One Year (Regular $89.82) INTRODUCTORY OFFER. How she got here: In 4 years, Lori Lightfoot went from breakout political star to divisive mayor of a Chicago beset by pandemic, crime, by the Chicago Tribunes Gregory Pratt and Alice Yin Are FRANNET Franchise Consultants Trustworthy? Awesome! Swanson tweeted on Jan. 5. Winds light and variable. They dont reduce well to 280 characters or less. Please extend my thanks to Two Harbors for providing a rare opportunity to address a serious and important topic that also provides unlimited comic relief. We have to call out what's wrong. #agates, the mayor tweeted cheerfully. But if Democrats running for office in 2020 expect to win, they might want to start mentioning it. Because I see so much death and violence, every day should be Thanksgiving. WebChris Murphy. Be Truthful. In the remainder of his Twitter feed, the mayor is more reserved, but he does manage to mention PureDriven once more, Find-the-Kind once more, his company Garage Starts 3 times, and his wifes company Lous Fish once, for a self-promoting message grand total of 97. TWO HARBORS After seven months of controversy, residents voted to recall embattled Mayor Chris Swanson, ending his nearly 6-year run as mayor. Mayor Swanson also allegedly published promotional tweets on the mayoral feed for his businesses PureDriven, RaiseIt, GarageStarts and his wifes restaurant, Lous Fish House. To the guy whos been tying up the Monitors comment forms with long, rambling screeds and accusations: Well publish your comments as soon as you provide us with your real name and a real email address. A graduate of Hillsdale College, Ian previously worked as a Senate staffer Though be prepared for the inevitable post-Swanson depression and ultra-boring City council meetings to come. Please log in, or sign up for a new account to continue reading. Pop-culture progressive firebrands like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-D) have huge followings. Thank you also for providing, at your own expense, a virtual crypto-mine of engaging content. Michigan pollster Bernie Porn offered this take on a possible Swansonchallenge to Governor Whitmer. VIDEO posted, DONATION made! Gretchen Whitmer would not have a Democratic opponent in a primary next year. He's on the ballot for the August primary. Our group and our community has been through a lot in the last six months, Ronning told the News Tribune. Could new DNA tech crack the JonBenet Ramsey case? Conrad Swanson covers Colorados environment and politics for The Denver Posts political team. This wasn't true 10-years ago either. He was removed from this position months ago. All rights reserved. BOOM, he neglected to mention that he was donating money to himself. Visit Duluth 8. Many of the Tweets were quoted and a link to the Mayors feed was provided for verification. Scott Moe On Jan. 10, County Commissioner Rich Sve and Two Harbors City Councilor Jackie Rennwald posted a video of themselves at the Lake County Developmental Achievement Center, announcing that they had completed their Act of Kindness (giving cookies and juice to the people in the building). Make no mistake," he said. Moreover, there is empirical evidence that the Democratic Party may have indeed ended its long tenure as the party of the working class. "Executive police leadership has to lead, come out from behind our desks, our conference tables, our intel centers and hit the streets. Sometimes, he speaks of himself in the third person. Not many law enforcement officials did that. Humm.Jeff Schiltz and Johnson Controls. "Law enforcement has to be held accountable. We all need to be diligent to in standing up to those who want to subvert democracy and silence others, whether they are wearing a suit behind a mayors desk in Two Harbors, MN or are sporting flak jackets or buffalo horns while storming the Capitol. SLAPPs are used to silence and harass critics by forcing them to spend money to defend these baseless suits. Youre article rocked! Political Candidate. So who is Swanson, besides a 27-year veteran of the Genesee County Sheriff's Office? Talking about them will not cause a sensation. When I tried to reach Janelle Jones, I was told she was in St. Paul, lobbying legislators. Posts Videos Tagged. He said: "We have not raided a business, we have not shut a business down. LANSING, MIch. (WLNS) Up until now, it was assumed that Gov. The perception of law enforcement based on a small percentage of those that either make mistakes, take advantage of their authority or forget why we do what we do. Are the businesses he promoted as Mayor taking away business from local competitors in the same markets? Ifyou put other people's public safety at risk, that's no different than victimizing them in a crime. Devin Weiland is expected to serve the first 31 14 years in prison and the balance on supervised release. We serve in a thankless field. Thanks for the kind words. If you ask him, though, he would be the first to give you some dumb quote about business and how you never give up, or you have to fail before you move ahead. Dredging ", He said his relationship with Gov. Working class moderates who arent particularly active politically still care most about the things working class people have always cared about; jobs, healthcare, taxes, the economy, and jobs. They truly understand whats going on.. Hi, Angela. ], [Edit, 2022-03-09: Added the words city and account to the headline], [Edit, 2022-04-21. The first tweet on the official Twitter account of Two Harbors Mayor Chris Swanson is a pun. For his part, Swanson reiterated Wednesday that he has never been found guilty of doing anything illegal. Christa Lawler covers Duluth and surrounding areas for the Star Tribune. Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson made national headlines last May; in the wake of the George Floyd murder, he pitched his riot gear and joined the Black Lives Matter demonstrators. High School Students for the greater good? Vera Hogan Log In. SHARE COMMENTS BELOW OR EMAIL THE AUTHOR at UnhappyFranchisee [at] Gmail [Dot] Com. We have to make surewe don't try to give the public a reason to doubt us. After speaking for eight minutes, Swanson quickly left the news conference without answering questions from reporters. WBW I have served the Office of Sheriff (Genesee County) for 23 years. I have done nothing that even closely reaches the level of malfeasance, he said. Brandi Lautigar Hefter said Resign or Recall plans to host another signature drive, canvass neighborhoods and contact those who signed the petition the first time. It is about one thing and one thing only: This man will do whatever it takes to make himself look like a hero and promote the hell out of it for financial gain. We live in Fenton Township and love it. Theyve gone so far left I cant support the Democratic ticket this year.. As in, 'It's not about Chris Swanson, it's about those voices being heard.". Swanson has maintained hes done nothing wrongand refused to resign, even after the City Council voted 6-0 in June asking him to resign. Your email address will not be published. The Two Harbors City Council voted to recall Mayor Chris Swanson on Monday. Christopher Swanson seems like a once-likeable guy with a creative entrepreneurial spirit who never accepted the restraints of being a public official. He is going to dental school after he completes his four-year degree in pre-med. Tweets promoting the Civility Association and Lous Fish House are pretty tame compared to Ramos disclosure that the good Mayor not only got catfished by the domestic equivalent of a deposed Nigerian prince, but brought him in on a Development Commission call regarding the $400M 8th Wonder of Lake Superior! President Jason Sunday is a nice enough guy but he said the same thing to me on LinkedIn.,_Two_Harbors,_Minnesota_(2022) "It was a hard pill to swallow, but it was the right thing to do for the citizens of Two Harbors," he said. Mayor Swanson promoted own businesses 97 times on city Twitter account, Boss Swanson, Part I: Poaching Lous Fish. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. Ian M. Swanson, a native Omahan, is the afternoon host on News Radio 1110 KFAB. WebChris Swanson. Vacation rentals With 180 of 280 precincts reporting, Democrat Chris Swanson leads Republican challenger Stephen Sanford by a 105,947-54,555 vote count. Many Lovin Lake County events have been held at that candy store in the last year. accounts, the history behind an article. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. Please tell us about yourself. Get this awful person out of the town of Two Harbors, nobody deserves to deal with the amount of problems, bullying and the like that he brings to the table. According to Minnesota state business filings, the National Civility Association was created on May 4, 2018, with four people serving on the board of directors: Mayor Chris Swanson; Lake County Chamber of Commerce President Janelle Jones; famed motivational speaker Dr. Mike Thomson; and Jay Belcastro, then-principal of Two Harbors High School. This is a lot harder to prove than negligence. These arent topics likely to trend on Twitter. He is a compulsive liar, uses his own children as a smoke screen to create this detachment from the businesses he owns in the town of Two Harbors while sitting as Mayor. Did he have a hand in bringing Dominos Pizza to Two Harbors? The reason that defamation claims filed by public officials are extremely hard to win is that Plaintiffs must prove that false statements were made with actual malice, which means they not only were false, but the Defendant knew they were false and made them anyway. ", He is a motivational speaker:Clients listed on his websiteinclude: Quicken Loans, Edward Jones, Rockwell Automation and Crime Stoppers International. Moral of the story dont be a bully. Riverside Used copies of "Tinman to Ironman: 26.2 Proven Ways to Crush Your Failures and Transform Your Life Today!" We see and smell things most of the world will never want to see or smell. Swanson, the long-time under sheriff, has been the interim sheriff for the Genesee County department since the beginning of the year, when former SheriffRobert Pickell retired. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. wwft. We Build the Wall Copy. I take my sons on a foreign mission trip once a year to serve and be served. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. Checking back? The Flint Township protest took place on May 30, which Swanson said is the day "this office changed the way we do policing and George Floyd changed American policing because of what he sacrificed. "It was filed; it's not like it never happened," he said. If the owners actions contradict his companys claim to be Building Trust and Hope in an Industry Built on Lies, our franchisee readers deserve to know that. What are the challenges? Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, by Sean Kelly, (UnhappyFranchisee.Com) Note: This post has been revised to reflect the news that Chris Swanson is founder and owner of PureDriven digital marketing, but no longer CEO. 97 Swanson Tweets Promoting His Businesses, If Its a SLAPP, Swanson & Tupa Deserve to Get Slapped Back. Thanks for the exposure. Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson made national headlines last May; in the wake of the George Floyd murder, he pitched his riot gear and joined the Black Lives I havent made any decision, said Swanson. He's expected to make it to the general election in November. She used to advertise on the Chamber website to call the Chamber for any economic development in Two Harbors and then shed call the mayor with the leads. I started my career as a seasonal marine deputy at 18 years old right here on Lake Fenton. Chris Swanson is the kind of person anyone and everyone should avoid. Two Harbors Mayor Chris Swanson, with his wife Rebecca, speaking at a news conference in the Two Harbors city council chambers on June 1. In an interview on the Charlie LeDuff podcast, "No BS Newshour," Swanson said he didn't expect his department to issue tickets in an effort to enforce Whitmer's stay-at-home orders. RT America on Nov 9, 2019. I believe many would find your statement Chris Swanson is no longer with PureDriven misleading and not consistent with a company building trust in an industry of lies. If so, please let me know who owns the company now. Be thankful for what you have, not what you dont have. I can't tell you what prompted me to (join the walk), other than Iknew it was the right thing to do. [Update, 2022-03-09. Why Have U.S. Media Outlets Abandoned Afghan Women? All readers are invited to provide comments, corrections, clarifications and/or rebuttals. Please take a look. Exactly what credentials did he have at that time to justify the hourly wage? that is degrading to another person. Two Harbors city attorney Tim Costley then issued a memorandum of opinion in which he wrote that Swanson repeatedly used his official position as mayor for personal benefit or business interests.. And then he was basically arguing with the citys attorney about the states opinion. In my opinion, there are few actions as abhorrent and un-American as an elected official using his financial, legal and political clout to undermine the 1st Amendment rights of private citizens. I hope in this case the city attorney really digs his heels in and keeps showing that this conduct within City Hall is far beyond a simple conflict and starting to go into the corruption lane. In 2020, Democrats share equally with Republicans the 30 poorest districts in the nation. Thats always a problem- any time a governor has an opponent from their own party, that would be a problem and Democrats will probably have some heart to heart discussions with the sheriff and probably discourage him from doing so. He has critics. I hope you dont mind that I am enjoying the opportunity to write about SLAPPs and bullying without being the victim (for once). By not ruling out a possible bid for governor, Whitmers supporters will be none to happy with the Sheriff Swanson. It was cut short. How influential these followings are outside of social media, is debatable. Even worse for the governor, the state GOP Party Chair and others could allege the governor is so weak that even a fellow Democrat is thinking about taking her on. PUREDRIVEN Claims Mayor Swanson No Longer CEO, No Longer Involved, Christopher Swanson v. John L. Ramos and Duluth Monitor LLC, OBEES SOUP SALAD SUBS Franchise Complaints, LEGACY ACADEMY Ichter Thomas Wins Suit for Legacy Academy Franchise Owners, CHERRYBERRY Franchise Closes, Cites Poor Sales, SUPERGREEN SOLUTIONS Cease & Desist Letter. A pair of black tights are a necessity, rather than just an accessory, to stay stylish and comfortable when temperatures drop. Chambers Grove Mayor Swansons Twitter feed then fell silent until Sept. 17, 2018, when he returned to promote his State of the City Address. Its easy to see now that he is being mentored by a crook and scam artist. SLAPP filers dont go to court to seek justice. Wherever that leads me. ", Aspirations of higher office? The club invited 16 other high schools to the event, featuring Dr. Mike Thomson, a motivational speaker from Ohio. Swanson is the Sheriff of Genesee County, which contains the city of Flint. I am human. Here's what the blurb says: "Author Chris Swanson knows what it means to be both a Tinman and an Ironman. Make a gift of any amount today to support this resource for everyone. Every day, hundreds of thousands of police officers hit the street to protect and serve. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. 2023 I have revised the article and created a new post that reflects that Chris Swanson is the founder and owner of PureDriven, but no longer CEO. I study body language and from what I have seen in the council meetings, I am going to side with much deeper corruption. John Ramos Simply Documented & Reported It. Gail Baribeau A lawsuit seeking to nullify the recall brought forward by a supporter of Swanson, who was represented by Swansons attorney, against the city and recall committeewas dismissed in June. We have two sons, made out of marble. I cannot imagine living in the town of Two Harbors and seeing the kind of person the Mayor is. SE winds shifting to SW at 10 to 15 mph.. Meta. Or do they want to stop and go backwards?. That the Democratic Party has abandoned the working class is something elected Democrats may hotly deny. With 10 million bucks in her re-election funds, Governor Whitmer would be tough to beat in a primary. Im going to read it again, just for fun. By putting tariffs on our products and supporting bad trade deals, politicians like Joe Biden did nothing to help the working class, the letter read. Thanks! Demonic possession aside (for the moment), the enigmatic Mr. O may be the key to uncovering the true motivation behind Swansons s lame-ass lawsuit. Required fields are marked *. DULUTH The grassroots organization behind an effort to recall the mayor of Two Harbors pulled its petition on Wednesday night after several members, in addition to city officials, were named in a lawsuit by the chair of the Lake County Republicans. Or has the ownership changed? Ryan Moats Step right up!), converting Two Harbors economy to cryptocurrency, and involving a supposed reclusive billionaire (Mr. O) in Two Harbors development planning. The post hardly seems to meet the criteria for standard defamation, much less the more stringent criteria required for defamation of a public figure. Theyre listed as one of his clients on his PureDriven page. I just hope theres video of Swanson parroting Richard Nixons resignation speech: You wont have Chris Swanson Or Mr. O to kick around anymore!. Most of the National Civility Associations effort since 2019 has seemed to involve posting uplifting news stories and inspirational memes on Facebook. We didnt choose to leave the Democratic Party, the party left us., The Mayors called Trumps 2016 election a wonderful event that marked a turning point for the region., Donald J. Trump was elected President of the United States, and he stood up to China, implemented tax cuts and fought for the working class. 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