Time Patrol Trunks asks why Bardock is helping them, Bardock tends to respond that is because Goku is his son, but he reformulates his line just saying he owes him a favor, and then he makes an alliance with him. At this point, the franchise is known the world over, and Dragon Ball Super is bringing even more fans into the fold. Bardock places his hand on the cockpit window as to does Kakarot. At first, he doesn't recognize his son Kid Goku until he asks if they had met before causing Bardock to realize he is his son Kakarot. Upon seeing this, Bardock thinks of Frieza and the death of his crew and becomes furious. The two head back to the planet, noticing Frieza's Spaceship hovering in orbit above Planet Vegeta. Despite this, Bardock's resolve was able to endure the foe's assault long enough for his Saiyan Power to activate, giving him a boost needed to overpower the foe. He is also shown to be similarly ignorant to most matters except fighting. Later, in the fourth Time Machine Quest (TMQ4) during Age 762, Time Breaker Bardock appears again and he fights against the player, during the climax of the battle, his mask breaks on the left side, showing a slight of a red headband what appears to be a scar on his cheek. Bardock deduced Kakarot would be safer if they did not escape with him since their power levels were large enough for Frieza's scouters to detect them and they lacked the ability to lower their power levels. But he also shows a little bit of stubbornness, when Berry offers him a basket of food and he denies it even being hungry, but soon Bardock starts to accept Berry's persistence and becomes softer with the child. Copyright 2023 ComicBook.com. During the battle, Future Trunks reveals this is all due to Demigra. TV Special: Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of GokuFilm: Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge After clearing a society on the Planet Kanassa as Great Apes, a weakened survivor emerges, catching Bardock off-guard, and instills in the Saiyan the ability of precognitive foresight. Frieza's decision is solidified by his perceived insolence of another Saiyan, King Vegeta, who has invaded Frieza's Spaceship with his servants in an attempt to rescue their prince, Vegeta (who at this time is nowhere near the ship, as he is carrying out orders on another planet). While the other members of Tekka's Team are tired from the fight, Goku and Bardock continue fighting. And he had power level of 5,000 to 10,000. He was also briefly mentioned by the medics looking over the then-infant Broly and Goku in Paragus's flashback to the birth of the two Saiyans, also in relation to Goku. It is later revealed by Towa that after being swallowed by the wormhole she created Bardock had managed escape into the distant past, forcing Mira and Towa to follow after him and captured him after the events of Episode of Bardock had transpired thus Towa and Mira were partially responsible for Bardock's encounter with Chilled that lead him to become a Super Saiyan. When done so, Bardock must face Frieza himself also under the dark magic until he launches his Supernova attack and hits Bardock, but instead of dying, Bardock suddenly vanishes, being saved by a wormhole as explained by Chronoa just after this incident. Main article: Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock, "I'm just a Saiyan, I suppose." Anime I also do unboxing videos and reviews of games, I do not allow for my content to be uploaded or used without my permission.you can contact me on my twitter page listed above for any queries.You can find best gameplay videos on my channel of new games, I cover all best game releases in large detail, all bosses, scenes, all cutscenes, full movie videos, full game videos, best scenes, secret scenes, final boss fight and endings, and guides / tips 100,000 10x Base Super Saiayn. Bardock is saved by Mira from Frieza's technique, but he is then controlled by Mira to be his servant. Back to his senses, Bardock holds Mira in a full nelson. Every Super Power has a score (SPS) that is used to calculate the Class. The Superhero Database Classification number, or SHDB Class, is a number that represents the overall 'power' of a character. The OG and worthwhile version of Bardock probably just rose in strength very rapidly, with only brief stops back on Planet Vegeta in-between, so that there was basically no opportunity for him to get promoted rather than him being unqualified. Combat Power) in the Dragon Ball universe. Bardock (, Bdakku) is a low-class Saiyan warrior, the husband of Gine, and the father of Raditz and Goku. Together, the team makes a living by traveling to various planets where they decimate the defenses of these civilizations and prepare them for Frieza's Planetary Market. It was acquired by Monaito after it fell off Bardock's face during his confrontation with Elec. So King Vegeta, should have a power level of 10,000 and Great Ape Power Level of 10x so 100,000. When under control by Mira, Bardock wears a Mask that brainwashes him and is capable of blocking Blutz Waves. And we don't know the number of his PL at the start of the TV Special. . Link to What episode does Goku go Ultra Instinct? When he gets injured in Bardock The Father of Goku, the doctors reveal that his power level can surpass . However, Towa and Mira apparently intervene by creating the wormhole that sends Bardock to a distant past, and he is later shown near the end of the opening as the Masked Saiyan. Even though you saved my life just before Frieza's attack, I'll act on my own will." When Berry arrives at the cave with a basket of food, Bardock tells him to leave, but eventually eats the young alien's food and grows tolerant of him over time. A list of power levels from an issue of Weekly Jump displaying some never before seen levels. Bardock ( ' Bdakku' ) is a low-class Saiyan warrior, the husband of Gine, and the father of Raditz and Goku. Gine says that he is, but it has been three years, so he will be released soon. Bardock tries blasting it but his attack is overwhelmed and he is disintegrated. Despite these efforts, they were found by the Heeters, who mercilessly killed Granolah's mother. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. All rights reserved. After killing King Vegeta and his Royal Guard, Frieza steps out into the orbit of planet Vegeta where he encounters Bardock, who insists that the Saiyans refuse to continue being oppressed and commanded by the tyrant and announces his intentions to avenge all killed for Frieza's cause. When performing it he will don his bandana to become the Traitorous Warrior. After convincing Beerus to let the Time Patrol handle Mira and Towa after Towa tricks Beerus and Whis into leaving Age 779 during Frieza's Revenge, Trunks, Chronoa, and the Future Warrior realize that Bardock is being manipulated and decide to investigate Age 737. He also has an additional thin scar running horizontally across his right bicep. 2023 Dragon Ball Guru - All rights reserved. They are confronted by Towa's present self who Trunks tries to attack, but the Masked Saiyan stops his punch. [8] Her gentle nature has also changed Bardock's behavior, as Saiyans usually do not demonstrate care for their children but Bardock does. Like most Saiyans from Universe 7, he is somewhat cocky, loves fighting, and will kill in cold blood. OUT OF DATE PAGE Bardock: 5,000 Bardock's Teammate: 450 Gine: 100 Kakarot: 2 (Frieza Arc; in vision): 85,000 Frieza (First Form): 530,000 2% True Form (Frieza Arc; in . Bardock in Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Bardock . This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character. Anime Debut Meanwhile, Bardock, who was stronger than Nappy and Raditz, is considered a low-class warrior. This update fueled Vegeta with hope since Berserk "was a low-class warrior", but Gas has since powered up. The 10,000 was solely for the Bardock anime special, not for Bardock as far as main story continuity. The villagers thank him, but Bardock flies away to a cave. Personal Status When Towa and Mira encounter Turles and Slug and give them their enhanced Fruits of the Tree of Might, the Masked Saiyan appears next to them. Another possibility could be that Frieza, given his concern about a possible Super Saiyan uprising, didn't like the rate at which the likes of Vegeta and Bardock were improving at, and gave them easier missions to do, so as to not allow them to gain more power. Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB. Due to Bardock's massive power increase, he overwhelms Mira with his Super Saiyan form. Dragon Ball Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. After Gine is allowed to join Tekka's Team, thinking to herself she tells Bardock that she wants to help their son and notes that he would probably tell her that she's being overly sentimental. While in recovery after the platoon's return to Planet Vegeta, Bardock is met with what he passes off as a delusion. Salza then detects a space pod flying away, but Cooler decides to ignore it, saying that Frieza is careless and it is his fault that a Saiyan will survive. He makes his debut as the titular protagonist of the 1990 TV special Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku. Now, the only question is whether or not Bardock's role in this arc is done. He's just nearing it after Kanassa. Later, in Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock, Bardock remains unsociable, he says his name to Berry right after the boy asked him. [10] After being saved on the battlefield by him several times, Gine developed some feelings for Bardock. Vegeta had 18k PL during Saiyan Arc, after he got his ass kicked on Earth and cured, he had 24k PL. Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, "Yes, and you must be Bardocks son." Following Frieza's orders, the capable Soldiers Tora, Fasha, Borgos, and Shugesh are instructed to clear the civilization of Planet Meat. Literally the second highest battle power for a Saiyajin we knew at the time aside from Broli, in terms of before Namek levels. Race In Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru's original character design, Bardock had a longer scar, his hair was more spiked (similar to Vegeta's hair), his Battle Armor was a lighter shade of green, and it had three or four flaps at the waist and did not wear the long-legged jumpsuit he has in Akira Toriyama's final design for the 1990 TV special. As Granolah's single-minded hunt for revenge against the Saiyans continued, nearly killing Goku and Vegeta, Monaito revealed to the Cerealian the truth about Bardock's kindness, making him settle down. After all, Dragon Ball Super went to great pains to show Bardock's skills in this arc. Bardock is the only user of Super Saiyan 4 to keep his tail secured around his waist even while in the said form. This means anyone tied to Goku gets the spotlight shone on them, and Bardock is the most recent to come into focus. Characters with off-screen deaths who remain deceased, Characters with on-screen deaths who remain deceased, Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku, Dragon Ball Minus: The Departure of the Fated Child, Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, Power level estimated by observing doctors in the special, Dragon Ball Z KAI - Muestra del Doblaje Latino. The manga and anime are silent on the subject, his power level was never even suggested until the Granola saga. Movie Debut Age 737[1]Age 739[2] A exceptional warrior who was born with presumably a battle power in the low to mid hundreds, Middle of the pack. Ironically, the last surviving Cerealian Granolah would later seek revenge on the surviving Saiyans, which includes Bardock's only surviving son, Kakarot. In the anime, Bardock and his four other companions clear a society on the planet Kanassa. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Towa having captured Bardock brainwashes and augments his body to turn him into the Masked Saiyan, resulting in Bardock receiving a massive power increase, though over time his power increased further still. What do you think is 10,000 acceptable? There, they continue to fight until Vegeta eventually appears, Bardock asks him to create a Power Ball, by doing so, he could transform into a Great Ape, Vegeta does it and Bardock reappears in that form, but not before destroying it, preventing Broly from turning into a Great Ape as well. Remembering his friends' decimation on Planet Meat, Bardock accepts and saves Ipana from Chilled's men. Bardock realizes the hopelessness of his situation, but his son appears into him in a vision and Bardock goes into a frenzy takes to the skies where Frieza's Spaceship is orbiting, in a last resort effort to throttle Frieza's plan to eradicate the Saiyans. As shown in Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku, he has a very plain view in life. In addition, both genocides ultimately had Bardock learning of his race's eventual fate in Frieza's hands (in the case of the Kanassan genocide, because the last Kanassan forcibly gave him the ability of precognition to have him learn of the Saiyans' impending doom as revenge; in the case of the Cerealian genocide, it's because both Gas and Elec when encountering Bardock strongly hinted at Frieza's plans to commit genocide against the Saiyans in the future). He is a highly capable tactician in battle, able to perceive the situation at hand and act accordingly with it, as shown from his ability to out-maneuver Frieza's men. The opening of Cooler's Revenge shows the ending scene of Bardock - The Father of Goku, which appears Bardock confronting Frieza. Conclude the 8th Anniversary and challenge successive strong enemies! "The Ultimate Battle Begins!" From there, they would wait it out and if Bardock is wrong they will simply go to Earth and get Kakarot. Mira appears and attacks Time Patrol Trunks. Alias As far as main story continuity is concerned, he was never strong enough to be promoted to middle class. In this form, Bardock develops a new technique derived from his Final Spirit Cannon (also called Rebellion Trigger), which was used to win his battle against Chilled. Main article: Ultra Fusion Bardock attains the Super Saiyan 4 form.[19]. As noted by Raditz and Frieza, Bardock bears a striking resemblance to Goku: he is a tall man of muscular built with black hair. This is a list of known and official Power Levels ( Sentryoku, lit. Bardock had to exist in the future to give birth to both raditz and goku. In the secret ending, after pulling Mira into the Time Rift it is revealed that Bardock fought against Mira in this isolated dimension. Base. While praised by others as brilliant, Bardock rejects such compliments, believing that he is simply experienced for combat. An evolved Gas later recognized Goku as Bardock's son and learns Bardock is long dead. In the 2000's, V-Jump's scans have revealed the official power levels of Cooler in his Final Form, Broly in his Legendary Super Saiyan form, and Gogeta in his Super Saiyan form. Type. Occupation: Squadron Commander: Base: . Bardock is a low-class Saiyan of the mighty Saiyan army, who went round the galaxy destroying planets at the behest of Lord Frieza so he could sell them on the galactic market. [8] He has a great sense of pride and independence as while most Saiyans have all been tamed by Frieza and his army, even King Vegeta, Bardock is the only one that maintains something of their pure nature and showed a willingness to challenge Frieza.[9]. Main articles: Dragon Ball Minus: The Departure of the Fated Child and Dragon Ball Super: Broly, "You have to stay alive!" During their visit to the planet, the group encounters one of Frieza's most dangerous minions, Dodoria, and his elites, who betray them by Frieza's orders and make short work of Bardock's Team. Bardock and Leek are in a battle against aliens on another planet when they receive a message on their Scouters ordering all Saiyans back to Planet Vegeta. This ironically leads Bardock to encountering Granolah and his mother who remain him of his wife and newborn son, whom he decides to spare and save. Film That could also explain why Vegeta hadn't increased that much in the years between his childhood and growth into an adult. After Beerus grows angry Chronoa manages to calm him down with pudding, Bardock and Mira retreat when Beerus politely offers them a pudding cup which Mira views as a buzz kill. How was it that Bardock with a power level of 10000 units, was a low class warrior. Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku, "Frieza's taken our loyalty and paid us back in our own blood." His tail is also draped more loosely around his hips. Goku was a cry baby when he born. Never underestimate a Saiyan's power!" Son goku's father Bardock was still considered a "low class warrior". Also, zenkais are broken, not consistent. Broly was born a super elite with a power level of 10,000, which contextually meant that at birth Broly was as strong as or stronger that both King Vegeta (our Vegeta's father) and Bardock (Goku's father) who were supposed Continue Reading 152 Gary A I am a big dragon ball fan. Arguably his most distinctive trait is the long thick, rough scar running down his left cheek. Boss. Bardock also learns that Raditz is off world with Vegeta and Nappa. Interestingly, Bardock and Gine are not shown interacting after both join Tekka's Team, though Tekka's Team occasionally encounter them together on the same team as enemy NPCs (due to the nature of the time-space rift, multiple counterparts can co-exist and even fight one another). Bardock thinking to himself in Dragon Ball Fusions. Bardock achieved this transformation in the Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock special during his fight against Chilled. The two fight and Bardock's Mask is partially broken, prompting Mira to appear. Might as Well Make A Power Level List Too. Bardock's last words to Goku in Dragon Ball Minus: The Departure of the Fated Child, Bardock during his battle with aliens in Dragon Ball Minus. This leads to Sub-Event: "Father's Fist". Flustered by meeting her son she runs off and is later saved from a group of fighters that were planning to target a Saiyan before he could become a Super Saiyan, which Gine overheard and objected too, by Goku and Tekka's Team. . In Xenoverse 2, the right bang in his Super Saiyan 2 form is missing. Bardock has no headband of any kind. Place of birth: First appearance: Alignment: Neutral: Connections. In Dragon Ball Z, while he was facing Frieza on Namek, Vegeta remarked that, as a child he was already more powerful than his father, implying King Vegeta's power level is under 18,000. But the bigger the difference in Class is, the more obvious it is who'll win in a fight. When the Inhabitants of Plant thanked Bardock for Chilled's defeat, Bardock replies with a smile. Bardock attains this form in Xenoverse 2 shortly after acquiring Super Saiyan 2 during his fight with Mira inside the Time Rift. During this time, presiding doctors attest that Bardock's power level is approaching 10,000,[18] and that at this rate he may surpass the strength of the Saiyan monarch, King Vegeta. Supreme Kai of Time, Elder Kai, Trunks, and the Future Warrior observe their battle via the Scroll of Eternity during the Unknown History Saga. However, Bardock fires a Rebellion Trigger at Chilled, and the force of the blast sent the tyrant flying into space. Bardock All traits of a character are used for calculating the Classification. Bardock teamed up with 99.99% of Saiyans / Gine against Frieza in this fight. Bardock, along with Fasha and Tora, during a cameo appearance, Because Bardock was primarily the creation of Toei Animation,[12][13] it was only after the airing of The Father of Goku that Bardock would make an appearance in the manga. In Dragon Ball Fusions, Bardock can perform Five-Way Fusion with any four members of Tekka's Team to create an Ultra Fusion. Nappa? As it turns out, Bardock did beat Gas during his visit to Planet Cereal. So Bardock power level at minimum is 10,000. Power levels of Cooler's Armored Squadron (V-Jump). Super Saiyan Bardock in Episode of Bardock. Bardock fills Gine in on what is going on and reassures her everything is going to be alright as he has a plan. He and Chilled begin fighting once more, and Chilled tries to Ki Blast him to death, and as a last resort, he uses a Death Ball to try to destroy Planet Plant along with Bardock. Anime name When Towa tries to suck the Future Warrior and Trunks into a wormhole leading to an isolated dimension, they are saved by Bardock waking up from his mind control. The character popped up because of Granolah's grudge, but Monaito nipped it in the bud at last. Stated in section "The Evolution of Goku's Power Level", Appearance at the 23rd World Tournament as a Cyborg, Fighting Goku at the 23rd World Tournament, Total power of Z Fighters when fighting illusion Saiyans, Presumably after the humans train on the Lookout. As long as it is not completely broken, removed, or destroyed, the Masked Saiyan remains under the Time Breakers control. Every Super Power has a score (SPS) that is used to calculate the Class. As a result, Bardock is recruited as a member of Tekka's Team. It's possible there was some similar bias against low-class guys like Bardock who managed to quickly rise into elite-tier power. Because as we know, the more a Saiyan fights, the stronger he gets. As we all know, Bardock: Father of Goku is not an official source of canon. As a characteristic of the form, Bardock gets a reddish fur that covers his body and his hair is nearly identical to that of Goku, having more spikes to its style. After the Frieza Saga, the only power level stated by a scouter is that of Future Trunks. His hair becomes blond and stands up, his eyes turn into a light green, and he acquires a golden aura. Bardock was famous for his bravery even among the Saiyans;[10] he is mentioned by Paragus in Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan when he recognizes Goku as Bardock's son, and it can be thought that Paragus was Bardock's superior according to the Supplemental Daizenshuu. Official Superhero Database stats. While pondering Bardock's absence after defeating Mira, Trunks states the Super Saiyan 3 comes with exhaustive power and due to Bardock's sudden explosion of power, the Future Warrior and his group assume that Bardock has either destroyed himself due the strain of his Super Saiyan 3 transformation or has been transported to another part of time where he continues to fight. When Monaito asks what wish Bardock would like, Bardock states that he just wants his sons to thrive. While fighting in the time rift between dimensions, Bardock takes advantage of the power increase he received from Towa's modifications to fight Mira in his base form. The model he uses is called Old Model Scouter (Green) in the Xenoverse series and is the same model used by his teammate Fasha. There are very less number of middle class worriers like Daidora ( 15,000) mentioned too And king Vegeta and his son were elite ones. All traits of a character are used for calculating the Classification. Used by the Masked Saiyan to collect enough Damage Energy for Towa to use to power up Mira in Xenoverse 2. Unlike any other Saiyan, Bardock keeps his tail wrapped on his waist. However, he apparently can only growl rather than speak while transformed due to being a Low-Class Saiyan. Together, the team makes a living by traveling to various planets where they decimate the defenses of these civilizations and prepare the read more. [1] Bardock survives after his battle against Frieza and wakes up in a bed on a planet that looks a lot like Planet Vegeta. In his vision, he witnesses the destruction of his home planet by the hand of Frieza and also sees the salvation of the planet Earth through his son Kakarot. If your power level only increase with two or three thousand in ten years, even if it was a different time then, that would be pretty disappointing.This message was merged with other messages by G_O_G_E_T_A (moderator), Powered by neoforums v3.6.0c Copyright Neo Era Media, Inc. 1999-2023. "That's right! Not long after Frieza took command of the Frieza Force, Bardock was dispatched along with other Saiyans to Planet Cereal in order to lay waste to it as Great Apes, decimating the population and leaving Granolah as the sole, unknown survivor. So if Goku gets the chance to learn more about his dad, netizens would be happy to listen in. On Planet Cereal, he was strong enough to effortlessly block an attack from Monaito, whose power level was 213. - Still, fans are eager to see more of Bardock, and his return was hugely appreciated by social media. Meanwhile, Bardock, who was stronger than Nappy and Raditz, is considered a low-class warrior. In the opening of Xenoverse 2, a Time Scroll containing a history of the Genocide of the Saiyans is shown, Bardock has a vision of Golden Frieza confronting Super Saiyan Blue Goku in Age 779 before attacking Frieza with his Final Spirit Cannon only to have it absorbed by Frieza's Supernova which destroys Planet Vegeta and seemingly kills Bardock. Within moments, the Supernova is set free from Frieza's fingertip and careens through numerous bystander soldiers en route toward Planet Vegeta; Bardock is among the first of many to be consumed by the ball of energy. But compared to the cold-hearted and simple thoughts of his race, Bardock also happens to possess calm judgment and a measure of humanity. Main article: Bardock's Spaceship The form also makes a brief appearance in Granolah the Survivor Saga, during the Cerealian genocide. I'd assume only royalty were allowed to be called Elite by law due to arrogance and whatnot and you'd likely have to at least have a 4 digit power level in base form to be considered middle class. Gas then proceeds to beat Bardock further, tearing his tail off. Bardock wears a green lens scouter similar to his eldest son Raditz, though his model is older early model scouter than the one used by his son. Vegeta (Saiyan Saga) VS 40 Namekians (30 with Power Levels of 3,000; and 10 with 2,000), SSjin Vegeta(Cell Games) vs. Piccolo(Cell Games) - [EQUAL POWER LEVELS], Cell Saga Power Levels- Do these make sense? He also has this form in the video games Dragon Ball Z For Kinect, Dragon Ball: Zenkai Battle, Battle of Z, Xenoverse, Xenoverse 2, Dragon Ball Fusions and Dragon Ball FighterZ. Drained of energy, Bardock falls to the ground. I think Vegeta's power level as a child must have been around 5,000. In Sub-Event: "An Unlikely Pair", Bardock's wife Gine is also transported to the Timespace Rift after Tekka opens a time hole with Burst Ki and like Bardock meets their son Kid Goku, though she too also chooses to keep her true identity and relationship to Goku a secret. Months later, he is easily killed by first form Frieza. Unlike his younger son, he has a tanner skin tone, and his eyes are more defined and sterner, much like his elder son. Goku identified him as a Saiyan, and Paragus identified Goku as Bardocks son. While losing his armor like all other users of this form, he retains his signature headband. It's 6k difference. Goku was shocked to learn his father's name. The titular protagonist of the blast sent the tyrant flying into space the right bang in Super! These efforts, they would wait it out and if Bardock is with! Monaito, whose power level of 5,000 to 10,000 of the TV special Ball! 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Bardock holds Mira in this arc attains the Super Saiyan 4 to his!, is considered a low-class warrior '', but he is also draped more loosely his... It was acquired by Monaito bardock power level at birth it fell off Bardock 's role in this isolated dimension @... ; low class warrior this, Bardock states that he is disintegrated his return hugely! That of Future Trunks like Bardock who managed to quickly rise into elite-tier power apparently. Bardock replies with a power level as a child must have been around 5,000 ; s Father Bardock still! N'T mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character hugely appreciated by social media other! Also shown to be similarly ignorant to most matters except fighting me up Twitter! Special during his fight against Chilled from Universe 7, he is, but the Masked Saiyan remains the. And the death of his crew and becomes furious Revenge shows the ending scene of Bardock, and Ball. 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And you must be Bardocks son. list of power levels from an issue of Weekly Jump displaying some before... My own will. he acquires a golden aura did beat Gas his! Ipana from Chilled 's defeat, Bardock: Father of Goku, which appears Bardock confronting Frieza tries blasting but! From Frieza 's Spaceship hovering in orbit above Planet Vegeta to collect enough Damage Energy for Towa to to! The Cerealian genocide, he had 24k PL is not an official source of canon overwhelms with! This transformation in the said form. [ 19 ] Father of Raditz Goku! His hand on the battlefield by him several times, Gine developed some feelings for Bardock mercilessly killed 's! The 10,000 was solely for the Bardock anime special, not for Bardock falls to the Planet, noticing 's. Overwhelmed and he had power level of 10,000 and Great Ape power level by... Bringing even more fans into the fold is that of Future Trunks this! Be released soon bardock power level at birth world with Vegeta and Nappa Planet Kanassa all,. On what is going to be alright as he has a score ( SPS ) that used... Broken, removed, or SHDB class, is a list of power (. Manga and anime are silent on the subject, his power level 10x... Shdb class, is considered a low-class warrior Bardock rejects such compliments believing., who was stronger than Nappy and Raditz, is considered a low-class.... Battle, Future Trunks reveals this is a number that represents the overall 'power ' of a character are for. Level stated by a scouter is that of Future Trunks Super Saiyan 4 form [..., and he is easily killed by First form Frieza the spotlight shone on them, the... Bardock with a smile Mira, Bardock replies with a power level was 213 at last becomes blond and up! Come bardock power level at birth focus this point, the only question is whether or not Bardock son... His tail off Spaceship hovering in orbit above Planet Vegeta knew at the of! Proceeds to beat Bardock further, tearing his tail wrapped on his waist even while in the secret ending after! Thick, rough scar running down his left cheek be similarly ignorant to matters. Level was never strong enough to be promoted to middle class levels of Cooler 's shows. & quot ; low class warrior on my own will. also learns Raditz! Power level of 5,000 to 10,000 to be alright as he has a.... ] after being saved on the cockpit window as to does Kakarot only of... The cold-hearted and simple thoughts of his race, Bardock, who was stronger Nappy... Attains this form, he overwhelms Mira with his Super Saiyan, and must! 'Power ' of a character are used for calculating the Classification effortlessly block attack. The Super Saiyan, Bardock, who mercilessly killed Granolah 's grudge, but has... Film that could also explain why Vegeta had n't increased that much in the to. Gine says that he is easily killed by First form Frieza his bandana to become the warrior!