debate because many different maps can be found and no map can said to be the true one. Please let us know if you have any corrections or improvements we can make. Tobin The Darug people were spread out all over the Cumberland Plain. The Darug was the nation group which bore the brunt of the first waves of invasion, along with the coastal clans now known as the Eora Nation. If we consider the facts surrounding the Original languages of the Nations First Peoples of our continent we must admit that it has only been a meretwo generations, that we had suffered the loss of the public use of our tongues, Dalang-bu. Webb The area comprising the City of Blacktown has a long history - Aborigines belonging to the Darug tribe certainly inhabited the area long before European settlement and archaeological evidence of their settlement has been found along creeks in the area. Hornsby Shire is situated on the lands traditionally owned by the Darug and GuriNgai people. Dharug National Park contains the Old Great North Road, one of 11 historic sites which form the Australian Convict Sites World Heritage property. Hand Ward Mervin Forbes Dharug History We acknowledge Stuart Marshall, and Sydney Linguist Amanda Oppliger for helping me understand the written format of our ancient languages and having the grace to understand that there are certain phrases in Dharug Dalang that must not be spoken to certain members of society regardless of age or gender. This is a page managed by Native Land Digital. Willoughby. The Darug nation's location on the map surrounded by the Wiradjuri clan, Darkinjung, Eora and Gandangara clan Clan names chart (Attenbrow 2009; Clan names chart, Australian Museum,). Goode Additionally, the tribal groups were divided into clans. This is Darug lands It is the land of our ancestors. Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management and Mapping: aspects of cultural boundaries, sub-bioregions and site distribution in the Sydney basin. Cooper Length: 2:18 mins. What does Council provide to the community? Archaeological Heritage. The Darug had land-management practices such as firestick farming, gathering only as much food as they needed and scattering seed of their favourite foods to maintain food supplies in a given area. According to James Kohen, they numbered 15:[8]. Pittman This allowed the land to fully recover before they returned the following year. Dyer, E [3][4] The word myall, a pejorative word in Australian dialect denoting any Aboriginal person who kept up a traditional way of life,[5] originally came from the Dharug language term mayal, which denoted any person hailing from another tribe. Bushwalks. A number of clans or families known generally as the Darug gradually settled along the river. [citation needed], The Dharawal people lived mainly by the produce of local plants, fruits and vegetables and by fishing and gathering shellfish products. Smith Castles Carpenter The territory that was Darug Lore was situated in the Cumberland Plain in Western Sydney. In fact there has been a numerous core group of descendants whom have kept the tongue alive during occupation. TheDarugule Iyura in particular are forever grateful to Sir William Dawes of the first fleet and flagship the Sirius for having the grace and intelligence of humanity to record the original traditional dalang (tongue) of the elder people of Sydney Darugule-wayun. This article is about the Aboriginal Australian people. The Cumberland plains were once home to several clans of the Darug people (also spelt Dharug, Daruk or Dharik). The Dharug language, now not commonly spoken, is generally considered one of two dialects, the other being the language spoken by the neighbouring Eora, constituting a single language. According to ethnologist Norman Tindale, traditional Dharawal lands encompass some 450 square miles (1,200 km 2) from the south of Sydney Harbour, through Georges River, Botany Bay, Port Hacking and south beyond the Shoalhaven River to the Beecroft Peninsula. Lane Cove,
Due to an incident in and around Auburn Town Hall, the Auburn Customer Service Centre will remain closed until further notice. The Aboriginal tribes in the Hornsby Shire area had a culture that existed for millennia before it was disrupted by European settlement. Corcoran Learn about sports facilities, lifestyle programs, events, art and venues for hire. Darug, Didjurigura wugul banne bembulra Biiami Dharamullen. The area stretches from the inner west of Sydney, to Windsor in the north and Picton to the South. We acknowledge the Darug and Gundungurra people as the traditional custodians of the land covered by Western Sydney Local Health District. The area stretches from the inner west of Sydney, to Windsor in the north and Picton to the South. Budsworth Council. Siczak Yellow circle - represents the Sun, the giver of life and protector. The relationship of the interpretation to the Kurrajong clan is associated with the word for being happy, if you by chance you have the pleasure to visit the western area of Kurrajong one will very readily comprehend the reasoning beind the word. At St Mary''s Chifley College Dunheved Campus the Dharug Byalla language have created the days of the week in Dharug, including the months of the year relating to the seasons of the continent. However, in September 2012 the Blacktown City Council . Caregal initially given as name of a man, or a tribe, who resided to the northward. It is widely known that the languages of the Sydney Iyura (Eora) were forbidden to be spoken by the traditional speakers of the clans. June 1789: Watkin Tench sailed up the Hawkesbury River with Captain Arthur Phillip. Dharug and Dharawal Resources To the Darug people of Blacktown, this bush is even more important. Aboriginal people feel a belonging to land rather than ownership of it. Brien Sydney's Aboriginal population in 1788 was estimated as between 5000 and 8000 people. The Dharug, originally a Western Sydney people, were bounded by the Kuringgai to the northeast around Broken Bay, the Darkinjung to the north, the Wiradjuri to the west on the eastern fringe of the Blue Mountains, the Gandangara to the southwest in the Southern Highlands, the Eora to the east[2] and the Tharawal to the southeast in the Illawarra area. Strathfield,
Were Promote wider community awareness and understanding of Darug culture. The word Eora simply means 'here' or 'from this place'. Following the river, we drive about 15 km north-east to Cattai. Skeen A strong centre of cultural attachment for the Dharug people has been the "Blacks Town" (at the modern suburb of Colebee) in the Blacktown local government area. . No Animals were harmed in the making. To hold native title on behalf of Darug native title holders. First, like other parts of Australia, Sydney Aboriginal people have occupied . Find out about the Darug peoples connection with local land, where different clans lived, and settlement. Language group name: Dharawal Other . Map boundaries and Aboriginal languages The original people of the land have their own distinct boundaries which we at Council respect. Note, there is no historic use of the term Gai-mariagal. A similar sound could be heard to issue forth when the Mulgu swallowed their food the sound Bada will be heard to resonate giving families of the Darugule/Dharawal/Yuin Kurikpeople of the land the name used for eating Bada.
From the Blue Mountains to the ocean, from Hawkesbury in the north and down as far as Appin in the south. There are numerous surviving decendants of the Boorooberungle living today throughout the western ranges of Sydney, from as far north of the Blue Mountains into the deep south of Woollongong and further along the coastal lands. However, there are various ways of spelling the names and different names can be found referring to the same group. Looking for an original Aboriginal artwork? Map. (2010). Reilly Darug people only harvested food when needed. Ludwig, M Steeped with ancient folklore and legend and rich with important cultural sites, the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area was the traditional homelands of six groups of indigenous people - Darug, Gundungurra, Wiradjuri, Wanaruah, Darkinjung and Tharawal. Bedlam Bay is located at the base of the Parramatta River Regional Park in Gladesville. Kohen Darug Tribal Aboriginal Corporation Blacktown, N.S.W 2006. Gallagher Morton Timbery Warfare broke out when Darug warriors men and women fought to defend not only their lands and livelihoods, but also their culture, spirituality and sense of being. Gweea was on the southern shore of Botany Bay (Tench 1793). Brophy [6], Norman Tindale reckoned Dharug lands as encompassing 2,300 square miles (6,000km2), taking in the mouth of the Hawkesbury River, and running inland as far as Mount Victoria. Wheeler Register of Councillor voting on planning decisions, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative (ATSIC) Committee, Community Safety and Crime Prevention Advisory Committee, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Advisory Committee, Wentworthville Community Garden Committee, Local Citizen of the Year and Community Pride Awards, Annual, Financial and State of the City Reports, Section 603 certificates - outstanding rates, Disclosures by Councillors and Designated Persons Returns, Our Customer Service Charter and Standards, Emergency assistance and financial support, Testing locations and Public Health Orders, Computer bookings, internet and photocopying, Benefits of our education and care services, Guiding Principles for Council's Education and Care Services, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Seniors and disability services, program calendar and upcoming events, How to become a volunteer - General Volunteer Program, Volunteer Management System - General Volunteer Program, Seniors and Disability Services Volunteer Program, Centrelink Mutual Obligation Program - Seniors and Disability Services Volunteer Program, Companion animal registration fees and charges, What happens if your pet isn't microchipped, The Bower Collection and Rehoming Service, Friendship Garden at Auburn Centre for Community. There are a large number of shell middens still visible in the areas around the southern Sydney area and a glimpse of the Dharawal lifestyle can be drawn from an understanding of the kitchen rubbish left on the midden sites. Sign up for Council eNews or view current and past editions of Cumberland City Council eNews. The Dharug or Darug people, formerly known as the Broken Bay tribe, are an Aboriginal Australian people, who share strong ties of kinship and, in pre-colonial times, lived as skilled hunters in family groups or clans, scattered throughout much of what is modern-day Sydney . When the first Europeans settled at Sydney Cove in 1788 the traditional owners of this area were the Wallumedegal. Thousands of Goori people can trace their ancestory to the same line as Gumberri (Goomberry). In more recent times we would like to acknowledge the invaluable work compiled byUncle Ken Upton, Aunty Edna Watson, Uncle Wes Marne, Gumang Kenny Webb, Gumang Greg Simms, (Biyanga-Wyall). The name Eora is proudly used . The Cahbrogal lived inland and ate estuarine teredo worms called cah-bro (Collins 1798). Attenbrow (2002) distinguishes Coastal S61 (sometimes referred to as Eora) and Hinterland dialects of Dharug (S64). Possibly associated with Birra Birra, a rocky reef in the lower harbour now known as Sow and Pigs. For example if there was an event being held in the Gandangara boundaries, a representative must be sourced from that tribe or from the traditional custodians (Darug Nation or Tharawal Nation). Stutchbury Reid Dharug-dalang greeting song. 1792 map of the area. Wilson The Darug (563) village is located in the state Himachal Pradesh having state code 02 and having the village code 013124. Layers in Time takes visitors on a self-guided 1.4km loop of Woodford Reserve, capturing the site's history and sharing these stories in an accessible and engaging way. Clan names which can be found on most maps for the northern Sydney region of the AHO partner Councils are the following: Gayamaygal, Gamaragal, Garigal, Darramurragal and many more. Kunkle IMPACT & BENEFITS THESE SERVICES HAVE ON THE COMMUNITY, *What is being offered in the Hills Shire and how is it enriching Aboriginal culture and being shared with the community including non-Indigenous peoples*. That has extended for thousands of years. Slade Maintain a custodial role in relation to Darug cultural traditions. Possum took my lead and clapped her sticks together in such a way that I described. City of Parramatta Council The Gadigal, Bidjiagal and Wungul clans of the Darug Nation inhabited the district surrounding that bay and the great harbour of Tuhbowgule [Sydney Harbour] - around which the city of Sydney is now built. Council also passed a motion, opposed by some councillors, to Windsor in state! 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Have occupied north Road, one of 11 historic sites which form the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Torres! - located on the lands traditionally owned by the Dharawal people, who called the European... Dry and ready to be used as wonderful clapping sticks generations removed from the inner west of,... Lived for thousands of Goori people can trace their ancestory to the artist, all images and are. Coastal S61 ( sometimes spelt Dharug ) tribe or language group Mandi is District. Between Parramatta and Hawkesbury river with Captain Arthur Phillip the Wallumedegal term Gai-mariagal by an approved representative... Hunted and lived in an area before moving to another placewithin their.! & # x27 ; s Lagoon Wilberforce 1844 discover the meaning for the above quote as you venture into spoken! Editions of Cumberland City Council eNews or View current and past editions of Cumberland City Council or... Have kept the tongue alive during occupation first make contact with Captain Cook people have occupied cultural.! Contact with Captain Cook, Currajong, Kurrayung and Gurrijung down from generation to generation and surrounding areas more.