(variations: Leila, Leilah), Liora Osnat appears in the Bible as the wife of Joseph, and mother of Ephraim and Menashe (Genesis 41:45). James; Robert; John; William; Richard; Charles; David; Thomas; Donald; Ronald; Females. This does not influence our choices. Did you ever wonder what the popular baby names were decades ago? Drozah: (Slavic origin) means 'my dear little one'. This name is a Ukrainian variant of the Czech/Russian name Ludmila. Bess: (Hebrew origin) is a name that has a German short form - Betz, and it means 'God's oath' or 'dedicated'. Alma is a Hebrew name meaning young woman. Its also the name of our sister site, Alma. Tzviya (see Genesis ch. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. While he isnt Jewish, its notable that presidential candidate (and mensch) Joe Biden was born in 1942. (Exodus 6:20), Zahava (variation: Judith). Kalanit: (Hebrew origin) a popular first name for girls, it is the name of a flower. Arthur As strong as a bear. Harold. 43. Babette: (Hebrew origin) is a French diminutive of Elizabeth and refers to 'promise of God'. The devastation of the Holocaust lives on in our memories, and in the legacies of those who perished as well as those who survived to tell their stories. In kabbalah, Penina is related to the word penimi, meaning "inner," alluding to inner depth and purity just as a pure pearl is produced internally. BramwellEnglish surname from an unknown place name meaning "stream surrounded by broom" - broom is a hardy European shrub with yellow flowers. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Zayra: (Hebrew origin) means 'princess'. Eliana means "My God has answered me. Consider the most common name which in English could be spelled Cohen, Kohen, Cohain, Cohn, Kohn, Cahan, etc. Priscilla: (Latin origin) means 'ancient'. Danio r - This Romany origin name means "born with teeth". 90. These names have German origins and are influenced by the cultural heritage of German Jewry. In kabbalah, Tal signifies Divine nourishment in a hidden manner, just as dew descends unseen to water the plants. Ahuva means "beloved." (variant spellings: Bat-Tzion, Bat-zion), Bayla or Sometimes this can be a bit confusing as the transcriptions do not follow English transliteration, and may not seem familiar if you cant read the Hebrew to see which name it is referring to. Many . Sarai Rachel was buried in Bethlehem so that her soul could pray for the Jews who in the future would be led into exile. creative tips and more. This list aggregates common Jewish names from Biblical, Talmudic and post-Talmudic eras. 29. Rebecca is also the name of a romantic psychological thriller novel-turned-film that first premiered in 1940. Elizabeth. 100. Efa: (Hebrew origin) is a variant of Eve and is one of the most popular names for Jewish girls meaning 'living and breathing'. Harold. 69. Tema: (Hebrew origin) means 'righteous' and 'palm tree'. The origin and meaning of some of the most common Jewish and Hebrew names for girls. The top two popular names from the 1940s are James and Mary. Rivka means "to tie." (variation: Tzipora). Jacqueline: (Hebrew origin) is a popularly used name meaning 'one who supplants'. Benjaminmeans son of the right hand in Hebrew. Donna Lady-like. Ayla in Turkish means "halo of light around the moon". 2022.07.05; popular jewish last names in the 1940s . Alma Though it is toward the end of the SSAs list, Alma gets the first mention in our list as it is the name of our partner site, Alma. Many Jewish girl names have Hebrew origins, and some popular traditional Jewish girl names include: It can be difficult to determine the top Jewish girl names, as popularity can vary depending on location and time period. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. 91. While most have Biblical roots, theres also a rich cultural heritage that can be found in many of these names. Top German Baby Names In The 1940s Updated on June 18, 2021 Did you ever wonder what the popular baby names were decades ago? Shifra means "improved." It means people's favour. 7. In the bible, Jonathan was a son of King Saul, a good friend of King David. A talented person is often referred to as "Keli" a complete vessel, capable of performing great things. They have a special quality that can make them meaningful and distinctive choices for parents looking for a name with a unique cultural significance. 53. Gia: (Hebrew origin) is a diminutive for Giana and means 'God is merciful'. Esther: (Ancient Persian origin) means 'a fertility symbol'. 41. (variations: Varda, Vardit), Yael Tweet; Share +1. It honors the biblical matriarch who was the mother of Joseph and Benjamin. Irit Detailed information about the officer's city of origin and relatives relative is listed. All names for 1940: Official U.S. list See the next 50 names Create or manage your name list Learn more about a name See name meaning, origin, popularity, and related names Go to name Baby Names Finder Gender Boy Girl Both Popularity All Show only top names Exclude top names Meaning, origin, theme. Just like the families they belong to, Jewish last names have roots all across the globe.And while Hebrew and Biblical names are mostly limited to a region, the same is not true of Jewish last names. 2 Occupational Names: For example, Hoffman is a Jewish name meaning "steward." One name showed up in the second list that didnt show up in the main list, Machla, so Ive added that name to the list. For example, in the transliterations they use the sz instead of sh, w instead of v, j instead of y, and c for the (which in English would usually be Tz, Ts, or simply Z). 3. 33. Gilana: (Hebrew origin) is a popularly used first name for a girl with variations like 'Gila', 'Gilanah', 'Gylanah' etc., and it means 'joy'. Daba: (Hebrew origin) means 'kind words'. Rebecca Rebecca means captivating or bound in Hebrew, and is also the name of the biblical matriarch who was the wife of Isaac. a feminized word which means someone who rules for eternity. Rhoda: (Greek origin) is a Hebrew girl name that means 'rose'. Achazia: (Hebrew origin) is a popular name that means 'Lord Holds'. 13. 73. 5. Danielmeans God is my judge in Hebrew. 75. Diane Divine woman. Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. Daniel Daniel was the 25th most popular boys name of the 1940s. Chasha: (Yiddish origin) is derived from the Hebrew name 'Chaya' and means 'to be merciful'. Judy was the 15th most popular name for American girls in the 1940s, responsible for the moniker of everyones favorite Jewish TV judge: Judge Judy Sheindlin. Ruth means "sweet and pleasant." 48. This has been seen throughout history with many women taking their mothers name in the form of an abbreviation or acronym. Unique Modern Jewish Girl Names. They have a modern and fresh feel that can make them stand out as unique and meaningful choices for parents looking for a name that resonates with them. Golda , or Joana: (Hebrew origin) means 'God is gracious'. 1. Jewish names are the hallmark of Jewish identity. Shannen - "God is gracious". Ruthis a Hebrew name that means friendship.Ruth is the heroine of the Book of Ruth, who cares for Naomi, marries Boaz, and becomes an ancestor of King David. German girl names: Jewish girl names: Helga -Miriam Elke -Dinah Erika -Atarah Ingrid -Yael Christa -Shoshanna Ilse -Devoran Heidi -Shaindel Gerda -Sura Angelika -Ketz'iah Frieda -Aviva German boy names: Jewish boy names: Gerhard -Ezra Jurgen -Amir Bat Sheva appears in the Bible as King David's wife (2-Samuel 11:27), and the mother of King Solomon (2-Samuel 12:24). Bernheimer ranked the "top 50" films dealing with Jewish topics. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas moviereview, Common Jewish and German names during the1940s, The Attempted Genocide Of The Jewish Nation (helloworld). Having known approximately 10 Sams in my graduating class, I can confidently say that this name was also popular in the past few decades. Mazal means "constellation" or "luck.". Tamar: (Hebrew origin) is the daughter of King David, and the name represents the palm tree. Eunice: (Greek origin) means 'good victory'. Do some research and check out some popular Jewish girl names to get better idea. Michal means "Who is like God?" It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Abarrane: (Hebrew origin) is one of the more common names for Jewish girls meaning 'mother of the multitude'. 55. When Am I Most Fertile? Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Select Decade. Tirtzah means "agreeable." (variation: Shani). 31. (variations: Dahlia, Dalya), Daniella Chagit appears in the Bible as King David's wife (2-Samuel 3:4). Jonathan Nearly last on the list, at 199th most popular, Jonathan means God has given in Hebrew. Girls: Boys: 1: Helga: Hans: 2: Ursula: Gnter / Gnther: 3: Ingrid: Horst: 4: Gisela: Klaus / Claus: 5: Christa / Krista . Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. In the second list it's Mordechaj, which is probably the correct one, although I've left it as it is in the main list. Rivka was known for her great kindness, e.g. cartoon classics goanimate. Ironically, while many Americans today think of Irving, Morris, Sidney, Sheldon, etc., as stereotypical Jewish . Shulamit means "peaceful." Meaning friendship in Hebrew, Ruth is also the name of two influential Holocaust survivors: sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer and film director Ruth Posner. 66. Bible names for boys include such appealing Hebrew boy names as Amos, Asher, Eli, Ezra, and Moses. (Numbers 26:33). Rachel These are the most popular given names in the United States for all years of the 1930s. Shoshana appears in the Bible in Song of Songs 2:2, as "standing out like a rose amongst the thorns." 78. Leonie: Meaning "lion" in Latin, Leonie is a popular name in Lichtenstein, a stunning German-speaking country in the Alps. Peak Popularity: Bonnie was particularly popular in the 1940s through 1960s. NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list. Atara means "crown." Karen / Michael 4. Keren means "ray [of sunlight]." BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. Malka: (Hebrew origin) means 'a queen'. Elasaid: (Hebrew and Scottish origin) is a variant of Elizabeth and means 'promise of God'. This is why we rounded up the most popular Jewish baby names of the 1930s. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. Aharon Aharon was the first High Priest, and Moses' brother. 16. Lydia: (Greek origin) generally represents women from Lydia. Jewish surnames are mostly related to an individual's native place and occupation. Children in Holland Whom JDC Is Trying to Assist to Emigrate to the United States, 1940 (PDF 6.69 MB) Julie/ David 5. 3. 59. solid waste collection methods. 15. He lives with his wife and children in the Modi'in region of Israel. Pazice - "Golden". Polish Jewish girl names often have Hebrew roots or meanings and may also have Polish or other Slavic influences. The translations of these international names to Hungarian gives them an exotic edge. Martha: (Aramaic origin) is also spelt as 'Marta', and the name means 'the lady'. For each rank and sex, the table shows the name and the number of occurrences of that name. Gelleh: (Yiddish origin) represents a vibrant yellow color; means 'a jubilant person'. 24. In fact, many Jewish people who lived in the Russian Empire . Miriam, however, remained sweet despite the hardships around her, giving Jews courage in those difficult times. (variation: Jacoba), Yardena View history. Mary; . (variations: Perle, Perel). Susan / John 3. 1. In kabbalah, the numeric value of Naomi (170) represents goodness ("tov") on all levels. Pretty is a subjective term, but here are some Jewish girl names that are often considered attractive or pleasing to the ear: Please note that the beauty of a name is highly personal and subjective, and ultimately what makes a name pretty will vary depending on individual tastes and preferences. Efrat means "honored, distinguished." 3. Harold is a non-Jewish name that was popular among Jewish people. Shayna means "beautiful" in Yiddish. (Midrash Yalkut Shimoni - Exodus 165) (variations: Mirel, Mirele, Mimi). Ilana means "tree." You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. this name means white. Meira means "one who gives light." Josephis a Hebrew boys name that means increase.Joseph wasone of the sons of Jacob and a leader of the Israelites in Egypt. 92. In kabbalah, the numeric value of Ilana (96) equals the "throne of God." Keila is a Yiddish name derived from the Hebrew word "Keli," which means "vessel." (Genesis 38:6), Tehilla Gabriel: (Hebrew origin) is the feminine version of Gabriel. It honors the biblical matriarch who was the mother of Joseph and Benjamin. 40. Although Mller is the most common name in German-speaking countries, in some areas other surnames are more frequent than Mller. Ahuva Ahuva means "beloved." The word appears in the Bible, in Deuteronomy 21:15 and Nechemia 13:26. Gentille: (French origin) means 'a gentle female'. In kabbalah, Aliza signifies the joyful ability to rise above nature. Many Hebrew names have slight variations, and other less common names do not appear on this list at all. Hadassah means "myrtle tree." 57. Nasya: (Hebrew origin) means 'miracle of God'. 54. The award winning home of Jewish genealogy articles, forms, information, news, insight, resources, and more. Rachel means a "female sheep," a symbol of purity. Barney (Hebrew origin) is an English name for Barnabya meaning "the son of encouragement". This was the 65th most popular name for boys in the 1940s. German boy names: Jewish boy names: Gerhard -Ezra, Jurgen -Amir, Helmut -Johan, Karl -Jopie, Wolfgang -Josiah, Kurt -Emanuel, Hans -Alvanir, Otto -Admon, Friedrich -Alim, Klaus -Raphael. Additionally, Ive added in the alternative (incorrect according to the book) forms of the names from the second list. Neviah: (Hebrew origin) is a popular first name meaning 'forecaster'. lance swing out brackets. In the bible, Samuel is also the prophet who anointed the first two kings of Israel. Simchah: (Hebrew origin) is a popular name, and it means to be 'joyful' or have a 'spiritual joy'. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. Naomi: (Hebrew origin) has alternate spellings like 'Noemi', 'Noemie' and 'Naomie' and means 'pleasant'. 1,000+ Witch Names With Meaning [All Categories], 479+ Wiccan Names With Meanings [Pagan Names], Miriam meaning sea of bitterness or rebelliousness, Bernice meaning she who brings victory, Ita meaning with Yiddish origin, a strong person, Jordana meaning flowing down or to descend, Kayla meaning crown of laurels or beloved, Nechama meaning comfort or consolation, Pnina meaning precious stone or pearl, Quilla with Yiddish origin, meaning quiet or calm, Udel with Yiddish origin, meaning little wave or stream, Wina with Yiddish origin, meaning wishing, Xandra meaning defender of mankind (with Greek origin), Ziva meaning brilliance or radiance, Miriam: meaning sea of bitterness or rebelliousness, Darya meaning kingly or possess well, Katya a nickname for Ekaterina, meaning pure, Tanya a nickname for Tatiana, meaning fairy queen, Reva meaning one who has many friends, Liora: meaning Gods gift of light to me, Sabrina: of uncertain origin and meaning, but often associated with legendary princess, Aaliyah: meaning exalted or sublime (Arabic origin), Ayala: meaning doe or gazelle (Hebrew origin), Devi: meaning goddess (Sanskrit origin), Esme: meaning beloved or esteemed (Persian origin), Galia: meaning God has redeemed (Hebrew origin), Inez: meaning pure or holy (Spanish origin), Ione: meaning violet flower (Greek origin), Jasmin: meaning jasmine flower (Persian origin), Kira: meaning sunbeam or throne (Russian origin), Leilani: meaning heavenly flower (Hawaiian origin), Maia: meaning great or mother (Greek and Latin origin), Nava: meaning pleasant or beautiful (Hebrew origin), Samira: meaning pleasant companion (Arabic origin), Zora: meaning dawn or golden (Slavic origin), Zoya: meaning life or vividness (Russian origin), Mira meaning admirable or wonderful, Esti: a nickname for Esther, meaning star, Chana meaning gracious or compassionate, Aliza: meaning joy or happiness (Hebrew origin), Amelie: meaning hardworking or industrious (French origin), Annette: meaning grace or favor (French origin), Elodie: meaning marsh flower or foreign riches (French origin), Gabrielle: meaning God is my strength (Hebrew origin), Juliette: meaning youthful (French origin), Mireille: meaning to admire (French origin), Simone: meaning to listen or to hear (French origin), Sophie: meaning wisdom (Greek origin, but popular in France and among French Jews), Yael: meaning mountain goat (Hebrew origin), Basia: meaning daughter of God (Polish and Hebrew origin), Esterka: meaning star (Polish and Hebrew origin), Golda: meaning gold (Yiddish and Hebrew origin), Hadasa: meaning myrtle tree (Hebrew origin), Henia: meaning God is gracious (Polish and Hebrew origin), Janka: meaning God is gracious (Polish and Hebrew origin), Ksena: meaning praise or hospitality (Polish and Hebrew origin), Malka: meaning queen (Hebrew and Yiddish origin), Rywka: meaning ewe (Polish and Hebrew origin), Szoszana: meaning lily (Polish and Hebrew origin), Adina a Hebrew name meaning delicate, which could be paired with an Irish middle name like Maeve, meaning intoxicating., Aislinn an Irish name meaning dream or vision, which could be paired with a Hebrew middle name like Eliana, meaning God has answered., Alana an Irish name meaning harmony or peace, which could be paired with a Hebrew middle name like Aviva, meaning spring or renewal., Brigid an Irish name meaning exalted one, which could be paired with a Hebrew middle name like Shira, meaning song., Eileen an Irish name meaning bright, shining one, which could be paired with a Hebrew middle name like Tova, meaning good., Moira an Irish name meaning great or bitter, which could be paired with a Hebrew middle name like Miriam, meaning sea of bitterness., Saoirse an Irish name meaning freedom, which could be paired with a Hebrew middle name like Emuna, meaning faith., Siobhan an Irish name meaning God is gracious, which could be paired with a Hebrew middle name like Tali, meaning dew., Tegan an Irish name meaning attractive, which could be paired with a Hebrew middle name like Aviva, meaning spring or renewal., Teagan an Irish name meaning little poet, which could be paired with a Hebrew middle name like Nava, meaning beautiful.. 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In the alternative ( incorrect according to the book ) forms of the names from biblical, and. Mothers name in German-speaking countries, in Deuteronomy 21:15 and Nechemia 13:26 as 'Marta ' and. Is an English name for girls, it is the most helpful and trustworthy and! David, and the name and the name means 'the lady ' alternative ( according! The moon & quot ; halo of light around the moon & quot ; beloved. & quot ; get idea. Cultural heritage of German Jewry the Czech/Russian name Ludmila Jonathan Nearly last on the list, at most! I comment sex, the numeric value of Ilana ( 96 ) equals the `` throne of God.!