Its the culminating experience. March 23, 2021 at 4:31 a.m. CHICO Chico State Director of University Public Engagement Stephen Cummins, whose office is in charge of commencement ceremonies at Chico State, said that despite . Across the field, Natasha Martin was waiting to receive her bachelor of art in art with a minor in art history. Here's the lineup for this year's commencement ceremonies for every campus, kicking off this weekend with Cal Maritime 's graduation events on Saturday, May 4. Wed & Thur: 1 - 2:45, Phone Advising (530-898-5957) To change your graduation date, the re-file fee is $8. Its always been Zoom meeting. The GradPass serves as a graduate's ticket to enter the stadium. We acknowledge and are mindful that Chico State stands on lands that were originally occupied by the first people of this area, Mechoopda, and we recognize their distinctive spiritual relationship with this land, the flora, the fauna, and the waters that run through campus. Paradise High School's graduation will be 8 p.m. Thursday at Om Wraith Field. Chico, CA 959290875. January 17, 2022Martin Luther King Jr. Day. If you need assistance in this regard, or are having technical difficulties, please contact the Human Resources office at 530-898-6811 or prior to 5:00 pm on the document . Chico State Commencement - Chico State Chico State Commencement 2023 Apply to Graduate If you have not applied to graduate, please do so with Graduation Advising in the Student Services Center, room 120. See also: International Applicant Deadlines. March 31, 2022Csar Chvez Day. Spring 2023 Application filing period begins: August 1, 2022Fall 2023 Application filing period begins: October 1, 2022, Educational Technology & Distance Learning Certificate, *Certificate in Teaching College-Level Writing, *Certificate in Advanced Study in History, *Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Nursing (MS) Nursing Leadership option - Fall admissions for even years only Nurse Educator option - Fall admissions for odd years only, Application for Graduation Master's Degree, Thesis/Project submitted to Graduate Studies; or Oral/Comprehensive Exam. MondayThursday, 7 am5:30 pm, closed Fridays. November 19, 2021New Student Orientation. May 1625, 2022Spring semester grade submission period. Graduating 65% of students, Cal State Chico . September 20, 2021Deadline for masters students who are not regularly enrolled to register for adjunct enrollment. Emily Bruns, a political science major, gives her speech representing the class of 2021. Im always gonna remember Chico State, the days that I spent on campus listening to the birds waiting patiently for the breeze to bump the trees, my friends yelling my name across campus, my heart swelling with love and appreciation that people Ive only known for a few years would take time to check-in, the late nights on the second floor of the library hearing those last few math equations on my three by five flashcard and trying my hardest to focus but mostly just messing around with my friends. Visit the Commencement page beginning March 1st to register (RSVP) for Commencement! Thousands more students entered University Stadium on Sunday, May 22 at 9 a.m. as both the College of Humanities and Fine Arts and the College of Natural Science celebrated its soon-to-be graduates. Beginning on Wednesday, May 18, approximately 3,700 students will participate in Chico State's 132nd Commencement ceremonies on campus and in person. Its kind of weird; were already so comfortable, said Stamper. Office of Graduate Studies December 10, 2021Winter Session Fee Payment Deadline., Regular Hours November 1, 2021. May 1620, 2022Final Exam Week. Friends and family can watch the ceremonies with Chico States virtual commencement ceremony website launching May 20. Tickets are required for entry for all ceremonies. Instead, she wanted to take the time she had to reminisce on the college experience and what it has meant to her. 2022-2023 Catalog ProgramsToggle Programs Bachelor's Minors Certificates Credentials Master's Courses General Education Policies Catalog Library President's Welcome Academic Programs and ResourcesToggle Academic Programs and Resources Academic Programs Accreditations Colleges and DepartmentsToggle Colleges and Departments 400 W. First St. Chico State Today is the official site of California State University, Chico. Spring 2023 Application filing period begins: August 1, 2022 Fall 2023 Application filing period begins: October 1, 2022 Application Deadlines 16Summer classes of varying length scheduled between this period, June 1Priority deadline to submit financial aid/scholarship verification items for 2022/2023, June 6Aug. Academic Publications & Scheduling Services See Final Examination Schedule in Portal. April 6, 2022Withdrawal after this date will not receive any financial credit for refund. . 2022-2023University Catalog Programs Bachelor's Minors Certificates Credentials Master's Courses General Education Policies Catalog Library Apply Home/ Colleges and Departments/ Undergraduate Education/ General Education Expand Navigation 2022-2023 Catalog ProgramsToggle Programs Bachelor's Minors Certificates Credentials Master's Courses Visit the Commencement webpage between these days to pre-order your cap and gown through our vendor, Herff Jones! Chico, CA 959290720. May 1526Spring semester grade submission period. Layne said that he also connected with students in the sociology department and the liberal studies department, but around 216 online students could have attended the commencement ceremony. MondayFriday, Mailing Address Wed, Thur & Fri: 10 - 11:45. Campus Closed. Gates for all University Commencement ceremonies will open one hour prior to the event start time, and seating is first-come, first-served. April 25May 15, 2022Dropping classes is permitted only because of verifiable serious illness or accident with the approval of the instructor, chair, and dean. January 2New Years Day observed. January 4Adds/drops require approval. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Schedule for Chico State commencement ceremonies released, Avalanche engulfs two stories of Tahoe apartment building; evacuations are ordered, Nursing school admission can be a long wait in California. January 12. Last day of instruction for students is December 16. No problem! January 2February 15, 2021Financial Aid & Scholarship Office application filing period for 2020/2021 scholarships. Application deadlines by graduate program, fee & registration deadlines, class start dates, and deadlines associated with master's graduation and commencement. Campus closed. See Final Examination Schedule in Portal. June 6August 12, 2022The University observes summer hours. Beginning on Wednesday, May 18, approximately 3,700 students will participate in Chico State's 132nd Commencement ceremonies on campus and in person. October 1December 15, 2021Priority undergraduate admissions application filing period for fall 2022, October 1, 2021March 1, 2022Priority graduate admissions application filing period for fall 2022, December 15, 2021 Last day to apply for bachelor's degreeexpected in December 2022, January 2February 15, 2022Financial Aid & Scholarship Officeapplication filing period for 2022/2023 scholarships, February 25, 2022 Last day to file an appeal for academic reinstatementfor fall 2022, April 25May 20, 2022 Continuing Student Registration for fall 2022. August 22, 2021Last day to drop all classes to receive a full refund (less administrative fee). After spending about a year and a half online, she made a 5-hour drive from Tulare to return to campus and graduate. The first ceremony of the day featured 346 students, with the second including 349. Ive got them for all of the online students, said Layne. December 2429, 2021Christmas Day and winter campus closure. However, Cummins said the California Department of Public Health has made strict requirements about how to run commencement ceremonies, outdoor events as well as what is considered essential and non-essential travel. Thursday, May 18th 2023 at 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 22-26, 2021 Thanksgiving. (Rick Silva/Paradise Post). 2022-2023 Student Calendar. Get up-to-date current local time in Dronten which includes the current day of week and date. Its a momentous achievement, Cummins said. May 15, 2021Last day to apply for a bachelor's degree expected in May 2022. Both Sunday morning ceremonies were to acknowledge graduating students from the college of behavioral and social sciences. October 25, 2021Withdrawals after this date will not receive any financial credit for refund. Four days later on May 20 at 7 p.m. the masters class of 2020 and 2021 will be presented. No adding, dropping of classes, or changing of grade option beyond this date without a serious and compelling reason approved by the instructor, department chair, and college dean. Copyright 2023 CSU, Chico All Rights Reserved, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Introducing Hannah Scholzen: 2023 Lt. Rawlins Merit Scholarship Recipient, Distinguished Alum and Retired Agriculture Educator Roy Beck, Chico States Annual Giving Day24 Hours, 100 Worthy Causes, Introducing Theodore Greenfield: 2023 Lt. Rawlins Merit Scholarship Recipient, Introducing Kyle Mason: 2023 Lt. Rawlins Merit Scholarship Recipient, A Space for Students to Practice Self-Care, Camp Fire Survivor Returns to Rebuilt Home and Hope in Butte Creek Canyon, From The Hill: Womens Historyand Future, Worth Sharing: CEO Magazine Lists CSU, Chicos MBA Program in Global Rankings, Options Abound in Hunt for Student Housing, Thursday, May 19 at 7 p.m.: College of Communication and Education, with Caitlin Morris (Communication Sciences and Disorders), Brianna Seiders (Recreation, Hospitality and Hotel Management) and Kang Thao (Kinesiology), Friday, May 20 at 9 a.m.: College of Business, with Nathaniel Nevels (Business Administration and Business Information Systems), Friday, May 20 at 7 p.m.: College of Engineering, Computer Science and Construction Management and College of Agriculture, with Tyler Jenkins (Agriculture), Saturday, May 21 at 9 a.m.: College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (Ceremony 1), with Sjon Woodlyn (Sociology), Saturday, May 21 at 7 p.m.: College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (Ceremony 2), with Chelsea Barron (Geography), Sunday, May 22 at 9 a.m.: College of Humanities and Fine Arts and College of Natural Sciences, with Paige Munson (Biological Sciences), Tuesday, May 17: Native American Celebration and Credential Recognition, Friday, May 20: Nurses Pinning, Lavender Graduation Ceremony, and Asian and Pacific Islanders Celebrations, Saturday, May 21: Latinx and Black Graduation Celebrations., Regular Hours The virtual watch party is divided up by department and features streams going live at 1 p.m., 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. May 21 and 22. The 2023 Commencement Schedule is now available for viewing! August 15, 2021Last day to apply for a bachelor's degree expected in August 2022. Looking back now, that feeling of home is exactly what makes this place special. May 19, 2022Registration & Fee Payment Deadline for limited State summer term classes. Chico, CA 959290720. My family was lucky enough to be able to come up to Chico from the Bay Area, so theyre waiting for me while they watch it.. November 15, 2021Intent to Enroll Deadline and Enrollment Confirmation Deposit due for (spring) undergraduate applicants. September 20, 2021Last day to apply for a masters degree expected in December 2021. California State University, Chico400 West First StreetChico, CA 95929, Master's graduates, this is the deadline to file/apply to graduate if you wish to register/RSVP for Commencement. Please callGraduation Advisingwith any questions at 530-898-5957. Popular majors include Business, Psychology, and Liberal Arts and Humanities. De Rede 1, (Postbus 100) 8250 AC DRONTEN. More than 4,000 Chico State students will graduate this year. Justin Couchot covers sports for the Enterprise-Record. Dronten Postal address. Student Calendars. The Commencement Office, Alumni Department, Graduation Advising, the Career Center, and the Student Philanthropy Council will be there to assist all your needs! California State University, Chico 8 a.m.5 p.m. Spring 2022 Registration re-opens. February 18, 2022Last day for Open University students to pay fees without late charge. The 2022 commencement season welcomed an array of students who persisted against the global coronavirus pandemic, the devastating Camp Fire and the more common struggles that students face every day such as hunger and housing. Some, such as Chico State graduate. January 7. For the last 40 years, Sheikha Jameela has created leading programs in the United Arab Emirates serving children with deafness and hearing issues, autism, and other cognitive and developmental disabilities. CHICO For some students stepping onto the Chico State grounds in their cap and gowns, graduation would be their first time getting an in-person look at the campus. Hutchinson closed the ceremony Sunday by congratulating the students on their hard work and offering her hope for their success. Theyre coming up afterward and were going to lunch, Smith said. Data Sources. Edit; Create Highlight; Delete; Chico State Graduation 5/20/2018 4 years ago | 1,031 . Hes currently focused on securing a position in Albania. Chico State hosts final graduation ceremony of 2022 Online students accept diplomas in person Show Caption of By Kimberly Morales | Chico Enterprise-Record PUBLISHED: May 23, 2022 at 4:30. April 22, 2022Last day for masters degree candidates to take oral or comprehensive examination; submit thesis or terminal project; and submit final progress sheet to the Office of Graduate Studies. August 19, 2021Financial Aid Disbursement. See also: International Applicant Deadlines(opens in new window). November 25 & 26, 2021Thanksgiving. March 1418, 2022Spring Break. Even 6-feet apart and with masks on, its going to be glorious to watch them experience that element.. Campus Favorites. August 23, 2021 Term withdrawals on or after this date (but by October 25, 2021) will be eligible for a prorated refund of registration fees and nonresident tuition. No adding, dropping of classes, or changing of grade option beyond this date without a serious and compelling reason approved by the instructor, department chair, and college dean. More than 3,400 undergraduate students and nearly 300 graduate students will walk across the Commencement stage over seven ceremonies taking place at University Stadium through Sunday. You are financially responsible for any fees associated with classes in which you are enrolled on this date plus any classes in which you subsequently enroll. 2429, 2021. The three completed the degree completion program, in which everything that was needed to complete their junior-level and senior-level classes was offered online either synchronously or asynchronously. Last day of instruction for students is May 19. He previously covered sports at The Orion. January 31, 2022Winter Session grades due. This is also the deadline to. California State University, Chico400 West First StreetChico, CA 95929, Academic Publications & Scheduling Services, Meeting Pattern and Mode of Instruction (MOI) changes, Priority undergraduate admissions application filing period, Priority graduate admissions application filing period, file an appeal for academic reinstatement, Registration and tuition fee payment deadline, Second registration and tuition fee payment deadline, Academic Publications and Scheduling Services. As you type, only items with matching text will be shown below. No classes held. Campus closed. Submit a plan change form to make any corrections prior to submitting application. No matter where youre from, no matter what your background is, no matter what you want to do, Chico is a place where you can succeed and friends become family.. Ceremonies will be live for one year and can be visited multiple times. Sundays two ceremonies will be for the remaining graduates from the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences. Deadlines may be extended - Call the Office of Graduate Studies at. First financial aid refunded by direct deposit or mail to students who have met all processing requirements and who have a credit balance after total charges are paid. MondayFriday. May 18Registration and fee payment deadline for limited state summer term classes, May 31Official spring semester degree conferral date, Student Services Center, Room *This calendar was amended in September 2021 to include dates from October 2021May 2022 that pertain to the fall 2022 semester. Student Services Center, Room 8 a.m.5 p.m. 194 were here. December 1216Final Exam Week. For me, it was easy because it was all online, said Smith. Sierra Hall Our hands-on programs, engaged faculty, and active campus community give students. Be within 9 units of completing all baccalaureate and all other undergraduate program objective requirements at the start of your final undergraduate semester. Registration (your RSVP) to walk at Commencement will begin between February and March of 2023. Majors include Business, Psychology, and Liberal Arts and Humanities including 349 april 6, after. Only items with matching text will be shown below september 2021 to include dates from october 2021May 2022 that to! Refund ( less administrative Fee ) Schedule is now available for viewing Services See Examination! The remaining graduates from the college of behavioral and social sciences Fee Payment Deadline for limited State summer term.., Natasha Martin was waiting to receive a full refund ( less administrative Fee ) is exactly what this... Is first-come, first-served in December 2021 ceremony website launching May 20 at 7 the! Edit ; Create Highlight ; Delete ; Chico State graduation 5/20/2018 4 years ago | 1,031 was because! 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