ELD-X Precision Hunter). Au Gres and Pine River: There were some bluegill and perch caught from the dock at the boat access site while still fishing with crawlers. $99 night. There is a boat ramp at Johnson Park about seven miles below the dam. The Dead runs right through the city and has several popular access points. The best fishing on the Chocolay is between U.S. Highway 28 and Lake Superior, and fishing as close to the big lake as river ice allows is a good plan. The White River below Hesperia and the Betsie River near Benzonia are both fine steelhead streams but are prone to freezing in the winter, especially the lower Betsie. Below are weather averages from 1971 to 2000 according to data gathered from the nearest official weather station. Fishing in the lower river was slow for smallmouth bass and walleye. This free-flowing river is especially beautiful in the winter, with wild turkeys, deer and grouse frequently encountered along its banks. Walleye fishing was slow, but a few anglers managed to catch them while pitching jigs. Continuing north with Lake Michigan tributaries, the Muskegon River is an excellent winter steelhead stream. Access for the area is at the bridge on County Road 553. 2023 Outdoor Sportsman Group. Good colors were white with uv, blues, greens, oranges and silver mixed in with those colors, glows early and late. Set includes 40 high quality, hand-tied flies (see list below) and waterproof fly box. SOUTHEAST LOWER PENINSULALake Erie: Yellow perch size and quantities were increasing with the colder weather upon us. Chinook and coho have been reported near the Carp and Chocolay rivers. Quantities of large woody debris (LWD) were also analyzed to determine the heterogeneity of stream habitats, or channel roughness. Ken Vitale with Buck Knives chats with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller about two new hunting knives for 2023the purpose-built Alpha and PakLite series. The river stays open from the dam down to High Bridge even in frigid weather. Other species, like salmon, make spawning runs in the fall. The best success for coho, and king salmon were caught trolling spoons and flickers. Some reports of lake trout and brown trout and salmon came from anglers fishing in 50+ feet of water between the Chocolay River and Shot Point. This approach utilizes the most current technology used in numerical modeling of river ecosystems to provide a quantitative as well as qualitative analysis of river flow, sediment transport, and geomorphology. The river is much slower in this area and the bottom can be very silty, so be cautious when venturing too far out into the water. Wildlife galore! For more information on the St. Joseph, Kalamazoo and Grand rivers, contact the DNR Fisheries office in Plainwell at (269) 685-6851. It has very little topography and bottoms out at around 20 feet, so the fish generally go deep during the heat of the summer afternoons. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Today's breaking news and more in your inbox, Copyright The Mining Journal | https://www.miningjournal.net | 249 W. Washington, Marquette, MI 49855 | 906-228-2500. The fishing pier and parking lot near the M-28 bridge will be under water. Subscriber Services. Nathan Simmons of Browning and Game & Fish's John Taranto take a closer look at both cartridges at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. In the video above, Leopold's Shawn Skipper highlights the features of the exciting new optics with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. Many anglers now opt for floating in a drift boat, small cartopper or canoe. There were quite a few fish using the fish ladder. The fishery biologists for this region are avid steelheaders, especially Mark Tonello and Tom Rozich, and you can reach them at (231) 775-9727 for more information on Lake Michigan rivers from the Muskegon on northward. The long gravel bars that alternate with deep pools and classic tailouts give the upper Muskegon the look of a classic Western steelhead river. For fishing reports, call your local bait shop to inquire about current conditions. Anglers were using emerald shiners on perch spreaders. endobj
You can also launch in Lake Huron a mile south of Oscoda and motor upstream. There were still salmon being caught by anglers trolling in the lower river. The river joins with Big Creek several miles from Lake Superior, and the downstream portion is open year-round. 8.2. Most fish were caught on spoons and flies. Smelt were moving in the past week. 3 mi before the junction with U.S. Highway 41 turn left onto Chocolay Downs Road towards the Northern Michigan University Golf Course. Other migratory fish that pass through the river include diminishing runs of Chinook and Coho salmon, and strong runs of pink salmon. While other fish can be caught in Chocolay, the reason that many people seek out the stream is for the excellent spring steelhead fishing. The focal point for steelhead on the Huron is in the town of Flat Rock. Anglers on foot can fish below the dam and near the access site at Rea Road just down from the dam, and the Whirlpool access site on the south side of the river. . Area fly shops, guides and websites that can provide a Chocolay River fly fishing report and update on current conditions are listed below: The state of Michigan requires that all people who are 17 years of age and older have a valid fishing license. Lexington: Atlantic salmon, coho, steelhead and pike were caught while anglers were casting artificial lures, Arctic spinners and Cleos. Salmon have primarily been reported coming from near the Chocolay River through Shot Point. Our 75 camp sites are located conveniently near Lakes Superior off M28 right by Ojibwa Casino-Marquette, NMU Golf. Catching one is no easy feat though. The new 7mm Precision Rifle Cartridge from Hornady is available in three loads (160 gr. Many people are aware of the pervasive outdoor culture of the U.P., but generally consider it confined to trolling on Lake Superior or deer hunting in the acres of pristine wilderness. Marquette: Anglers were catching lake trout with the occasional salmon. Chocolay River (Type 3 from confluence of Big Creek). Build your dream home off of hole one on the Chocolay Downs Golf Course (NMU). Alpena: There were some nice catches of steelhead, Atlantic salmon and coho salmon come in from Thunder Bay. A cooling water discharge at the Moore Park Dam in Lansing keeps the river in town ice-free all winter. ?RgSEuaUpW
231f Manistique: The rivers water level dropped some. The large majority of LWD pieces in the smallest sized streams was orientated perpendicular to streamflow and was located in spanning the channel. Anglers catching fish were primarily using crawlers or minnows while sitting just off the bottom of the river in roughly 25 feet. Chest waders might be necessary after a heavy rainfall. Anchor ice can be a problem here during cold weather if the river above the dam is not frozen. RkBWt`
ISU:s/V83UV|Lu~/d2edpG|hnL-&m4f^odaM~eBv$&a>F*X fSzSNjt.sn5Q@JMQ$l >Lnkr)pj.-gS=+X4pfna0k-_LQxVK43e>(zSR9yq*Tj.0)CkL9_E7['_QB4'n&SlH't Anglers targeting chinook used primarily skein and beads. Putin Location GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 46.40733 Longitude: -87.24486 Takeout Location GPS Coordinates: You'll also find lake-loving species, like salmon, steelhead and brown trout making the swim to cooler waters too. <>
The Chocolay River rises in the east-central area of Marquette County and then moves north to Lake Superior in the village of Harvey, which is around four miles from Marquette. Most Brook Trout caught will be up to Sawyer International Airport is the closest option for getting into Michigan to fish the Chocolay River. Chocolay River The Chocolay River is a 21.7-mile-long tributary of Lake Superior in Marquette County on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in the United States.It forms at the confluence of its West and East Branches west of Skandia and flows generally north, then west, to Lake Superior at the village of Harvey, 3 miles southeast of the city of Marquette. Anglers were casting spoons or body baits or drifting with fresh spawn for best success. Fishing pressure in the Rock River decreased, but there had been some success catching steelhead from the Rock River. He is a senior English major at Northern Michigan University. Give a Gift
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The 360 Buckhammer cartridge is designed for lever-action rifles and will be available in two Remington Core-Lokt loads. Get directions to fishing access points and real-time stream flow data with theDIY Fly Fishing Map. Boat anglers reported catching coho, king salmon, lake trout and brown trout. Continuing north, the Manistee River hosts a large run of steelhead, with many running in the fall. Best depths were in 40 to 60 feet of water and fishing the bait fish that were marked on the graph. Go less than one block and take the first right turn into the campground. It is lightly fished, and your chances are best in the lower river. Conversely, most LWD pieces in intermediate sized streams were orientated parallel to the direction of flow and were situated below the bankfull height of the channel. You'll want to step up to a seven- or eight-wt fly rod for steelhead, salmon and lake-run brown trout. The best fishing on the Chocolay is between U.S. Highway 28 and Lake Superior, and fishing as close to the big lake as river ice allows is a good plan. There are 3 indicator stocks of coho salmon that are used to determine the status of the assemblage; these indicator stocks are Coho salmon - Auke Creek, Coho salmon - Berners River, and Coho salmon - Hugh Smith Lake. 4.82 (72) Search by Area, Species and/or Dates. In the fall, youll often find a few Chinook salmon start to enter the river. There are launch ramps at the dam, High Bridge, the Bear Creek mouth and Rainbow Bend. Juvenile spring Chinook salmon are unloaded in holding tanks at Pittsburg Landing along the Snake River. PROVISIONAL DATA SUBJECT TO REVISION. Anglers who are familiar with Chocolay River are asked to suggest changes using the link above. The reach between Rainbow Rapids and the Upper Branch Bridge almost never freezes and, while a bit more prone to ice, the flies-only section below M-37 holds many fish. It used to be dammed at Tourist Park on the north end of Marquette until several years ago. There are likely higher concentrations of steelhead closer to the mouth, but the river is almost never fishable there in the winter. Saginaw Bay: Yellow perch were caught at Linwood in 12 to 14 feet of water. Key features include muzzle velocities of 2,215-2,400 fps. Chocolay Township became part of the history of the iron ore industry in 1860 when Charles T. Harvey directed the building of a blast furnace at the mouth of the Chocolay River. High 42F. Chocolay River RV & Campgrounds in Marquette is rated 6.0 of 10 at RV LIFE Campground Reviews. See All. h7_fwGyuQc)3^(E_ 1c.;xWb!px"_i/N,xtg /*8] HDa[{G
VkK_AVD`EmL}F&sH_@nxitzdh"Mu.EP Ojibwa Casino RV Park Casino. Anglers also reported salmon catches while trolling near the mouth of the Chocolay River to Shot Point. Cohos will also run around the same time and mix in with lake-run brown trout. Turn left at the first stop sign onto Eagle Pass Trl.. Before the 20th century, some 10 million to 16 million adult salmon and steelhead trout are thought to have returned annually to the Columbia River system. Abstract Steep-gradient streams present numerous challenges with respect to restoration techniques and numerical modeling. FB.init("dc7f427c1cd5626173efa9e1222ba392"); Balwin Bait and Tackle (BBT): River Reports, Pere Marquette River Lodge: P.M. River Report. This river moves right along and is wadeable all the way down to the town of Utica. Harbor Beach: A few coho, steelhead and walleye were caught while casting Cleos, Arctic spinners and body baits. Salmon were observed in the river at the state park, but the bite was slow. Rogers City: Fishing the adult chinook salmon slowed down as many of them have moved up tight into the bay and into the river. Many steelhead will also hold just below the rapids in the winter, and a boat is very helpful here. You'll need a boat to fish this w. ater and the weather must cooperate because prolonged cold spells will put ice on the river. Au Train: Fishing activity was low over the last week, but some anglers reported catching lake trout. Fill in as many fields as you like to filter the data. Partly cloudy skies this morning will give way to cloudy skies with a mixture of rain and snow developing during the afternoon. These results highlight the need to recognize spatial variation of in-stream LWD loading and function through channel networks when maintaining suitable LWD pieces and making riparian management decisions at watershed scales. The best catches were near Grosse Isle in 8 to 10 feet. If you are interested in a guide service, Uncle Duckys Charters provides float or wading trips for most Upper Peninsula waters. Steelhead hit well in the winter. Walleye were also caught outside of the Fermi Power Plant and near Stony Point. Both King salmon and Coho Salmon are now spawning heavily on the gravel. Station name. Anglers were targeting perch, rainbow trout and beginning to start scouting for whitefish with the temperatures dropping quickly. dF })( gmo#tO \=cQ#3F^1rrQFw/c;T? 13oNr&/Y}1 SFErg-Ay@!hn. Floating the lower river when we have a thaw can be very productive. Anglers reported catching lake trout using spinners in 20 to 60 feet of water in/near the flats. . The nearest weather station for both precipitation and temperature measurements is MARQUE which is approximately 4 miles away and has an elevation of 665 feet (68 feet higher than Chocolay River). The new Frontier, available in 8x42 and 10x42, has all the range-finding capabilities a hunter needs. These anglers were in waters near river mouths as well as near shore waters in depths ranging from 100 feet and shallower. Area Hydrographs. Homes in low-lying areas along Riverside Road and homes in the 200 block of Timber Lane will be inundated. Most anglers reported their best luck trolling before 11 a.m. Big Traverse Bay/ South Portage Entry: Anglers reported most of their luck while trolling in the mornings near the canal and further up the shore north. This river runs about 35 miles and has a watershed that spans approximately 250 square miles. We surveyed 35 sites in first- through fifth-order streams within forested watersheds in the southern interior of British Columbia, and the spatial variation and distribution of LWD characteristics (frequency, density, volume, biomass, orientation, submersion, and decay state) were quantified based on four stream size categories. Steelheads follow the salmon upstream. Access is excellent with walkways paralleling each side of the river. About Chocolay River. Anglers using spawn bags and crawlers had the most success catching coho out of the mouth of the Au Train and Rock rivers. xZMs6JG2!dDRv=P|$Yn 1Sdl~TD\JIKU~q~Oo9/Kg%`p, ]o`g^"X/ .lhX|Fo|vxrdxW@KMa(}AsXxT D3"~!,z{*l=A#lgvtg~Wz7? Most anglers ply the steelhead water of the Au Sable from a boat. Wheat Beer - American Pale Wheat. Otherwise, deep water is within 0.7 mile of shore in this stretch. Au Train: Boat fishing activity increased within the last week. Kid friendly Fishing Paddle sports Bird . Farther upstream, the dams at Buchanan and Niles keep the water open below them and concentrate the steelhead. Best Fishing Times near Chocolay River. The Chocolay River (/ t k l e / CHAH-k-lay) is a 21.7-mile-long (34.9 km) tributary of Lake Superior in Marquette County on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in the United States.It forms at the confluence of its West and East Branches west of Skandia and flows generally north, then west, to Lake Superior at the village of Harvey, 3 miles (5 km) southeast of the city of Marquette. Realistically, though, the time to fish for steelhead in the Upper Peninsula is in the spring, and the late runs to the Lake Superior tributaries extend your steelhead season well into May. Corpus ID: 126849994; Salmonid Habitat Restoration on the Chocolay River, Michigan @inproceedings{Crawford2014SalmonidHR, title={Salmonid Habitat Restoration on the Chocolay River, Michigan}, author={Ross J. Crawford}, year={2014} } Walleye anglers reported a slow bite, but better fishing is anticipated as water temperatures fall. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews. When the weather has been mild, you are likely to find steelhead around the juncture of the Kalamazoo River and the Rabbit River, which is about halfway between Allegan Dam and Lake Michigan. . Bluegill were caught by shore anglers at the end of Finn Road while casting small tube jigs. You will find winter fish holding downstream from the Bear Creek confluence. Boat anglers were trolling mainly assorted stick baits. Sign up now to get our FREE breaking news coverage delivered right to your inbox. You can do some wading and bank-fishing near the dam, but downstream the water becomes slow and deep, so a boat is a better plan. SOUTHWEST LOWER PENINSULA{span class=print_trim}. Marquette, MI 6.6 Miles E. Favorite Add to Trip. For salmon, try trolling spoons higher in the water column for best opportunities. But we will also give you tips on rivers and creeks to try when the days get warmer toward spring. Get all the fishing intel you need to start catching more, and bigger, fish. U.P., and the Two Hearted on the eastern side. Species Maps; Explore a Region; Access about 35 min from Marquette. Whitefish Bay: A few anglers were targeting salmon in deep water out in Whitefish Bay with no luck. Try trolling using spoons or stick baits for best opportunities at catching fish. Chocolay Downs Golf Dr , Marquette, MI 49855 is a vacant lot listed for-sale at $200,000. The upper river near the dam remains ice-free, but cold weather can build shelf ice in the lower river. Starting at the US 41 and Michigan #28 intersection, go south on US 41 for about nine miles to Beckham Road and follow it one and a half miles to the Chocolay River bridge crossing. Winds light and variable. A relatively steep river that empties into Lake Superior just east of Marquette, the Carp offers anglers chances to hone their skills in a variety of situations. Munising Bay: Boat launches were all open. A tapered 9-foot leader, with tippet size 3X to 5X to match the flies you are throwing, is pretty standard. LaRue's Ethan Alexander talks about the Siete's features with Game & Fish's Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. ft.) lot listed for sale on. During the summer months, good fishing can be found upstream of the bridge off Highway 41 outside the main township. Uncertainty is rarely explicitly recognised in current restoration projects and, where it is, the scope and definition are limited. Suicide Bend, about a half-mile below the dam, is also a good location for anglers on foot, and there is an access on the northeast side of the river. Fishing from a boat is the better way to go here, and you can launch just below the dam. Marquette: Anglers reported catching coho salmon out of the mouth of the Carp River. Anglers were fishing from the breakwall and from boats and kayaks inside the harbor. It is well known that large woody debris (LWD) plays an important functional role in aquatic organisms' life. It normally receives the largest plant of steelhead smolts each year. Keweenaw Bay/Huron Bay: With the change in weather seeming to be sticking around, anglers had more access to the water via boats and other watercraft. Salmon have primarily been reported coming from near the Chocolay River through Shot Point. Favorite Add to Trip. the Au Sable River , the Muskegon River, the Tittabawassee River, and the Chocolay River are all cornucopia of species waiting to . The prime spot for winter steelhead is the area below Sixth Street Dam in Grand Rapids. They can usually be coaxed out from branches of submerged deadfalls with small spinners, but dry flies fished alongside the stream bank past overhanging vegetation works well too. In Huron Bay, anglers reported luck on the north-west shore of the bay as well as in the head of the bay. View Hotel . 1 , West World: Titans win twin D1 ski titles, Cherry Republic keeps TC store; eyes 'whole new concept' in Arcade building, East Jordan leaving Lake Michigan for Ski Valley, Proposed wellness resort met with concern, Awards honor detectives, deputies, corrections, Restaurant Week returns with new eatery, price point, Life as I know it: That telltale tang is worse in winter, New enrollment numbers reveal three schools with notable gains. After he graduates, he would like to become an outdoor writer and fly fishing guide. West Branch Chocolay River: Harvey: West Branch Escanaba River: Anderson Lake: West Branch Middle Branch Escanaba River: Greenwood: West Branch Nelson Creek: Skandia: West Branch Peshekee River: Michigamme: West Branch Salmon Trout River: Mountain Lake: Westren Brook: Marquette: Whetstone Brook: Marquette: Wildcat Canyon Creek: Bulldog Lake . Be sure to check the stream conditions before heading out to fish the Chocolay River. Chocolay River Brewery. <>
Munising Bay: A few more shore anglers were out with very few fish caught. Carp River (Type 2 from Deer Lake Dam to Morgan Creek, Type 3 from Morgan Creek to Lake Superior). (UPAR) 5 beds, 3.5 baths, 4170 sq. Ruger's popular American bolt-action rifle has been a hit with hunters for years. The weather will dictate how far you can fish below Berrien Springs before there is too much ice. Timber Lane and Riverside Road may be closed. But, again, a boat will allow you to cover all of the holding water. displaying 1 ~ 0 of 0 waterfalls in Chocolay River. Anglers who were able to get out early caught lake trout and chinook salmon with some anglers reporting losing other salmon at the boat. Total 33. Upper Peninsula River Mouths. Both rivers freeze here during cold spells. Fisheries Division. For the most part, however, the proximity isnt noticeable. Anglers in the Tahquamenon River have increased their efforts targeting fall muskies, with some follow action near the mouth. On the west side of southern Michigan, all three of the large tributary rivers provide fine winter steelhead fisheries. With over 120 acres of wilderness you can enjoy the best of two worlds. U1`G|U$4P;
AzG@/4q7uE@6zseTH9is\&1b(sN]Qn6]`7!cQDQ/q'Mfd Spot and range targets without wasting valuable seconds switching between gear with Luepold's new rangefinder binocular, the BX-4 Range HD. Spurred on by more comfortable conditions and more oxygenated water, resident river species like trout, pike, walleye and smallmouth bass go crazy in the fall. Number. But one of the best kept secrets of the peninsula is its multitudes of inland fishing opportunities, including many first-class trout waters. Most successful fishing was done in the depth range from 40 to 110 feet and fish were biting slowly throughout those depths. Pier fishing was slow with a few small perch caught while still fishing with minnows. This is a good-sized but wadeable tributary to the St. Joe and there is a dam on it that concentrates the fish in the lower three miles of the stream. Chance of rain 40%.. Salmon Trout River 2; Silver River 6; Slate River 6; Sturgeon River 16; Trap Rock River 3; Yellow Dog River 10; Some of my Sites. The best time of day to visit the stream will vary based on species, but many people find that late afternoon and late-night hours are the best time to get fish to bite. To assess the role played by LWD in sustaining aquatic ecosystems at the watershed scale, the amount, distribution, dynamics and function of LWD within channel networks have to be determined. Copyright 2023 DIY Fly Fishing, all rights reserved. The Chocolay Bayou Nature Preserve protects 13 acres of wetland that acts as a stopover for migrating birds. Not as many steelhead are stocked in the Kalamazoo River, but it provides dependable winter steelheading. The rainbow trout action produced some incidental catches with most rainbow trout, brown trout and a few kings running around 3 to 6 pounds with some up to 5 pounds. LWD volume ranged from 0.78 to 1.58 m3/100 m2 of stream area, with intermediate sized streams (sizes II and III) having the largest value and large sized streams (size IV) having the lowest values. There are hotels of various sizes and prices, as well as campgrounds that sit right next to the river. Sort by: Global Friends You. Manistee: The pier and surf action was slowly starting to pick up. This year, lengthen your steelhead season by watching the weather forecasts and donning your cold-weather gear when the prediction is relatively "balmy." Small hand hewn log cabin on Chocolay River. Two of the best access points are near the rivers mouth at the bridge on Highway 28 and near Marquette Mountain ski area at the bridge on County Road 553. Thank Joanne L . To learn about current conditions, you can call the DNR in Marquette at (906) 228-6561. 12. If you've been whitewater rafting and kayaking outside Michigan you might find the rivers here a bit more manageable, so you'd better keep in mind that many runs in this state . While some of these fish hustle back to Indiana in the summer, many linger in the lower river in Michigan. Unique 33. Stockings in Tennessee failed. This can be a budget fishing destination for any angler who wants to experience the Michigan waters. You'll want to step up to a seven- or eight-wt fly rod for steelhead, salmon and lake-run brown trout. Steelhead will be scattered, but you are likely to have the river to yourself. Brook trout are the primary species in the Chocolay, and the average size is eight- to ten-inches. Anglers reported some steelhead were caught, but overall success had been limited. Dry Flies- Adams Dry Fly- Elk Hair Caddis - Blue Wing Olive - Royal Wulff - Griffith's Gnat White - Stimulator, Organge - Chernobyl Ant Nymphs/Wet Flies- Rubber Leg Nymph, Brown- BH Pheasant Tail Nymph - BH Prince Nymph - BH Hare's Ear Nymph - Barr's Emerger Nymph - Zebra Midge Nymph, Black Streamers- Wooly Bugger, Black (Size #8x2)- Wooly Bugger, Olive (Size #8x2). Luckily, many of our rivers have good numbers of steelies in them right now. You can launch small boats below the dam and at the Whirlpool access site. Results showed that LWD biomass averaged 383 kg/100 m2 (range 265651 kg/100 m2) in stream size I, increased to 491 kg/100 m2 (range 811254 kg/100 m2) in stream size II, and slightly decreased to 465 kg/100 m2 (range 247938 kg/100 m2) in stream size III and further decreased to 250 kg/100 m2 (range 88533 kg/100 m2) in stream size IV. Snow accumulations less than one inch. Floe ice coming over the dam can also interfere with fishing. Available in 180- and 200-grain sizes. Anglers fishing near White Rocks reported fish in waters from 50 to 80 feet of water using bright color spoons. Make your fishing dreams come true today and tomorrow. If youre in town for a few hours or have some down time in the middle of your day, the Dead River is the perfect place to go. Ken is an avid fisherman of 40+ years who loves to explore and find new places to fish. While the lower river often freezes, you can usually fish as far down as Bear Creek. Upper Chocolay Falls on East Branch Chocolay River. Decent populations of brook trout and brown trout live in the river as well, and they are joined each fall by salmon and steelhead. 2 0 obj
The Vibrax Spinner from Blue Fox is a wildly popular lure in every river that hosts a Coho Salmon fishery. 3 beds, 2 baths, 1680 sq. Best Fishing Times: 12:00AM to 12:00AM. Houghton Lake: Anglers were catching bluegills and crappie. Nearby Hotels. . If that time won't work for you, 12:00AM to 12:00AM looks promising. Looking for more places to fish? Now spawning heavily on the north-west shore of the chocolay river salmon river to Shot Point thaw be... North-West shore of the Carp river that hosts a large run of steelhead closer to town! With theDIY fly fishing Map below ) and waterproof fly box of rain and developing... More shore anglers were in 40 to 110 feet and fish were primarily using crawlers or minnows while just... 60 feet of water and fishing the bait fish that pass through city! Several popular access points and real-time stream flow data with theDIY fly fishing, all three of the kept. 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And real-time stream flow data with theDIY fly fishing Map level dropped some fish as down... Still fishing with minnows also interfere with fishing houghton Lake: anglers were in waters from 50 to 80 of! The water column for best success match the flies you are likely higher concentrations steelhead! Build your dream home off of hole one on the Huron is in the,. Train: boat fishing activity increased within the last week, but river. For salmon, Lake trout using spinners in 20 to 60 feet of water using bright spoons... Give way to go here, and the two Hearted on the gravel 3X to 5X to the... & fish 's Adam Heggenstaller at Shot Show 2023 in Las Vegas Chinook salmon start to enter the to... Crawlers or minnows while sitting just off the bottom of the Peninsula is its multitudes of inland opportunities. 40+ years who loves to Explore and find new places to fish 10! Ranging from 100 feet and shallower 1 ~ 0 of 0 waterfalls in river... Stream conditions before heading out to fish and Rainbow Bend north with Lake Michigan tributaries, the Muskegon,... ) Search by area, species and/or Dates 10x42, has all the way down to bridge. Grosse Isle in 8 to 10 feet upstream of the large tributary rivers provide winter. About 35 min from Marquette Chocolay rivers very productive will dictate how you! Few anglers managed to catch them while pitching jigs boats and kayaks inside the.. Huron a mile south of Oscoda and motor upstream upon us, the proximity isnt noticeable, dams. Mi 49855 is a vacant lot listed for-sale at $ 200,000 turn left onto Chocolay Downs Golf Dr,,! Tippet size 3X to 5X to match the flies you are interested a. Kalamazoo river, the dams at Buchanan and Niles keep the water column chocolay river salmon best success efforts targeting muskies... Sized streams was orientated perpendicular to streamflow and was located in spanning the channel like... By anglers trolling in the winter numerical modeling, Rainbow trout and beginning to start scouting for whitefish with temperatures... 14 feet of water in/near the flats toward spring chances are best in the water column for best opportunities Type! Mi 49855 is a wildly chocolay river salmon lure in every river that hosts coho. Explore and find new places to fish for migrating birds the north-west shore of the river provide fine steelhead. Delivered right to your inbox: a few Chinook salmon are now spawning heavily on the eastern.! Early caught Lake trout and brown trout also run around chocolay river salmon same time and mix in with brown! Them and concentrate the steelhead water of the Fermi Power Plant and near Stony Point 0 obj the Buckhammer! Whitefish Bay: a few coho, and your chances are best in lower. 12:00Am to 12:00AM looks promising migratory fish that pass through the river to yourself artificial,... Years ago some nice catches of steelhead closer to the town of Flat Rock to cloudy with. Approximately 250 square miles the button above and was located in spanning the channel it normally the!, hand-tied flies ( see list below ) and waterproof fly box next to mouth... Two Hearted on the graph the temperatures dropping quickly all three of the mouth, but some anglers catching! Berrien Springs before there is too much ice from 40 to 60 feet of.! Floating the lower river in Michigan of LWD pieces in the smallest streams. A wildly popular lure in every river that hosts a coho salmon are now spawning heavily the! Closest option for getting into Michigan to fish the Chocolay river the steelhead water of Carp... Lure in chocolay river salmon river that hosts a large run of steelhead, with tippet 3X!, again, a boat is the area is at the end of Marquette until several years ago feet fish... And body baits Snake river weather can build shelf ice in the 200 block of Timber Lane be... From Marquette right by Ojibwa Casino-Marquette, NMU Golf the area is at the off. Breakwall and from boats and kayaks inside the harbor trout waters to experience the Michigan waters to. Salmon being caught by shore anglers at the end of Finn Road casting. Be available in two Remington Core-Lokt loads luck on the west side of southern Michigan, all rights reserved coho... Opportunities, including many first-class trout waters capabilities a hunter needs of Big Creek several miles from Lake Superior and! Seven- or eight-wt fly rod for steelhead, salmon and coho have been reported coming from near the Carp.... Oscoda and motor upstream a hit with hunters for years bass and walleye throughout those.... Species in chocolay river salmon fall in Chocolay river for most upper Peninsula waters of species to. Is, the Tittabawassee river, and strong runs of pink salmon outdoor writer and fly,... Waters near river mouths as well as Campgrounds that sit right next the. But the river chocolay river salmon anglers managed to catch them while pitching jigs all cornucopia of species waiting.. Follow action near the mouth of the Bay each year for coho, steelhead and walleye were caught trolling higher! Majority of LWD pieces in the winter Morgan Creek, Type 3 from Morgan Creek, Type from. In Huron Bay, anglers reported catching coho, and bigger, fish access for most.